GAMS Milano



Power Systems

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  • A Graphical and Open Source Matlab-GAMS interfacefor Electricity Market Models

    Federico Milano

    Departamento de Ingeniera Electrica, Electronica y AutomaticaE.T.S.I.I., Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

    Campus de Ciudad Real, 13071 Ciudad Real (Espana)Tel: +34 926 295 219, fax: 926 295 361, e-mail:

    Abstract. This paper describes the PSAT-GAMS interfaceto solve a variety of optimization models. The Power SystemAnalysis Toolbox (PSAT) is an open source Matlab-based soft-ware package for analysis and design of small to medium sizeelectric power systems. While the General Algebraic ModelingSystem (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathe-matical programing problems. It consists of a language com-piler and a variety of integrated high-performance solvers. Abridge between GAMS and Matlab allows using sophisticatednonlinear optimization tools with the visualization tools pro-vided by Matlab. Examples based on a didactic 3-bus test sys-tem and the RTS-96 24-bus system are presented to illustratethe capabilities of the interface.


    Electricity markets, optimal power flow, linear program-ming, nonlinear programming, Matlab, GAMS.

    1. Introduction

    In recent years, the increasing interest for competitiveand secure electricity markets and their mathematical ex-ploitations have led to the proposal of a huge variety ofmarket clearing models. This results in a variety of mod-els and mathematical techniques proposed in the litera-ture to take into account diverse market features and be-haviors. Recent relevant contributions on this topic are[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], and [6].

    In order to develop and fast prototype new market clear-ing models there is the need of a versatile softwaretool which is able to combine powerful optimizationsolvers and a power system dedicated software. This pa-per describes a novel open-source software tool, namelythe PSAT-GAMS interface, for solving market clearingproblems as well as stability constrained optimal powerflows. The proposed program is suited for the analysis ofsmall to realistic size electric power systems and is ori-

    ented to (under)graduate students and researchers in thefield of electricity markets and power system analysis.

    PSAT is a Matlab toolbox for electric power system anal-ysis and control [7]. PSAT includes power flow, continu-ation power flow, optimal power flow, small signal stabil-ity analysis and time domain simulation. All operationscan be assessed by means of graphical user interfaces(GUIs) and a Simulink-based library provides an user-friendly tool for network design. One of the key pointof PSAT is that it is completely open source and free.This allows exchanging ideas and effectively improvingscientific research [8]. At this aim, the command lineversion of PSAT can run on GNU/Octave [9], which is afree Matlab clone.

    In the field of general purpose optimization techniques,one of researchers favorite choice is the General Alge-braic Modeling System (GAMS) [10]. GAMS is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programmingproblems. It consists of a language compiler and a va-riety of integrated high-performance solvers. GAMS isspecifically designed for large and complex scale prob-lems, and allows creating and maintaining models for awide variety of applications and disciplines [10]. GAMSis able to formulate models in many different types ofproblem classes, such as linear programming (LP), non-linear programming (NLP), mixed-integer linear pro-gramming (MILP) and (relaxed) mixed-integer nonlinearprogramming (MINLP).

    The paper is organized as follows. Firstly the main fea-tures of PSAT are illustrated in Section 2. Section 3 givesthe outlines of the PSAT-GAMS interface while Section4 gives a brief insight on the mathematical models cur-rently implemented in the PSAT-GAMS interface. Sec-tion 5 depicts a variety of examples based on a didactic3-bus test system and the RTS-96 test system [11]. Fi-nally Section 6 summarizes the main contributions of thispaper.

  • 2. PSAT Outlines

    PSAT is a well documented Matlab-based software forpower system analysis and is aimed to researchers andpower system (under)graduated students [7], [12]. Theprogram is provided with a complete set of power sys-tem models and algorithms for static and dynamic anal-ysis. Furthermore PSAT is modular and open-source, sothat users can easily develop new models and algorithmsand extend PSAT capabilities.

