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Frye Island News Service

VOLUME 2007, ISSUE 20 SEPTEMBER 14, 2007

What’s New This Week?

Transfer Station Post Season / Operating Hours… page 2

Wayne’s words… page 3

Upcoming Meetings… page 3

Town Wide Assessment Review… page 4

Attention Boaters… page 4

BATS… page 4

Frye’s Leap General Store & Cafe… page 6

Leisure Lounge… page 7

Annual Barn Dance… page 8

Annual Halloween Party for Children… page 9

Frye Island Winter Watch… page 11

ContentsImportant Information ............................................2

Town News............................................................3

Ferry News ............................................................7

Fire Department.....................................................8

Activities & Recreation.............................................. 9

Frye Island Golf Club .............................................. 10

Calendar................................................................. 12


Important Information

Town of Frye Island1 Sunset RoadFrye Island, ME 04071Phone: 207-655-4551Fax: 207-655-3422Email: office@fryeisland.comWeb site: www.fryeisland.comTown Manager: Wayne Fournier

Office Hours

Tuesday thru Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PMSunday & Monday: Closed

Code Enforcement Officer (Paul White)

Tuesday thru Fridays 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

Fire, Medical, or Police Emergencies– Call 911

Non-emergenciesFrye Island Police: 207-655-2600Email:

Fire Department: 207-655-8618Email:

Frye Island News ServiceEditor: Lisa KerriganEmail:

Submission deadline:Wednesday, 3:00 PM - No Exceptions

Frye Island Animal Control OfficerDon Alexander655-7851

Transfer Station

Post Season Operating HoursSaturday: 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Sunday: 12 Noon – 5:00PM

Holiday weekends: Closed Sundays, open Mondays

During high season the Transfer Station can be open onclosed days by appointment only, between 8am to 3pm.

To set up a Transfer Station opening please call thePublic Works Garage at 655-7493 (please call the daybefore)

Thank you, Your Public Works Department


“Recycling Made Simple”

It ALL goes in together:

Newspapers, Magazines, CatalogsTelephone/Soft Cover BooksDirect Mail/Envelopes (all types)Paper (all colors, staples/paperclips are okay)Paperboard (cereal/shoe boxes)Milk/Juice CartonsPlastic Bottles and Containers Numbered #1-7Soda/Juice/Water Bottles (glass or plastic)Milk Jugs, Bleach/Detergent, Shampoo BottlesFood containers (cottage cheese/margarine/yogurt)Glass Bottles/Jars (any color)Aluminum (pie plates/trays/foil)Metal Cans (tin/steel/aluminum)All Cans Must be Empty and Non-Hazardous

What NOT to include:

No Plastic Bags*, No Food LinersNo Unmarked Plastics (laundry baskets/chairs/toys)No Windows/Light BulbsNo Dishes, No Pyrex, No CeramicsNo Foam Packaging, No StyrofoamNo Hazardous Material or Universal WasteNo Recyclables Containing Food Waste

*Recycling bins for plastic bags areLocated at your local grocery store.



Island Manager’s CommentsGreetings Everyone,

Meetings: The following meetings have been scheduled:

Planning Board - Public Hearing / Meeting:Saturday September 15th at 8:30 AM at theCommunity Center

Board of Selectmen / Executive Committee meeting:Saturday, September 22nd at 9:00 AM at theCommunity Center.o Public Hearing on 2008 Budget and 2003

version of the International Building Codes

Selectmen: There will be two (2) vacant positions on theBoard of Selectmen to fill at the October 6th TownMeeting. To date we have one announced candidate, PhilPerry, for the one year term left vacant when Mr. Kuikenresigned. There is still time to volunteer to run for thisone year term or run for the three year term left vacantwhen Mr. Walker decided not to run again.

Phil Perry—Phil lives at 276 Leisure Lane and lived inCumberland Foreside, ME for 30 years prior to movingto Washington, DC and Alexandria, VA. He is marriedwith 4 children and 8 grandchildren. He served as a lineofficer in the US Navy and is a retired senior executivefrom Digital Equipment Corp and earlier from FairchildSemiconductor Corp. He has served 4 years on the FIIBoard, the last as Treasurer, and for 3 years on the FIRecreation Commission. Phil has lived on Frye Islandfor 17 years and is willing to devote his energy tomaking FI a better place to live.

