ft'-- ^WSPAPER IN TWIN k twii FAiLLS i E W i...


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’twii---------:— .

0. KO- 243. l .B A 8^^gn ,

, CONGIIEe!) I1EI1B5 PLEIl Jfl fitPEIlL SPEUL THES' ’ A ttacks C enter M ainly c n Au­

tom obile and T h e a ter D uties; IVIellon’s P lans fo r R ev isionEndorsed

o ^ , ■ __iV A flllXO TO X, Jim. 10

fo r repeal o f mnny o f tlio no cnllcd nu'r nnco tnxM a n it ' eniloT«f«»'nt o f Um Mellon liix plnn w t'ic lipiird to d n / ' by till* liotino wnyn nml. m ean# i'om»iitt*Mi, now (IrnflinB tho now rJivoniic incnnuru Pnrlinriicninry iiinnvtivcrlnp prepnratory to tlip fi^h t on tlin bill nlion it is rc- portcO to t l io . hom e abu tcd ponding oufromo o f thc Tulcs pontcnt mow belnj; woKoil on tlio floor.

Attikckn on p r m n t sp cc iM .tax rtiU& / ^ liofofo the roinm lttep today ccntercil

mainly on th<» nutrim ohlle nnd nccwaor- ii‘« duties Iind those oti tlwftior.ndmlBr.

• «ions.I Itcpri'Hcntntivcs D n tiinecr o f UnsiO'

' rJniRclta nnd niirlnosH o f North DnkotJ, ropiililicnnn, tirRcil n 'ponl o f nil spcclnl tnxfn, the form er kURffrstlnu n -im lfi tn x ns n*iiulisfitnto. M r. DalUnner also

• ndvorntcd rsix in s th r QRo lim it from Jfl to ;;i ypnra o f. r lilld rrn for whom exemption m a y ’be clnitncd in ineoma tnx pnymcnt^.

Auin'xt Thomns, p residen t o f th e In ' ternutionni T h fa te r >tnnn{fers’ nssocin- tion, snid tho th c iitr r admission tnx

• wfv» dcstroyinR Uie spoken dm m n in th i" coilntry'-nnd urROd i ts rcp en l.'. R epresentntivo O nrner of-Tnxus, nu­

th o r nf tho dem ocrntie niifaatitutn ta:^ «eliem«' proposinf^ -h ig h e r A iirtax nitd lower nnrmul ta x ra te s tlln y th e trens- « ry sMTotnry, nsVcd w b y * ^ # nssoeii- tion pnrtieulnrly fnvor««l STr. M ollon's 7>lnti nnd wns told "bepausi* Mr. Mollon is a sii'*eossfnl business* tnan nnd h h Kchemc, wo believe,’ in s^ in d econom- ie fllly ,"

iteprcsen tativo Olnney, dcmocrnt) Mlchignn, demanded repeal o f th j th ree per cen t tax on nntom oblle triieVi arid of t> n t on niitom obilc putt* \j«c\ in repnir w ork ns woll ns a roductio’i o f the tnx on high p riced nutoniobiles

— nnd (‘limlnntion o f i t en tire ly on priced enrs. A sim ilar plen wn» mnde liv E . P . Cliiilforfl o f th e M otors, niid ArrCBsories M«mifn<-furera’ nsso-itition.

A mii;Bcsllnn of 1{i»presentntive'Biir't- no.Hs thnt a tnx bo lev iod on tlx- un­d istribu ted profits o f ro rporations nirl a fiivornlili* responNP from (Minirmui Green who snid. ho-.wver, thc f|iiestion hitii not e<>nie before th e ro iuniittee am! it wiiH problenuitical i f il would ’i< taU tn up.

BOOST 8UOAE PIVTDEND..NEW YOItK. ,Tnn. IJJ '(/?)—r)irecfor>

- f lf-th c G rent \V cstoni SwRtir eoi«pi\ny A the Inrgrtt ln‘et Hugiir prodM cer^n th<

U n ited ‘i^tJit«:j^\vit!i Ifl fac to ries in Colo rmlo, NcbriisUa, W yom ing and Mon tana , will nice.t here tom orrow nnd ni <Tenae the nnniml d iv idend on the com mon stork- from tlO to $80, It, wai Icurncd from o ffic ia l sources todaj’.

J \ -------------------------- -

Prepare Petition' 23 Miles Long for

, Griffis’ Releas(NinetcBH Governors, 117 Mem

bors of Cong’resd, A ttach Sig natures to Ploa fo r Freedoi of American Arm j 'M a n

CHICAGO. J a n ..^ f l M>)—A petitio 23 miles long and co n ta in ing 2,080,7C

• • sam es, wns being w ound on a tnnnmoth rcol here ton ig h t for dispatch t

j th o , Oermnn ‘governm ent w ithin tl; ^ o x t fbw days. ' ^

I t asks fo r tho rcn<nse otj^l.cutonni• Corliss Ilooven G riffis, now Held in

tierm an prison irtiarged w]th a ttem p ing to k |duup Grover C leveland Dcri •loll, d rn ft ovnder. . .

D r.-Jam es Whit«-?y H all, chnimui o f tili'o ^ i m i t t c c w ork ing fo r th a r ll'iiso o f LlMitenniit G riffis , snid a coj o f th e ^ r t i f i c n t lo h o f tho count t

1 nninfs,'together w ith th c nnnduncumei / o f dlsjiatch o f the p e titio n wns cabU I to P resident E b ert o f Oermnny todn r ■ Among tho signn tu res, «ho snid, ui

f those of 10 governors, -117 m eqbers i rnng rcu , 120S ninynrs, 20 dopartmcu

' eommnnders .o f tlio Amorlcti.n Legii• und 410 stu^o legislators:

Survives Extrem e ■ Electrical Shoe

■ , BOnENECTADT, K. Y , J ln j-10 C — Although A cu rrcn t o f sd,000' Srol

• (it c lo c trid ty pass'od. th rough bU bod stopping b ren th inc o n d ' heo rt. a c tl fo r ' several miijutes, A rchie Branal

• • nn pii'e lric ian ' em ployed b y tho Gc ornl E lec tro e‘n n p aiiy berej i i t t olive.' .lie,' wilt; reeovor, pbysiela said. * - ■ ! .


FAjC Greatest Ainer

Battles With 11- B reaking 1

S Navy Dirigible Shenar Her Way Back Hoir

jy.' Away in 72-Mile-an- JJ. Bring Ship to,Safetjion ■ LAKEHOTSTi N. J ., Jian. 17

l a r g e s t a i r ^ p a n d ^ r i d e o f t h e ' h e r .m o o r i n g m a s t e a r l} ^ l a s t n ig

cns h o t v s o u t f o u g h t a n d o n t m a n e u uV 3 - 2 0 t h i s m o r n i n g w a s b e i n g 1 ^ h u d m a d e t h e m o s t s p e c t a c u l a !

a i r s h i p c ^ h i s v a r i e t y o v e r h a suru ---------------■ ' -----------^

l i i f l F l O D S ’ s IftTH IS Mtmilllsr. ...... •• - ...... . I-,.....

Governor R efu ses R ep rieve; i'r, l.lttle Credence in A ffid a vit; 'J;l Daughter- P ledges FaithTOM CITY, Jnn . 10 W l -lioii) Omer H. Woods, convicted w ife .s layer, oma ,niust dio a t sunrlHC Fridny m orning, it

[wan practically decided toilny' when In ' Governor Chrirles Jf. M abey refused to

cin- {jrniit n reprlj»^e. Governor M aybe nnd tnx other inembers of the bonrd o f pardons

In j>lareil n o ,trcd en co in the a ff id a v it signed hy * ‘ I'raiikUiv W hiteside ' ’ th a t A. C. V’ndney, w itness against Woods, had confossmi to the killing of

'•“ •J Mrs. Woods. The pardoa bonrd iiijtcr iiouring and considering the evidence carefully, deeldetl th a t the a ff id a v it

• wns mnde a t tho instigation o f Woods ‘ nnd thnl i t wns worthless.

\^ o d s wns convict-'il o f hnvlii;} Htr^n Klc?-hl« iuviilld w ife nM\ Uk-u u ttem pt. cd to set firo to th e npartm unt house

' 'In which he wns living. The m urder * was committed two yenrs ago.

i'*' ■ Woods has accepted h'la frequen t de- nlnls for reprieve or com inutation ;cali5_ly aud sta ted tod:iy th n t he wns “ (»oJng to bo b rav o .’ ' , -

8ALT LA K E CITY, J a n . Ift—(linet n . Woo.ls, convicted U tah 'w ife mur. dcrer, today m ad e public a le tte r r c

*un reiyhltly from his dnughter, Mlsn. Tey Leo Woods, form er JLIniversity ot

m ui •’* Tennessee. Theition addressed: My Own D ear

est D a d " j jn d signed “ D nughter,” in I t„. which she derlnred her love for her fa

ther and th n t she kucw Ue w us iuiio cent. “ I d o n ’t Lhlnk th is world cm hurt me nny m o re ." wrote Miss W'oods “ I t hns takon you and m other fron mo In such a w ny .”

>i\ny, .a ,'” NAME CALDWELL V.ETERAN Mon- a d j u t a n t GENERAIL A lD tcom- pif8{ U o u tq ja n t B ruce Lelser; W li was Served w ltb Second Idaho Over#eai

. A ppotated to Office

•liOlRK, .Inn. 10 O Pi-T J... appoinl ment of First • L ieutcnnnt Bniee Le xer of (?alihvi'll to ihe position of ni sistnnt nd.jutant general was nr

P noiiiii'ed' througli the office of Oovei • nor ( \ C. Moore todny. L ieutenni

I O A officer o f th e servi<l o c Ironp, Uflth cavnlry, Idnho Nntiijn:

(hiifcil. He hns heen in tho N'ntioni [ e m - years n«il saw butvug i _ - III Prance w ith the Recoup; Id ih o . .. His ;tt^>ointnicnt is effoi’th t , i - ia n i

nry will "replnco L ie u t^ a n Ccilonrl H nrry T. Lowis, f o rm e j^ d j t tan t general. x

titlon _______________


Steamer N onnatm la Sends W irele: ^ TelUng o f LenJc S p r u n g in S n g li

onnnt Soom; H elp la Bent a t Once

" NKW Y bR K . .Inn. 10 cnipt- rommunlcation here pirki-d fip n t .'i:: Derg-, p. m. to<lay nn S. O. S. cnll from tl

Pnnish stennicr Xurmaniu, .nayinii «1 Irman hnd sprung n leak iu her engino roo 10 ro- nnd ^yns CQ miles southeast by ea st < , copy JVyiiig I’nn lightship, ou the coa»>' ' I o f Virgiiiia. in need of imnieditile iikhI.h ument 'Tho const gwnrd c u tte r Ynni;ablcd 'r a w has gone to her aid . • . todny. I Another rndio from ,the Ir-akini: vt I arei''* '! “ "iinnnced she w as 's in k in g fast, [•'rs o f message snid th e s te iu iv r Clinrltm o tttK '- Harwood was steaniing to Iho X< jCffton prnl»nbly would roa*

t e r within an Iwur.^ • •


:Oefc ' PORTLAND, Oto., Jn n . 10 m Tho serond and last day o f the Idiii

1 8 ' wool sale hern hrnui'h t ou t be tte r ’volt*'! thnn weru renlUod n t the f ir s t day body, Tho top price paid w as -(4 1

action '((en ta for ono of. the best clips ijrox anfthl, -in Idaho. .

G en-i Orowora aoid B2S.OOO pounds and i I etUI Joctcd bids on about -<00,000 poun ile U n s . which ' w ill bo held in P o rtlan d 1

jln te r sa le .'



rican Airship i Storms After From Mooringandoah Gallantly Fights )me After Being Swept in-Hour Gale; Crew of 30 ity____17 (IP)— The Shenandoah, world’s the United S ta tes ;navy, tprn from night by a raging storm, fo r seven leuvered tho howUng/gale and a t g lowered into her hangarr ■ • ■ She liar fight against the elements an bas sucoessfuly made.

e> l-’or more thnn nn noiir officinls nt Iho niival iilr s l a f ^ i held .out H ttl^ hope thnt she ever would be br<uiglff

• l>aek safely. F inally , however. « in - less messages Indicated th a t tlie^phip

R wus under control nnd would riilo uiii tho Btbtm.'

EverjMniin n t UrtTTtntlon wns oniere.l to B tftJidjiy j ^ d y to help wi:li t ‘i.-

_ lan d in g " » f tlie^ b ig c ra ft, while ,p . acres o f i a ^ al>»ul the sta tion wir*-

illum lnuted witb/'Imgo'sejircJilighls*I t ; A t Low AlUtude.

I4i8t reports' saiil the dirigible had poased over various New .Jersey ,-iiie»,

t including }j^wark, hud flown so low .a one point th n W h u voices of her erew

*er, cxUKi he henrd ou tlii' Kroum!, hnd renohcil S la teu Jslnnd, N. V., aud nftoi-

',,.,1 hovering there for several niinnli'!i, li;id jj, turned tow ard Lukvinust iiRiviu.

ind Hreakini' aw ay o f ’ th e Sheiinndoah, which.wfis moored to ihe inaMnivema'*' in a ten day te s t o f its eapaeity in kiu’Ii

ing " posltiop, cnst_ n sha<low av e r Jfif sta-

- The Shennndoah to re luone with n _ crash. All d ay -sh e hnd heen swnyn.1

■ to nnd fro b y n strong w iad and thero wua cuucildcruble Hpeciilatloii, a s to w hether thc ship should bo returned lo

“ ? her hnngnr. Thosi' in coniniand, how­ever, declared th a t 'th e te s t was to determ ine how strong n wind thc Bhip

*1’ ' 'cou ld 's tand , and th n l thoy were confi- dent she would rcma.H nioft.

der _____i W A aH E N O IO K , J m . 1 7 Mo­

de- The ahenandoali w aa tjroo flit to '-' ion th e ground a t L akehorst, I f . 3^

wns S;20 &. m., tb* n&T7 d e p tf ta e n t I v a s Inform ed In » a a m f a »>I ce lved .fira mlnnt«s later. .

lur- • • W ANT U . B. TO ACT.re- ATIfENH, ,Ian. t4>)—The Veiu

lipn zeloH newspapers nro ju b ilnn t ovci of Great H ritn in ’s resniu|iti(in o f relation-

The Oreece and expresn hope that'th<^.„r. I’nited B tates will follow th is b-nd.

f!'! r* IDAHO W EATHER.mo- 'r i" " ^ 'la y : Fair.

ods, --------- ~|. ANYONI

AN ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - -D E , |— — :--------------— ---------

Who ' ■ .leaa, • . '

’’ “ ' i - U k

'“ j i i S w L i i

. " t i l ” i i n i i i V ? f '

frown ‘ I

id ro -ounds - . - - .I for , r is i *,u > 11 .1 ............... .


D A l lIP , JA irtT A aY n , ’ i'i)2i^

D E S O T M ^,BLKJIC.TIi:iO N iy iE lltE S

Politics Is A bsorbing jssu e Among Solons While, C on­

's gresslon al P rogram , W a its; “ W ant Inquiry in Su gar C asei t . W A fl II1 X<5 TO nT ” n . lU C4>)—D e­l e win* of houim members to t a lk 'p r o - tn* ventl'rl another iihowdown today on th c

riili'H i|uestion, nuc :in agreem,ent wns I riaehed to have n vote l<imorrow on

^ ^ I h e main pnlnt .o f contention—how - ^ n iaiir ‘ names nhould lie required on

I jietitlons for tlio dischnrge of con»- *1’ ' initfees.

I itepublienn orgaaizntion leaders fn*J viif a minimnm of ITil) nam es wbilo

p I thc republican insurgents and denio- '[■j c ra N ’ iia re heen advocating a . 100-

name inlniniuni.The debntc torlay for tlic most p a r t

wnn uf a political nntiire, denioeratB a ttnck lng Ihe ropahlicansow ith occn- j « i^ n l aid from an ' iu 'airgent w here I tlu i're g u la r reiuihlieans spent most of 'lU e ir tim e eritlcjsing tb e view s of ib e j insurgents anrl demoerals. i

'T he discussion Indicated th a t ou the ! vote tomorrow there wonbl be some I defeclion, m aking It'Som ew hat doubt- I ful w hether the democrats nnd iusur-

gen is would be ^ahle to bowl over the " ' republican organixntioii ns they d id

I M onday when they brought aliout “ ■ ! peal o f the . Underwoad tiiweud»MJut

I rule. ’" ; ------

! W ANT m Q u m yt ^ i •WAHIIINGTON, Jan . • in (>P)—N o- Jo I tie f o f In ternal dissension Iii the ta r-

i Iff. eommlsslon was tnken in c'on- to Uress todny, ■ lleprese^itntlve G riffin , lip. I dem ocrat, New York, Introducing a

\ TMuiution cnlUng for nn invesllg/ilion by tho house wnys anrl means com- niitte.e <if “ n r e p o r t '' thu t the Wifo of a meml>er of the coniniisslon held aa in terest 1n n sugar forporntion.

i .-The nction wns tak e n 'n s a fc’sn it o f ( the row during Opening'heaVlnga o f

f b e . etunmUiIon oa th e sugar ta r i f f yenterday when Com m isslonef Glnssio

'i ttald Ul* w ife Rtid raen\bers of hpr J fiimily were owners o f a Louisiana

iu> m gnr ptnntatlon and m ill. The com- ■cr nii»«ion divided equally nnioilg ita • n s ' n-“nibersliip on tho question of M rs. ihc Cil iK.iie partic ipating in disposition o f

’ the sugar case.' The commission today proccoded ' wiMi the hearing w ithout tho Issue ' cropping out again.


. 1 ' V - '

' O o im la

f a l l s COUNTi


^ ______ • • o y c in c u l.A T ip N S N

Oregon Commission .'Concurs on Idaho

1 Power Valuations.Order Is Issued by Publio

S Scrvicc Orgijnization Join- •ing Findings a t Boise

SALI':M. Ore., .Ian. Hi OP)— The Oregon puhlie serviee tnmmission

IjA today iH.iiied nn order eoncurring w ith nil order- o f the Idnho public

n ~ utilillon eomniihsion in fix ing , the v.iilnulioii'of properties o f tho Ida*

^ ho Power voiupuuy for ra te imiki>\g s e purpo.ten lU S'i<),l«-_>,:iH«.H7. Of

tills ninouiit , rt'iire-sents luitternieiits during the '.pe- rlod' from -Dee. :il, li)fi), to Junu :io, ll)2:i. On tiie form er dnte, the valuation was placed a t ♦ll.l*»t,- 4.'U.tlO. ■ ^

onOW-- - • ,• . .- , , , . ■ , - --------fEPfiCEIENTOFDIiniORGEDa r t ______ •

c»- G overnor Pinchot C ites E ffe ct " 5 o f Lack o t Regard fo r -F e d - ii"o eral R e l a t i o n sl''>' \T A S in .\O T O x | Jnn . 10 OT— “ j” ( 'Iin^ jiin^^lin t fniliiri* o f llio fcdornl i,r. Ri'VoTnm^nt tn do its “ plain d u ly ” (lie under th e prohibition lawa was tbo' lid m ain causa of present lawlcsineaa.

Oovernor P inchot of I'ennaylvftnlo, ad- dreiising a sension of tho annual con­vention of tho Anti-Saloon league here, sa id ho joined “ in tho gonoral

‘dem n n d " fo r a congri>>B^nnl Invca- <o- tig a tio u o f prohibitiau ciiforccm ont. ar- The PennaylvaBla cxocutlve’a ad* bn* dr<.>S8 was made a t the n igh t acaslon fin , o f the convention .a f te r moro thnn

n L*,000 peraons during tho day had ion jiiincd the delugnte& in p resen ting tc om- P resident Coolidgo n t tho W hite '■ifo Houso! n pledge of cp-pporotloa In en leld furcem vnt of the cigjjivonth am end I. m ent and of loyalty to th c conatitu

o f I'tion. In a b rief nddresa to tho oa o f : semblage' the president declared thon

r i f f { was no ' ‘such th ing ua ^Ibcrty w ith «" lo [n iit observ'nnce of law ” nnd oxpressot Hpr I Jus 'thnnka fo r - l i te nssuianco of co nna operation.ont- f A sserting thn t in the laa t tw o year;

there hns Iwen n grent reversal o f tin I r s . progress f ir s t mnde in prohib ition on

o f foreenient, Oovernor P inclio t -told th ' '.convoDtion tho greatcat b reeder o crim e Iu the country today la th<

isue ____ . — -------------- - -I (Coiitinuecl on Page 4, Col. 2)


[ I

HI ' Vr ■■

r i g l i t , 1928, b y tbe. New* Y ork Tribune, l i

” ' - ' ' - f t ' - -

i E W i ^s t ^ _________ ijRiOT n r a OSKTS

H r n r: ASComiuPTN; EEJISEDEINK'tl —

' Denby and R oosevelt Also T a r- ' g ets for Broadside o f F iery .

II Sarcasm of- Caraway- in S en - f a te H earing ' - «i ’

WASHlNaTON, Jan. 16 , — Corruption in connection

,- with tfifc lease o f-th e Teapot Domo naval oil reserve to tbe

^ Sinclair interosts w as charged I today in tho sonato against IL Albert Fall, form er soore*If ta ry of the interior, by Sena- n tor Caraway, democrat, 'A r- j r k a n s a s .

I U I -Moreover, Mr. Caraway naairlled Soe- rc ta ry Dcnby nnd A ssistan t Secrolary

p-A Koosuvolt in connection w ith th e ir np‘- •- proval o f tho ieuae and a ttack ed Attor*

3d-, ney Oenoral D augherty.I H e declared th a t aa long o a -U r .- - D augh ter^ rem aiued . “ iit th e holm o f th e depa itB o n t o f ju s tlc ^ th e y n a y

n — sell th e W hite House and b e abao lu tdy o ral Immune fro m -a n y proaoctxtlon in th e tyM ledBtttl court.* 'tbo ' Bovlowing tho lease an d dw elling on

tho aovoral statonicnta made b y Mr. '«“»•' P a ll and Edw ard B. McLean, Wash* ad- ington newspaper publisher, ha to the

con* aourco of tho funds used by M r. F all igue in en la rg ing and Im proving hla Kew o ral M exico ranch. Senator C araw ay sum* , vca- med u p ‘ lils address w ith thia deelar»- n t. ,tion :ad* 1 AUegea Se trayaL

8 ion[ humlRat-ing a ltu a tlo a for tho f ir s t tim e In th'e Llstorj-i o f Amcrico, so f a r oa I know— and, I bopo i t will be th e la s t t i n e - -

° | a cab inet officer bctrhyed th c .high ‘’“ 'j t r u s t Imposed in him, and fo r a cor*

®.“ ‘ ‘ .ru p t consideration sold>tho very meaaa iby -whlcb our nntionnl defense la to b«

: ." - ' p r o l o c < o , l . -' . . . I S enato r Caraway declared th a t a f te r * ,* I P residen t Hnrding, w ithou t au tho rity , ■**® (had trjinaferred th e ,n a v a l oil resen-o

‘ from tho .co n tro l o f tho fiavy depart* jm en t to tho interior departm ent, M r.

[®^” iFnll, “ w ithout notice to tho country, j hegoUatod some kind o f a deni .wltti

thfl t.wo o il people nnd p a tted w ith tb«. la s t gallon o f Am erioa’s n^vnl r e s c u e

11,0 ■ - . - - . — ' Began Inquiry .) “ T ho ' InvestlgatiuR vommlttoc»*

snid Sena to r Carnwny, re fe rring ^ tb«»■ ■ - senato public lands com m ittee w hich —

wns d irec ted to inquire in to tho lease, “ finnlly commenced to inquire w itb reference fo the suddenly verj’ vAslly ittereased apparent prosperity o f M r. F all nnd he came boforn th e ednimlt* tee and made n sta tou icn t. O thor ev i­dence was offered and then ho dr* d in ed to 'g o before tho com m ittee, b u t

(Cointlnued.A n page 4) CoL 3)

‘ Favorable Action on Grain Bill in

Congress is SeenKendricks Painla O p t^ i s t io .

Picture of F u tu r r of Live'- . stock Industry; Organization

J Needed for EeUef .«—

O.MAIIA, Jan . .1*1 (/P)—A favorable report tfl*cougrcs» of tho Norris-S inclalr

; bill to Ktikbilize thu pncc o f-g ra in was forecast here today by U nited S tatca ' .Senator John li . K eiulrick, dem ocrat, W yoming, in an n<]^^ss beforo tho an-

,iiual convention of tb'o N ational LIvV (itock hssoelntion. A gricultural; ‘tii^ tr ic ts Iu tho Northwc'at, M r. K endrick nsie rted , woro painted na bud a s the oonilitlouH in Huasia by witnesaes who appeared beforo the senate agricnl* tiirnl couiniittoo Khich Is balding hear*

,Iiigs on th e NorriiirSinebiir measure.“ A bill is certain tb be brought In

by tho Iiiterststo 'com m crco cbm niissioti- looking to the repeal o f thu section 15 A 'o f tho Each-CuPimlna a c t nnd also to abroga te tt)o excess Pullinna fn re ," [Senntor'K cndrick declared. “ Thero will

— < be opposition lo th 'at b ill, o f course, b u t 1 -thi«k I t will go tbrough. ju a t tbe_^ same.

“ I w an t the Ilvosfock nnd agrieol; tu ra l in te re sts to know thU—th a t aay re lie f th a t ia to .*on>« to them n o a t como from witUiiu '' ■ .

“ Thcro niuat bo local o r g a n iu t l e u ' nnd through them g e n e ra l ' o rganiaai , 116ns; Thoao orgonlsotlona will fin a lly solve your •piobiema.'

“ 8 w ® poodle bave t a lk e d .a ^ u t th e l i ^ o e k induatry g o in f t o piM M . J U > ' m S M e r tb U : tb-B liVMtodC b u i s m <•

• not going to piecea. I t. is go lag to eo«- . tinde. Borne men who aro in th e 1W*«.

stock .buaineas moy go’ to pleeoa. fittt,.; tho bualaeaa U going on jw t . t h e

i, la e . I t ia go ing to be i a v e d ." .. . . .V f ; ’'’/

■ Page Two T'W

JDimO SPUDS■; imum

■ G overnm ent Resum e of Pas Y ear S h ow s G reatly Increas

. ed A creage and Good Yiel: ’ Price Level Under Averag

Tlio oiitMtainUnt* rlijirnftoristlcii ( fJiC' whSfc pot:it(. <lo:il iMlilio nt'Fc' th(‘ (;rc”.tly iiii'rrasr.l ii.Ti net* (Sir,no?) ii'Ti'H'. Ihi- K'U"' .'■■'•'li. K'*i c rallv <|u:ilitv nnii low iii:irk<

' j.riccji llin.in;lmut tlio Hoawni, iii'conliii (p tuiirkot ro|nirl!< i!*iiicil from llio Idiili Fulkxoffic-o^of tlio Cnilo.I «tnto;« -I pnrtiiioiil- n f :iijrioiiUiir<' liufc'au nr'aj;! r.iiltiirnl Q ^iom irn . -livi-ooii o f friiil nml viTotiilili'K. Tlm n'M'iiiu’ <>f\ tl'

'l.ln lio .lo.tl H I.M f..llo»v«L • npKl’.ilo oKfiniat.-M Mint

.'i700 iMTc-s woro nnt <liij:' «'m urki't . i-iiiiilili«n'i». .'■ii'l tlrnK tb

; (inioiiiifA foci I" llvi-HtD.'k aii.l out in "ortlii^ WIT" niiiiTiiiully l.'irj; toUiK sliii'iiinifH fnr Mio non i.ti nil 'jirrvioii^t roronl^, lii^yn; in.'JlH r:i InnilB '■oiHj'urcil willi I J.OJO iliirln

imil S ltij for All' niiiisiiiil ooncliliiiti ilovolo|ii'cl i

A pril tills »-on«oii. wlii'.i fihilio Miij mctitM iiiovoil ill (•nii»i<liT:il>lo vnliitn to points aloriu th<» Atliiiitic- nonlionn F or ^i»i«! it-\v;iw ontiniatnh lliiil)?lwTcn .’in uml 100 |'o r iliiv oi

‘ toroil tlioci' markolfi from Iilaho i r<*«p<>niio to tlij^slin rfado Jn rii*tor nhippintr. gortioiiF.

B e r ln r o f tho Zdnbo Falla Deal. The 191.’2-L’3 MonM.n in Malio waT'vor

.<liRroiirii(;>n|r. liotli frnm U y'"'’"'*’*’ ' nnd n ilonlor’n ntan>l|>niiit. A( llio >x pinnlftif fr/ofi* ro.'<-iv<*<l hy Ihi' er<‘» I'M w fro vory llftlp nioro tJii.ii Miff;

. r ic n t to rovor iliKK'nir fnBtH ami Into on thev foil bolow tlilii niiirk in nom eawd. ’ i t wnn ontimatf.j l.y unnii.- :n: thoritio* thnf nroiiml ?i70n noros of p. tn tord wore loft iimliin in Mnho iii «Urpct rmiiU o f tho poor mnrUot mi' look in tlio fnlt.

'^Vnfronjnt ifrlro*. xnokoil por hnr .Irwlwoiclit. r . P. Nn. 1 Crn'lo, fo HurnU a t iJn lin F alls nponoil this fio.*: Kon nt nrnnnil -»0i- to fift; first prlros o HuMCts woro nrotiml .^Or fo'tVlc. In t»i fnll o f l i lL 'l . IliirnlK wore toiinrtnl

tn nn<l Riissrt* i^l.l-' tn' p r lro s ' w hirh woro in mnrkoil oiiiitra?

wHIi th ii noasiui’s nponinK q'lolntion Shlppinc I«'iiit pricos .1crlino<l i<to:ii

iir- from tlio lii-;:innine of tho si'as.i u n til tho firs t o f Frlirm iry. whon tl lowest lovol wns roaohocl. .M thiit Ita Riirnls mihl l.V fi. 20r. uml'H us-ots :if to n.'jo in wnconloM. rnii«iclorinjc tli rolntlvoly hlch proi]]irtlon. Iiarvontin

. nntl saoklnff cdsts. thc«o priro* pr>.: nlily woro thi- Inwost th a t Maho uro ' crs hnvo roooivoil lo r Iheir pnt;itni sinco tho imlii»tr>-'lior:um' onnmjfri;i;i tv Iniportant; I t is r.f intoro--t t«»noi thnf tho Imvi'st prifo< roniniod tho pr

, vioiis yoar wi-ro in .Mnrrh whon Riira rnncorl n:..' tn s»c. ai.iM jns^ots JJlQi- I $ 1.10 in wnnonlots. m .'ra ii-o <if ll

ifr.irVft liu'wi* H(«TV»ri' • , M arch, 192-*. fiirtlior cnmpariKnii i

Into Hoasoii prii-os is not po'ssihle hor Forced to Feed- ,

•Diiriiijr liouonilKT, .Innuary and Fd rtm ry; fooilinK' n f potatoo:4 to oiittl hojfs and slioop w at (»oMor:il thrniijj! o u t Idilho. Tho oiitiro conlonis nf oc Inrs niijacont to foo.lcr stook woro pu ohasod in m any instancos for ns low ; lOc to l.K- bulk huiiilro.lwoiuht. Tl. was moro tliah th.- farinor ooiili) nl.tiii by sortiiij; ami si.r-ki'it' fur sliipiiiciri ; Hint timo. howi-vor. Kurais woro u«i m ostlv for fooiiinc. but muiio Hiisno wor.'>'roportod disposed th is ma)

------ I t is d ifficu lt to I'stimatc- liomiiuv pot.Tt.ooi \\<Ti- ‘fod tl) livo^lol• iu Idulio last -sraWin.'-l.iit woll inform, donlors i>l:iPod' tiio amonnt at oltwo i •0 curs jfor day wlu-u fccdini; wiisnto jjcnoral.

Rofioi-tilii: tlio prioo ad»nncio'cciirrinK tlirmiKlioiit tho lato potal Btatof*. Iho laarUot at Idnho FalU b ennio vory nctivo durir^'j tho la«t f M aroli :fnd (lie oarly p a rt o f Avri Iturals ailvanr*-d from l.'i- io ns hinh : 85c. an.l Hussols from ;i(l.- lo a ran; o f t \ tn i \ : r , [XT hun.lrodw.'ii;hl i

► wac*'nlonch snekod. Thou- ]>Hi-i's jilaov flic m arket nn a fa irly pri.fifal.lo h:is fo r thoso crow ors 'w ho still had «tocl fo r s;ilo. Dnrinj; this piTind wifi‘ ■>

, dor saios wore lionvy and a larjjo pe ccMtai;« n f tbo «uwon«oi\t w.ih soM »■ an f. o. I>. basis, (ronsitfnmonts wo: pfimin.iti'd nln io it ontiroly ns ;i ri-sii o f fho c<*od doni.-inil fo r Inadod cnrs.