    The synoptic scheme of PSAT is depicted in Fig. 1. Ob-serve that the PSAT kernel is the power flow algorithm,which also takes care of the initialization of dynamicmodels. The user has to solve the power flow first, thenone can perform further static and/or dynamic analysis.These are:

    1) Continuation Power Flow (CPF);2) Optimal Power Flow (OPF);3) Small signal stability analysis;4) Time domain simulations.

    PSfrag replacements Simulink







    Other DataFormatInput

    User Defined




    Text Save












    ConversionConversion Power Flow &

    Power Flow

    Power Flow

    State VariableInitialization





    PMU Placement

    Small SignalStability

    Time DomainSimulation

    Fig. 1. Synoptic scheme of PSAT.

    An important feature of PSAT is the fully exploitation ofMatlab vectorized computations and sparse matrix func-tions. This allows optimizing performances. Further-more PSAT is provided with the most complete set ofalgorithms for static and dynamic analyses among cur-rently available Matlab-based power system softwares[7].

    In order to perform accurate and complete power systemanalyses, PSAT supports a variety of static and dynamicmodels, including non conventional loads, synchronousmachines and controls, regulating transformers, FACTS,wind turbines, and fuel cells [12]. Besides mathematicalalgorithms and models, PSAT includes a variety of ad-ditional tools, such as data file conversion to and fromother formats; user defined model editor and installer;and command line usage. Observe that command lineusage allows running PSAT on GNU/Octave.

    PSAT has been thought as an educational tool. At thisaim, PSAT is provided with a complete graphical userinterface (GUI). For example Fig. 2 illustrates the mainPSAT window, from which the user can launch all algo-rithms and procedures. Furthermore, PSAT allows draw-ing one-line electrical diagrams by means of pictorialblocks. Fig. 3 depicts the complete PSAT-Simulink li-brary (see also Figs. 6 and 12 which illustrate the 3-busand the RTS-96 24-bus test systems, respectively).

    Fig. 2. Main graphical user interface of PSAT.

    The PSAT computational engine is purely Matlab-basedand the Simulink environment is used only as graphicaltool. As a matter of fact, Simulink models are read byPSAT to exploit network topology and extract compo-nent data. A byproduct of this approach is that PSAT canrun on GNU/Octave, which is currently not providing aSimulink clone.

    Observe that some Simulink-based tools, such as PAT[13] and EST [14], use Simulink to simplify the designof new control schemes. This is not possible in PSAT.However, PAT and EST do not allow representing thenetwork topology, thus resulting in a lower readabilityof the whole system.

  • Fig. 3. PSAT Simulink library.

    3. PSAT-GAMS Interface

    Figure 4 depicts the scheme of the PSAT-GAMS inter-face. The resulting software is a rather innovative toolable to set up large scale power system test cases, solvecomplex OPF problems and finally visualize results bymeans of a user-friendly GUI which is depicted in Fig. 5.The GUI allows selecting the market clearing model, set-ting model parameters (please see Section 4 for details onmarket clearing models), and displaying GAMS results.

    An existing Matlab-GAMS Interface [15] has been usedas the main reference for creating the PSAT-GAMS In-terface (PGI). However, the PGI has been completelyrewritten and optimized for the use within the PSAT en-vironment. Main novelties of the PGI with respect to theinterface presented in [15] are as follows:

    PSfrag replacements

    P S A T

    G A M S

    Network &

    Market Data








    OPFGAMS Model


    psatglobs.gmspsatdata.gms psatsol.m

    fm gams.m

    Market SolutionInput Data



    Fig. 4. Structure of the PSAT-GAMS interface.

    Fig. 5. GUI of the PSAT-GAMS interface.

    1) PGI is platform independent. This feature improveportability and in turn the development of the in-terface.

    2) PGI comes with a complete GUI.

    3) PGI does not require the user to know anythingabout Matlab and/or GAMS programming lan-guage. This is useful for educational purposes.

