From flies to poker chips · to poker chips Bishop's University News Inside Page 10 Chad...


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A publication for graduates and friends of Bishop's University No. 18Winter 2006

Faculty researchat Bishop's

Page 4

From fliesto poker chips

Bishop's UniversityNews

InsidePage 10

Chad Schella '94: The value of networking

Page 11

Peter Nixon '83: Conducting business in Asia

Message from the PresidentOn behalf of the Alumni &

Development Office and AlumniSteering Board, I want to extend toyou our best wishes for health andhappiness in 2006.

In the upcoming year, theAlumni & Development Officeplans to introduce several newservices.

Because the office frequentlyreceives requests from alumniseeking employment, looking forcareer opportunities, wanting toshare special offers with their fellowgraduates, etc., a page on our website has been created to takeadvantage of our alumni network.Visit our web site and check out thenew “Class” ifieds page.

Also new this year, we arepleased to offer fascinating voyagesof discovery in conjunction withAdventures Abroad WorldwideTravel Ltd. You will soon receive apamphlet explaining the programmeand describing a number of excitingtrips. For each trip taken by aBishop’s graduate, the Universityreceives a commission of 7.5%. Wehope you will enjoy one of theseexcellent travel opportunities andthank you for supporting Bishop’s.

We are currently examining thebenefits of offering a MortgageAffinity Programme. We arelooking for a programme that willoffer Bishop’s alumni, faculty, staff,students, and friends competitivemortgage rates and will generate astrong, steady source of royaltyincome for the University. Theproposals should cover a three-yearexclusive partnership.

Companies wishing to submit aproposal for a Mortgage AffinityProgramme are invited to contact:

Matt McBrine Alumni Relations Coordinator819-822-9600 ext. Deadline for proposals: March 1, 2006.

Several years ago we signed anagreement with the Royal BankCredit Card Programme, whichwas later bought out by MBNA. InNovember 2004, the programmeexpired. Since then, we have beennegotiating with MBNA for amutually beneficial agreement.Decisions to enter into agreementsto offer affinity programmes toalumni are made by your AlumniSteering Board, and your privacyand best interests always guide ourdecisions. We have decided to endour relationship with MBNA, thusdiscontinuing our credit cardprogramme.

If you have any questions aboutany of our programmes, please donot hesitate to contact Matt McBrine ’96 in our Alumni &Development Office. He is alwayshappy to hear from you.

Peter Davidson ’77

Association News

2 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

Alumni Association Steering BoardPeter Davidson ’77, President( Moodie ’69, Past President ( Allatt ’93, First Vice President & Montreal Branch( Robinson ’87, Second Vice President & Quebec CityBranch ( Bohinc ’94, Montreal Branch ( Mawhinney ’88, Member-at-large( Mills ’72, Member-at-large ( Scalabrini ’92, Member-at-large( McPhail, Director of Development( McBrine ’96, Alumni Relations Coordinator( McBride ’93, Advancement Officer(

Alumni Association Branch PresidentsJeremy Tessier ’98, BC Branch ( Alleyne ’01 & Shane Johnson ’95 Barbados Branch( ( Messenger ’97, Calgary Branch( Siméon ’85, Eastern Townships Branch ( Walde ’88, Fredericton Branch ( Kitching Duncan ’56 & Cheryl Kouri ’77Gaspé Branch ( Jenkins ’02, Halifax Branch( Nixon '83 Hong Kong Branch( Lambert McBride ’93 & Michael McBride ’93Newfoundland & Labrador Branch ( VanAlstine ’92, Ottawa Branch ( Menard ’00 & Andrew Lacas ’00 Toronto Branch( ( Fisher ’01, United Kingdom Branch( David Morad ’91 & Kedrin Simms ’00 Washington, DC( ( Lovig ’96, President, Alumni Football Association(

Association News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Massawippi Bridge restored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Principal Issues: Faculty research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Campus News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8Alex Paterson publishes his memoirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Arthur Langford turns 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Chad Schella ’94: The value of networking . . . . . . . 10Peter Nixon ’83: Conducting business in Asia . . . . . 11Quad 2 Job Career Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Sports Round-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Branch Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15News from Development:

Centennial Theatre renovations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Faculty Profile: Dr. Cheryl Gosselin . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Births, Marriages, Deaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-22Tributes to Dr. Everett Cooper & Howard Holloway. 23-24Through the Years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-28Donate to Bishop’s on-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

In this Issue

Cover photos and design by Grant Siméon photographe

The beauty of colourThis is the first issue of Bishop’s University News in full colour.The Alumni & Development Office has realized considerablecost savings through our e-communications programme.Increasingly, we invite alumni and friends to events, send themnewsletters and invite them to donate to Bishop’s through theInternet. We have redirected the savings on postage to publishthis magazine in colour. We hope you enjoy it.

Marie McLean, Editor (

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 3

The Massawippi River BridgeIn 68 years perceptions of the bridge have moved from “gaudy” and

“garish” to a heritage structure

When the covered bridge over the Massawippi Riverwas moved from its moorings by a flood in 1937, itwas replaced by the present bridge with its steel

arches. Bishop’s students of the day were far from impressed.The kindest description was that of “a giant caterpillar humpedup in the act of taking a stride,” one student wrote in The Mitre.Others were harsher: “it arches too suddenly for grace, thegirders are too broad to achieve the effect of slenderness, totallyunrelated to its surroundings,” “ugly and glaring; little thoughthas been given to anything which would even distantlyresemble the artistic.”

Sixty-eight years later, with the bridge in desperate need ofrepairs, the Quebec Ministry of Transport rated the bridge a 62on its “Patrimoinie” scale, declaring it worthy of being restored.It is only one of two bridges to boast its style of arches.

The bridge was closed to vehicle traffic (pedestrians andcyclists were able to use the bridge) for almost six weeks. Theprovince of Quebec used new technology, SPS (Sandwich PlateSystem) which greatly reduces the weight of the bridge. Insteadof covering asphalt over a concrete base for the road, a light-weight elastomer core is enclosed by two layers of stainlesssteel and then covered with asphalt. The technology has beenused in Europe, but this is only the second time it has been usedin Quebec. The restored bridge is more pedestrianfriendly, and a bicycle path on Bishop’s side has beenadded.

The distinctive arches remain. Over the years,reckless students have been tempted to climb thearches, an extremely dangerous, illegal and painfulact (as one student found out as he slid down andencountered one of the sharp metal pieces thatprotrude near the — uh — bottom of each arch), butmost appreciate the arches from the sidewalk androad and consider them the defining element of thebridge. They have become part of the Bishop’sculture, and over the years students have tried, withvarying degrees of success, to paint them purple.

Louis Ialenti, President of the Students’Representative Council (SRC), this year launched acampaign to have the province officially paint thearches purple, following in footsteps of EdsonWarner ’91 and John Hussey ’83, the SRC Presidentat the time, who both tried unsuccessfully yearsearlier. (The province gave reluctant assent, but the mayor ofLennoxville at the time quashed the project.) Kay Kinsman ’83,DCL ’89 was the first and, to our knowledge, the last to donatefunds for the painting project.

To date (December 2005), the students have not received areply to their request, and the arches remain a basic green,splashed with purple and white paint.

Photo courtesy of The Campus

A covered bridge was moved from its moorings by a flood in 1937. Thepresent structure was constructed to replace it, much to the disgust of manystudents at Bishop’s at the time.

During repairs, the bridge was closed to vehicles, but pedestrians could stillwalk over the bridge — a good thing, as 70% of students live off campus.

Photo: University Archives

4 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

As graduates and friends of Bishop’s you arefully aware of the remarkable teachingabilities of our faculty. Year after yearBishop’s students give professors high marksin their teaching evaluations and rave abouttheir dedication and accessibility.Exceptional teaching is, and will continue tobe, a hallmark of a Bishop’s education.

Strong teaching performance, however,must be enriched by scholarly research whichbroadens and deepens knowledge. As Dr.Lorne Nelson, Bishop’s Canada ResearchChair in Astrophysics, says: “Teaching andresearch go hand in hand. A professor’senthusiasm for his/her subject is certainlygoing to be conveyed to students in theclassroom.”

Bishop’s faculty members have becomeincreasingly successful in the competitiveworld of external research funding. WithJonathan Rittenhouse, Vice-Principal, andSylvie Côté, Director of Research Services,the value of external funding grants hasincreased ten fold in the past five years.

Both the federal and provincialgovernments have declared research a

priority to help make Canada morecompetitive in the global marketplace, soit is natural that faculty are demandingresearch support become part of facultyrecruitment. Improved researchperformance will play an important role inthe coming years as Bishop’s, like allCanadian universities, recruits newprofessors to replace those who retire.

Bishop’s professors have variedresearch interests, many of which touch

upon our daily lives. On the cover of thisnewsletter (our inaugural full color edition!)are images of five Bishop’s faculty members.These images are being used for a series ofadvertisements in the Quebec science andresearch magazine Découvrir. Designed tobring greater awareness to the researchinterests of faculty at a small, undergraduateuniversity, I thought alumni and friendsmight also like to see a snapshot of researchtoday.

When not teaching Biology at Bishop’s,Dr. Jade Savage can often be found with anet in hand studying a group of insects thatrepresents 10% of animal species in the

world — flies. Dr. Savage’s work focuses onthe evolution of flies in northern climates andthe impact of global warming on the species.

The work of Dr. Lisa Taylor, School ofEducation, focuses on pedagogicaldevelopment — specifically multilingual andmulticultural — to ensure that Quebecteachers can offer an education that isequitable and non-discriminatory.

Dr. Robert Palmer, a marketingprofessor in the Williams School of Business,looks at poker. He attempts to explain thegrowing interest in poker (and other forms ofgambling) among young Quebecers andexamines the economic and social impact ofthis new phenomenon.

The main objective of Dr. TrygveUgland’s research in Political Studies iscomparing food safety policies in Canadaand the European Union (EU). As thequantity of food imported and exportedcontinues to rise, so does the need tounderstand how, to what degree, and underwhich circumstances internationalinstitutions aimed at promoting economicintegration affect Canadian policies withinthe area of food safety.

Dr. Jean Levasseur from theDépartement d’études françaises etquébécoises is writing critical editions oflittle known 19th century Quebec novels.Working at the crossroad of literature andhistory, he demonstrates how these novelsare linked to and comment on the political,socio-cultural, and economic context of thetime.

This is but a sampling of theachievements of Bishop’s faculty membersoutside the classroom. Other facultymembers publish articles in scholarlyjournals, complete books, compose musicscores, write and direct plays, help to buildthe world’s biggest telescope, and work onproblems and issues that will ultimatelyimprove our lives.

Our faculty are wonderful teachers andscholars who are dedicated to the pursuit ofknowledge while also developing tomorrow’sleaders.

Robert Poupart


Jade Savage

Lisa Taylor

Robert Palmer



Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 5

Student Achievements

Bishop’s Student appears at National MusicFestival

For the first time ever amusic student from Bishop’sreached the national final ofa major music festival.Cellist Tomohisa Toriumi,an Honours student in theMusic Department,performed at the NationalMusic Festival held lastsummer in Kamloops BC.

The road to Kamloopsbegan in early May 2005 inSherbrooke when Tomoplayed at the Festival-Concours, which brings together youngmusicians from the Eastern Townships. He was one of onlytwo local musicians whom the judges recommended bepromoted to the provincial event, which was held in BandeenHall at Bishop’s, on May 30. After hearing his performance ofselections from the Bach Suite in C major for solo cello andthe Saint-Saens Cello Concerto No. 1, the judgesrecommended that Tomo be invited to play at the nationalcompetition.

With transport and accommodation paid by theConfederation of National Music Festivals, and with newpiano accompanist Tom Davidson (who teaches at McGill),Tomo made the trip to Kamloops where the national event washeld from August 9-15. His playing there brought honour notonly to himself but to our Music Department and to Bishop’sUniversity. A final feather in Tomo’s cap came with aperformance as soloist in the Saint-Saens Concerto,accompanied by the Sherbrooke Youth Orchestra, in December 2005.