About the middlo o f April tliv mn k e t bocaifie we.nker and priovs liad M olined l.y the* end of tho month to riiMRC o f l.'c to SO for Hurals, nn<l sf to $1 fur Russets. I■^|^thor priro ro o rds a rv not uvuUaldp :i» tbo ninrki new s offioo was cloiw'd on April .'to.

Tw in m i l s M oves Up.- Idaho Falls ' contiiiiiod to load (li

■fate in volume, o f s'lipmonts. HiirVo; B laekfoot nnd SlioOoy c/iiitinuo 'tn hoi Fcconcl, th iril and foiirtl. pl:j*'0’', ri Bportively. whilo Twin KnJis laov.-cl u to f if th .place la s t .soa«rni.

I t if. o ( in te re st to noto tW)-narro' niiiri;in o f d ifforenc.' in the pori'ontau o f nhipmonts moved 'frtrtii the l-.to soi tion» of tho Cnitod S^atci dnriii;;-tli la s t two Yonra. Last- sonson. a. lilll oVer one-hulf Uiu to tal volunm ha m oved prio r to .^aniMry 1 and tliin yra •17 p e r cout moved during .lauuary ari' Feb run ry , w hile ‘JS) per c e n t- liiDve. a f te r Mnrch 1. Ixist year 21 pi'f m orcd . d urin jr Jnn u u ry nnd Fcbniiir U d 20 p e r cxt>t a f te r M arch L '

Iilalio’'s sliipm cats in 'J n n u lr j ' ni)<

ryyiN f a l l s PAtLY n e

Looking Bs n the Tra

P a st A - i V j ^ i

rage ■ ■■■-s o f I . ...

■rdini;. -----------------. H Q h K

'S do-

f r u il^ H S H S S btl-e

ii^toly C enturies of profnT.ia In jndustr; «• o f • o re represpntfd here . In th e lowe

i.hoiogrupli th e p rim itive method ^ , I of yestLTihiy u re rcpn -sen tod b 1, ,^ , . . llio c rude k ilo s till un« «l In Chin

^ ; • fo r buriilnK lim e from th e rnw limt Htone.-

I oar Th«r-uppor plctJire BhnwB u ro ln riirinjr Ulln RUoh ua In u s e d In b u m ln e th

raw iDaterlnl.s o f p n rtln nd ccm oni •d III Tlipsft s lo w ly tum InK rotnrj- kiln.* sh ip . w h ich nre m nde o f s t e e l an d llnoi

w ith nro hr lrk , n r e f lom otlm es 20

lonrd. c=^=- ) '■ " a ^

' EDEN •10 in

K DKN— .Mrs. A . A . G ordon is v is inj; her parents, M r. nnd M rs. .SI phens, Ilf N am p n.

K-ory .Mrs. Kil ( ’olbort returned Raturdi w or's frnm Iloiso, w hefJ she sp en t th e pa '• »'«• w eok . ^

»i?ffi- *’ • "‘otorod fo T w in Fn:laf.Tf' Su nd ay. H is s is te r , .Urs. l) . I). Blao SOUK- Hesornt, f t a h , n ccon ip anied hi 1, hom e' M rs. U l^ . ,c i lm e to T w in Fnl ,( j,„. to Le n t tho hedBide o f -her son , M

roiiyW ho is recoverinj; ’from au opct

Mr. nnd M ri. K lniol U ecb ou t ai l,im- .Mr. iinil .MrV n . illo . ■ G o rjo n - .jio

, for S n nd av ia Hanson vin itiiif; .Mr. IU I sea- b o iit 's 's i s te r , M rs. V orna H lak eley . os on -Mr. And M rs. W . ( ) . H row a wu n till- T w in f a j l s v is ito r s .M omlay. - nl nf The w-nrii'i liiijch iu th e sch oo ls Jl..^(l. nnder thi- sn p o r v is iu n \< if M iss (!e itra st H y.lo t liis w eok. M is \^ !b .n K sorv tion s. the lunoh la s t w ee k . ^Ktoad- M rs. K valyn H oel.ont und D o r is* : ■eas..., turm -fK Suuday fm m M ou ntain lion n th e ■'whore tlioy h avt«-lieon v is i t in g sis ; Itiu-- C hristm as.Is .’IO- . .Mr. anil Mrs'. ICllop- 'I’a tte rso n i JC th e J w ed a v is i t from M r. i ’attersor i-Jtiif' siito r am i fa m ily o f T w in F alls pT>.: • Sviiidav.urdw- D allas n i.rd .u . w ns a b u sin o -s visit tatnos in T w in 'K .ills T in 's ,b v .■reiai- M i'S M arion Olson r eturned Thu .ftio tc day from Snlt Lnko. w h ere sho I 0 pro- bpi'at tlie la st m onth v is itin t; f'-' Murals ti,vos.10c tu Mrs. Sh irk is hero from Vortlii f Ih.! v is it in g her dniiu'htor. M rs. Sh a fer iro in ■ Tbo l.n d ie s ’ <’ivu- r^ii\. m o l NVi-dn .n o r dav evTiilni; a t M r-. H . H. Lynn

here. Mo«r|:tmoi ( \ l \ S m ith and W. Seri.tr^" « e r o hostess,-s. T h e m ceti

, Fob- ivas in i-liar;;i- i .f th e lci;i-*lnfive or .•uttlo, n iitteo , w hich w a s • ro |ireson!ed l.y .M rniich- It. S iin .m er., w ho Knve a very f e e l - H tniriive. ta lk on lon i.-lati.m . . I ’l;: e pur- "'ere fnr;i.ulalecl for a lio n y tah ow JU l’’av to 'b o |;iven b y th e .Ojb '.n 1

T h is ue;ir f.itn re . d .tiiiu Tlio lo;.p y o : ir« i;ir ;y « iv f n b y i

fa th ers i,f t l y I T T . A. in eonnocti , I,,,.,I \v in r tlio art e x h ib it io n ..m Thurs.j iisnots o \e n in n w as w oll n tfond od . 5‘rofe«;

iiiai.- Ilnv.'s w as in i'liari;o o f tho prni:rn . i,„w 'vhi'di was t-ivon by tho lii«h vh< '^lol•k ri'o art e x h ib it , rnn»i'jtini{ o f l.'iii ]i i.rmod « • ' ’ ‘lisj'iH.vod in th o hiyh ..-hiV,,. t .. M yron nn ii-k . w lm u n derw ent sn to st oporati-m ;it tho T w in F n lls hosjii

IhLi woi'k, is reported to bv re.-overi n ice ly . _ '

,g f .it ,, . ‘v r .n n itv SuporiutondtMit M rs. .Iu1, 'i,,,. I>;'iilis v is ite d tho Kdon se!..... I Frid:t o f aocom paniod b y tlie teach.\n r i l L o a f ,nud F ulls C

i‘ ,, K -hooN ,.K ho w orcK h -on th a t d a y n. r ;in -o v is it in g d';iy. T lio Kdeu tea c h e rs . ■ht In fort;iined tho v isitiu K to;icher8 ihiooil •i"‘''^ioon !it lu'fin. Tin- n f te m o o n v

takon un « i t h th e ri’adinj; o iride Wo 'toek - " i ‘i''i> or i;an i/e il for a ll tho tea, fo i>r .feronie coun, ,.er . Chairm nn P ro fessor John.-oii o f I iM on prosirloci a t th e nieetinK . Pla

w ore "■•■■■'' for n c o u n ty sch.ri-snli m eet to be hoM in I„ spring’. P ro fessor H a v e s o f Kdon ; apim iutoil fn a ssis t > im . F n d is toid do- rani;o for tho sam o.

L. W . Heobnut retnrnod W cdnesd d ,soe '^rom N eh rak a, w liero jio w e n t to m, kot ;i carlond o f apples,

inrkct a » 'l R ifU ' h iisk ctbloam s o f th e K im b er ly h ig h schi m et-th v ti';jnis nf th e K deu h i j ^ r h i

, . on tho Kilon floor F r id a v eveu ii ‘ 'J‘' T h o K im b erlv tea m s c a p tu r c l t "Ij • sp o ils for bo th came-''- .

i-il u;’ r . ‘hru;irv w ere I* i>er .e i:t o f tlio tol or Iho Siime prnportiitn th a t .the la

:irrow .f.-vton sh ip p ed a * a w lm io. I,uf th e ino\ iitau'.' m en t :iYlcr Mar.-h 1 a i'i ..n ,.l,.d to •

sec- p.-r cen t o f tlio' In tal for tho -e.isf ^•t1io I„ 1<0>:' :i;i per c en t, or a j .p n .s im a te littb- ■>.r..-tl.ir,| o f Td;ihoVi shipnK^iitM. w.- •ha-l forw ard a f te r M arch 1. year -"'O nly -tl iro i- .S ta le s ,’ Mi<0:i v ,,i . \V:,.

.• anu inKtoii aUd \Vii<-oiis:n. h:id •hippnd lovi-.l low er por i'ou lace c f t h e ir , t o t a l nu.v

rent lllon^ th;in Idnhn had on .I;tnnnry ruiiry b u t b y Mare.h- 1 fo u r st.a trs. .\tiel.ij;a

.Mont,-[n:i. W asl.inK tou nnd Oreif ajjd sh ow ed low er p croen tn yes.


J^ekwara on ail of Industry


i8tT7 feet In ICBRth. I t tak es n l i t t le moro >wer thiin t l i fw hours n t a te ihpen itu re hotlB o f nbont 3.000 degrees Fohrenhelt.

by to b u m th e raw m ntcrlnls o f iiort- h lna lnnd cem ont. T h e crude Chinese Ime- lim e k iln , w hich ly m n d e o f stones

houn<r tofcether w ith m orta r, re - ifnry qtilrcs a weok fo r burnini; th e llmo : the from MniPfitone. In th e ea rly days len t, o f portlnnd cem ent m nm ifacture. Iln.i. cem ent m aterln ls we're btyTied In a Ined cnnlfi k iln ve ry Blm!lnr,4o th e prlm- 200 I t lre llmo kiln.

l a i S o a m SE d ited by M rs. E . B. 'VeilUaou

urday Telephone 306

M rs. W . .1. l .ly o d nml Mr«. W illi

Fnll" oharminK hojti'flscaT u esd ny oveiiin j; w hon th e y e iitcr tn ii

h*lm' m em bers o f the Ktitro N o u k cl F n lls !i»‘l l i i f ir hiislm m ls a t t l .o hom e

, M y- M rs. l.ln y d on Fifll._ n ven u o oast, ipcra- ta lly cards weVe very cli'vor. c:

pvts^jH reprt-scnVfti'K n fln w vr , nud p and ^.reKsTon wua fo llow ed n fte r u proj.T

-leMTibod nn llie cards. M r. and .M IC. M adsen, w ho wero eh ih 'K u ei

y- won th e prizes for tlio even inK . t lo w in g tlio 11. mil u'linies a t l.ri«lj;c • li'd idons tw o-coiirso liiuclicnn »

i* - e iv e ii. T h e ne.xt m oetinR will be I ; ' ” "'.).-ri.lay .-v.-ninL., . 1 , „t

'‘ '''•'1 lion .o o f M rs. .1. r ...T o o lso n ,

is»re. Mrs. A. AIoxandjT enterta ined Homo,; Harmony eliib WodnoHday afterno s in c o ' Ilridj;o w ;ih l!ie diversion, frize

;iJch score beiiiK wen by .Mrs. Fr: 11 o n -1 Halilwin^ who with .Mrs. J . Paul Jo rson ’s if to h i.ncl Mrs. .1. K. Mad-en w is 0Uji>ile>ls o f Ilu- eliil.. A t tjiC ronell'ix

|u f tu .' Ti-fTvslniionts svi-te Bor\,'iaitor j ---------

Tlio P . 1-:. (). '■l>t.-rhi.nf! inrt T n e - Thurs? oven in u w it l, 'M r - . I , L. Brockenrii0 ha^lT lio iiHiial 1m>iite .< wa» lr;iiis;irted •1 rel.i"^, in>r w l.ie l. if wa-* vo teil to j-ive

.......... .. w<irk,rtliind ! The nim innj;o sa lo c ivon on S;.turi ifer. , « n s roixfrtoil m e t M i-cossfn l/ and ednos- ^ 'a» drM do.\ to k'v ' the a r tic le s y o u ’s'. >li'‘posoil n f to th e S ,i lv a t io n A rm y. ,V. P . : .Mrs. H . S . C ow U nc rend . i fine fni cetiiiK **" nofros^rs on tho m ofinn jiict

onm- I'orron, •nml i l i « « bMith Dyj-rrt ip ■ .Mrs. o f !i few o f th e stnrs on t h e h'citim ry la - stnj;o. M rs. nreckonridiro s|nike n i ’lan s ontorfa in in K ly on Iho “ -'1-

ta len t ?lf:iry.' Q u ito C o n trn ry ," start in Iho M ndnm o V ink o. w hich On* h id *

durinj; her recen t v is it to New Yi y the P ic tu re s o f varim is ni(.vi<- actr-'j octinn wen^ i-lirceil ;'i1>,iijt tho ro'.iii* .nnd ni ir s .iay b e r s / .k e d to nanio thehi. Mr-. Kl ife«o*r f ira y w as, ll .e w inu or in th o cont i^ram , T h " '- w:.« " !::rire altond anro ...■hnol. I - - - - - - - - - - -n p i ..-. T h e .Mentor c lu b met in rok'niar : •chool. 'io n -M th e hom e o f M ri. A . H. A - ,t An 'irii]. on \V edne.d;iy :,ftcriionn. T Jsi.it.ll m em bers ro.iN.nded t o r o l l ,verin c «'ith cnrrf-nt evefits.

I DiiriniT tho l.n ^ ia iss .o!«sion pi .lu lia I " ore mndo for se rv in g a liineh i.t » ,

'r id .iv . ,a t t h e ' f . C. M ih's ranch on Fri^ a c h c rs la n d M rs. D oud w as e lec ted to m en .l

P it y 's l l ip ill - f ix 'e lu b .ns a i -\ sp len did le tter ' from M r r ’ f V

rs i.n. ‘ Ha-ri.er W h ite w as re,.d by M r^ Umy •g j f r iU ie p;ipor nil • • ()rj;;Miir.;ition o f C i n w a s '- 'i .i i i J’arm W o m e n . w a s ;il-o' rc W ork,' - 'f *i‘o ' lo"!' o f th e a fte rn o o n delio i

t e a c h -'''^ re .lim O n ts wero .e rv e d l .y th e I oun tv . ' o . . . a - i s t e d bv M iss .Mmid Md);>n: ’ Ha- 1>‘- " - ’‘ 1 m oelfn c w ill W on .lan ii P lan s ■-■»>. -it Ih e'h om e o f Mrs. .I.vncs lira

•school o f FiK’r,

M rs. M -.r . S w oolev w as h o s tc .s to to .'r. I^rt'lu'o'-i-Iiib Ih i , w eek, i

jU ri.w no w as a >:uost o f th o c lub iIPS,H v p r ' ^ ’ont ed w jth n d iiiiity fa i! m a r - i '* ” - M ncauloy w on tlic pi

’ ■ for lu ;;liest score.

Kd T .dbert enter.f;iiiiod 'N in th A ven u e club We,lneH,l;.v n f iJ o o r ^ -^ lrs .- S t-w a r : o f k;itchew an . w ho i» v is it in g M rs. K lirab eth HjUbard. u : ,s a yu M ri. A . I>. S ta ffo r d n- is .Ir ilfm a n the eTiferl;inim ent w l.id . c i.ti-ls fe il

to l; .l K 'ime.. M rs. i . l>. W.-avcr carried, the lionnrs. T h ir teen ...... .. wm o\’c- I I 'iA i!'" ' r o frcsllin on ts-wto -;;i , - ^ ' d a t - th o ell,M- o f lh e a ftern o o n .

l a t i ' l v A n Effective Combination, went " > nil iiee.l irtvo in mir lives, a

jp r a h e -»vhei» <le.sened: yo«. and, il ,V:i*U ': cipllne. to o ., ■•llnw Is It th a t you ii )nd a ! 'o well I.K'ii;:!.! ijjO" w<*'nslvfi| n 'lU :aovy,-i cirl the n tlier dny—Jlic only eUlltJ. ry 1.1 dotlnj: pnrenis. H er eyes snup[u-d n .icnn [W ith a dotjiure .'iniile slio jinsweni rei'i'i^ ‘Taivc und Hpnnks.”—H ostoa T n

* s c r ip t



Conditioa January 1 Belo Previous IVIonth B ut We Above L a st d e a r ’s F ig u resDKNVjKR, Jn n . lliJ OP)—Kuugcs ha

nearly niiiintalned tttieir ^-ood conditic o f 'liiat uumlli tlirodshout. «io»t o l V

l l ' ' ranco country a u J aro cousidcrab I j abovi» th a t o f a / ’o n rA g o , accord!: H to the irn ited ^ i t o s D ivision of Cr H ami Livostock/> jitipjnto8, mado pub! H • hero tu i i i c l i ^ Tho conditiou of rang | | on .la m in g I 'avcrnceH 9J, or- o U iinint.lKy>w la st m onth, b u t six]ioin R above tliat o f il_ yi?ar ngo.■ CoRdjtUms iu ,S o u th D nkota, Me■ tiuia, Jihilio, Oregon, N ovndn, Wyo: I inj{ niSl Colorado aro cspeeldlly favi ^ nble, avera«injc 0 ,'> or over. Tho mi

winter hns penn itlud fecd inc on t -J open rangy until recently . This h 3 tem le il.tr . conserve the focjl aupp! ! wiiioh in Renernl rauRcs f o m ni■ ^ Hunte to p len tifu l. T lio /eo n tin i*• dTouEht nnd low tc n ip e ra ti /o has e«i ' ed fu rther decline ifj thy^condition

pastures in C n l i f o r n i ^ Connideral J / enniplninf is noted ^ w estern Kii I sas, th a t Ihe ra n X griiss althou,

almnihint is lacking iV n u tr itiv e vnli I Excessive m oisture iN s .n ‘porfod

Texas, b u t will tend t o l ^ r o a fn oriihle year. Tho execllent paaturn

— • If relivving the th ren tcned feed sbo

S ngft in OklnhonHi.The cofTiiltion of ea ttlo averuKos

or tlie same as a - month ago, _oo pared with SO a yenr ngo. Shecp“ il show [he snnu; “ro n d itio n nn h

* month, nvernging 07 compared wi D-l lost year. Lobhcs havo heeti i usually ligh t so fa r due fo fhe rn;

lliam w eather nlid but Ititlo disease is 'a on ported. L.imbing h<is conimeneed lined *>‘' t due to ui^^avornl

eonililions heavy losses nre -fenrt ' “ ' Prospeefs are reported go" '' fo r ou

0 ‘>f lamb nnd k»»l crops in Texas.

D eta ils b y S ta te s IDAHO: Duo to th e eseellen t fe

l>To- and o|w*n^wintor, stock rem ained gram rango nml pastures eonstdornble lontj -Mrs than usual. So f a r littlo hny h

lesti. been fed. Snow hns covered t Foi • Konthern and w estern p a r t o f t

ge n st;ito nbout te a d;iys, b u t nl.out ti wn'i weeks in tho uppc.'r Sna'ke riv e r vail

le ni. and in the north, .Conditions ide the for feeding.

^ NKVAU-X: Ilanges hnvo m ain tta intheir gnnd condition o f a month n| Cattle are s till good and sheop shi

noom giig],tiy fu rth e r Im provem ent o '

•’rank " " . ' =John- ——' ~ ■ — ■ . .


" 'f'' • ' czriilu" l l §1 dur- i

■ ■ k l unlnv . | l | / ^ (■ id i‘ V V ^

inipcr ^


I 'S ■ - your <I Z i 1 staTiiir- ~ you d r

biglimi you wil

A courteor i , u - - ^ Practicluher- t- ifortabh'nrri-' Orderlyoweir. of; the^iail W£

ioiou'i • ■ .. L et us. . n i l ' 8 !iii.ir.- -Stationira.iy, . ' .

I, The I

S ■ -



little .a . of - " J

‘•n‘> . .n ;d : y Use C o n o c o ^ u p i'run- ■ “ d trouble r


*1 Noted GermoTi T^a'dei ! S tu d ies in .-v .;:cnca—

e lo w \ 'W ell

dition) i th<? -• crably

- o n o .

■ > \fav o r-1 ^ ________________

n thois has “ ' -upply, i Ur. A ndrvaa Horm ea. notoo Uer

ade- political leader, wbo haa Deeitinuod tro m ln co tly IdentKIed w itb flvi : c i i ^ MlnlBirles s to c c .he over\hTn% o

tbe K aiser. Is in New York, n o t ii nn official capacity , ba t. aa tu

erablo m rm ed it . m ere ly as a p riv a te cjti K nn-, r t n study ing th e political an '

hou g h : ccoDomlc a tn ic tu ro of tb e Unilet value. Statea. d inI fnv . Paper T h a t Can Be W ashed.turnge A Jnpnnese Inventor hns patented short- puper 'th a t cnn he crum pled a

washed w ith aonp and, w ntcr. So d jo» op ol.le ts th is p ap e r tlint i t can be ut _oom’-'- a s ft covering fo r um hrellns. and wl|

p“ ilso soiled, cnn be easily elcaneil n r-ho t Inst The Inventor stiys thu t a s wrappl

w ith paper, It could lie u s« l ov e r and ov n un- being w ashed w h i^ M lled. It is S4 ‘ m ild tb a t th e product ra n he m ade a t a r is ro- aonahle price. I t hns a tex tu re sor ed in w hat like c loth, -und ts n o t to be id orable fQMd w ith o iled poper.'enI^■d. ___— — ----------

their previous favorablo cot^ditios OHKC.ON: Ha^igos show a slight

d in e eompfired w ith la s t month, I ; feed continue excellen t. C a ttle und sh cd on ;.re iim lntalifliig their high eondit! longer i’TAH: itancos havo impro f has sjijjiith- nnirv Inst month. C attle hi

impriy\-e<l tw o poin ts nnd sheep fiv i W ASIIINC.TOK: nnngos are g-

fo r. this season o f the year. 8o .li.HtriclH ;iro covered w ith snow i

Ideal fe^.ciiii^ is i„ progress. The supply hay seems ;idonuate for or<linary nc(

tnincd Cn'itle enntii.no in good condition i "RO- sheep nre oxcellent. '‘

show ■ _________________ov e rj REA P T H E D A ILY NEW S.

^ Aft

a u ^ e d b y t i eC a r ^ >

H E ; ^ is only one brand of servii stations—the b est we know how ■ drive up in a raucous little roac inlousine; w hether your purchase will experience the same k i n d ^ : teous and efficient attention to yc tically all of our stations are pro ible rest-roomsv ybu will find ther rly; the driveways roomy, easy tc :he whole layout is arranged to a\ waits for* attention, us prove these things to you th

ga^Iine or o.il. There is a, Co on near you.

CONOCO■he Balanced Onsoline Thi


;A j e c o n t i n e n t a l o i l ' ((A Colorado Corporstion)

Uafketioi a romplrM line t f hltb-r petroleum pfoductt lo Col«(M<ft), Wyorr New Mexico. Uwh. Idabo aoJ Moot

W n i J

oupoQ Bobka.. They nre convenlenr and save ble m akina chance. Good a t oil Continental S e r idoDs ancTaceepted b y d e a la a genecaUy-

, i m • ^ : .


TTfl^tng Secretory V lrtuatlK D ad o ed npon b y CooUdgo fo r y o ae ra l P ck

, sltlon : S alary to B e llO.OOO a T e a r

I W ASIII-VGTOy, .Tail. K! 0P>—I Oeorge a (.liristian, .Ir., who was sc2 .I rc ta ry to President Harding, ha.4 bcon.\ v irtually decided niton l.y P residen t ff Coolidgt* as a snceessor fo V ictor Mur-/ dock n» a uiembcr of tlio fnMlernl trad e

tmnniiRsion. »Mr. Christian since re tirin g ns p r i ^ .

dential secretary lust S i'ploniber h.m heeii ser\-ing as secre ta ry o f Hic l la fd -

^ ■ iiijj McnioViitl asBoclntion. T lit cnm- ixiign for n meiiioriril to tho 1/itc presi- dent will end nbout M arch 1.

Mr. M urdock 's reslgnatinn , w hich w:is sen t to tho pr.'i'ident M ondny, is effective Februnry 1, nnd Ills sneccflsor will serve un til Septem ber, 1P2.1. Tho.

i n !-;il;irv o f a fedenil trad e eonimisidon H T member Is $10,000 n yu;'ir.

-j .How SunsBOta Affect E arth . ' S . A .. If you s tir an open Are In n g ra t«

nnd bring fresh coals to tho fro n t,, i t Deeu “ w nnner glow. I t la tb*flTe B«in<' way w ith th e sun. says D r. C. 0 .

i. OJ AbV)ot. In clm rge of th e nstro-physlcai o t in . labiinifory of the Sm ithsonian insUto- ' linn. The so-cnlled sunspots a r e pro-

duced by a s tirrin g o f th e sun 'a o u te r ailed Cotnparlwj aw aauretnent

of solnr rad iation w ith pho tog raph! I.f the sun he hns found th n t th e re la iin Inercnse In h ea t rndluted b y ' tb e

n ted a samo day th a t su n sp o tsIX) nnd brought Into v iewSo dor- " " ‘ll^k of th e sun by rot*-f uicilI when ------------ 11-------

T h . O o li.r. Rb.». l**over A rose form ed of w rjiuglit gold an d Is salii i ie.'ised w ith much soleiniilly by th® a rea- personkon th e fourth S undaysome- *“ the '“golden rose.”

,e ton . The j.ray e r of b k w ln g ' contains a mystical a llusion , to C hrist n s " th e

j jo w e r of th*>'neld n n d .th e Illy of Iho Pulley." ‘ The rose Is iin o ln te d 'w ltb

itioo. bulsnm, funilgiited w ith Incei.se. ?h t de- s jjr^ k led w ith musk, und Is then left- ;h, b u t ( i ^ i i tbe a lta r until the conclusion o f

sheep'" *l“-‘ muss. U Ih then usually p resen ted id ltlon . fo «otiie Catholic prince o r p rinces* iprovTd th e pope desires especially to0 have w ith un upp rup rla te fo rm o flive.

, —I" =


' V i c e


rvice a t C ontinental )w to give. W hether oadster o r a pu rring 3se is s m ^ o r large, ^ f^ se rv ic ^ p ro m p t,> yo u r needs, arovided w ith cbm- hem clean, n e a t and r to ‘get in to and o u t> avoid confusion o r .

the next time you i IContinental service r

■ PQLARINE The Perfect'M otor OU



b s KMoouaa

I ■

ive irou ^Service ■ J f . ^

' I. ; . T W

• ' • r ~ "

/o m u ftHWrcw tittup. - WiR S\Sl

^ V)B\l\.t> Xo

\ 5 N0tt CA.u, 'T ov>«onn * \ g K'T ■

U D\»COSS V ^OZXM'-X I VE '\A\HINI 'T O N O U N i C o ^ A ^ \> » { 5 t T

m l \ ^OORS MIULS bunnce vuwotw?

. ■

’ iffllSllTS BOUiONSilRNT i n m m i

, U o Sore Sp ots L eft O ver S e lec ­tion of C on vention City; Wilson A pproves; R ecom ­m end W om en a s D elegatesWA9111N0T0N', J a n . 10 t>P)~W)iftt

tfviT nuiy bo tlio «liffcronccs atnonf <1iiiiM)crnU ii« lo tbo p n rfy ’a -nlftndan boiiriTs nuxt aumnior iind fall, tlieri wori' no evident Boro spot* lo tt ovoi th f ftwnnl lo Now York C ity o f tht lOJJ convontion wbcn th e dotnocMtic nn tionnl committeo nd journcd today MumliOM, toniRlit woro xpcocling hom(

•_ to Rird tlio jcm ocru tic h o s ts fo r llu flomii'K cJn«h ^ i th th e ir polltiefil foci

• and dcclnrlng fo r a v igorous inten»lv( c a m p a ig n .

Upon the ■adjouroncnt o f th e n.a tionnl committco, wlibn momlicf? vl*lt Oil form er President W ilson nnd Mrs

■ W ilson o t thoir 8 sl.'cc t homo,* "Tlr W ilson added his npp robntion to tin chnirc of New York.

“ I am very g lad th e coaventloi was ffivcn to New Y ork ,” MK-Wil.wi WW. Clinlm tin H ull o f tb o ntvtlonn com m ittee, adding on exp ression o pJoasuTo ftvoT tho rcsuUs o f tho com

Mr. ant^ Mrs. W ilson tendered n inft>m n\ KM-i'plSttn to tho cfniimltlc't

■ m ''" ^ " d women, slinking linmls wil thp ns Ih i'v 'p n sscd in n Ionliiu ' tll?oti|;h (ho Wilson lib rn ry . ICai iiiT tho roinmittpo had iicliipti-d form: rrHohitioiiH Wilson nnroiiiiuonOix); his ridm inistrntion iin ^‘ ils litgh idonlsf"

No itii'Vi'iMi'iil developed today 1 the eommitli'P to rlintiKO tlie twi

.lliirds volitig rule o f the ' oonvention choir** " f nftmiiines. N 'eitbor wn* nn rh:iiij;o mnde in tho convention ro ll i lOlIl ileli'Kati'M nud nllertin tos, hut tl

^com initti-o - formally ‘ ' ropommciulcd th a t nne linlf o f all tho dolegafefl i la ri'!' H h o u l d Iio women. Tho In tt wns fldojited n ftc r slinrp AUvini'on ov w hether there shoiihl lie a rceonimi^nl tinn or only a siinj;e»fioJi. Hen«t Gliisi o f V irginia, au thor o f the orl jiial resolution designed to priiviiU* n dilif>nal plaeei for n-omcn in the ri; vctlfion, -favored ,-ft snggestion. b ami'iidmi'nt 'hy Mrs. Loroy S p rings SoulU Onr<dina, p roviding fo r a ffpe fil! reconmirndnlion. wns adoptod.

Only H alf V oto U tg « dI 'n ile r th i new i'!.*n ns npprovi

foHT «f- thi- eiglit deleRivlvs a t- lf\t ® fro in each stiito should be w om en, I

n il ttf svkIv diHcgiitcn would Uiwe o? ' h a lf Sx vote each. .Thi* w ill rcm ilt

tnnintennHre of tin ' p r e v i i t cous'^ntl v o ting strength nf |Of>-l, h u t w ith HO ini'Tca-^e in the Huinber o f tkleRft nnd nltcriiafeHf-ftt large whoro s tn net to ailnpl ha lf and h n lf poli A nother resolJlion ndoptod by rom m itteo woild prohibit wtates f r Bending to tho convontion -moro di ga tes nnd nlternates than., p rovided tiM'ir present fiuota. This .would ? > A t erowding tile convention f l w ith swollen delegations, w ith tli m em i.prs. having hnlf, fou rth or c

® an eieh th of a vote.riiiiirninn Hull wiis g iv en w

power.i to pl.in for Ihc N ew V convention. Up wiH appo in t an rangem ents comniiUep enon nnd ho nlso fo visit New York him self n t

,ea rlv date.Mr- H ”" fonforrcd today w ith ‘

K irkard , les-ce of Mndifloii Rqti Oardon. who is-c red ilrd w ith respo liilitv for tho Inereaso of $.'55,000 fered bv New York fo r Ih e 'fo n v rn l luiU privileges. J t r . H ip>nrd will operate' with Ihc ronim if.eo in plat tUi- '.ludttorium Iti con'U tion for

^co n v en tio n .

•■LOST lIE rR S ” —HEIT.3 W ANT'A b o o k f illed w ith n n m r s fn r

b e i r s n n d m lis ln g ki»i f ro m d if f e r p a n s o f Ihe u o r i . l . ( r i in iie e ry (V <if K ngliind . I re ln iid n » d ItJink o f }• la n d iiticlaim od d iv id e n d l i s t iii r l in W r ite fo r f re e b iil lc l iii . In le r i ta l i<

^ I n i i i i A gency . P e p t . .'1(1, P i t t s h u i " ' a . , V . fi. A .— a^v .

T /b n t i> uselM* to • 'm wh-t ^> v • hlc to o thert—A dvcn lae ' i t io •iaMlfi«<t column*.


A /Ml t> 1 I

\ ' '\ 'w tH wkva's- j

Kmfa J \\ . .«

W W IO R - j / - iL


I K r a ^ i l b i n A n d c t ’fo j! ” ' ' • ' \

inong I tho to stim o ay o t A lbm .idard 1 doomod h la ow n son.' A rnold j

' I. In the c lcc lrle ch a ir n>r th o m urdetiiefo : ta to m an. whom ho Bbot to d ea th :

th o w ltocsa s innd th e grlcf-siricli’ Iho flond. had confoased tb n n u r d o r Inr.'itie Dad.'* th e boy said la to r to hia fai3<].iy. b y your oa th . B ut I t w as a cine thomo the w eek of F eb ru a ry 17., ...

