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ATTENTION I Tbe an11ual Sale of. Work in

nertioa wlth CDJBT ClroRCB be: beld Nonmber 8th ud 9th.



No.9 ef 19«)5.

Double Island, off Battle~, Co<ut of LG?J.,odor. ,

~ . FLOUB--•'North Western," "Galaxy," "Sen•tion," "Cabot. ""' ·

and "Goldie' a Star." • PORK-Family Meee, Heavy Me• 'Wld Bean Pork. • BEEF Plate and Bonele• Beef. "

Barbadoea Moluaee, Kero. Oil, 115 and 160 Te. ~; Coal Tar, Pitoh, Oakum, Engliah and Local Brick.


~HENNESSV's~ Water Street. Harbor Crace •

. By aching teeth many pepple are, whenia couple of drops o( M'Muano's Toothache Drops would1mmediately relieve the trouble. If from Neutalgia. then-try our Tablets, and they will kill the pain and give yoa ease. Every on~ should have standard remedies for unlooked for ills in their medicine chest or closet You can find the best

Tbere Is a drama\lc algnlAcance iu tbe fac\ \hat \he year which wllneaaee a grateful nation 'a, or le' us ••Y a grateful world· wide Em· pire'•. com memora\lob of &be tOOth annivenary ol tbe death or ~· grML hero wbo duLrored tbe power

• or France a\ Tralsar, iUao-wlla .... We !ln. thoretol"e', doclare to !ill Oj an unperalleled manlrestati. or

lovtu:; auobJ~ta ln uur •Uc~ -"I'&Dil tb cordlllllly aud , good will ~ lila Our wllla•td pleuure to dlr•t a tbe~o nM!oila who tlruq=IO appohtL tl•a\ Oar BaP.retno ~utt 9Q c fie y 00 land a-~ ...... oult tor th,. t:~.•u~hc~n Dutlict or 0 .,.. -.sld (lila lid thaU t>e open t111d holden- eaoh other 100 yean qo. 1

At St. Mar,,•., on Tue8Ciay, tbo ~tb daf The blo~ baUle o( Trar.Jau or AUAWU nut. ;.;..tU w

At' Pl•<'t'nlla, on Thureda:y, tbe 17th with Ita aU Ill 1eL •Pa-o Dl no , Ja'lotl\aga.tnuc. cord ol branry plUll ~ ol

t uartn, o n Frldo7. the 18th, and sat. 1M-lam pl ua aorrow, of cb ... plaa ordaY, tho IOib dA7t or Aal!u•l next. •v

A t"oraad Bank, on l!tloudaJ", .the 2J•t I.O•!atiii•, day or Aotto•t oo:rt.

Al St. Jaeqai'1J, on TacJCUy, &be ~d 4ay of A~l no:rL r

At RubOr BntoQ.oa.W .. a-.y,_tba 2lrd da,.or A~ nett.; ':~litl(iifii

At Ror,:oo, oo J'rlda.r theliUb day of daJF or AQ&Dfl nasL •

At 8oJM Blao.cb~,on Sa &a.~, the :»th day d•y of Attg1u out. _,

A'\ Ohaonel~ on ~onday, the 21ltb, aod TuMda.y tho !!9th da1.aof JUI~t next.

At 8' llenrii:C!'If, on Tburlday, the Sl•t day or Aogua1 oo,;t, and Frll!•11 the Ia& day or S~lomher next.

Al nay of ltlanda, on Monda:r, the <lUI, and Toe.da7, tbe Gth dayaof lteptember ned.

At Rnnoo 1\aJ', on WodnMday, the CHI dey or Soptem lM-r ne,;L • ·

At Perrrland, on 'fhnrlda;r, tb~ ~lh, and PtJday, the :alb de:ye of Octo~r uall:t.

And th:al Our ••ld Supreme Coorl on Clranll fur the ~Idea of Oor aald bl•nd aball beopeoechDClholden­

At Tllt Con, on TDiNiday, tM12tll day ot Sopc.mbcr out.

At UUio Bay, on Wednelda71 ~~ Uth day of t4eptemblor nuL •

AtPUiev'l leland, on :r'horlday, ~· 14th day ol l:leptember ne,;t. .