Tomo has always been an exceptional student, both interms of talent and hard work, and we are thrilled with thismajor achievement. He won the Douglas Lloyd MemorialPrize for his academic achievement in Philosophy and TheDepartment of Music recently awarded him a prize in thename of Howard Brown who founded the Music Department.Tomo will complete his honours degree in Music as well as amajor in Philosophy this year.

Jack Eby, Professor, Department of Music

Student honoured by Forces AvenirJenn Kang was

honoured by Forces Avenir,an organization whichrecognizes, honours andpromotes Quebec universitystudents for their initiativeand involvement in theircommunity. She was afinalist for the prestigiousPersonality of the Year(undergraduate) andreceived a $2,000scholarship.

Jenn, who is a major inEducation and minor in Drama and Psychology hasparticipated in 35 clubs on campus since she came toBishop’s. She was editor of The Mitre, Bishop’s literarymagazine and wrote four short plays. She edited the Bishop’sstudent handbook and is a member of the women’s rugbyteam. As president of the Bishop’s University EnvironmentalCommittee, she saw the introduction of a compostingprogramme and a project for small batteries, cell phones andink jet cartridges. Her friends call her “Enviro Jenn.”

Student SSHRC Grants

Three Bishop’s students who graduated in June 2005 receivedSocial Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)Canada Graduate Master’s Scholarships. They began theirstudies in September 2005.Patricia Cove – Master’s in English Literature at McGillBin Hu – Master’s in Mathematical and Quantitative Methodsin Economics at Queen’s.Jordan Watters – Master’s in Sociology at Queen’s.


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On September 14, 2005 Cody Triggs, a third year student,drowned in the Massawippi River near Winder Street inLennoxville. Cody, a native of Surrey BC, was an outstandingrugby player and a close friend to countless members of theBishop’s community.

The grieving process was a difficult one for his teammatesand many friends who were provided grief counseling sessions

by the University’s professional team. A memorial service washeld in Cody’s honour in St. Mark’s Chapel. Testimonials weregiven by his closest classmates and his coach Bill Robson, andselections of Cody’s favorite music were played.

Cody Triggs will be greatly missed by all who knew him,but he will always be remembered for his kindness, hisfriendship, his love of fun and his passion for life.

Tragic Accident

On Monday, October 17, 2005,Bishop’s University closed as a resultof flooding due to heavy rains.Although many alumni can recall aspring flood during their time here, thisis the first time in over 100 years therivers flooded in the fall.

The bridge over the MassawippiRiver, under reconstruction at the time,was closed completely. One hundredand twenty-five people, mostlyBishop’s students living in off-campusapartments on College and ReidStreets, were evacuated. Two of thethree entrances to the campus wereunder water and the Coulter FootballField was partially flooded. No one wasevacuated from the campus.

6 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

New Initiatives

New Sports Studies MinorStudents are now able to enrol in a new Minor in Sports

Studies at Bishop’s. The minor is interdisciplinary andincludes courses from at least three Divisions of theUniversity: Social Sciences (Psychology, EnvironmentalStudies and Geography), Natural Sciences and Mathematics(Biology and Biochemistry) and Business. “Because we do notyet have a known clientele for the programme, offering aminor is a great way to start out because we can offer theprogramme without requiring new resources,” says Dr. StuartMcKelvie, Professor in the Department of Psychology.

“The minor will allow students to study sports from avariety of points of view. Business courses, for example, willappeal to students who are interested in sports management,while Biology will give people a background in ExercisePhysiology. The programme is very flexible, so students canpack it with courses they enjoy. It will help students who wishto continue their studies in Exercise Physiology orKinesiology, and those who may want to follow careers incommunity sports, community work or even sports writing.”

Students who have been contacted have shown a gooddeal of interest in the programme. “For student-athletes, inparticular, the study is relevant to what they are interested in,”says Dr. McKelvie. “The athletic coaches have told me that theprogramme will help in recruiting potential student-athletes.”

Dr. McKelvie is pleased with the enthusiasm of faculty.“The programme has been very well received by the variousDivisions of the University, and the faculty involved in theprogramme are totally committed to this initiative.”

Legal Information ClinicThe Bishop’s Legal Information Clinic will allow

Bishop’s students and community members to obtain freelegal information from Université de Sherbrooke law students.The project was developed by the Students’ RepresentativeCouncil and l’AGED (Association Générale des Étudiants enDroit, Université de Sherbrooke). The clinic is open one day aweek.

First fall flood in over 100 years

View of College and Little Forks Streets.Students erected a sign, “For Sale: Lakefront” in front of their building.

Bishop’s to help spruce up College Street

Strengthening Bishop’s relationship with the community isone of the University’s priorities. To this end, Bishop’s isworking with the Borough of Lennoxville to revitalize CollegeStreet.

Bishop’s University Foundation has provided funds for theUniversity to purchase four properties on College Street: theformer Co-op, the building many alumni remember as the

“WORCH” (condemned and demolished in 2004), and twowhite houses (numbers 16 & 18 — one is often called“Halfway House”). Several Business students were asked toconduct an opportunity study on possible uses of the formerCo-op before concrete plans for it and the other properties aremade.

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 7

The Maclean’s magazine University Rankings ’05 hit thenewsstands in November. Bishop’s University ranked arespectable 5th out of 21 universities in the “PrimarilyUndergraduate Ranking,” down one place from last year whenwe finished 4th.

There are some scores worth noting. Of the 22 categoriesused to determine the ranking, Bishop’s ranked 1st in thefollowing categories:- Percentage of out of province students in a first year class- Student Services budget as a percentage of our operating

budgetBishop’s ranked 2nd in the following categories:

- Proportion of entering students with averages of 75% orhigher

- Library expenses per studentAnd finally, Bishop’s ranked 3rd in the following

categories:- Class sizes (1st and 2nd year)- Class sizes (3rd and 4th year)

In some areas Bishop’s is improving but the improvementmay not be reflected by movement in the rankings. Forinstance, we are pleased to see in the category of StudentRetention (from 1st to 2nd year) we have improved from82.2% in 2003 to 87.7% in 2005. In the Social Sciences andHumanities research grant category the average grant (pereligible faculty member) has gone from $407 (2003) to $1,323(2005). In the Medical/Science Grant research category ouraverage grant has gone from $3,768 (2003) to $5,131.

At the same time, there are some areas where we dropped.In the category of First Year Classes Taught by Tenured (orTenured Track) Faculty we fell to 42.40% from 47.90% last

year. Our Operating Budget per Student has fallen from$9,511 (2003) to $9,210 in 2005 — largely due to the chronicunderfunding of Quebec universities. Alumni Support (% ofalumni who have made a gift over a five-year period) hasdropped from 22.7% (2003) to 20.1%.

The most humbling category continues to be Reputation.This year Bishop’s ranked 16th (out of 21), compared to10th in 2003. Last spring’s survey (conducted by the Alumni& Development Office) clearly showed alumni believe thearea most in need of improvement at Bishop’s is reputationand visibility. Maclean's proved them right! Bishop’s, likemany universities, takes issue with this category, its extremelyhigh value in the survey (worth 16% of overall score), andhow the “data” is collected. Nonetheless we need to look atways to sharpen our profile and better tell the Bishop’s story.

The Maclean’s University Rankings certainly fuels thedialogue about universities and ways in which to measurequality. It is important to remember this is not the definitiveguide as to which university is best; Canada is blessed withfine universities from coast to coast. The Maclean’s UniversityRankings can and should be used as a research tool forprospective students and their parents as they investigate post-secondary options, and perhaps by universities to compareagainst one another using quantitative data. In truth theserankings do not indicate a first (or fifth) best university; theuniversity experience is a personal one and is different foreach student or faculty member. Bishop’s plans to use thefindings to improve the Bishop’s Experience for our students— not for Maclean’s.

Maclean’s Rankings

Improving our reputation

Canadian universities operate in an increasinglycompetitive environment — for students, for faculty, for funds.To perform successfully in this environment Bishop’s mustproject a distinctive identity which will generate supportacross all constituencies, both internal and external.

Universities in Canada are beginning to follow the lead ofour American neighbors by embarking on branding exercises.At their best, such exercises sharpen the image of theUniversity in the public eye and generate enthusiasm andenergy internally. At their worst, these are seen as cynicalefforts by administrators to copy private sector marketingtraditions. To be successful, branding exercises must have thedeep support of the professoriate. This is perhaps trueeverywhere; it is certainly true at Bishop’s.

As a result a new Senate Subcommittee — Defining andPromoting Bishop’s University — was established at the April2005 meeting of Senate. The Committee plans to propose anupdated version of our mission statement, adopted in 1992,which can be used on campus as a set of values. It also plansto better define the Bishop’s experience and what a “sound andliberal” education means to explain the characteristics of aBishop’s education to external audiences.

8 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

Other Campus News

Turner Studio TheatreThe Turner Studio Theatre boasts an impressive new

sign, thanks to an investment from the Bishop’s UniversityFoundation.

Alumni Hockey Tournament: Sign up as asingle player or enter a team. Cost is $10 perperson. Each team will receive a minimum of six15-minute games plus beverages. Note: The formatis gentlemen’s hockey — no checking or slap shots.All are welcome. Start time is noon and will end atapproximately 4 p.m. Contact Matt or 819-822-9600, ext. 2266for more details or to register. Space is limited.Gaiter Basketball Action: Cheer on ourwomen and men at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. respectivelyagainst UQAM. There is a half-time and post gamereception for Gaiter Club Members. Kids are alsowelcome to shoot around at half-time. Other: Campus tours are available upon request.The bookstore and Foreman Art Gallery will beopen.

Winter Homecoming Saturday February 18, 2006

The Jeff Cannon Memorial Golf Tournament took place on Friday,September 22 at the Old Lennoxville Golf Course. A full field of 72golfers raised over $3,000 for the Jeff Cannon Memorial Fund.Photo: Jake Vaughan ’87, Jackie Cannon (Jeff’s mom), Garth Smith,Ryan Smith (grandson), Sylvia Smith ’55 inaugurated the Jeff CannonMemorial Short Iron Range at the tournament. Thanks to those whoparticipated and supported this event over the years, a portion of theJeff Cannon Memorial Fund was used to construct this unique facilityin memory of Jeff Cannon. The range will be used to promote amateurgolf in the region.

Jeff Cannon Homecoming Golf Tournament

Bishop’s on parade

On November 27, 2005, students helpedMatt McBrine ’96 and Dave McBride ’93of the Alumni & Development Office andJoey Sabo ’94 in the Department ofAthletics decorate the Bishop’s float forthe Santa Claus parade in Sherbrooke.Over 20,000 Sherbrooke residents bravedthe cold to enjoy the parade. Kiddies got akick out of our Bishop’s Gaiter (back rowin photo) and appreciated the candy canesstudents handed out.

On Saturday, November 26, 2005, fifteen senior drama studentsparticipated in an acting workshop conducted by celebrated Canadianactress Fiona Reid. Ms. Reid’s visit to our campus was an initiativeof Chancellor Scott Griffin ’60, DCL ’02, Mike Laidlaw ’96, andDrama Department Professor Jo Jo Rideout. Following the workshopMs. Reid attended the standing room only evening performance ofGoodnight Desdemona in Turner Studio Theatre and a post-showreception in the Cleghorn Common Room.

Fiona Reid Conducts Acting Workshop

Alex Paterson ’52, DCL ’74 publishes his memoirs

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 9

Family, friends and former students of Dr. Arthur Langford met in Simcoe,Ontario on July 30, 2005 to celebrate Dr. Langford’s 95th birthday. Arthur

Langford joined the Bishop’s faculty as its first biologist in 1937 and at the timeof his retirement in 1975 was Professor and head of the Department ofBiological Sciences (currently Professor Emeritus). He then spent four years(1976-80) on contract with CIDA as the head of biology at the UniversityCollege of Swaziland. A lifelong naturalist, Arthur was Executive Director of theLong Point Bird Observatory in Port Rowan, ON in 1983-84. He continues to beactive, although failing eyesight forced him to give up playing squash in 2001.

