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Welding masks: Which to use? 

Universa 3000: the start of a generation

SuperLema’s 40th anniversary 

April 2011

 w o r  l d w

  i d e  n o  v e

  l t  y



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polymer regulator 

Gala Gar revolutionises the market of gas regulation

with a unique product in the world. With more than50 years’ experience we have been able to design and

manufacture a product that marks a before and after

in the world of pressure regulators for welding and

cutting. But its exclusiveness is not just due to its

material but also to all the other characteristics of

this phenomenon:

Pero su exclusividad no se debe sólo a su material

sino al resto de las características de este fenómeno:

1. Mechanically resistant: supporting a pressure of

300 bars

2. Three safety levels against excess pressure: discharge

safety valve, breakage system under pressure of the

membrane diaphragm unit and the self-resistant

design of the unit

3. Use of materials compatible with the gases and

substances in contact with the environment.

4. Chemically resistant to the actions of gases and

substances that are present in the working place

5. Manufactured according to EN-ISO Standard 2503

“Pressure regulators for gas cylinders used in welding,

cutting and allied processes up to 300 bars”

GalaGar informs you

 w o r  l d w

  i d e  n o  v e  l t  y

6. Ergonomic and functional design

7. Optimal fluid-dynamic characteristics in factors

such as rated flow, pressure increase coefficient"R" and irregularity coefficient "i". Its fluid dynamic

values are higher than those that exist on the

market and much better than those admitted by

standard EN-2503 as minimum quality standards.

8. Environmentally-friendly

9. Product with European patent and community


10. Lighter weight

Gala Gar presents the first regulator

made of polymer materials, the most

cutting-edge technology at the service

 of safety.



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 This regulator satisfies the conditions to mark a

before and after in the gas regulation market and we

are not the only ones who say this, as all its qualitiesare backed by important customers:

Javier Barat, maintenance coordinator of

Hispano Carrocera from the Tata Motors Group,

highlighted its resistance, robustness and the

fact that it warps less when knocked.

Hispano Carrocera is a company engaged in

the manufacture of bodies for buses where a

large number of welding processes is


Another aspect that Javier pointed out is the

weight and the fact that it operates perfectly

in their environment “we work at pressures of

11 bars, for 5 to 6 hours and the polymer

pressure regulator has shown perfect stability

in the outlet flow”.

Soldadura Calvera is a company engaged in

special and high quality welding in different

processes and materials.

Its technical director, Ricardo Calvera

highlighted the ability of the new pressure

regulator “the pressure regulator is carrying

out welding of great responsibility, high

pressure hydrogen welding and it has given

no problems”.

Ricardo also places emphasis on the fact that

they have forced the product to see the safety

and resistance of the product with full working

days with more than optimal results.



And if this were not enough, this regulator was

submitted to extraordinary fatigue and durability

tests, achieving more than optimal results:

Sudden water hammer pressure tests

where they are instantaneously submitted from 0 to

300 bars, simulating the instantaneous opening of

the cylinder, letting the gas pass to the regulator.

Continuous work test at intake pressure of 300 bars

and outlet pressure of 10 bars for more than 10,000

hours, completing more

than 1,000,000 opening and closing cycles with gas

passing through it in this time. The effect of the

elements on the parts that make up the regulator

were verified by submitting it to a saline mist test

for 300 hours, which is the equivalent to working for

three years outdoors

 Thermal fatigue and solar radiation test.

 This test consists in taking the regulator to extreme

temperatures of +70ºC to -20ºC with exposure to

the sun's rays.

 The result of all these tests guarantees

the mechanical and operating resistance during the

life of the regulator.

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GalaGar informs you



What voltage is there? Single-phase or

three-phase? With the Universa 3000

this question is not necessary as it

adapts automatically to all types of

networksWith Gala Gar in-house technology, the new Universa

3000 is an inverter rectifier with the latest advances

applied to offer ease of use and cost saving.

Apart from all of this, the new Gala Gar equipment has

the following advantages:

- Intensity: the equipment has 200 A intensity at 60% in

single-phase and two-phase, and 300 A at 400% in three

phase at 40ºC.- Portable equipment (22 kg) for off-shore applications

with remote welding current control.

- It permits welding with all types of electrodes, even

cellulose, up to 5 mm.

- TIG welding mode with Lift-Arc.

- VRD: Safety no-load voltage for risk environments (Risk

Reducer Device).

- Suitable for generating set (protected).


- Digital voltmeter-ammeter

- Econ Fan forced ventilation system, it ventilates when



  Industrial outdoor applications

  Construction in energy plants.

  Construction in petrochemical plants.

  Pipe assembly TIG processes.

  Naval repairs and maintenance

  Industrial metal constructions

 The use of COOLMOS technology translates into a substantial

improvement regarding losses, weight and volume in the

final welding equipment, which in turn, translates into more

efficient, compact and lighter equipment with less


 The use of ‘Dual 2SwitchForward’ electronic power topology

permits this optimisation of the electronic inverter to supply

the maximum output power both in 3ph/230V supply and

3ph/400V supply.

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superlemaElectro-mechanical constructions


This is Superlema's 40th year on the

market of electromechanical machine

for the surface finish of parts.