    Before the interface can be used, one has to create datafile describing the system. At this aim the user canuse the PSAT-Simulink interface and draw the on-linediagram of the network or load a predefined test net-work which is provided within the PSAT main distribu-tion. The second step is solving the power flow. At thispoint, the PSAT-GAMS interface can be opened and theGAMS solvers launched. Observe that only networks forwhich market data have been defined can be used withthe PSAT-GAMS interface. If no market data has beendefined, the interface simply terminates with a warningmessage.

    The interface works as follows: the system informationare translated into a GAMS file (psatdata.gms).User settings (e.g. the market clearing model) and globalvariables (e.g. the number of bus) are also written to aGAMS script file (psatglobs.gms). The advantageof writing data files is that one could use PSAT to ex-port the GAMS data, and then use GAMS from scriptingwithout the use of Matlab. This feature can be usefulin case of heavy applications, where all computer re-source are needed.

    Once the data files have been written, GAMS is launchedfrom within Matlab and the market clearing proceduresolved. The routines (fm gams.gms) for solving the

  • market clearing problems have been designed to be asgeneral as possible, with no limit in the network size orin the number of market participants. Limits are only thecomputer memory and GAMS solvers capabilities.

    Finally, when the GAMS solver has terminated, theGAMS output (psatsol.m) is passed back to Matlab,so that GAMS results can be displayed using the graph-ical capabilities of Matlab or used for further analysesusing PSAT routines.

    4. Market Clearing Models

    The current version of the PGI is provided with five op-timization problems, namely simple auction, simplifiedmarket clearing mechanism, standard OPF, voltage sta-bility constrained (VSC)-OPF and maximization of themaximum loading condition. A brief description of thesemodels is presented in the following subsections.

    A. General single-period optimization model

    The general optimization problem which is implementedin the PSAT-GAMS interface can be represented as anonlinear programming model, as follows:

    Maximize(x,p,x,) f(p, ) (1)subject to g(x, p) = 0

    g(x, p, ) = 0



    hmin h(x, p)

    h(x, p) hmax

    hmin h(x, p)

    h(x, p) hmax

    pmin p

    p pmax

    where x, x Rn are the dependent variables, such asbus voltage phasors, p Rm are the control variables,i.e. power demand and supply bids PD and PS , re-spectively, and R is loading parameter. The func-tions f : Rm 7 R, g, g : Rn Rm 7 Rn, andh, h : Rn 7 R` are defined as follows:

    A.1. Objective functionFor pure market clearing problems, the objective func-tion f is defined as follows:

    f =




    CSi(PSi) (2)

    Equation (2) represents consumer surplus plus the pro-ducer surplus (i.e. the net social welfare). It is computed

    as the difference of two terms. The first term is the sum ofaccepted demand bids PDi times their corresponding bidprices CDi in $/MWh. (In the case of inelastic demand,demand powers PD are known, which can be representedin (2) by setting CD = 0.) The second term is the sumof accepted production bids PSi times their correspond-ing bid prices CSi in $/MWh. Observe that (2) is linearfor simple auction and market clearing procedure, whileis assumed to be a quadratic expression for OPF-basedproblems.

    For the voltage stability constrained problem, the objec-tive function includes the maximization of the loadingparameter , as it was proposed in [6]:

    f = (




    CSi(PSi))+(1) (3)

    In (3), two terms are present, with their influence onthe final solution being determined by the value of theweighting factor (0 < < 1). The first term repre-sents the social welfare, whereas the second term guar-antees that the distance between the market solutionand the critical point is maximized [6]. Observe that > 0, since for = 0 there would be no representationof the market in the proposed OPF formulation, render-ing it useless. Furthermore, < 1, otherwise will notnecessarily correspond to a maximum loading conditionof the system.

    Finally, for the maximum loading condition problem,one has:

    f = (4)

    which leads to a pure security problem with no market in-volved [16]. This lead to get the maximum loading con-dition of the system. It is important to stress the fact thatthe maximum value for can be associated with ther-mal or bus voltage limits, or a voltage stability limit dueto a singularity of the power flow Jacobian (saddle-nodebifurcation) or a controller limit such as a generator re-active power limit (limit-induced bifurcation).