All party guests were officially invited to Arthur’s 100th birthday party in2010.

Ian Hammond, B.Sc.(Hon. Biology) ’67

Still a force to be reckoned with at 95

Alex Paterson ’52, DCL ’74, Chancellor ofBishop’s University from 1995-2005,

recently published his memoirs My Life at theBar and Beyond (McGill-Queen’s UniversityPress).

A litigation lawyer for fifty years, Alexdescribes some of his earlier cases, includingthose involving alleged brainwashingexperiments funded by the CIA at the AllanMemorial Institute. He offers behind-the-scenesviews of the fight against Bill 101, campaigningfor the No Committee in the 1980 Quebecreferendum, and the stand-off at Oka betweenMohawks and the provincial police. He alsocharts his involvement in establishing the McGillUniversity Health Centre and a new major teaching hospital.Alex’s rich and revealing memoir adds a personal dimensionto the major events in recent Quebec history.

Alex’s chapter on Bishop’s University describes his timeas a student (1949-52) including a number of entertaininganecdotes of student fun, such as the time when Alex’s friendsprepared him a meatloaf made of dog food, which heunknowingly devoured with relish, enjoying the welcomechange from the food served in the University dining room.“The hell-raising and frivolity of my undergraduate yearswere balanced by the lectures of a small but exceptionallytalented faculty and by the powerful and moving Sundaychoral services in St. Mark’s Chapel.”

When Alex served on Bishop’s Corporation (1969-89),the University faced enormous challenges as the introductionof the CEGEP in the Quebec system caused enrolment toplummet to 600 and an unsatisfactory Principal in the early70s resulted in administrative weakness. In spite of this, theExecutive Committee, composed of business and professionalpeople (“if anyone raised an academic question, the chairmanwould ring for drinks and the discussion would turn to the

upcoming football game”), was democratized with theintroduction of elected faculty and student representatives, theSports Complex was built and a new Principal in 1976brought excellent leadership back to Bishop’s. “There was afeeling among everyone at the University that Bishop’s...was agreat place to be.”

Alex’s tenure as Chancellor (1995-2005) got off to arocky start when the Quebec government announced thatBishop’s operating budget would be cut by 28% (“everyonewas looking over their shoulders, wondering who would bethere the following year”). The situation was helped greatlyby a capital campaign that raised $17 million (PrincipalJanyne Hodder “was a formidable fundraiser”). By the end ofhis term, “the university we [Principal Hodder and Alex] leftwas well funded and well attended. With the comings andgoings of approximately 2,000 students, Bishop’s influencereached into every corner of Canada and beyond.”

At Alex’s request, all royalties from the sale of the bookwill be directed to designated non-profit institutions, includingBishop’s University. Copies of the book are available atBishop’s University bookstore:(819) 822-9600 ext. 2241, onthe net at Indigo and at Books on the 4th in Calgary.

Friends and family of Alex Paterson joined him at his book launch on campus:(l-r): Dan Hinsperger, Nic Hinsperger (Bishop’s student), Peter Arndt '81; Pat MacAulay(Bishop’s Bookstore Manager), Joan Paterson, Angie Paterson Arndt '80; Chris Hinsperger, Robb Paterson; Al Paterson (Bishop’s student), Val Chafe Hinsperger '78, Robb Arndt, Barb Hinsperger.

10 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

After his introduction as keynote speaker at Bishop’scareer day, Quad 2 Job, Chad Schella ’94 said, “Itsounds as if I cannot keep a job. But I believe that’s the

way it is now. There are few careers you start and will stay infor the rest of your working life.”

Chad’s career path is evidence of his claim. He worked inOttawa for over six years in federal politics, including acting asExecutive Assistant to The Honourable Jean Charest and toformer Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Joe Clark. Afterleaving politics, he became the Director of Media Relations andCommunications for the Royal Canadian Golf Associationwhere he had the opportunity to work with Tiger Woods,Annika Sorenstam, Jack Nicklaus, Mike Weir and Lori Kane.He was the Director of Communications for a pharmaceutical-based company and joined the Canadian ConstructionAssociation as the Director of Communications,

In 2003, Chad became Director of Community andCorporate Relations for the Ottawa Senators Foundation wherehe had the job to raise over $4,000,000 and put a team in placeto build Roger’s House, a pediatric palliative care facility inOttawa built in memory of the late NHL Coach, Roger Neilson.In September 2005, he was appointed to his present position asDirector of Player Services for the Ottawa Senators.

At Bishop’s, Chad learned about the importance ofnetworking. He participatedin as many extracurricularactivities as he could:Resident Assistant, StudentPatrol, Students’Representative Council,including serving as SRCPresident twice. “I learneda good deal aboutnetworking and dealingwith people. I also learnedthat nothing you do is asecret, especially at Bishop’s” (that knowledge served him wellwhen he worked on Parliament Hill).

Chad claims that all of his jobs have given him valuableexperience and important contacts. “When I left the CanadianConstruction Association, which I learned is a powerful,influential group, I never dreamed I would later need anyone inthat network. But those connections were valuable when I wasresponsible for overseeing the building of Roger’s house. Myexperience with the Golf Association, where I worked withgolfers, prepared me for my present job as I deal with hockeyplayers and, when I was in politics, I met people from acrossthe country, so I have those contacts. These, combined with theBishop’s Alumni Association network, are powerful tools.”

As Director of Player Services for the Ottawa Senators,Chad helps players and their families become members of thecommunity when they relocate to Ottawa. He works with themto obtain work permits, Social Insurance Numbers, passports,

and finds resources that will provide them with financial andreal estate advice as well as help find schools for their children.He also works with the players on sponsorship opportunities,memorabilia, and arranges appearances for charities and others

who want to meet the players. “Ifa child who is ill wants to meet aparticular player, I arrange it.”Chad travels with the team andmeets with the players andcoaches every day.

“My position is a new oneand is in reaction to the lockoutlast year. The Senators are thefirst team to create thisDirector’s position, and they aredoing it to compete with other

teams. Although the Senators may not be able to offer theirplayers the highest salaries in the league, they can offer theplayers substantial help in adjusting to their new home.”

Chad still uses the Bishop’s network in his job. “If I have aplayer visiting Calgary, I may call up a graduate to ask for theirhelp. “Alumni remember Bishop’s fondly and have a laugh orsmile in their voice when they talk about the University. Youalready have a rapport before you get down to business.”

Chad hopes the students who attended Quad 2 Job will beinspired by the example of those alumni who returned tocampus to talk to them. “The liberal arts education at Bishop’shelps you prepare for change and gives you the ability tocapitalize on and adapt to change. Bishop’s not only gives you adegree, it also gives you a network of people who will help youopen doors. The smart person will get in touch with the AlumniAssociation, join the alumni network and use it. Bishop’sgraduates are willing to help each other whenever they can.”

Chad Schella ’94, Director of Player Services for the Ottawa Senators, jokeswith the Senators’ mascot, Spartacat. “The photo was taken in Ottawa duringour October 30, 2005 game against Philadelphia, hence the "retro" costumeon Spartacat. He was actually sitting in my seat and hitting on my wife —that’s why I was in the aisle!”

We’re all connectedChad Schella ’94 has learned that different networks eventually intertwine

Bishop’s not only gives you a degree, it givesyou a network of people who will help youopen doors. The smart person will get in touchwith the Alumni Association, join the alumninetwork and use it. Bishop’s graduates arewilling to help each other whenever they can.

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 11

Become part of the Asian miraclePeter Nixon ’83, who has lived in Hong Kong since 1989, gives tips topeople who hope to conduct business there

“When I was a B.B.A. student at Bishop’s, Iremember one course on international business oreconomics. Now, as globalization marches

forward, Bishop’s and Canada’s ability to remain plugged intoworld affairs (through business, academia and, above all,through their people) will have a direct impact on theirsuccess,” says Peter Nixon ’83, who has lived in Hong Kongsince 1989.

After Peter graduated from Bishop’s he worked forCoopers & Lybrand in Montreal and qualified as a CharteredAccountant. When the Managing Partner suggested asecondment in London, he and his wife, Marie Marchand, chosethe Geneva office because they wanted to ski in the Alps. “Wethoroughly enjoyed the European experience and decided toextend the secondment to Asia where I found work in the HongKong office,” says Peter. Marie, who attended Bishop’s buttransferred her degree to McGill, graduated in education, so shehad no problem finding work in the international schools inGeneva and Hong Kong.

In 1994, Peter left Coopers & Lybrand to set up his ownconsulting practice, specializing in organization and businessdevelopment. Most of his work involves helping leadingcompanies negotiatechange. “Thisnormally takes theform of negotiationconsulting andtraining, strategyfacilitation andbusiness developmentprocesses forprofessionals.” Hehas worked with largeprofessional and financial institutions and with other privateand public sector organizations. “I have had the opportunity towork with people from over 60 countries and territories. It isclear we have much to learn from different parts of the world.”

“The differences between the east and the west are many,but they are best understood by recognizing that Asianeconomics have thrived for thousands of years on trade, and atthe heart of trade is negotiation. Picture life on the old silk routeacross Asia, add to that the incredibly diverse cultures,populations and religions of Asia, and you understand thatdoing business in Asia is an entirely different experience fromwhat most Bishop’s alumni are used to.”

Peter claims that “with China and India muscling their wayinto the daily life of people in the west, every multinationalneeds to learn to do business successfully in Asia. People andcompanies tend to lose money until they learn to get it right.”

Here are a few of Peter’s tips for doing business in Asia:1. Understand the historical and cultural context of the

relationships affecting your key stakeholders — you only

get things done through people, so understanding whatmakes your people in Asia do things and not do things iscritical. Gender, age, religion, wars, hierarchy all mattermuch more than in the west.

2. Assume nothing. You are dealing with some of the mostcreative entrepreneurs in the world and if there is a way, theAsians will find it first. For example, do not assume your

manufacturers are giving the besttimes and quality output to yourather than to your competitors.3. Negotiate and monitor. If you do

not discuss everything, thensomething will come back tohaunt you. Just because you havea contract does not mean thingswill be done. Leave someonecompetent on the ground tomonitor implementation andtroubleshoot as needed.

4. Never, never, never give up. Churchill’s advice holdsespecially true for doing business in Asia, because Asiancivilization takes a dramatically longer view of things thanwe do in the west. China’s plan to return to the world’sleading economy in the next 30 years is a gooddemonstration of their persistence.

5. Manage risks properly. There are plenty of risks inconducting business in Asia, including health, financial andpolitical risks. Asia is a classic risk: reward trade-off, but ifyou are risk averse, you are better to stay away. In the fewyears I have lived in Asia I have dealt with the Asiancurrency crisis, SARS, bird flu, bombings, the tsunami, civilwar, illness and pollution. Despite this, it is a wonderfulplace to live, work and raise children.

Peter Nixon’s book, Negotiation in Mastering Business in Asia(Wiley 2005) is available from and leadingbooksellers.

Peter Nixon ’83 and Marie Marchand met at Bishop’s. “I asked MarieMarchand to the 1982 BU Christmas dance because she would be a fun datewithout any risk of misleading intentions (she had a boyfriend). Twenty-fouryears later we are still together. That road to the Christmas dance also led toMontreal, Geneva and Hong Kong. Now we have three children [Ni Si, 13,Long Tim, 11, Jean-Pierre, 10], and our journey continues.”

With China and India muscling their way into thedaily life of people in the west, everymultinational needs to learn to do businesssuccessfully in Asia. People and companies tendto lose money until they learn to get it right.

