GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)


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Certification Criteria

Reference: GCF-CC


Date: 21 March 201324 Apri 2013

Doc!"ent #$pe: #echnica

%&erap 'erio(: #he 110 (a$ o&erap perio()s* for pre&io!s &ersion)s* of GCF-CC +i en( on thefoo+in, (ate)s*:

GCF-CC &3.4.0 13 Ma$ 2013

GCF-CC &3.4.1 13 Ma$ 2013

GCF-CC &3.4.2 13 Ma$ 2013

GCF-CC &3.49.0 12 A!,!st 2013

GCF-CC &3.49.1 12 A!,!st 2013

GCF-CC &3.49.2 12 A!,!st 2013

GCF-CC &3.50.1 14 %cto/er 2013 repaces &3.50.0

Correspon(in, &ersion of GMA #.11 appica/e for Fie( #rias:

GCF-CC &3.4.n - GMA #.11 &11.1

GCF- CC &3.49.n - GMA #.11 &11.2

GCF-CC &3.50.n GMA #.11 &11.3

Disclaimer Notice:This docment is !ro!rietar" to the Glo#al Certification Form $GCF% Ltd& and constittes confidential information

nless other'ise stated& The ser shall !reser(e the confidentialit" of this docment and shall a#ide #" the !rocedral)idelines esta#lished #" the Com!an" concernin) its distri#tion&


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GCF-CC 'a,e 2 Version

Ta#le of Contents

1 cope............................................................................................................................................ 4

2 References................................................................................................................................... 42.1 tr!ct!ra Doc!"ents....................................................................................................42.2 'roce(!ra Doc!"ents..................................................................................................42.3 #echnica Doc!"ents.....................................................................................................42.4 Mie( 'roce(!ra an( #echnica Doc!"ents...............................................................52.5 %ther Doc!"ents.........................................................................................................5

3 A//re&iations an( (efinitions........................................................................................................5

4 sin, the #echnica Doc!"entation..............................................................................................54.1 GCF Certification Ro!tes...............................................................................................5

4.2 GCF-CC......................................................................................................................... 4.3 sin, GCF-CC..............................................................................................................6

5 Versions of pecifications.............................................................................................................5.1 Versions of GM pecifications.....................................................................................5.2 Versions of 3G pecifications........................................................................................5.3 Versions of %MA pecifications.....................................................................................95.4 Versions of C V# pecifications..................................................................................9

Re7!ire"ents #a/e for R968R9 (e&ices.....................................................................................9

6 Confor"ance Assess"ent #a/e...................................................................................................96.1 F! tat!s......................................................................................................................9

6.1.1 Cass A: /ase( on tests +hich ha&e /een specifie( /$ an appropriate D%an( &ai(ate( on co""ercia$ a&aia/e test e7!ip"ent...........................9

6.1.2 Cass : /ase( on tests +hich ha&e /een specifie( /$ an appropriate D%an( &ai(ate( on co""ercia$ a&aia/e test e7!ip"ent +ith eceptions10

6.1a Vai(ation tat!s..........................................................................................................106.1a.1 Cass C: /ase( on tests +hich ha&e /een specifie( /$ an appropriate D%

an( &ai(ate( on co""ercia$ a&aia/e test e7!ip"ent /!t (o not $et "eetthe ;or< =te" or #est Case certification entr$ criteria.............................10

6.1/ Do+n,ra(e tat!s.......................................................................................................106.1/.1 Cass D: /ase( on tests +hich ha&e /een specifie( /$ an appropriate D%

fro" +hich &ai(ation or f! stat!s has /een re"o&e(............................106.2 'ro&isiona tat!s........................................................................................................11

6.2.1 Cass ': /ase( on tests +hich ha&e /een specifie( /$ an appropriate D%

an( not &ai(ate( on co""ercia$ a&aia/e test e7!ip"ent...................116.3 %ther tat!s.................................................................................................................11

6.3.1 Cass > #est not appica/e.....................................................................11

=nteropera/iit$ Assess"ent #a/e...............................................................................................11

9 Fie( #rias...................................................................................................................................11

9.1 Fie( #ria Assess"ent #a/e.......................................................................................................119.1.1 Genera....................................................................................................119.1.2 Fie( #ria Assess"ent #a/e for in,e ? M!ti-RA# De&ices..................11

9.2 Cassification of Fie( #rias Re7!ire"ents..................................................................129.2.1 Genera Fie( #ria Cassifications for De&ices........................................129.2.2 A((itiona Cassification for De&ices on$ s!pportin, G@RA>.................139.2.3 A((itiona Cassification for De&ices s!pportin, #RA...........................13


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GCF-CC 'a,e 3 Version

9.2.4 A((itiona Cassification for De&ices s!pportin, GA> )'@>D@D*....149.2.5 A((itiona Cassification for De&ices s!pportin, @-#RA........................15

 Anne A: Re,iona Re,!ator$ Re7!ire"ents....................................................................................... 1

 Anne : Feat!res (efine( for R9689 G'R Reco""en(e( et....................................................... 1

 Anne C: Voi(................................................................................................................................... 20

 Anne D: R99 #est case appica/iit$ eceptions..................................................................................21

D.1 A!(io Reease 4 an( Reease 5.................................................................................................21

D.2 M #$pe 0................................................................................................................................21

 Anne @: ;or< =te" #a/e................................................................................................................22

 Anne F: Certification Decaration......................................................................................................... 33

 Anne G: Certification Criteria for De&ices +here the 3G'' f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ an e"/e((e(GCF Certifie( "o(!e......................................................................................................34

 Anne : #est Case )#C* @ec!tion R!es +ith ea"pes............................................................... 35

.1 Genera.......................................................................................................................................35

.2 @-#RA8@'C co"piant De&ices................................................................................................35.2.1 @-#RA8@'C intra-/an( #Cs......................................................................................35.2.2 @-#RA8@'C inter-/an( 'rotoco #Cs........................................................................36.2.3 @-#RA8@'C =nter-RA# )@-#RA an( another Ra(io Access #echnoo,$* #Cs........ .3.2.4 @#RA> - #RA> - G@RA> "!ti-RA# 'rotoco #Cs................................................41.2.5 @-#RA M!ti-Mo(e De&ice not capa/e of si"!taneo!s operation............................43

.2.5.1 @-#RA FDD-#DD..................................................................................43.2. @-#RA8@'C D!a "o(e )FDD8#DD* De&ices............................................................43.2.6 =M an( =M appication too<it #Cs for @#RA> an( @#RA> - #RA> - G@RA>

(e&ices........................................................................................................................ 44

Doc!"ent Chan,e Recor(.................................................................................................................... 4


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GCF-CC 'a,e 4 Version

* +co!e

#his (oc!"ent is the top e&e (escription for the technica re7!ire"ents for De&ice Certification. %ther (oc!"entation is reference( to (efine the test p!rposes an( "etho(s of confor"ance assess"ent.

#he o/ecti&e for the (oc!"entation is that it sha /e possi/e to (efine +hat re7!ire"ents a De&ice Mo(esha "eet in or(er to achie&e a De&ice Certification stat!s.

#he principe appie( to optiona feat!res is that the Man!fact!rer Me"/er "a$ choose +hether to (ecarean( i"pe"ent an optiona feat!re. =f a feat!re is i"pe"ente( in a De&ice s!ch that it is accessi/e to the!ser then it sha +or< accor(in, to the ree&ant re7!ire"ents. Feat!res in the"se&es are not re7!ire( to /es!pporte( to an$ ,reater etent than (efine( /$ the appica/e core specifications for the nor"a operation of a De&ice.

>%#@: =f a feat!re is i"pe"ente( )for instance in soft+are* /!t (isa/e( s!ch that it cannot /e!se( then it sho!( not /e (ecare(.

#his (oc!"ent co"/ines the (ata pre&io!s$ containe( in the foo+in, t+o GCF #echnica 'RDs:

GCF-CCR Go/a Certification For!" - Certification Criteria - 'art 1 Re,!ator$.

GCF-CCV Go/a Certification For!" - Certification Criteria - 'art 2 Vo!ntar$.

#his (oc!"ent aso inc!(es (ata fro" the GM #AA 'RD G#.01.

, References

#he foo+in, "a$ /e cite( or reference( in this (oc!"ent.

,&* +trctral Docments

GCF-'D Go/a Certification For!" - 'rincipes Doc!"ent

GCF-AD Go/a Certification For!" - A//re&iations an( Definitions

GCF-CV Go/a Certification For!" 'RD Chan,e Recor( an( Version Contro

GCF-% Go/a Certification For!" - %peratin, !(,et

GCF-A# Go/a Certification For!" Anti #r!st G!i(eines Man!a

GCF-C= Go/a Certification For!" Cop$ri,ht ='R an( Confi(entiait$

,&, -rocedral Docments

GCF-A' Go/a Certification For!" - Appication 'roce(!res

GCF-F#' Go/a Certification For!" - Fie( #ria 'roce(!res

GCF-%' Go/a Certification For!" - %r,anisation 'roce(!res

GCF-V' Go/a Certification For!" - Vai(ation 'roce(!res

,&. Technical Docments

G#.01 GM #$pe Appro&a A(&isor$ oar( - GM 900 ? 100 #$pe Appro&a

GCF-AC Go/a Certification For!" Anciar$ @7!ip"ent Certification Criteria


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GCF-CC 'a,e 5 Version

,&/ Mi0ed -rocedral and Technical Docments

GCF-'C Go/a Certification For!" - 'erfor"ance Criteria

,&1 Other Docments

GMA #.11 GMA #er"ina teerin, Gro!p 'RD #.11 E

. A##re(iations and definitions

 A//re&iations an( (efinitions ree&ant to this (oc!"ent "a$ /e fo!n( in GCF-AD.

/ Usin) the Technical Docmentation


Core +!ecifications 

Desi,n re7!ire"ents for ter"inai"pe"entation

Test +!ecifications

#est '!rposes: #est Metho(s:#est case "appin,

GCF Certification Criteria

GCF CC database for Conformance test cases

GCF PRD-CC for IOP and FT test cases

Defines the e&e of confi(ence in #er"ina De&ice co"piance +ith theappica/e Certification Criteria re7!ire( for a #er"ina Mo(e to /e certifie(/$ reference to #est '!rposes. Defines c!rrent stat!s an( appica/iit$ of#est '!rposes: Metho(s of #est 0? Means of #est1 !n(er Certification.accor(in, to +hich feat!res the #er"ina Mo(e has i"pe"ente(.

Fi)re *: GCF Technical Docmentation strctre

/&* GCF Certification Rotes

De&ices for +hich 3G'' f!nctionait$ is inte,ra to the pri"ar$ f!nction of the (e&ice e.,. phones "o(e"s (ata-car(s or "o(!es inten(e( to /e e"/e((e( into another (e&ice to pro&i(e f! 3G''f!nctionait$ sha foo+ the f! GCF certification process. #hat is confor"ance testin, as iste( in the GCF-DCC (ata/ase Fie( #rias =%' ? %#A testin, as iste( in GCF-CC Anne F

De&ices )see De&ice (efinition in GCF-AD* for +hich the 3G'' f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ a GCF certifie("o(!e that has /een e"/e((e( into the (e&ice an( for +hich the certification of the e"/e((e( "o(!e is

ess than 3 caen(ar $ears o( at the ti"e of the certification of the (e&ice e"/e((in, the "o(!e can foo+a re(!ce( certification process. #he "an!fact!rer "a$ choose to /ase certification of s!ch (e&ices on thecertification of the "o(!e an( "!st perfor" confor"ance assess"ent in accor(ance +ith the re7!ire"entsin a c!rrent &ai( GCF-CC Anne G an( Fie( #rias in accor(ance +ith the re7!ire"ents in GCF-CC AnneF.5. 1 F.5.2 or F.5.4.


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GCF-CC 'a,e Version

/&, GCF2CC

GCF-CC references the core (esi,n re7!ire"ents (efine( in technica specifications of a GCF reco,nie(stan(ar(isation for!" an( a((itiona (esi,n specifications or reco""en(ations +hich "a$ /e ree&ant for GCF.

#he technica content of GCF-CC is containe( in the foo+in, ta/es:

• #he ERe7!ire"ents #a/e for R968R9 (e&ices +hich (efines the specific Certification Criteria that are

ree&ant to the specific De&ice. #he Re7!ire"ent #a/e is &ai( for R968R9 (e&ices )Refer to GCF-CC&3.19.0 or o(er*. #he appica/e Certification Criteria for a 3G'' R99 or ater (e&ice are /ase( onthose test p!rposes c!rrent$ inc!(e( in the appica/e Confor"ance Assess"ent ta/e an( are(eri&e( fro":

• 3G'' # 51.010-2 E'rotoco ="pe"entation Confor"ance tate"ent )'=C* profor"a specification

for GM (e&ices

• 3G'' # 34.121-2 Hser @7!ip"ent )@* confor"ance specificationI Ra(io trans"ission an(

reception )FDD*I 'art 2: ="pe"entation Confor"ance tate"ent )=C*H an( 3G'' # 34.123-2 Eser 

@7!ip"ent )@* confor"ance specificationI 'art 2: ="pe"entation confor"ance state"ent )=C*specification for #RA

• 3G'' # 3.521-2 Hser @7!ip"ent )@* confor"ance specificationI Ra(io trans"ission an(

receptionI 'art 2: ="pe"entation Confor"ance tate"ent )=C*H an( 3G'' # 3.523-2 Eser @7!ip"ent )@* confor"ance specificationI 'art 2: ="pe"entation confor"ance state"ent )=C*specification for @-#RA (e&ices

• 3G'' # 34.229-2 H=nternet 'rotoco )='* "!ti"e(ia ca contro protoco /ase( on ession =nitiation

'rotoco )='* an( ession Description 'rotoco )D'*I ser @7!ip"ent )@* confor"ancespecificationI 'art 2: ="pe"entation Confor"ance tate"ent )=C* profor"a specificationH for (e&ices s!pportin, =M.