    A.2. Equality constraints

    The equations g represents the standard power flow equa-tions:

    g(x, p) = g(, V, kG, PS , PD) = 0 (5)

    where x = (, V, kG) and p = (PS , PD). The variables and V are the bus voltage phases and magnitudes, re-spectively, while kG is a scalar variable used to representsystem losses through a unique or distributed slack bus.Observe that x represents the set of dependent variablesto be optimized, i.e. x Rn. Generator reactive powers

  • QG are not included in this set and are expressed as afunction of x and p.

    The generator and load powers are defined as follows:

    PG = PG0 + PS (6)PL = PL0 + PD

    where PG0 and PL0 stand for generator and load powerswhich are not part of the market trading (e.g. must-rungenerators, inelastic loads). Loads are assumed to haveconstant power factor, thus:

    QL = PL tan(L) (7)

    For the simple auction problem, g reduce to a losslesspower balance, as follows:


    (PG0i + PSi)


    (PL0i + PDi) = 0 (8)

    while in the simplified market clearing procedure lossesare taken into account through a simplified quadratic ex-pression:


    (PG0i + PSi) (9)


    (PL0i + PDi) T G = 0

    PS + PG0 PD PL0 B = 0

    where G and B are the network susceptance and conduc-tance matrices, respectively.

    A.3. Inequality constraints

    In (1), the set of inequality constraints has been split intoh, which represent the physical and security limits of thesystem, and the bid blocks for control variables p.

    The physical and security limits considered in this paperare similar to what is used in [17], and take into accounttransmission line thermal limits:

    Iij(, V ) Iijmax (10)Iji(, V ) Iijmax

    generator reactive power limits:

    QGmin QG(x, p) QGmax (11)

    voltage security limits:

    Vmin V Vmax (12)

    and power limits on transmission lines:

    |Pij | Pij max (13)

    which are used to represent stability boundaries of thesystem [17]. Observe that (13) are typically conserva-tive and can in general lead to low transaction levels,higher costs and lower security margins as shown in [6].The user can decide if including or not these limits. Thus,h = [Iij , Iji, QG, V, Pij ].

    The limits in p are represented as follows:

    PSmin PS PSmax (14)PDmin PD PDmax

    B. Maximum loading condition constraints

    The second set of power flow variables x Rn and equa-tions g : Rn Rm R 7 Rn, together with their as-sociated constraints h(x) : Rn 7 R`, are introduced torepresent the solution associated with a loading param-eter , where represents an increase in generator andload powers, as follows:

    PG = (1 + + kG)PG (15)PL = (1 + )PL

    In (15), the scalar variable kG allocates losses, assum-ing a distributed slack bus model. If using the maximumloading condition constraints, (1) is similar to the opti-mization problems which were proposed in [16] and [6].It is assumed that (1) has a solution for = 0, i.e. thebase loading conditions do not exceed the maximum sys-tem loading. Observe that for the maximum loading con-dition problem, only g and h are used, while g and h areneglected.

    Boundaries for the loading margin have been includedin (1) based on practical considerations. The minimumlimit min is introduced in order to ensure a minimumlevel of security in any operating condition, where themaximum value max imposes a maximum required se-curity level. These conditions ensure that the loading pa-rameter remains within certain limits to avoid solutionsof (1) characterized by either low security levels ( max),which would be unacceptable [6]. Observe also that onecan set max = min, thus fixing a desired value of theloading parameter.

    5. Case Studies

    In this section, a simple 3-bus test system and the RTS-9624-bus test system [11] will be used for illustrating howPSAT and the PSAT-GAMS interface work. Authors in-terested in reproducing the outputs could retrieve the datafrom the PSAT web site [12]).

  • Figure 6 depicts the 3-bus test system as obtained usingthe PSAT-Simulink library. Each pictorial block of thediagram hides a mask where the user can set up the dataassociated with the correspondent component. Thus, theuser can easily draw the one-line diagram and filling upthe block masks to set up system data. If no data are set,default block parameters will be used.