12 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

The benefits of post-secondary education to societyare not just economic (the taxes paid on incomesearned by university graduates provide adisproportionate share of the funds government usesto support the social programmes that benefit allcitizens) but social as well. Individuals with highereducation are less likely to commit crime, make moreefficient use of the health care system, and are morelikely to be active in civic affairs, participate involunteer activities and donate to charities.


Quad 2 Job

Quad 2 Job/Career Day is an event the Alumni &Development Office, with help from several studentorganizations on campus, has organized since 1995.

Students are invited to attend a variety of sessions where alumnitalk about their careers — their successes, accomplishments andchallenges — and offer advice to students who may be planninga career in their field. It is an excellent opportunity for studentsto network with alumni, ask questions under circumstances theymay not normally encounter, gain future contacts, andunderstand the value of their Bishop’s degree.

This year’s event was held on November 4, 2005. Thestudents who attended enjoyed the afternoon and appreciatedthe advice alumni gave them. What a great opportunity to learn.The keynote speaker was Chad Schella ’94. After the twelvesessions were finished, all speakers were invited to PrincipalPoupart’s home for dinner.

Many thanks to the alumni who participated:Consulting: Drew Leyburne ’98Journalism: Chris Jones ’96Non-profit sector: Jacquie Scott ’90Law: Jacques Darche ’89, Stephen Lloyd ’89Marketing and Sales: Remi Aucoin ’00, Laval Dubeau ’97Political Studies: Duncan Rayner ’98, Pat Salvaggio ’98Entrepreneurship: Chris Forsythe ’99, Grant Siméon ’85

Human Resources: Amy Nikiel ’99Teaching: Duane Liverpool ’97, Glen Faucher ’97Accounting/Finance/Banking: Martin Pepin ’94, Alain Beaudoin ’94, Leslie McCormick ’01, Michael McCormick ’00, John Messenger ’97Government: Drew Leyburne ’98Science: Elizabeth Crépeau ’72

Matt McBrine ’96Alumni Relations Coordinator


Fall Homecoming 2005


to: P




Tailgaiters in actionA great crowd made for a lively day on Saturday, September 24,2005. The day began early in the morning as the tailgaiterssettled in the Coulter Field parking lot. Soon after, the band“Mountain Dew” performed live and the celebration was on. OurGaiters played well and, although they lost, they battled hard,won the second half and kept it interesting for the Gaiterfaithfuls. The fun didn’t stop there. Mountain Dew continuedtheir live performance at the post game reception next to thealumni tent.

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 13

SportsRound-upGolf: Gaiters participate in three

tournaments in 2005The golf team competed in two

conference tournaments this season beforeconcluding their 2005 season in the IslandCup hosted by Holland College in PEI.

Bishop’s finished the QSSF seasonranked 7th in the eight team conference.The team placed 6th over-all in the IslandCup. Knowlton QC native Trevor Dunnwas the highest ranked individual on theGaiters roster, finishing the season ranked19th in Quebec. Dunn earned a 5th placefinish at the Island Cup.

Women’s Soccer: Lady Gaiters struggle to 2-12 record

With 13 rookies on the roster, thewomen’s soccer team entered the 2005season with a recognition that the seasonwould largely be about rebuilding anddeveloping talent. While Bishop’s 2-12record reflects the team’s inexperience, theimprovement shown by the squad over thecourse of the season demonstrates the teamhas potential.

Following a 1-0 season openingvictory over UQAM, the Lady Gaitersdropped their next 11 conference games,only managing to score one goal over thatspan. A victory over UQTR in the secondto last game of the season gave Bishop’s itssecond win of the season, one more than in2004. Lisa Wagner led the way for theGaiters this season, scoring all three ofBishop’s goals.

Women’s Rugby: Bishop’s misses out on the post-season for the firsttime since 1999

For the first time in the 21st century,the 2005 women’s rugby team failed toqualify for the post-season. Bishop’sfinished the season with a 1-5 record; theirlone win came against cross-town rivalsSherbrooke.

Helping to lead the way for the LadyGaiters this season was Cailin McCullochof Orleans ON, who was named to theconference all-star team.

Men’s Rugby: Gaiters finish season 6-2 but fall to Concordia in the playoffs

Defeated by McGill in last year’sconference finals, the men’s rugby teamentered the 2005 season with everyintention of returning to (and winning) thetitle game. A 6-2 record in the regularseason and a second place finish seemed tosuggest that this was a distinct possibility.Unfortunately the Gaiters were upset byConcordia 20-7 in the conference semi-finals which ended their hopes of a title-game rematch with McGill.

Despite their play-off struggles, 2005was a highly successful season for men’srugby, both on a team level and forindividual players on the Gaiters roster.Four Bishop’s players were selected to theConference All-Star team: Matt Gagnon(Ottawa ON), Eric Howey (Hamilton ON),Adam Barrette (Ottawa ON) and RobScruton (Mississauga ON).

Lacrosse: Gaiters reach BaggattawayCup again but fall to Brock in semi-finals

In its brief five year existence atBishop’s, the men’s lacrosse team coachedby Damien Roy ’93 has quickly emergedas one of the most competitive programs inCanada. The team has reached theBaggattaway Cup finals in each of the pastthree seasons, only to fall to arch-rivalsBrock in all three match-ups. The goal ofthe lacrosse team as they entered the 2005season was clear: to return yet again to theBaggattaway Cup but this time to emergeas national champions.

Although Bishop’s got off to anuncharacteristically slow start in 2005,dropping two of their first three conferencegames, they quickly got back on track. Thehighlight of the regular season was a 12-11overtime victory over Brock in October, agame that not only snapped Brock’s 34game win streak but also signaled that theGaiters appeared ready to replace Brock asthe team to beat in the CUFLA.

Following their win over Brock, theGaiters won their next four regular seasongames to finish the season with a 6-2record in conference play, and entered thepost-season considered by many to be

favored to capture the CUFLA title. Adominating 16-4 victory over Toronto inthe Baggattaway Cup quarter-finalsreinforced this point of view and sentBishop’s to Hamilton, ON for a semi-finalsmatch-up against Brock. This marked thefourth consecutive year that the two rivalsfaced each other in the post-season.Unfortunately for the Gaiters, the outcomein 2005 was the same as in previous yearsas the Badgers avenged their regularseason loss to the Gaiters with an 11-5 win,ending the Gaiters hopes of capturing theBaggattaway Cup in 2005.

Football: Gaiters go 1-7 in Leroy Blugh’sfirst season

When the Gaiters took to the field onLabour Day to host their cross-town rivalsthe Sherbrooke Vert et Or, it marked thebeginning of a new era for the Gaitersprogram; former Gaiter standout and CFLstar Leroy Blugh ’90 was making his headcoaching debut for the Gaiters. The Blughera, however, got off to an unfortunate startas Bishop’s fell 38-19 to Sherbrooke and,early in the first half, Gaiter starquarterback and defending CIS Rookie ofthe Year Kyle Williams was forced to leavethe game with a concussion that forcedhim to retire from the CIS.

The Gaiters played one of the toughestschedules in the country with their nextfour games coming against nationallyranked opponents. Their first and only winof the season was when they dominated theMcGill Redmen 27-4. The Gaiters droppedtheir next two games, 26-19 to Acadia and28-10 to Sherbrooke, to finish the season at1-7, identical to their 2004 record.

Leroy Blugh’s first season as Gaitershead coach was not without its brightspots, including close games againstnationally ranked Montreal andConcordia and the emergence of rookiesensations Jamall Lee (Port CoquitlamBC) as running back and Kyle Jones(Mississauga ON) as punter, linebackerand kicker. Two members of the Gaiterswere selected to the QUFL All-Starteam: defensive end Dan McCullough(Fredericton NB) and wide-receiverDavid Delaby (Pincourt QC).

The Bishop’s spirit is alive in Ireland. On May 26,2005, alumni met up at the Porterhouse Temple Bar. Itwas good “craic,” as the Irish say. The Bishop’s goodieswent over well — it was great to flip through TheCampus to find out what is going on now, and the BUgolf towels disappeared very quickly.

The photo was taken by Sean Urie ’99 in the bar. Itis a popular pub, so there was not a lot of room. Thegroup plans on meeting again. Thank you to Tara Hurst ’99 for organizing this event.

Toronto Pub CrawlFifty

Bishop’salumni packedthemselvesonto a MagicBus for a sold-out 3-bar pubcrawl indowntownToronto. Thenight started at Gretzky’s, where they watched the Leafswin 9-1, followed by a trip to Fez Batik and finally a visitto Republik nightclub. Highlights of the night weredefinitely a fun bus trip around the downtown core andthe “102.1 The Edge” rock room at Republik. Thank youto Toronto Alumni Branch Presidents Sam Menard ’00and Andrew Lacas ’00 for organizing this event.

Sam and Andrew are working on a mentor programthey hope to launch early in 2006.

Mark your calendars: the Toronto Alumni andFriends Golf Tournament is scheduled forMay 26, 2006 back at Richmond Hill Golf Club withseveral new features this year.

14 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

Eastern Townships

Thank you to Russ Johnson ’96 and Vanessa Angell ’02 fororganizing a get together at the Bishop Bar in October. Fifty BU gradsenjoyed getting together to celebrate the Bishop’s experience.

Montreal Golf Tournament for alumni and friends of Bishop’s.That’s right! Stay tuned for details. If you are interested in helping out,please contact Dan Bohinc at

Mark your calendars for March 19, 2006: The Montreal Branchwill again be entering a Bishop’s float in the 2006 Saint Patrick’s DayParade. Montreal Branch Presidents Dan Bohinc ’94 and Rob Allatt’93 would appreciate your help in decorating and riding on the float.Visit our Bishop’s web site to sign up as a volunteer.

Branch Check out our website for upcoming events in yourarea:

Toronto Montreal

Vancouver Ireland

(l-r): Back: Matt Clynick ’99, John Clark ’99, Sean Urie ’99, Tara Hurst ’99, Joe Thompson ’96, Christina Ryan '96. Front: Kelly Cosgrove McKenna ’92Also in attendance were Christina Ryan’s husband, Merv, and KellyMcKenna’s husband, Adrian (not in photo).

On the eve of the Grey Cup, over 70 BU grads from BC and out-of-town met. Highlights: free drinks and appetizers, prizes, and a raffle fortwo tickets to the Grey Cup. We had a great time meeting old friendsand making new connections, and we even sang the school song. Lookout for the next BC event on the slopes of Whistler.

Thank you to the new Vancouver Branch Committee membersJeremy Tessier ’98, Demitri Douzenis ’02, Tuuli Hannula ’02 andSean Kerklaan ’02 for doing a great job organizing this event. ContactJeremy at if you have ideas or suggestions for thebranch.

Thank you to Tom Godber ’85 and his wife Monique for hosting areception at their home in Knowlton, QC as a prelude to a theatre nighton August 3, 2005. Thirty people attended the reception, then went toTheatre Lac Brome, just minutes away, to enjoy the play, The Tall Girl,written by George Rideout, directed by Greg Tuck, and starring Jo-JoRideout, three Bishop’s professors in our Department of Drama.

Alumni andFriends FreeSkate

Thank you toChad Schella ’94,Director of PlayerServices for theOttawa Senators,for hosting theBishop’s alumniand friends free skate event at the Corel Centre. Our group wasvery well received by Chad and the Sens staff - thank you! Itwas fun to see so many young and first time skaters. What agreat place to take your first stride!

Ottawa Golf Tournament

We were back at Hautes Plaines Golf Club in Hull on abeautiful sunny day. The course was in great shape and theservice was first class. Thank you to those who participated andraised over $1,500 for the Bishop’s Ottawa Branch Scholarship,which awards annually a scholarship to an incoming studentfrom the Ottawa region. Many thanks to Executive FitnessLeaders for providing a masseuse prior to tee times to limber upparticipants and raise money for the fund, and to everyone whobrought gifts, including Arash Madani ’02 who donated a boxto a Renegades game, a popular raffle prize. Congratulations to

tournament winners Jeremy Moore ’94, Steve Hollander ’94,Ray Murphy ’96 and Andy Lynn ’93.