<«• JE R O M En»lvo —------1 JBROMFJ— (Jeorge liiiekley in suffoi

n.v ing from n broken arm as a roiuU n visit- cranking a Pord.Mrs. ‘ W . P . WeigW l« tiik ing Hu ili'*: "Tlr. troatm enl^at L ava Hot Springs.

' Jciw H ouston bas returm -d l« h:bomo north o f .Jerome a f le r :iii e '

ntlon icadod visit in Tw in Falli.V'""'! M rs. Otis Hnck o f C.invoii .‘ idr. h-i

tlio f ir s t of t h f week fo r nn i-xtend. " v is it in Kansas.

I Mrn. Hiiymoiid ' I 'a r ry -o f 'T w in l-”al • is a" gtiest o f her pnren ts, M r. :iiid Mr

'I t . B. Shephard.'i .E. n . Whilo left ni, Thurm lay for

j-liort. tr ip -lo Cali fornia.; Tho iT i-eiila rl.ih ni.'t .m W-Mne dnv wilh .Mrs. l 'iid .'j;ra ft.

; The lw‘gion Aiixiliarv met nn Mo dny ovniing w it lN ^ r - . ' Ili-il,.li. Tl..'

-""'I. WHS oh'clinn o f offieerH vvh'ieh r.'Hiilti as follows; I'ri'.iiiletil, M rs. .lohn Nimn; vice pre.sideiiL Mi^s lU 'dall; i>i

y W tarv, Mrs. I^iTow A i tre/innrer, M; Cnrr.

M r. and M rs. -S e ife rt. o f ra im io i ' Kanmis, luivu- gone t« r-'WuRliitt^te

n f te r ni. exti'nd.vl v isit w ilh Mrs.^ Mr*- W.nltcr-'IMefvndo

I and family, o'f W estfield." I II. L, AUranmon Un!» rvl«sr»»'Ml fri In tter „ l,usiM,.^, tr ip to Iliigliam C ily . T li

.Tbo pu-nsuut O.rnnge met: Kriday , vi.aii.;: w ith-M r. and Mrs. .M

•n« to r, i .,_ .o,v . pre «■‘"■'R'i .Mr. iind .Mr.s.-Itrviin Ifen rv and f,-i

'"’• j i ly UTTived on M onday from a I- ; week-H' vi»it A ith re la llv rs in .■<,

ig s of _________________ffpCfl: The “ nsMV.a a to n s .- '

Opon Ihe "JJ'i^eita Si..no" w as Beritn-d In h'-lto:il.vplilr.H. tn tlcnie

roved, writing, nml-in (irock. -i -l.M-re.- of t ' K;:yplhin riolom y V Ki'iIi IiiIkidoh (J

5^1 n . {•.)_ rceiiirii: th e niim! only .-.infcrri'il t>.v i;|ilil|diai

ti|)i.n Liv oiuiMi'v iiH \v<-li a.s mion-J vntitttv , 1 ,. .-l.'ivy. .t pr<ivideH tlhKOme .ii,. .;Mtiii' J>i> pliieeiliPRfllfs M;n„.ii|„ry I'l'fver.v ifi:iiilc; und llstntM ll,......I,,', to blm.

Pol'i'y- -!h rnnlii-r i.tnvnl.-rl jiinOiywofy the .......... i,;T„n n «i.‘H «f ni! from ...........I In ,.ver\' t«> (ill- Ilf ..... lli>i Iind si-ei.nd rank .led by ' - -Id prp- - ■ . ■ . - -j'* ;

floortbe ir ' ■ „ _ .

r even F r C S k

wM. ToastedVork

Pinion S ' Nuts(lot) of- .s ^vention

r£ BQ-c* . P e r pound

.NTW)' . This W eek Only,iffe rrn t n f '■ ('rtiirt ^

II thepbppk1.13 ShCBhooe N o rth

- v n .,, r - - » ° '« » ■ .


T H E G U M P S — U P

\ f \ w\(.u -iv<M I ’ ’’ uivirat. v» T«oiA (wawtH-t

ov HikvsaRusw •niust- I W M W \ ^M ^s m s o s v H ^ n v t H -TO ^VSH O oT \

JySNEDWE ^OVtOW o t (k C»«^ 60V.- \ l i o u s t VS»STS M S -TO C O tti / CINWUM4> NWO ViV» -OTFVW/

i «0 WV.V. HW5 ^ CHNWCe "TO ] WoaH KT ______y


’{OJT i(ilif^AndorBon, a tailor, o f Brooklyn. N. Y..Ill Asde^OD, a lia s A rthuc L indsay, to dlo irdcr c ' H orry C. M oore, w ealtby rea l es- Ih in a hold-up in J e rs e y City, N . J . On rlcken fn tbcr. adm itted bis non, n .Jp p o • In h is proacnco. " I f * a ll rlg b rw liE me.

fa th er. “I th ink you d id rig h t to .Hand e valentlno they gavo m e." Ho ta to die

Business W omen’* Card*.Since women bavo lioconie wuch fa

fora In business nctlv ltles there hi ^ " boon a tcndorvy to omit the prel

Sllxii or Mrs. on tbolr-iiuslnoss ciiru ili'-Jil gnyg a veteran ' Htntlonor. neeording

tbe New York S un nnd Globe. Ah h n m attur o f fnct u n d e r-th u no«v cont e t tioijii with women evcryw.btiru In ci*i

niercc th ere la. &»< cHtahl'nlh;d rule i h-i- tbIs point. Ilow fvor. tblw uutliorl

adeil points out tlm t th e re n iu 8 t.b e tnU' Into oonsldenulon ibo fuel thut n |n

I'iitl.s Bon Id whom a iirellxloHi business cn Mrn, I" prc«pntPd by ii wniiiiin la buxInonH

Ul n loHD UH to w betlior to ndilress h for 11 HH .Ml«« o r Mrs. Slnei‘ I;».*<ln(^s onr

almost ^nxSTrlably uci a s u moan** ,lnei- Iniriiduellon piTbnps femlnlstil nii;

Iflve wuy to convrtjlrnce.Mon- ----------V --------------. •n .. r,. YOUR inJAliTlrvpEMANDS -Ve>

11)i>tille,LWiiter, I’ur.', ?-ofl. sparklii I) I ’''*''''' I f '" " " iK 'ff'es . ' I t .-i-i.tH; cli-livei

I"."' I'enls. Cliari:e for liottli'i re*n ’ \V '' Lincoln I*;(>diK-e anU ilrcfri.sj

^’ ’■•'•lilting Coniiiiiiiy. Phone ji'l.'.—adv.,

mont. I ~

Hdorf f

from r ta l i . let on I. -Mil•e oI f.-i;n-', . . .I Iw.


IIS In- _ . ^•nietlc ’I . f thi‘

izi Me-o-myH tlia t a

rii.it howin. I t .of th e • ■ •

, ' r a - p i p

B efo re you’re a you w ant to le t the under your hat is th e open seasoi

' ■ so m eth in g w ith jin u n y ■ p ip e — a: P rin ce Alberti.

Because, a pip ■with P rin ce Alber a m an as he was ne fied before—and V s a ti s f ie d ! A nd, prove it! 'W ly - flayor and fra g r coolness and its

' ) > R m

A H O , T H U R S D A Y M O R ^

' A . V D A T T H E M, y

V t I , .// tON^ OF Yr]

I . V u tX0->AVV^ - , ^

7 n/ / EMSlNtHOT&'ro (bfcin I \ NtSTm»& "TO

j V VO'S? e-s 'jre\MHc, I ■=


BETTER HEA, Public H e^ ih i

Issued by t io Public 1

^ ■ A OUTa T(

We hnve loiirned in'ii-h iihoiit Hi., .ir- . gans of tiiij body and ..f Hu-'ir use i.n.l

I'liiii'lijin. Vet Ili.Ti' iii;e parts, ihi' roa- «on fnr whieh iiml Ihe prei-i“e fnnc. tion of wWeb, tK-lviivc ii«t bei"i iihle to speak wilh, yefiiiit«-iu'--<. lloun in ll.i‘ tliroiit a re lw.> gland like sinii'. t.ir.'s, aliiint th e wi/i' o f an alnmnil, Nilmiled one on eaeli sid.;. Iti is b.’- liyve.l by m any th;it tli.-y were an Ini- |.orl!int exere to ry organ in s(.me of out

. ).reliisl<iri.' imee.stori- However, tl is known th a t they nsunlly decenora'i inlo filter!* th a t lio-oia.- Vo .■lii;,*geil

'hy. .lel.rii Ihal they r.-;illy ii.;l as n • - r<orl o f catcli Itiisin in wliii'h de;id th-

!<iH' nnd hae te ria necnmiibiti'.The norm al to'n.iil i.t iuhililed to com

ha t in feetion— to .le-.lroy'.li«eiisc, pro a=a lincintj germs- Tlies’" eotne lo the ton

sils from th e month, sinne nr<> lak<‘i in w ilh the food, i.thers bOe.tme ai-tiy« about tbo teelli, nnd In chihlrca Ih.hi'b it o f p tiU ing thii.gs inlo the ....... .mnko possible infection from Ihi; sotirre. Tbo toiisiU atl.-m pt to' filte

" these organi.sms out and .lestm y them “ b u t thoy a re so fre<pioutly overworko.

th a t the germ s gain fho nseendan 'v !■ tlic a t ta c k - TUlu gc\m wrtny iiirreuH^-

in n iim be/^nnd in disease jirodtiein, properties. TUen we U-.ive loumUtU.

lUoD T onsilitif is nni the tiuiple tliin mattv beUevv, i\t>r »•* U mvTely

card ,ii,ys’ inillsposltirin- Whilo Ijie-tr'* iMsvl u ttaek w ill lUn iU i-Wirs.- %vUlin\'

' ^ " im m ediate serlo.iH tro„h|.-, Ihen- ar ” , .mnny impiiTlnnl I'lm iidiriiii.nu. Vur ii ■* sliinre, the iiio 'l il:tni:''riiiM is aa ij

flnnnunlion <>f l l ir nn'inJiran'' >th .' hiVi rl. known an .'r..lo.-;irdilii. Th; c,iunp\ii'iitio.n soti.c*>mes l.Tiiiinalcs i a Icakv ho;irt v a h c . .•spe.ially if tlj ]ia tien l is not Icepl in b..d, So.n.' cas.

•nrn I'b'Vi'lop rheiim alisni or iii’iili' Uriglil -jjj.jr. M is.-anjS -J-t iho tonsils are clir.mieiil!

j dhi*nsed,'~J{(.it«T. n.'iirillii, clir.mie rhei

' ^

h . _ -

you’ll take tope— and P. A.!a day older from bite and pai lie idea slip ou t by p u r exclus : that this ehted process) are on to s ta r t la tion to the m an w 1 a jo y ’us could get acquaint! and some PjP®-’ P-. A- has

pipe a th ing of .joj toetf-where one wa!

ipe packed, before!ert satisfies . EVer roll up a . leversatis-keeps him m an — b u t yo u ’v

1 , you can p a r ^ comiijg yp— P . A.’s , T a lk a b o u t ^ ' c;ranc'e and sm oke; we- tell yts "freedom peach I

i e e A l b eflie nationcj jo y smoke

a N i N G , J A N U A R Y 1 7 , ~ ~ 1 9

f ' . ■ ' ■ , . '

~ T / ^ /-X O T W K ^ t o \

T r r .l \.0-56” ? \ H to lE MM 1 ■ , ssv* «tsrecTr-wws ^ i

j ' fk. VN MH \W>§\XVOM sxj^ecr ' .

P ^ l 'T O W )M»Ua.'T»OH FROIA K H ,I iH m ^ ^ C T V K L m f i R v O R f i ’M s,

m 6o^H^^"«) . yJU OH C«NNV\Ke> IN'TD \n r Mia o m c t - wt^ I M ? 'CO .C O M t 'T O H IW H E IL « J

.............lALTH SERVICEft Is Public Wealthic I l;a ltli Loaguo o f Idaho

Ei T O N SrL IT ia .

I o r -> m a lism a n d o th iT le-'s eoiiiiniiii eo tnp li iin .11^ i j j <tiis mn.v n .-cn r. I t I.i th e re f o r .; i r o a - iv l l n l im p .irtatuM ' to in i t l t n f e llie rig h inic. j k ln d o f I r e a t in e i i l :it all a g e s , ] i;irtii

u la r ly in c h i l .I re a .In e h ih lr . 'i i l'ni'<i|iLiii uHiialU ' be g in

‘■ "" w ilh .-'i h igh f e v e r . The '.-b ild is lalI c u i . l ..... I m n.v r.ttiip liiia o f lii‘n.;biehi

‘’“ '^’ jT h e n p iiu l ite xh u<m-. U u t'th e c e is uo . " ' [ n n y jii ir li i-n la r eo tiip la iaf a lii 'iit sor

^ th ro a t , l i t U 'u s t u n t u t t tm f i r s t «' *"'* j t i ic k o f Ih c < lisease.

i tn iiduU s t b v f i r s t d a n g e r s ig n a l i s i T?,*i ' t h e e liilly s e n s a t io n , fo llow ed b y :'ged ra n tf in g f ro m lU l lo 10^ d e jjr i 'e

I'A cIi'‘s a n d p a in .s I'onie to t l i e biu'Ic iin le .iilf musvb'H, * » n d in tlto k jieen nil io lb o w jo in t s . r a in in tbt> th r o a t

n o t w n tifo a liU '; t h e n ’ is ii ^ is tro s .s lr I"’' ' ’ h e iiiia ch e com plete lo s s o f iip p

t i t e . I n s p e c t io n n f ib e in r in n ie d ] .n r show s a n .l i n te n s e ly re.l j»nd g rn y ir s p o t t e d m c m iin u ic .

- A f lo r th o n e n ie a l ta " k h a s pnm ^'*n, it is .........r a l l y recnnnnvndod tin

Mils tj,e tonsils ho rornove.l. ‘.‘.Once. n. ;li eased tonsil, aUvn.vs n discuned fon»il.

b "i ' ‘l l o " '‘'l l« romnin, ibo ootinned poisnii a l.sorplii.n leads lo mm

'■ nilm onts an<i is tho caimt* nf itiai ^orn iA ^f ill liea lth iind invnlidism .

1 \Yo ciiarge oaly four do llars’ f •hbig' nionth for d ea .l slorage for cars. Lon t>ly n ynur rn r w itli us fn r the w in ter. 0

ImlferA- departineiif enn uKo look ufl tlinnt yo«r bu tte ry . !dsvb.» A«lo«ntiliik' n , Supply Co.—ailv . .I.r in - 1 = : ? = = ■ = — — — ■■ -

nx o f '

cas'V BU AfiT ln W E lig 'i lN . riien-

I ’ v e ' ' g o t ayoftr vf&y\ fJpVrri:' c ig a re tte -^ »nJ haU poan4 tinyou it*s a humiayit^intu

. $pat%c9 mohtintr ^ te».

1 9 2 4 ~ P age T h rw

»om\ uer H o u t __

HOUR 0N% CM&MCt \ \ To SOM^lN^

U TH^ VflJttK Oir ’; >4 <boo^ smpL • ,' Sou-%

n TOO ®\<b To BE

^ J GOM n««ovoH

/ M?AR\MCI y X (' ■' '* 9V 7 COMptAtM -

i D x ^ A today — - -p-j F riday o r ’ S atu r-

day—because-the I d a h o D epart-

..... ment Store Sale'ui'." e n d s Saturday s u o t Night! The suits t »'■ —the o’coats—the i.y';; underwear — the rimi s h i r t s — every- ■

" u th ing MUST b e "•sfling

.sold th a t is go ing - to be sold in these tw o d ay s-^

r S ' n ^ O K a t TH ESE " S ' ■ LAST DAY -

, PRICES!s per Lonve. Our ■ ■ •, -

I TUo iifiwt Hi'iisutibnal— tho m ost fjiiJcod a b o u t an d tlie. m o s t '‘dnrin}? • S a le TNvin FuUh h a s known, in yoara c n ^s fliis weok.

- Ilan lly onou^h Kood.s left. to KQ tli(‘ wt'ck o u t if tiio crowds art* auy- tliiii;; like We cxpcct—.so, to iiiKiirp y o u r ne(sds — to in.‘iiiro y o n r say- if>}is and lo in su re you

> apiin.'^t di.‘<appoiiitm ont , we toll .vou t h a t T o d ay

is a iH'tiiT day -(han to - - ' m orrow to Koe t l i / clothos tlia t an* .attraJ?i^ itiir a v iT ila lde s e a o f liuyor.'*.


^ • s?17.'r>0..,.$ 8.75 ,^ .$2r..00...j$12.50

. ‘$ :{ n .0 b .. . .$ i5 .0 0 $ :i2 .r)0 ...;$ i6 .25 . $:}r;.00....$17.50

an d a liim drcd .b a r - •lainH in U n d e rw e a r— • S h irls and Hoso th a t will tak e y o u r m oney ivnd vsnir breiUh a \v ay

^ a t till? same time.

$13.00 r ia ls ......... ,.$ 1 .5 0$1.05 S a il ra?<os....$1.45

• $7.oO L i'alher V e s t $6.45 ' $0.00 n id in-i P a n ts $3.75'

.$').00 Wool' S liirts $3f.76'I $2.50 (JlovPK ..,..:....$1.83

$:j.0() Slc(?i>inK-<5iinnents ...........$2.25 j

$r.r>0 Rwf^iters........ $5.65$2.0n H nion S u its $1.50 $:?.25 DresH 'SU irts $2.42

a , '

' Idaho Dept. S tore. / ‘U It ' l o ' t right

"j -btlag It b'ottk"

'Pago Poni' -______TWI

S P ORTSm m m i

TO S lIE M U m iW hirlwind B ow lipg by; Scillcy■ Is 'F c a tu r e of th e Evening;

Factory W ins by 7 2 Pins■ TIm‘ i-riMtfn. scrm t.. U-‘ ti.ldtiK a

■ ■ -"l.iitik-i-c:.! in Um- l.ow tini: iin-im tl;ia w fflc -.villi tJic 'I'iiiii- lofiiij,' a ll tlip'i' TiUH'Uiy .-nielli iiin! ’I'lx’ \>;" n 'ta ltin i:' Jl l\vrt-l<i<iiic from Um Hti,";iri.<r» in W cliicx .l.iy •« s '-x ion .

• • U iir * fcoill.-y inilli'«l Hforc (if till" wrNj/ri^jlil ^triku•ill IL row for Jftil in fir:<t. cam e.Kill' jlixt |;ot till" iirililt-rn’ , c o i i f iiMil tlio l.a ll tn roll nfriil>;lit_ iifftVJliut firHt Killin'. Kvoii Sivfrj* fH t itn

will'll till' |'in« w ciil I'J." (c.rhliiw

III llu ‘ sci-oiiil I'liri'V TltimiiifKi’iniivoil tliP ciniiiilcti- i.a iiiliila tia ti o f (lie l .f i ii t iT s ’ fiiijic liy liiiw liiic -2" iiH'l

• ...................Ily tiikini: tin- f"fNi’wh, liiit ill till' liiht roiimi .tlio miKiir fni'tory' aciiin took tlii'-U’ail from tlic f irn t m ill jiosc'il out llic printi’rn w ith n liifforon ci' o f 7 - for tin- tlirre «'»“'• to ta l .

T«v(i'liiin<lrc‘il Hi'or>’« wrro rjimiiion ncciirrciici'M in tlio hiK«ioii \Vo<ln«’';.iiiy. Hcilloy, Self. W hilzi'l nnJ Tlioni|.«oii ikll jjdinc liliovo till’ 1200 murk. Srilloy was fiinily tho liiTii o f tin* cviMiiuj; with

" i i i r i o tu l of (l.*0 ]iiii*,Hucar P iiclory— ..T o ln '.Hrilli-y ................... i!(.rt I '-l ‘JOO- (i',i)Sivi-rH .................... IJ.T l.'ll l-l'l— 13,1Kvnns ..................... 1st 1(1,'. IHU—D iilton .................... livi ilill 1,'.' - -IMStiquin'S ...... ......... 1h;i I.hI M7— .’il l

Oil) •«•■,> S4;i—i:iii: Nowti— . , Totiil. Sc'lf ..................... . JOH l.'i; KKl— .')2J

• . . . a s ' j U y . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . n o i ; V i ir> f> — 4:\8W hilw l ................ HI'J 11)7 i;!),1— .'iiUFinko ................... 1-1.1 Ifi-T l.-.D— 4(17

■ Tliomj.son .......... i s j 1>-J7 M l - .mO

Sa-I 8H.T- 81!7—U.1'I.T

HiRhor (‘iliii'atinii holitfi lliat a a('i,vi- tiv(> anil 11 iii'cn tiv r iiiiilci- n ]ilii!i, lii.t to I’ert-y Tluinipson unii m il KnrJ I'oH (joi'H llio rrod it «<f lifiny nm- uf thi.' firitt i«iiji|inrti'r!( o f lidwliiij; in Twin KiiUs. “ I 'f r i ', " w ilh ChiirlcH Lnrwn, oponod the local allcyn' liiHt year ami thin yt'iir sold b is intiTcst to Larm-n. Tiioiiiiiiioii Ih (ini* ''tn>iif;>'Nt lul-voriit«'S o f tin- U-ajjiio. '

DISTANCE STAR B E A T E N** '3o6y R ay F l n l a h e s ^ T h ird P lace Is

1500 M et«r H and icap in Indoor OoB' to s t a t Now Y ork *

N ljW YORK, Jan . 1C. t>P) — Jocj Kny, iiiicidlo iliHtniiri! ninaiii(; utar ol Uic lllinoiit A th letic club uf Chicago a pri'in it'f r .ind ida to fo r the Amcrieni OIyini»li* tcnm, wna bontcn-^onijjlit ii liiu fim t cniilcrn alipoarunco of thi ltfl.*4 i'liloor Hcnson u t tho niintinl moot iiiK of thu Silk A thk’iie asxuc.tdtion.

Hay finifihoil ‘tliin l In tlio 1500 mo tiT haiiilicnp rnco whieli wna won bj LIuyit H ahn, of flic lioaton AthkUi elub, ivhu had a -0 vnrd hnndica}:

' Ilnhn fluixlied 10 ynrds nliend of Pn Kennedy, o f the Knlghta of Columbui

. New York, who hnd a 45 yards ICQd nnd K ennedy camo in th v o yard ahead o f Bay.

K A IB EE KAYOS OOBBETT.K L D O IU P O , A rk., J a n > 10 (JP)-

Johniiy “ Pi'cw eo” K aiser o f S t.L oui knorkeil out ■\Vi!li{i Corbott o f Call fo rn ia in tlio th ird round of a Bched ulcd lO round bout hero tonight.

W orld’s Lazleat Peoplo.Till*,lazll•^^ I.....i i l e \ ln the •A'orld.'an

■*' aalil ii> 111' the- Svantlunh, a ra w oi iii><untiiln rnlks living’ In the almost. ID o<’('i‘.''ihtble iMOimialn raii;:e)i lying bu |u-4'<*ti th o ' liliii'k iinii Caxpliin neai T b e lr llvlnj: ctmdlilonH ure npiiroxi

fiiMiely wlmt l l ic y 'w p re 1!,000 yean BK'i. have tliiit tliey havy lovented nev renm>nn for tlie ir lyjilnpsa, hnvlKt; fou: liulidiiy.4 each w«s>k with a niovabli Jlut o t »i«'o5nV liDlldnys tb n t rn t ib e de d u re il liny tim e they w nnt nnotlier^la; off. whllo they live to uQualor ni>i flUb. In huta und carea wUb none* o tbo convenlenct'8 ea*lly w ithin rcach

AlM kan Eaklmoa’ Prograta.' In tw enty yea rs th« Alankiin EfikI

mo8 b a re m ade ^ r a t strides In tlx w ays o t elvlUzatloo. They bav cfiurches and achoolb. many of then r*od and wijlte, and owing to tlie rein

• de«r herds th a t tb e U nited StHten guv* em inon t i{tarted’ for th rm most o

- them nre prosperous. .D ee r meut liti>« no rth sella a t th e ra te of nenrl; £2 fo r 100 pounds, w hich Is lbe welcli o f Ute o rd inary cnrcu»». Tl'.e native DOW ow n a t Icaot 200.000 rclnJoci w hich a r e under sovenuuen t supei

' ■ -rUlon. ''

W orthy Ambrtlon,M ere lenKth o f ycnfii Ih n qui’ttilnnnhl

b lesslnc and m ay even hp n lumijlv liab ility ' to thte' individual nnd rom n tin lty . .V igo rous lieiiKb adds hot]

■ com fort nnd Joy to olil tip* end mnke loBKevlty n w o rth j nhililtlon.

‘ Women S peak T oo Faal. T elephone cx |ic rta nny tbn t mo;ji

women »ppnU ton fnnJ-over the tele phone, pitch tln-lr volres too hl^h nnc

> s c s tc c t 'th e vltiil ()ui\llty^ o f tb e huc cMnfuI tc lc i* « n la t—coinposurc*.

. ■ ■ : . . X ,


T rip to P o rtlan d L ivestock Blurw to ’ B i Awarded W1m « of S to to Hon-

; or? in F arm C oinpeiltloa ^

% .M alm H'.viiH' «roiv(TH wi’l ron ii'i'li- , (liin yi'iir itl a Nt a id>’' ' ‘ Mm lU tc r”

.content, aopprdlnfT t« ' advi('cn rereivcii J h y U . K. UroBBard, county nfp-iculUiPnl

,'.” cn(. WiiimT.H ill I'lfii di-tvii't wilHU t, ri’co ivo m Pdals, w h iie th o / w in n er o f

Htato hom«nf, w ith liiH litt iT , will- Irt- ni'iV i g ; lc. the- i ’a r ifi.' In fiT iia liin if.l I.ivoM o.'l:

fchow w ith 'a ll cxi'on^eH |iai<l.Attaiiiiiii'iit by l l i ' lill<-r o f an iii:-

■ greKiito wi'iiflit o f 1!<IOO iiiuiinli ia tie-- ' " (|iii!iite o f tho ooiiipc’.itioii. O ther fai'-

toi-K im-ludi! un iforinily ond tNi'-nerfl to type. ,

KiTtry in tho on n test is to b e mado iiimn th e v iiy iiin il i .f onn dr-llnr fi'o to tlie poiinty ii^'ent w ith in novcn dtiya a fte r tlio lit te r i» far,n»w.'i|. Kntrau"" fecH w ill b<’ ii()»ili-d "for |iiK('baHe oJ niodalH f6r diKfriot x jjyn pm ."

W ith nn n ff ir in l ?^ ij'h t o f l . ’JpoiindH fnr a lit t e r o f 1;J Piir/.p .lorHnv piK'*, Vli' I li l l o f C halk n i i i f f , Tp*n«,

(<;r now holda the w n rld ’" rp’-onl for ton- r>f pork prndiirpd \>y iitip now nml

fnr ail aveniKe wi'ii>bt pnr pi-c in nis n iontha’ time, nrford in i; lo advieoK r/'-,

anil ..pivod l.v .1. .S. FplilhunoM. ai'riciilliiral inHfnii-toV of Ihc Twin F hIIh Iiirli Kchnoi. fam ily . Thejci' p is" avorai:«’»i

the ;i24.n pfiinid!! por head and mnde a <liiily '■'th rji.in o f I.S pound'* fe r tl.e wl.j.le .fei'd-

itiK period. The laat CO days thp daily i;nin waa .1 1-" poandH for earli t'iR.

non Thero Avcre 14 piRti in the l i t te r when it woH fnrrowoil, and 12 pijja wero

>‘'1 r/iiaod. Tl.o to ta l value .of feed, in- waa ptndinj; p.iatiite iiep*anrv to prodiics '■’f ' the li t t le wna $220.81, n .ak inu tbo co».t

u f cael. 100 poii^d» ilu'. ___ I_____________

'IJ; AID DISTR ESSED CRUiSERKKY \\'1 '»T . Pla., Jim . Ill W>)—Tlio

.J J I '. S. H. Ibiy Hprini;, xtatioiu'd a t tlii.i '* p o rt ,, l .a s been dliipati-lie'd to Mpxienn

watorn to n 'n d e r asiHihtai.ce to th.' ■ ■ e ru ln cr Tiird in it, rofiortfd at'ruiim l ofi' ’, " j V era Crur. No ilotailB of the accident 4^8 *** **"’* Taroimi aro availab le liero.

MORROW Otl l a b o r b o a r d.i?;o ~ — ^

___ Form er OoTeraor o f K en tu ck y Taket..ll.-; O ffico as P ub lic EopresonUtlTO to

Succeed Ju d g e B. M . B arton • - -»

l i i . t ' (.'H,I0A(!0, J a n . 10 OP)— Ilem arkins I'rH tha t ba^^n); been reared in u anial till.' town where t h e ' railroad payroll wai

'win the only payroll, he appreciated the iK'ii, iiiiportarice of liia new ta sk , fornici ami {liivermir Kdwin I’. M orrow of Ken

•Ki'ii. t a rk y 'lo d a y took o ffice us fi publi< m l-! roprcHciitalive on the U nited »tatei

jrailrciml labor bonrd.I Her hucccoded JudRC H. Mv lio rto i

P |y o f Meniphifl, Tonn., re«i(;ned,-w ho in |im ;tted today th a t he wns think iai (if •piil.liahinj; aome nf hia /'oncluaions

® toiic!iiii(' ra ilroad labor d iaputea- nm the ir I'linplliation and ndjudicntion.


cago,ricaa (Continued from Paije Ono>it in _________ ■ .

tho “ failure to enforce the cightccnt noot* .•jniendnicnt.'’*on. j " H o not niiaunderataml m e,” , M:

mo* I’in.'-liot added. “ I peraonnlly kimi n by tha l llu'rc arc hnneat men in th e oi ilotio fHtefwcnt Hvrvicu who a te d»lnj; tbe’ Heap, level best. .H u t I peraonally kao ' P a t al'sii th a t hiirieat men hTivc le f t i t i nbus, ile«pair .lu'cause they hnd bocomo eoi ICQil, '■'iiiced tha t tho ir iniperiorH d id nut ii y’a r d r tend to enforee the law .”

I N early M isted It.^ ^ ^ 1 T he sleiuiiiT w nn-only a few fee ^ from .the <)u«y when there xvna n i*ii<l

den coMUiiotlon nml a m an canie ru t nUiK iiiiidly frotn the dock p ite i

ched* .BbontliiK to the o in d n h to wnli n ms niPiit. W ithout pausing In hlH xtrltic He (Itih); hiK hnt; onto ih c boat, took i dPHi.orate lenp and iHndeir on fhe ilei-1

l.'nre wlili n crnah. ‘'Coo*!!" he Kaspcd. a " f bP ‘w ns akMHletl tn bI5 IpM. dl

*t. Id- It. A -few Heconila h ite r and 1 «houl f be- huve mlKned It." “Ml.asoil I t l" oi fleas, clalnied ono of th e PHSsenjcera, "Thi iroxl. boot la Just roinlni; In 1" fears 'new Thp H um an H air.four T he li'iii;ili <if life o f the hiilr ra rle

.•ablo w:tli OKI*. »ex. c h a rac te r o f h n Ir an e de- Individual pecullaritU'S. Kncb ho lr hd r^lay ] lt!< determlni^d lenRth of life, and thi

ni>d j l» not tly? nanio fo r every h a ir o f th le" of I Mime (icirt. T he ru tc of Rrowth. ei each. I |icrlnlly In younK wotnen. Is frotn 2 I

:> umr.. n r nbout 4 to U Inch, durIn I eiicb of tho llrN t'teii dayH of Rrowtl

EfikI- I o r nlKiut -4 to ^ jncli a m onth. Whe I tbe ll reaeha^ a lentrtli of 10 (o 14 Inche have Its n ite o f fcrowtb Is redncetl one-hu: thotn and la te r tow urd tbe end of I t s noi rein- I'ml life tt.n Increusc Is hard ly poVcoR ROV- Ibk*.

It of . ,. ,

'S u re Dees T raval.Ptrl.t ^ “ *‘1 Unci itlves “I'd nam e ‘Im L in t Dollai idecr <lnr a in’ autIlB*Hlat goes faster, u p e r ., ----------

ANNOUTHiJlve * » * ' .•eom. - I -have. tOiX ; ; T w in F a lls .

