Gas-fired evaporators


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PKG Equipment can supply gas-fired evaporators designed for optimal efficiency and economy of the disposal of the water portion of water-based waste. They are environmentally safe, converting the wa- ter portion of liquid waste to vapor and segregat- ing solids and oils. Reducing the volume of efIlu- ent can dramatically decrease the costs associated with removal and disposal. PKG Equipment also offers engineering and technical support, facility planning, waste assessment, and permitting.

Fen-Tech Environmental Inc., Brownwood, Texas

The Fen-Tech Environmental Econ-0-Vap Evapo- rator features a unique cylindrical design of the solution tank with a cone bottom. A drain port allows easy removal of solids buildup settling in the cone. A submerged burner tube fires below the solution level, achieving a 95% plus energy effi- ciency rating. The hot gas contact with the liquid creates almost instantaneous vapor, while the combustion gasses rapid mix the liquid for even heat distribution.

Circle 157 on reader information card Circle 158 on reader information card

EVAPORATOR Poly Products Inc., Cleveland

The ET-III-W is an excellent way to reduce your wastewater. Poly Products will evaporate the wa- ter from your hazardous solutions and save you money in hauling charges. This is a simple and inexpensive way to recover your dragout for reuse and become a zero discharge facility. It will lower your chemical costs and eliminate your waste be- fore it is formed.

Circle 159 on reader information card

Printed Circuits Handbook, Fourth Edition by C.F. Coombs, Ir. 914 pages $100.00

This how-to book is a must for the practioner’s technical shelves and is required reading for anyone

involved with the everyday problems arising in printed circuit manufacture. All aspects of the fabrica-

tion process are considered.

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