Full metal jacket


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Full Metal Jacket (1987)

In this presentation, I will be explaining the opening sequence of Full Metal Jacket.

The opening begins with various people having their heads shaved in preparation for joining the army.

These close ups shots show a variety of races all being made equally and militarized by the cutters. Each of their faces show depressive and emotionless expressions to imply them being desensitized and stripped of their personal identities (hairstyles and clothing).

The haircutters approach cutting the hair in a fast and meaningless manner giving the impression that the people are like cattle being sheered and moved on into the army camp.

The music used in the sequence, I think enforces the idea of these people being desensitized of the idea to go to war as the singer sounds depressed. However, the tune of the song sound quite upbeat creating mixed feelings about this. This may imply that the people are confused and unsure what is going to happen next.

At the end of the sequence, the camera tilts to the floor revealing the mountain of hair that has gathered on the floor. This implies the idea of the holocaust/mass slaughter of war and is reminiscent of death. This implies to the audience the fate of these men and that they’re expendable.