At TwUUngate.on Frld..,., the 16th; to Monday, tbo Ultb da,.. of Soptttmb61;' nexl. , •

At Fogo, on TnC!eday, tht .. !ilb, ·ano Wedneeday, tho Wth tlaya of aoplfmbor next. •

At OrC!Orupontl, on TbiU'*Iay1 ~-. and Prlday, the 22o4 da1'1 or SOpteibliir nuL ..

At Bonulata, on Satorda)'..z tbe 2Srd, &Dcl Alonda,, the ~th da7aofbeplembcr QOJtt.

A l C1atallna, oo Talllday1 the llllth day ot lteP.It'IUber DUL . , ·

.At Trinity, on Wl!dnotclay, tho 27th, and 1'bnreday, tboll&th da,Jt of ~ptem• ber noxt. .

A.L.Rrla.qt, on l'aeeday, :llat. aml Wod· auclay, fho \!2nd dayaar ~ovembor nos$

At Harbor Oraee, 9.n Tbnrlday, the ant, Friday, tl'le 2•th, Saturday, Uio !lith and Uoncl&y, tho ~tb da,.. of Yo•tmbcr next.

At Carilonoar, oa Taeeday, the 29th, and Wedoeeda:y1 tbo 2Dth da7t o.f N"~ Yembor DOXL ~ .

Arid ~e tald Coort tb kepleJ)e!l for tbe ~rloclt herelober e p-tbed, a\ Neb or tberoapeeUY~_pl- u atore­aalcl: pro•ldod &be pNtkllDI J adao eball bne bUilD"' to cto tbenla 1 aria If De-

each 1odgo •~ extend tbo ot ihe iaJd pl.- fclr a per­

two day., aDd an til tho trial of an7 oue

peat olOMDell &lld .oorrecl DNJ; but aa the mede of attack wu unueoaJ, eo the atruclure of their line wu. new i h · formed a Cretoent CODYelllDI ~ ieeward, 10 &bat, In l,.dinl( down to &belr cen tre, 1 bu. bo&b lhelr ••o and rear abaft the tieam. Before the Ore opeotcl, e•ery alternate ahip wu abou\ a cable'• length lo wind· ward or her aecond a-head and •·-ten, forming a kind of double ijoe, and appeared, when on U!elr beam, to lea•e a Yery little inter· nl between them 1 and \hi• wllb­nut crowding their eblpe. Admiral VilleneoYe wu in tbe "Bueen· taure" in tlul c•ntre, and the "Prlnce .. iu'1 bore Gra'fina'a 8aa in r ·i but the French ana 13pan ab pa were mixed wl&bou& ao1 appeuen~ r'Jard to order of national aqu•droo.

"The CorniJ)aoder ln-Obter, Lord Nelaoo, In tb·e "Vlc~r,,11 led tbe wea\ber column; ~&od . tbe 1'

Sonrelan," wblob bore m., &LII lee.

Tbe aoUop beaan at 12 o'cloolr, by tfle leadlo"' ablpa or the col· umna brealdng tbroagb the en· emy'a lin&, the Commander-In· Chief abou~ the tenth ahlp from \be no, the aecond In command about tbe twetitJJ Crqrn ~e r~ar, 1eario1 the Y&D o( t"'e enemy JJn· occupied; tbe euceeediof ablpe breaklnr through In a) parte. utero or their leadere, and, en-g&gll\l the at tbtt mqJalea of tbilr wa.. re, •ere =pe were

Ia y hltthl1 bOJIIOl-.blhM:&tlu11r o ere, but tbe aUaolt on them wu lrrealatible • and it pleued the AlmiRh\1 Dla~ poser of a1l e•eota lo rrant Bia Majea&yPa arms a com,,Jete and glorloqa Ylp.torJ. ~boQ\ \hf1'e p m., m&S~y: or tile epJ~y'e ahfpe hav· log alruck Cht~ir ooloura, tbelr line gaye way : Admiral OraYioa whb ten llhi.,e. joining their r~atee to leeward. lliood towards Cadis. Tbe ftn hu.dmnal llhi.Q!I in their van t•clr,.rl. anli etanrl~nt to the aouth­WIId, to windward o( the Britiab line, were eog"ged, and the Plern· most n( tL~lil taken· the oij)ers weni oft leulng lo HI a H•jeaty1a aquadron nlqeteen eblpe of the Wnfl (n( whin6 two IIUI flrtt rates, the u &nUeeit~~a Trfnldada" and the "Santa Anna"), whb tbree flag nffic,.re. via: Admiral Vilhrneu\'e, the Qomefiap4er·iu·Obief; Don Tf· natio lll11rh1 ri 'AIIv": VIce 4dJDira ; and tbe Bpanteh Ut~ar Admiral, Doo Baltaur H.dalgo Ciaoeroa:

,\ c ar orn~tonoft ••ceurred during &he action wbiob eo etr~m~~:ly marb tbelnlnclble apltl\ oC.DrhJah Ua•


mrn, wben en,ajtn~~: !.he eruuuia cif&belr country, U1all eannnl re·

&be pleuure I bne iu snakinsc U knct~D &o U!elr Lordablp~~. The "Temefalre" wu boarcif'd by accl· den~ ordiii1Jn, by· a Frenl'h Jl1lt' on Uae one fide and a Sp•ullard nn tbe oUaer i the eon\ru\ W'RI visor• oua ;.bu1, in the end. I be 04lmblned eaall'w were ~rn from tbr poo1», .t.d the .. BrLUeh holeted In tbelr

who w.e~~~~M&J:.~~~ raieed him ~~ o:arrled blm to

be wu imme-.,.... ... the aobtl&Dce or

coJrfenat.ioo whlob reall1 took place in &be cookplt, &eLween His Lordehlp, Captain Hardy, Mr. Bourke and Mr. Beatty :-Upon aeeing him brought down Mr. Bourke Immediately ran Cb biro, "I fear," be aaid, "your Lordship I• woqnded." '!Mortally I lnortal ly I" "1 hope not, my tord: l11t Mr. Beatty uamroe your wouoc:fa." "U ie no use," exeiL!med tbe (!y. lng Neleoo; "be bad better Attend to othera.'' Mr. Beall1 now ap­p_roaohed to elaQline tbe "ound. Hl1 Lordebip wu ~laed up, and Beatly. whoae attentron wae anxi· oualy fixed on lbe eyu or hie p.t· tient u an " indication, the mosl certain, when a wound le mortal, after a few momenta glanced bia eye on Bourke, aud expreued bie opinion fn Jlla countenance. Lord Nelaon now tqrned to Bourkt~ ~d eaid "Tell Hardy to come ~me." Boorlte len the cockpit. Beatty now ,.ld 1' Suffer me, my turd, to probe $he woQncl with 1111 ftngerJ I •ill glve you no pain." Lor Neleon permitted him, and paaeing bit left band round hla 1J&i•t. be probed It with &be fore· finger of his rig},t.

n.· oDij' remoJy whloJi ~D alwa71 be.~ndod upon In tho moel tn.,.. _... 9r pslt1 111 tho ll<>ma.,b1 or~t:; oollbor dl&rrhn,.., t. Clutm~rla~n'l Obol- aod l>lacrhoca ltemedf. ll.a -.Jon Jroo•· lhl• a•l•1 Tl'OODiqltlld 'l\ wban 11aah a me<!Jillno I• e~llvd ror.

ll'or Nl.e b.t w: 11. •rt.••ml'""" ct CO.. Hubnr or.o.; W. U. Jlntt, l.;c&rboDtu.

-Tb' BrlWb ~hj,. U\JnllD"'P.aclll, tor ttl., carr liD& •ea~~om, r~IIF• over a aallllon ~ , •

'/ lllnard'• f:lnhnont.c:urea l.lttrna, eto.

-A" DeW •tr .. I,OiiC!IIN IU'I •ubarb ol !few :'(~trk lbe nth<Jr da.-, bu beaD named after Admiral 1'"1:••.' -.

AN A~TlSt:PriC ,Ll~Ul~NT.

-There 11 a ·~at o~oaUoo lQ Anltrlan clllee for female W~ wbo ue ,.,u17 ~row~ more aolltiiO•

susr;uu POR QOLDS •nta: ...a.,. Uaall the wo IDe~ of Dr. $yrop ot LIDeced ancl Tnrpet~Une u a core lor cold.. It fa the boi& and •ureal treatmeat for c:ou.ah• and oolde that w~ have e .. r been able to ftnd.''-Un Oao. Oooo, Ttchborne, Addington Co., OnL

-!'ian Pattarf<l-;;:t'h; t•mon• chor111 ~tlrlllately acquitted of tbo cbargo of k111 ng C_, Yoan~t. b .. boeo remar· rled to her dl•orced but band.