•  An$ eceptions fro" the appica/iit$ are (escri/e( in Anne D.

• #he EConfor"ance Assess"ent #a/e +hich is a ist of references to #est '!rposes8Metho(s of #est

that are inc!(e( at the present ti"e +ithin GCF. #he #est '!rposes (efine the GCF e&e of confi(ence re7!ire( in the De&ices co"piance +ith the ree&ant Certification Criteria. #heConfor"ance Assess"ent #a/e aso cear$ in(icates +hich of those reference( #est '!rposes for +hich a Metho( of #est has /een a,ree( are c!rrent$ appica/e to GCF )see (oc!"ent GCF-%'*. =nthe GCF-DCC (ata/ase eist EConfor"ance Assess"ent #a/es for a ree&ant (e&ices. A (e&icesho!( certif$ !sin, the confor"ance assess"ent ta/e)s* appropriate to the s!pporte( technoo,iesan( reeases.

• For (e&ices s!pportin, GCF certifie( %MA appication ena/ers )e.,. MM etc.* there eists an

E=nteropera/iit$ Assess"ent #a/e +hich is a ist of references to #est '!rposes 8 Metho(s of #est thatare (escri/e( in the %MA @na/er #est pecifications that nee( to /e eec!te( to o/tain Certification.

• For (e&ices s!pportin, V# there eists an E=nteropera/iit$ #est Res!ts for De&ices s!pportin, Vi(eo

#eephon$ +hich is a ist of references to #est '!rposes 8 Metho(s of #est that are (escri/e( in the=M#C 3G-324M V# #est pecifications )/oth the co"piance an( interopera/iit$ (oc!"ents* thatnee( to /e eec!te( to o/tain Certification. =n a((ition these (oc!"ents are aso !se( as the so!rceof reference for the confor"ance tests /ein, intro(!ce( in ;=-019. #he "appin, of @ f!nctionait$ toseecte( GCF tests is containe( in the =M#C specifications.

• For De&ices +here the 3G'' f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ a GCF certifie( "o(!e that has /een

e"/e((e( into the (e&ice a re(!ce( set of Certification Criteria are iste( in a c!rrent GCF-CC AnneG an( for Fie( #rias in a c!rrent &ai( Anne F.5.1 F.5.2 an( F.5.4.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 6 Version

/&. Usin) GCF2CC

=t is essentia that a intereste( parties <no+ +hat Certification Criteria are appica/e for their specificDe&ices. =t is aso essentia that there is a cear +a$ to esta/ish +hich Metho(s of #est sho!( /e appie( toeach De&ice. #his is achie&e( /$ the foo+in, process:

1* #he De&ice is characterise( /$ the Man!fact!rer Me"/er /$ co"petin, the anne F.2 (ecarations!""ar$ i.e. /$ specif$in, +hich of feat!res app$ to that De&ice.

2* For a R968R9 De&ice the Re7!ire"ents #a/e in GCF 'RD GCF-CC &3.19.0 or o(er is then !se(to esta/ish +hich Certification Criteria ha&e /een consi(ere( /$ the A,ree"ent Gro!p to /ec!rrent$ appica/e recor( !stification for their inc!sion in the GCF an( to esta/ish +hich #est'!rposes "a$ /e appica/e /$ referencin, the Confor"ance Assess"ent #a/e.

3* For a R99 or ater De&ice the 3G'' '=C )3G'' # 51.010-2* an(8or )3G'' # 34.121-2 an(3G'' # 34.123-2* an(8or )3G'' # 3.521-2 an( 3G'' # 3.523-2* an(8or )3G'' # 34.229-2*is !se( to (efine +hich of the test p!rposes fro" Confor"ance Assess"ent #a/e is consi(ere( asappica/e Certification Criteria.

4* For (e&ices s!pportin, %MA appication ena/ers the E%MA test case "appin, "eans are !se( to

(efine +hich of the test p!rposes containe( in the EConfor"ance an( E=nteropera/iit$ Assess"ent#a/es are consi(ere( as appica/e Certification Criteria.

5* #he Confor"ance Assess"ent #a/e then in(icates +hich #est '!rposes 8 Metho(s of #est ha&e/een consi(ere( /$ the A,ree"ent Gro!p to /e c!rrent$ appica/e for the GCF.

* For (e&ices s!pportin, %MA appication ena/ers the EConfor"ance Assess"ent #a/es an( theE=nteropera/iit$ Assess"ent #a/es in(icate +hich #est '!rposes 8 Metho(s of #est ha&e /eenconsi(ere( /$ the A,ree"ent Gro!p to /e c!rrent$ appica/e for the GCF.

6* For (e&ices s!pportin, Vi(eo #eephon$ the Jinteropera/iit$ test res!ts for (e&ices s!pportin,Vi(eo #eephon$K is !se( to (efine +hich of the test p!rposes are consi(ere( as appica/e for Certification Criteria an( +hich #est '!rposes are c!rrent$ appica/e for the GCF. =n a((ition

confor"ance tests are (efine( /$ the =M#C 3G 324M acti&it$ ,ro!p specifications aon, +ith"appin, ta/es to in(icate +hich tests sha app$ e&en +here a f!nction "a$ not /e s!pporte(.

* For (e&ices s!pportin, speech the ta/e in Anne F3.10 (efines the re7!ire"ents for %#A  Antenna 'erfor"ance Meas!re"ents c!rrent$ appica/e for GCF certification.

9* For a (e&ice +here the 3G'' f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ an e"/e((e( GCF certifie( "o(!e theappica/iit$ ta/e in GCF-CC Anne G is !se( to (eter"ine the appica/e certification criteria

#he Man!fact!rer Me"/er then <no+s +hich Certification Criteria are appica/e to the specific De&ice +hate&e of confi(ence is re7!ire( in that De&ices co"piance +ith the appica/e Certification Criteria +hichMetho(s of #est ha&e /een a,ree( to /e appropriate an( +hich Means of #est are consi(ere( /$ thein(!str$ to /e inc!(e( as /est practice.

 As part of the (ecaration the "an!fact!rer sha pro&i(e the Certification Criteria Appica/iit$ Bist. #his is aist of confor"ance test cases that are in f! stat!s an( appica/e to the (e&ice at the ti"e of thecertification. #his ist is presente( for infor"ation on$. #he Man!fact!rer Me"/er is then in a position tore&ie+ the Co"piance Fo(er for that De&ice to (eter"ine if it is co"pete an( rea($ for an appication for that De&ice to /e Certifie( )GCF-CC*.

;here the De&ice i"pe"ents feat!res +hich are not co&ere( /$ GCF the Man!fact!rer Me"/er canpropose s!ita/e a"en("ents to GCF-CC as "a$ /e appropriate )the proce(!res for this are state( in GCF-%'*. #his ena/es an in(!str$ consens!s to /e reache( on the appropriate /est practice for the intro(!ctionof that De&ice feat!re )? associate( ser&ice* into the "ar<etpace.


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GCF-CC 'a,e Version

1 3ersions of +!ecifications

1&* 3ersions of G+M +!ecifications

#his (oc!"ent "a<es !n(ate( reference to GM specifications. #he (ecaration "a(e /$ the Man!fact!rer 

Me"/er sha /e /ase( on a set of GM specifications +hich "eets the foo+in, con(itions

1* #he "ini"!" $ear$ reease sha /e as foo+s.

o Fro" 1st Lan!ar$ 2002 reease 96 )&ersion ..$* sha /e the "ini"!" e&e ecept that

Reease 9 sha /e the "ini"!" e&e for the =M Appication #oo<it re7!ire"ents inGM 11.14.

o For ne+ reeases intro(!ce( after these (ates the teerin, Gro!p on the reco""en(ation of 

the A,ree"ent Gro!p +i "a<e (ecisions as to +hen ne+er reeases sha /eco"e the"ini"!" e&e.

2* @ach specification !se( sha either /e the c!rrent &ersion as appro&e( /$ @#= MG 8 3G'' #Gs)or other stan(ar(s /o($ as appropriate* or sha ha&e /een s!perse(e( no on,er than 12 "onthsa,o at the ti"e that the (ecaration is "a(e.

;here possi/e the specifications !se( sho!( /e part of the sa"e reease an( /ase( on a seti"pe"ente( foo+in, an @#= MG 8 3G'' #G "eetin,. #he Man!fact!rer Me"/er if it +ishes "a$"a<e !se of specifications fro" a reease hi,her than the "ini"!" for the (ecaration of one or "orein(i&i(!a feat!res.

#he Man!fact!rer Me"/er a+a$s retains the option to "a<e !se of o(er &ersions of a test as an aternati&eto the &ersion in the sa"e $ear$ reease as the core specifications co&ere( /$ the Decaration. #his optionarises fro" the ,enera ri,ht of the Man!fact!rer Me"/er to !se aternati&es to the tests iste( in the GCF'RDs pro&i(e( that an e7!i&aent e&e of confi(ence is "aintaine(.

>%#@: References to @#= Core pecifications are not &ai( an$ "ore after 30th L!ne 2001. After 

this (ate on$ 3G'' Core pecifications app$.

1&, 3ersions of .G +!ecifications

#he 3G'' Core pecification R99 March 02 &ersion is to /e !se( as the /asis for a &ai(ations s!/"itte(prior to /!t not inc!(in, GCF #RA A,ree"ent Gro!p Meetin, 5 )ept03*. At the GCF #RA A,ree"entGro!p Meetin, 5 &ai(ations +i /e accepte( a,ainst either the March 02 or March 03 &ersion of theree&ant 3G'' R99 Core stan(ar(s.

et+een GCF #RA A,ree"ent Gro!p Meetin, 5 an( GCF Co"/ine( GM #RA A,ree"ent Gro!pMeetin, 2 3G'' Core pecification R99 March 03 &ersion is to /e !se( as the /asis for a &ai(ationss!/"itte( )this inc!(es re-&ai(ations*. Fro" GCF #RA A,ree"ent Gro!p Meetin, &ai(ations a,ainst&ersions of the core stan(ar( earier than R99 March 03 +i no on,er /e &ai( an( +i /e re"o&e( fro" the


e,innin, +ith GCF Co"/ine( GM #RA A,ree"ent Gro!p Meetin, 3 3G'' Core pecification R99Dece"/er 04 &ersion is to /e !se( as the /asis for a protoco test case &ai(ations s!/"itte( )this inc!(esre-&ai(ations* for R99 De&ice @7!ip"ents. %ther test cases s!ch as RF test cases are not affecte( /$ this3G'' Core pecification constraint.

Decisions on the "i,rations to an$ ater stan(ar(s +i /e "a(e /$ the GCF teerin, Gro!p on thereco""en(ation of the #RA A,ree"ent Gro!p Certifications sho!( /e "a(e a,ainst a partic!ar 3G''core stan(ar( an( hence re-&ai(ations +i /e nee(e( to <eep the tests !p to (ate.

;here possi/e the specifications !se( sho!( /e part of the sa"e 3G'' reease an( &ersion an( /ase(on a set i"pe"ente( foo+in, a 3G'' #G "eetin,. #he Man!fact!rer Me"/er if it +ishes "a$ "a<e !se

of ater specification &ersions than the a,ree( &ersion for the partic!ar ta,e for (ecaration of one or "orein(i&i(!a feat!res.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 9 Version

#he Man!fact!rer Me"/er a+a$s retains the option to "a<e !se of o(er &ersions of a test as an aternati&eto the &ersion in the sa"e 3G'' reease as the core specifications co&ere( /$ the Decaration. #his optionarises fro" the ,enera ri,ht of the Man!fact!rer Me"/er to !se aternati&es to the tests iste( in the GCF'RDs pro&i(e( that an e7!i&aent e&e of confi(ence is "aintaine(.

1&. 3ersions of OMA +!ecifications

#he atest appro&e( &ersion)s* of the for"a$ reease( %MA Core an( #est pecifications on +hich GCF@na/er certification is /ase( sha /e !se( for ne+ &ai(ations an( the res!tin, reports s!/"itte( at theforthco"in, GCF CAG "eetin,. A %MA Core an( #est pecifications can /e (o+noa(e( fro" the foo+in,ocation: http:88+++.open"o/ieaiance.or,

1&/ 3ersions of C+ 3T +!ecifications

#he atest appro&e( &ersion)s* of the for"a$ reease( =#-# 3G'' C V# Core an( =M#C #estpecifications on +hich GCF C V# certification is /ase( sha /e !se( for &ai(ations an( the res!tin,reports.

#he =M#C test specifications are referre( to as:

3G-324M Vi(eo #eephon$ Acti&it$ Gro!p - #est Cases - Co"piance

3G-324M Vi(eo #eephon$ Acti&it$ Gro!p - #est Cases - =nteropera/iit$

Version 3. or ater appro&e( &ersion of the test specification sha /e !se( for test patfor" i"pe"entation.#est specifications are a&aia/e at the =M#C +e/ site:


4 Re5irements Ta#le for R678R69 de(ices

For Re7!ire"ents #a/e for R968R9 (e&ices see GCF 'RD-CC 3.19.0 or o(er.

7 Conformance Assessment Ta#le

#he Confor"ance Assess"ent re7!ire"ents for GCF are fo!n( in the GCF DCC Data/ase:


GCF CC re7!ire"ents are cassifie( into test stat!s Cass8Cate,or$ A C D ' an( > as (etaie( in thefoo+in, ca!ses.

7&* Fll +tats

7&*&* Class A: #ased on tests 'hich ha(e #een s!ecified #" an a!!ro!riate +DOand (alidated on commerciall" a(aila#le test e5i!ment

#he test has /een &ai(ate( an( is appica/e for the p!rposes of Certification. #his cass is !se( for a testp!rposes co&ere( /$ &ai(ate( Means of #est.

#his correspon(s to Cate,or$ A in the test ist in GM#AA (oc!"ent G#.01.