Board of Island Trustees (BIT): The term of BruceNisula on the BIT Executive Committee will expire atthe October Town Meeting. Bruce has expressed hisintentions to run for another three year term. Bruce livesat 16 Leisure Lane, in one of the original cottages builton the Island by his parents, and in Plantation Florida.Bruce is a retired physician. He has served on theExecutive Committee and on the Golf Committee.

SAD 6 School Board Representative: We will also bevoting for a school board representative at the TownMeeting. If you are interested in being a candidate forthis position, please call the office.

Oleg Svetlichny has indicated a desire to run again forthis position. See page 5 for his biography.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate for any ofthese positions, please contact the office.

Water Level: I spoke with Tom Howard, from SAPPI(formerly S.D.Warren), this week and was informed thatit is their intention to attempt to lower the lake levelagain this year. They were unable to reach their goal lastyear so they will be trying again this fall. They have notdeveloped the final plan yet but he thought that it wouldprobably be the same as last year. If this is true, they willreduce the lake level to 261.5 feet mean sea level (msl)by the first of November and to 261.0 feet msl by theend of November. They plan to increase the drawdownaround October 1st to reach their November 1st goal by.

We have applied for a permit with the Department ofEnvironmental Protection to dredge the entrance to theMarina. They have had our application for a couple ofmonths and are still waiting comments from theDepartment of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. We callfrequently in an effort to expedite this process but thewheels of government turn very slowly. I have asked forpermission to clean out the shallow areas near the beachif necessary in case we don’t have the permit when thewater level gets down to the point that access to theMarina becomes an issue.

There is no need to panic. I just want everyone to beaware of the situation. We have no plans to close early.We made some physical changes to the gantry systemand the engineers have recalculated the allowable loadsso we will attempt to allow heavy equipment to use theferry until the lake level reaches 262 feet which is 1 footlower than our cut-off in past years. However, if youhave heavy equipment on the Island I would suggest thatyou keep in touch with the ferry department once thelevel goes below 263 as we will be watching this veryclosely. We are in hopes that regular passenger vehicleswill have access to the ferry right to the scheduledclosing date of November 6th. The lake level today is263.85 feet and holding because of all the rain.

I will keep you posted.

Animals: There has been an unconfirmed sighting of aWolf (the 4 legged kind) on the Island. We havecontacted the Department of Inland Fisheries andWildlife and quite frankly they doubt that there would bea wolf out here. However, they did call us back sayingthat there was a black “Hybrid” (wolf bred with a dog)missing in Raymond somewhere. That doesn’t mean thatit is over here; however, I would suggest you keep aneye on your pets until we can get more information.Again, there is no need to panic, but you do need to beaware of this possibility.

Town News


Golf Course: I was fortunate to be able to play a littlegolf last weekend and observed an activity that was a bitdisturbing. While we were waiting to tee off on the 6th

hole, we saw a couple strolling up the fairway towardsthe green. These people were not playing golf butapparently were out for an afternoon walk. I later heardfrom another golfer that he had encountered a couplewith children “frogging” on the 6th hole. Folks, the golfcourse is for golfing only. It is extremely dangerous foranyone to be wandering around the golf course. Peoplehave suffered serious injury when hit by an arrant golfshot, and believe me I have personal knowledge of manyan arrant golf shot on this course. Please, a word to thewise, if you want to go for a walk and are not playinggolf, find another place to walk. It could prove to bebetter for your health.

Memorial Fund: In response to many requests, theNisula Family has established a memorial fund for SueNisula. To accommodate this, the Town has establishedan account to collect contributions to this fund.Everyone interested in contributing can make checkspayable to the Town of Frye Island – Sue NisulaMemorial Fund, and send them to The Town of FryeIsland, One Sunset Road, Frye Island Maine 04071.Proceeds will be used to construct a permanent memorialin Sue’s name at the golf course. If you have questionsor would like additional information, please contactKaitlin Nisula Tel: 655-4900, Cell: 516-512-6725, or

Have a safe and enjoyable week!