NERVOUS, SlOK lH) AOACifB tiJ&. O. li..,Rl\OUR.'l:Hmcoo, On f., wri&M;

'II "" .. tronble4 tor a loag tlmo wlll'i bottdachoa, ~ lob would come on about on eo • woek Hh auoh. 11lolenco til a' 1 could not oe or do my work. t tl'ted headache dera and qalolt corea, willet! dld no • ;\bout efgiiL monlha &@:O l took. • bona nr Dr. Cl!&ae'a Nerve FOOd, and I havo no& bun troabl· td with budaeho eloce."

-.l'heold elm tree, onder the ahldeot wblob Wublagtoo formally took com· mand ot tbo um7, at lht time or tho r..,olutloa. 11 tiOWIJ' dyiDK, 11\d wlllllaYe to be Oil& down IOOD • U. lt •u~poafd to bo ~roan old. '

DO N~T NEO~OT A BAD oof.n. Nover allow a cold to &alto 1~ coan.

'l'oo qfC.n-at tlllt teUon of tbtjrtU U.i coorael.t toward pnewnon'-' Cbambet· Jain'• OoaJb Ul!medy 'I'IUprompUy cure your cold and ooonteraot an1 feodenoy to tble direction. Yon ceq not •fford '<~ tako aaoh a rt,k fo r tbe •mall a~DDt tbl.a m•lolno ...-IU ooet yoa.

For eale by W. B . 1'hom~n ctCo, &arbor OJ:ACo: W. a But&. Cubooear.

-Galva, In Pera, boaltt ot tbe bljtb· Mt b0101n bJ&bJiaUon~ Ithu a raJJw-.r l¥36 teet abOve tbeaoalevel.

OO~SUMPTtO:-<'OA~ BE CUn:F;D, Tn tht. ohan~tJ~&ble cllmato ot ou~a,

evory ooa tboqra remember that D~ Wt~ll·· BAUIA)( qf WlLD o ......... hu proven lt.talt to be a po.UI•o care for c:on•amptJoo,uthma, brooollltla. an4 all luna dla01t01. 1t l!u •11•ed lhoii'I'M of DliDJ' even .. (tor ell bop. bid ~. 1\lao_y or Oil? moat lntolUgeat famllloa woufd utooo bo wlth~tat wooltn cloth­lnjl: In wlnur, .. not to ba11o W!fi1'Aa'• BALIIAX llwan oo band, for h nner falla to Immediately rellave all eoran­ot throat and la.n~. A atnale c10110 taken at bed Ume wlllare&tly warm the blobd.c:tnle rerretlllng tloml!er, and by mo~nl11~ an ordloary cough or cold will he gone. Aak your drugl(t.t aod your cr1on4• concerning tho morU or "'''· . TA'TI'd B~lol~A)! And l:le'wll!O- •

e:;c., CiOC., and tt per bcittlo, Sold by (leilloc:a uoerally1 ~U~d ~· T, ~fq~u~o ~Oo..SL John'a. •

When Bourkerelurned wilb C•p­taln Hardy, Lord Nelaon told tbe lat~t \o come near hlrn-"Klas me, Hardy,'' be e~olaimed. Ol11t· Hard1 klued bie cheek. "J hope your J,ordebip" be aald, "'!'lll e\ill u ... to el!for your triumph.'' •t tfeyert. fJardi.' he exclaimed


"km aylng; I am a dead man al over, Beatt1 will tell you 10: briog the fteet to an aoobor; you have at I dooe your d U~.1 i nod bleeayou." Captain Hardy now t~ald "l aop.­poee Collingwood, 101 dear Lori!, Ia ~ oommand tbe Beet?" "Nev· er," IJOialmed he, 1' wbilal [ live;" mea"ing1 dRubtleu, .hat. ao Ions aa bit gallan' eplrlt anrvived, "he would never cleaerl hladuty. What puled af\er tbla WI\! merely CMU·

al. Hla Lordehltl'l laet worde wero .-'The' ~:enulae Sable Jelaod pon;y 1, to llfiAlty, wbile he "as expiring in dying out.. There are no IoYer two ll~o· hie arma-41 I could h11ve whshed \Q dre4 o( them now on tb~ l•leo.ct. "

that obstinate co gh. ' You have been e ·ri:':

• • mentfng with n~~ worthless CQmpounJ:>.