    Bus 1Bus 2Bus 3

    ESCO 2

    ESCO 3

    Fig. 6. PSAT-Simulink model of the three-bus example.

    Once the model is completed, it has to be loaded in theMatlab workspace. While loading the Simulink data,PSAT takes care of the conversion into a Matlab scriptfile in which each component is defined by means of ma-trices. Figure 7 represents the data file as results from theconversion of the Simulink model. Observe that this filecan be easily read by Matlab, but is cannot be recognizedby GAMS. Furthermore, line data are in the form of pimodel, while the admittance matrix elements should bepassed to the GAMS optimization routines.

    Next step is solving the power flow from within PSAT.Once the power flow analysis has been completed suc-cessfully, the information that can be obtained is twofold.Firstly, the set of input data is good as it led to a powerflow solution. Secondly, PSAT has internally completedall base changes and built the admittance and Jacobianmatrices need during the power flow solution method.Observe that all variables, data and results are stored asglobal structures in the Matlab workspace so that they areavailable for other routines and can be displayed at anytime on the Matlab workspace.

    At this point the PSAT-GAMS interface can be open, pa-rameters and settings can be adjusted and the GAMS rou-tine can be launched. Figures 8, 9, and 10 depict the in-put and output files which are used for exchanging databetween PSAT and GAMS. Observe that the data inputfor the GAMS routine is a plain text file which is muchless clear and user friendly than the Simulink one-linediagram of Fig. 6. As a results of the PSAT-GAMS inter-face operations, on the Matlab workspace will displaysthe output depicted in Fig. 11. Furthermore, the GAMSsolution is stored in the PSAT global structures and isavailable for further analysis.

    Bus.con = [ ...1 138 1 0 2 1;2 138 1 0 3 1;3 138 1 0 4 1 ];

    Line.con = [ ...1 3 100 138 60 0 0 0.01 0.12 0 0 0 0 1.5 0;1 2 100 138 60 0 0 0.01 0.12 0 0 0 0 1.5 0;2 3 100 138 60 0 0 0.01 0.12 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 ];

    Shunt.con = [ ...3 100 400 60 0 0.5;2 100 400 60 0 0.8 ];

    SW.con = [ ...1 100 138 1.02 0.00 1.5 -1.5 1.1 0.9 1.5 1 ];

    PV.con = [ ...2 100 400 1.00 1.00 1.5 -1.5 1.1 0.9 1;3 100 400 1.00 1.00 1.5 -1.5 1.1 0.9 1 ];

    PQ.con = [ ...3 100 138 0.5 0.3 1.1 0.9 1;1 100 138 1.5 0.8 1.1 0.9 1;2 100 138 1.5 0.7 1.1 0.9 1 ];

    Demand.con = [ ...2 100 1.5 0.7 1.0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0;3 100 0.5 0.3 1.0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 ];

    Supply.con = [ ...1 100 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0;2 100 0.8 1.0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0;3 100 0.8 1.0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 ];

    Varname.bus = {...Bus1; Bus2; Bus3};

    Fig. 7. 3-bus test system data in PSAT format.

    $setglobal nBus 3$setglobal nLine 3$setglobal nPs 3$setglobal nPd 2$setglobal nBusref 1$setglobal control 3$setglobal flow 1

    Fig. 8. Input file psatglobs.gms for the three-bus test sys-tem.