>%#@: #ests in this cass "a$ /e !se( for the p!rpose of reso&in, (isp!tes concernin, theconfor"it$ of a Certifie( De&ice.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 10 Version

7&*&, Class B: #ased on tests 'hich ha(e #een s!ecified #" an a!!ro!riate +DOand (alidated on commerciall" a(aila#le test e5i!ment 'ith e0ce!tions

#his cass is !se( for test p!rposes +hich are not co"pete$ &ai(ate(. #he parts of the test +hich ha&e/een &ai(ate( are appica/e for the p!rposes of Certification. Cases +here a test "a$ not /e +ho$&ai(ate( inc!(e:

a* Means of #est +here test p!rposes are not f!$ teste( /eca!se parts of the Means of #est are notco"pete an(8or incorrect an( therefore not &ai( for accre(ite( testin,.

/* Means of #est +here a H'AH &er(ict is a &ai( &er(ict /!t a HFA=BH &er(ict "a$ not /e &ai(.

c* Means of #est not &ai(ate( for a specia De&ice confi,!ration.

#his correspon(s to Cate,ories A8C an( A8D in the test ist in GM#AA (oc!"ent G#.01. ee that(oc!"ent for a (escription of +hich parts of the test ha&e /een &ai(ate(.

>%#@ 1: #he &ai(ate( parts of tests in this cass "a$ /e !se( for the p!rpose of reso&in,(isp!tes concernin, the confor"it$ of a Certifie( De&ice.

>%#@ 2: For 3G on$: this Cass sha not app$ for test cases +ith a (e&iation /et+een prosespecification an( ##C> +here the prose on$ nee(s to /e ai,ne( +ith the ##C> an( thetest p!rpose is not affecte(. =n these cases Cass A sha app$.


a* 'arts of a Means of #est are &ai(ate( on$ /eca!se so"e sections of the test pro,ra" are notco"pete an(8or fa!t$ an( therefore the reference( test p!rpose "i,ht /e part$ co&ere( or other reference( test p!rposes are not co&ere( at a.

/* A Means of #est is r!nnin, !p to a specific test section +here "ore than one correct De&ice /eha&io!r +o!( /e possi/e /!t on$ one specific /eha&io!r is ao+e( /$ the test pro,ra" an( therefore theDe&ice "i,ht !nfair$ HFA=BH in this section.

c* A Metho( of #est is +ritten for #C8 De&ices an( DA#A-on$ De&ices /!t the test can /e perfor"e(for #C8 De&ices on$.

7&*a3alidation +tats

7&*a&* Class C: #ased on tests 'hich ha(e #een s!ecified #" an a!!ro!riate +DOand (alidated on commerciall" a(aila#le test e5i!ment #t do not "et meetthe ;or< Item or Test Case certification entr" criteria

#he test has /een &ai(ate( /!t is not $et appica/e for the p!rposes of Certification i.e. the ;or< =te" @ntr$Criteria or the #est Case Certification @ntr$ Criteria is not $et "et. #his cass is !se( for a test p!rposesco&ere( /$ &ai(ate( Means of #est.

>%#@: #his cass is appica/e for feat!res intro(!ce( fro" G20.

7&*#Do'n)rade +tats

7&*#&* Class D: #ased on tests 'hich ha(e #een s!ecified #" an a!!ro!riate +DOfrom 'hich (alidation or fll stats has #een remo(ed

#he test has pre&io!s$ /een in f! or &ai(ation stat!s /!t f! or &ai(ation stat!s has /een re"o&e( /$ E5(a$ r!e or at an A,ree"ent Gro!p "eetin, )(o+n,ra(e(* an( ess than 45 (a$s has eapse( since thechan,e to Do+n,ra(e stat!s +as appro&e( /$ the A,ree"ent Gro!p.

;hen the test case has /een in Do+n,ra(e stat!s for 45 (a$s the test case +i re&ert to 'ro&isiona stat!s.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 11 Version

>%#@: #he !se of Do+n,ra(e stat!s an( Cass D ca"e into effect +hen the DCC (ata/aseca"e into !se. 'rior to that test cases (o+n,ra(e( fro" f! stat!s chan,e( to 'ro&isionatat!s Cass '.

7&, -ro(isional +tats

7&,&* Class -: #ased on tests 'hich ha(e #een s!ecified #" an a!!ro!riate +DOand not (alidated on commerciall" a(aila#le test e5i!ment

#his cass is !se( for #est p!rposes +hich are panne( for f!t!re i"pe"entation +ithin the Go/aCertification sche"e or for tests that ha&e /een in Do+n,ra(e stat!s for "ore than 45 (a$s.

>%#@: #ests in this cass sha not /e !se( for the p!rpose of reso&in, (isp!tes concernin, theconfor"it$ of a Certifie( De&ice.

7&. Other +tats

7&.&* Class N Test not a!!lica#le

#his cass co&ers the case +here a test p!rpose is not &ai( for a partic!ar /an(. #his cass is !se( for testp!rposes +hich are not appica/e to a partic!ar GM fre7!enc$ /an(.

9 Intero!era#ilit" Assessment Ta#le

#he =nteropera/iit$ assess"ent ta/es ist =nteropera/iit$ #est Cases an( (etais of their c!rrent testcate,ories. A ta/es are inc!(e( in (ecaration te"pates. ee Anne F.3.

6 Field Trials

6&* Field Trial Assessment Ta#le

6&*&* General

#he Fie( #ria assess"ent ta/es ist Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents an( (etais of their c!rrent test cate,ories. Ata/es are inc!(e( in (ecaration te"pates. ee Anne F.3.5..

6&*&, Field Trial Assessment Ta#le for +in)le = Mlti2RAT De(ices

in,e-RA# an( M!ti-RA# (e&ices sha f!fi Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents as o!tine( in the ta/e /eo+:

Ref&No& De(ice T"!e Field Trial





1 @-#RA on$ F.3.5.4 9.2.5 ? 9.2.1e>= ? #2# on$

M cassification )ection 9.2.1* notappica/e

2 @-#RA P#RA

F.3.5.4 P F.3.5.2 9.2.5 9.2.1 ?9.2.3

>= test res!ts to /e presente( !n(er#RA> )Q>=* ? @#RA> )Qe>=*#2# ? M is on$ eec!te( for #RA>

3 @-#RA PG@RA>

F.3.5.4 P F.3.5.1 9.2.5 9.2.1 ?9.2.2

>= test res!ts to /e presente( !n(erG@RA> )Q>=* ? @#RA> )Qe>=*#2# ? M is on$ eec!te( for G@RA>

4 @-#RA P#RA PG@RA>

F-3.5.4 P F.3.5.2 9.2.5 9.2.1 ?9.2.3

>= test res!ts to /e presente( !n(er#RA> )Q>=* ? @#RA> )Qe>=*#2# ? M is on$ eec!te( for #RA>

5 #RA on$ F.3.5.2 9.2.1 ? 9.2.3

#RA P F.3.5.2 9.2.1 ? 9.2.3


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GCF-CC 'a,e 12 Version

Ref&No& De(ice T"!e Field TrialRe5irement$s%Anne0




6 G@RA> on$ F.3.5.1 9.2.1 ? 9.2.2

#he foo+in, appies for "!ti-RA# (e&ices (escri/e( in the ta/e a/o&e +ith reference n!"/er 2 to 4:

- #he n!"/er of infrastr!ct!re co"/inations an( s!ppier re7!ire"ents for the @-#RA part of s!ch"!ti-RA# (e&ices sha /e that of @-#RA as (escri/e( in Chapter 9.2.5.

- #o i"it the n!"/er of infrastr!ct!re co"/inations to /e "et (!e to (ifferent infrastr!ct!re &en(ors!se( in (ifferent RA#s the foo+in, appies: For the #RA an(8or G@RA> part of s!ch "!ti-RA#(e&ices on$ the n!"/er of infrastr!ct!re co"/inations re7!ire( for those RA#s is to /e "et. Detaisare (escri/e( in Chapters 9.2.2 an( 9.2.3. #he s!ppier re7!ire"ents ,i&en in these chapters (o notha&e to /e "et.

For (e&ices !n(er the reference n!"/er 1 an( 5 to 6 the infrastr!ct!re co"/inations an( s!ppierre7!ire"ents in the specific cassification are appica/e.

6&, Classification of Field Trials Re5irements

For ease of reference to the nat!re of each t$pe of Fie( #ria e&er$ re7!ire"ent +i /e cassifie( as sho+n/eo+ an( in the foo+in, s!/ ca!ses. =n a((ition notes "a$ /e pro&i(e( as to the fre7!enc$ or con(itions!n(er +hich each test "!st /e eec!te(.

>ote 1: For ne+ Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents a #oerance 'erio( as (efine( in GCF-%' section5.3.6.2 "a$ /e appie( +hich "i,ht o&erri(e the "ini"!" Fie( #ria re7!ire"ents )e.,."ini"!" n!"/er of infrastr!ct!re co"/inations* as o!tine( in the cassifications /eo+.Detaie( infor"ation a/o!t a #oerance 'erio( per in(i&i(!a Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ent ispro&i(e( in the correspon(in, ;or< =te" Description an( Fie( #ria Assess"ent #a/e )Q

 Anne F3.5. ? Anne F5.*.

>ote 2: 'ease see >et+or< =nfrastr!ct!re Ana$sis (oc!"ent store( !n(er J%ther !sef!reference (oc!"entsK on the GCF +e/site for an$ propose( te"porar$ chan,es to the"ini"!" fie( tria re7!ire"ents.

6&,&* General Field Trial Classifications for De(ices

$+M+% For +M+ tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

• 3 (ifferent MC s!ppiers.

>%#@: #hese M re7!ire"ents are not appica/e for @-#RA> %n$ (e&ices.

$T,T% For De(ice2to2De(ice de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

• 5 (ifferent in(epen(ent (e&ice i"pe"entations s!pportin, ;-AMR

• 1 infrastr!ct!re co"/ination.

>%#@: =t is reco""en(e( that on$ appropriate GCF certifie( De&ices are !se( s!/ect toa&aia/iit$.

$NI and8or eNI% For Net'or<8+IM8UICC inde!endent tests it is re5ired to test onl" once


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GCF-CC 'a,e 13 Version

>%#@ 1: =t is reco""en(e( that in principe >= an(8or e>= re7!ire"ents are teste( !n(er rea i&econ(itions. o+e&er in so"e cases the !se of si"!ate( en&iron"ent or non-Fie( #ria!aifie( >et+or<s "a$ increase the efficienc$ of testin, +itho!t oss of confi(ence in theinteropera/iit$ of the (e&ice e.,. tests of the Cipherin, =n(icator an( ser =nterfacef!nctions for @"er,enc$ Cas.

>%#@ 2: =t is the Man!fact!rer Me"/erKs o+n (iscretion on ho+ to test e"er,enc$ cas ho+e&er if a si"!ate( en&iron"ent is !se( for e"er,enc$ cain, it is reco""en(e( that at eastone e"er,enc$ ca re7!ire"ent is "a(e on a i&e ra(io en&iron"ent.

>%#@ 3: #he !se of n> )Q >o f!rther >et+or< Confi,!ration s!pportin, this Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ent is co""ercia$ a&aia/e* or n )Q >o f!rther =M8=CC Confi,!rations!pportin, this Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ent is co""ercia$ a&aia/e* as a Fie( #ria res!t isnot per"itte( for >et+or<8=M8=CC in(epen(ent tests )>= an( e>=*.For eceptions to this r!e e.,. (!e to te"porar$ iss!es +ith partic!ar #est Cases chec<the co""ents fie(s of the reate( GCF-CC Annees F.3.5..

6&,&, Additional Classification for De(ices onl" s!!ortin) GERAN

>%#@: De&ices s!pportin, "ore than one G@RA> Fre7!enc$ an( sho!( /e prefera/$ fie(triae( in net+or< confi,!rations of each fre7!enc$ ran,e )appica/e to the GCF* +hichthe$ are s!pportin,. #his sha aso inc!(e at east one D!a an( G@RA> net+or<confi,!ration )e.,. GM 9008100*.

$BM% For GERAN B++8M+C net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S0 5 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent MC infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

$G-R+% For G-R+ net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S1 5 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations for (e&ices s!pportin, @G'R prefera/$ 3 infrastr!ct!reco"/inations sha s!pport @G'R:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent G> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent GG> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

 $,G+IM% For +IM8UICC de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S2 5 (ifferent =Ms8=CCs:

o %!t of 4 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent =Ms.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent =Ms.

6&,&. Additional Classification for De(ices s!!ortin) UTRA

>%#@: De&ices s!pportin, "ore than one #RA Fre7!enc$ an( sho!( /e prefera/$ fie(triae( in net+or< confi,!rations of each fre7!enc$ ran,e )appica/e to the GCF* +hich

the$ are s!pportin,. #his sha aso inc!(e at east one D!a an( #RA net+or<confi,!ration )e.,. ;CDMA 90082100*.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 14 Version

$RC% For RAN8CORE net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S3 5 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent RA> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent C%R@ infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

$BM% For GERAN B++8M+C net'or< de!endent tests it is !referred to test a)ainst

S4 5 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent MC infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

>ote: For efficienc$ of testin, the ocation for M cassifie( test cases "a$ /e cose or e7!a to

the ocation of the RC cassifie( test cases.

$-+% For -ac<et net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S5 5 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations. For De&ices s!pportin, D'A at east 3 of theinfrastr!ct!re co"/inations sha /e D'A co"piant. For De&ices s!pportin, @B at east 3 of theinfrastr!ct!re co"/inations sha /e @B co"piant:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent G> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent GG> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent RA> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

$+IM% For +IM8UICC de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S 5 (ifferent =Ms8=CCs:

o %!t of 4 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 1 =M.

o  A,ainst at east 4 (ifferent =Ms.