:IIJNOAlii&D 0.LPITAt.. ..... ..c:, II ' 00 SIK l'oT.u.IJrnarao Fo11oe DP· OJI ....... _,.,,.,,_, t,7.5f>J 110 St~. \lfKV.U.IJirCOJB UPW1»P 01' li"11,00C18!« •

The 0041U>I~eing a flnk!laq ~Ueh l.D.tunmce ~mp&~~y, rnrotw r.ll :boee adn.n"--(ea moeL dt'linblt to in· •nreJII, Yls., noCioub&ed etahlllly, fa 'fOro able terme &Dd prompL nL&Iom6nL on ')laitll• for lou.

The Ondoral~toed bnin~ I of>n "1'­oolnl~ AJ'lnta for NewlouncilcAd are f\tepued io iMDO r oJJcfo. a~ IIIIi ioet ... ,. "'"· ' . T • .t M. WINTER, Sr... JobD,11,


A. G. M ONN, &1U10a GIUCII, W. B. BOTr,Sub-A~elll.,



-.. Plt, t~\yle and and W ork,ruan· eblp suaTaoteeJ.-.

Ooatom work o( all kinds U:t>CU ted a\ loweat pricee and whb des patch.

M&uure Carda eupplltll'l 1111 ap-plioaUon. .


Or. l-EHF<, 'Oentlst,

D~ Parler• and R~ifltnrt­Oppotrlt& T. M'Murdo & Ci•'~' .. h,•J',

WATER STREET, St. JOl/,\"::; .-.Exclusive right 111 n•t- tl.e

famoWI Halo Method tlf l'! Dentia~ ln St. J ohn'" anti ii'11r"nr Graoe.1111

JAMES D. MU1VN, Dealttr in Real Eif(tle, O<•ruu , ••

tion Agent. (},lt't!J•I11Ur,

Ai«:twmet"r. elc. haYt~llved to enjoy thisL· but God't~ Harbor Grace, _ Ne1clMI'I•U.a.,[. "Ill be done." "My Md,11 ex.- I~WLA:\l:\lATORY RtJEUY~TISM. claimed Mardy, "yoo tlie Jn the Anyoot w-ho b&. ~r eape-rlaoced lhe .. " mfd•~ Qf · trlqmpb." "n., I, H11r· u~raclall~ aad almoet nnboarablo llt~t ~mot :fr acr :$1an~ , ~

?''-he &roiled fa inti y-•• Ood be llllllhfllfoldoitt to lnllamll!.atQ~ rl!O~hl~ "- - -'-" d T 1 i 1 ll•m, ';fill be PltUt!d to J<now Uiai -~M· ." heee were 1 " aet prompt relict may~ bad by ap1plylo• 00'0c ........... fiON 8 ... 1 '"'''(I L •

word!! before h& l'Xpired -From CbaulberiAIA'• Palo Ralm. ~Jr. o.~n'~ .. ...,...- ·' • .\ Ji ""'' :-.·.•1· S 0 E B St Rend O•t.ob• "l!r,of Roec>,·lll~Clotarlo,Canttda,••"i : I•prln"'"'•od.,•bool~.:rr) ~~:·1 '-l•Ht ·

. • • • " r • .. ...r· "I baYo beeo troubltd WUh1nll&mmatc;ry ~. at tb• 'lllln<IIU'd " ' : ..... \ '~"or I• 't. i.. 8APK OOUOB ~DICINE FOR rlleumatl•m for tho put l'l'o yean and R;:!"'cfo0~~4~~ ~::.:.:~:':;;.. • 1. t r

OtULDil&N. . UDabll to •letop ·~ nt:tht.. 1 baYe taken the ~IDIO.Dt •!E,~-d bT u• •f' .. :. ·~ ·

rnq bayln& a c:ou~h modlclne for chll· ~D.1 remedlu ba.' ••:r Oll•mborlaJn'• tn\A. , •