Ottawa Renegades Seventy-one Bishop’sgrads enjoyed cocktailsand food at BigDaddy’s on Elgin St.where the group tookover the entire outsidepatio. Then off to theOttawa Renegadesfootball game to enjoy exciting CFL action. At the game alumniwere treated to great seats at a discounted rate. Thank you toArash Madani, former Director of Media Relations for theRenegades, for taking care of our group. It was a fun evening!

Thank you to Shane Johnson ’95 and Paul Alleyne ’01 for their help in organizing a BUalumni and friends reception in October 2005, and alsoto grads Steve Zatylny '90, Nick Fitzsimmons '92and Brian Allatt '90 who were visiting the Island andsponsored the event on behalf of Global ExcelManagement.

The following day, Nick Fitzsimmons ’92 wasinvited to join the Challenge II crew for the BlueMarlin tournament — they ended up winning bycatching a 324 lb. blue marlin.

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 15


Barbados Washington DC

Bishop’s Alumni living in the U.S.The Canadian Embassy in Washington DC has launched site provides a network for Canadians who live in the United States,to exchange news and ideas and find out what is happening in the U.S.relative to Canada. Members of the network receive e-mail notices on arange of topics of interest to them and can share their views.

Mark your calenders!Event: All-Canada University Club Dinner Date: April 8, 2006Place: Hyatt Arlington Hotel, Washington, DC Time: 6 p.m.Cost: TBA

On behalf of all Canadian Universities and the All-CanadaAssociation, we are excited to host this year’s All-Canada UniversityClub Dinner, which will mark its 30th anniversary. To celebrate thisspecial occasion, we are pleased to announce The Right HonourableJoe Clark as the guest speaker.

We’re also hoping Bishop’s alumnus Johnny Reid ’98( will entertain us. A successful country singer,Johnny’s show is guaranteed to be energetic and fun. We hope you willattend and support Bishop’s as hosts of this special event.

Centennial Theatre renovations — you can help

At long last Bishop’s CentennialTheatre, the principalintermediate-sized performing

arts complex in the Townships, willundergo much-needed renovation,thanks to the financial support of thefederal, provincial and municipalgovernments and donations fromalumni and friends of Bishop’s. TheTheatre will be closed from January toMarch 2006.

The renovations will include:

• repairing and reupholstering the33-year-old seats in Centennial

• improving the roofing andventilation

• installing new lighting

• replacing the sound system, whichdates from 1986.

We need your participation to meet the total cost of therenovations. By endowing one or more seats for $500 a seat,you can take a permanent place in the history of CentennialTheatre. We will be pleased to engrave a name of your choiceon our plaque, an attractive design of glass, green marble andstainless steel, which is permanently mounted in the lobby sothat theatre goers can read the names of Centennial’s patrons.

Your gift will help Centennial Theatre continue to play acentral role in the cultural life of Bishop’s and the EasternTownships.

The above plaque in the lobby ofCentennial Theatre displays the names ofalumni and friends of Bishop’s whoendowed a seat in the theatre to helpupgrade this important cultural centre.

For $500, you can support CentennialTheatre and add your name or the name ofsomeone you wish to honour to thisattractive and permanent record of ourpatrons.

Order the best seats in the houseName(s) _________________________________________________________________________________

Enclosed is my donation for _____ (number of seats) @ $500 per seat.

Seat(s) to be named in honour of (please specify if different from above): ____________________________________________ORI wish to support Centennial Theatre with a donation of: $250 $100 other $_________.

I wish to make my donation over ______ years monthly semi-annually annually

cheque payable to Bishop’s University Foundation OR VISA MasterCard AMEX

Card No.:________________________________Expiry date:_______________Signature:______________________________All gifts are tax deductible.

Please complete and send this form to: Alumni & Development Office, Bishop’s University, Lennoxville QC J1M 1Z7OR phone toll free: 866-822-5210 OR DONATE ONLINE at:

16 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 17

Social Justice for AllDr. Cheryl Gosselin ’86 tries to convince her students that they can change the world

“What I enjoy most aboutteaching is the students.They are so keen and

eager, full of life, and they aregenuinely kind, respectful individualswho want to learn and who fall in lovewith Bishop’s when they come here,”says Dr. Cheryl Gosselin ’86, AssistantProfessor in the Department ofSociology. “I try to take away thecynical ideas students have about lifeand society and how power works.When we study equality for visibleminorities in Canada, for instance, oftenstudents believe equality will neverhappen. I show them that there is roomto resist and to change things, that theycan work to achieve social justice.”

Social justice is important for Dr. Gosselin. “That’s why Igot into Sociology. I started first in the area of women’s issues,but that has expanded over the years. I think we should resist allforms that discrimination takes — not just gender but race,sexual orientation and class. I recently returned from aconference on Aboriginal women’s issues. What is going on intheir communities is deplorable, and as Canadians we have aresponsibility to work with them to try to achieve a better wayfor all Canadians.”

In many of Dr. Gosselin’s courses, students are allowed tocomplete their assignments on social structures in a variety ofways. “I like hands-on assignments.” Students have conductedresearch, for example, on the dating habits of Bishop’s studentsat the Golden Lion Pub in Lennoxville compared to those at thecampus pub. “Another group studied the differences inshopping habits between male and female students in the localgrocery store. They found the guys tended to shop on the runand usually only bought one or two things. They would come inalone and buy a case of beer and some chips and might comeback a while later for some Kraft dinner. Girls, on the otherhand, were usually in groups of two or three and would buy

groceries for several days.” Other students analyzed magazinesgeared to women, such as fashion magazines, or to men, such asMaxim.

As Chair of the Women’s Studies programme, Dr. Gosselinhopes to see more men in Women’s Studies courses. “Feminismlooks at men and women in relation to each other. This year Ihave two male students who are minoring in Women’s Studies.Two male graduates of the programme, one who is working insocial work and the other in the police force, told me that thepeople who interviewed them for their jobs were favourablyimpressed that they had minors in Women’s Studies. Any kindof diversity studies courses are a plus for today’s student.”

Dr. Gosselin’s research focuses on Quebec society, inparticular the anglophone population in the Eastern Townships.Her Ph.D. thesis studied the women’s movement in the 1950s inQuebec. “We tend to believe that this period was a verycomplacent decade, but many historians now see the society ina more complex light. More married women, for example, werein the formal economy in the 1950s than previously believed.Although there was not a visible women’s movement in Quebecduring that time, there were different women’s groups that wereactive, lobbying the government, doing their own research intowomen in the formal economy, how they were combining workand family and why women did not have much visibility inpolitics. Women became more public at the end of the 1960s,but in the 1950s they carried on the work of the feminists whohelped get the vote in Quebec in 1940 [although women got thefederal vote in 1919, they still had to fight to vote in provincialelections]. The work of women in the 1950s made it possiblefor the second wave of feminism to begin in the late 1960s.”

For Dr. Gosselin, the increasing cultural diversity ofCanada has made the study of our society more complex.“There are many ways to look at a particular topic, and I try tobring in diverse voices. And even within the different categoriesthat we like to label people with, no two people will experiencea particular issue in the same way. I have more questions than Ihave answers for, and I believe that’s good. I think of myself asa mature student, always learning with my students.”

Sociology Professor Dr.Cheryl Gosselin ’86believes that her field,the study of social life,social organization andaction, can help achievesocial justice for allCanadians.

A 45-year retrospective of the works of David Sorensen,Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts, was presented at the Musée duBas-Saint-Laurent in Rivière-du Loup from September 18, 2005-January 15, 2006. All the main series of abstract paintings heproduced were displayed. A 144-page catalogue, including fouressays by François-Marc Gagon, Charles Bourget, Ann Davis andSerge Fisette, was prepared and a feature article on the exhibitionwas published in the magazine Vie des arts (no. 199).





18 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

BirthsBeauchamp-Bloom: ToKathleen ’95 and Craig adaughter, Scarlett Gail, onJuly 3, 2005.

Breadner: To Michelle(née Lacroix) ’97 and Adam’98 a son, Nathan Isaac, onMay 17, 2005 in Ottawa. Anephew for Kerri BreadnerMartin ’96.

Cardwell: ToGillian andMark ’91 a son,Colby Andrew,on August 29,2005. A brotherfor Alexandra,2.

Clough-Stringfellow: ToDeb ’92 and Rik a son,Samuel Owen, on April6, 2005 in VancouverBC.

Comeau-Elman: ToVickie (BUstudent from’92-’93) andWillie’96 twins:a son, CazianSulis, and adaughter,Caresse

Minerva, on June 30, 2005. Class of 2027?

Crook-Healey: To Tiffany’95 and Sean ’97 adaughter, Siarra Renée, onAugust 12, 2005. A niecefor Tim ’98 and Mike ’99.

Daicar: ToAngela andTony ’90 a son,Jack AnthonyWayne, onDecember 7,2004. A brotherfor Chloe, 3.

de Graaf-Sherrard: ToDanielle ’00 and Anthonya son, Dominic Hendrikus,on June 26, 2005.

Dickieson: ToErin (née Blain)’97 and Andrew’95 a son,Oliver AndrewRoy, on April14, 2005. Abrother forClara.

Dort-Kyne: ToTracy ’93 andBrendan a son,Thomas Allen,on November12, 2004. Abrother forChristian, 6 andMalcolm, 4.

Dubeau: To Natalie ’97(née Pusiak) and Laval’97 a son, Ethan Laval, onFebruary 11, 2005 inRichmond Hill ON.

Graham-Blanchette: ToStephanie ’00 andJoshua ’99 a son,Isaac Robert, onMay 11, 2005. Abrother forConnor 2½.Future BU grads!Grant Simeon ’85is Isaac’sGodfather.

Hunt-Raco: ToAndrea ’93 andFrank twin sons,Joseph Dominicand NicolasAndrew, onFebruary 16,2005. Brothersfor Natalina 3½and Adam 2.

McLaughlin-Guthrie: ToErin '95 and Ryan, adaughter, Marissa Noelle,on February 2, 2005 inOttawa.

Morad:ToJenniferand David’91 a sonJohnDavid, onDecember20, 2004.A brother

for Susan 7, and Ellen 5.

Simpson: To Tanya and Don ’94 a son,Cooper Thomas, on September 23, 2005. Abrother for Regan, 3 and Brody, 2.

Terzi: To Jennifer (néeDriver ’92) and Richard anadopted daughter, Julia Tian.“In February 2005, weembarked on the journey ofa lifetime to Guangxi, Chinato adopt our beautifuldaughter.”

Webber-Millen:To Ruth and Roy ’96 a son,Tasman James, onOctober 24, 2005in Vancouver BC.

Whitehouse: To Tanya andRyan ’95 a son, Tye, onAugust 4, 2004 in Saint-Sauver QC.

Zurbrugg-Drope:To Heidi ’95 andThane a son, DylanWells, on May 30,2005 in NorthVancouver. A brotherfor Matt.

Isaac & Connor Blanchette

Tye Whitehouse

Nathan Breadner

Siarra Healey

Clara & Andrew Dickieson

Joseph & Nicolas Raco

Scarlett Bloom Dominic Sherrard

Matt & Dylan Drope

Samuel Stringfellow

Cazian & Caresse Elman

Jack & Chloe Daicar

Alexandra & Colby Cardwell

Christian, Malcolm &Thomas Kyne.

Julia Terzi

David Morad ’91 and his children:Susan, 7, Ellen, 5 & John, 1.

Ruth Webber, Roy Millen ’96& son, Tasman.