$,G% For GERAN re)ression tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst one infrastrctre com#ination&

>%#@: =t is reco""en(e( that these re7!ire"ents are teste( in a (!a /an( GM9008100G@RA> net+or< confi,!ration.

6&,&/ Additional Classification for De(ices s!!ortin) GAN $+U+-ENDED%

>%#@: #he GA> feat!re for GCF Fie( #rias is '@>D@D.

For (e&ices s!pportin, GA> it is re7!ire( to test a cate,ories.

$GANC+% For GAN8Circit core net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S6 3 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent GA> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 15 Version

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent C%R@ circ!it infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

$GAN-+% For GAN8-ac<et core net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S 3 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent GA> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent G> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

6&,&1 Additional Classification for De(ices s!!ortin) E2UTRA

De&ices s!pportin, "ore than one @-#RA Fre7!enc$ an( sho!( /e prefera/$ fie( triae( in net+or<confi,!rations of each /an( +hich the$ are s!pportin,. #his sha aso inc!(e at east one D!a an( @-#RA net+or< confi,!ration.

For (e&ices s!pportin, /oth @-#RA FDD an( @-#RA #DD at east one FDD /an( an( one #DD /an(sha /e fie( triae(. #he chosen D!a an( @-#RA net+or< confi,!ration sho!( prefera/$ s!pport /oth

@-#RA FDD an( @-#RA #DD.

For (e&ices s!pportin, "o/iit$ /et+een @-#RA FDD an( @-#RA #DD at east one @-#RA net+or<confi,!ration sha s!pport /oth @-#RA FDD an( @-#RA #DD.

$eUC% For E2UTRA8E-C net'or< de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S9 3 (ifferent infrastr!ct!re co"/inations:

o %!t of at east 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent RA> infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent MM@ infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent -G; infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

o  A,ainst at east 2 (ifferent '-G; infrastr!ct!re s!ppiers.

$e+IM% For +IM8UICC de!endent tests it is re5ired to test a)ainst

S10 3 (ifferent =CCs:

o %!t of 2 (ifferent net+or<s.

o  A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent =Ms.

>%#@: #his cassification is on$ appica/e +hen testin, @#RA> %n$ (e&ices.

6&,&4 Additional Classification for De(ices s!!ortin) RC+

>%#@: #he ;=-142 HRC Fie( #riaH is not Acti&e.

=t is re7!ire( that on$ appropriate ELo$n accre(ite( reference cients are !se( as reference.

For RC+ Client dependent Field Trial testing it is required to test:

 A,ainst at east 3 (ifferent reference cients:

• %!t of at east 3 (ifferent cient appication &en(ors

• %!t of 2 (ifferent % t$pes

• %!t of at east 3 (ifferent (e&ices.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 1 Version

• %!t of east 2 (ifferent (e&ice &en(ors

For RC+ +er(er de!endent Field Trial Testin) the client nder test shall #e tested:

 A,ainst 3 (ifferent ser&er confi,!rations:

• %!t of at east 3 (ifferent RC =M core s!ppiers

• %!t of at east 3 (ifferent RC =M-A s!ppiers

For RC+ inter client >inter ser(er Field Trial Testin) the client nder test shall #e tested:

 A,ainst 3 (ifferent ser&ers an( 3 references (e&ices as (escri/e( a/o&e.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 16 Version

Anne0 A:Re)ional Re)lator" Re5irements

Detais of tests +hich "!st /e perfor"e( in or(er to co"p$ +ith Re,iona Re,!ator$ Re7!ire"ents are,i&en in the foo+in, ta/e /ase( on the ist of har"onise( stan(ar(s in the %fficia Lo!rna of the @!ropeanCo""!nit$ C104 iss!e( Apri 11 2012.

=t sho!( /e note( that the tests iste( in this anne are (!e to the (ifference in iss!e reso!tion process as(efine( in GCF-A' ca!se 12.3 an( not (!e to that re,!ator$ tests are a!to"atica$ inc!(e( +ithin thescope of GCF.

G+M **&*? 8T+ 1*&?*?2*


Associated GCF;or< Item

Re)ion 8 Re)lator" Re5irement

EU 8 R=TTEDirecti(e

12.1.1 Con(!cte( sp!rio!s e"issions - M aocate( a channe ;=-005 Tes

12.1.2 Con(!cte( sp!rio!s e"issions - M in i(e "o(e ;=-005 Tes

12.2.1 Ra(iate( sp!rio!s e"issions - M aocate( a channe ;=-005 Tes

12.2.2 Ra(iate( sp!rio!s e"issions - M in i(e "o(e ;=-005 Tes13.1 #rans"itter Fre7!enc$ error an( phase error ;=-005 Tes

13.2 #rans"itter Fre7!enc$ error !n(er "!tipath an(interference con(itions

;=-005 Tes #rans"itter o!tp!t po+er an( /!rst ti"in, - M +ithper"anent antenna connector 

;=-005 Tes

13.4 #rans"itter - %!tp!t RF spectr!" ;=-005 Tes13. #rans"itter Fre7!enc$ error an( phase error in CD

"!tisot confi,!rationTes

13.6 #rans"itter o!tp!t po+er an( /!rst ti"in, in CDconfi,!rations


13. #rans"itter %!tp!t RF spectr!" in CD "!tis otconfi,!ration


13.1.1 Fre7!enc$ error an( phase error in G'R "!tisotconfi,!ration

;=-00 Tes

13.1.2 #rans"itter o!tp!t po+er in G'R "!tisot confi,!ration ;=-00 Tes

13.1.3 %!tp!t RF spectr!" in G'R "!tisot confi,!ration ;=-00 Tes

13.16.1 Fre7!enc$ error an( Mo(!ation acc!rac$ in @G'R


;=-006 Tes

13.16.2 Fre7!enc$ error !n(er "!tipath an( interferencecon(itions in @G'R Confi,!ration

;=-006 Tes

13.16.3-1 @G'R #rans"itter o!tp!t po+er- M +ith per"anentantenna connector 

;=-006 Tes

13.16.4 %!tp!t RF spectr!" in @G'R Confi,!ration ;=-006 Tes14.6.1 oc<in, an( sp!rio!s response - speech channes ;=-005 Tes

14.1.5 oc<in, an( sp!rio!s response in @G'R Confi,!ration ;=-006 Tes


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GCF-CC 'a,e 1 Version

T+ ./&*,*2*Re5irement


AssociatedGCF ;or< Item

Re)ion 8 Re)lator" Re5irement

EU 8 R=TTEDirecti(e


5.2 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 Mai"!" %!tp!t 'o+er ;=-010 Tes Tes5.3 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 Fre7!enc$ @rror ;=-010 Tes

5.4.3 #rans"itter Characterist ics 8 %!tp!t 'o+er D$na"ics in thepin<8 Mini"!" %!tp!t 'o+er 

;=-010 Tes

5.4.4 #rans"itter Characterist ics 8 %!tp!t 'o+er D$na"ics in thepin<8 %!t-of-s$nchronisation an(in, of %!tp!t 'o+er 

;=-010 Tes

5.4.4A %!t-of-s$nchroniation han(in, of o!tp!t po+er for a @+hich s!pports t$pe1 for DC )Re-6*

;=-14 Tes

5.5.1 #rans"it %FF 'o+er ;=-010 Tes

5. #rans"itter Characteristics 8 %cc!pie( an(+i(th )%;* ;=-010 Tes5.9 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 pectr!" @"ission Mas< ;=-010 Tes

5.9A #rans"itter Characterist ics 8 pectr!" @"ission Mas< +ith-D'CC

;=-014 Tes Tes

5.9 #rans"itter Characterist ics 8 pectr!" @"ission Mas< +ith@-DC

;=-025 Tes Tes

5.10 #rans"itter Characterist ics 8 A(acent Channe Bea<a,e'o+er Ratio )ACBR*

;=-010 Tes Tes

5.10A #rans"itter Characteristics 8 A(acent Channe Bea<a,e'o+er Ratio )ACBR* +ith -D'CC

;=-014 Tes Tes

5.10 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 A(acent Channe Bea<a,e

'o+er Ratio )ACBR* +ith @-DC

;=-025 Tes Tes

5.11 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 p!rio!s @"issions ;=-010 Tes Tes

.2 Recei&er Characteristics 8 Reference ensiti&it$ Be&e ;=-010

.4Recei&er Characteristics 8 A(acent Channe eecti&it$)AC*

;=-010 Tes

.5 Recei&er Characteristics 8 oc<in, Characteristics ;=-010 Tes

. Recei&er Characteristics 8 p!rio!s Response ;=-010 Tes

.6 Recei&er Characteristics 8 =nter"o(!ation Characteristics ;=-010 Tes

. Recei&er Characteristics 8 p!rio!s @"issions ;=-010 Tes Tes

>ote: #C 5.4.4A i"picit$ co&ers the re7!ire"ents in #C 5.4.4.

T+ .4&1,*2*Re5irement


AssociatedGCF ;or< Item

Re)ion 8 Re)lator" Re5irement

EU 8 R=TTEDirecti(e


.2.2 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 @ Mai"!" %!tp!t 'o+er ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

.3.2 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 Mini"!" %!tp!t 'o+er ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

.5.1 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 Fre7!enc$ @rror ;=-008;=-0908


..1 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 %cc!pie( an(+i(th ;=-008;=-0908


..2.1 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 pectr!" @"ission Mas< ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

..2.3 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 A(acent Channe Bea<a,eRatio


Tes Tes

..3.1 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 #rans"itter p!rio!se"issions


Tes Tes

..3.2 #rans"itter Characteristics 8 p!rio!s e"ission /an( @co-eistence


Tes Tes

6.3 Recei&er Characteristics 8 Reference sensiti&it$ e&e ;=-008;=-0908


6.5 Recei&er Characteristics 8 A(acent Channe eecti&it$ ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

6..1 Recei&er Characteristics 8 =n-/an( /oc<in, ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

6..2 Recei&er Characteristics 8 %!t-of-/an( /oc<in, ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

6..3 Recei&er Characteristics 8 >arro+ /an( /oc<in, ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

6.6 Recei&er Characteristics 8 p!rio!s response ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

6..1 Recei&er Characterist ics 8 =nter"o(!ation Characteristics ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

6.9 Recei&er Characteristics 8 p!rio!s @"issions ;=-008;=-0908

Tes Tes

>ote: JK in the EAssociate( GCF ;or< =te" -co!"n stan(s for the /an(s in each Re,ion.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 19 Version

Anne0 B:Featres defined for R67869 G-R+ Recommended +et

#his Anne contains the G'R feat!res not in scope of GCF for a (e&ice s!pportin, the R9689 G'RReco""en(e( et. Feat!res not iste( as o!tsi(e are consi(ere( to /e insi(e scope of GCF reco""en(e(et.

For a (e&ice s!pportin, the F! et feat!res o!tsi(e GCF Reco""en(e( et are in scope of certification.

#his Anne aso (escri/es the e&o!tion of feat!res for R9689 Reco""en(e( et 2 an( R9689Reco""en(e( et 3.

Feat!res iste( !n(er R9689 Reco""en(e( et 1 refers the feat!res in scope prior to (efinition ofReco""en(e( et 2 et 2.5 an( 3.

Featres otside sco!e of R67869 GCF Recommended +et:

S11 G'R @ten(e( Meas!re"ents.

S12 'ac<et !e!in, >otification.

S13 '= 3/is >ei,h/o!r Ce 'ara"eter Co(in, Metho( >C'2.

S14 >C1.

S15 G'R in (e(icate( "o(e.

S1 Cose( en(e( #F assi,n"ent.

S16 hort Access.

S1 Fie( Aocation.

E(oltion of featres in sco!e of R67869 GCF Recommended +ets:

R97/98 Recommended Set #1:

S19 >M% =.

S20 >M% ===.

S21 M!tipe 'CCC.

S22 oppin, 'CC.

S23 oppin, 'CCC.

S24 oppin, 'D#C.

S25 C31 8 C32.

S2 >C0.

S26 M!tipein, of 'CC8'CCC an( 'D#C8'ACC.

S2 '= sche(!in,.

S29 Varia/e 'CC8'CCC "appin,.

S30 C para"eters.

S31 'B=#N'GNCTCB@.

S32 >on-DRO "o(e.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 20 Version


#(oc G'-011914: 3G'' #G G@RA> . Reco""en(e( Feat!re set for =%# testin, of the R96G'R 'CC8'CCC f!nctionait$.

#(oc G'-011963 =%# pro,ra" for 'CC8'CCC feat!res.

R97/98 Recommended Set # 2:

S33 Reco""en(e( et1 feat!res )as iste( in G'-011914*.

S34 #F tartin, #i"e.

S35 Co(in, che"es C1 C2 C3 ? C4.

S3 RBC8MAC Contro e,"entation.

S36 %ptiona %ctets in RBC8MAC Contro oc< ea(er.

S3 F Gran!arit$.

S39 M!tipe 'CCC.

S40 !pport of the +hoe &ai(it$ ran,e for N'CCNBU N'AGNBUNR@N'RACNBU.


S42 '=1 an( '=13 on 'ACC.

S43 Reso!rce Reaocation for pin< #F )3G'' 04.0 ca!se .*.

S44 D$na"ic '= chan,es.

S45 'ersistence Contro 'ara"eters )'RAC Contro 'ara"eters =@* on /oth 'CC )'=1* an('CCC )'ac<et 'RAC 'ara"eters "essa,e*.

Recommended Set # 2.5:

• Reco""en(e( et 2.

• 'ac<et Assi,n"ent Direct @nco(in, 2.

• 'CC (escription for the tar,et ce in '=3 an( '=3/is in the ser&in, ce.

R97/98 Recommended Set # 3:

• Reco""en(e( et 2.5.

>C2 or >C2 s!/set if ree&ant. )#his appies to R9689 G'R*.