    $onempty$kill Ghparameter Gh /1.1 1.3793102.1 -0.6896553.1 -0.6896551.2 -0.6896552.2 1.3793103.2 -0.6896551.3 -0.6896552.3 -0.6896553.3 1.379310/;$kill Bhparameter Bh /1.1 -16.5517242.1 8.2758623.1 8.2758621.2 8.2758622.2 -15.7517243.2 8.2758621.3 8.2758622.3 8.2758623.3 -16.051724/;$kill Liparameter Li /1.1 1.0000002.1 1.0000003.2 1.000000/;$kill Ljparameter Lj /2.2 1.0000001.3 1.0000003.3 1.000000/;$kill Ps_idxparameter Ps_idx /1.1 1.000000

    2.2 1.0000003.3 1.000000/;$kill Pd_idxparameter Pd_idx /2.1 1.0000003.2 1.000000/;$kill Sparameter S /1.Ps0 1.5000002.Ps0 0.8000003.Ps0 0.8000001.Psmax 1.5000002.Psmax 1.0000003.Psmax 1.0000001.Cs 25.0000002.Cs 33.0000003.Cs 32.000000/;$kill Dparameter D /1.Pd0 1.5000002.Pd0 0.5000001.Pdmax 1.0000002.Pdmax 1.0000001.tgphi 0.4666672.tgphi 0.6000001.Cd 30.0000002.Cd 35.000000/;$kill Xparameter X /1.V0 1.0000002.V0 1.0000003.V0 1.0000001.Pg0 1.5022232.Pg0 1.0000003.Pg0 1.0000001.Qg0 1.143238

    2.Qg0 -0.2168813.Qg0 -0.3996861.Pl0 1.5000002.Pl0 1.5000003.Pl0 0.5000001.Ql0 0.8000002.Ql0 0.7000003.Ql0 0.3000001.Qgmax 1.5000002.Qgmax 1.5000003.Qgmax 1.5000001.Qgmin -1.5000002.Qgmin -1.5000003.Qgmin -1.5000001.Vmax 1.1000002.Vmax 1.1000003.Vmax 1.1000001.Vmin 0.9000002.Vmin 0.9000003.Vmin 0.900000/;$kill Nparameter N /1.g 0.6896552.g 0.6896553.g 0.6896551.b -8.2758622.b -8.2758623.b -8.2758621.g0 0.6896552.g0 0.6896553.g0 0.6896551.Pijmax 999.0000002.Pijmax 999.0000003.Pijmax 999.0000001.Pjimax 999.0000002.Pjimax 999.0000003.Pjimax 999.000000/;$offempty

    Fig. 9. Input file psatdata.gms for the three-bus test sys-tem.

  • nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 1.50000E+00;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(2,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 4.92559E-01;varargout{nout}(2) = 1.00000E+00;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 1.10000E+00;varargout{nout}(2) = 1.09589E+00;varargout{nout}(3) = 1.09695E+00;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(2) =-8.30605E-02;varargout{nout}(3) =-6.65812E-02;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 7.97250E-01;varargout{nout}(2) = 4.06715E-02;varargout{nout}(3) = 3.45458E-01;nout = nout + 1;

    varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 2.95867E+01;varargout{nout}(2) = 3.00000E+01;varargout{nout}(3) = 2.99175E+01;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 6.07791E-01;varargout{nout}(2) = 7.57890E-01;varargout{nout}(3) = 1.50303E-01;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) = 6.07791E-01;varargout{nout}(2) = 7.57890E-01;varargout{nout}(3) = 1.50303E-01;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);varargout{nout}(1) =-5.26614E-01;varargout{nout}(2) =-6.81753E-09;nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);nout = nout + 1;varargout{nout} = zeros(3,1);

    Fig. 10. Output file psatsol.m for the three-bus test system.


    PSAT-GAMS Interface-----------------------------------------------------------------

    Standard OPFSingle-Period Auction

    Power SuppliesBus Ps Ps max Ps min [MW] [MW] [MW]1.0000 150.0000 150.0000 0.00003.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.00002.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000

    Power DemandsBus Pd Pd max Pd min [MW] [MW] [MW]3.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.00002.0000 49.2559 100.0000 0.0000

    Generator Reactive PowersBus Qg Qg max Qg min [MVar] [MVar] [MVar]1.0000 79.7251 150.0000 -150.00002.0000 4.0672 150.0000 -150.00003.0000 34.5459 150.0000 -150.0000