Ethan Dubeau

Marissa Guthrie

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 19

Beausoleil-Sue-Ping: Kristen ’98 andAlvin Sue-Ping on April 26, 2005aboard the Carnival Triumph on theIsland of St. Thomas. Alumni attendingtheir homecoming champagne brunchin Ottawa included Sylvie Marcoux ’98, Darren Legault ’97, andCyndi Demers ’98.

Barclay-Brown:Sara ’00 and Seth’00 on July 23,2005 at GrouseMountain in NorthVancouver BC.Alumni inattendance: CherylCameron (néeBoeur ’96-’99),Dillon Cameron’99, HelenDockerill ’00, ErinHaus ’00.

Ethier-Forsythe: Allison and Chris ’99 on July 23, 2005 at theirhome in Lennoxville.

Greenidge-Maughan: Colleen andDavid ’72 on June 3, 2005 inTarrytown, NY. In attendance wereDavid’s nephews, Arthur ’01 andMichael ’04 Maughan.

Hoy-Pyman: Laura ’01 and David onSeptember 3, 2005 in Ottawa. Alumni inattendance: Dennis Hoy ’74, Dick Palmer’67, Justine Alsop ’01, Patty Kelly ’00,Danielle Howe-Borges ’98, Tom Waqué(attended 97-01), Megan Forrest ’00.

Hyndman-Miller: Cherith and Chris ’94 on September 10, 2005.

(l-r) Front: Roberto Didonato ’98, James Forsythe ’96, Allison Ethier, Chris Forsythe ’99.Second: Mike Grady ’97, Patricia Frigon ’01, Nancy Richard ’96, Matt McBrine ’96, Rob Fisk ’97, Kelley Patrick ’86, Charles Kobelt ’87.Third: James Begbie ’02, Troy Lunn ’99, Dave McBride ’93, Eddie Pomykala,Robin Stronach ’98, Jodi Coleman ’98, Brigitte Perry-Gore ’02, Gilles Ribaux ’79, Jocelyn Normandin ’92, Evan Mooney ’01.Back: Steve Zatylny ’90, Tom Allen ’69, Stacee Hutchings ’04, Jamie Woods ’99,Robert Burns ’99, Remi Aucoin ’00, Patrice Lemieux ’99, Glen Faucher ’97, Trevor Lovig ’96, Ryan Thorne ’99.

Colleen Greenidge & David Maughan ’72

(l-r): Amanda Fudakowski Kruzich ’95, Joel Kruzich ’96, Michelle Thomas ’94, Chris Miller ’94, Natalia Chenier ’05,

Jane Bridges ’95, Chad Schella ’94.

Kristen Beausoleil ’98 & Alvin Sue-Ping

Wedding of Sara Barclay ’00 & Seth Brown ’00


Laura Hoy ’01 & David Pyman

20 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

Johns-Mills: Amanda ’03 and Marc ’03 on July 9, 2005.

Kakebeeke-Meldrum: Mia ’00 and Jamie ’00 on August 6, 2005,a perfect summer day, in Georgeville QC. Alumni in attendance:Cristina Kakebeeke ’97, Carolyn KakebeekeRosen ’00, Farrell Nette ’00, Jeff Meldrum ’96, Allan Vlah ’99,Rebecca Graham ’99, Chris Fearn ’00, Jon Chatburn ’01, AshleyFilzer ’98, James Forsythe ’96, Andrew Morrisey ’99, ShawnStevens ’00, Anne Poczyniak ’00, Jennifer Dempster ’00, ChristianPfister ’99, Jane MacLennan, Sarah Mitton ’01, RenéeRobidoux ’00, Julie Mayne ’99, Megan McCormack ’01, Jon PaulBooth ’99, Alex Austin ’01, James (P.A.) Courtright ’00, St-ClairBelfour ’00, Kevin Martin ’00, Rachelle 0’Laughlin ’00, PatrickOsler ’00, Charles Goode ’01, Jeanne Clavel ’01. Professors inattendance: Bill Robson, Lissa McRae.

Lemay-Cano:Melissa ’02 andRemo last summerin Marseille.Lindsey Huff ’01 andAmelie Rousseau’05 were present inFrance. Alumnipresent atreception inMontreal:Allison Hepworth ’01, Jessica Romani ’03, Jeff Chapman ’97,Matt McCooeye ’98, Lindsey Huff ’01, Amelie Rousseau ’05, Rod Gilpin.

McVey-Sharp: Kerry ’03 and Ken ’04 on September 25, 2004 in St. Mark’s Chapel.

Munkittrick-Polhill:Kira ’99 and Ed onAugust 6, 2005 inNorth Hatley QC.

(l-r): Front: Jessica Hutwelker ’02, Meghan Simpson ’02, Kimberly McVey '02Kerry McVey ’03, Kendall Sharp ’04, Jeff Queen ’02, Cory Houle ’03, Anthony Richards ’03. Second row: Mark Gillespie ’04, Jen Cianca ’01,Danielle Doucette ’05, Emily Black ’04, Dan Wallace ’02, Nicole Padilla ’03,Ryan Forbes ’03, David Millard ’02, Jamie Allison ’04, David Cole ’00.Third row: Fannie Gaudette ’02, Mark Westberg ’00, Correne Giles ’03, Matt Woolhouse, Tim Taylor ’02, Henry Cundill, Erik Rubadeau, Jim Clifford ’03, Derek Rougeau ’05, Izzam Ahamed. Back: Bryan Lipscombe,Jean-François Letourneau ’04, Rick Hepburn, Tommy Wong, Jayson Deare,Richard Butterfield ’05, Matthew Flynn, Demitri Douzenis ’02.

Kira Munkittrick ’99 & Ed Polhill

Marriages (cont’d)

Wedding of Melissa Lemay ’02 & Remo Cano

(l-r): Adam Jezewski ’00, Marnie Patrick Jezewski ’00, Jessica Lax ’02 (Maidof Honour), Joyce Achampong ’03, Mike Jones ’03, Cheryl Toner ’02(Bridesmaid), Frank Desrosiers ’03, Amanda Johns ’03, Marc Mills ’03, Jason Mills ’04 (Best Man), Jeff Russell ’03, Carly Clarke ’06, Jono Fortin ’03(Groomsman), Kyle McKay ’99, Ron Mills (Bishop’s employee).

Wedding of Mia Kakebeeke ’00 & Jamie Meldrum ’00

Potvin-Ip: Nancy ’01 and Jack on September 24, 2005 in Montreal.

Proctor-Ditchburn: Caroline ’02 and Mikeon June 25, 2005 in Mystic QC. Alumni inattendance: Stephanie Stone ’02, AprilLepitre ’01, Mike Aulis ’02, and CaseyRichard. Caroline and Mike live inMontreal.

Schuck-Nickerson: Joy and Henry ’50 on June 12, 2005(

Springfield-Sinclair: Amy’98 and Paul ’98on July 23, 2005in King TownshipON. MichellePlanche ’98 wasMaid of Honour.Paul and Amy metat Bishop’s;Michelle andAmy have beenfriends since highschool.

Thomas-Allatt: Mary-Catherine ’02 and Dan ’03 on August 13,2005 in Ottawa.

Williams-Beaucage: Joy ’02 and Nick ’04 on September 4, 2005in Stowe, Vermont.

Zinger-Myhre: Jessica ’03 and Joel ’04 on September 30, 2005 inDauphin MB.

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 21

EngagementsBradley-Roop: Krista ’00 and Chris ’01 on November 6, 2005.Wedding in fall 2006.Church-Ghandour: Lisa and Andrew ’02 on September 3, 2005.Haslett-Munnis: Katie ’00 and Paul on Pender Island, BC onSeptember 24, 2005. Wedding on September 23, 2006 in NaramataBC.Lafrance-Andrews: Lisa ’97 and Brad on May 18, 2005 inCalgary. Wedding on January 26, 2006 in Mexico.Miller-Dixon: Sandra ’90 and Christopher, listening to bagpipesplay while the sun set on Lake Huron last July. Wedding in PrinceEdward County ON in September 2006.

Marriages (cont’d)

(l-r): Sally Paddock ’05, Mark Josefson ’04, Nadia Wechselberger ’03,Shannon McA’Nulty ’03, Joel Myhre ’04, Jessica Zinger ’03, Damien Roy ’93,Leigh Sowerby ’03, Ceri Wiig ’04, Sylvain Laroche ’04.

(l-r): Suzanne Stovel ’05, Ryan Stowe ’05, Rayna Beaupre ’01, Kim Brault ’04,Laura Sweeney ’02, Aaron Corey ’03, Joy Williams ’02, Nick Beaucage ’04,Frances Lambshead ’02, Mike Wilson ’01.

(l-r) Back to Front: Erin Hood ’02, Derek Henderson ’03, Phil Camino ’02, Sean Bateman, Mark Fitzgerald ’02, Steve Gendron ’02, Mike Mahoney ’03, Danny Allen ’03, Kristy Poirier ’02, Erin O’Neill ’05, Chris Benjamin, Andrew Carnell ’02, Geoff Smith ’02, Shannon Ballatine ’02, Alison Scott ’02,Katy Morley, Mary-Catherine Thomas ’02, Dan Allatt ’03, Lee O’Connor ’02.

Anthony DiMichele (Best Man), Amy Springford ’98,Paul Sinclair ’98, Michelle Planche ’98

Caroline Proctor ’02 & Mike Ditchburn

22 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

In HonourThe marriage of Liane Millsand Michael O’Toole inThornhill ON on November12, 2005

Robert & Elizabeth EmslieLarry GlovinWilliam Cameron MillsGavin Ross ’56

In MemoriamKatherine Angrave ’80

Janet Angrave ’69

Richard Black ’65Peter Kreuser ’66

Julie Bradshaw ’80Blair Capes’76 & RobinCooper ’78Diane Murphy ’80Sean Smith ’80

Virginia Cowan ’95Thomas AndersenBetsy ClarkeWilliam & Sally CowanMarija Dumancic ’95Laura McLean ’94Laura Pass ’95

Pauline DraperRichard St. Dizier ’66

David Gillespie ’70Brian Davidson ’70

Stewart HoppsPam McPhailSandra Young ’66

Kate Huntington ’94Robert & Shirley Smith

Peter Johnston ’50Howard Kelly ’51Joan Massiah ’52

John Macdonald(gifts for the Stewart Graham ’00 Memoriam Fund)Valerie DoyleJudy ForanRichard & Phyllis KerrMartha Moran

Irene MackayMr. & Mrs. Marvyn KussnerEdmond Monaghan

Brian Morley ’89Matthew Salo ’89

Ida Ramsey(gifts for the Stewart Graham ’00 Memoriam Fund)Judy ForanFlorence Traer

Bill Savage ’71Wyatt & Louise SavageSusan & Amy Savage

Eric & Edith YarrillDiana Colby ’70

Honorary Tributes

If you wish to send a donation to Bishop’s University in memory or honour of a graduate, friend orrelative, your gift will help fund the Alumni/Alumnae Scholarships. Please send your gift to:

Pam McPhail, Director of Development, Alumni and Development OfficeBishop’s University, Lennoxville QC J1M 1Z7

e-mail: tel: (819) 822-9660 fax: (819) 822-9653

(Please make cheques payable to Bishop’s University Foundation.)

Everett Alexander Cooper ’35, DCL ’88 on July 22, 2005 inSherbrooke QC. Husband of Margaret Ann Forbes ’48 and father ofDavid ’66, Donald ’68. Brother of Gordon ’40 and the lateDouglas ’29 and uncle of Sally Williams ’59. For acommemoration of his life, see page 23.

The Reverend Thomas James (T.J.) Davidson ’61, LST ’63,Div.Dip. ’63 on September 22, 2005 in Belleville. Husband ofRosemary Martin ’62 and father of Philip ’92. Clifford Force ’49 on August 7, 2005 in Shawville QC. Cliffordwas a retired teacher from the Pontiac Protestant High School. Hewas actively involved with the Shawville United Church choir andthe Valley Festival Choir.