I t is m y purpose .to eontinu ostabilahm ont

A lloys 3 and 4 w ill be rcnerved fi ------ afternoons from 2 to G. I


■ .. I •

;ws. TWIN FALLS, IDA: I Dempsey to Figh


^ fN m c ! f57r?5g i Vm- . ■fflr

I '-■■' . . i

;V I 'l y I - ^

i .V J fCALFl

iv^ ' '3

:n«. ' V _on- jAViKi.1mil ' ' ^ ■ 1 r 9

S 'm t n 73 in

lilv , ........................ ^('d- ; «XA.CK. D S hn= W rV -

"R ‘ eniialdered certain th a t .lacVhen nernpsoy will m eet Tommy Gibbons ;erc ^tbe otily man who ever stayed th e limi]

with him aince he became champioiij ii a clianipionship l-'j-roumU-bont in >*cv York c ity the laat weolt in M ay. Qib

'bonaj meantim e, will be brouKht caa

e r 'a s s a i l s ' FA.LL AS'

CORRUPT in DEALIN(enn ' ------ -—th.> fConOnufld from :*ago One)

claimed the privik'Ke i.f w ritii.) ' ' l e t t e r . -

• ‘In th is te tte r, since i t hod boen pon p n Itlve ly proven th a t M r. F all lo f t hor

^ about th e tim o be lo t h is friend Sin Clair, havo th e T eapot Dome, h e sali

“ “ j i e le f t W ashington w ith $100,000 am ^ * c a r r l 0d i t doxtm to Texns an d depoi

itod I t. I t seonu th a t ho used tho sani kind o f a, conveyor for cash th a t ‘On

“ "ff D ick ' Addlcka d id w hen he came dttw to D elaw are to ‘try to co rrup t thn

'1'°” sta to and como to t h e 's e o a ta ; h brough t llis money Jn a suitcase. A I remombor. when they w ere bityln

, c ity councllmen in S.in Francisco, tha wa.n.the means o f c.irrying abou t thol money. . . .

“ Anywiiy. Mr. Ki-ll madi' a s l ; .r m enl. ititbcT ri"H’j>lf'dU-, w itb re fr em-i' tl? where he .d . |; i i r . i ',> H jy ;m ^

' ”•^,110 said 1.1' was . jireparinK to Uuy ranch down in M exico' jiiid th;.the 1.ai.kii.K fai-iiili.cH w.Vc lim ited nn llicri'fnri' he ji.^t loolf aim.if ll.i'.casl lie wiiiiml lip w ilh a llll^^t o f ii.d ip i;

•tiun .I'A' H aying:IF D “ ‘T he/R cntlem an fro inw hom I ^ ob tained i f —referring to th e

1 SIOO.OOO—‘and who fum ishod tho____I cash' was tho Hon. Edw ard B. Mc-

Irfan o f W ashington. D. 0 . ' • ‘ Immedii.tolv a f le r th a t It..' llo

?M w ard .n . M.-l-ean hired h im -elf tv cmnv lj‘"yt'rH and made a sl;iti'nii'iii. 1 ( on- tl 'e Hon A. Milcliell I’aliniT, wiltbc ir "'lioni he had been ou very frieuil <aow b u t tliln was an inv i'stii'a tii

'm th a t wa« beinx pnahed very r-'leiit Ics i eon- *’>’ the distin;'iiisl.eil si'iiatc.r fm

J jji. M ontana (.Mr. W.iNli) and. if iv thought, I presume, that if a forni d fim icratic a tti.rn r^’ h<‘iht:iI rsliou come ft.rw nrd .a* tl." repri'M atative

- Mr. . \^ l.* an ir. hla e ffo rt to rememb ” 7 x x b c re " ^ -j.l lbe ^«JOl\nOO tb a t bb 1

Full have, tha t would end th .it r«i troversy , i.ml Mr. M’tehell I’alnier sa this: ‘ Mr. .Mel.ean ia now in Flori fnr till w inter, and Jis (ilrli;;('il to imnin there c-Vi.i;; to tin .........

'‘“ II hi-, own health and ti,.it u f his w ife .’ lloek • •I 'o b se rv e th a t whonevor a man ’• *'■ does n o t w an t to ro befO ri a grand

, jn ry or o ther inquialtoriul. body, -his hea lth falls. . I have know;i more robust c o ^ tltn tlo n s to be

T his ro ln fd by crim inal courts th an by all th e plagues p u t together. Any

. w ay—, | ‘‘ Mr. M cl^an is now in KInrida i

srlPs ,{1,0 w in te r ;ind is ohlij{ed to rcy];i and I thero owing to the condition o f I

• hifs |own health and th a t o f his wife. 1 thin has requested mo to say thn t if y

’ the jdesiro a complete sta tem en t fnim h es- reference to hnid loan for fhe n

'2 to 1®'^ hearings, be will bo glirlng it. He lia.i ju s t telegraph,wth. follows:Vhen I / “ h i 1021 I loaned Fall *100,000 iches p e rso n a l, note. I have never 11: '■half H arry S inclair, nor, havo I ever n, nor- ^ o h e n y or any ' o f th e ao-called

ci-m-D«nle« Loan.

, “ T hnt is tho subatani^c of tho te gram. The inestigntin;; <ommittee m

. down to F lorida nnd tho senator fn M ontana (M r. Walsh') tqok a f ir s t ha

Mr*’’ from M r. M cLean. Incido• ally , Mr. M cly-aiv's real law yer, 3

NCEMENTtaken over the ■ ■ s Bowling Alleys;inuo th e high standard so t fo r th is n t by m y predecessor. . ‘ i fo r ladles every W ednesday and F rid ay

E very courtesy wlU b a extended.


VHO, THURSDAY MORN 'ht Gibbons in May |

f ! '■ ; D - I ;S AGE“ ” 3 0 '1 B .

iiw W D G H T isg .lh ^

iin. REACH 7 4 In. . m B


iPk n»d inn\pbpi\ w itb (>eue THniipy nml HI, others to let the cnah euatonicrs nec

, ’ w hat ho can do, nnd to steam up inter- eat in the figh t w ltb Demjiaey.. I t is

i’t'^probablo Dempsey w ill meet L ub AnRcl cw F irpo in New Y'ork o n 'Ju ly 4 nnd tnko ib- on H nrry Wills, negro contender, in tbe aat samo ring on Labor dny. ^

TEACHERS WILL CONVENE y f i — ’' “ .Xnnouncemrat o l Md«to* to Sa Haul

{ H ere I s Sent Ont by Soperintondeot __1 to Educators o f County I

' Tw in Falls eounly. tencbers-’ meot- >0 (1- in;; will be hold JVM.iy,- Jan u n ry 25, ore l'i';;inniiii;' a t ft o ’clock a. m., in tbo lin: Twin KiiIIh high school auditorium , aid according to nnaouncoments sen t out Wd tl. all tenehera n the county by M iss » s - Cl.iirliitte I’oml, W^nnnty aupcrintond- inio ent.Jftri "K v e ry effort ia i.oiiiK put forth to >Wn muUe th is uu-e^liiij; imo of tUo Ucut h n t Twin ra ll.i cimnty eyer h a d ,” Iho au-

he nonuceiiieat said. “ Its purpose is for......... iiieaH of profesHiooal

ln:c iiiteri'sf, fi^ tho stiiilj:*'of metliodft and ha t for t'eiieral n iltiire .” le lr ' Ti'ai’hers are ex|iei'li'd tn a tte ad un-

li'H* spi'i'ificrvjiy excnsod hy the county lit*'- N iiperintemlent.,fe r ____ ____________i t '" - ' O reat Discovery.^ .Thp ftltinnlnc of .fro A legs by an

Italinfr aclpntlst to m iiB i^ soup for Ills Kick wife le<l to iln> jfrmob-nmkli.K dlxri.very Hint e le c lr je lt< ^ in he con- era led by olieriile'iil »iieriiis,„whicb wna th e .f**?eninner of tl.o pri'Kent-day prl-

* m «ry buttery, > . -

l.anilierl, weiit along lo advise *liii clienn to canblc him to ri'iiicmlier just

>"1‘- exactly whnt d iil oi'riir ami when In' j;ot w ith his rea! lawver he remcm I.)'re<l th a t lie never loaned h'.'ill a did- Inr in bin life, l.nt he - a id _ ^ a t Fall cai;ie io bim ami w anted l^N j^rn .w some moHPv, ami lie j^iive liiin n.i'u ' chcckH and’ tha t a fterw ards .M ^ Fall

rci.i note, and tha t these oln^ks

■"‘J''' uiicaalipil, with the slalem.-ijt l.v M,';Fall tha t lie ha,l gotten th is money

'' ' from-VDiae ctlier source, and tlierefon nbcr ,ii,i „ „ t recpiire it, . .• " T h e seaator from Montana thet •■"I'; w rote t(I Mr. F a ll, .w h o is now alst

tlowii in Florida for his hiTiltli, put irid.i tin g up at the Riinie hotel with lhal ' o ther invalid .'M r. M cl/i'an.'and callei " l.is nttciitioii to the fael tha t Mr. Mr

Lean had repud iati'l Ihe Htnteni't-nt li< m ade to the coniinitt.'e and asked lii'ii i t IU« wwild cmt' tn miike n f'.irtbe'

ly» . slat..- m eat and lie ileclincil ti> do it except th a l he wnite a le lte r in wl.i>')

^ he anid:‘‘ 'M cLean tnld (he tru th . I ii"vc'

got any money from h im .’ ”

■ P lan ts nnd flowers — P lan ts 01 narcissus, frcesias. stocks, etc., 1.1 kimli tu i flowers. I’boiio <lr^call nnv (\n>c

' ' ' 'S e v e n th street south. City ' Towe yo“ Qroenhouse, Twin Falls.—adv. bun

■ Today L ast Tim esU'le.' 2:00 7:10 ' 0:10

M atineo 10c, l7 c . N lto 10< 36c

I ‘M e r r y " "I Go Round’

w ith^ PHII.BIN



^ —Tomorrow*- •

“ VVhy Elephants Leaye- Home” .


f f l l j O T M G E R iN FIN A iE

P resid en t o f Beichsbanl< Will G ive R ep arations E xperts F ig u res on E conom ics

I'AUIK, Ju n . IB </P>—r>r. Scbact, pre(iide!it o f the rci.clisbank, is leav ing B erlin l ^ g h t nnd will roach P aris toiiinrri.w evoning, according, to word receivcd^frojn the Oerman cabinot. Ho will appcac before tho f i r s t committeo, o f expertw on .irridny to la y boforo th a t body thp iDfbrmation a t l)is dis- ] pO!inl on th e economic s itu a tio n o f his country..

I t is understood th a t D r. Scbact will I.I' aceoinp-'iniod by some o f his closest advisers and experts ns w ell ns by, KnrI Uergm ann, form er undcr-secrotary o f thn treasu ry , who w us a fam iliar figure In the rppnrntion conferences. T he committeo will bo glnd to henr ’mieh pcraons as tho re irhnbank proai- dcnt SPCH fit tn b n n g w ith him, tp

' throw light on th^ siib.ioct in hand. The experts also will boar tllo load-

• e rs o f r.erjiian industry e ith e r a t P a ri" o r 'ill nom iany and tho cv en tjia lity of lingo Stiniips coming a t an cnrly date is being . disciisacd.


U niversity ’ Extension D ivision Facnlty M em bers to Addredi Assem bly a t B uhl TTnder Aosplces o f O range

»ko ' ’ .

‘ •■I® B I'H L ,. Jn n . 16 (Special to The X ow s)—.Memberii-of tho .s tn te u n iv c r sh y un iversity eslonsion d iv is io u a la fl w ill nddress n fa rm ers’ m eeting to b( !;ebl Thursday evening n t 8 o 'clocl^ Ir th e Huhl Clinmber o f Commerce roome

W d jh e re uildor the ausp ices--of-tho Tw ir n r t Falls county grniiges, according to an

HOrj»ren»PDt mnde h y J . S . tiraw ford .secretary ' o f Twin F alls county Po

50t- moan grange. -The speakers are to in 25, cludo P rof. Mcliolo nnd P ro f. Hun tbo gorford, who will .d iscuss p lan t dis um, eases and soils, nnd P ro f. A tkinsor out and Mr. Knurt, who w ill sponk oii diii l is s rying. -A cordlfll in v ita tion is ex md- tioided to all persons interested .

to D E N IE S V A liID ITY OF NOTE.L iab iiily fn r pnym ent n f rt ni>lo fo'

nu- $s.'0 for which suit has'hL'cii iiiqtitutei fo r against bim l.y the M inneapolis Thresh

)nal ing M ai'bine'cftm pniiy, ia denied by J and T. Robertson in aa answ er filed in dis

tr ic t court hiTe throunb Iiis atto rney un- a . T. H am ilton. Hoberlson acLaits

inty c ru lin g a note for J|,'.1-I.7 I to thV Cana di'nn Hank of Conimrri't', and g iving • real OHtato mortgagOj aa security, de d a re s lha.t note was paid prior to Sep

nn tem ber, 1922. and tl.a t Iho murtgaj; for which (be p la in tiff corporation claim

;Iii^ aa spcurity fo r tho note on which 1 ;<*n. sues, should huve been releaaed of rec ivna ord.pri- ------------------- :------

No Wool on Wild Sheep.Wild tdieop u re not clnd In wool llk<

= s lh e dom estic anlmalB o f th a t name 1 ,i* bu t hnve th e ir coats rcsom bllnjr'thorn j„„t o f th e dcor family, says N atu re Mngtt

In rIno. Thoso who a re unfum illar w itl tb e nppenranc% of th e w ild species a n

dol- ‘‘“t^ Mpt to m istake th e 'cw ca fo r goats T b * skin of th e "B ig H orn" Is tWi nnd pt)n>us does n o t m ake gom leather.

Ir i Aalso

I T o d a y =•tbeT . W

! “On the Bankso f ____ J . S tu a r t BJa

Insp ired b y P au l D resser’s fomou owcr renew tt<^nalntanco w ith tl

M f Oast:




and others in*a J ' Wonderful Picturo ;

V sumtiiNT O X ED


Becords and sh ee t music - U g a a

1924.' ~ \

I I I ‘ T o d a y , F r i d a y ^ n d

■tj ■ ■ “ ■ ■ S a tu r d a y - ’


D O U G L A S M a c L E A N ' •ing in h is la teat, g rea te st e lg li^reel iris special, th e b ig h i t In N ew Y orkcrd and London, b y Oohan a n d H ar.Ho > Hs, entitled

s |X j(M Iw U p «^ e s t, ■ ^by,I tL o v e and laughtop, d ram * and

a ry , » v e n tu ie , *eale th e d l i ^lia r i heights In th e fin e st «>oed filmCOB. I o f the year. - •

; Take our t ip and see th ai la te s t b y '

i Douglas“ MacleanTho I

Ivor- ■Itnff

■ A< an-

Po-) in- Elun-



I for

I I llll Wil \ \—f r m i u 9 w

The critics a ll declare lt* s a s ^ good and b o tte r th a n * 'TH H *

. HOTTENTOT” w hich y o u ro -^ mnribcr waa going some. » So he

sure and see

“GOING UP”_jilje - Also showing

nnic. P ttthe BovlewhoBQ Topics of th e D ayIngu/ Oomedy '^ A eeo p ’s Fables.,w ltb Special musical score b y .I a re Orphoum O rchestraoats. Usual prices: C hildren 10ctldn A dults 20d a n d 30c

good •

lL T O^ * ■

-Special.is of the Wabash”B Jackton Prodoction, . ‘

m ous s(jng. i l e e t a ll th e .back hom e f o U ^Jl those who live la C tM b e n y Oom ors.

------ ---------------------------------------------------------1 »


Larry Semonin his greatest action

^comiedy— a 'Scream a '^econd-:>a continuous laugh—



0 • — __ ■ ' .


s ic o f ih e famous song on sale a t Jgaa M usic Oo. . '

■ ......... . i- I . \

, .. : TWI

U N G lLC O T S C i f f i ;

■ E S S i m i :A u d i t o r s ’. R e p o r t S h o w s P r a o - ’

t i o a l l y : S a m e B a l a n c e o n

H a r id a t E n d o f Y e a r w i t t i

R e d u c e d R e v e n u e . •.

• W ith n iniiJntcnajiro rc'-' duccd in to 00 i-i'utH :iii n T o from $1.20 iiu Hire in tlx ' Snlinnii Rivi-i (Timiil i'»mi>uiiy «u-t oxtrnorilinury cs- pojiditiirps niii<iiinfiti;r lo jiion ' tliiiii | $5000 lUitl fiiiicliocl. Hic yonr with ;i push biilniH'i’ Ilf iipijroxiiiiiifoly JSOOO

\ on hiinil',. wliii'h in iiriirt ieiiJly tho miiiio nm ount im wan rejm rli'd on 'h iitid jit tho bcKioiiixK of thi* year, nccordiiic to thc rpp'irt n f nn ntiditini; coinmitft'o

tfl the Rtovi<Uol'^'T» iv«w«ivltnoofiiiK lit HolllHtrr limt Mondiiy. •

III Kj>Uo <>f ]ior rotif roilii-’ 'tio n in the ni;iit_il»'naii"i* phar/’O and tlii' - h e a v y cxiK'iicliturrH ^fhiit h.'iil not lioon nnticijm lp il, tl»' ri'jiort Hiiid, tlii- th'llv. r c r} a t w iitop iliirini; th<* m-ndon o f ■ u'n m’lio o f the niont xritiHfactory in tho | hifltorj* o f tho Salnu>?i ll iv e r tr iie l, nii'l till? croiH w ere esiieo iiillv g ood . ^

r Charges F o ld T7p.I'riicficnlly ao iiiiiintfiiaiico tliiirm'-

iiro dcli«i<|iifiit, ncforiUnjr to tho rojHirt. Thin in iiffrilm tt‘<l fo tlie ooiiipiiay'k policy innuptratcd a t 1 ho bo«iirniifK; o f tho ycnr of* ri'funiiiB fo ilolivor wiitor un til till* churjrt'K nro iiaitl. T lie delih- '* q uen t rlmrKCH hi tlio om j of the year n jaoun tc l to . JUHH.ni). lh i» entir<*/“ amount. UiniUfo r whi'*h no nj'pUoatiou for w ater <le- llvory «•»» nimlc. . i '

Aj>|iroxiniiitely o n o s ix th o f the!. * ■ i n- I hc oiiiuil H>«>U-iii IJ- hn va hcfii ri'iil-iccil ihiriiii; ■ tho (KiHt

yonr with sloel and loniTofo jilnn-- turon. c'

Cnsh on hiind on .fnauiiry 1, nniouiitcd to *70«-!.72, a rro rd in tr to the rcjw rt, a# ronii>nrod wifh nnhand Jnnuary 1, i;i2U. Thc h:ilain-e for tho liittor y iiir. Ji^^ovor, it* to Ite iToil-' i te d with in a fa s li ie r ’K fiind |

•whirh »H not'uliow n in f)ie Imnk Iml- ^

Anniuil miiiiileniinoo cli:»rnoH nre n-<t duo nntil April 1. th e rejmrt tiay.H. n'ld i t in ronHidorcit pnihablo Ih a t thero ' w ill be an additUmnl enrry ovor. j ^

EXtraordlnnry Expenditures, -s. i KxtrnnrcHniiry oxjx'nilitureK diiria'r

10J3 wliii-h were n n t provi.lod fur in.- ‘ flio bndl^t't nml w.'i^rli nninuiiteil , to

>5<l8f5, inehi.leih I.iti^ jatioa, $10(1(1:ivufer lirense fee piiid to tbo ntutc,whieh luiJi heretofore In^’n consi<ii;reil ^a lijibilily- o f llio land nnd wnfer eoni |pany. cbiiniH uad dainjiKi'Wi |

• jierimuieut rej'iiir iu the floor of Uio inaio I'unii.l laado iiecens;iry by eulliipxt* diirinj; the irrifjatioii heaHon, j

•Moailiera o7 tlio eoniaiitlei* wliici; j Aiibnihtecl tliiH reprirt lo the_»tockliol<l- . orM' aieetitu;, wero Nelson llnyw anland T. J . Doni'liifl,' both ...... of tho jroinpany'n bo.ird o f ilireelorM- .j

HELD FOR SALE OF .LIQUOR ,• ---------- 1

A rth u r JohnsoD, ro n n o r Thresbernuui, i M ust X Answer to Z<aw *for AUeged. i VotuUng o f Alcohol to Y ouths ' ,i

______ II lle g a l w Je n f li(|u<ir, on tw o eou iils, !

in eharj;ecl n^i'aiiist A rthu r JoliiiHOn, M id ‘ to b n ve dp orite il .n ILn'xhinK iniU'liiao I hero la^ fa ll, ,whn .van a r ro fite il ' l i o f j < Wo.lnoHdiiy b y C h io f ».f J 'olieo V. (J. , '

- Hcrrini-’ia and turned over to th e cdun i ty juillKtrilie.H. .Joliii!«oa. en te red n “iil-.-.T o f not 1* ehartio when nr- raifjiiod \Vo<ljie»diiy a/ternnoii hefor-;

- Judj;** O. I’. Duvnll in jixoluifo court. 'H e ivutniilniilteil to biiil in tlic khui u f . >.'500 whirh he did ao t farni.»li aad wa;»;- 'rcninadc'd fo the epntoy <if fho ulierlff. i

In one roaiplaint Johnaon i^ ehiiri;<'<l I w ith Hc liaK a -itiiurt bo ttle o f lii^uor. ( und in another with i-ellin); n bali'-j>iat N o f Ij«|uor. . .loliiiHon'm jT afronH 'la 'lioth : inatnnrL'.H nre fiaid lo havu been hnys-j unJu r IcKiil et;o. % 1


Tho ilrnmn nnd litirraturo departm ent of tiio Tw entieth Century club w ill moot F riday nfternoon, Jauu.-iry 10, nt l :nO with Mrs. Robert M ursh, S4I

J T h ird aveauo north.

Tho Neighbors o f W oodcraft w ill moot in docinl acMion F rid n y ovoning a t 8 o ’clock in th e Businoas Womon’a r lub rooms. Thero wUl bo en te rta in ­m ent und. rcfreshm cnta.

Tho Py th ina Social club wlU me<^ .•with 'Mra. C. II. ifldred o n -IV Id a y

• afternoon, Jan u a ry 18. ‘ C ars ' w ill lenvo tlio poatoffico a t 3 o'cloclc. i

Tlio rcRulnr meeting; o f tho Catholic -Women'a Longuo w ill 'b o he ld n t the Buainesa W onicn's club room# Thurs­day -cv'ening nt 8 o ’cloclc. ' ,

Tho LniMcs’ A id ' .of -llio BstpUBt-■ church will m eet w ith Mrs- Cnrl Hen­

son, •l-40'l .F ou rth nvonuo caat, on iJ h u ra d o y nfternoon a t 2:30- Each

PIonibcT of tho aociety • avUI b ring ■ e ith e r snndwichc's a r cake../•_ ---------

Tltl® e f Sheik.This tltlo of sheik whlcb 18 bo bflcn

m et w ^ih-In iircBcnt-duy A ction l-s n clii;i8 rank m uons AnilJ^, Ii0i»f)lin{ a cliloftiiln, the bend , of n vlllnjtc o r tribo or even un ftlilnen t iHun. Thc

•coiTctf prop'liii'liiilou Is ‘'Bbcuk,'’ • nc- . . co rd in g .to Wol.^torW dlctlonnry.

y i N F A L L S ' i j A l L Y N E W

T E O T - S S K .Y L E >‘.i.; . V*'------ ‘ •

I- (i.- IL \ i

" 1 Hifeolax VC LfOoo^Trotziry. Kubsiaq Soviet Co

" Intensely head and th ro a t-a ilm e n t L torlly ordered him to re llaq a lsb b.ls

.» only m an who dobsmscs g- eator pow fiorloufly 111 be has no t b een ablo to m oro than n v«*nr v

0 - ................ — ■ < .


•r - ---- ,*Union P acific A u tbo rites Beductlon 7

fo r T ravelers A tt«niilng Sessions of S t;tte 'A ssociation H ere . .j

t . — j Kedueed rntea for persnnii nttendiu);.

th e .Id ah o IrriKufion eoiiKreKH bi Twin ,i Falla .Jnnunry -3 ' and have beon j] nutliorir-ed on the eortifieiito tdnn by o tho Union l ‘ao;fie Hymeni. m 'ro i^ n n to j,

«ndvi'-OH rocoivcd aJ the ehanmjur of „ roinniet<^‘. liere from I). S. tjpeaeonl^ia* eral iiansenjjer aKont for t l i ^ OrtlJoa sShort-U no .-------------- ;------------- c ---------- J(

J Tho reduced rntca. w ill- aindy;. f.roiii t1 ■'Hfalimw'irl r<liiho"iriTi1'*from , \ rm it t 'S n 7 r ’

MittitniVii;''nalcK"of*M‘;ife •fflrinJ^IIR'^''' r j._ nre .Inniinry 21-2:t, and for return'tri^> „

Jnn un ry inelnsivi'. i.,„■ 1 I’nuw njiers w ill jKiy fu ll faro for uo-^ Ic in n , and ob ta in e-.Tlifii><ite th e n 'fo r .'(

Thia reeeip l, wlion sign ed by t lie iiecre- .tnry o f th e nieellntr, ancl s lan ip ed b y | ilTie jo in t ,n y e u t . w ill e n f it le th e orijrina! j

luirchiiHer lo o iic -lin l* , fare for th e re- |, fu n i Iri]. i f pre-entecl_ on return d a te s i xporifie il, eontlii(^oiit u|hiu att nltencj- (

(an ce o f l.'O or inore frtmi pointH from j w'liieli tho one wa.v fnro 07 e enta p

— J


M alady In Idaho )7ow Confined to Few I,, ( H erds in ^RPOr Snake E lv e r ToUey,, . Says O h lM ’Fedoral In spec to r ;

IIoR eholem in Idaho lr< ronfined a t I] tho iireaeiit time lo . t l io vieiniliett of.

i' I’oerijello. Tryiiee, lllaekfont anil Idnho ' FallK, where ownerx of n ffected -lierdH

have beea hIow to rec-oj^tiize and repoK Ihe jireaeneo of llie inajady, b u t wlieio , f.ho hitiiaiioii—uow- iA iincb.-r emitrol o f '

;■ federal and u tafe’veterinariana, nftcord- injf to Or- W. A. SiilUvini.-iiiMpoi'tor iu , i.hnrKc for the fed m il buronti o f nni- ‘ mill induatry in Idnho, who will reliirn .;; loiUkV fo Boiao a f te r a b r ie f vi.Kit here. J

P Dr- Bullivan, who enmo fo Idnho feu n years ngo-to atfiinp ot*t tho ho;; cduder-i I

]ila;;ue thn t had iindenntiiod flio' awiii<; lO, Kfuwin;; ipdiiHlry In tbia roiinty, iH-<uoi| ed. ii wnm lntj fo i>«in" growers hero ta .

..ninintnln ron«fiint viKilanro ajrainsl re. . eurrencP of Ihe nialarty. ^

la ,! " T h e Twin Tnlla ro n n fry ,” he aaid. ' id “ ia eontributint; heiivij\^.‘to tho Hwiae no mnrki-lt . 'f I ’orthiml' a ad 'O n d o n . An r'-jopidem ie o f ho;; eliolera in th ia eoiinly ( j . i would reiu ll in a aevore netbael: lo this n im portan t indmifry.”

------------------T - ■ IA Queer Thing. . I

• Ono of tJn’ llilnKn nbout iis nil I is tliut w e'd sooner bellove whul Is

“ •’ ito ld us by u s in in t'o r thnn whni Is ' ly* f'told by our be«t frioiidji. ^ '

" ‘ U TOTO H EA ITH CEMAHDS.•'■•I VeM:i DintW fd ^Yntc^—P ure, soft, a t 'frjmrkliii;;. Linrolu I’rodiice ;ind He- tli friKorntln;; compunv. Phone 905.— adv.

"i ■ .

The ■ _Danger

t Signal;in-

ta k e ■ p e e d -^ Don’t lay ^ YoUr.eyesight is ti

i I f y o u r e y e s b l u r ,

'III I f 'y o u h a v e h e a d a c h e s ,

I f y o u a r e n e r v o u s ,

List " ®y®8 c x a in i ien- g e r S ig n a ls .^

le h A n . e x p e r t e x a m i n a t i o n w i l t iIng

1 Davis Opl m ■ ‘I a i Our cbars&s a re reaso tubla , one: a ; ^ • adTica a i

iL’hc , no ’ Mala Ave. N . ' Acxoaac- - - •


E N I N E B O T H ' I I ^ I j

Commlasor tor Wat, la avltering so It that b is physlclBna bave penimp* bU duties entlrelr* N ik o l^ L eo ln e ,: >6wor» In Rusaln tbaa T«ftxky. Itf ao : to perform h is duUes a s Premier lor ;

EIGHTH .GRADE STUDENTS i . TAKING EXAMINATIONSQ T oil} Axe Condutrted at ;&OTen Centera f in County for FupUa Quaiifying tor .j Admission to Hlgb Soho'ol

? Tvtin Falla rouiitv ei;»lith irnido kIii- den ts W edneatlay .be;;an tukini; exniiL-

11 inntiona propareci by the a tn te for fhcir y errtranoo inf(^ hit'll aeliool. Tho exam- " ina tion" , whieh will oeeicpy lliree clav!i. n re boiuK eondiifted in Kovea dealt;-

• UHtod eeutora iu the county under tho hujx'rviaion o f ovor»eera aeleeted,’by S'li(ra'''(,'harloUe‘ roiiil, poTtnly auperin

!■' ,^ondent. in nrcord-Tiiee w ith atnfo law. •>i S^tudonlK now are beini;..examined in I' rrjid in ;; ;i>nT'J)lHfr>rv- KxVimiiialinnw ir J‘ o ther Kubieets will be rondueted In

iA pril nnd M ay next.'■ Tho atiidonta iK-Rnn tn k iir ; exainiaa-. ■•'finns Woilne«dny In Twin Fall*. fhoT'x-’■ nnviwutioHS bessJK •■«udHrtvd roH*-,-y fy snp i'r in te iid ea t’m o<'fiee by Miaa 0]»n1 '• PillinKtnn nH i-oiidiietor. Cither K''f''ipa '• I'l'snn nt th e Hani'* liiiie tn take exnni-

inaliona in Cnatlofohi;' wlmre Mra, J{. a.!■ ro U h o rjrh i poliduetor: Rnlil. .Mra, Helen " F r ilrh e r , eoncluetor: Filer, Mra. .Innean 'I Khinn. eondiietnr; II'illlHfer.'^MlHa Ber-

niee Lcney, r/>‘Mdiie*or; Ilanvnn, .Mr. 'MrVo>-, eonduc-for: M urfnuch, Mr*.

0 O liver .Inlinson, cnncluelnr. ,

»' AT THE HOTELS1 UnllKlt-SON— A. I..^Sniith, 11. Hrel;-

. afrom,' D. Willinni-<. J . f). Wini{rene, W. U. ApKoocl, Satt r.nki': L. C.

^•OKilon; W illi;ii.i Connelly, I.<m aIi- . Kolea; Art Fli-teher, Paul E -no ancl I, w ife. t,’hnrb"A Ciirsim mul w ife, Vinil

Wood, Mox<iii n ro i., Oriiheuni theater;) M elvin L o w . Ne>v Vork: F- 1>- d a rk .

K-,M- G arbetf, -I. F. 'Mnoro. ■^•oc-alelto; P a t Coffe.v. Spokaiie: Mr. and Mra. M M. W hifla’leh . Twin Falla; Jo e Isoeliler, S alt LnkO; Hc'-n Hay n,n<I uMfe, H. Vo«a,

" 'T w in Kalla; <‘'a rl Jenkina. J . R. Prafl, Boiae; H. S. BurKoa. Caldwell.

' P K im iN K —r.eorKo (). ( ' ii n n i n c J'j P n riian d ; K. P errv, Siilt L ake; A- F-

Ilnvolaiid .. Mnho 'F-iUs; H. A. Haa-, B urley ; H. Browninir, JarbldK o; M. L

" Dean, Boiae; .T. F . Yale. IlaKernian;'J . N. Boyle, F rank Som>.en.