#(oc A-02-: 'roposa for the e&o!tion of the GCF G'R Reco""en(e( ets


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GCF-CC 'a,e 22 Version

Anne0 D:R66 Test case a!!lica#ilit" e0ce!tions

#his Anne (escri/es an$ eceptions in Certification Criteria to /e appie( for R99 (e&ices a((itiona$ to theappica/e test cases (eri&e( fro" 3G'' 51.010-2 E'rotoco ="pe"entation Confor"ance tate"ent )'=C*profor"a specification.

D&* Adio Release / and Release 1

=f the (e&ice i"pe"ents a!(io accor(in, to 3G'' Reease 4 or Reease 5 this sho!( /e in(icate( /$ eitherof the options

 AD=%-R4: A!(io i"pe"ente( a,ainst reease R4

 AD=%-R5: A!(io i"pe"ente( a,ainst reease R5

=f one of those %ptions are s!pporte( the a!(io test cases in 3G'' 51.010-2 appica/e for Reease 4 or

ater reease sha /e appie( as Certification Criteria instea( of the A!(io test cases appica/e for 'hase 2an( !p to R99 (e&ices.

D&, +M+ T"!e ?

For a (e&ice s!pportin, M )hort Messa,e er&ice* the 3G'' 51.010-2 in(icates t+o choices for the testcases 34.2.:

34.2. #est of short "essa,e t$pe 0 if the (e&ice is a 'h2 R9R99 or R@B-4 (e&ice

34.2.a #est of short "essa,e t$pe 0 if the (e&ice is a R@B 5 or ,reater (e&ice.

For a (e&ice to /e GCF Certifie( the Reease 5 &ersion of test case 34.2.a sha a+a$s /e appie(.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 23 Version

Anne0 E: ;or< Item ListsTa#le

#he ;or< =te" Bists#a/e ists sho+ appro&e( ;or< =te"s. #here is one ;or< =te" Bist for confor"ance an(=%' +or< ite"s )see @.1* an( one ;or< =te" Bist for fie( testin, +or< ite"s )see @.2*. For (escription of;or< =te" Bist fie(s see @.3.

E&* ;or< Item List for conformance and IO- testin) 'or< items

#he ;or< =te" Bist for confor"ance an( =%' testin, can /e fo!n( in DCC:

1. Go to GCF "e"/erKs +e/-site at http:88"e"/er.,o/acertificationfor!".or,8  

2. Bo,in to the "e"/erKs porta

3. eect EDCC -W @porer-W E;or< =te"s.

>%#@ 1: ;or< =te" ;=-001 inc!(es optiona feat!res a((e( after 'hase 2 !p to an( inc!(in, R9. @ceptions areA# R9 G'R R96an( AMR R9.

>%#@ 2: ;or< ite" ;=-011 inc!(es >ACC an( @ten(e( pin< #F.

>%#@ 3: Accor(in, to (ecision at CAG1 the +or< ite" ;=-020 on %MA '%C 1.0 is s!spen(e( for ti"e /ein,)+or< ite" /ein, not acti&e an( &ai(ation acti&ities are p!t on ho(* !nti confir"ation of intention to a!nch%MA '%C ser&ices in operator net+or<s is recei&e(.

E&, ;or< Item List for field testin) 'or< items

#he ;or< =te" Bist for fie( testin, can /e fo!n( on the GCF "e"/erKs +e/-site:

1. Goto GCF "e"/erKs +e/-site at http:88"e"/er.,o/acertificationfor!".or,8  

2. Bo,in to the "e"/erKs porta

3. eect E%fficia Doc!"ents -W EF#AG ;=Ds.

E&. Descri!tion of ;or< Item List fields

#he Work Item Description fie( contains the na"e of the ;or< =te".

#he Work Item Stats fie( in(icates the stat!s of the ;or< =te":

S4 !n"oin" : )ee GCF-%' for f! (efinition*.

S46 ro$en: )ee GCF-%' for f! (efinition*.

S4 %omp&eted : )ee GCF-%' for f! (efinition*.

S49 Sspended: 'Work item not acti&e an( &ai(ations8re-&ai(ations acti&ities p!t on ho(*.

S50 (erminated: )ee GCF-%' for f! (efinition*.

#he %ertification Stats fie( in(icates the certification stat!s of the ;or< =te":

S51 )ot *cti+e: #he ;or< =te" is not a&aia/e for certification.

S52  *cti+e: #he ;or< =te" is a&aia/e for certification.

>%#@: #he %ertification Stats fie( is set accor(in, r!es (efine( for the ;or< =te" Certification@ntr$ Criteria in the correspon(in, ;or< =te" Description.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 24 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-001 GM 'hase 2 )>ote1*

Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-002 A# R9 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-003 G'R R96 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-004 AMR R9 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-005 GM R99 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00 G'R R99 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-006 @G'R Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00 A# R99 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-009 AMR R99 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-010 FDD R99 Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-011 2G Re-4 )>ote 2* Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-012 FDD R99@nhance"ents

Co"pete( Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-013 FDD Re-4 an( Re-5 @nhance"ents

Froen Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-014 FDD D'A Re-5 Froen Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-015 A-G' );CDMA*R99

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01 A-G' )GM* R9 #er"inate( >ot Acti&e GCF CAG Laco/ Lohn)Motoroa*

;=-016 D#M Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01 V# =%' #estin, %n,oin, Acti&eGCF CAG

GCF ecretariat

)Chris o,,*;=-019 @nhance( V#


Co"pete( Acti&e


GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-020 %MA 'oC 1.0 !spen(e(ee >ote 3

>ot Acti&eee >ote 3 GCF CAG


;=-021 %MA =M' 1.2.1=%' #estin,

#er"inate( >ot Acti&eGCF CAG

ten ;en(e)on$ @ricsson*

;=-022 %MA MM 1.0 1.1an( 1.2

#er"inate( >ot Acti&eGCF CAG

%af YZner)Vo(afone*

;=-023 2G Re-4@nhance"ents

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-024 FDD Re-@nhance"ents

Froen Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-025 FDD @nhance(pin< Re-

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02 %MA =M' 1.2.1Confor"ance#estin,

#er"inate( >ot Acti&eGCF CAG

ten ;en(e)on$ @ricsson*

;=-026 Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ents: FDDD'A Re-5

#er"inate( "er,e( into;=-0 EFie(#riaRe7!ire"ents:for #RA

>ot Acti&e

GCF F# AGMarc %!+ehan()>o<ia*

;=-02 Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ents:2G82.5G

#er"inate( "er,e( into;=-10 EFie(#riaRe7!ire"ents:


>ot Acti&e


Marc %!+ehan()>o<ia*


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GCF-CC 'a,e 25 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-029 Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ents: FDDR99

#er"inate(  "er,e( into;=-0 EFie(#ria

Re7!ire"ents:for #RA

>ot Acti&e


te+art 'oe$)>o<ia*

;=-030 A-G' "ini"!"perfor"ance )Re-*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-031 3G'' =M CC Re-5an( Re-

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF CAG #i"o %i<arinen)#eiaoneraFinan(*

;=-032 MM 1.OConfor"ance testin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-033 MM 1.O =%'testin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-035 A# Confor"ance#estin,

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-03 FDD M# 900M an( V===

Froen Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-039 %MA ro+sin, %n,oin, Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-041 Cipherin, A,orith" A582 Re"o&a

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-042 %MA De&iceMana,e"ent 1.2

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-043 Cipherin, A,orith" A583 for GMMo/ie tations

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAGGCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-044 Cipherin, A,orith"G@A3 for G'RMo/ie tations

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAGGCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-046 FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, )=-V* an(FDD =nter-/an(

Main ;or< =te"Description

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG

GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-04 Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ents for@DG@

#er"inate( "er,e( into;=-10 EFie(#riaRe7!ire"ents:forGM8G'R8@G'R

>ot Acti&e GCF F#AG

er,e Danan)%ran,e France*

;=-049 FDD M!ti"e(iaroa(cast M!ticaster&ice )roa(cast*)FDD MM)C**

#er"inate( >ot Acti&e GCF CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*

;=-050 Cipherin, A,orith"

G@A2 for G'RMo/ie tations

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAGGCF ecretariat

)Chris o,,*

;=-051 FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, )=-V=*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-052 FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, )=-V===*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-053 FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, )=-=O*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-055 DV- earer Froen Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-05 %MA CA# 1.0 #er"inate( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Mar<!sanhisao)>o<ia*

;=-05 %MA 'B 1.0 Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 26/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 2 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-059 GA> Co"pete( Acti&e GCF CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02 Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ents:

@nhance( pin<)@B*

#er"inate(  "er,e( into

;=-0 EFie(#riaRe7!ire"ents:for #RA

>ot Acti&e GCF F# AG ans-Loachi"ch!e


;=-04 GA> for Fie( #rias !spen(e( !spen(e( GCF F# AG er,e Danan)%ran,e France*

;=-05 @nhance( %MACA# 1.0

#er"inate( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Mar<!sanhisao)>o<ia*

;=-0 Fie( #riaRe7!ire"ents: for#RA

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF F# AG Marc %!+ehan()>o<ia*

;=-06 M=M% )M!tipe=np!t M!tipe%!tp!t* FDD Re. 6

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA


;=-0 'A - ="pro&e( B2s!pport for hi,h (atarates )FDD Re-6*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-09 'A 4AM forD'A )FDD Re-6*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-060 'A Contin!o!sconnecti&it$ forpac<et (ata !sers)FDD Re-6*

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-061 teerin, of Roa"in,)!a( reect* Fie(#rias

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-F#AG ao ch!e)Vo(afone*

;=-065 ;-AMR Fie( #rias %n,oin, Acti&e GCF-F#AG ao ch!e)Vo(afone*

;=-06 D'A RF'erfor"ance )FDDRe-*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00801 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 1

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00803 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 3

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00804 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 4

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00805 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 5

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-00806 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 6

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-0080 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 0

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00811 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 11 %n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00812 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 12

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Laco/ Lohn)MotoroaMo/iit$ =nc*

;=-00813 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 13

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00814 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 14

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Laco/ Lohn)MotoroaMo/iit$ =nc*

;=-0081 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 1

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00819 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 19

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00820 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 20

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-00821 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 21

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 27/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 26 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-00825 @-#RA RF Re-FDD an( 25

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,ies

G"/*;=-0082 @-#RA RF Re-

FDD an( 2%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora


;=-01801 @-#RA 'rotocosRe- FDD an( 1

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01803 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 3

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01804 @-#RA 'rotocosRe- FDD an( 4

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01805 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 5

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-01806 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 6

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-0180 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 0

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01811 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 11

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01812 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 12

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Vi&ien 'eric<)>@C#echnoo,ies*

;=-01813 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 13

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01814 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 14

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Vi&ien 'eric<)>@C*

;=-0181 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 1

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01819 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 19

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01820 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 20 Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01821 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 21

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-01825 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 25

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*

;=-0182 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- FDD an( 2

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*

;=-02801 @'C 'rotocos Re-FDD

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02803 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 3

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02804 @'C 'rotocos Re-FDD an( 04

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02805 @'C 'rotocos Re-FDD an( 05

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-02806 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 6

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-0280 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 0

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02811 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 11

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02812 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 12

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG to$an ae&)a"s!n,@ectronics CoBt(*

;=-02813 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 13

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 28/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 2 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-02814 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD /an( 14

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG to$an ae&)a"s!n,*

;=-0281 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 1

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02819 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 19

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02820 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 20

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02821 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 21

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-02825 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 25

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*

;=-0282 @'C 'rotoco Re-FDD an( 2

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*


B#@ FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, for B#@ FDDan( 01 an( 03an( an( 05

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*


B#@ FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, for B#@ FDDan(s 01 11 119an( 21

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*


B#@ FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, for B#@ FDDan( 03 an( 06an( an( 20

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*


B#@ FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, for B#@ FDDan( 4 12 13 1425 an( 2

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*

;=-0 @' FDD - M#FDD =nter-RA#'rotoco Re-Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-06 @' FDD - G@RA>=nter-RA# 'rotocoRe- Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-0 @' FDD -CDMA2000 =nter-RA# 'rotoco Re-Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-09 @#RA> FDD -#RA> FDD -G@RA> "!ti-RA#'rotoco Re-Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-09083 @-#RA RF Re-#DD an( 3

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-090839 @-#RA RF Re-#DD an( 39

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-090840 @-#RA RF Re-#DD an( 40

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-090841 @-#RA RF Re-

#DD an( 41

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat

)Chris o,,*;=-09183 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- #DD an( 3

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 29/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 29 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-091839 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- #DD an( 39

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-091840 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- #DD an( 40

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-091841 @-#RA 'rotocoRe- #DD an( 41

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-09283 @'C 'rotoco Re-#DD an( 3

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-092839 @'C 'rotoco Re-#DD an( 39

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-092840 @'C 'rotoco Re-#DD an( 40

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-092841 @'C 'rotoco Re-#DD an( 41

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


B#@ #DD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, for B#@ #DDan( 3 an( an(39 an( an( 40

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-09 GCF-;=-09 @'#DD - M# #DD=nter-RA# 'rotocoRe- Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-096 GCF-;=-096 @'#DD - G@RA> =nter-RA# 'rotoco Re-Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-099 GCF-;=-099@#RA> #DD -#RA> #DD -G@RA> "!ti-RA#'rotoco Re-Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Oiaohon,C@> )Datan,Mo/ie*

;=-100 ;=-100 %#A  Antenna'erfor"anceMeas!re"ents

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-101 Cipherin, for FDDRe-6

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-102 BA#R@DGM8@DG@ Re-6

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG @ni<[ o<on(\r  )Research =nMotion*

;=-103 M!ti"e(ia#eephon$ er&icesfor =M )M#=*GMA =R.92 profie

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG >iha(a'oricanin )#-@ricsson*

;=-104 >et+or< eection


%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG @ni<[ o<on(\r

)R=M*;=-10 Fie( #rias forGM8G'R8@G'R

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-F#AG Marc %!+ehan()>o<ia*

;=-109 ;i(e/an( AMRa!(io

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-110 @nhance(C@BBNFAC state in#RA FDD

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Lar<<o esten)Renesas Mo/ie@!rope*

;=-112 1AM in @B %n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Lar<<o esten)Renesas Mo/ie@!rope*

;=-113 D'A'erfor"ance for@nhance( Recei&er#$pe 3

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-114 'A 4AM@nhance"ents)FDD Re-6*

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 30/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 30 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-115 Reease 4 an( 6a!(io test cases

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-11 "art Car( ;e/er&er 

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-116 Do+nin< D!aCarrier Re-6)@&o&e(GM8@DG@ Ra(io

 Access >et+or<*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG @ni<[ o<on(\r  )Research =nMotion*

;=-11 'A M=M%@nhance"ents)FDD Re-6*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Lar<<o esten)Renesas Mo/ie@!rope*

;=-119 Fir"+are p(ateMana,e"ent %/ect)FM%*

!spen(e( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAGGCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-120 %MA oft+areCo"ponentMana,e"ent %/ect)C%M%*

!spen(e( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAGGCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-121 B#@ Fie( #rias %n,oin, Acti&e GCF-F#AG Marc%!+ehan()>o<ia*

;=-122 A583 Cipherin, Fie(#rias

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-F#AG ans-Loachi"ch!e)Vo(afone D2G"/*

;=-123 C Voice %&er'A for Re. 6 an(Re.

