Full Polygamy


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  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy



    By: Kevin, Tony and Said

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy



    What is Polygamy?

    Polygamy is a marriage whichincludes more than two partners

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    Forms o Polygamy

    ! man married to more than one wieat a time is calledpolygyny

    ! woman married to more than onehus"and at a time is called


    I a marriage includes multiplehus"ands and wives, it is called

    group marriage#

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy



    $onogamy is a marriage consistingo only two individuals

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    In%&lass '(periement

    !nonymous in%class )uestionnaireregarding the topic o Polygamy

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    The Structure o a Polygamist *elationship


  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    Polygamy vs# 1ay $arriage

    In 0334, &anada passed thelegislation to allow same%se(partners+marriages

    Since then, $ormons polygamistsand some $uslims, as well as some

    academic and social commentatorsare arguing to alter the de5nition omarriage

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    6istory o Polygamy

    Polygamy is a practice that has "eenongoing throughout history and is stillpracticed all over the world $ost predominately in countries li7e !rica and

    $ormon communities in !merica

    8ates "ac7 to the 9ld Testament o theBi"le, and was practiced rom leading5gures including !"raham, 8avid andSolomon

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    Islam Point o iew

    Polygamy is conditionalon theo"servance o several actors andcircumstances#

    I the man is not competent enoughto satisy all o them, then he will not"e eligi"le to ta7e more than one


  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    What i the woman

    doesn;t agree or theman didn;t ollow the


  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    What i? There are some men "y nature need more than one

    wie and their wives have no pro"lem with polygamy?

    There are women who have no pro"lem in marrying a

    man already having a wie especially i a marriage isin their interest#

    $onogamy is not

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    &onditions and the disadvantages:

    Islam allows polygamy on somecondition and here are some o them:

    ># The wies@ has no o"

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy



    The ollowing are the ma

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    &hristianity Point o view:

    $ost people today view polygamy as immoralwhile the Bi"le nowhere e(plicitly condemnsit#

    1od may have allowed polygamy:a) to protect and provide for the women who could not

    nd a husband

    b) living in a polygamist household was far better than

    the alternatives: Slavery, Prostitution, or Starvationc) polygamy enabled a much faster expansion of

    humanity, fullling Gods command to be fruitfuland increase in number! multiply on the earth"#Genesis $:%)&

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    Why did 1od allow polygamy in the9ld Testament?

    There are a ew 7ey actors to consider:

    First, while there are slightly more Females than

    males Second, warare in ancient times was especially

    "rutal, with an incredi"ly high rate o atality#

    Third, it was nearly impossi"le or an unmarried

    woman to provide or hersel#

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    Why $onogamy is "etter#

    The Bi"le says that 1od;s originalintention was or: one man to "e married to only one woman:

    EFor this reason a man will leave his atherand mother and "e united to his wie notwivesG, and they will "ecome one Hesh notHeshesG 1enesis 0:0J@#

    While 1enesis 0:0J is descri"ing whatmarriage is, rather than how many people areinvolved, the consistent use o the singularshould "e noted

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    '(amples o Polygamy

    Polygamy in &hristianity Solomon had A33 wives and 33 concu"ines

    Polygamy in !rica &hildren a orm o wealth

    Polygamy in animals

    Bottle nose dolphins Cions

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    !dvantages o Polygamy

    1reater num"er o oLspring Passing down genes

    !dditional income $en:


    'conomic sta"ility

    Se(ual companionship Women:

    Shared la"or "urden

    !"ility to ocus on wor7

    8i d t

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    8isadvantages oPolygamy

    6armul eLects towards women andchildren Cow sel% esteem

    8epression Se(ual diseases

    Behavioural and developmental pro"lems

    Cow marital satisaction $ay lac7 a"ility to see7 employment

    Incest, se(ual assault, statutory rape, andailure to pay child support crimes

  • 7/25/2019 Full Polygamy


    8isadvantages o Polygamy &ont#

    6armul eLects towards men &ause rom psychological pro"lems with men

    rom polygamous amilies

    '(# alcoholism, a"use, criminalMetc 'ducation

    *atio o availa"le males to emaless7ewed

    Ine)uality "etween males and emales In marriages with polygyny, men are a"usive

    to wives