[ MnrtatiKli; O- F. Lnnhnni, I.obaiion,, " Ind-; K- P- Woii^’ort, .A- KhotW"ll. Idnho

F nlla ; John U__U tm ter^ ^’yjHSj... Ore- .la ”

■•NEWS F E IN T IS NEW S PEINT.” -- 'j CllICAOO, Jan . M (/?>—T hat .‘-‘ne«a

I>rint la tiews p r in t” waa tho reply to- JJ day o f a roprt'aenfafivo o f Uu:_Chicai:o

T ribune nnd o ther inloroafH to pro|KH> Ilia o f flio ponaolidatod claajtifiealioa committeo >if th e riilro ad to redrfine nows p rin t, rh is repreaenlafive, P, .N,'. A ntrim , iiuoted tho int’ersta?.' i-.mi- luetcc i-oiumhslon iw aiiyUin lUii*. in'vva p rin t “ ia renilily dif::ins'iialie'l from

V , o ther k inds o f pnper.”

t Neglect Your Eyes too precious to.Ipse-

■ V

mined. These ttre nature’s dan-

ill save trouble later^on.

ptical Co.and in return' we give you Qxpert

1 and service * , -

TOSS tho street ftom -tho Ferrlne. Hotel

t H O , T H U R S D A Y M O R N ]

t C f l f i l S L T I l T r.D U ic r a N G -Animal C onsigned 'by Dr. R. S . i"i

Arm es T ops Two-Day., Salo I'.jHere a t $ 9 2 .5 0 . '

■____ L.• ‘ ■ ♦ ' P iI ToppiiiK n tno -days snlo of register*

. ed Uuroe Jersey swine h e ro 'th is woek, jj,and aetlhi;; a rocnrd fo r Ihe hiKhcat fo]iriee paid a t anlvs in aouthern Tdnho m

. th ii y ea r f<ir any aW of the breed, roj a aow consigned by Dr. U. S. Armca, w

Filer, wan purchased here Wednoaoday alby Chnrlea Barlow of Ilnr.clton for rc$l)2..'50. • ul

Tho second day of tho aalo witneHHida laryer n ttendan re and more apirifed ybicidiuR than flu' firat. All o f tho nni- *mala ennaiKned were ante], Ifi beln;;■old Tueaday nud 0:2 .on Wedneadny, ®Ihe 80 animnla hrinKing. an nvcrngo;(jriee of $28 e.ieb. * ' .1

fSixtccu uuimRls were- ^mrchtisod by !buyers from the Ilnzelton diatrle t, fho .o thers going to' F iler and Twin FiiTtad is trifta . l".

Connignora lo the anle, boaides Dr. |Armes, w e ro ’C. A. MeM nsler, Twin j 'Falla, and C. F. Ornvea, Filer. K. 0 . ;

► Wnlt<T was anetioneer and ICzrn .J.F.ielatead. fie ld man. • i ‘"


Pum lshod b y th a Twin Tails TlUa »n< n s A b s trac t Oorap»ny „

• . — . . w « b ic sd ay , Jftnnnry 10.' F. C. Anderaon In C. It. Nickelt,

• iil2n0; nere trn.-t Id Filer.n . B. M arsh to l.oiihi C. Marnh, $1.

• lot 11. bliiek r,-A. Twin Falla.

' ~ :

The Kiiw< . f ■s a i i h ga t $ l

Again we want to iw go on sale today are we have ever carried

I ing. if all df them we, ' the iissortments are

all widths D to AAA

;; Selby WeltAl>()Ut (55 pairs (ij fiiiJ l)lack

. Selby mako. C.ioodyear. wc*l ; , ta i-y ‘h<‘f*ls. For somo shoos

\V(f paid a-s hif'h as $8 fOs(. . of siz(‘.*J and width-s- ‘

■ ('Ijoirc-.*:-...................o' Brown Kid

A iio iiicr S(‘ll)y OootlVfar w of finc'st <iaal,ity brown kid.

■J iiffon l to pnKs up Ihe.sc VI „ woar tlicst! hihoe.s bnt for

house wear alono. All .sizes.

Odds ahd En\Ill the a.ssin'liiu'nt are odds

'11 • sIiooK ciirficd over froii^ t \V(( ask yoa to troniparo <

" and workiiKitisiiip with k!io ■ Kolliii};* for twice this


Brown CaliH ere ;u*e .••luics''for tlu‘ ; Size.s 11 1-2 to 2. Fine (] calf. A ll widths. An idoa These have been sbilinj' ret,mhirly for $4.50................

Odds and Eti0<hlK. and ends o f child sh(H*s. In the ^roup an* jIk sollin;; for $3.95.- Yon will

oran;;;e.of sizes. Every shot one of <iuaUty. ................

- Regular $.W e o f f e r a b o u t 2 5 A r c h P r e s e r v e r s i i w i d t h s . T h e y a r e 1 q u a l i t y . ' T t e y a r e

NlisTG, JANUARY 17,19a' g r o w t h o f CALIFORliilA 11 1 SE E N AS 'IDAHO’S GAIN |

I E. L. Ashton Saya Eoads WIU ITeed to I' Bo Doublo Tracksd to Carry Oom

I State Products to Ooast i '

I CoiitiiKilnL' aliirt ' c'!' population ' t |, mlilillo AVfBt-i'rri alalt'K to ( 'a lif4 rn ia im £ , pli.w i> gnnving .•idviiiita;'e-'-f«lr Tdan<' I'ra^tn^crs, neeording to A ttorn^* K. U • *A’«h(on.- who has .juat re tu n iip fro'ii

fou r w eek s’ varation t r lp 'lo iJ»uther-i’. 'P a c i f i c coast pointa.

*^It seems ns i f everyhod.v, eaat <*fl ■ tb o Ilo rk y m ountnina-is going to t.'a!'- ” t fo rn ln ,” Mr. A shton said. “ I f th - *“ > m ovem ent continues,” ho.nildo<1, “ r a i l - , • , roads betw een Idnlio nml California ** I, w ill need to bo doyblo. tracked to enrry ^ ? a ll o f th o iJa h o ^^jijdufttB th a t w ill bo “ r rcquircMl to m ain tain C nliforn ia 'h pm>

u ln tlo n .” ■ **, 1 ---------------------------I ‘

w e i s e r a m i s e l e c t e d ' ,tf . f . Stj>te Holsteln-^ealan -Asaoclatlon j * N<1mes B t Daris President; Flan to ^j Co-ordinate Dairy Projects ^ j i

’ l ’(M'ATT-’l.l-0 ; J a n . 1(1 (>P)^lt. T ] .->• pnvin o f W eitcr. v a a olei-ted preaiiient , “ jo f Ihe S la te IIolKtein-Freiaian n aso c ia - ',

tion nt th(' cloatiig aeaaion of tho nniviial ' I c-..!iveiilioii held Inie .Tncaduy J iftiT . i .

!‘ !»ioon in tbia eif.v. BoiatJ-wnn s i d i ^ - l , , 'I n - ' tho next eonvenllon city of the .

iift-oeintion.' ' • - ^ j: The n«‘-0''inli<iii went on ree{(rd n< ,

Sifavori^ig a atnte-wi<le. v'o-ordinafed , ' |>oily e(iiii|'oaed o f all Ihe d a iry and i , I d airy produela in tereals o f Xdnho lo l

< Hie, end Ihnt tho iii(luatr>’ .■)« a whob* m ay-bo foater^d nnd onbirged, such in- ferOats to eomlnne in nn nnnuni ronfer- eiii'o to diaruaa nil niattera o f d a iiy in-

“• .. . . . . :The Nows la road by tbe permannD’

aarnlnir ciniua. ^


id of Shoes I During th 1.95 and $:impress upon the public ti re the finest in quality am ed. A number of peopleJt vere small sizes and narrt •e a complete range of siz l A .

dt,u-k k id sl„.™ o f»-clt m .ll- J

....... m ililu rj-

n 'r/ U K mor ou tin w .............( 'lioiee...:....................................

id . - ,r wcU. A shoe ,\ „ood lissorl :i(l. O nu can n o t' value.5 i f th ey ' sliiii-.s Ih n t orfoi- , ( P O Q C $7.% . T h e j-i

.. .................................Unds • .lIiU an d ends of \ \ \ ^ a re ^ u tt ii

tim e to ti/ne. ber o f -oxford e qu a lity , Htylo (iood sonHiUIek!iocs ordinarily day weiir... . $2.95- pluto range o

III th is " ro u 0 •O'o.wing ;jirl. ch ildron to \ <• (jU ality brown s-iy.es 11 1-2 i loal .school shoo. niinil>or o f ii in - I£cj;ular $4.5(

^ n d s ...............................niack kid kIh l»ildrcn’« school J,oW heel.' A :ihoos ordinarily 9 ]-2 to 11. 1

ft-ill fin d a good mon* monoy hoe ACT shoos bought ............t h l . 9 0 • sale....':.,:..........

< I .

$12 Arch Preset25 pairs of our regular. $: ; in a good range of sizes e bl'aek kid of the very fi re worth wholesale toe

924.» ' ^

'W l f f l S E N D " SESSION:

' I —' C reation o f T ax Com mission I U rged; W ill Put All Property " o n Tax Rol)s

, f \ D O IS IT ^ u u . 10 M>)—Creation "of •.. aoiv-politieal tax . commission to b s

clectod liy th o 'p c p id o , oppoiltion to |. tho stn to gasollno ta x na it now stands

' nnd tho unanlmoiis' dcciaion to sva th a t ‘ a ll cinaacs o f property aro included

on th c ^ tn x rolls, nro a fow of th« tfioughls lo ft by tho Idnh.o nsaessors ns- th ey closfd Iheir fhrco day eonvcn* tiou in Boiap Wedncadaj* night.

Dl T h ey beliovo th a t a non-political t a i ,rpmniisaimi to bo elected by tho peo* pio and given tho powers now vested in tho sta to board of equnlizatioa would solve Id n h o 's problem of. doter*

Jm iu in g how p roperty sliotifd be as* BesB(;d. They th ink tho .giisoUnc ta x law ns it now stnnds la unjust bo-

'' leniiso it deprives tho counties of nny ’ npportionm ent of tho m o ney-co ilee to i

•' T hoy left w ith tho detenninntiou to '■’ 'p u t fo rih n diligent o f fo r f to aeo th a t

*' all elnaaea of property , but cspocinlly hotisehold gooda, fn rn itu ro nnd fU* lu res; diamonds nnd jewelry, wcr« jiut

'1 on the la* rolla. Theae hnvo booa an«uewlisvt negWcted >n Uio pa»<, Ihoy

I aajd. • , .‘"I . •_' Making People lineaey.

T h e philosopher nntlon tho t all th a w orld Is m fre ly Uluslon Is gaining gronhd. hut It sw*mB to ua th a t thq prosH ncents hnvo hnd moro lo ’dn w ith oKtiihllalilnt; tills Idon lluin the phIlDS»> * plicr** tin VO.—Boston Trjinserlpt.

s-W e A re h e S a le g2,95: tha t the shoes which tnd workmanship that iJiave telephoned ask-, rrow widths. No; in iizes up to size 9 and

Tan Calf)nu:n w ho d e s i r o ^ w alk ing o r .. S o lhy m uke,-G aodyear w elt . ' try hool. \ \ \ t suggest th a t ono to buy th is kIjoc fo r «uin-!:. . . . . . $2.95' Black Kid:io rtm e n t of b lack k id kUocs of ,11 l o w . and m ilita ry heels.. o rd in a r ily r e ta i l f o r a round

L*y a ll go on i<ale $2.95Oxfords

t t iu g o u t OU o u a la ld e u num- ordit o f browTi aiuV b lack kid. l>Ie’o.sft>rds fo r s tr e e t o r every;^^'e huve u c/>ni-

e of si'/,es.:....................

Brown Kid•oup w e o ffe r shocB fo r thc o w e n r for be.st. Low lieel,•2 to 2. In th e g ro u p a re a r narro w 'w id tii- ': . (P 1 A T4 .5 0 .......................... : . . ' . . . . . : . . t p i . y D

—Black Kid •Khoes fo r kiddies: T hey have A g o o d ran g e of siKt‘8 from .

. E v e ry shoo o fferod is w orth toy n n d th ey a re n o t cheap

;h t fo r spccial $1.95 ervers $5.95. $ 1 2 . 0 0 - / t t f i i r Q r

,es and kfinest

;oday. ^ —- -7

I T W I N F A L L S D A IL Y N E W !

. * tavuod every moming «geept Montoy

Bntar«<] na ■ooond olftM mall mnttai J A®rtl *, 1«18, « Twi

•lalUi. Idftho, undet., tha M t of Uartih iint. ■ ^, SUBSCRIPTION RATB8 ,

Obb y « r ................................................M.O• moixih* ............. .................... «.l■ monthn ..................................... /.•• •• Ll■ month ...................... ............ A

JJEMUBR OF ASSOOIATBD FTIBS3 T tif Afflocliited Pr iw la exclunlvoi

to lU* u»6 tpr vepul>»ca«on e Vu newa dlnpiitchea cr«dltc<l to It, or no •thftrwiRo cri'Ottw] lo this > pi>por, nn alao thn locnl tjown puWlBhcrt liorolr AU rlKhta of rcpubllcAtlon of apoolj Uspnlchc* herein «rr tUno rcaflrved.

‘ un iiKl’inn Aanoclaiert Pretis.

The Nf^vB 1.1 n nieml)or of the A'tKlI Oure'fiii of CIrctilatlnnii. from .whom fii lafoniintlon nx to clrculntlnn mi>y hn nli

. talne<l upon nppIlcAilon. Doiiiltc<1 Jnfor million Kuppllcil locjilly upon rt^iirat.“ B A S T S flN " TmPftKSBNTATIVICS

OeorK." H, nuvld Co.. Inc.. I7t Mr<Ubo Boiiiir... Nfw Vork: A. R. Kentor.'JU

, ' Hurcfonl liiilliilne, Chlcuso. ^


TIic flioiiKht of war I do abhor With ^ecllnRH atront; nnd forv'on

Atlll nny plan tii eild it can "Atlnu-t .vnii/ hiimhlo Borvant.

*Ti« trill- I )inl« n HiipiTfltnto., Tlie I.iJicuef Why. I detest itf

P u t J’U cu.liiT«p a plnn of eoursc l ‘rovl(k-<l I Bupgent It.

I di«api»rf>ve o f nny move■ Iti'.ii'nililinff nn nllinnco.

• I ’H not Hiipport ft JoARito or ponrt;. I Vlen- tl.em with dofinnco.

1 nirp«c.ot for tlio fnnnnn’s ronr;I.i_f;i<-(, I rallior drond it.

Bo nny Rvliemo-Sn fjoodj I dcnm,Kor wiiicli I pot tho credit.

—atvtMrduy Kvcnlns Vnst.

. PEACE AND THEITTTliP iirthiveriiary nf Heiijimiin I'Vari

hirth, .laiiiWrj^.iwveiiti'en, li como to he oirMiTvod nn the iirinclji day o f nu niinual “ .Thrift W.-ek” di Idr which ilio im tion’/i ntti-ntion «a1lcd^to iiiatlcru of j.rivato and pii lie economy.

Benjamin Fr.mklin in ono of nur r tloniil 'i^orthy of a Rrent ilonl■tudy. Kitea jin<l key* nnd IlRlitDi

■ . 'rods nml wbio s.iyinRa compose t avcrnRo- school ch ild ’* knowlodRO Frniik lin’a iiMefiilnfiM. That ho* w ono o f tho {'rentciit diplomats tl courttry him ever hnd i« ootnm knowlcdf'c. Important nn wna I

•part in our-W ar of Indc^ondonpo Trni doe\tly liilotostod Iti pcacp. In 1702, when living in I’ai FriinkV^n prinU'd K pftmplilct enlUl

. . ‘ ‘ CouciUalion. o f-th o .Nntiona o f , I T6pp;‘ f>r :t I'rojocl ^for I’orpclt P en ce .” - -

ConHider-'itiiin of thin fnct kiikCo tho thoii^jlit thnt perpetual penco n thrift an- nl.t nt all iinn-laled n\

' jcctK. nisnrmrnnent, mirh a>i hn!< reiKl.v l.i-i'ii iiiiderlakcn ' with ri' : to ei’rttiiii fy{ie« of•liattlesUlj's, rey

a ven- prnrtieal sort o f tlirif' and pi'ari' piomolion—whirh Uie tions^woiild do well to stud.v, ftirll and ('xp;ii>d to Includo tho nrmy r • ir aervlees. . ^

MODERN F R A m iE SOHOOKEITlic real “ [irairie, schooner’’ li

o n ly -in woKtern pioneer ■'storii-s, r Id sni-h work o f the fihner'« art “ Tho Covored W«KO''-” At\ i.UcK in c nioiiification of that oqiiipa^’o

■ 'zh w < to Mil from- Ohio to C fornin. Jt is a lineal doNcondint th c tentod u-jiKon, 1ml mlj;ht )>e te:

. more ftccurntoly a “ land yneht.’TTorso!* and oxen. t;ivo way to a

ty-hori.f'-pow.T eii>;ini-. Tlieru pnoutnatie tires instead o f tho si tires tli.-it used to fa |i o f f ns npo

'loo.iened nml rims slirniik' in the < ort strotelics. Tlio vnhiole is twcn ciRht feet loll}*, Imilt on n wiile mo bu» frame, with nlufninnm body i plate Rlnss windows.- protected btonfo screens. U Is n snuR li ■hip OR wheels, with roomy enl •taterooms, Rniley nnd lavatory i evorj'thinjr else, needed for a lo eom fortablfi^oyaKe, ineludiuf' a r.i •c l.

Heforo mnny yenrs the west fciRiiwitj-s wiU j.robal.ly Uc filled 'ft

■ atich rraft, l.ig and iitlle , triivi.lia- -to lh dirrrtions. l l is a .natural ; obvious dcvclojmient of tho' motor i for touritis purpose*.

DOCTO&IKO T O aZlO K TIKANCTho Amcricnn niemiicrs of the

tornationnl committeo appointed atudy German finances and suRges practicnl rop.iratioei program .have:

• w ith a very favorable rceepl •broftd\ ..T h e committoo ta settl dowu to worlc this week, in an nospliero which ia. descrihid aa “ ir fftVoraWo than at any limts ainee aigning o ( tho treaty .’'

Tho falluro. o f .a ll’ prcvjoua plana aottlom cot haa mado European. f «rnmcnta humble, eapedally tho '<

'than (tnd Froncl^ govornmenta, tho most directly^ eoneffrned. Oenr wfit) acquie^ctf eho«rfuliy in a :

’WIN PALLS DAILY'W S in fla tion th a t doatroyed (hei“__ currency nnd cred it, Lo ortTjr to dodg

payment—nnd aomo of the* Qerroaij Ino. nt Icnst,. appear to havo done ao-

ronlisp tha t th o y ovorshot tho marl T^iv Qermna cxpodionta o ithor fo r paj ^ >• \ng reparation or fa r siia ta in ing do------- B .a^ husfncM a a d keeping iRdtislr

.M M Opnna> .n government nnd public m e in n rtffel \SS trnctfthio mood.

JS3S Thu Kruiieh govornm ent and puldi slvoiy aro alnioat us much .ao, liitely, hi iTnot f>f fhe .in en n ec of bonkruptc,r2"n '"■-•rhnnginK th e ir country, dospito il neolal Hiiperflelitl prosperity. Tlio frnne ht

fnifcn to it.i kuvest po in t in histor; h'inniiso of continued m ilitn ry o:

a fctU tieudtturo^rand thc d t^ ln ^ up of tepi Infor- riit((^i pn.v-nients. Thero is a grow.in <•_ ixNili/.nUon lliaV VoSm^nTo’s policy < « l.liistiT find foreo h:ii failed, atul thi

with "and some k i i . d ^ w orkiiigngrc = = meat pntclieil up-w ith Oormany if bol B (ouiitries aro not to go down in rui

logethoV.rvont. Tlio. Ameru’iui re5.reHeut11t iv 1.-s, ap\d

ing to the situa lion . .lisintorest.nympitlhotir: hi'urU nnd sont

iiusiiit>HS sense, tuny control the fin 80 ings or 'ihn l ooinmitteo and exerl

• big influence fo r the suivatinii ■ , i ICuropo, with b ig iniliro.'t benefits


•t; ____________ —

YOUTH REAPS SERIOUS BOOKPopulaMty of Today's N ovell

Twenty Yeara la a Matter 'ost Doubt,

Will the youngsters of totitiy, whi thoy ront'h m atu rity , ndopt n s llu

[''rank- Mteriilurv (he HO-called reullsiii \ft ll hns •‘’O'* upon th c friii

'■ . nDVffn of thc iiow rat school of \vr " ‘■'I’'*' iHj; na . tb tt b est .B ian tla ris In Utor ” tn ro „o r will thoy re tu rn .to tb e Ixiol ion is of tho V ictorian e ra ? W l\at llvtf you 1 pub- <>f todny will ustectii In l ite ra tu re

years from now is a problem wl which (he C hlldren’a Kook W ork c«i niittcc, 3:M.l-'lflh avenuo. Is wreHlliti

lonl of fliiyti tjie New York Heriild. litn iag As a vcntnrc a t n forecnst o f wh le tho expected, tbo coiiim lttoo cl(

o f “ l>y f tJ l" Marti* rcltclitttrd,, B uperrU or of school e* wna iirarlea In D etro it, In wlfich b: I thiii write*:itnmon "W bat do w e And tiicse readii

I,{, clusKoa aolectlDR fo r th e ir volunin cholcc of tSnterinl (o roml fo r enji m ent? Fiction la only iHiOut cnio tlii

;n«lit»K of the diolcc. T rnve l cotnos next I’aris, the nnuul schoul, (hough ninoiig t

ntUled w lo red eblldrcn. pneiry la exccwllr i f Fu- P“l '“ li>P. f«peclnlly In th c low

grndea. Fairy m lea, nud -ItookH rpcliml adcucL* ar«w«W>tUT»iiu«Ht5uui:lU.'H

..thanks to the pVnptTco In draiiTiJliil iggosts Hioi-ios, rh ildren now ask for i>myH ,-0 and eldldfon’s eiic-jTc

, pi'rtlii Volumes a rc fre<|uontiy oluwi •••The coiisdoit.H elTort to l.rl

ins im o iifL. (iT.oach cliri'gnrd 'tn--«amyL:.lK‘h)iii;N ndiiilrnbly 'v lib t 'rejirv-- In 'edueiilUm, \o d i\y jv

lirift— iiuinired—thut of opojilng m any mil , liiio Iho <ity of llfo. ■Kxin-rk-nce

niiiko.liro a* real th ing while be la fu rther „,.|,„o|,' ^j,y the educators, '111111 U I ly nnd beat preim rutlon fo r bin fu tu re .' Vi

K<M)d. Tlie more bookN on h is dn work be can banrtlo w lth -p ro tlt 'to : aul.J«‘cta the Mirer he IR of becomi n V.IIHS worlilng tsl\id>>»t in th e fiiiu

' und u real user o f lllirarles, e ith e r Is, and own or Hioho iirovided by a geueci ..,,1 „« uiibllc."

Z r 'u HEROISM OF CAT IN AFRil0 C n\i- " -------- :-----

- Miaalonary Telia How Hia Pet Sa" Nine Klttana From Death In• Hall Storm, iht.” 1 a fif- A m lralonary to Afrlon tolM ttils Ij tort-stlng story of the unusunl li^rol

of a ca t he once owned. (Ine d«i tfrrllle hall atonn n im c. th e so rt c

npokes oornliis whlcb KnsUsh n id ATnt'rb lie de-*- pcoplo know nothing. In a fiuurtor nvcttly- himr hall i-overcd <he ground t(

otor ‘ ‘‘Hth of (wo foot. Before tbo st<i ' licgiin th e m lsslonary’a th ree ca ts w

*y . outside pbiylng; tl*ey w tro a i r nint 'I .*>y cnt* nnd had th e ir UKtona R-ltb thi r little Immedintely two of th c m o ther c

eabin, '’"n "holtor, never troubling nh

rv am i' s to ry stood her ground. An soon na I lonjji (nunlec manngbd to go to her b e fo\ n r.-idio tha t she hnii g athered not only h o r 0

four babies, but nil th e othorn a s wtrestern, , , keeping them w arm und safe , wl

sbe wna nearly frow-n. .Slif Iiml non 'ling in (jled In saving (horn, fo r lier jioor «!■ rai und were (•■rrlhly bru ised by th e hei tor car, hiillsljmea, Cnrefully tlld (he inif.Hl

ar>v\vTap bor In WnnUHs nnd tVi«n nursed bor till she bnd recovor«-»l.'

ANOE : ^ti.« in ■ MIrfora aa BackBrounda.

An a r t treasu re (s lu-uutUul In self, but Ita very n a tu n - <b-munila

Ugest ft uppropriate sed lng . ' F requently , ave m ot nrtlstlc person caj» p lace the lov ■ceptlioa household so th n l 01

,, win not only look well, hut so t aettilng m utunlly belnful. •an at- T here Is noildng w hich will se t “ more the beauty of u lam p ao \\e ll ni

ncc th e “ ‘trrwr biickKnmnd. Consider a n Qulsite lam p act on a wall tn ngiibiBt n talrror. T he lamp.-alm

dans of placcd in ' th e m uthcm atl•a . g o /, cen ter of th e-m irro r, b u t to o ne a iio 'Ger- ao (hat. If it bo n frlvoloua lam^ tho two seem to flirt w ith’ Itself In ,

glass, or. .If ll be n se rio m type, lennana gren tly enriched .by Ita 0a pf®* reflection.

E W S , : ' h v i I J P A L L S , I D A


5 1 Dreamland. a r k . I H O P P ir y - H O P K A B B

z i 'aalryrm&n Jack ahd Janat come upon H ^ tfreW pUy-Hop B abbit «b b is clftd in

• hantiaff dotlips' aad carries a wood­en fftm. B « hnnts tbo wolves,

uhlic vlticli ruBh a t him when tliey find hia gnn cannot shoot. ^

iptcy ' QHAPTEft IV.0 its - Hopplty-Hop Dodges.

hns U Ol’I’ITV-HOI’ K A im iT nin lie J t l etv-spUt through the ..jfoo'i

‘"'y* Aflor him rite tho wolves—nil 'oxci;*>*• C rafty W olf, V h o was nursing li

Toptv- Bmarllng noso, Vhich Hop]>\ly-Hnp b winR hnngod*« ith lilV wooilen gun.

■ . Jack and Jti/iet Av<ite.hea uuxiou« from lho jijn y 'troo Vvhero Ihev wo

J 3 * ^ "'ore iifraiil Hoppit [oned Kop w onia-he-«ai!2!<.gree- A.ud,. indond, it s e o in c d ^ in t ♦ both "’oivcH would be too niui-li for Ilopjjil . , Hop R^ibbif. Thty were Imngry ji:

thoir hunger'mnde liiein nin wiHi t specii o f the w ind.. The- nia.io aft

pply. JIoiniity-Tfop Itiildiit- witli <ui(Htreti-hcstoii I’""'"'

ilr istly W olf was nearest to H-.ppii ’'’V’”' Hop lliibbit. He loai.ed nlong at « » 'l- tiT rifir p . ln in f n I,it ..n

i;rt a Hop n t.evory leap. - Kiniillv he nm„ „f a Inst W nntie'loap........ . it-si-emed thf . to "'■‘"•'■'•■‘"k' '■-•ll’l

n»t when nrisfiy W olf grabbed H< pitv-HOj* HaUbit wun »v«t

•. hnd clodge.1. nristlv W olf wont h1

OKS-iroppity-Hop. '

• The othor wolves, foliowiiy'rloKeHrintlv W itlf’s heolN. bani:<-ir inin III tiy NYorf. piling up in a Hnarlingf I

when xvjiuJ the woK-.-. w.-re nnt:iiij;li theinsolvos Hoppitv-iloi. Ilabbil tnif

f have e-.caj.ed („ u «;vfer distau.-o. 1lie ..........o l do any su.-h thinu-slopped nml sat grinning ns lie \vat ed tlie wolves snapi.ing am i snnrii nt ench oilier,

youth .<\vhv don’t tlmt fi.alinh riM .it 1 nrtd gi'f info hiH I.o lof" wliispei /ai.ol impntionlly.

cotij “ Tho Hillv fellow will be cnughi iIlmK.- (1,0 woK-v»s\nd gobbivd up,” wl.l;p.v

'indoed, that seomeil nbout tu hut.p' for iiH Hoon os the wolves pi.-kod. t)i<

ortho o f-th e heap, they star:

Bl)« , ------------------- = -------- -

ading .................................................

Diamonds ?i of MalopoSi r ° w nlio^en.Iiring child

h theIW.V B y

^«iitos -V IC T O I RO U M EA U

Is In ■ - “U the l „ . 1 I— ■ .1 I ’ Very • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

lo 111" (ConUnuod.;omlHk* --------inure.er ills A «poar came upward th'roggh ieciiua open window, glunced oil Ojd nn

formed by the wall and roof. 1 - dropped Hat at SuuVs fceL Win

■RiCA lUTblack faces manbencRth. Anotiier scurry followed 1

. two more natives 'writhed on ground.

Tlic m ine boya hnd dlacurded (ruppitigs o f Keiulclvlllzatlon. T he

. ttcquious dlggvrs had becom e ' 11111 ’ “ ■ warriors, d ressed fo r Uie m ost pnrt

lolnclothi aloQc. T h e ir rolling e ' and pulnttHl faces gave thom a 1

bollcai usi)ect. . r^or *of I wlnilow W inton could, . fln--H rising everj-w here nlong • s to n !• “If wo cun l i f W ^ t hn lf an \

iio ther ‘■'on’M he aald to Sam.(hPin. “» s ix ^ c he heard a crnckl

-r ca ts Hound nbuve m ni und th in w reaths nhont L egunao coll through the n

of th c NvllbdrnNvn if li t t le spUS her howled In trium ph uround the < {ownd ' ''***■•

•r own structure wns of bTlck, but th, well. 1 0 ' wooden roof, baked ko drj-

them. I hardlywhile * IJundng branda had lit

r s id es ' A s Winton look ed w ild ly abou t 1 hetivy h e rnugbt P lght o f Snm j jo in g thVoi i;.H|on. extraord in ary un tlra . Ilt>^had boj l e n h e ,«** I w r i>lT lils ib d b r a h» Tnsi us i.‘ • HUH able, un til h t »(ood up b a re lo

w abd. ' i n [Hdle u t th e ir desiM icate iiiitlon W in ton w a s sh o ck ed nt

m u- ,ids nn lln 'o you k’one mud. ^Sain?" hey innndod nngrlly.lovely ■ onatchetl

1 eneh “ '■ilH'fnK off the 1 0 that “t tliu knee«.

picked up ihe 'tipenr. T he tm n sfo rBct oft tion • was nstoundlng. Bam SVinp

j jj JJ hud cvolve<l Into otle of Uio wildiin ts - coiiipoun'a.

tnble The nw f wa* blaring. Tlmrtf ciBlmuld anotluT rush agn(nst tho door. 'fiaticni -yells were deafening. U'loton cnve side ^iiulht (o blm und tried to reastimp It her in the brief inler^■al of rechnrtIn the his revolver. Jlut (ho g lr l’waa torrpe. It Hlrlekiti. und «llo could hardly Ia own i'trr fears. Sho cFung' to Win

irvftibllng. • •


i Adventures[BIT AND TfiE WOLVBS ^ .r D A P D T . • -«a^p»gB wg « BaBga^ ^

uslv ■ , Iv o r .- j - . i t ' - :

Orinttod and cbucklcd.

.***'] after Ilopplty-Uop Rnldiit uguln. Am **-'■ they guiiieil on i'iiii TiV li-iips a tu

bounds, just im they hnd done befor* f t o r “ O^'i ** " gonerff’ i-ried .liyiel

‘ . ns tho wolves, h ow ling ami snappinn ' raced aftor Hoppity-lfop H;,ibhit.,

Suddenly .lack gave a K“sp o f di,‘ ,mny. . llo saw -the place lloppity-Ilo was making for. It was a sharp clif

' nbttvu sv dv'vp ludlnw in in n .g tho roi-U: , I f Iloppltv-Ilop kepi going the *.vii

he was. ho w»uld fall ovt-r the edg j’ ‘ nml i.e smashed on llie stones fnr b-

‘“ "•.Inw. "Ho wns in g ru v o d;.iigor. li .. ‘’ 'would oithor I.e enught l.y the wolv.'

V" ' or go tifnibling over, tlie rliff." lloppitv-llop Ibibblt did. not seorn t" in- nwaro of lii.s ,eril. With

rf''!" bni-lt be g.-illiipi-d :t1oii '' "" jnnt nliend o f Iho vi.lve<i. Ho ciinie t ‘ *’l i f f s«d d v» lv ll, .d .u ig c d - ^ ' h ’- - The w o lv es, riishia

' a f te r him , di<i imt Imvc* tim e to doilui T h ey w ent s lid in g /in d sernniidin '' dV<

lUt I- the edge o f (ho e l i f f , tiin ib lin g to tli ’ J'" N(ones fnr below . •' • And then Hoiipilv-Hop Ilai.bit, si

ling on the endgo of the e lif f and lool ing down, irrinned nml .cliiiekled. II hud 'triekod tlu» -ft-oU’o ' into n Irap- for they eoiild «o( g"t o u t a f the rock

(ero't j,n||(,,y.•fiiek nnd .Innet tlionght Hoppit;

'■ Hop linbbit very smart, but. both’ the I'-'f-'ii j,,„j Hoppity-Hop had forgo((en 11

nbout O a ftv Wolf.I'pe'w --------- ')i<-t.i-1 (W hat Crafty W olf does will be iirt.'il told In tomorrow’s chapter.)