    Power Flow SolutionBus V theta PG PL QG QL [p.u.] [rad] [MW] [MW] [MVar] [MVar]1.0000 1.1000 0.0000 300.2223 150.0000 79.7251 80.00002.0000 1.0959 -0.0831 100.0000 199.2559 4.0672 92.98613.0000 1.0970 -0.0666 100.0000 150.0000 34.5459 90.0000

    Prices and PaysBus LMP NCP Pay S Pay D [$/MWh] [$/MWh] [$/h] [$/h]1.0000 29.5868 0.0000 -8882.6037 4438.01392.0000 30.0000 0.0292 -3000.0000 5977.67703.0000 29.9176 0.0231 -2991.7556 4487.6335

    Flows on Transmission LinesFrom To Iij Iijmax Margin Iji Ijimax Margin [p.u.] [p.u.] [p.u.] [p.u.] [p.u.] [p.u.]1.0000 3.0000 0.6078 999.0000 998.3922 0.6078 999.0000 998.39221.0000 2.0000 0.7579 999.0000 998.2421 0.7579 999.0000 998.24212.0000 3.0000 0.1503 999.0000 998.8497 0.1503 999.0000 998.8497


    Total Losses = 0.966 [MW]Bid Losses = 0.744 [MW]Total demand = 149.2559 [MW]Total Transaction Level = 499.255 [MW]ISO Pay = 28.9638 [$/h]


    Check file \fmilano\psat\fm_gams.lst for GAMS report.PSAT-GAMS Optimization Routine completed in 1.292 s

    Fig. 11. PSAT-GAMS OPF report for the three-bus test system.

    One of the main advantages of Matlab are its advancedgraphical features. Thus, the PSAT-GAMS interfaceprovides a bridge in between the sophisticated GAMSsolvers and the versatile plotting utilities of Matlab. Toillustrate this feature, let us consider the RTS-96 24-bustest system. The 24-bus system as obtained using thePSAT-Simulink library is depicted in Figure 12.

    PSfrag replacements

    IEEE One Area RTS-96

    Bus 101 Bus 102

    Bus 103

    Bus 104

    Bus 105

    Bus 106

    Bus 107

    Bus 108

    Bus 109 Bus 110

    Bus 111 Bus 112

    Bus 113

    Bus 114

    Bus 115

    Bus 116

    Bus 117

    Bus 118

    Bus 119 Bus 120

    Bus 121

    Bus 122

    Bus 123

    Bus 124

    Fig. 12. PSAT-Simulink model of the RTS-96 24-bus test sys-tem.

    Fig. 13. PSAT GUI for plotting OPF results. The curves repre-sent LMPs for the 24-bus system as a function of the weightingfactor .

    Figures 13 and 14 depict the Locational Marginal Prices(LMPs) and the Total Transaction Level (TTL = PLi ),respectively, as a function of the weighting factor . Re-sults are for the multi-objective voltage stability con-strained OPF problem which was described in [6].

  • 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.96070









    PSfrag replacements

    Weighting factor




    Fig. 14. Total transaction level (TTL) for the 24-bus system asa function of the weighting factor .

    6. Conclusions

    The proposed interface is based on PSAT, which is a user-friendly toolbox provided with a complete graphical userinterface and a graphical editor of one-line network di-agrams. PSAT is currently used by several undergradu-ates, Ph.D. students and researchers, and has an activemailing list ( counting about 400 members.

    The PGI provides a variety of OPF-based market and sta-bility optimization problems. The interface merges thesophisticated optimization solvers provided by GAMSwith the advanced graphic tools of Matlab. In its currentform, it is a convenient tool for educational purposes.

    Among future projects, there are including new marketclearing models based on mixed integer linear program-ming and extending the currently implemented OPF todynamic models (e.g. synchronous machines and con-trollers). The PGI is open source, thus allowing anyoneto quickly extend its capabilities and/or including newoptimization problems. Any suggestion and/or bug re-port are very welcome.


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