II h "'ltofor bo eCnld to bov ('bambor· e.-!~ t~"i:: u tbe ~' llnlml!n' l ban ,OUOIU..,.IOif ltAT"' ,_. • .,.., "'''

T• ti1e.Ooufh r~"Jnodre '111">re l'"o•!"n l'or • ·1 •. , .... Th to.~'f, '"""• ... •: 1"' '"~' ' · . ... • '"' • t I ·, 1 " '' " • • e .. y W. n . ompeon ~ c" ra~.q ... n p,. t t...v

Iter rom t an ro C! • ••W"y•aurlltO fJarbor ~~ace; W, 11. nutt C11lt"bo ..., • Adurll•ln< "'"'*~c ' l1>•• ;: • lnllow. lt s. ~p~lally valuable Cor • neAr. •-r\1011 \ ~W<tl1h' ~· · Dl• l' ... •I· • ~ r • •

eo~~A,eroup and W'liiOJ!In; MOI(b. - Wh4.'n" tho thormumettr reacbee eonttnua\ ;,n ~1"1 '"' ltr

u.:~~~~~ ;; u:J~: .. Dl~DittarQO.., I ~tt,rUdtalo bt!li~l,!U liWll&erlaadtlluobco~ 1 :;;:..~~'?,~ m:J'\::"'~Jtht ll~"_:j! • .... r.D are-~"" Uat da7, .._-;--

. J



• Cint/Qitu 1M lssnfa t!/ Fn~ r.-. Jkl/. CfbwU of r~. tl1ld l'fm · Old~~ ll'iw. .,:..


and we~¥-. to aerve them ~ perly. Wh_q ·we • tell yoa that we will encloee them with the celebrated '

ea. PRINTirtC OF ALL KINDS -d -~u.t~tl fl!iih pmmpt11w, flectl11elf8, a1ld chl!lrpn~'."

No 11ee{t to 1111111 el/#ltrlt.erc # 7 lte lwmrlnrd 0/fic~ " equal to local demandl &mplu '""""'·


I a we m111& to aaalu& &bema4•J•••·

Satan •me Into the GC>d oould ba'fe drfnn blm back tha PU and bate &aqi4 &bt keja qpoD hl'm'. Tbla woqld baye bl81l aoe rorce apiull&DOlbtrl bQ\ aoct•w beet to ~' hie enemy &o re· malo, In onlat &bal by btl ~~ wl•dom He llll1bt make &be wra&b ormab, thew~tb ofSatan, to pralae Him. Cooeca.ntly God Ia Clolog tbie compelli111 eYll to oyeroome{f. S&tan'i 1pitt &11\DI\ lob led to the glOf1 ol God, &be bl11ier sood of Job, ana ~(b. coaifon or uncounted milllon.s. · Satap ._ .. of· ten tried Lo de•troy the Ohoroh: but hie fierce peraecutl9111 ba•e al­wayi purified the Churilb and eoat.· tered ita troths Car a'lad wide for 11reater trlumphe. The ' blood of the martyrs baa aJ waya P!OYed &be @~ed n( the Church. Thua"the f(aletl bell" shall not prevail &Jain at the Church bot asalo•~ ltaelr. Sa· tan'• great confo~•on wlll be \hat the more be ra1ed agalnat tbe children of God the more be brought defeat and degradati~ upon him.telr. Like those t.b&L CoJ· low blm, be Ia bia own wor\t ~n•lll'i·

Jerua wu an example for oa In Hla llfe in lbe ~eab. ~~ haa 11hawn u11 how to o\'oroome. lr ~· foil••• · in His elope, our ltft.,; ~ tllouJ:h n:uured by~atan, will~· triUifiJ•h; and bill flercetl at.tac e UJ'IOil ~~~ wUl proYe oar If• &eel llOrJ•

. .

PuB_~ ~11--fte 8co~bman &alcl tbe.aCorr.