1. ••'Die tunnel!” gaHpcd Snm. drai Z glng Winton by tho arm.X And the thought of Uils hnd not e:♦ tered WInton's inlnd. Tlio_jiafc lia

, J stood over the hole e\-or slncc tl'♦ robber^'. They pulled It aside.Z neath It gni>ed thc excavation.T "Get do w n / aam ," cried W inton 1 Z tlio savnge.s, believing ilia t V^lntii

X wa.'t cowed, o r hud no more nimnnr Z tion. m ade a .concerted rush. Tho do< X begnn to splinter. 'X Snm lowereil him.self, W inton Bwur X 1 Sheiln down nml foUowed. H e mesii X 1,1‘> try nntl ropluc-e tlie 'su fe from hL•lo 2 b u t lUii fi.*ei liud hurdly t^iuehod ll T soft ea rth before tiie door ^ u sh i

, 2 . from Us binges. H eM ivod .afto r ii X oompiinlon*!, und hoard (he mine boy « slioiKH of di.scovery. (T ite ir feet, wiiii X seemod Immodlutely ‘overbeuii, nin< « (lie wall.s o f Ihc tunnel trem ble. F it

, I g X dust frym Ihe concussion se t (lie Ih r to elmking. * '

-------- "Go on -A'Uh Mis* Sheila, Samwhispered Winton. *

He levolwl hla revolver along tl liinnol. It wus quite dark, but u

I the 1,,^, j,lg fnii«j iiini' It would I nnglc iiiii)ossll.Io (o ini^s hla mark.

nntl II,. ii,.„r,| ilu. natives wIilBperihg t Intoix I and tlj* auddun «i;enr'*n!t tunnel eerier than eve

“ • Tliey wore at an' lmmen.so dlitadvo , tage. for It vyns huposslble to hurl

■ ,j * »P«\r wlihla the narrow pnssai: .'® ! though one cf>uld be used for thrui

mlU-i- 'I tliruster w^uld hnvo to axftume a proi eyfei position, and Winton kne^v 'that Ii

ruvolver wouhl have thus sovorwl at r ' onds' start of the spear.- j l i e wuKod. hardfy breaUilng. un

“ tJiore cam e to hla eara. verj- fnlntl tljo loneh of bare fee t upon t: ground, followed by tho suppressl

^ b reathing o f .a m an not fa r away, j One of Che negroes w as evident

■kllnc a t tlie bottom of th e excavation, b •'* o f tho excavation Ittitnedlatcly bonon roof. tJio wife wns wider (hifa (he tunn

«pac» jtsfif. and a projecting angle of sc e cof- ! (.artli nfforde*! jihelter. ^The man—

I'nieii—m lcht therefore be. ont of t ther® direc t lino of lire.- W inton .drew

m atch afvflly from bl« . pockcf ni ly flf* struck it suddenly nh.ng tho slile lit Ills nrvidfer butL T he lllllc aiirti

' light reveiiled the whlto eyeballs ai t him isH.Tlng face of ono of the ‘HHvngi rough not a dozen fo<‘( dls(ant. Anoth l)ognn face wns looklm; over the shouldi 118 h e H verylhlng .above waM deathly still. 10 th e j. T he iiiiin’a onn wns draw n bnck,_t

s it- ; 8i>*>nr, w ith n mnrilurous sbovel-blat t th e held ready to tlin ist. W inton Hr

( iwtlnt-hlank Into the o pfn mouth, le de- j “ T he m ntrii wejit out slmultancour

w ith th e discharge, Tiit-re. follow eti up a choking 7ry umi the sound of bio e legs hiihbilnk' from tlic tiiroat. An 01

U e biinit uf yvils from above n .lled In om la- hideous echo nbmj; (he tunnel. • T np»on ; second snvngo turned und beg Id ne- ; scnimbUng back like n mole, but

i ion flr«d agalti jvnd liei»nJ the nliuilil cnnie ■ sliv|>. as If the bullet had been insti

The taniMiiisly fatal. A idiowpr o f eui nught came rattlini: down, insure ■ And now tlie faint,' reflected fir irglog that came into the tiumel. and t erro^ roaring'from alxive told Winton tl

hide _ the cottage wan aldare. The Bour loton, o f shouting grew fulntcr. The noj ri

i m ust have been driven out by fl

itNING, JANUARY 17,19i^ w in ton raised the body ot die irfaa

MfTMt him and a ^ i t . tn th® tm iw l■ -a U socb a wajr .tbat it fon&M

J 8 atecio to aayotw approocfalns frotn ^ 9 the rear. H e would bear, the sound ot

g ItB fU alod ^en t 11' the attack' w e n n re new ode *B . Bot' the' saragea had had eaottch ot g the-.ttmoel. W lntoa-loaded hla re-

B i » Yolrer. w im hia la«t handful ot car - trldgeis an^ begoQ ecrambllng a fta

*~~i Saxo, caUias i& a low toce.' H e beard Sam’a distant answer, an^

DULde Jila w ay as fast a s he could aloo; tbe tunnel. Would the natives b« waiting at tJie other,end? Tlier coulc 'make the distance abovo ground mon -swiftly tlian thoy could. But Wlntox doubted whether their ndnds w duU

‘ work In thot miinncr, with plunder t< El bo had In every compound store aloni

the dlatnond Tidgo. H e wns right li i f i hla prestttnpUon, for preaeoUy be sav

■ Sam and Sholla sllhoucttied agalns A tiic £alnt light at tbo other end of Un ^ tunnel.

He caught Slicila l o him fiercely ”Koop up your courage, deari” li' whispered. “We nre going to bo free

A«d Stay here w ith Sam, whllo I go fot atul wai^ and cxpicFre."

for- For a moment alie clung to him nni yiot, piMdcd with him not t(> cipoBC hliii plnn se lf to danger, but It was wonderfu

how bravo sh e wns. Instructing Sar ‘ di,«- to .stay with Shclln. Winton begnn t .Hop creep fonvurd along tho ground. - c iiff But in tt moment ho saw Sam iwald oe«-- him. "Mr. Onrirott, I’ll go.” sold Ui •-'•l.v negro. ‘T guess It’s safer *for nu odKv looking m o tJjlB." r l>-- Tlmt wns n fact. Heliitrtantly—fo

H-- bo. would' liuvo preferred to face lb oivex danger—'Vinton w-ent buck nnd a

lowed Srun to proceod upon hls acoui 'in t'. Ing mission.

All along, the fields the stores wer iiloiit' burning flcrctfT}-. Against the light ( no tn the leaping finmes could be seen th ly lu« bodies of tho. nijvages, struggling i shiai,' .carrj- off tliclr plunder. Uales of co oiiuf. tons' and cloth. Idnnketa, packin over rnses of comcstlhles were being bor J

0 tlio on naked blnck shoulders. Tlie stoton th© compound Into which the fug

, s il' tlvea had ethcrged was, however, a look- ready gutted. nsQ tliero were- no m

Ho lives InMwsnatcIy at hnnd. r'P “ • It was the old story,, repeated n hui rocky tltnofl In the blootly blstor}' i

South Africa, o f thc untniitahlc.nutui ‘I’’*.'' o f the oborlglne reaKaertlng Use •'i*'' agaliwt white Rupervlslon grown la;

Winton, ft few yards from She'll suddenly pcrcclvcd thc htxjy of a mo lying face downward upon tho groun

. immediotely- Inside tlio barbed'w li which so]>amted the compound I

= = which he 'wns from thnt. udjoltrln, draff- H e rccogalzod it a s that of Joseph

It wan pinned to tho earth wllh tv. 5t cn- upright Bpenrs.jJ3.eaUl-n«iaLhaTe be«1 liad Instantaneous.! Uie WInton's Jaws clamped with n B?ns

Bo- of fury. He Kprnng to his fuet, bu remembering tlie urgent need of ca

>n a s tion, lay down, again beside Shell 'inton wutclilng Sam.jnunl- He saw dm negro womilng bin wiI dodr along (he ground upon hin stomae

Suddenly Sntn turned (oward iilm wi iwung nn im perative ges(ure to He stl iiesint Lwiklng u p /W liito V p erce iv ed a Ka' .elow, sentrj-, arm ed with a sp ea r and sldel d lh« on giuicd «t-tliQ-desert road UoUtnd t' ushud dev.iistiited und smoldering sto re th ■r lil.s lind 'belonged oiire to KaKh. . boys’ T he presence of th is mnn was on

which nous.' I f the outhn^ak hnd been co m ade | flniKl to Uie diamond compounds, : F in o s e n t r y would have heen se t. T he fu Uireo I Ilf ■ his p resence Iwtokoned n jTrecc

j ccrtod rising, guided by slirev Sam,” I m inds from outslili*.

I t bctokenetl something more. F K th e - ' th« mun who hutl plnccd him the t un- I m ust lia'\c liatl n personal In terest lid be I W Inton's capture. Vvt W inton w

{ no object of lintred on th e p a rt of t ag to- I naayeji—nitlior ho was one of t Ijence tmire popular among the cluim-hnlde

ever. I jjiit Wintim roalliet! only tlie . fli idvon- '.p a r t of the ptinxwe. not Its 'liopiU lurl a I tlon.s. He "a tcb o d Sam sp rin g to t MHRO, j fee t nnd advanoc boldly toward I hrust- I w ntry , hnindlKlting Ids .spear. Tlic « th e [ wart nothing lo ' show Uiat Snm w prone j nUier thnn om» of the murnuderR. 1 it b is ; w as Just a s b la c k 'u n d la th e nlglvtII sec. I looked Just .a s ferocious nh any

. • I them. Tlie sehtr)- tuniod und l^ k until ot .Sum Ih Inquiry, then went fonvu

^Intly. to meet him.1 t)w*k Snm’s muscular nnn went back, a rtJssW llie spear,' drivwi unerringly, by soi y. ntavlHil9 impulBf, went homo throu dently tlio KttfJrii’ throat.1. but The twntry dropped without r wc ■noath or sound, 4he sponr-point sUcking li tunnel ground behind him. suppostlng t f soft W lln g corpse grole.<Mjucly for a r in—or I ment, till (lie body, collapfdng, sIi it Uie wise, rolled into fho roail and Iny s( rew n Sam came buck slowly. *Tve kill 1 and him,'’ he becnn to whimper.Iile of ”A irtwl ihiTi.tt, Sam**HiirtnK "rve killed n human being.. ,0 Is and forgive^ me!" wlilspert*d Sara, ahnkl vnges. as if lie bad an attack of f e ^ . nother “(^omo olongT said V lfiton. lulder. m usrnm kc the desert jjow. We c ■ill. work rountl (owflrd Malopo. If n< rk, by wo’ll.hldo In the bed of the fllrc; -blade, for a day or two. W.e must burry.”

tired , The team were atreamlng down i I- negro'a i-hceks. WltJi a gulp SeouKly iKpulled himself together. Wlni llowed raised Shelli^ to her feet, and '

blootl I Uiree raced acrvss the road, crosi 1 out- the ridge, nnd saw the desert befi i In a I Uiem.

• The • • It was beginning . to grow Ug begun ■ i-'rom where tliey halted ti> get th t Win- ( breath- they could see the long line luflling blnzlng stores and hear Cbe dist instan- ahouUng. A .su d den outbufft of r

earth iVrlng from the liirvctibn of th e to gave Uio> hope Umt Malopo had tx

1 fiaro ■ w a m ^ In time oiul was patting ui Id the defense. i. \-n thnt - They hurried on. keeping below Bounds ridgc, going a little distance Into iOfJroos. desert. then liinilng to strike the 1 y flrc. o f the winding river, now a success

I ' • .

1 9 2 4 ' : ; .nfan.t . - . _ _ : - —Dnel ■ • t_

^ Breakfast Food“ M atrim onially Speaking”

> B y HUOH MoKAVh ot *-------------

r«- M y w ife cnn’t koep o f f tho imbjoct , car- o f a now cor.

i f te r Now, our car ia only fo u r yenrg oltl a s d 'i t looks to mo ns though I t ougbr

and te bo good fo r a b o u i four y ears m ort. iIODg O f three, a t loast.» be 1 B u t to hear my w ife ta lk nbout it. ' Duld lyou*d th ink i t would look •more n l • tnore iiomo ia a junk ya rd than -in a garage

Sho showB tao all ll.e p iclures «f the nofr models th a t sho sees in tlie news- papers and m agaaiuw ; theu slie begln t to draw unfavorable aomparjsons.

's a w under the iiui'rc*-a ln st to <lo would I.et Uie

tlm t they ean have my old e a r if tlioy 'll •ceiy. g ive me a new ono-nnd a coii|.le of . j,{j huiWred tc, bool.fre e r W henever ll.ero ;iro o th e r i.eo'jile

for- around sho always rof'.'»■»-to-oll^•t-nr n i ‘*Oi<l FniUifiil,” or •‘ GomTiii G /a u l”

, nnd i.lW r pe l n;iine Ijko Ihnt.hliri- S h e ’ll du t.ettor to enll it “ J a c k ' e rfu l iK-supsoy.’ ’ Inn-nuno i t ’s ginag. t\> l.o Sara .-hniupion of our g.irnge fo r n good

in to many yenr.i t'o eoDio.

ealdo Tomorrow—M y htwhond expects 1 Uie ^ evory th lng ho

n ,^ 'W - _________________^

o f noolH. w illuii fn-L‘wny of Hti.niw and ; hoSl.lon..^ “ Once iietween (he bunks they would

be in reawmnble secu rity . T h e re w ere num erous en\‘Os ~fin<l ‘ excavations

wen> thert'. In one of \vl'i«h n te tupontry h t o f re fu se co u ld 'b e fcitml. H ut as they

hiiK.v,! upon tho l.imk Snm u tte red a t" ,-rj- ■ nnd pl.Initvl t<iwur.| th e de.<t<irL

f cot- <ri„.oo mon w ere ridlrig tow ard them, c lt^R \dU i Iho evident lntenU<.n of Inter-. hor^Ie f |,p |r niKbt.s to re j',,,,, v isib le In tho twl-

liglit, which mnde th e ir f lg i t r e v ^ n d r, al* (ixtisjp o f ^U'dr bonn.>fi. n t once eftor-0 mous and slindowy.

T \ ^ of-them . <rom th o lr (Inn. stir-1 bun- njples.^ senf, wen*. obvltMisly ffotten- rj’ o f (ots. T lie third wns n-w h lte mun. la ture T liero swiiietl no th ing to fe tir nnd Itse lf much to hope. T h e H o tten to ts w ere . i lax . never on friendly te rm s w ith, the hcila, IleciiiinniiR, whom they deffplsinl nsI m an Bovtiges. nnd th e p resence of thu lr ■ouiiA m n ste r '.w n s.s till-m o re reassuring ,

w ire T he three spurred th e ir ho rses nnd d In cam e gniloping up ubrenst. They were Itrlng. 'v lth ln fh e und tw enty p a re s when <epns. W inton recosmlzed th e w h ite man iis 1 tw o D e W ltt. ’been Tiefore he realized th e m nn's hos­

tile Intentions Do W ltt h ad ridden «pnsro MralKlit tvt him. Th»> H o ttcn to ls . w ith , bu t, n*arlng horses, dashed n t Snm. Win- t cau- w '" ’ Sam roll on tho ground, tind ihtdla, ll'pn •'<* ^Inisclf w as down la a tangle

. o f p lunslng hoofs.« ^vay H e bad a dim know ledge of firing maeb. revolver, (ind then tho scono fade<l 1 w ith of b is ronsdousne.os ns quleWy as •

stHl. if i t wore some m ovlng.plcftire with-K iiti r d r^ -n '^ ro tn live whi ti>. se ro en .________

nldeld. ■ (Continued in N e^ t lasuoj id th e --------- ----------------- •

AH(£Ai.TH FROM LITTLE IDEAS ■* Devices T hat Seem Simple O ften NetJ - U , . .

re ion- cnrtoons. used somiioh during the \n ir ..m iid o U>e for- linie of (he mnn w ho,first tl|oii;;lit of

, “ llieiu. atid the mnn wli« tuiiie il a ■nut In ' I ’’"'*'*-' «!' *l>c cord wnS

“ li‘‘>il Kw-uroly In a bo ttle tmule an- ' " , o ther, snys l.omloti T lt-lllts ..f n!e fo r

“ Ki«'vi,M which bns soUl by tb e million nti.i -1.111(10 several ro rin i.o s; while

e .f^ rs t j„n;. j„.vniiar WuW iw ist in opllca- ,i„. „.hlch m nkes It Imi.os- to tils, sUii,. (,-,r i|ii‘ point tu di> liurth, .made

rfl l l .e r „ r ll., ro rc iin o l, ' l,'iVL-„t„r bo-, T i l ' " - j.in .1 Iho „ r , ,v i , r l r t . ■n w as xho Idea of ^ lak ltig Iho screw Ita^ ,nwn Klinlet n in il\ tJ ic fo rtune .of Iheglvt he Clmniberlnln fiimlK-, ' whllo (he dress

of J ,o o k with a h u tiii\h n « h e e n .n gold«<?oked o n n \ in n .jnvard <n,,. i ir s t '( i io u c h t of fas­

ten ing l.is.t bu ttnas wUh som ething :k, and „tronK(W*<ind easie r to- tniinlpiilntc■ "oinc ct.bbler’s (broad •■R(rui;lr o il" tirough fveryl.ody know** w hnt fortunes

th e Idea of snvlii^' shoo' len tber byV w ord m eans of viirloii^l.T shniiod metal“J p ln tw Inis Iiyde. 'i:he llr-t tlii-<il>enor.ng th e „i>„is-nry l.y tbo grow th of thea mo- •Vnnnliif" IndusirV. w as alao o wln-

f, aide- ai-T to ilio tUi«iK-ini-««co. ly s till. ^■ killed --------------------------

“Codn»h Ariatewraty.’*T be "saoro.l codllsh" Is nn emblem

of un liup-.rtani activ ity In M assaehu- link ing Tlie i-xprossloii ■•otidllsh aristoc-

. n icy” wus (irst used by S en a to r But- "W o S ta te s 's e n a te , Ju ly

ire can •‘‘ ^crinK to New Englandf n«*d In liolitics. J i e said,- ”Wefllrcttin rf 'cret «" so tnew bat. stn inge

. , l t w;e should require a codfish arlstoc- wn tlio ’■“ ‘’y '*"• o rder." T h e term1 Sam aometUnes applied to th o se whoWinton “ o**® T u lg n r display o f recenU y nc-111 t t e . I ” ' " " _____________

B lin d i.u In Ejypt.T h e prevalence <of b liodness In

llR h t- -Epypt-U probdbly traceab le to tb e fac t rt th e ir * y “ucred In th a t country,line o f ° m o ther will n o t kill ad is tan t ' t from th e eyelid 'o fof rifle eh ild ,_ In fec tlon lu ofteij carried e tow n ' ano th e r, anil la thed been disensod eyea th s m alady la

spread In this timnner.

ow th e V*fy Likely,ato tbo A fte r m aklag tip one 's m ind to -b ei e bed -genla!," th e flrst T>erson eoconntcred cession, f* likely to be overwhelmed.


- HIGHER RECORD PRICES I-'Upwoird Sw ings Koited in F a s t F«w

D ays A ro Afioin In Evldcnco; Oats Tops H ig li M ark ; JJITliOBt' H n n j

CHICAGO, Jnn. Ill OP)— :> i itpwiinl sw-iiiKS ill till' corn lii:irki-t ri- jM.ltc.1 to.liiy in a roiH-tili-.n of .......in 1alnioNt .hiily l.n-nkhif; i.f l j i« ti- |.n ,. . rooordf. fo r Dio m-hkoh. ():iIh i.v.t tdjiju'il lli<- HCiiHon'M pri'vioiiii rci'nr-l ! witli wh.-nt v.itiiOini; Hir- fi,;- jtiroH on tlio ,)>ri'si‘iif .............. nt. Corn 1finisKv.l Htroni; nt '••S to 1 lo 1 l !<i-|

I not RaiiL M.-iV 7!l :«-l to Tl) 7 Sr. Wli.'nt clnHi-.l'firiM 1-,H tl. 1-J,-. np. Mny M ,to HJiii .hiiv Ji,()7 :u '<■1.07'7-8. -Oiitu '■.-r.rt-.l l-S In m !-. vnlirt'. In jvT»vi?«ion!* liit- untr(v»«(' vnr- ic.l from I.'k-• liivlirio t.. n ris<; o f Uc.

DcHpitp hcnvy sclliii},' to realize prof '* ' itB, 1!i(‘ corn fntnrcM in;irkft rca<iilv

nlmorbi'tl iill o fforini's i. ikI llii' <1nv Vii.i- C(] » 'itli tlio qiintntions n t/llic limxiiiiiiin pniiil roai-lH'.l. Hoii;;li w .'iitlicr^in.l -i tlirVatoiifil-. tiharp ilr.ip in- toniptTiilirrc likoly t(. jn rrrano fci-dinK -Icman.l ni wi'U a«' fo roMrl.'t Htill furtlipr tlu-

, HPunty niovpmoiit* of tlio '■nrn tTf\p„fiir- iiislioil'thi* rliicf new .Ht»iiTulii>i trnii'aidl

- WrIut prii'c.H. As iimiat of lati', to ilay ’H j ■ ^o^'1pt^wof.^c,^n wor,........ . fo r th i. I

tin ii' nf voar. nml oiii' nf the larj^OKt honKC'H (ipVrntinu oxtoa«ivoly in lllinoiti nml low n ol.t:iiiiecl only tliroc carload-t on tlio boKt flo fa r thin HcnHon.

- Who.'it trado ' was .•oasiclcnihlv Jiiorc* uotivo than hii» ri'i-onllv liocn ll ic ^ ilo .

n r t ( o r ’ <-a.«li .loniand for wlivnt a t tlic lea'itiiii; toriiiinatK was ruparteci, nnd tlic

• iiiarltot fo r fu ture dclivi'rios rcspoiMi'il to ^-«ru BtrcnKlU, r<‘K!«r*U«ns of tionR tliaf tho now AfRontiiio crop wa" fho lnri;o«t oil ri’i-ofil, HUKKi'ntini' an vxjinrtiii^ wlic'ut Niiriiliix oxtimnti'd :it ino.fino.ooft hnsiici.ii.

All (lolivcrics of ontH as w 1 \ an «.f corn n tta iriod tho hi tiOHt prirpfi vo* thiH Ho«»oii. Shipping .l.'niun.l horo for oatn wiiH ar-tive ami loooiptii roiitiniK 'l liKl.t.

' Sollinc o f laril l.y i-on.iiiiRsion lioiiscHy nnil l.y Hninllcr paokorw weakened tlio

■ proviKioii iiiarlccl, iiotwilhxtniidiii}; an upturn in hojt valuoK.

TW IN f a l l T m a r k e t s

Tho«o priee i »ro obtftlned dsily At 4 o 'c lock ia tb e afternoon u d are in tended to eo re r only tbe eraRc o f prieoi. Whore eertaid do&Ieri fo r abort' periods o ffer more than th e quoted priee no. e ffo rt Is made to iscluile lueb qttotalions. Q notatioas aro offorod merely a s a Ifuido to p ro d u een and ibould not be accep ted as refleetiDft oxtreioea

, ,jf e ith e r h Jgb ,o r low price*.

. S E T A IL M A SC E T 8.P a id » Prooocera.

Tbe T w in Falls markcti* /fu te rd tt ' loUuwe:

UTUtOCK.H eavy hoRB ........................................ilc .iin tn lioKK .....................................LiL-iit, i7r. to 'Sir, iH.iimi..,. $r.,()ii to li.o')i -c « d o rs .......... ....... .............................. #5.7r-

_____________ ____ _ 13.00 to tZ MHflifera ______________ - ....... T,...... »4.0r.

■•jloer# ______ ___________ «4.00 lo f3.00• Vtfal cftlvcs ______ _____ .-«.'.,00 to «7.0U

/4U U 0U______ ________ _ *0.00 to »7.p()i j i n b s ___________ ___-,-.-«7,00 to »8.00

rowiB. . - ■' H eavy licna .....

L ight heim ........... - ScDairy.

•butterfat, crcam erv ...•iHT:.............. 47cSwcot iToai.i, Hintioii ......................... -J7cH uttyrriit, Ktation . ,|-l,-.oiiotry b u tte r — ............................. 43c

EKt:”' (Sliij.pors) .... , 2-'«(Joi-r.l HtorcN) 30.;

W hoat’-and M ill Peod.Wlioiit ................... .UroD, cw t. ....... ............ :....................... *1.15Bran, 500 lb. lo ts „ _ *1.10 titock food ............ ..... ........................ <1.30

• t> m k food 500 1\J. lo ts --------- -' Sugar. VTholosale.

Cano ........................................... ......... $10.5S, Hoot ........................................../ ........

Beans.Qrcttt N octh^rn ..................... N.o tnjyJe^T

Potatoes,PotiitooH, .%vhito ..................................... CCc

■ PotatocH, HuHUOti! ................. .......... S5c

aS T A IL J 'E iC E a. V egouaiea- '

i 'o ta toes, 12 pounds t o r ___ —Bwcet po tatoes, lb. ----------------------07.;Hoad I c t t u c o ______ ___lOe to ICjOnions, 6 l b s . ------------------------------25c

.New eabbuRC, pound ---------------^ l-£c^ *»qnask, p o u n d -------------- —--------— fl3.i

Celery, b u n c h ------------------------------ ,I0<Cauliflower, lb ................ ....................... IG':

rn U t.• C ranberries, pound _____— -------- 20c

• Coeoanuts .......... .............. IG to 20eG rnpofru it, o«cb ---------- ...J . 10c to 'lf irU ispes, to k a j> ___ - --------------------- -OeLemoun, dozen — - ................50e to flO<Oranges, d o z e n ....... ......— ... 40e to '60 ;fiaonnns, p o u n ( t-------------- -------------KagliBh w a ln u t s __________ 30c to 48(

Dairy.Creamory b o t t e r -------- -------- --------6-VBnhl ebeeio ---------- - ----------------- 30<W lKoosin cbeeao _____________-tOt


W heat— Il-iircl wliilo » , 8. Hliurf. .I.inii u ry *1, Tcliruary $1; so ft whito, .lanii iirv f l , Koliniarv $1; woHlcrn wl.il. .Imiiiury #1, Kol.ruiiry $1; hnrd wintoi Jan iinrv !hV, Fcl.rurirv Wc-, nortliori HpriiiK. .In iu iary Foljriiarv ll(i; wont cm rod, .h iniiarv IKIo.

Corn— No. :i K. V. Mhi|inii'nt, .luniian Foi.ritiiVv Ko, :i k . \

............ n t, .Innnary Foliruar..$ni.7.i. • • _

• PO TA TO ES AND PRODUCECIlU.'AflO, .Inn. lli (>P>—i'atatoP.H-.

S t.'a .ft': n ’.-oii.t.-< -11. rnri>; total •dliipniciilfi-71(1; \Vi«d>n!*in m p IcciI num. whltoH »1,‘J() to l.-tO; fovv.'#l-.4.';| fq.zc, ♦ 1 to 1.1,1; bu lk ♦1.3.T to'.J.Gft: dnflliv ulmdi'-hiiclicr;' M lnncnota W k e d rourti

- U. 8 . N o .'l an\l ia rtly g rade

' ' • - ' TW]

S ]«1."0 to l.n.T; Kirkcd Ilcd Iti'vor Olliol* Idulio vm-kvil * l.‘jr> I,-

I l iu t t f r—I>Mvor; rrOanuTv oxtrrn D slnnd:ir.ls ,".1 t . i’.'.l .i-L*o:.fir-<isr o 47 to -IS 1.2r; M'i-om!.i( -l;t to - l . ' t !

KK T»-H it;hor: r.ToiptK .’ firstH ;i7oj ordinary fin ils :i;j to 3-lc:

n friK orator v x in n :'4 1-2 to :.'ir;.ro fri;;- ^ " orator firntH 2.T 1-2 to 2Jo.

J ■ Poultry— Alivr. liijrhcr; -fowln HI to i«i>riii_jrH liOc; roimtcw 1-t 1.2i::l

iKooNo l.*,o: tiirkvVH i:Or. . j

j ^ P L E S A J p P0T A T 0B 3., f j ,,,r i >^AS i-Mt.VN’i . lU ’O'. .lan. 10 yp>— 1

I Ai.pli'.-i- ArrivnN. IJr.xon. 10; prii-oi i.j ji.ml .■onditions un.'l.anun-l. !

1 I'o talo .'u--U oat unrc|iortcd: M aho l ; | |Mip[di.->» niiidcralc-:‘,li-iii;iiid arid iiiovo-I

,,,,, iMont ftlow; Minrk.-I sf,.;„lv; snl.-« to l , , .i-d.I.crs, Cnliforiilii xarkcd Hiirl.ankn i

.................. hrr.iid.Ml haKs J2,2:.;lUiilio s:i,j,5:.l -*2 to 2-Ht;\V:i«lii:;i:(o.i «a,,k.'d Uod IUvit Oluas rep;.,.Ued •: l.ill. Ill ,

l",*. POTATO MARKET SUMMARY. 1IDAHO PA I,W , .Ian. I f l .- (U n ite d ,

StHtfH lU'p;»nim>»t of AurimltHTii M n r,' ' ' lict N'l'Wii Secvi,'!'.)—(,'iirhit. nhi|jtnoiit.N • ‘ ■' -for rn i lo .l Klnfon Mondiiv, totiif .')H2: ITO

ii!t Sliii'i.ini: point iuf,.rninlion Mondnv: the l.luho J' l i lU— M«H<inv ftir- -I di-Kroes'nhov,-, Moadnv, Ooniand a id jnioiiiTatc. Murket „li(;lilly HtfotiKor on y ’H Kukhi'I s mill Kti-ady nn llnraln. Car- ;hi!^llc.Ndn ca«li tli:i-k. H’lraln sa.-ke<l, ;ok» ,N v. 1 Uusm-lH lepaokod for Cnli-,loiti fornia. hrniidi'd niostly $1.20.!ad-t Wajfoiiloails oa.nli (o ;;ro«'or.s, p rnclicallv ,

no loeal liaiilinpi ae.'Miint woathi-r. (>f-1 lorc fi-rinj; IJiirnh sa.-kcd,. I’ S . No. 1 70;'. llio. and ■RiimkcI.h «:ick<-d, i:. S. So. 1 ilOp. tlic I .MinnoaptdiH-Sl, I'nul—Mtniniiiiit II do- t1ic')i;ri'c« aliovo. Po.natid IIkIiI. M nrkrr ded !<lii;litly w eaker on round whitnn nnd

<ImU oh {)iii«s. C;jTl.wd>* dvlivor.'il. waH rnnn-l whitoH sa.-kod. V. .S. No. I $l.0->

an to $1.UI; IJoil Hivor vallov Rod Uivor nt lihioH «aekod. r . H, N<.. i and partly

cradoil t r .I «.f . W mipara, Wio,—M ininiiiur2n Ifelow. yo* .\fnxininni l.'i ahi.ve. liniilinKH liKh^ for Demand slow. Markot dull. (;arlimdf. IK'I dolivered round w h ito Ha<-kod, U. H;

No. 1 $1.0.1 (o I I . 1.'.; moBtlv $1.0.1 fo ISOH $1.10.tho TiioHday iim rnin«’!. im portan t i.iar- an kefs roportod hy'-w iro: •

C h irn u o -P a rtly Hondy. 2-S doKrei-s. r> MTS M irh, W 1 N a.rn»k;i.

* 1 North D akota, .'M Wihc-oiiKin arrived. 213 on trnek. Miipplii-ii liheral. ?rm-k

----- Hates o arlo ts ' .mtwoijrlif. Wis.-onsinUy round w hiles Mnoked. V. y . No. I $1.2>* ■d In $l..|f); tnoMlv aronnd Fron.-n‘7* f l to <>1.1,1: bulk $1.10 to $1.,10. DuHty ^ iniraln ?l.l)() to Jl.(5,1; Mi.-hi;;an ronn t'

whiles Inilk, r . a. No. 1 mostly *• .Minni'sotn san<l Innd K;frlv Ohios V . ti. , No. l nnd-p;-rtlv ;:rnded $1.10 fo $l.|.1.

,o t (No IduhoH reported). : i«a l-’ort Worth-—Kaininjj. .11* det^rnr.

' Coli.ra-Jo 1.1. Idaho -J arrived. divert- ■ on Uneli. S«p}.U«>« moder;i\c.

Domnnd lim ited. Market weak. Itrok- ers oarlot sales, f'oloradn w hitea ^.jieko':,

•fl*. r . S. .Vo. 1_ # 1 . Mal m Itnrals sacked. S. No. i $1.S,1 *■. .■?l.!'l).

Kansas (.'iTs- -Clomlv. ;i;t di'irrces, i;i Colorado. 12 Id-:ilio, 'iV M inne.o la . I Nehmskn. Norlh Dnkoln arrived. 2tl

5 7 r’ d iverted 'from team track, till on track. Z M inod.Tat.', ^Demand modcral--.,4.0r. M nrlirt dnil. Track fiilcH earlots. out- 13.00 weij;hl, MinnesoJa H.'d Hivcr Ohios I'.OU ^ac^^oli. I', S. No, 1 *1.-1.110 ?l.r,0; j)arl- 7-PO Iv -n ided fl,2.1 10 j-l.:!.1.