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""CDMA#echnoo,iesG"/*

;=-124 Recei&er #$pe 3i for#RA Re. forin,e Carrier 

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-125 =M inter+or<in,+ith @-#RA8@'CRe-

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-12 =' #C' er&erMo(e

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-126 @#; %n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG 'hi ro+n )>##DoCoMo*

;=-12 M o&er =M %n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG >iha(a'oricanin )#-@ricsson*

;=-129 D!a Ce D'A%peration on

 A(acent Carriers in#RA FDD

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Chris o,,)GCF*

;=-130 ="pro&e( Ba$er 2pin< )FDD Re-*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Beif Mattisson)@ricsson*

;=-131 @nhance( B for

C@BBNFAC state in#RA FDD )Re-*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Lar<<o esten

)Renesas Mo/ie@!rope*

;=-132 ;CDMA FDD===)100M*

!spen(e( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Mo"arGo!"/ae)%ran,e France*

;=-133 in,e ;ire 'rotoco);'* an( ostControer =nterface)C=*

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-134 %MA 'B 2.0 %n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-135 FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin, )=-===*

!spen(e( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*

;=-13 FDD =nter-/an(Confor"ance

#estin, )===-V===*

!spen(e( >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF ecretariat)Chris o,,*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 31/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 31 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-136 A# inter+or<in,+ith @-#RA8@'CRe-

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG %af YZner)Vo(afone*

;=-13 @nhance( #RA

Fie( #riare7!ire"ents forRe- FastDor"anc$ ? RA-'C


"er,e( into;=-0 EFie(#riaRe7!ire"ents:for #RA

>ot Acti&e GCF-F#AG Marc %!+ehan(



;=-139 @nhance( D!a-a$er trans"issionfor B#@ #DD Re-9Confor"ance#estin,

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG Oiao hanpen,)China Mo/ie*

;=-140 >et+or< = nitiate(econ(ar$ 'D'Contet Acti&ation)FDD #RA Re-6*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Beif Mattisson)@ricsson*


;=-142 RC-e 1.2 Fie(#rias

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF F#AG Man!e ain)#eefXnica*

3.4 )282012*

;=-143 Cipherin, =n(icatorFie( #rias

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF F#AG ao ch!e)Vo(afone D2G"/*

3.45 )182012*

;=-144 >et+or< >a"e %n,oin, #er"inate(  "er,e(into ;=-0EFie( #riaRe7!ire"ents: for #RA

GCF F#AG Martin a!ter)Dt. #ee<o"*

3.45 )182012*

;=-145 ='& %n,oin, Acti&e GCF F#AG Martin a!ter)Dt. #ee<o"*

3.45 )182012*

;=-14 'a,in, 'er"ission+ith Access Contro)''AC*

Froen Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-146 >on-"o(e"proce(!res of eCa

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-14 @nhance( recei&erperfor"ance of t$pe1 for DC )#RARe-6*

Co"pete( Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

;=-149-1 VAM%-1 )Voiceser&ices o&er

 A(apti&e M!ti-!serChannes on %neot*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Lar<<o esten)Renesas Mo/ie@!rope*

;=-149-2 VAM%-2 )Voiceser&ices o&er

 A(apti&e M!ti-!serChannes on %neot*

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Lar<<o esten)Renesas Mo/ie@!rope*

;=-150 Re-9 B#@@nhance"entsparent ;= on$

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG 'hi ro+n)>## DoCoMo*

;=-150801 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 1

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG 'hi ro+n )>##DoCoMo =nc*

;=-150803 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 3

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG #i"o %i<arinen)#eiaoneraFinan( 'BC*

;=-150804 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 4

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Laco/ Lohn)MotoroaMo/iit$*

;=-150806 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 6

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG %af YZner)Vo(afone D2*

;=-15080 Re-9 @'@nhance"ents


%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG U$e Don,hoon)U#*

;=-150811 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 11

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""*


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/gcf-cc-3501changes-highlighted 32/80

GCF-CC 'a,e 32 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion

;=-150813 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 13

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Laco/ Lohn)MotoroaMo/iit$*

;=-15081 Re-9 @'

@nhance"entsan( 1

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora


;=-150819 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 19

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG 'hi ro+n )>##DoCoMo =nc*

;=-150820 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 20

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Martin a!ter)De!tsche#ee<o"*

;=-150821 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 21

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG 'hi ro+n )>##DoCoMo =nc*

;=-150825 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 25

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""*

;=-15082 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 2

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""*

;=-15083 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 3

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Oiao hanpen,)CMCC*

;=-150839 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 39

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Oiao hanpen,)CMCC*

;=-150840 Re-9 @'@nhance"entsan( 40

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Oiao hanpen,)CMCC*


@-#RA8@'C D!a"o(e )FDD8#DD*Re-9 FDD an( 06- #DD an( 40

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Oiao hanpen,)China Mo/ie*


@-#RA8@'C D!a"o(e )FDD8#DD*Re-9 FDD an( 25- #DD an( 41

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG Da&i( o"es)Cear ;ireessBBC*

;=-152 %MA RC-e 1.2 =%'#estin,

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG FerreiroGarciaLa&ier)#eefonicaMo&ies )pain**

;=-153 %MA RC-e 1.2Confor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG FerreiroGarciaLa&ier)#eefonicaMo&ies )pain**

;=-154 =M @"er,enc$Cas o&er @'

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG to$an ae&)a"s!n,*

;=-155 Confor"ance#estin, for Re-Fast Dor"anc$

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG @ni<o o<on(ar)R=M*


Re. 9 B#@@nhance"ents=nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin,FDD an(s 01 111 19 an( 21

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""*


Re. 9 B#@@nhance"ents=nter-/an(Confor"ance#estin,FDD an(s 04 1325 an( 2

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora)!aco""*

;=-156 Ai,n"ent an(@nhance"ent of

 A!(io #ests

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG M!harre"Ge(i<o,!


GCF-CC &3.49)182013*


#RA CG )Cose(!/scri/er Gro!p*Re-

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG esten Lar<<o)Renesas*

GCF-CC &3.52)482013*


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GCF-CC 'a,e 33 Version

;or<Item No&

;or< Item ;or< Item+tats

Certification stats



Ra!!orter Tar)et ;or< ItemCertification Entr"

Date 8 GCF2CC(ersion


#RA CG )Cose(!/scri/er Gro!p*Re-9

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG esten Lar<<o)Renesas*

GCF-CC &3.52)482013*

;=-159 Re-9 @nhance"ent

@' FDD -CDMA2000 =nter-RA# 'rotocoConfor"ance#estin,

%n,oin, >ot Acti&e GCF-CAG h!/han, Vora


;=-10 >=-=CC ? =MConfor"ance#estin,)reassi,n"ent ofeistin, #Cs fro";=-010*

%n,oin, Acti&e GCF-CAG GCF %ffice)Chris o,,*

>%#@ 1: #his inc!(es optiona feat!res a((e( after 'hase 2 !p to an( inc!(in, R9. @ceptions are A# R9G'R R96an( AMR R9.

>%#@ 2: #his inc!(es >ACC an( @ten(e( pin< #F.

>%#@ 3: Accor(in, to (ecision at CAG1 the +or< ite" ;=-020 on %MA '%C 1.0 is s!spen(e( for ti"e /ein,)+or< ite" /ein, not acti&e an( &ai(ation acti&ities are p!t on ho(* !nti confir"ation of intention toa!nch %MA '%C ser&ices in operator net+or<s is recei&e(.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 34 Version

Anne0 F: Certification Declaration

Decaration sha /e s!/"itte( to GCF &ia +e/site: http:88+++.,o/acertificationfor!".or,8

=n eceptiona circ!"stances the (ecaration sha /e s!/"itte( (irect$ to the GCF ecretariat )refer to

GCF-'D ca!se 9.5.2*.

Name Annex Status Required document format

Decaration co&er pa,e F.1 Acti&e 'DF

GCF Certifie( #er"ina Decaration s!""ar$ F.2 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

 A((itiona =nfor"ation on &ersions of stan(ar(s !se(for R9689 ter"inas F.3.1 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

Version of stan(ar(s an( other (oc!"ents !se( forcertification F.3.2 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

 A((itiona infor"ation for ter"inas s!pportin, MM F.3.3 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

GM on$ Fie( #ria Res!ts F.3.5.1 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"ina s!pportin, #RA Fie( #ria Res!ts F.3.5.2 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&#er"ina s!pportin, @-#RA Fie( #ria Res!ts F.3.5.4 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

Fie( #ria res!ts for RC cients F.3.5.5 >ot Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"ina s!pportin, C 3G''8V# F.3. Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"inas s!pportin, %MA ro+sin, 2.1 2.2 or 2.3 F.3. Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"inas s!pportin, %MA De&ice Mana,e"ent 1.2 F.3.9 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

%#A - Antenna 'erfor"ance Meas!re"ents F.3.10 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

#er"inas s!pportin, "art Car( ;e/ er&er)C;* F.3.13 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

Certification Criteria Appica/iit$ Bists F.4.1 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

Certification Criteria Appica/iit$ Bist for ter"ina

(e&ice +here the 3G'' f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ ane"/e((e( GCF Certifie( Mo(!e F.4.2 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

#est Cases ee"pt fro" Certification F.4.3 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

Restricte( !pport of feat!res F.4.4 Acti&e ;or( 'DF or an$ appropriate for"at

Fie( #ria test res!ts for (e&ices +here the 3G''f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ an e"/e((e( GCFCertifie( Mo(!e s!pportin, G@RA> F.5.1 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

Fie( #ria test res!ts for (e&ices +here the 3G''f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ an e"/e((e( GCFCertifie( Mo(!e s!pportin, #RA F.5.2 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

=nfor"ation on eec!te( GCF Fie( #ria for De&ices@"/e((in, a GCF Certifie( Mo(!e s!pportin, @-

#RA F.5.4 Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&#est @e"ption Re7!est For" F. Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

'erfor"ance Data 'ac<a,e 'D' Acti&e @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"inas s!pportin, C%M% F.3.12!spen(e( @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"inas s!pportin, FM% F.3.11!spen(e( @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"ina s!pportin, GA> F.3.5.3!spen(e( @ce 2003 or cs&

#er"inas s!pportin, %MA =M' 1.2.1 F.3.6 #er"inate( n8a

#er"inas s!pportin, %MA 'oC 1.0 F.3.4 #er"inate( n8a

>%#@ 1: Anne F is (i&i(e( into separate fies that can /e fo!n( fro" sa"e ip fie as this (oc!"ent.>%#@ 2: Depen(ent on the feat!re set s!pporte( /$ the (e&ice one or se&era ca!ses of this Anne F +i app$.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 35 Version

Anne0 G:Certification Criteria for De(ices 'here the .G-- fnctionalit" is!ro(ided #" an em#edded GCF Certified modle

For a (e&ice +here the 3G'' f!nctionait$ is pro&i(e( /$ an e"/e((e( GCF certifie( "o(!e the"an!fact!rer "!st ens!re that the appica/e Certification Criteria are "et.

Adio Interface

For De&ices s!pportin, a!(io +hen the aco!stic characteristics are chan,e( or +ere not teste( on thee"/e((e( "o(!e. #he foo+in, certification criteria are appica/e.

3G'' # 51.010-1 section 30. 3G'' # 2.132 ection 6. as appica/e.

-o'er +!!l"

=f the &ota,e s!ppie( to the e"/e((e( "o(!e is (ifferent than that !se( (!rin, the certification of the

"o(!e the foo+in, certification criteria are appica/e.

3G'' # 51.010-1 section 12. section 13. section 14. section 21.1. an( 3G'' # 34.121-1 section5. . . as appica/e.

+IM Interface

=f the e"/e((e( "o(!e +as not certifie( +ith a =M interface or the =M interface has /een "o(ifie( in the(e&ice e"/e((in, the "o(!e the foo+in, certification criteria are appica/e

3G'' # 51.010-1 section 26.16. an( @#= # 102 230.

Radiated Emissions

#he foo+in, ra(iate( e"ission test cases sho!( /e perfor"e( on (e&ices e"/e((in, a "o(!e.

3G'' # 51.010-1 section 12.2.

User Interface

=f the (e&ice e"/e((in, the "o(!e has a = test cases reatin, to = f!nctiona$ s!ch as !ppe"entar$er&ices )*=M #oo<it @"er,enc$ Cas an( M sho!( /e e&a!ate( /ase( on the f!nctionait$ of the(e&ice. #he foo+in, certification criteria are appica/e. Cases +here the inte,rator pro&i(es an MM= for the"o(!e a MM=-reate( test cases +ithin "!st /e re-teste(.