Superlema, pertaining to the Gala Gar group, has, for 40

years, manufactured and sold a wide range of machines

for grinding, fretwork, polishing, sanding, milling work, etc.,

developed manually, giving the customer the possibility

of adapting any type of machine to his needs.

GRINDERSMachines for the surface finish of parts (grinding,

die-trimming, etc.) and mainly for sharpening tools, using

abrasive grinding stones.

Used in foundries, mechanical workshops, boiler-making,

forging, glazing industry, etc.

SANDERSMachines for the surface finish of parts (sanding, die-

trimming, etc.) by means of abrasive discs and belts.

 The degree of abrasion is easy to change and they are

used in mechanical workshops, joiners’ workshops,

plumbing, shoe-makers, etc.

POLISHERSMachines for the surface finish of parts (polishing, shining,

 etc.) by means of bristle brushes or cloth discs.

Used in shoe factories, living room lamp manufacturers,

glazing industry, etc.

 se consigue:


Low-power machines designed for sanding and grindingsmall surfaces.

 The applications for this type of machines are joiners’

workshops and food industry, arts and crafts, and modelling.


Superlema also has all the accessories for this equipment,

grindstones, columns, belts, protections, discs and suction

and ventilation systems; all our machines have the

possibility of incorporating suction equipment.

 The importance of incorporating suction equipment into

the machines increases, above all, when working with very

volatile materials.



Safety switch

The system incorporated into the Superlema

machines avoids untimely start-up of themachine after a sudden cut in supply voltage

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protectionWelding masks

Which to use?

The choice of the right welding mask for

each process is vital to avoid severe

injuries to the eyes

 The light emission from welding can go through the eyelid

so it can cause irritation and even cataracts if there is

prolonged exposure, resulting in conjunctivitis, ulcers,

inflammation of the cornea or irreversible opacity of the

crystalline lens..

Eye protection is recommended not only for the welders

but also for anyone who is going to be near the welding.

When working with different processes such as electrode, TIG, MIG, a variable electronic mask is recommended.

 The material is very important when choosing the welding

mask, depending on whether the material can absorb the

heat or repel it.

Filters and filter-covers

 The eye area of the shields, the filter, is usually protected

with an external filter cover to protect from splashes as

well as an inner filter-cover.

 The glass filter covers protect the filter from splashes of

molten metal and from incandescent particles, the

polycarbonate ones offer protection against the impact of

particles in die-trimming and welding cleaning processes.

 The welding filters offer protection against visible light,

ultraviolet radiation and infrared rays emitted during the

welding process.

Its protection is permanent, the dark tone or the darkening

speed have an influence on the visual tiredness experienced

by the welder.

Non-actinic glass or classical filters provide good protection

against radiation. The tone chosen must be adequate for

the type of welding to be carried out; the disadvantage of

these filters is the need to raise the shield when the arc is

switched off.

Electronic filters darken by themselves when they detect

the light given off by the welding process, and when the

electric arc stops, these filters go lighter on their own,permitting continuing work without having to raise the

welding shield.

Fixed or variable tone?

If the type of welding and amperage used are always the

same, a fixed dark tone filter would be a reasonable choice.

If, on the contrary, different welding modalities are

alternated, or the amperages vary, then it would be

necessary to choose a variable dark tone filter.

GalaGar informs you

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How to know which mask is the most adequate?

 The quality tests that are carried out on the optics of the

electronic shields are registered, according to standard

EN379, with three figures that are silkscreen printed on

the inside of all the masks (for example 1/2/1).

It is important for the filter to allow for the adjustment of

the arc sensitivity depending on the environmental light,

increasing it in low luminosity conditions and vice-versa.

In dot welding processes it is not sufficient with a rapid

darkening of the filter. It will be important for the return

time to be sufficiently short (between 0, 1 and 0.2 seconds),

to act upon the next welding dot.

For low amperage welding (TIG), the maximum sensitivity

to arc light must be set so that the environmental light

does not interfere at all. It would also be correct,

for the option, regulate “delay”, to appear, in slow mode

to compensate for possible faults in the arc detection.


  First figure: Optical class of the filter.

Where 1 is the best score and 2 the


  Second figure: This indicates the

diffraction. The angle that the light

acquires when it crosses the filter.  Where 1 is the highest assessment

and 3 the lowest.


 Tercera cifra: Uniformity of the dark


  1- uniform darkening on the optical


  2- if slight transitions are noticed.

  3- in the worst of the cases.

Other considerations to be taken into account

 The use of external regulators is recommended, as they

offer freedom to redefine the adjustments during the

welding process.

For work in reduced spaces, which are more exposed to

knocks and friction, the use of models with internal

regulators would be advised, although the disadvantage

with these is that they cannot be manipulated during


We have models that permit locking the filter in light tone

(“grind” mode).

Co lo ur EN 379 Sh ad e Reg ulat io n

Blue 1/1/1 5-13 External

Return Grind mode

Yes Yes



Co lo ur EN 379 Sh ad e Reg ulat io n

red 1/1/1 9-13 Internal

Return Grind mode

Yes No



Col our EN 379 Shad e Reg ul atio n

Black 1/2/3 9-13 Mixed

Return Grind mode

Yes No



Co lour EN 379 Shade Regul at ion

Grid 1/2/3 9-13 Mixed

Return Grind mode

Yes Yes



Gala Gar shield models

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we are manufacturers

electric division

gas division