■ San V'ranni.-r.. iSalnrdny) - S u p p lii . r ,„ , moderate. Hcinam! lij;hl. Market

Sc >lif;litly weaker. f-;i)cs to jold.ers, C.il- ■ ifornin Ilurhnnks lo idioico

47c lo S2.Hi: poorer low as Jl.7.1. Idnho •J7c liusscts [.'p.-ickeil--?J to i-^.l.l. Wash ■I-I,- iiiKtuii Ccnis repacke-i -■r'I.lll) to $2.■<3c Angeles. T n en .Iav -,1 Californi;;.2;’'* 10 Idaho arrived, 7 diverted. 7-1‘nil

lir.ikeu. 2N broken ou inu-k. iaodcr;ilc. .Murket stead.v. T rack «;»leM

11.15 earlofs oiilwci;;iil. Ktockton KiirlmnUh il.lO *2.,10 lo ^2 ,11.1 ; l.randed #2.7.1 to'$2.«;i. li.30 Idaho V. «. No. I, -mostly

aronnd i-l.'.m,

• 0.5-; CASH QUOTATIONS.CIIICAdO, .Ian. Hi (>p)— W lusit—No

1 hard ?1.11 1-1 lo J,i:i ; i- j; N‘,I. 2 Lardfl.lU I-I to 1.11 _____

CCc C .irn---\o . 2 ni«i:d -77 l-2c; No. :i S5c yellow 7s to 7!lc.

( ia ts -N o . 2 w hite 4,s to 51e; No. :i \\liito -IT. 1-2 to -\Sc.

Ity c -N o . 2. 7:i 1-2 to 7-Ic. , H arley-.;.- 1-2 to H.C.

1 6 Ti.molhy s e .. ,i-M .,10 t„ .s.25 ,. Clover »cd -fl,S tn 2;[.,1().

l.£c I,ard-#1-J.2,1., ^3.: l!ilm—<;ii j.oiuuL avcra-cx J!i.S7.

'iG ': PORTLAND LIVESTOCK.rt- i'O itT L A N lt, Oro.. lii t/PJ-

C n ttle -W o itk : rocciiit« 27.1: dcsirabl. .Jfjr Ktcers !fl> to S..10; jilaiaer k inds d<iwi: , "Oc <‘> -?''l nnd hoifers $-J.7.1 to li.2f.;. OOc few n t *11.7.1; o«nnor« aiid cn ilors #1 .-60s lo 2.7.1; liiills $;i..1(l to J.2.1; few S4.50 . 15o Others ?-I.to H. .

48c 11(1 '*—Nuuiin.'illy s te a d y :, .slaiight/^ piRs j7.2.1 to .;7 .SS;-dt^rfiiblo woiilil

6'*>- l.u trhers $S.2,1 fo S.-IO; m ostly . 30« a rc w 'fe e d e rs n t 4»:.7.1 to 7.2,1.■ HI...... f.|eaily: lmnd>

woitjht lam bs -fll to 12; honvios •• In 10.,10; shorn kind $H,11; iwos


iu t.j SAN rriyUJOISCO LIVESTOCK.infer , K.\N -KUANCI.SCd, .Inn. IR 0P)~

< -iittle -S tead y ; slm nu; K<><hI ti;;'.Kleir-. in ...... ;md, m-.sti^ * ti,2,1 lo {(..IOiVdium ;md .ihi.iIi.hi kind stoadv witl

r \ ' n.iamon killia;:' end down to $(1; cdW .'‘ar.: fnlly ^lc:.dy; ,;,M.d kimi .brii.K ins u|

■ to JilTT); enlvi'^ ;bnl Knl!. stendv.SiMc;.--Slr<ia,i In 2.‘c lii^'ln-r on licl.

; :;,rnl.s lit;lil h:.ady iy h l, hViniVin)>P.H— ■M;i to li'-avv .....I ..... . !»1I f.

I.I..1U: wrth.-r--s'lo;-.<ly;".\«v.'s 2-1c. hiifh •riim.l er. .f.li.'d Ic. 11.7.1, dei.ciidi.i>! on ,|,i;.lit% ^.ze.i F u lly «itoailyi few 'iBlivs welj-lit C nlifornia l.iit-^liers *!»; hoav; ■ound kind m ostly $7-10 T.-IO; llio 100 .fo 12 raded ^ u n d end uround S3 to


jm s s ^ s ^y'* wwm 6ET V COyUj-NOUC'


4 2 0 A ? t ' I .-T H E '/IL t^LL HftLF

ks i '

LOS A N O ELES LnTESTOOK.,as IvOS AN dK W rS. .lan. Ul'OPI—Catll

lt<x-oipls ~ .'Idtl; m arket ;ienerally I steady. _. .I llofp*— Uocolptn ioiKi; holdover 1H70-

ed finiirket slow; p ric iiin j-oin!; I.uteher ™r,'hojj« s teady $7.7r> in 'X ; fow oarly sale? it.s lp,ip.kin(f ROWS f(I to (1..10.

Bhoeji— No receipts.

- OUIAHA l i v e s t o o b :.nd OMAHA, .lan. Ill W>)—llo^s — Ue on teiptji_iG,U00; early snles .1 .to Me nr* hif'hvr; bulk 220 to 2 ^ pound butcti'ora •'?. $fi.i)0 to 7; top i7 ; f^O to 210 pomid

lli-jwcljjhlH .$(1.7,1 fo li.HO; iinckinjj • sows 20.jniostly $l’..fiO to ’ *i.70;, :i_)^era}{0 cos' liy jT nosdny $0.7.1; woiKbt 2-10.) f - | _ShfO|>—Koceipts Ii,O0»; m arket aet- 0;'- ;ivo; KOMOrally steady- to strout;;

Svoolud lam bs $12.7.1 to l.'i; top $1^1.10; do-!(;l|p}>od lam bs $1U..SI); li;;lit and handy tot jwiiiKlit fw os S7..10 "lo 7..1.1; short dooK

yuarlinp t $11.21; wotliors $11; feed- 'd .j ln K latnliS }il2.«0..0-1 ■


(JIIICAOO, .lan. HI OP)—C atth '—He ctjiplft ll,0»U; \irof stoors fnirly nctivi;;

istronj; to Me hijjhor; kind i f f vaJuo’ to 'floll III >10 und aliovo-sW wiiiK most

j^-;"adv.in(Vj best lonu yearlinns $ll.,1n; f„ jm atiirc il stoers upw ard to dl 1.2.1; sov,

leral loads Iiik wVi;jiit liulloeks $1(1 Id ,,r. 11; kind a t la tte r price a%-oraj;inj: KIOS

* I pounds; some KlliO pound horned Ktei'n ,,.fl_!siO; bulk ffd stoors *M.2.1 lo 10; «hi jj.jjBfci'-k wHOVou; Ktc;«dy to slroui:. K\uitr ed. |hiKlior on K'''"! t'> ohoico li«lit lieifers

I voarlinK heifers i:pwnnl to,.„ lb u lk short fed k ind $,1.2.1 lo 7; veal 2D orji iiiievvn largely 2.1 to .10;' hijjlict

than yoHlorday’s ;ivora;;o: bulk modi i.in to (;ood lii;ht :ind handy wcIkI^

in i' ‘ ' ‘Jvcs t«i ^laekoi'K ^!»,10 lo H),.1ll; cholci k in d upw ard fo $H : o u ts id e rs sclect ini

‘Several lo ts upwar<I tn $12 and above . 1.1. i^ tookors'am i fecih 'rs fully Ricady; hcv

• loral -lo.'vds moaty foeilern on counir; c ^ J a c c o u n t lafor yesfi-rday $7 (o 7.7,1; on- ,.r f. :lond brinjjinf; $S.ri\c. i HoK«—Itoeclpln Ul.tUHl; m«dvr;it«-;;'o |(-[ac tive : mi.sHy 10c lii;jhor than yesler , ,. ,;Jc la y ’n avcraKi': elnsod stayiifint: bi, .,,,ljlia rk u r« still oul o f m arket a t noon

[hulk dostrablo bnfoliers Si7..T0 to 7.:ir. j ; i i to p $7.-10“ l.iilk (jood nnd c h ^ -e IS:

t ' t n 210 pound avi-rn;;e $7.1,1 to 7,2.1 ^(jil.lO jiouml nveraj'o downwaril to f7

jl.nlk pack inc sows $C.,n;1 lo li.H.1; s1;iiik1i , ( , . J tc r piKH iliiIl, 2.1e lo'.vor; (nilk siroiii .u t-l" 'o iu h t $(>.2.1 fo il.-K); esiiniated holdlios ,"Vor 1-1,000. \i r l , j Hheoj)— Itoecipis ^ll.flOO; fat am

I feodintj • Iambs ^sfronj;; shVi’ji uroiim l i l « Htvsxdy; Unik fa t WooU'd ln)nl.s $V.V2 k,.t tn 1.1,1).'; lop $i:i;7.1; ollpiiod lamh j-il. $11,2.1 tn 12.2.1; e’hoico venrlinK woth

cfn $ll.r.O> medJiiin and handy weif’li ,,}i„ f.nt owes $7.7.1 fo S; bulk feedini

In'mbn $12.00 tb ”l2.(>.1; top $in.

STOCK T R IC E S ^MOVE UlSelling P re teu re U f to d and ,a« n o n . List- o f O ffe rings A dvances; E i

.change Im proves, M oney. Cheaper

Total slock saU'H IKUi.-tOft sUures. Tw enty industria ls ave.raj;ed <j(i..12

not Kain, ..I.S. IHcb, Hi2.'I, 10.1.3S; lov

■ *’ Twont.y_ railroads nverancd .s;i..1,'l n e t Rain, .7l>. lliKh, l>0..l\: lov

NKW YORK. .'fan. KI: (/P)—Sellin ’• ■' pressure w as liflod fm m io d a v ’s stoc

m nrkct nnd fho j^onoral list move hijjhor in responso to fu rth e r improv< mont in tho foreijrn iweliaiiires. chea| cr money ra te s am i fuvorablo trad nows.

<’h ic f si.oculafivo in terests conlere in the railrond sh ares of whirh thor

iw as ropgrtod tn l.o h<'avy biiyiiiu fi' Kurnprnn arconnf. .K niimhor of th non-dividend payin^f issui's s*ild 1 ; S )K)int.s nbovo y e s te rd a y ’s closin prifos whilo the liitfli yradc slock showed extrem o p iJn s nf 1 to 2 1-

' points, top price* in luauy pusom Ui •SOl itijj iihaded ns a re s u l t -o f profit tal

bt<E. I^-5rt,„illy nil crn iips o f - indusfrii sto rks partio ipatod in- tho advan<

•2i>; ,vitli stool, autom otive, I’tpiijmien leather, food, inerrhnnd isin jr' ran nn fa r m im plom cnt: issues, rocordinj; l!

O.'IO hiRhost S i'veral o f tho oininveil up 1 fo 2 po in ts in tlio earl dealinj'S on addifiunal annoiincoiiieii o f hinhor (;asntino and cnulc jirico but Ihf* ca in s wi’Vo reduced or rai

P )~ rolled whon fresh sollin>r, bm ko nut i ij;'.<t the I’uH-AinrTivan issiii-* in In'I..10. aflornoiin ., <;o].|>er stocks* wen- incliin ivitli lo he rlui>i;isli nn reports tha t tli<> n ■OWH ineliil w:is aynhi .soiling lieloW' KI eon

ii[. n pound. _■ i''oreif;n oxrhani'os ronlinuotl In ma>

ij»I.f Kharp rocovory from recent woakne^ :>ini; Freai'h fraiios nclliny jn s t ludow -I.! I fll cenl." ..or moro llinn Mrt points al'O' liifh- thoir roceiif low, nnd dem and slc rlit lity . selling 'abovo $-l.2«. lij'lit (,'nll money opcueil a t 4 :i-'l [M-r run fav'v eased to 4 1-2 nnd thonro to 4. Tin

12.1 money nnd'com m erclnl paper rafCB we ., unchnngdd. ' '■

^ J * _____.


ICIASSIFIEONE CENT' PER WO:A dvertisem ents under th is head so far dev ised o f bringing the r


WANTI':t>—Thi^nnirhlv exji'^rlenri.,' -alcsman nnd nm naner dry Kond-, ladii'H.’ xlious; iierniaiicnt position t.i-

lirnin who is not a fra id of work. ISox :M. Kiirlcy. Idaho'.

"i.A D V w”i"lh to o d ed u -a tio n ‘ to a.'i- -;-iM in work nloni; eduealional lines.

|. I r a n tim e o r M crc fimeworl:. <5..n , sularv. I’honc Mijs Courlandi.-r, Pe:-

'■' irino hotel, fur appointm ent.\VA.\'TI-:i>- Tliornn^'hly , exporit-ncod.

drv Cdoils, honicrv and notion, sales- *''' Indv; iinli-sN lookiiii: fo r pcrm aiienj pn 0=- ..............oed not a jti-h . Box .S4, Hnrlev

_W ;ih4j.. . . .WANTKU—.Men or wo....... to tak*

ordern f .,r-genu ine t '” a ran tee.i hosiery for men. women and ch ild ren ; elim in­ates diirnint:- Sahirv $7.1 a w.-ek fi'll timo; $l..1(l an hour spare timo. Cottons,

‘Ic heathers, silks. rn terniitinual Ktocl:-' •rs inu Mills. Norristown. Pa. ^ lid SAI.KS.Ml'iN rond th is ; a T.iro op- >vs portunity: im--n :iiid women mako eiior- ,Ki mous profits. Artirk- ro sts .le, sells

«iuicklv for $1.0 0 ; cnll m ake fri.m $1'- to $:il) dailv. P articu lars free ; write

; • .piick. H. 'L . YnKcr, .\l^:r., 15.1-1 Cal. St.. Denver. Colo.

.MMN AND WOMKN niako” larj;c profits se ll in g K awleit!h’s Good H ealth i'rodurtu and Ilonsohold N eotssifics in

^d' liiihl and also in o ther Idaho eitie^- Nn oxperionrc necessary.. L argest com-1 pany tearhos yon the most suoeossfn' | mrl^iods an<l ^ivcs m ost liolp and oo operation. Givo' al'O... oecui.ation, ro.t-

tc-. cronres. W. T. HawleiRli Co., C t. 2HG.1.re; VTocporl, lil.__________________ - ,

f o H “ jISl --t. ____ __ ,. Iill; MODKRN office rooms fo r r e n t Eo;v. oulre (irphfum thoafcr.______________ |to liOU»K tXJit KKNT—.1-i|.omTiioileri, 1

;0 S fiouso. Chonji to rig h t part.v. Phon.--H •die tO b, c’UiLNXtULfili ^

' UOO.m’ W)i{ RKNT—l^in iiaho^fhoat.'” • 411 Third avoiiue west.________________

FOH IJKNT—Kurnishod roomii.' ”.1;! Third iiveiiuo norlh. Phone 2IIM.

-KOIt RKNT— b'iral class rooTTu oUl ' * bide cntninee. . .1(1 S ix th aveiiiic oasi

1-\IH HKNT— Fiirnishoii room ml joining b a th ; furnaoo h e a t ; ' .-lose in.Phone 47:U.___________________ _

I’Oll HKNT- Ni.-x-Vv Inrnini..-! rt.mn, in i-ood home, (ientlom an pref.'rfe.,.

tr.v l-liiine 12KIM.l'’UK KKNT—;i'ronm furni«ho-l a p a rt '

n.onl. Hoasonaldo. nun«a:ow . Arj.I.e J'ly Kiftli slT.'vl nmi Kecnnd nve..oust.

r o K tLu^E-^A O TO M O B U lfb

;.n ' CILKAP <’..-.r s lo r a y for unused ears; :r.- IIO free/.iiiK. t l per month. Phonols;i -’H I ________________________________LM- TO TltADK-^M aby O verland for *7 - Foril (on truck. . I'liniio 71H.I. Co^swidi

Tiro and S e rv ice .' __________.iiu l-'OiU) UADIATOU.S-thal slam i fn ez-

inu.'$i:t-«-'>. Autn ItoiAiir tJhop,. ’ 121jr^hoshono s tree t south, f _________

STOKAdl-; $-l.(tO i.er'sfumTiu I. tio ' ovorhauliuK and roi'airin^v Fords and

all makes of ears, .‘ oven years a t the ''-■>• antomnbilo work. Central (iaraue. uh.i West sTrtrshonc ntrofl. Phone i>lKW.

MAaN UibUUlAUAJ^iiOUMU'l'l .. _____________________ ____ -Iiil: W A N TK D -Livo ponllrv o f all kindf

Publir M arket. Pliono K.73._______ _’“W A N 'IK U ^.I gallon throw Kasoline

| , n pump. (livo specifications in letter U r B. X.. ca r.' Nows.

sralBx- ' M arriage Ago ir> Lngland. ir Ic G reat llrlia lii iIm- ni;« a t wlik-h

partlCH inay l.ru lly bind tlicniH«lvi-s in T&arriasc Is fourtw-n in tl\c ,ca so o t

"2; b o js and tw elve In th a t oi gihn._______

OOVERNMENT. BONDS.'’■‘; NEW y u U K , .Ian. 1(1 UP)—Liberty

bonds rIoH-d:1.2s .......................... - .....................* J*».l2

M rst 4s ............................................!'.S.7'"IJ F irs t -I l-lK ................................. l".t.ork SvcoHd .-V iW-* .............................. W.'■'•'I Third 4 ' l - l s ....................................

Fourth 4 1-ls ................................ !<i*.l'■'I’' r . H. (iovernnieiil.' 4 l-4s .......... 100.nd.- •______

SUGAB. ’■*-NKW YORK. .lan. J« i>P)-Uaw su^.ir

declined l-.S todav nnder moro liberal offerinif.s to the basis o f il.tM. duty piuid, for (,'ulaR. T U 'to woro sates earlv of 22,r.UO l,a«s o f Cubas^fiw .lanu a rv shipm ent to Savannah a t li.7.s, duty pai.l, nn.l la te r 1.1..1(ro ba«s s.ild f„ Inral rofinors for prom pt sh ipm ent at

' ' ' • o.or..Ll.)nidiilion n n d -tw .d r s.;llink'. a re

'. fiortion of weakn.’SH in s(K,t siiKar, pr,i nioted a uenorally I'asicr tone in raw suyiir fu tures nn.l from un opening' do clino of 2 to (I i^iint's, prices workc:

" 'J '' o f f to ft not loss nf .1 to 11 poin ts al tho eln.Ho. .Tanuarv 4.00, M arch 4.0.1 Mny 4.7;i. -.Tuly 4.82.

“ ’v Oniy u mi.di'Tale inijuirj,* ‘ reported for refined sii/'ar nnd ' prTco-

..... were unrluinKo.l a t {1.2.1 fo fi,GO fo r iin .Bi'aniilatrd.

llcfh.o.l ooniin.ll.

....... W A ER A N T.O A LL,' W i.m .nl,. I.f tlm AmoHi-an llo.,ervoir Di.ilricl nuiul«-ni 72 lb l.'H. boll

. ineiu-ive. w ill !,(- paid if prc-«‘utc ,l u (ho nffico o f thu -di^.trict un .lan n an

loss. 2(1. 1021.’ .-1.70 l-aluresf oh' lh.'«.' w arran ts c.-asas oi .(,vn -fanuarv -JOlh. 1<I2I.■lin-, ■ W. II, .SPKN-CK. Treasurer.

American -Fall.s R eservoir D istricl,. ■unt, :'imo Probably la.vorQ A G cnnnn papvrtiQDscr should bc

wotttk h is NveigM Ih mark*.


ED ADVERTI^ 0 PER i n s e r t i o n

ead are a lw a y s a live and activ e , le need o f a d vertisers to the a ttent


T',1 \V ANTf:i)—C'lisli’ ' re n lr r fnr H;o d-., acres on north si.Io ln |c t , soiitlioast ot

lo rom o 'on ra ilroad ; Rood bnildlnuj ;ox Lan.l su ifalde for suf;ar boots or beans:

Address. Uox 211. ^^>ws._______________^

.■H wi8t;BU*A.ssoufc.

f^llIRT MAKING, Phono ft.lHM.*' ■ “WK ARK slill buy.UK your fa t ho*.,

“ i; Phono ;i.1..MCRRAY, Tlli-1 ''LLTm UKR. Ph^m^

l'» 81K. ,MATKRNITY N CIfSlNO. 7 years-

_ exiK'rionre. Mrs. K. .1. Bmizer. Plu.n.'k. .-n.iiu.- f ..- ■

""FRANJA) A.MKRH'AN liyKienir toi . ■ U-l artic les. S.14 T hird iivvnwc west

Phone >^l’..I.'l ;; WK HUY and sell anything. Cush o

commission. Idabo Auction C« ■*— Phono 310.' X IF YOUR unrm onts arir?i7iied .^ 'n n

fashional.lo li-l mo aye them or mnl.- J].. them over. Priro* very rcasnnablo. il,. Mrs. .f. F. .lew ott, Reed Aparfmonis,

Phone 10.17-W. ' ' ' -

fiii r o E BENT—rABMS'I'* > \)R ' r K N T ^W eirV m i^o^ ^ .M M ^ ^

farm ; also pasture. N ear ,MiirlnuKl> <'n liajjUwuy. P. .1. i'riflKle. i>Ua»<o Vm^I

fll' I ' ■■ • • \00 FO B SALE—RI.A1- B 8TA TB . \

55] ~FOR S A L t; TItAI>K OR RKNT— tO arres elose in . Kttiveled toad , frn'.t, shade; no luo ti^iK o; tWO<> rasli, Im.-

iance $.1(10 a vear; o r trado fnr h.iuso— I in tow n. Phono .11.7.13. '

FIFTY-SKVKN A C 11 K ti IlaKorinan— ituiicU for salo. Ono mile from Malr->1

imwor plnnt. Freo wntor. .10x30 rock iioiiho, .full basem ent, assortm ent o f

__ fruilfl, inclu.lhur iJelicioiis apples, $0 ')por aero. $1,100 w ill liandle Ihls. Kn- <iniro nt nowor n lan l, o r writo F . O

-at. Frost, Hliss, Idaho.

'-'■' PUB HALB—U inC ELLA N EO D *

mT n ^ n T s A L K ^ ^ ^asl lice pups. Also S,1 tons a lfa lfa hav.— PI...... ;iK-l.l.in. 1 X>R S A l.F ^ a o o roiis- a lfa lfa hay.

Olio mile w.'sf, two nn.l ono-hair aoutli of Casilofor.l. «yv.;rtson Uros.

fl'.,’ FOR \5AL1-:—H inks,T ava to rv itnvi!», larue si/.o tari>s. n ibbur beltiiiK. Phon< niO. Idaho .Iunft<=lH)iise, back of Idaho

,„l,; 4 )rp n rtm en t Sfore.ICI-UMAKINO .MnrbVnerv. One

= - inch l.y 20 inch H arris Ammonia Com pressor, comi.lete wilh i.iillcys .an.l ronntershnft. (Jond for 2.1 tons re frlj; oration. $710,00 f. 0 . b. lloiso. KoU'.' Cold Storai»e Company, Boise, l<laho.

T ;:: FRO.M R. .M. Anucl. Pros. Altorii.'-.v ,,-,.|'i o f C;imas countv, Fairfie ld . Idaho, t.i

Kim berlv NnrsoVios, K imberlv, Idnho:---- •■Pleas.- si-ii.l oalalouuo.' Need shn.l,-

fru it trvoH. i4it«»bs wA roses. .1 womUI mm-h ra th e r «ot I.labo Krown jiroducts

---- as from 40 y e a rs ' exp.Ti.mce I hnv.. do th a t J> - trc.-s, wh.-n acclimat.'d, an.l ijrow n iu c h ^ io tte r . ” Dato.l .lan. ll.

1!'24. Oiir ealnI.i't'iie i;« free ,'an d prit.-f ohoapor.____________ ^______________ _

~ . LOH7

U).ST—(ioid! red urai.e oar.lrop - F in .le r.r 'e tiirn . to Nows.___________

tie r ' J'OUNDFO I• N i> ^K i.i K i^ - r n .o n p 'in s V w r

= "K o i'N D v — bouie, i-l.Yckens. iVox -l.i care N o w s.'•

. . F01;N1>—L ad y 's luyiiU.aR. IdenHT.'a t News office. ^

l-'OUNO—lrii4»s fou/Train pen. Men tify u t Nows office.

Defoe Knew Alox. Selkirk.ir ty A sea captnln who bus not onij

snllwl th e Hens, but lum r«ud books ».12 w riting In tbe .Mentor, haa thtn th«*orj .S.7 about fho [.rcKlucfllm of / ‘Robinson U. C rusoe.- “DofiR- most likely ’con

Btrucit-il CrH»'.o-« mnn FrWny fi.om nc foun ts o f •Po..r WII.' a W osqulto In

ii*.l aiun, who ovi.lonily wijs n vory In 10. genlniia man. as he couliT'mnke lire l>:

Ptrlklnj: the him ..f ids Kun n),'uln.s the barrt-l. and w ith It lioalod lr.ii

itL'.ir " fd th e like. It Is* rolnied tba t Danlo .oral Pofon .useil to tiieet A lexander Selklrl Inty a t th e lw ,l Lion Inn. In Uristol. Knj; .atCR land. c tiid In •^wusklns. (he w illor usi-i anu- ^ 0 ret-ouiH wi.tnlr.ius ta les <if ini' cx H.7 .S plolta 'nn tl linrtlslilps. Uefne pluc.*i ,i t.i hla hero ml un Isliinil olT (he O rlnorf t at in Venezuela, beciiusu be knew Ihn

location lo 'tter. bi)t Jnun Feronnde1 r.-- w ns.'fhp nctu^il sceno of S c lk lr t 'a ea j,r,)- perlencc.”

rkc 1 ' ■^ H •iaa a s re u t Hurprlse to j?peed«r'

„r, frlenila to n.Ku tlm t ulfhougii Iiu hu rtcen fly bought n new ' and expcnalv cur w hich he drove* fu r"u Umo h

i-Tco-. " " ’y w henJilB chuuffeuIs nt fhe wheel. W ben lie drivca hlu self It ly hlH atitedlluvinn ru tH rr of ■ roads.ter. “ W linfa the m u tte r wU tho- new ljua, S p e c lr r . llm \ yo« a' w aya 'drlve tbo .>!d one youraelf?” Horn one nekcd, says tbe Now York Su und (llobe. "No trouble nt ull.

* BUille'd Speeder. " I t ruii'« allently «n henutlfullv . but I p ie fi./ the old bou

.It Ih (-uskT lo hnndle. I doo 't bavo t LH on- bother no mueli nl.mil o ther people'

nioveiiu-iiiM. Th.- n>ur of th.- ijiot.i or. U K d .the cutUo o f fUe olias.xift^ulv

warnln;; ..f m y npiiroach, vvhercus. I the DOW car I have lo bo on th e loiil out a ir tho titia.-."

I be ■ - , - ___READ THB DAILY NEWB.

^NING,. JANUARY 17; 192

ISEMENTS>N — AND' WORTH T't "e , ancl con stitu te the- best raesM- :ention of resid en ts o f Soutli Idani

r o n a.-vLE—POULTRV.

li;o -••■'Ht- SA L K -p]v„i„„U i ' l{ocW.^ii~>t ol I f j^ id ^ s h m d Red h.-ns. PlioiM' l lO K tr r

W A N TBD ^R E A ir^aT A T E ;--------

_ ' W A N T I-n O i-r l .V f iv . - nr ti'i, nrTS---- t ract, innirovod. K.’-l. I'I.one IHfl.

U,\.NTKJ>—'I’o hi«nr fmm o>vn«r o«........ ran.-h for s.ile. S la te r i i s h ^ c e .

_ 1 lull particu lars, p . F. Hii*ri, M inn^.»■- a ......s. Minn.


'I 1-2 PER CKNT nioni'y for fa rm <.n.- 'I’" " " - , y ‘>« tbe money In toa

iln b in lo n " C. A.

r ' t O t t lilV lJO X O Ci

“ AVILL m j y jrour fa t cattle. C. T .C . 'R ro w n , Kimberly.


bl.', ^ F O l f BALB-^W hlto or yellow" nis. Public M arket., Phone >573.

- . l-HjR.BALK—G reat N orthern wb>t« bVana for Booil, thrcihed boforo th e

, rnin. J . F . Cordos, R. 2, Twin Polls.• Phono .112J".

irr.' '

PROFESSIONAL” ' a t x o e n e y b !

H O D Q W ^ ilo tw ^ 12 nnd 13,■nit Nfttional bank Bldg. Phone a.hni,’ ^ Wise—L aw yer. O fneee, IZoonu -

6 and 7 over T w b FalU Bank * T rust Co.. Twin FnHs. laaho. .

TITTl O. 0 . H A LL, O ver CIob Uonk Utcr6. ' - ilr-d JO H N W . aRAUABA—l^nwyet, BivaV Ik ork T rust Building. Phone I'SS-lt.

f s S a B. W ttS '6 J ) -U iw j« r . ------------ .. a a a E B 0 . « i m - » v c r u i t , t j h i

'u BW EELe Y f t SW EB LSY - Attotuny*. at-Iaw; P raetico io all courts. , Twia

_ FaHs. Idabo.___________________ __

~ . BU SIN E SS D I R E C |t f p ^~ ' i g ^ o K B ia rrH ;

BLACKSM ITH — MACHTOB S B O P ~ i.utli Blacksm iths, wolderi. I.niler r o a l ie n , .

marh'iniflts, tnaniifa.-furers; iinpplUa of. all k inds; acent* Attmsn-TaylW

■vi.s- Mn«-hlnrry Co. Kronif^l M achlnf (X.jftho 21fi-220 Sofond >v». a ’

1 “ :.•om W INDOW OLAS8— Wind shJflds, ra b t an.l net work. M oon's Sho|>> Phon*

frljj- ■ ■"<olH- TRA lJaTB B

S S n o H o i i T B i^ a ’rT R * s r o R A o i '—O nrbngc hauled dnilv. Pbon ;i()fl .

ind.-, Cr«tlnit,-8foraKo nnd Ub^rtv roal. oMid XNTEBUBSA14 MOTOB TBUOK 0OM> nets.- PA N Y — Ned R. McCracken, M « . '■nvo O ffice phono 33; -Ros. ^ihonc 5081U1. •tod. Nolhlnff too l-iff, no tb in? too amall,

11. _O ive os a call._______ _ ,

■ • SH O E H B PA JM N O .

E O Y ^ i S p a S " s h o p — i \ '— . Moycra, I>rap. 130 2nd St. E., Twlu l»'oi'- F alls. We nlso carry new shoes.

= V V L O ^ fK B to T

. > b i m T h iL o A K iim o b o ^126 Second ave. w e s t Ooodveiir as*'

r r r . d ttlw t i m . Vqleat>«itng; tf<TV*.l s■o

-----T ' ~ D ETEO TIV B AOENOIEa .

J>AHO D ET E C T IV E AOBNCY-^a 2 mTIT. branehes o f work solicited. Dox <W2.

Dolso, Idaho.

W oman Inspector.- onIj Jn nn ofTort to enforce ml’nlmora joka, v n s o IPRtslntlon' for women worife'rs, •i«*ory tl{0 H rlflsh Colum bia covem m c;it h a iison nppolnfod a spcclnl womnn Inspector .’con who will vIhU nlVosti)bllRhmcnts wbcr« n nc- »T^ eroploycti to neo th n t they> In- nre recelv lns th e tretitin 'eat roqolr«<J

In- hy Inw._____________________________

LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENTSIniti __ _ .______ ___________ ^ ^

anlol n o t ic e o f s a l e ON rORECLOSURBIkirk OF BEAL ESTATE .MORTOACE.„ . I n tho DlHtrlct Court-nf the KIrventh

Juillctal niKirlcf of thn Sinte nf Mnho. tnllHcd unit for th.- County «r Twin Kalis.

^ II. C. L ittle. ■ . rialntlff.-

laci*d Jom-pli r . -Rowley nnd nul<y Howli-y, h ll noro " ‘f’'- AUKUSIO A. Cloucti.k.Doforidanta.th a t Unil.T an.l l>y virtue of un ordrr o f •

m iic i ilvcr«'« of {or«clUBur« (ssu«d o u t .■!t of lhe niKtrlfit Court of the Klnvcntli u e i- Judicial Ulstrlcl of the Klat.- of lOaho.