3G'' # 51.010-1 section 31. 26.22. 2.9.. an( 34. 2.6..1.1 an( 3G'' #34.123-1 section .1.2. 13. an( 1. an( 3G'' 31.124 section 26.22. as appica/e.

 Aternati&e$ the re7!ire"ents "a$ /e e&a!ate( /$ perfor"in, the appropriate Fie( #rias.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 3 Version

Anne0 : Test Case $TC% E0ection Rles 'ith e0am!les

&* General

 Anne (efines specific #C eec!tion r!es e.,. i(entif$in, if a or on$ a seection of #Cs containe( in a ;="!st /e r!n for certification p!rposes.

&, E2UTRA8E-C com!liant De(ices

&,&*E2UTRA8E-C intra2#and TCs

@-#RA8@'C intra-/an( #Cs i.e. @-#RA8@'C #Cs that test @-#RA8@'C re7!ire"ents in a sin,e /an(are inc!(e( in GCF ;=-00- ;=-01- an( ;=-02- for FDD an( GCF ;=-090- ;=-091- an( ;=-092-for #DD respecti&e$ as +e as ;=-150- +here ]] (enotes a specific @-#RA8@'C /an( e.,. ;=-00-6 isthe ;= for @-#RA8@'C FDD an( 6. o"e of the #Cs inc!(e( in ;=-01- an( ;=-02- for FDD an( ;=-091- an( ;=-092- for #DD atho!,h testin, @-#RA8@'C re7!ire"ents in a sin,e /an( han(e as +e(e&ice /eha&io!r in other RA#s e.,. #RA> or8an( G@RA>.

=n the case of a (e&ice s!pportin, "!tipe @-#RA8@'C /an(s in or(er to a&oi( !nnecessar$ (!pication oftest case eec!tion an( at the sa"e ti"e ens!re that no co"pro"ise on 7!ait$ of the certifie( @ is "a(ethe foo+in, r!es sha app$ for test case eec!tion:

&,&*&* +in)le Mode $FDD or TDD% De(ices

RF8RRM #Cs );=-00- for FDD an( ;=-090- for #DD*:

- @ach #C +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]] or ]6] in # 3.521-1 for RF #Cs an( ]9] in # 3.521-3 forRRM #Cs sha /e r!n for each an( s!pporte( /$ the De&ice accor(in, to #C appica/iit$ )i.e. if a#C is present in the respecti&e an( ;=*

- A other #Cs sha /e r!n on$ once in a /an( chosen /$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer. For RF #Cs +ith#C a/e startin, +ith sections ]] an( ]9] in # 3.521-1 testin, "a$ /e (one on an$ of thes!pporte( @-#RA /an(s ens!rin, that a the test points s!pporte( /$ the @ are teste( once.

'rotoco #Cs );=-01- an( ;=-02- for FDD an( ;=-091- an( ;=-092- for #DD*:

- @ach #C that is appica/e to "ore than one @-#RA8@'C /an( an( conse7!ent$ present in "orethan one FDD or #DD ;= +ith the eception of the #Cs +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]6.1.6.] sha /eeec!te( on$ once in a (esi,nate( /an( chosen /$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer 

- #Cs +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]6.1.6.] sha /e eec!te( once per s!pporte( /an( +ith theeception that for /an(s that re7!ire the s!pport of the sa"e hi,hest /an(+i(th #Cs +ith #C a/estartin, +ith ]6.1.6.] sha /e eec!te( on$ once in a (esi,nate( /an( chosen /$ the De&ice


-  Atho!,h the #DD an( FDD /an(s are consi(ere( si"p$ as (ifferent @-#RA8@'C /an(s for(e&ices s!pportin, /oth #DD an( FDD the #Cs /eon,in, to ;=-02- an( ;=-092- sha /eeec!te( on$ once in a chosen FDD or #DD /an(I for a the rest of the appica/e #Cs the r!esa/o&e sha /e appie( separate$ for the FDD an( the #DD sets of /an(s s!pporte(

- @ach #C that is appica/e to on$ one @-#RA8@'C /an( an( conse7!ent$ present in on$ one ;=sha /e eec!te(

- ;hen other RA#s are han(e( in a #C an( =nter-RA# operation is s!pporte( on one or "ore of theseRA#s /$ the (e&ices then the #C sha /e eec!te( for #RA in an( = an(8or for G@RA> in an(900 as appica/e


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GCF-CC 'a,e 36 Version

>ote 1: D!e to co""ercia re7!ire"ents so"e ;=s "a$ re7!ire s!ch #Cs to /e eec!te( on$ inthe @-#RA8@'C /ranch. For s!ch ;=s re,ar(ess of the De&ice capa/iities the foo+in,'=O=# )see 3G'' # 3.523-3* settin, sha /e appie( pNRA#Co"/N#este( Q@#RAN%n$. =n si"iar "anner #Cs "a$ nee( to /e eec!te( on$ in the @-#RA8@'Can( #RA /ranches. Refer to the prioritise( test cases ist in the ;=D for (etais.

,-*0, of (% eection/app&icai&it:If a de+ice spports ,4(R* 6and 1 6and 2 and 6and 13 'DD and 6and 38 '(DD ten in order forcertification to e dec&ara&e te De+ice anfactrer needs to eecte and pass one of te fo&&o;in"options:

)ote 2: (e options descried e&o; are "i+en on& as eamp&es and do not comprise a&& possi&e options. (e coice of te WIs to start ;it and te order of te WIs eamined is&eft to te De+ice anfactrer.

!ption -:

R<RR (%s

4 *&& (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it =>= or =7= for R (%s and =9= for RR (%s4 present in WI4841 and?

4 present in WI48413 and?

4 present in WI4842 and?

4 present in WI49438 and?

4 *&& (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it =8= or =9= for R (%s and =@= or =5= or =>= or =7= or =8= for RR (%s

4 present in WI4842 and 

4 present in WI4841 t not present in WI4842 and?

4 present in WI48413 t not present in eiter WI4842 or in WI4841

4 present in WI49438 and 

rotoco& (%s:

4 *&& (%s present in WI48142 < WI48242 and?

4 *&& (%s tat are present in WI48141 < WI48241 t are not present in WI48142 < WI48242and?

4 *&& (%s tat are present in WI481413 < WI482413 t are not present eiter in WI48141 < WI48241 or in WI48142 and WI48242 

4 *&& (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it =7.1.7.= tat are present in WI481413 'ecase te i"estand;idt spported in 6and 13 '1 A$ does not eBa& te i"est and;idt spported in 6and 2 '2 A$

)ote 3: 6ecase te i"est and;idt spported in 6and 1 eBa&s te i"est and;idtspported in 6and 2 4 i.e. 2 A$ 4 te WI48141 (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it=7.1.7.= need not to e rn for 6and 1

4 *&& (%s present in WI491438 and?

4 *&& (%s tat are present in WI492438 t are not present in WI48241 < WI482413 < WI48242 

!ption C:

R<RR (%s


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GCF-CC 'a,e 3 Version

- As in %ption O

rotoco& (%s

4 rom WI48142 < WI48242: * sset of te (%s present in WI48142 < WI48242 ;icinc&des a&& (%s tat are present on& in WI48142 < WI48242 and?

4 rom WI48141 < WI48241: * sset of te (%s present in WI48141 < WI48241 ;icinc&des a&& (%s tat are present on& in WI48141 < WI48241 and a&& (%s tat are present in otWI48141 < WI48241 and WI48142 < WI48242 t ;ere not rn in WI48142 < WI48242and?

4 rom WI481413 < WI482413: * sset of te (%s present in WI481413 < WI482413 ;icinc&des a&& (%s tat are present on& in WI481413 < WI482413 and a&& (%s tat are present in otWI481413 < WI482413 and WI48142 < WI48242 t ;ere not rn in WI48142 < WI48242and?

4 *&& (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it =7.1.7.= tat are present in WI481413 'ecase te i"estand;idt spported in 6and 13 '1 A$ does not eBa& te i"est and;idt spported in 6and 2 '2 A$

)ote @: 6ecase te i"est and;idt spported in 6and 1 eBa&s te i"est and;idtspported in 6and 2 4 i.e. 2 A$ 4 te WI48141 (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it=7.1.7.= need not to e rn for 6and 1

4 or (DD rotoco& (%s same as in !ption - 

&,&*&, Dal mode $FDD and TDD% De(ices

RF8RRM #Cs );=-00- for FDD an( ;=-090- for #DD*:

- @ach #C +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]] or ]6] in # 3.521-1 for RF #Cs an( ]9] in # 3.521-3 forRRM #Cs sha /e r!n for each FDD an( #DD an(s s!pporte( /$ the De&ice accor(in, to #C

appica/iit$ )i.e. if a #C is present in the respecti&e an( ;=*

- A other #Cs sha /e r!n once in a FDD an( an( repeate( a,ain in a #DD an( chosen /$ theDe&ice Man!fact!rer. For RF #Cs +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]] an( ]9] in # 3.521-1 testin, "a$/e (one on an$ of the s!pporte( @-#RA /an(s ens!rin, that a the test points s!pporte( /$ the@ are teste( once.

 'rotoco #Cs );=-01- an( ;=-02- for FDD an( ;=-091- an( ;=-092- for #DD*:

- #Cs /eon,in, to ;=-01- an( ;=-091- sha /e eec!te( on$ once in a FDD or #DD /an( chosen/$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer +ith the foo+in, eceptions:

- #Cs +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]6.1.2.] ]6.1.3.] ]6.1.4. ]6.1.5.]] ]6.1..] 6.1..] ].1.1.]].2.1.] ].2.4.] ].3..] ].5.4. sha /e r!n once in a FDD an( an( repeate( a,ain in a #DD

an( chosen /$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer 

- #Cs +ith #C a/e startin, +ith ]6.1.6.] sha /e eec!te( once per s!pporte( FDD an( #DDan(s +ith the eception that for an(s that re7!ire the s!pport of the sa"e hi,hest /an(+i(th inFDD or #DD. =f FDD an(s s!pport the sa"e hi,hest /an(+i(th then the #C sha /e eec!te(on$ once in a (esi,nate( FDD an( chosen /$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer. =f #DD an(s s!pportthe sa"e hi,hest /an(+i(th then the #C sha /e eec!te( on$ once in a (esi,nate( #DD an(chosen /$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer 

- #Cs /eon,in, to ;=-02- an( ;=-092- sha /e eec!te( on$ once in a FDD or #DD /an( chosen/$ the De&ice Man!fact!rer.

- @ach #C that is appica/e to on$ one @-#RA8@'C /an( an( conse7!ent$ present in on$ one ;=sha /e eec!te(


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GCF-CC 'a,e 39 Version

,-*0, of (% eection/app&icai&it:

If a de+ice spports ,4(R* 6and 7 'DD and 6and @ '(DD ten in order for certification to edec&ara&e te De+ice anfactrer ma eecte and pass te fo&&o;in" option:

)ote 3: (e eamp&e descried e&o; do not comprise a&& possi&e options. (e coice of teWIs to start ;it and te order of te WIs eamined is &eft to te De+ice anfactrer.

R<RR (%s

4 *&& (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it =>= or =7= for R (%s and =9= for RR (%s

4 present in WI4847 and?

4 present in WI494@ and?

4 *&& (%s ;it (% &ae& startin" ;it =8= or =9= for R (%s and =@= or =5= or =>= or =7= or =8= for RR (%s

4 present in WI4847 and 

4 present in WI494@

rotoco& (%s:

4 (%s &ae&&ed ;it =7.1.2.= =7.1.3.= =7.1.@. =7.1.5.== =7.1.>.= =7.1.7. =7.1.8.= =8.1.1.= =8.2.1.==8.2.@.= =8.3..= =8.5.@. in WI48147 and?

4 (%s &ae&&ed ;it =7.1.2.= =7.1.3.= =7.1.@. =7.1.5.== =7.1.>.= =7.1.7. =7.1.8.= =8.1.1.= =8.2.1.==8.2.@.= =8.3..= =8.5.@. in WI4914@ and ?

4 (%s &ae&&ed ;it = >...= =7.1.1.= =7.2.. =7.3..== =8.1.2.= =8.1.3.= =8.2.2.= =8.2.3.= =8.5.1. E12... in WI48147 and ?

4 *&& (%s present in WI48247 and?

4 *&& (%s tat are present in WI4924@ t are not present in WI48247 

&,&,E2UTRA8E-C inter2#and -rotocol TCs

@-#RA8@'C inter-/an( #Cs i.e. @-#RA8@'C #Cs that test @-#RA8@'C re7!ire"ents for a De&ice"o&in, /et+een 2 (ifferent @-#RA> /an(s are inc!(e( in GCF ;=-05--$ for FDD an( GCF ;=-095--$for #DD respecti&e$ as +e as ;=-15--$ +here ]] an( ]$] (enote the /an(s for +hich specific @-#RA8@'C 2-/an(s co"/inations e.,. are co&ere( in the ;= e.,. ;=-05-01-11-1-19-21 is the ;= for @-#RA8@'C inter-/an( #Cs for /an(s 01 11 1 19 an( 21 co&erin, specific 2 /an(s co"/inations chosen/ase( on in(!str$ (e"an( e.,. an( 01 an( 19 an( 01 an( 21 an( 11 an( 1 etc..