Viola Louise Boomhour Gage ’40, HSD ’41 on October 11, 2005in Sherbrooke.

Rev. Canon John Charles Garrett on September 6, 2005 inGuelph. Father of Mary Elfring ’79 and Allison Sullivan ’76. Johnserved in the R.C.A. in the Second World War as a member andchaplain of the 30th field Artillery Regiment in Ottawa. Hereceived his B.A. at Trinity College and his L.S.T. at Bishop’s. Hewas ordained as a priest in June 1947 at Trinity Church, Ottawa.He served the parishes of Balderson and Lanark, North Gower,Hawkesbury, St. Richard’s Church, Ottawa and St. Peter’s Church

Brockville, from where he retired in October 1980. Since then heserved in various parishes such as St. John’s, Ogdensburg, NY, St.James, Kemptville, Merrickville and as a honourary assistant at St.James the Apostle in Guelph.

David “Doc” Gillespie ’70 on August 2, 2004 in Stouffville ON ofALS. Husband of Nancy Harbert ’71.

Howard Victor Holloway ’65 on October 20, 2005 in KnowltonQC. For a commemoration of his life, see page 23.

Peter K. Johnston ’50 on August 10, 2005 in Hudson QC.

Eileen Montgomery ’30 on September 25, 2005. She was a retiredteacher of the former Chambly County High School, who devotedher time, talent and love to her many students. She was an activemember of the United Church Women, Outreach and Social ActionCommittee and the Ecumenical Community Services committee ofSt. Lambert for over 25 years. She received the Certificate of MeritAward in 1995 for her involvement in community service throughwhich she gave hope and assistance to many disadvantaged people.

The Reverend Albert W. Snow ’53 on June 13, 2005 in NewHampshire. Husband of Janet, who also attended Bishop’s. Bothloved Bishop’s. They were married for over 50 years and dated for8 years before their marriage. They have 5 daughters.


Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 23

Family and friends of Dr. EverettCooper were deeply saddened by hisdeath on July 22, 2005. They will

forever miss a wonderful husband,companion, father and friend.

Everett Alexander Cooper (Coop) wasborn in Ormstown, Quebec, the fourth offive brothers, all of whom were born 5years apart. His father, a country doctor, died on a house callwhen Everett was 11 and his mother died when he was 13. Hewas sent to a francophone boarding school in Point AuxTrembles. In his first year he struggled because he could notspeak French, but by his last year he was at the top of his class.He became fluently bilingual, which allowed him to serve bothanglophone and francophone patients in the Eastern Townshipsin years to come. During those summers, he worked for apittance on his uncle’s farm from dawn to dusk.

He entered Bishop’s University in 1931 and graduated withHonours in English in 1935. These were depression times, andthere was no money available in the estate for him to continuein university. In order to live, he operated a roller machine in apulp and paper mill in Grande Mère, Quebec. For three years,he earned barely enough to survive and wondered if this wouldcontinue for the rest of his life.

When he had an accident in which he suffered arm andhead injuries, he received enough in workers’ compensation topay for tuition to enter McGill in medicine in 1938. He livedlike a pauper and studied long hours, reading and rereadingpassages because, as a result of the head injury, he had lost hisphotographic memory. He persisted and graduated in 1942. Hemarried Noreen Patterson the same year, and shortly afterjoined the Royal Canadian Navy as a Surgeon Lieutenant. Hewas stationed in Halifax and St. John’s during the war.

After a few years in Montreal and Asbestos, where he wasthe company doctor for Johns Manville, the family (with Davidand Donald) arrived in Sherbrooke in 1951. Dr. “Coop”practiced for over 40 years and was a wonderfully dedicateddoctor who selflessly gave to his community.

He served on the Protestant School Board for many years,was a member of the Corporation of Bishop’s University (whichawarded him an honorary doctorate in 1988), and was an activemember of Plymouth Trinity United Church. He was the onlyperson who was neither a former Principal nor Chancellor to benamed Honorary Lifetime Trustee of Bishop’s Corporation.

He cared deeply about his patients and his belovedSherbrooke Hospital and always had an amusing story and kindword for everyone. He was predeceased by Noreen in 1990 andformally retired from the practice of medicine in 1992.

In 1992, he married Margaret Anne Forbes ’48 and the tworemained lovingly devoted to one another until his death. Hehad many dear friends who enriched his life and two admiringand devoted sons.

At his funeral, countless people spoke of having workedwith “Dr. Coop” at the Sherbrooke Hospital and remember himwith great fondness and admiration, as did many formerpatients. He was a modest and humble man and would beembarrassed if he knew that some people referred to him usingthe words “icon” and “legend.”

Dr. Everett Alexander Cooper will be remembered as akind, caring and devoted professional and a man who supportedand treasured his family. He brought a ray of sunshine into thelives of those he touched with his singular good nature andsense of humour. He was a man of enormous humanity andintegrity who made a difference. God rest his soul.

Dr. Everett Alexander Cooper (Coop) ’35, DCL ’88 (July 18, 1915-July 22, 2005)

Howard V. Holloway '65, B.Ed. '66

It is with sadness we learned of the passing of Howard(Howie) V. Holloway on October 20, 2005 at home inKnowlton, Quebec, peacefully in the company of family and

friends. Diagnosed in February 2004 with brain cancer, Howie,with the constant support of his wife of 35 years, Arnee (Anne)Holloway, lived the past eighteen months with the dignity,cheerfulness and determination we all came to know as Howie’shallmark during his times at Bishop’s in the early 1960’s.

Bishop’s University student enrolment numbered less than450 when Howie arrived on campus in the company of a halfdozen fellow Chambly County High School graduates in the fallof 1961. Despite our limited numbers, those of us who attendedBishop’s organized and participated in a full range of activities.Howie was an enthusiastic contributor to campus life during histime at Bishop’s, leading the campus Photo Club, participating

in J.V. Hockey, the Freshman Introduction Committee and theFilm Society and co-captaining his Intramural Sports Team (theBig Green Machine). Howie read extensively and many willremember his varied interests ranging from the quirkyquotations of Alfred E. Neuman to the more serious works ofclassic English authors. His on campus roles as The CampusCanadian University Press Editor and Contributing Writer andPhotographer to The Quad reflected Howie’s wide-rangingtalents and zest for life.

With Howie’s interest in people and his willingness to lenda helping hand to others, it was a natural progression for Howieto pursue a career in teaching. Following his graduation fromBishop’s, Howie shared his love of History and EnglishLiterature with his students briefly in the Eastern Townshipsand latterly at various schools within the Sir Wilfrid Laurier

24 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

Through the YearsFriends of Bishop’sHugh Scott was appointed President andCEO of The Scarborough Hospital.

1940Paul Irwin and his wife, Barbara,celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary inJune 2005.

1946Hugh Banfill can be reached Kaufman DCL ’76 has written hisautobiography, Searching For Justice,published by University of Toronto Pressfor the Osgoode Society of Canadian LegalHistory. Fred led an interesting life asreporter for The Record and Montreal Starand as a lawyer, serving as the first Jewishmember of the Quebec Court of Appealand later as the Commissioner examiningthe wrongful conviction of Guy-PaulMorin and the inquiry into the StevenTruscott affair.

1957Andrew Clyde Little, while at Bishop’s,was a weekly columnist for the studentnewspaper The Campus for two years andeditor of The Mitre in his final year. Histhird book, Time Exposures - Photographsand Memories was published in fall 2005

by Trafford Press.The book isdesigned to looklike an oldfashioned photoalbum with 90black-and-whiteimages of thingsthat haven'tchanged over theyears. “I’ve taken most of these picturesrecently. Examples - deck chairs, tireswings, lifeguard stands, hammocks, etc.There are brief captions with the memoriesI associate with these pictures, but readersare encouraged to provide their ownmemories.” His previous books are On theRoad Again...Again (Penumbra Press,2001) and Before Whispers BecomeSilence, a Memoir (Penumbra Press 2003)(

1960Robert A. (Squee) Gordon received theArbor Award for outstanding voluntaryservice to the University of Toronto andwill be honoured, together with TheHonourable Bob Rae and The HonourableFrank McKenna, for contributions to theCanadian public sector education system atthe Annual Tribute Dinner of the LearningPartnership, to be held at the Toronto

Convention Centre in April 2006.

1961Michael Flavell,founding and ManagingPartner of FlavellKubrick LLP, is pleasedto announce that his firmhas merged with thehighly respected fullservice law firm LangMichener LLP, with over 200 lawyers inOttawa, Toronto, and Vancouver. Namedchair of the International Trade Group,Michael and his team continue theirpractice in the specialized fields ofinternational trade law, competition law,aboriginal law and other areas of federallaw expertise ( WaldGrundmann's book,Dark Sun: Te Rapungaand the Quest ofGeorge Dibbern, waspublished in Auckland,NZ in 2004. It’s the lifestory of German-born,controversial visionaryand free-spirited rover,Georg Johann Dibbern

(formerly Laurenval) School Board districts. Never satisfiedwith the status quo, Howie completed his Masters of Educationat McGill University in 1975. Throughout his career, Howieserved as mentor to less experienced colleagues in addition tocontinuing with his love of teaching and encouraging hisstudents.

Never limited by conventional boundaries, Howie followedmany other pursuits outside his chosen professional career andit is here we see the true measure of Howie’s contribution tofamily and community. An inveterate letter writer, Howiepursued all manner of causes by addressing his thoughtsthrough the mighty pen either directly with the peopleconcerned or through the broader medium of letters to editorsacross Canada and beyond. For the past 25 years, Howie andArnee divided their time between their homes in SuttonTownship and Montreal where they shared hearth and kinshipwith several young Townshippers venturing into the “big city.”

Howie was very involved with lay activities of theAnglican Church, serving, among other duties, as Synoddelegate for St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Knowlton and,together with Arnee, as co-ordinator of the Diocese ofMontreal’s Marriage Encounter Program for many years. Forseveral years prior to Howard’s illness, they presented “TheCouples Workshop,” a one day program for engaged andmarried couples.

Throughout his life nothing was more important to Howiethan his family: Arnee and their two wonderful daughters,Michelle and Joanne, and their families. Staunchly proud of hisassociation with Bishop’s, Howie remained in contact withmany of us who attended Bishop’s in the early 1960’s. To allprivileged to have known him, Howie leaves a wonderfullegacy of loving family relationships and lifelong friendships.

Dr. Stephen F. Prest, B.Sc. ’65

Howard Holloway (cont’d)

Erika WaldGrundmann at a

book signing

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 25

(1889-1962), author of Quest, friend ofAmerican writer Henry Miller, self-declared citizen of the world. He took astand against Nazism, in 1937 creating hisown flag and in 1940 his passport withwhich he dared to sail his 32-ft. ketch inhis mission to build bridges of internationaltolerance and friendship. For fullinformation

1966Sandy Cotton and Shelley (Anderson) arebusy with active retirement in Kingstonand with their six beautiful granddaughtersin Calgary. In spare moments, Sandycontinues to write and consult withcommunity organizations. He co-authoredPassionate Visionary: Leadership Lessonsfrom the Apostle Paul, published byNovalis in April 2005.Jim Mitchell has retired( Tinker, after acting as ExecutiveDirector of the McGill InternationalExecutive Institute for 2 years, hasreturned to Sherbrooke where he willexercise the profession of managementconsultant in the greater Eastern Townshipsarea ( Warrington is owner of the PRagency, Fantail Communications Inc., inToronto (

1967Michael Berry has worked as a ConsultantBiologist in the Northern Vancouver Islandregion of BC since 1977. Michael and hiswife, Mareen have 2 sons: Nika, an actorliving in Toronto, and Daryn, an aircraftengineer living in Hope BC. Michaelworks extensively with First Nations onfisheries and marine resource managementissues (

1968Bill Rice was appointed Chair and CEO ofthe Alberta Securities Commission. He wasformer Managing Partner at the law firm ofBennett Jones, where he spent 32 years.David Schaffelburg is serving as Presidentof the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society forthe next two years and Outgoing Presidentfor the subsequent two years.