. in and for (hu County rif Twin PnllB, on tho :!4(h-.lay-or Occomhor. A. D. 1923.In th.- iOhivo untlil.vt action wherclr* K.C. Mttle. Iho ahovo nan.cd iil.-ilntirf, ot>-

I t;ilnc.J u JmlKtnent und il<!cn-<r aKntnat . , 111" ilcfondanta, Joseph' V. Itnwlcy and

!d« rs notjy -Kowley. his wifo. nna Autfust*’> hud Ctourlirk. on tho ISth dUy of Decc-ml>er.„ A. O. 19: 3. which nojil decreo wa*. on th*-

JKth .lav of necemlH-r. A. D. 1923. r®- 0 he eordcil in JuO.;mcnt Uook 9 of said Court. .rra..,. ‘t 3i>r,. I am comnuuule.l to sell *U

tbat Certain lot. pleco or j^arcel of land. ‘ him- .'.linat.'. lylnir and b. lnB In (hn County nf «i "f Twin Fulls. S talo of lihdm, bounded

un.l drscrJVod n« follows, lo-wlt:With .‘Jouth\wsl Q uartnr (*fW l - « of tb a

« al- Souit\w r« QrtftTtcr <SW nnil lo l „ , KMiir rt). a ll in tfocllon Four (4). Town-

sl.lp Klov.n (It). South of «nn*o Twen- Sun (y 1: 1.). l':4St of the nolso Meridian. - ,,n .. K ollc. iB .horrhy jflvrn th a t on Moa-

-ihiv .tho''25th «hiy of Janurtry. 193«,'at ' anil 2:00 o'clock j>. m. of wxld day. In front boat 'b o Court House. In the County-ot

Twin F;UIB. S tate Of Iitaho. I. Will, ta • VO tc uhoOlencn to snld order of kiIc and- ;itilo-S o n e of lien, sell tho nt>o%-o dotienboA , >.1. property, or 'so much ihcreof.ns may

jiotiir -„hcenjMin- JO satisfy snid plaintlfra ludc> -u ivc mont. with Interest thereon nnd cobia. tA-‘

the hiffheat nnd bost bidder for c a i^ la ; lawful mosey of ' t h e TInitM S tates 0<

loi»U- Amorlen, ■••:Putod th is 97tb of December. A.. jX;(SIONBD M. , a

by O FT.^ S . J0NB9.-

L924. - ' rage v.-:^'::

jpaiw JEight_ ____ TWI

C M C N G 1^ i y ’Sl El f fURE’

H T S E E D S H iRalph H aefer, Gooding, an d W .

, A. Coiner, H ansen, T ie foi- First P lace and. Divide First and Second Money •

•• JKllOM R, .Tftiumry 10 (Spociol ta Tho N'imvh)—T ho corn 'judRlng «on- ] tout toiliiy WIIH Uio ccnicr o< ia to fo s t , in tlio Bccortil d a y 's session o f th e . Idnho Sliitc-Sccd flAbw. Twonty-scvon |

' fnniiers entered in ' th b contcst and | cach wna jcl' oii four samples (ttf bo th thc ri'd Iind yellow deiil varlfto y o t corn to JuiIkci

Ilnlph Hnefer, Ooodtnff, and W . A. Coiner, llnnHon, tied for f ir s t placo tftiil aiviik 'd tho f irs t {ind Bocond | prir.et,’ riipli rcreivlng ♦20. Tho th ird jilnrc iklsn reiiiiltwl in n tio botweoB C. .1. C?hiipniiiii, Wondcll, and Carl I r ­v in . K iniherly, ngain niokinR it noc* csHiiry to sp lit tho nwnrd.

I n 't h e tu rkoy red wlii'at exhib it N. V. Hnrton o f VirK)nii>> Diiniiock cOun-

_ ty, for tho second timo in two yours,' took tlio trojiliy cup swoi-pstiikcs, thus

•trenRtheninfj liis claim In tho cup, , whieli will bo nwnnled lo ll»e mnn TvinninR it throb times in succossion. Motion pictures ;sjero taken o f both

' tho rnrn and n-hciUt‘judging contests. -Crowds Att«nd

There woro Inrjje' rrowds in nttond- sneo nil dny nnd nround n hundred women listened lo P re i^ e n t A. H , I'p iinm 'n address in tho hi^h school auditorium on "Com m orcial Oppor­tun ities for Olrl* w ith Jlomo Eco­nomics T rainiaf^.’ ' O thor foaturos o f j th e women'n dopnrtm ont of tho aho*ri woro donionstrntions by Misses Voraa johnnaoson and N ina Iluek on cloth­ing. < 1

Tho • corn judging contest took up . tho m orning sesaion and in tUq- af* \ ternnon G. R .-U cD oIo , soil -toehnQlo-1 g is t nt tho Uni^'orsity of Idaho, gave | an in teresting ta lk on tho soll.pfob* ] le a s of Idaho . 11

AddieeMi Qlvta |i n . C. Mny of tho R upert b ranch o f . |

tbo Amalgam ated Sugar company spoko i on " T h e Plneo o f tho Sugar Dcct In j

rTdabo A gricu ltu re /" nnd F ; W. AI--1 kinson, o f th c da iry dejiiirtment of • <ho U niversity o f Idnho. spoke on* “ Some P ncto rs A ffcutlng Dnlry Vro- , 4 a c ts ,” Qftor which n general dis- 1 tu sslon wiW led by Gustav Kuitze o f : ' Duhl. - I

I Tho ev en in g 'p ro g ram wns In the i bigh school nuditorium nnd took tho V form of 'n lycoum courso »nnil>i<r by i H en ry B lackburn. I

Mikoy Awards 1. W ednoadny's winner* in the show :|

n tho order o f aw ards nro aa foi-1 I owb: ■ ' . ' !'

Lndinn clover: 1. W. W. W incgar, Roscworth; 2, Rorbnek Rros., Burloy: ; S, George I t Johnson, Filer.

FleW beRt\«-. 1, Beo.ti QrW ctB asso­ciation, Twin Fnlls; 2, F . M. T h o -‘

. tnets, Twla P a lls ; .1, R. E. Brosaard, Twin F a lls ;, 4, W. P . H ardin, Twin

‘ l 'a n . . I. Field pens: 1, T. F. Gustavson, Mos-^ cow; 2, E arnest Nichols, A berdeen;;

. 8 , D. Siddowny, Toton C ity; 4, J . A: A tchley, Ashton.

Commercial rod clover: iJ C. L. film berly, Jorom o; 2, P . Suchor, Buhl: 8 , H arry H ulberU , Joromo; 4, B . L.

,* BeaiJ.. Je rom e: S, J. W. S trong, Em- o ic tt; 0, T. P . Johnson, Em m ott. I

B um M en WlB jCornn»cTcial nUlke cIovot: 1,' J . L.

E astm an, B uhl; 2, Ben johnsoa , Buhl;~11, nwnrd w ont to Mos'co.w, Id a ­ho: 4, E . Moyer, B nh l/ !

Commerciul common a lfa lfa :. 1, N. IT. Leliind, W endell; ‘ 2, p . . M artin , W endell; 3, Beoly Bros., Burley.

^ C ertified Idaho Rural po tatoes: 1, Randolph Korsch, Aberdeen; 2, Clay­ton Beck, B urley ; 1, ti. F . Cate;, Bur-

.ley ; 4, 1*. P rou t, Burley; 5 , 'L . Rom- aay, Ashton.

C ertified N etted 0cm potatoes: 1,- C hndes 0 . Pishor, Dudley; 2, J . J.-

Btutz, B u d lry ; 3, L. Rnmsay, A shton; 4, J . J . Atcblev, Anbton.

B oaxt W heat H ^ ^ ^ C c r t i f io d eommerfinl Ranrt w bcat:

Dixon, F airfie ld ; 2, £ . W.3 , P . M. Tufkcr, Pair-

’ fie ld ; F airfie ld ; ^5, IraLonim'nn, F n ir^ B H |[» *

C ertified commercTal Dieklbw wheai:. -1, George R. Johnston . F i le r ; -2, Her-

b e / t Clnrk, Oooding; 3, W. B. Green, 'M cCam m on; 4, C. S. Chase, Nampa; C, 0 . R. W hite, Buhl.

.C ertified special Dlrklow. wheat (hand p icked ): i 0 . R. WhUe, Buhl; 2, H erbert C lark, Gooding; 3, C. S. CiiMc, Nonxpa. •

C ertified T ro b l barley : 1.- W . Mo- la e r , A berdeen; 2, Rnndolph Moser,

A berdeen; 3, W. T. Pager, Em m ett.Commerc.ial T rebl barley: 1, E. Mo-

•ej', A berdeen; 2, T. a Yandorford, A berdeen; 3 , 8 . B. Goodfellow, Bur­ley ; 5, C. W.-JoDO», A berdeen."

XdJuAlafl Oats Com m ercial Idam ine oats: 1, Ed­

w ard Schute, W ilder; 2, W. L. Burton, B urley ; 3, H. Ixslnnd, WendeU; 4, C. J . Chapman, -W todoll; 5, V ictor 6 mlth.,-Burle3r.

Commerrlal Federation w heat; 1 , 'P . . B r» u , PaW fltW ; 2, lU r\jy T rahet,

A berdeen; 9, T, 8 . V a n d e rfo ^ , Ab'er- deen; 4 , E . JToble, Burloy; '♦’s, R.

. OhristlttBMa, D o w n e / .P»tCt-JtidglaK.Thnnd*jr^

- The pngnun for Tfaanda.r will, atari lo the.momlnl' with the dairy judging

^ .In which nuih . Intemst has

v in V a l Ls d a il y n e w

Rogers, Heiress Seer

Is t

c1 ' ■ t

M iss M ary M iniceal pogers, b e iiu li-1 ful 2[)-yoar-old ilailKMi'r o f ('oloiii-l nm l,

N. XIrM. II. n . Kogers of .>’iMV York, na<l lioireHH.to the $■!(),000.0(10 enliite n f Her lull' g r«ndfu ther, II. 11. Stand-

J ard Oil niagnatc, [li’iM been. Heirre(T\-j jIIJ ’m arried in tho iinitiij-ijial liuiM ia^, New j

)n. g = ^ = a = = = s a *

“ Idaho Turkeys t New Englar

Rapidly Increasing Ini ' Poultry Industries i

I Told in Oregon Short" I Communication;h-1 «

M Idnho nhipped to 11 s ta te s diiriui; tlir*, ” P yea r ending Inst Jn ly '. 'a to ta l <if 40111

corlonds o f Im ttrr, ehecHe, n n d '‘P‘ < iwiiltrj-, neeording to sfntiKliex e<in-

faiiii'd in a le tte r re-eived nt Twin I [“ ' Falls Chniiilier C«mriii'n'e offierM

jfrom .It>el L. Priest, genernl ageiif fo- ]th e Oregon Short L ine, netting forth

of .g raphic illustratinns .of the incren"in(r ko importnnee* o f the dairy and jKinltry In ind jistries in thin stntc:

Hore in Mr. P r ie s t’s lo iter: ^Qn i f ‘*"‘ <U»y!» .before' Christmns I went

to our Koine dejiof to board nn rnsl- jboand tm in . '.ru<«t bnek of the lo.-e I m o tiv e 'I no tirrd nn axpress refriueni- I lo r car. Thin unniHiMl my cnrioKity, so

h e ! I’roeerded fo investignte. T hat eir.- jijjlw iis Inailed w ith turicevH nnd it wns . I billed fi> Providence, R. I., three thou

I "Iind miles n'vny. "■ sAl n«!\Hy 11 diTWtjHun.ilijiner in Vrnv- \

jj^ ciijioe an ,'Idaho , tn rkey jjladdeneii tli.'■ I'Vrn .and npi'iined sMie nin’i'tltei> in’ jChrislmnn rovi'lrr», voiiiig ftiid t'ld. .\ii.|

I’rovi'Ieii'w w/is pot Ihe only fnvore t .' ea.Hlern c ite . We nhl|>(>i-d tiirkevn iiy

' ■ (o n.'sloti, lo Xew York, to Ne«Haven, (.Vinn., nnd to many othei-

L -ro ln ts wlii-re people were liiingrr f'.r the real bird,

rin - . Turns P w t to P ro f i tj ■ A story-w ent the rounds of thiujilnli >

09- iMMvspaiierN reeently nboiit n farm er jn ;,« lioH e crops were invnded by•gr/is-’ihop | A^- pers. T lis wife hnd invested her sa» •

iiigK iw II flock of turkevH. Wh<-n the L. grasnhopperM a te the rropy, she turiie.t

h i: the tu rk ey s loose- in the field* nn*l L. they |>ronii>tly a te th e ■grasshopper'*"

!m- Tile tu rk ey s fntteiii'd on the grnss- jlioppent th a t hail eaten .the rrops, w«t (\ Isold a t n profit sufficient to s^ive the

L . fixrro. A sn ri o f ‘ Mlofvse Tbnt .TnrU loa, H n ilt” s tory , and a - tr iie otic.:da- Nr>w, nil thi.t is by wny of prelimhi

I nry to a lirtle story of trnnsform ntioii N. th n t in' going oa today in manv nn

tin,- MiJio farm house. I t is-tli< ''sfo ry «f I the beginnings, n t least, of ;i ntaUii*

1, Itrospr-rity based on (Ini'ry.inj' and Toiil- lay- try raisinjr, two ind-i.^trics that o n ly n Jur-I few year* ago were considered iinv^r- am- tby o f th e n tten tion of. th e n<iin on tU-.-

fnrm. '1, ' i>nring the last throe yenr.i npproxi J«. iniLlely .'!000 <lairy cowm have hcen im-

on; ported into Idaho. 8o rapid hni been tins grow th ’ o f the imlHstw tlmt pro-

! been shown, and sever;il head of the 'a ir- stock on the north side aro onIra display. The liairy show will s ta r t at

10 o 'e loek anji will he followod in the ea{- i)y the following talks:flo r .' o f PnU loes in Id .ibo,’.’ Kcen, ^^*'»'nott: . “ Slandnrdir-nt’ion ol ipa;' I'- Denn. s ta te .di

rcctor o f-p lan t industry ; “ B eans,” R heat J*ri>ssard, county agricu ltural .-igCDt, uhl* ! Palls-

g’ •Concert ScheduledThe evening program will s ta r t wltl:

Mo- municipal band, followed l>>sBcr, Taylor, who is on<J ’ o f the lending speakers o f the show

Mr. Taylor is rouneeted w ith th< 'ord ^ - '" ‘'’rii-nn Farm Hiireau federation, p y j’ 'rhe w omen’s program fei Thursd.ij

will* s ta r t w ith a n ' addresa by Mlti W ilbelniinn Jarobsen . «liitblng special

•Ed- un iversity e itcn iio n bureai•ton and ' I t s Relation U

C lo th ing .” In tho afternoon o atyli ctor given fo r fhe ln>nofit ol

tho women attending.

S:;: ’n c K t i W T H R O A TR. ^ w i iw *a«nnoT*nce,.worn when

W a S T / I S ? - ' -u,t C H A M B ^ L A I N ' 5 !i.g C O U G H R E M E D Yb u E v<9 7 l u e r la a f r i e n d

W S , T W l N F A L L S , - I D A I

cretly Weds Count

li- l*^orX, to Count Ijud-A-ig finltn von Hnog- i . l ’stratoD, A ustrian uoblomifli, who foughv

. in one of th e crack A ustriiin cavnlry regiments in lluj world w ar. The mar- ris" i' was a .on ip lete surprise to her

d- purents. Tho count, who is .’IS, was di- T\-j vor<c.l in ll>12 from Unronoss FrnnU- 'w jeiithal.

rs Appear on md Bill of Fare[ m p o r t a n c e o f D a i r y a n d

; i n G e m S t a t e S t r i k i n g l y

i r t L i n e G e n e r a l A g e n t ’s

____________ _________ 11.., jile in other ntutes nre now looking Dj) Ito Mnlio to soni'e extent fo r the re s to ck -, „ |! in g and replenishineat * o f th e ir own i

herrls. Idnlio cheese nmi Idahn liiittiT | i,I la re conimnndiiig premium ' ])ricos in

mnrkots outside the hIh Ic and there is every. prospc"f th n t the demnnd will

, 1, in c ren si'n s tim e goes on.

' i ' P roduction Qrown E ap ld lr . j The prodnetion o f eggs an>i poiilt.-y

ill Idnlio has been in c rea sin g . rapidly. T he. y e a r’s shipaient.), detailed in the

lit statem ent lieluw, nhow th a t we mo\j;:l | It- 1- 0 cars of .cg';s. ICneli car o f e « g s ! ■0 «ftntaineil '100 c rates of ;10 dozen.-M in- 11. iiuum c:ir!i o f b u tte r nnd cheese contain

24.000 jKiiindH. , th e nioveiiients of If,- |*oultry sliown enrs, but th is Ih not ■lit iiirlieajive of the to tal shipm ents, lie-. Ul cnine hy fa r Ibe g rea te r pnrt o f the

jmnltry bnsinesn moves by exiiresH. The v.)flg«wc9 '-ovvriuK th e venr eH.\>'d .luiv11., .'U, 102^ follows:"i’ ' CommeiMty.

E I n f I i

California .... 1.1I> ro !)7 li; :n;;t.'olorado ..... I . \

I Idaho .......... 3 1 . 4“ ■ Illinois ...... " S ^ i . 1 J7

Missouri ...... 2 - I ;;"'■j Montana .... I 1 ,

X eb ra sk n '. ... 2 ' lij ,j ' 'Vvvada ....... 4 " jM-w York .... (i *» 5(1 • 'o,.Oregon ........ .2 .' .T irr tn h ............ , L’l 7 IW ashington - 2CT I'r,

• Wvi.niiag- . ’ 1 :iln : ; ____ ____________________^

1 Total .......... 170 i;til J.'ll 41) 4 ;.,,

„ r | R ailroad Company Helpti. bli‘ ' T hope I mny lie pardoned for (xiiiil- V‘l- iin; with pi'ide to the fn lo n Pacific e-ii Hv.-tcni’s part in all _tliis jlcvelopmi-nt, ."r- Tills enmj>:iny has .ioincil in inovemen1> 111'.-, to'.vnrd bring ing expert, .dairymen tt

I flu- s ta le tn inlcro'tl I»i;iho penple in i \ i ' ;nn industry th n t wo believu' i* <leHtine<l iin- .to i>vcoiiie one of onr g reatest nssets ecu : We have kept men lu thp field lfel)> 'cn- . i j ig to estnbVirdi m arkets, advising witi

those wbo conleni[il:*ti'd Mn '•n;;;igin; in flii-< c.cciipatioii, niul !i:iv,- [n al cases given our friendly support I- community en te rp riies having for ther

• ” i>iiq'<ise the w orking . out o f dair'problems. W e ^liellove Ihe yea r ' tipoi

'which we iiro jn st entcrini: will w itncs n coiiliniianeo of the Jinut, p rogress..

^.di- 1 charge only fonr dollars pe' month for dead stotnge for earn. Loav ent, v(.nr cnr w ith ns for the wint«T. On

b a tte ry departm ent can al«o look a fle yonr batfirry. .fduho Auotoniobile j>ji.

Tith t'upply Co.—ndv. •

I REM OVAL NOTICE.I Tho firm o f Sterdtan & N orth hii removed from the OuUirie b u iliin g :

‘•'o roorn»-12, I.** and 14, Bank .ic Triis MMiildlng.“-a d v .

“i-’ y j ------- • -I ■ .



By gathering yoor

3 A G ST e u ’U do so

m Call 040. W « w ill coma «nd •B ' gat them.- ID A H O J U N K H O U S E* S u i t p t IM u x -D ep t 8 t o n

■no, THURSDAY iioEN]

T i E E i r C W ^S E C O il l lC T i ,

W ife o f Sp ok an e Man Found D ead in Bilhl Park D ies from 1 E ffe c ts .o f H ard sh ip sj ’

A sD'oncl victim o f the tragedy di.-- rlosed in th e tou rist purk n t Buhl la te l/ist O ctober was elaimed by dcato W ednesday nfternoon, when Mrs. Annn I'uldwln, wigod about 4,'i, die<l in th .‘ c o u n ty hospita l here, where she bail been a p a tie n t since O ctober .10._ -

Mrs. Balilxvin’n d ea th Is a ttribu ted to results o f -siifforlng endured by her- ' self, hor husband and their 20-year-old son in fhe eourse o f several m onths' trave ling in nn nntoniobile whieh fonni- uated u t BuUl. when M r, Unb\vv\n w.an found dead in the car. and his wif-;- huddled a t h is side uneonscious nnd in a critical condition. The son. n n r r / Baldxyiu, who is believed to have suf- feretl tem porary niontnl derangem ent i from th e experience, was sent by lorni j a iitiio rities .to the former„honin-.(if the

U- fam ilv in Rpokane. O ther rcbiNvcs U. nre l.elieve.J, to rcsi.le in Porflan<l nnd -.V .Senltle.r- The l.ody o f Mrs. Baldwin was Ye- L’r moved fo th e P. .T. Orossm nn’ inortu- i- nry, w here il is huld n^vnitlng worri k- from relatives.

I n Pltoouji P lig h t® ' S ta rv a tio n nnd eximsure are believe 1

fo have I....... facfoin in the tragedywhich elainiod its sei-ond v ic tim ', in (lie <ioath o f Mrs. Bnhlwin.

Discovery o f the d ead 'm an and his ' w ife wns.tuHde nt 3;:in o ’cioek on tho

mi.rnlng o f t)cto1.er 2S, when Volke

d O fficer T.Ini I)......in and Captain ;i*hil-lip l p f tbo Salvation A nuv a t 'H u h l

y were ninioiince.i by H nrry Ibililwin. The,^ (young mnn fold C aptain Phillips thnt S his fa tbei' w anted to see him. l..endirg

fhe o ffice rs to (he tourist park. Ihu _ young mail opened tbo door o f-the car J. nnd g rasp ing his fn tl ie r’s nrni. shook

him, nnd snjd, “ Fnlher. hero is the cap- „ fniirt” T h ere was no response. Cap- , .p tain PhillipH discovered Ihe man wns „ dead.Jg The m o th er wns hnddliul by the fath- II e r ’s side. . They were .covered onlv hv ,

a single old blnnket. -I t wns learned thnf fhe fam ily hail

loft ti|M>kane liisl .liine, driving firil y fo C alifo rn ia aiid then to Buhl. They

tind received-som e, a ss is lan re from the le .''iilvation A rm y n f Huhl about two ;l weeks lU 'fore the <leafh of Mr. Baldwin 's and were believed to linoe left Ihilil nt :t-lth ;it time.


— w , ,Firat KaUomU^ Stockholdeta B»-«lect

Ail Members o f Board of Direetors, and O fficers Aro Betum ed

■p Im proveinont ia business nnd iadus- ^ trial eonditions hero d n rid ^ the past

year and confidence in the promiw of 7- the fu tu re wns rofleetoil fn tlio ro- 2 ’ports o f .o fficers a t nn annual meeting

here T uesday of tho ,sioukliolders of the F irs t N ational bank . Tho stock­holders re-eleetod aro all members of

i;; the board o f d irectors, and tho dirce- I lors nt a m eeting follow ing re-elected ^ officers o f th c bank.

j 7 M embers of thc board of dlrcetbrn ;; aro F. F. Johnson , II. W. CIouehek, J.I M. M axwell. Maxwell, L. K. Shl-

laday,. W. II .Kldridge, A. Dorman ,| Johnson.

0,1 The re-olected o ffice rs a re : Presi- If <lent, P. F. Johnson; vice-preaidont,

W. H. K ldridge; cashie?, J . M. ^fax - well; asslnfan t -cashiers, W. E.. NNxon,'

J A. Dorm an Johnson, H. II. G rant. '


il- _____^

IJ, liid iffe rcneo about his home an<K^e needs, w elfare and happiness of nbi. Avife, whom he is alleged to hnve le ft alonn for days and .n ig h ts n t a time aad called names and ridiculed in the preseneo o f others is alleged as

I ’ grounds fo r ilivorco in n su it institu ted In d is tr ic t courl hero W ednesday by

j ‘ Mrs. K d n a ' C. Frnmo agninnt JI. 8. ,jjl Fram e. A reoriling to the bill of par- ■(,, tii-ulars, M r. nnd M rs. Fram e wero

m nrried Decem ber 26, 1900, in Kansas ir ,. City, rtnd havo resided in Twin Fnlls ion yonrs. Tlierecsn ‘ •"I'lron and no comtminity

property. Mrs. F ram e asks th a t she be restored lo her m aiden namo of Edna C. Bruce. T he petition ‘was

;,ve f'l»’'l **y Stephan- and |7 o r tb , . a ttor- )iir ncys.'t e -

1.. 3 Reasons W h y .

= IDAHO JUNK HOUSEpays xoore for a ll kinds of Jonk,

< Hides and PeltsI F ln t: W e are th e largest, d ^ - I era In th e st«t«. j Becond: "We ship direct, aTOld*

Ing th e mlddlemSB.Third: W e can pay you more.

Idaho Junk HousePhono MO

i ' Back of' Idaho Dept. Store


| b r e v i t i e s |

J B oU U u 0 . B u l i t n nof .Buhl apcnt W cdnoiday in Twin Falla on a bualncaa trlj>.

iCi B etum s Itom Vacation T rip—At- to rney E. L. Aalitoii. has re tu rned from

^ four wooka' v ccn tio n ' tr ip to Califor­nio.

U tili Merchant V isits—K. J . F en n e ll, l l' general mcrchnndino donler o f Eure!; i,, U tah , is in Tw in P n l l s ^ i u buslnes» in . . . • ■

L ta v ia g fo t V isit— M rs. W." H , Ben- “ fro ’ cxpects to leave F rid ay evening

j‘ to v isit her p a ren ts in San Fran- ® eisco fo r two m onths.

’'I B e tu m to I d n h ^ M r . and M rs. A.“ M. W iker a rriv ed Wodnoflday from

K ansas C ity and n f t o r 'n v ialt horcj they expect to m nke th e ir homo in

fi Buhl. 'Ml ,Called to Oregon— Mr. nnd M rs. Will-

;■ inm Graham will leave today fo r Mon- " mouth, Oregon, in response to a mes-

""g® received W ednesdny te lling o f the d ea th o f ' ‘tbo w ife of M r. Q riihaw ’-* bro ther thcro.

A tto rney A ddresses S tuden ts—A ttor ney Asher B. W ilson addressed a voca- tionnl clnss m eeting in thO jun io r high

'■'* ncbool yeste rday in reference to law ns a profession and expressed the opin­ion th a t legal tra in in g 1s o f .re a l value

J fo young women.

ItOavu fo r C on tact—O. 0 . McRill, form erly chiof mech.inle for the Ken-

. dahl-W right A uto eonipnny, le f t Tuos- ! d ay fo r Contact, Nevada, where ho

will bo nsHoeiafod w ifh h is brother-in- .J law, C. N. Lnubenbcim , In Ihe grocery

Plpe-Thawlng D evice A r r lw —Anelectrical w ater plpo thhw m g device, fiurehnsad rccentJy Ly the municipal adm inistra tion fo r the eonvenionco of

"J’ Tw in VallB re s id en ls in donUng with "J' frozen w ntor pipes, wns delivered

W ednesday to tho s tree t nnd water- w orks departm ent.

B icycles L ost and Pound—-Three bi-. cycles wore m issing nnd ono found, aecording to rL^porta mado .Wedneadny to polico headqunrtera here. Ono of tho m isting whoela wns a g i r l ’a model a n d 'th e o ther tw-o woro loat by young

'’>■ men. Fred, Redeyo, 287 Jefferaon s tree t, reported f in d in g a bicycle.

in Considering B ills— Twin Palla coun- nt ty commi«si«»votH, la session licto

Wodncsdriy, • took nction on claims ngalnst county funds, and expected to complete consideration of claims against the cu rren t expense fnnd to-

IK 'lay. A etion on b ills aga inst the hos­pital fund is expected to occupy art-

I d . .Denver Man V isits—E. W. Gallon-

knmp. represen tn tivo of the York Ico and R e frigo ra llng compnny, Denver,

“*■ here on a busine.sn trip , visited w ith C. E. Carlson, fa th e r o f Pnul Carlson,

0^ n grailuafe o f th e U n iversity Of Colo- rndo chemical engineering departm ent, w h i^Js emplt^-ed b y the company in its'^Denver p lant,

ck- -o f Botary Olub E ntertains—Kd. Dnly,

C f F ran k W ilson nnd D r. J . If . Murphy, ted of Buhl, dined w ith the Twin Falls

R otary elub a t . tho reg u la r weekly m eeting W ednesday . C harles. P. D w ight, recen tly appoin ted secretary of the Twin F a lls Clinmber of Corn­

' s ' ' merce, -was also a g uest o f the club, _ • 3 I r . Dw ight deU vered a sh o rt b u t in-

1 foresting address on tho general topic 'o t, I o f the rela tion o f , tho c h a m b e r 'to thc ll* 'I business in te re sts nnd the doveloj). o ''» !m en t of th e T w in •Falls countrj- tr


T he News Is re a d by th« |>o^nn(<n> earn ing olasies.

J o '* . -

d l .1 Our Bited

£ Annu;nsas I-’alls >■

"S - - a well-o f ^wasLtor- . .

to lay in your supply of tho ~ arc styles fo r every purpose

. and children.

Never Before Isuch an opportunity to the dredB ol p a irs o£ quality If you neglect to attend 1



130 NO. Between )

9 2 4 . . ■ ^ ■ •

n L ittle M oisture in > Day’s Precipitation

S n o w f a l l a n d r a in d u r la g tli« 24-lOJ;.__h o u r peclp d e n d i n g 'f t t 1} o 'c io e k '

W o d n ea d n y e v e n in g a m o u n ted to tw o o n o -h u n d re d th a o f an Inch o f p ro o ip i ta t io n , a c c o rd in g to rtnrorda

om th o g o v e rn ti ie n t w e ilth e r o bse rv - !or- o r ’s s ta t io n .he re .

'. T e m p e r a tu r e ’ll h ig h -u ia rk f o r th e d a y w n s sfiow u a t 34 nbove, a. do-

>•11, -c lino o f 11 d e g ro e s u n ije r tlfT m ax i- .I; I, m u m o f th o p re c o d in g d n y , a n d low es» a t 2 0 above,* w 'as a f a ll o f ono

p o in t.

r O B E M A N ’S B O D Y rO U IID .in g•an- B O IS E , J a n . 10 OP)— W illiam R . N ol

so n , b r id g e fo re m a n f o r th e U n io n I’a- e lf lc , f o u n d d e a d th is n irjrn ing in -Ins

A . b u n k in a c o n s tr u c t io n t r a in h e re , w ill rom bo ta k e n to n ig h t o r F r id a y e i th e r fo lorc [P o c a to l lo o r L o g a n , h is fo rm er hom es,

in f o r b u r ln l , W U Iiam M c B ra ti iey , A dii c o u n ty e o ro n o r , a n n o u n c e d , fo llow in if fh o a r r iv a l o f iv b r o th e r , Tom N elson

■ill- f ro m N am p a , on-

lU’' ll Knockout P f i n I- p l i H 5 Biriilg H It; J A N U A R Y

Evarytlilng in' Furniture

I.'"’ A. n . Vincent Company207-200 S h o sh o n e S t S . P h o n e 406.

.- A n i G e t Y o u r I• ic e , ' ^

“oJ H a r n e s s i nd t h '

Wo w n n t to o il a n i f r e p a ir them e a r ly (|0 a s fo a v o iil th e u s u a l ' s p r in g s ru sh . W o w^ill oil th em to s u i t a t —


1 P t!E J J > 1 S E T

)del Iu n ^ ; T B Y O U B H A N D M A D B son i * H A B N E S S

,„J FRED FOSSic to O p p o a lte T ir e S ta t io n

I t o ' lim s

“ F R E S H L A ID ”

3 White Leghorn : Baby Chicks

lo lo - . ^ p r o d u c a re su l ts .' S om o M a rc h - th ic l t s u n so ld . B u y

" ' t h e s e e a r ly c h ic k s a n d b e so re I o f w in te r la y e r s . D isc o u n t on

Inly, I w 820.00— 100. T h ir - ^ph y , I te e n y e a r s h a tc h in g o f r e a l ^alls : ' c h ic k s , H ig h r o c o rd m o les; v lg - c k ly I or'oQS, m a tu r e - f e m a le s ; u n lim ite d

f r e e r a n g e ; a c h lc k -p ro d o c ln g p ro p o s i t io n h a r d to b e a t W e se n d o u t c h ic k s t h a t wUl m a k e

• in - ! * ,p e rm a n e n t c u stom er.' i I W o rld ^ s la r g e s t e le c tr ic Incnba-

j to r . fV e e c a ta lo g .

‘ "j Freshlaid Farmj isG X 4, C O L F A X W A S H ,

t — -------- ~~~

Fourth t a l S a l e


'-timed eventthe season’s best’footwear. There lose and occasion for men, women

- I/ • .

e Have We Offeredthe buying: public as now. Hun- ty ahpes at extreme rcduotious. id this FOUKTH ANNUAL SALE ■ES. We are doing our part.II - AND SAVE!

= M . A p K E T ; . '

fO . 8 H 0 8 B 0 M B an M M « a n d 2 n d