The Board of Directors of Frye Island IncorporatedHas accepted a bid on the following lot:

LOT BID Purchased As:

1349 Birch Rd. $37,700.00 Merged

Competing bids will be accepted until the close ofbusiness on Friday, September 28th

A Note from the OfficePlease make sure we have your current e-mail address(before the island closes) so that you may receive anyimportant correspondence as well as the winternewsletter.

Attention All Property OwnersAs we quickly approach the end of our season here onthe Island, this reminder goes out to all while closing upyour properties for the season – be sure to disconnectyour waterline from the Town System and leave itdisconnected to avoid getting water in your piping whenlines are abandoned.

Town Wide Assessment Review:The review of all real property on the Island will takeplace during the months of July, August, September andpart of October. The review will require access to theproperty for an exterior and interior analysis. Toaccomplish this task the plan is to divide the Island byTax Maps. The Island has three tax maps (60, 61 and62). You can identify your tax map by either checkingthe wall map in the Assessor’s Office or by checkingyour tax bill. Property/Lots appearing on: Tax map 60will be reviewed in July, Tax Map 61 will be reviewedin August, Tax Map 62 will be reviewed in September.

Each lot may not require an interior review, but in theevent a review is necessary and not made a card will beleft on the property, usually on the door knob. Contactinformation will be on the card. Otherwise feel free tocall the Assessor’s office and leave times that are goodfor you. If your property is rented please leave wordwith the renter for permitting access.

Paul White - Town of Frye Island Assessor’s Office

ATTENTION ALL FRYE ISLANDBOATERSThe water depth of the channel connecting the LongBeach Marina to the lake is now at 2 feet deep in thecenter of the channel. As the lake continues to drop, allboaters should exercise extreme caution when in thisarea. The channel is scheduled to be dredged after theIsland closes and all boats are removed. Please pass theword to your fellow boaters. Thank you.

Frye Island Marina Committee

BATSIt’s that time of year – it’s getting cold and bats {flyingmice} are trying to find a warm place for winter. If youfind one in a bed room in the morning (sunrise), it mustbe caught and tested for rabies in accordance with StateLaw). 1 in a 1000 are rabid.

Rabies information copies are available in the office.

Call your Animal Control Officer 655 7851.


Greetings,My name is Oleg Svetlichny, Lot 13. I am a candidatefor the MSAD #6 School Board. If elected, this would bemy third three-year term of service. In the past six years,I served on every committee of the Board: Finance,Facility, Salary & Personnel, Policy, and Budget.Finance Committee members are elected by the Board (Iwas elected twice). The Board Chair appoints membersto other committees. The Budget Committee has onemember from each town. Each committee elects itsChair. I chaired (once each) the Finance and the Budgetcommittees. I was elected to full Board Chair in the 05-06 school year; the year before that, I was its Vice Chair.Other appointments included District ContinuousImprovement Team, Adult Education Advisory Board,Wellness Committee, and several Search Committees,including Superintendent’s.

A major achievement that I can take credit for wasinitiating a change in the budgeting process from theincremental to the needs-based (a.k.a. zero-based)paradigm. Under the new rules, all requests must bejustified in terms of the next year needs – regardless ofwhat the current budget figures are. In addition, all needs-- current and new -- must be articulated, whether or notthey would/could be included in the budget. This way,unpleasant surprises can be kept at bay and priorities canbe assigned in a more rational manner.

Other highlights of my background are:

Public Service – Town of Frye Island

Our first year on the Island was the first year the Islandwas opened for development. (My grandchildren are thefourth generation of islanders!) Thus, I have livedthrough all of the Island’s ups and downs and wasinvolved in various ways with its affairs, includingsupporting formation of the Frye Island Corporation,serving on the FII Board of Directors, and being one ofthe founders of the Town of Frye Island. Then, in 1998,when the Island became the Town of Frye Island, Iserved on the Board of Selectman. In addition, I wasmember of the Charter Commission, ComprehensivePlan Committee, and Planning Board (alternate). Sixyears ago, I was elected (first term) to the MSAD #6Board.