There ~•re two olclScotoh Mra. MaoWbinet anct -..... lifo· 8etD, Who Wll Oil \)ae I'U~ ODI_ cl•z· ~d f4ra. Mao Whiner .. ,. '

• Loeb me. woman, 1el' fal' (rae bame thf 4•1·"

"A.1e.'' 1a71 lira. McBean. "1 ... iu~ 1~n~ ., PMbl ... ~iaolbbti o' PM'biN keepe bam. Oor .John. ye ken, bl' auld h&Dl and II •re yammerln' aboO' the bam b.lo owerfat and oweraaul," .

•• Oor !'om," 11111 •lire. ~lac· Whiner, "Ia the 11me way.­Tbere'l oae ~leaaln' h\ll\ wl' bla bam~ i'allh, .t'll bae to gle Mao· Nabb a trial.''

So Mra. HaoWblrter journeys ioto Peeblee, aQd atlt N7• to~· clere MaoNabb, tbecrocer:

"Qle'la pound o' 1er bam.'' ·• WbaL lklod."., 1171 Sanden,

" wad ye like'" "Oh, j uat the kind tba' Mn. Me·

S..n KeW." uya the lady. MaoNabb aailled Cal.DU~. "A' rlcb'-'' eaya IM. 1 W.h•ut'l

yer bottle!" o ... ·-PEARFUL LOSS OF LlFJC.

Manilla, Oot. 8.-Tbe Qoyero· ment report& ahow \hM the reault or the recent etorm ft Yery aerlooa. At leut 200 natiYea aod'26 Amari· olDI &tid 'furelgoerl Wife killed. 1\ je lmpoaa\ble &o lcleotlfy mao1 or tbelalter. TbeGo"romentJIOllce •orlt the t>u\ yea.r ln the pl'OViooea or Gayl\e, Data.ngu., and tbe leland of Samar, whlcb made poealb)e the laraeltt aoreaae pl•oted in the bie­lorJafjbe lalaQd;-. Min undone. aod · f\ 11 MUQlatid, re\&rd~ ~·· Ye!opmeol oney .. r lo the hemp proYlncea.

In the Albay, Setereg()n, fd .... bale, •:!lt; Samar flerda. ho. ueee were d tel bd atooh dama; .. td. The road• are \a.pattable, a.nd tb' lfaulll)ertaUon faoilUlee .U crippled. The Iota Ia lncalcol~ able. • .

{n Albay aod S<u·•ottot., efRbty rer cent of the boitdlnge. dwel­lln~ra. poboolund warehoaaee hue been deetroyed. The etorm, In ooonecUon. With tbe .. ,.re drau1M wbloh eJ!ll.ttcl euly in Lhe yur, wlll ,, la ..Umated, daoreue &be rPCeipta Oflbe l.alaod (0 per cent. The army lea IM&YJ loeer at POoth• ern pottll. _ ... ___ _



of aU kida aow ill atoclr.

Punilelling. Stove Fit­tings, Fire Bcreeu

~appUec! promptlraD4 cheapi.J.-

StoftS, Grates and Liainp in .stod. Outport trade orden gifta prompt

attention. =='{;. -:.-~~ ~· -l.r'..:;: E arbo Grac 00a1Wl14ii!. W."'wut YOUNGJil!lN Water St. aat, H r e. aud LADlES ot 1004-bable. to.


w. tcm~w. '76 11o et u.e d-rator~~ Canada's Greatest Nursetfea · aad Se.UoQ .\felttl Amenc&. •tJt aohootJ are the larc•l uolutlYe foT the town of Harbor Grace &Dd 'hlt~Tt~Pb 8e.bool• '" '1' .. woat.a.- surrounding c:oun'try, which will be F..e.bUUecl Z,...,. 1114 eiijlone4 b7 reserved for the right man. alll~ RaUWQ" Olllclab.

We e~eoo .. a 111ao Bo114 t.o 0ft17 START NOW at the belt aelling atud&Dt to tunllah blm or her ~ ~ ICUOD, and handle our NEW SPBCf-Uon paylq from f4!! t.o 1110 a Dioatbe AL..,l.ES Lit..-• T-· JnS&ateeeutoflbol\oobldoaa&atM ,_. on ~ ...... _ or from m t.otlOD aiDOnDui lA s•tee Write for particulars, and aeod I$C. we~& ot tbe Roc.kl.., JIIIIIUIU.HL'f tr our Handsome Aluminua Pocket ~ 0114.DVATl01f. I • ( I' I ) ... ..r. I