1969Father David and Jocelyn (Pilkington)Belden completed 20 years at St. Joseph ofArimathea, Toronto’s first EnglishLanguage Orthodox parish. They are livingin Long Island and the Bahamas, servingmissions in St. Petersburg, Florida and inthe Bahamas.Donald Lee can be reached

1974Walter Lovell, after graduation, did aPhysiology degree at McGill and attendedmedical school at the University of Perugiain Italy. He went into Psychiatry,completing his Adult Psychiatry residenceyat Roosevelt Hospital in New York Cityand Child and Adolescent Psychiatry atJohns Hopkins in Baltimore. He moved toWashington state over 12 years ago andworks in a variety of settings, specializingin treatment of people with developmentaldisabilities, autism and children in fostercare. He has two teenage daughters andtwo adult stepdaughters. He has beenhappily remarried for the past 7 years. “Myonly regret is not having kept up with anytheatre activites, but maybe I’ll get back tothat in the future.”

1975Jerry Gillick is a Pharmacist at CollegePharmacy in Colorado Springs( Kearns was appointed to the Boardof Directors of the Ontario Teachers’Pension Plan. Helen is President of KearnsCapital Corp., a financial advisory firm shefounded in 2000, and former President ofNASDAQ Canada.

1976Robert Dunn was appointed ManagingPrincipal for Integro Canada for Montreal,a new international full-service insurancebrokerage firm. He recently served asExecutive Vice-President and Head ofOffice for Willis Canada in Montreal(

1978John Osinbowale can be reached

1979Kathleen Armour can be reached Fellows is President of St. PaulTravelers Canada in Toronto(çois Legros can be reached Rettew Bauer is living inRichmond VA, with her husband, Mike,and son, Mikey, 12. She is a SoftwareSales executive for Kronos “for too long.”(

Digital photos that are shotin a low resolution and look greaton your computer screen do nottranslate well into the printmedium. Low resolution photosbecome pixelated when they areincreased to a larger size, so wemay have to print your photo in asmaller size than you wish.

If you are shooting digitalphotos that you want to bepublished in Bishop’s UniversityNews, please be sure to shoot itat the highest resolution. This iseven more important for groupshots, as a low-resolution photomay have to be printed too smallfor readers to recognize peoplein the photo.

To avoid disappointment,before you take a photo,increase the resolution to thehighest possible setting on yourcamera and, with a group photo,move in as close as possible.

A reminder:when you senddigital photos

Through the Years

26 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

1980Teh Nam Seng hasbeen living inMelbourne Australiafor most of the past20 years.

1982James Lyon can be reached

1986Douglas Hall is an Antique Dealer atWhitehouse Farms in Bromont( Hung is working for Peter PanBMW in San Meteo CA. “I just went backto Hong Kong and saw some old friendsfrom Bishop’s”(

1988Kathryn Boire Cyr started her ownManagement Services for Associations inJuly 2004, providing meeting/conferenceand management services in Kanata ON(

1989Michelle Guerrero is a ProductDevelopment Consultant for PrototypeProduct Development in Toronto(

1990Michelle Beaulac, since graduation, hasbeen teaching at various schools insouthwestern Ontario. She is happilyemployed with the Thames Valley DistrictSchool Board teaching grades 4/5 andMusic at M.B. Eachren Public School inLambeth ON.Leroy Blugh was selected by theEdmonton Eskimos to its All-CenturyTeam as part of the centennial celebrationsmarking the 100th anniversary of Alberta.Fans voted online for their favouriteplayers of the past 100 years.Scott Kenner is Director of Operations,Alaska Commercial Company. Hisdaughter, Megan, is 8 and his wife, Pippa,works with the Alaska Department of Fishand Game. “We all look forward to anotherwinter with lots of snow!”( Kroeger is in Brussels as acorrespondent for BBC radio and televisionnews, reporting mainly on the EuropeanUnion and its institutions.

1991Debora Broadhurst is Art Therapist atInsight Through Images Consulting inVancouver.Mark Cardwell is Arson Investigator forthe Cochrane Fire Department.

Charlie Clarke married Anne Denley inAlexandria LA in October 2004, andKenneth Balys ’91 was present. He visitedPatti Barber Jones ’91 and Glenn Jones ’93in Vancouver in August 2005. Charlieretired from supervising and is going backto teaching and examining instructors forAASI-PSIA (American Association ofSnowboard Instructors). He lives in Vail CO.Shauna Newberry Ferland can bereached at

1992David Darwin and Cindy Carbol ’93were married on August 6, 1995. Theylived in Vancouver where David worked asa family therapist and Cindy taught middleschool. They moved to Kamloops withtheir 3 boys, Jaris, 6, Zachary 4, and Levi,2. David now divides his work timebetween the hospital and his privatepractice, and Cindy teaches music parttime and manages their home. Theywelcome contact from Bishop’s friends(david& Driver Terzi has left thecorporate world to stay home full time withher daughter Julia. Jennifer will operate afull service travel agency out of her home( Finn is Director of Student Servicesat the Lester B. Pearson School Board inDorval ( Hall is Head of Racing, Events &Sponsorship for Nautor’s Swan in Italy.Carson Lutz is Director, ResidentialPrograms at a social service agency northof Toronto. He recently bought a centuryold farm in Utopia ON and just added athird daughter, Sophie, to join Hannah andEllie. Carson’s wife, Marie, will return tomidwifery practice when Sophie decides tosleep through the night(

1993Christopher Gibbs is Marketing Directorfor Consoltex Inc. in Saint-Laurent QC( Lafond is on leave from her job inthe federal public service and is currently afull-time student in the Midwifery Programat McMaster University( Schmadtke can be reached at

Classes of '80, '81, '82Don’t miss your 25th Reunion

Fall Homecoming 2006

When the date (late Septemberor early October) of FallHomecoming 2006 isconfirmed, you will receive aninvitation to attend your 25threunion. Check your mail orvisit:


Remember . . .

• XL all dressed from Jerry’s?• “hockey pucks” for lunch

again?• 85¢ quart nights at the pub• powder puff and toilet bowl

games?• the flood of ’82?

Here’s your chance to relivethose great memories and seefriends who shared yourBishop’s experience.

Through the Years

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 27

Through the

1994Amjad “Toto” Moinuddin is ManagingPartner for Goldman Tito CertifiedAccountants in Washington D.C.( Snelgrove starred in three plays atStratford Festival last summer. He playedBrick, the male lead in TennesseeWilliams’ play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,three characters in James Reaney’s TheDonnelleys: Sticks and Stones and the titlerole in Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II.The Donnelleys: Sticks and Stones alsoplayed at the National Arts Centre inOttawa in November.

1995Sara Heighway can be reached

James Stewart is living in L.A. andworking in film. “My excitement lies in thesculpture series I am starting”(

1996Kai Bjorn is President of Create A WaveFoundation, a private non-profit foundationbridging the gap between Canadianbusiness and our athletes.Jerome Cloutier is Director, Equity &Commodity Structured Products for CIBCWorld Markets.Alison Porter is working as anactress/writer/producer for live theatricalproductions and playing violin for an alt-country band called “Yonder” in Toronto( Stebenne can be reachedçois Thibault is Director ofStaffing at Deloitte in Montreal.

1997Robin Bolivar is a Lawyer in the Mergers& Acquisitions group in the London, UKoffice of Clifford Chance LLP.Tulay Tankir Cushman is working on hisPh.D. at Boston University.Valerie Falls can be reached Lafrance is a Mortgage Broker forMortgage Intelligence in Calgary( inInnisfil ONwith his wife,Sasha, andson, Nathan,1.

Philippe Pouliot relocated to Philadelphiawhere he continues to work with Synovatein the travel and leisure research team.Vanessa Robertson is Art GalleryAssistant at the Art Gallery of GreaterVictoria. She is studying History in Art inthe Faculty of Fine Arts at University ofVictoria (

1998Alison Harding is a Lawyer working forGarays LLP in Ottawa

( Martineau finished her courses inthe PAPPF program with the TELUQ lastJune and is now a CGA. Johnny Reid was nominated for the RisingStar Award by the Canadian Country MusicAssociation.

1999Alex Chapple can be reached Clarke ’99,Kyle O'Connor’99, KirstenZiegler ’99, andKatherine MacRae’99 got together inRoatan, Honduras.

2000Amir Rashid is Lead Quality ControlAnalyst for ACNeilsen. He lives in BarrieON ( Suzuki, after her wedding to JasonCassar on October 22, 2005, moved withher husband to Malta, Europe. She isworking for Quintiles as a ClinicalResearch Associate(

2001Jenn Cianca is a Ph.D. student atUniversity of Toronto( Godbout can be reached

Four Bishop’s football alumni had the pleasureof getting together on August 28, 2005 at aconcert of Johnny Reid held in Smith Falls ON.“Johnny’s concert was truly amazing. Weencourage all alumni to follow his rising careeras he has another video on CMT Canada.

(l-r): Tom Geniole ’94, Sammie Brennan ’97,Johnny Reid ’98 (with his son) and JimmyGeorgitsos ’96.

Another small world story“Last year I [Trena Irving ’97] was atour local Canadian Tire store inWhitehorse, Yukon and imagine mysurprise when I turned around and sawmy friend from Bishop's, EdmundKimens ’97. He lives in Yellowknifeand I hadn't seen him since graduation.He was up here for a fishing trip andwas in town for 10 minutes only whenhe ran into me. Then I saw another Bishgrad outside of Canadian Tire, DaveMorris ’97, and he and Edmund alsohad a chat. Truly a small world whenyou’vegone toBishop’s!

Last July,I went toFrance andhooked upwith myformerbogmateandroomate,SylvieBonnaire’98. We attended the education programat Bish and she teaches in a town nearGrenoble in France. I am a teacher inthe Yukon. To alumni who rememberme from Bishop’s: if you are this farnorth, call me and visit!”

Trena Irving ’97 and daughter,Ava (11 months) and SylvieBonnaire ’98 and daughter,Pimprenelle (10 months).

28 • Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News

If you wish to advertise to Bishop’s graduates and friends,please send along your camera-ready business card and acheque for $100 or $250 for the ad to appear in three issues(payable to Bishop's University Alumni Association) to:Alumni and Development Office, Bishop’s University,Lennoxville QC J1M 1Z7. Tel: 819-822-9600, ext. 2266; fax: 819-822-9653, e-mail: mmcbrine@ubishops.caReproductions of cards will appear in the spring issue ofBishop’s University News. Deadline: 15 March 2006.Note: Bishop’s University is not responsible for the servicesadvertised on this page.

Business Cards

Through the YearsNancy Potvin has taught French for thelast three years for the Lester B. PearsonSchool Board ( Gabriel Rousson is a Director at NationalBank of Canada ( Ryan is living in Brooklyn NewYork with her boyfriend, who she metdoing tsunami relief work in Thailand.They have started a non-profit organizationdedicated to community building andincome generation called Project One Life( Smith is a Teacher at Seton CatholicCentral School in New York(

Michael van Lierop is a FinancialSecurity Advisor for Industrial AllianceInsurance & Financial Services Inc. inSherbrooke(

2002Aisha Sharon Jawed is a junior officer inthe Canadian Navy in Victoria BC( Smith is teaching English inSouth Korea ( Trainor is Marketing and SalesManager for McGill Athletics(

2003François Courtemanche was posted tonorthern Alberta as a member of the FaustRCMP Detachment( Hogarth is a Research Assistant forHeward Investment Management( Nalezinski is an Analyst forAccenture Inc. in Ottawa(

2005Dongge Chen can be reached

Bishop’s UniversityBookstore

Books, crested merchandise and clothingYou can now order online 822-9600 ext. 2241

Winter 2006 Bishop’s University News • 29

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