I completed only five grades in Russia (then SovietUnion) before WWII bombs started to fall. My sixthgrade was in a Displaced Persons camp in postwarGermany -- U.S. Zone. I stepped onto US soil in Octoberof 1949. In 1950, I joined the United States Air Force. Igraduated (with honors) from the Aircraft & EngineMechanics School and spent the rest of my four-yearenlistment as a Flight Line Crew Chief. I continued myeducation through the United States Armed Forces

Institute -- a correspondence school. Upon discharge, Iearned BS (Penn State) and MS (Rensselaer) degrees inAeronautical Sciences and an MBA from AlexanderHamilton Institute of New York.

Professional Experience

In one sentence, my professional experience is thirtyplus years in the aerospace industry. It was interesting,varied, and constantly changing following rapid changesin the sciences and technologies. I was involvedprimarily with high technology systems, such as inertialguidance and navigation, and large-scale systems, suchas air defense and air traffic control. I did put my MBAto test by becoming an entrepreneur for a number ofyears – a high technology small firm. After the collapseof the Soviet Union, I did consulting work helping twoAmerican small companies and Russian space engineersin Moscow on the matters of joint projects.

Because of my life experiences and because of my“tortured” road to get an education, I feel strongly aboutpublic education. Its role is to build a nation. MSAD #6is a good District. Its Board is dedicated to the process ofcontinued improvements in three strategic areas: HighestStudent Achievement, Safe Learning Environment, andHigh Performance Organization. I am looking forward tocontinue contributing to these goals.

Thank you for your vote.

Town of Frye Island Planning BoardSaturday, Sep. 15, 2007 at 8:30 a.m.Community CenterPUBLIC HEARING and MeetingAgenda

Public Hearing

1. Amendments to Land Use Ordinancesa. Reconsideration of Board of Appeals Decisionsb. Application for a Building Permitc. Regulation of Docksd. Shoreland Zoning Amendments (continued


Regular Meeting

1. Minutes and Correspondence

2. Old Businessa. Decisions regarding Hearing mattersb. Review/confirmation of Planning Board By-

Lawsc. Other business

3. New Businessa. Thoughts for 2008

Please send requests for additional agenda items to DaveTreacy.

These are public meetings. The public is urged to attend.


Frye’s Leap General Store & Café655-4256

Frye’s Leap General Store & Café will be operating on our high season schedulethrough Labor Day weekend – our off season hours will commence on Tuesday,September 4th. Check for updates to our hours weekly in the FINS or stop by thestore.

Remember – even when the restaurant is closed, our takeout menu is alwaysavailable through the store!

General Store Hours

Monday 9A – 2P

Tuesday 9A – 2P

Wednesday Closed

Thursday 9A – 2P

Friday 9A – 9P

Saturday 8A – 9P

Sunday 8A – 5P

Frye’s Leap Café

The café will be open under limited operation for lunch and dinner on the followingweekends:

Saturday, September 8th - Sunday, September 9th

Saturday, September 15th – Sunday, September 16th


Leisure LoungeFairway Lane (next to the golf pro shop)

655-3551 Air Conditioned Open to the Public


Thursday - Saturday 9:00 AM - Midnight

Sunday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Monday – Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PMEnjoy satellite reception on our 42” plasma TV.

Full BarBeer, Wine, Hard Lemonade, Hard Ice Tea, & Mixed Drinks

$3.00 Root Beer Floats

Complimentary Coffee

Snacks$5.00 Pizza

$1.00 Hot Dogs

Ferry News655-4258

This Week’s Ferry Schedule

First Ferry Second Ferry

Saturday 7 AM – 11 PM

Sunday 7 AM - 9 PM 12 PM - 8 PM

Monday 7 AM - 7 PM

Tuesday 7 AM - 9 PM

Wednesday 7 AM - 7 PM

Thursday 7 AM - 11 PM

Friday 7 AM - 12 Mid 2 PM–8 PM

Ferry TicketsWe have been asking all our residents to please includeon the back portion of your tickets (the section thecashier collects) – Property Owner Name and Lot #.