Stucleat. oaa ea .. r at au ttm .. No ICrOICOpe a Itt e gem ...... u to noaUba1. 'Fw tall J)arOoalan r• Fanners-in eumining Seeds &Dd cantiAr &D.l ot OIU Soboow '"" .. ell· Grains j I '"' 10 oar ,a.uclliYO olllco at OlactD· Orcharditta-in examining Trta for natt, o. 'Oatalosae ~.

inteets; • fte IOBBB8CHOOt oiYELEORAPBY Gardeners-in examining Plants for

l~~·8a.9· J!=::~~ i~m and Scholars in studying Tuarllaaa. Ttz. 8&D PnacWGO, o. Botonx, and everybody in a bundled

General Post Office I dilfereot ways.

STONE & WELLINGTON, Foot bill Nurseries, (o•er 8oo acres,)



!USTJiliJAI(~I'Oim!LTH ~~UB:ng ..,~ ' ,. ~uera for the Commonwealth or ·P u!l -fO rs Australia may rrom tbis date be trant- ~

from this Colony at tbe rate of c 2 cts: per Half-Ounce Weight· uo

Tbia reduction'lrill not, however, at ... • • • _

81.·~~~ ' p~nt apply to !etten from Auatralia 1

which will continue at two pence per balr ounce.


111119 H. J. B. WOODS, ~ Postmutet- General...,

General Post Office, 8th SepL, 1905.224i



' Office Hours -9 to 11 Lm. -4. to 6 p.m.


Dr. lena'sl1diM Rlit Pllb

Mr 7'1/EY VI lbt RlmMIJ that' lt1 I bouwtloulbul of natun h,..

.,-or/did (Dr all dl,., viii,_ (roiA IMPURE BLOOD. ' co:;-

••••• . Morse's~~~

P'lls ~ .......... 1 . ,.,,".,~~ )llnud'• Lln1rn~ret d&Ddra.ft. . p . tin f aU Xi d ·•• L OOISTOGI, O•er on• fifth ot tlle paJ)IIe attandln& I flU g 0 •lo.&a :!.: .. .,. "'~

Uta aaJnraiUH lA 8wilMJ'laq4 '" t• doD$ K ..... V~ ~ ,.,, • ..... At .... <( ..... . ..

r •

. ..

.arbor thane S~ .. U1>


Wr.Jamea"Kent, D.L.., for..SL Johu'• E•t. •u ruarrltd at HI •. loho'a lut. Weclolllday wMlc to 1\tl"' Walah1 dauab&er ot Mr. W. P. \\'al•b. • We teo· der oar ~t wbhu. '

.-lll,. ffetty Nt~wi)oolt, lale of Hew HarbOr, 'P.U bu bho mlallna b:v bar frlfode Ia New York. She le'rt St. Jobo'aon :Jl"d S.ptomuer, by tho Rou­llncJ, to iO t~ friend (Mill !Wbeooea Preltt") In ~oMYork, but .11lnce abe landeCl to the bl c l y 1ll) traC!o -un be h ed or her. 1-' rll' da"ba,·e been enq_utr­lng, and. tbo pqll re at'OkJna for ber, bulwtlhouteu~eae. It. Ia aaJd tbahhe wut to New York to meet an old trJend belo~l~ to tho We•' CouL U ma;,: be that a • b&ll been m&n'leocl to hl.m, Ad ~ ~11! ~OWD eafel,: ,

DIED:. Ye~~tudaJ (Tbarllday) mllrnln,:, aftJ:r

a loll~ II.., Lu~ln<la Weir, "1toa of John lteway, a&oll o:l .)'Uf#1 le:n•lna l.hJM aucbwu. •

Yetlerday (Tburlitaq morpln~, Rod· .tter Tbc.nMY1_1H)O ot tbo lat.- K4.'nnedy Thomey, of luOeQultO.aod brother of :Vr. K. Thomey of tbfe town, qed ':'II yt-ar6.

Oo &loi'day1 OQJober7,1'atrlrk;IIOD or tho late Patrie~~: and ~laryc:onnoTP aaed f7 yea..., leaYlnjt one roo, lh{oo e\•tilr• ana one brothn to mourn llu:olr -ad •-·

·. BEID Newfoundland GOMPAN~-