Fire DepartmentFire Barn: 207-655-8618

TIPS FOR MAINTAINING WOODSTOVES AND FIREPLACESBeing educated about fireplaces and wood stoves beforeaccidents happen can prevent serious loss of propertyand life. These safety tips can help you keep yourfireplace or wood stove in safe operating conditionduring the cold weather.

Have the fireplace or wood stove professionally installedaccording to the manufacturer’s guidelines and clearancerequirements. Stoves and manufactured fireplaces shouldpass the test of a nationally recognized testing lab, suchas Underwriter’s Laboratories, or pass testing equal toUL testing standards.

Purchase a UL listed smoke detector for your house andhave it properly installed.

Hopefully your house is already hard-wired for smokedetectors. Purchase a UL listed multipurpose fireextinguisher.

Use the proper fuel for the stove or fireplace. Burn onlylogs in a wood burning stove, not paper or buildingmaterial wood.

Make sure the ashes are completely cool before removal.Place them in a noncombustible container for disposal,preferably one not kept inside the house or garage.

Have a professional chimney sweep regularly clean thechimney to reduce creosote buildup

Don’t place furniture or household items on or near thestove during operation




DIAL 9-1-1

THE FIRE DEPARTMENT HELD AFAMILY PICNIC ON THE 25TH OFAUGUST AT BEACH 4 FOR THEDEDICATED VOLUNTEERS OF FIFD.We enjoyed an extremely hot afternoon at the beach sothe youngsters and the not so young could cool off in thewater. Our organizers, the Martinez family, did anoutstanding job. We had an afternoon of culinarydelights from our master grill chef, Marty, and to top itoff, a desert table with ice cream and multiple toppings(put together by Melissa) and more delectable sweetsdonated by other families. Thanks to all that attendedand had a helping hand in making the Picnic a greatsuccess.Thank You to everyone who donates their redeemablebottles and cans to the FIFD. These proceeds allow us tohave these functions (July 4th hot dog open house,October Barn Dance, Volunteers appreciation familypicnic and the purchase of any items not covered by theTown Budget.)

Annual Barn DanceSaturday, October 6, 6:00 PMFire Barn

A Thank You To All Frye Islanders For Support Of TheFrye Island Volunteer Fire Department

Pot Luck Supper Beginning At 6 PM

Dancing 8 - 10 PM

Square Dances, Round Dances, Line Dances All calledby Ray Hilton

Bring A Dish To Share & Your Favorite Beverage

(Hot & Cold Cider and Cake will be provided by FIFD.)



Activities & RecreationRecreation Chairperson: Andrea Sansonetti

Garden ClubThe Garden Club has scheduled a business meeting forSaturday, October 6th, immediately following the TownMeeting. All interested are invited to attend.

No formal work session has been scheduled forSeptember. It would be appreciated if members wouldfind time on their own to weed the beds and dead headthe flowers at the Community Center and at the Ferry.

This is the final weekend to purchase BOBBEX for theseason, phone Claire 655-7730.


The Recreation Commission willagain be sponsoring a Halloweencostume party for children onSunday, October 7, in theCommunity Center. There will betreats for all, activities for thechildren and prizes for costumes.Plan now!

Halloween PartySunday, October 72-4 p.m.Community Center

Frye Island ChapelEstablished 1988

You are cordially invited to attend our weekly non-denominational services, which are held every Sundaymorning from 9:00 to 9:30AM. Communion is offeredon the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. There is acoffee and snack hour following the service on the 2nd

and 4th Sunday of each month. All are welcome. Dressis casual.

Presiding Chaplains: Rev. Richard Peterson, Ph.DRev. Theodore Ekholm

Frye Island's 10 Anniversary as aTown Celebration UpdateThese plans are still evolving so watch the FINS forupdates.

Mark your calendars for SundayJuly 6, 2008 for the Frye IslandFamily Field Day Event. The FieldDay Event is sure to be fun for all.

In order to make this event a success, the Frye Islandrecreation committee is taking event suggestions and arewelcoming volunteers to assist during the event. Manyof you will be attending the Family Field Day, so whynot pitch in and help out to make this one of yourfamily's fondest memories. Eager volunteers are invitedto contact Pamela LaCerte Thank you in advance foryour time and effort!

Sincerely - Pamela LaCerte

Friday, July 4

Boat Parade - Marina Committee, Tim McCarthy,Capt. Paul Bourque

Trail Tours - Conservation Commission Chairman,Ed Charrette

Ice Cream Social - Golf Course, Mark Thomas Silent Auction - Emy Adams and Raini Andronaco Musical event ?

Saturday, July 5

Island Parade - Led by a fire truck or trucks carryinglucky children who won a seat in an island raffle

Brief Town Ceremony at the ferry landing Traditional hot dogs at the Fire Barn - Chief Steve

Persson Scavenger Hunt - Lenore Rosenthal and Linda

Tabris Fireworks

Sunday, July 6

Annual Road Race - Ted Charrette Family Field Day at the Ball Field from 2-4 PM -

Pam LaCerte and hopefully lots of volunteer gameleaders

Progressive Beach Party - Beach Committee - NancyDonio - donations and help welcomed

Appetizers at Beach 1(from 4-5 PM), hot dogs atBeach 4 (5-6 PM), S'mores at Beach 5,(6-7 PM)

The next meeting of the Steering Committee for thisspecial weekend is Sunday, October 7 at 1 PM in theCommunity Center Library. We welcome allsuggestions, donations and volunteers.


Frye Island Golf Club655-3551 Open to the Public Fairway Lane

HoursFriday & Saturday 9:00 AM - Dusk

Sunday: 8:30 AM – Dusk

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

(Weather permitting)

Tee times are highly recommended,especially on the weekends.

Greens FeesWeekday: $18.00

Weekend and Holidays: $30.00

Twilight (after 5 PM): $13.00

Weekday Youth (16 and under): $10.00

Weekend Youth (16 and under): $20.00

3-day weekday pass: $45.00

Week-long unlimited golf pass: $100.00

Cart RentalsGas Cart:

9 Holes: $16.00

18 Holes: $26.00

Pull Cart:

9 or 18 Holes: $4.00

Club Rentals: $12.00

Pro ShopWe have an assortment of golf balls, gloves, putters,hats, jackets, sweaters, and shirts. New jackets are dueon order and due to arrive soon. If there is somethingyou need and we don’t have it in stock, we will try andorder it.

Tournament Schedule for 2007September 22 Shoot OutOctober 7 October’s BestOctober 13 Cross Country

Sunday Morning ScrambleThis Sunday morning, tee off at 9:00am, sign up startingat 8:30am.

Sunday, September 9th Scramble Results

1st Place Team- (-4) $41.00 each:

Paul ConroyAl SweetJohn PiepowskiPaul Dick

2nd Place Team- (-4) $17.60 each:

Mike SalvoWhit HortonGlen KeefeMike Morrill

Closest to the Pin $22.50 each:

#4 Paul Osborn#8 Wally Felag



September 2007Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00a FII Annual Mtg.

10:00a Public Hearing@ CC for Budget

President’s Cup

6:00p Ice Cream Social


8:30a Yacht ClubAnnual Mtg @ CC

9:00a Chapel @ CC

1:00p Celebration ofSue Nisula’s Life @ CC

5:30p Labor Day DinnerDance

3 4 5 6 7

Sebago Lake Escape

7:00p BOS/EC Mtg @CC

7:00p Zoning Board ofAppeals @ CC


8:30a Planning BoardMtg @ CC


9:00a Chapel @ CC

10 11 12

7:00p FII Board Mtg @CC

13 14 15

8:30a Planning Board@ CC


Golf Work Day

9:00a Chapel @ CC

17 18 19 20 21 22

9:00a BOS/EC Mtg @CC

Shoot Out


9:00a Chapel @ CC

24 25 26 27 28 29


9:00a Chapel @ CC