An E-UTRA/EPC =nter-/an( #C as specifie( in 3G'' # 3.523-1 can /e r!n in (ifferent an(s appica/eto @-#RA. For GCF p!rposes to (ifferentiate a #C r!n in a partic!ar /an( co"/ination fro" the sa"e #C

r!n in a (ifferent /an( co"/ination #C a/es ha&e /een (efine( co"prisin, of a J#C n!"/er partK foo+e(/$ a Jan( co"/ination partK there/$ repicatin, a sin,e 3G'' # 3.523-1 #C into a ,ro!p of GCF #Csi(entifie( /$ the sa"e #C n!"/er part an( (ifferentiate( /$ the an( co"/ination part in the #C a/e. #hisao+s a #C /ein, r!n for certification to /e proper$ i(entifie( an( "a<es each GCF @-#RA8@'C inter-/an( #C eec!ta/e on$ once in the i(entifie( in the #C a/e /an(s co"/ination. For the #C a/es thefoo+in, s$nta is !se(:

^#est Case n!"/erW ^FDD8#DDW )@^tartin, @-#RA8@'C FDD8#DD an(W-@^@n(in, @-#RA8@'CFDD8#DD an(W* +here

^#C n!"/erW is the test case n!"/er as in 3G'' # 3.523-1

^FDD8#DDW (efines if the test case is for the @-#RA FDD or #DD case

J@K (enotes @-#RA


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 41 Version

for the eec!tion of RRM #Cs in section .2.1 app$ +hereas for the non @-#RA /an(s the #C sha /eeec!te( for #RA in an( = an(8or for G@RA> in an( 900 as appica/e.

@-#RA8@'C inter-RA# 'rotoco #Cs i.e. @-#RA8@'C #Cs that test @-#RA8@'C re7!ire"ents for aDe&ice "o&in, /et+een @-#RA> an( another Ra(io Access #echnoo,$ e.,. #RA> G@RA> orCDMA2000 are inc!(e( in GCF ;=-0 ;=-06 ;=-0 an( ;=-159 for FDD an( GCF ;=-09 ;=-096

an( ;=-09 for #DD respecti&e$. An =nter-RA# #C as specifie( in 3G'' # 3.523-1 co!( /e r!n in (ifferent /an(s appica/e for each RA#.For GCF p!rposes to (ifferentiate a #C r!n in a partic!ar /an( co"/ination fro" the sa"e #C r!n in a(ifferent /an( co"/ination #C a/es ha&e /een (efine(. #hese #C a/e co"prises of a J#C n!"/er partKfoo+e( /$ a Jan( co"/ination partK there/$ repicatin, a sin,e 3G'' # 3.523-1 #C into a ,ro!p of#Cs. @ach #C ,ro!p is i(entifie( /$ the sa"e #C n!"/er part /!t (ifferentiate( /$ the an( co"/inationpart in the #C a/e. #his ao+s a #C r!n for certification in a partic!ar /an(8RA# co"/ination to /e proper$i(entifie( an( "a<es each GCF @-#RA8@'C =nter-RA# #C eec!ta/e on$ once in the i(entifie( in the #Ca/e /an(8RA# co"/ination to /e proper$ i(entifie(. For the #C a/es the foo+in, s$nta is !se(:

^#C n!"/erW ^FDD8#DDW )@^eeW-^!!W* +here

^#C n!"/erW is the test case n!"/er as in 3G'' # 3.523-1

^FDD8#DDW (efines if the test case is for the @-#RA FDD or #DD case

J@K (enotes @-#RA an( ^eeW is the @-#RA /an( n!"/er )Ara/ic n!"/ers*

JK (enotes #RA an( ^!!W is the #RA /an( n!"/er )Ro"an n!"/ers*


>.2.2.1 DD ',14I


4 =>.2.2.1= is te (% nmer as specified in 3>.52341

4 =,1= is te ,4(R* 6and 1

4 =I= is te (R* 6and I  

#o a&oi( !nnecessar$ (!pication of #C eec!tion for a (e&ice that s!pports inter-RA# operation an( "!tipe/an(s in one or t+o RA#s an( at the sa"e ti"e ens!re that no co"pro"ise on 7!ait$ of the certifie( @ is"a(e the foo+in, r!es app$ for test case eec!tion:

;ith the #Cs in the @-#RA8@'C =nter-RA# ;=s );=-0 06 an( 0* /ein, spit into 2 cate,ories(escri/e( as either ],enera] or ]representati&e] +ith the cate,or$ t$pe in(icate( in co!"n a/ee(JCo""entK in the #C istin, ta/es...

1. For #C cate,or$ )eneral: fro" each #C ,ro!p i(entifie( /$ the #C n!"/er part one #C fro" the

#Cs appica/e to the s!pporte( /$ the De&ice RA#8an( co"/inations sha /e r!n. #he choice of#C is eft to the De&ice Man!fact!rer to (eci(e.

2. For #C cate,or$ re!resentati(e: fro" each #C ,ro!p i(entifie( /$ the #C n!"/er part a #Csappica/e to the s!pporte( /$ the De&ice RA#8an( co"/inations sha /e r!n.

>%#@: =n DCC the cate,ories ]Genera] an( ]Representati&e] are not &isi/e. #hese ho+e&er can /e(eri&e( fro" the #C ]#este( an( Appica/iit$] associate( +ith each #C. A inter-RA# ]Genera] #Csha&e /een ta,,e( as ]=nter-RA# in,e] an( a inter-RA# ]Representati&e] #Cs as ]=nter-RA# A].


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 42 Version

,-*0, of (% eection/app&icai&it 

If a de+ice spports ,4(R* 6and 1 and 6and 7 and (R* 6and I and 6and HIII and inter4R*( operationet;een ,4(R* and (R* ten in order for certification to e dec&ara&e te De+ice anfactrer needs tosccessf&& eecte and pass te fo&&o;in" from WI48>:

' General (%

or (% cate"or general 'or &ookin" from D%% perspecti+e inter4R*( (%s ta""ed as =Inter4R*( Sin"&e ,ception J=: from eac (% "rop identified te (% nmer part on& one of te (%s ;it (% &ae& 6andcomination part tat represents and cominations spported te de+ice app&iesG in tis case tiseBates to eiter ,14I or ,74I or ,74HIII.

In tis eamp&e so;in" te (% "rop >.2.1.2 'e&o; on& one of te (%s i"&i"ted in e&&o; needs to eeected. Aere te De+ice anfactrer as cosen to rn te (% in ,4(R* 6and 7 / (R* 6and I i.e. (% >.2.1.2 DD ',74I

TC TC title Tested BandA!!lica#ilit"


.2.1.2 FDD )E?*2UI* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@01-V=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@01-=O* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@01-O=O* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@19-=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@19-V=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@19-=O* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@19-O=O* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@21-=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@21-V=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@21-=O* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@21-O=O* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@03-=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@03-===* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e &

.2.1.2 FDD )@03-V===* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )E?72UI* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e 'A

.2.1.2 FDD )@06-===* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )E?72U3III* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@20-=* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@20-===* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a

.2.1.2 FDD )@20-V===* =nter-RA# 'BM> seection 8 eection of correct RA# for 'BM> 8 A!to"atic "o(e

=nter-RA# in,e n8a


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 43 Version

' Representative (%

or (% cate"or representative 'or &ookin" from D%% perspecti+e inter4R*( (%s ta""ed as =Inter4R*(Sin"&e*&& =: from eac (% "rop identified te (% nmer part all  of te (%s ;it (% &ae& 6andcomination part tat represents and cominations spported te de+ice app&iesG in tis case tiseBates to ,14I ,74I and ,74HIII.

In tis eamp&e so;in" te (% "rop >.2.2.1 'e&o; a&& of te (%s i"&i"ted in e&&o; need to e rn.

TC TC title Tested BandA!!lica#ilit"


.2.2.1 FDD )E?*2UI* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A 'A

.2.2.1 FDD )@01-V=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@01-=O* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@01-O=O* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@19-=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@19-V=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@19-=O* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@19-O=O* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@21-=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@21-V=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@21-=O* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@21-O=O* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@03-=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@03-===* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A &

.2.2.1 FDD )@03-V===* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )E?72UI* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A 'A

.2.2.1 FDD )@06-===* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )E?72U3III* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A 'A

.2.2.1 FDD )@20-=* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@20-===* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

.2.2.1 FDD )@20-V===* =nter-RA# ce seection 8 Fro" @-#RA RRCN=DB@ to #RAN=(e 8er&in, ce /eco"es non-s!ita/e

=nter-RA# A n8a

&,&/EUTRAN 2 UTRAN 2 GERAN mlti2RAT -rotocol TCs

@#RA> - #RA> - G@RA> "!ti-RA# #Cs that test @-#RA re7!ire"ents for a De&ice "o&in, /et+een @-#RA> an( #RA> an( G@RA> Ra(io Access #echnoo,ies are inc!(e( in GCF ;=-09 for FDD an(GCF ;=-099 for #DD respecti&e$.

 An @#RA> - #RA> - G@RA> "!ti-RA# #C as specifie( in 3G'' # 3.523-1 co!( /e r!n in (ifferent/an(s appica/e for each RA#. For GCF p!rposes to (ifferentiate a #C r!n in a partic!ar /an( co"/ination

fro" the sa"e #C r!n in a (ifferent /an( co"/ination #C a/es ha&e /een (efine(. #hese #C a/eco"prises of a J#C n!"/er partK foo+e( /$ a Jan( co"/ination partK there/$ repicatin, a sin,e 3G'' #3.523-1 #C into a ,ro!p of GCF #Cs. @ach #C ,ro!p is i(entifie( /$ the sa"e #C n!"/er part /!t


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 44 Version

(ifferentiate( /$ the an( co"/ination part in the #C a/e. #his ao+s a #C r!n for certification in apartic!ar /an(8RA# co"/ination to /e proper$ i(entifie( an( "a<es each GCF @#RA> - #RA> -G@RA> "!ti-RA# #C eec!ta/e on$ once in the i(entifie( in the #C a/e /an(8RA# co"/ination. For the#C a/es the foo+in, s$nta is !se(:

^#C n!"/erW ^FDD8#DDW )@^eeW-^!!W-G^,,W* +here

^#C n!"/erW is the test case n!"/er as in 3G'' # 3.523-1

^FDD8#DDW (efines if the test case is for the @-#RA FDD or #DD case

J@K (enotes @-#RA an( ^eeW is the @-#RA /an( n!"/er )Ara/ic n!"/ers*

JK (enotes #RA an( ^!!W is the #RA /an( n!"/er )Ro"an n!"/ers*

JGK (enotes G@RA> an( ^,,W is the G@RA> /an( n!"/er )Ara/ic n!"/ers*


>.2.1.1 DD ',74I4F9


4 =>.2.1.1= is te (% nmer as specified in 3>.52341

4 =,7= is te ,4(R* 6and 7 

4 =I= is te (R* 6and I  

4 =F9= is te F,R*) 6and 9 

=n the case of a (e&ice s!pportin, inter-RA# operation /et+een @-#RA an( #RA an( G@RA> RA#s an("!tipe /an(s per RA# in or(er to a&oi( !nnecessar$ (!pication of test case eec!tion an( at the sa"eti"e ens!re that no co"pro"ise on 7!ait$ of the certifie( @ the foo+in, r!es sha app$ for test caseeec!tion:

Fro" each #C ,ro!p i(entifie( /$ the #C n!"/er part one #C fro" the #Cs appica/e to the an(co"/inations s!pporte( /$ the (e&ice sha /e r!n. #he choice of #C is eft to the De&ice Man!fact!rer to(eci(e.

,-*0, of (% eection/app&icai&it:

If a de+ice spports ,4(R* 6and 2 and 7 and (R* 6and I and F,R*) 6and 9 and inter4R*(operation et;een ,4(R* and (R* and F,R*) ten in order for certification to e dec&ara&e te De+iceanfactrer needs to sccessf&& eecte and pass:

rom eac (% "rop identified te (% nmer part on& one of te (%s ;it (% &ae& 6and comination part tat represents and cominations spported te de+ice app&G in tis case tis eBates to eiter,74I4F9 or ,24I4F9.

In tis eamp&e so;in" te (% "rop 'e&o; on& one of te (%s i"&i"ted in e&&o; need to eeected. Aere te De+ice anfactrer as cosen to rn te (% in ,4(R* 6and 2 i.e. (% DD',24I4F9.

TC TC title FDD )@03-=-G900* Meas!re"ent confi,!ration contro an( reportin, 8 =nter-RA#

"eas!re"ents 8 'erio(ic reportin, 8 Meas!re"ents of @-#RA> #RA>an( G@RA> ces


.3.2.5 FDD )@06-=-G900* Meas!re"ent confi,!ration contro an( reportin, 8 =nter-RA#"eas!re"ents 8 'erio(ic reportin, 8 Meas!re"ents of @-#RA> #RA>an( G@RA> ces


.3.2.5 FDD )@20-=-G900* Meas!re"ent confi,!ration contro an( reportin, 8 =nter-RA#"eas!re"ents 8 'erio(ic reportin, 8 Meas!re"ents of @-#RA> #RA>

an( G@RA> ces



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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 45 Version

&,&1E2UTRA Mlti2Mode De(ice not ca!a#le of simltaneos o!eration


For a (e&ice that:

• !pports /oth FDD an( #DD @-#RA8@'C technoo,iesI /!t +hich

• Can on$ operate )i.e. Attach* as a sin,e "o(e FDD or sin,e "o(e #DD @I i.e. that

o reports on$ FDD /an(s in the capa/iit$ infor"ation +hen attachin, in FDD "o(e an(

o reports on$ #DD /an(s in the capa/iit$ infor"ation +hen attachin, in #DD "o(eI

the foo+in, r!es sha app$ for seection an( eec!tion of test cases:

• For s!ch a (e&ice a @ Man!fact!rer is ao+e( to s!/"it t+o '=C state"ents one for FDD an(

one for #DD. #he =C state"ent for FDD sha on$ inc!(e FDD /an(s +hereas the =C state"entfor #DD sha on$ inc!(e #DD /an(s.

• #he (e&ice sha /e teste( in(epen(ent$ in each "o(e for +hich a '=C is s!/"itte( app$in, the

,enera r!es (efine( ese+here in Anne .2.

&,&4E2UTRA8E-C Dal mode $FDD8TDD% De(ices

@-#RA8@'C D!a "o(e )FDD8#DD* RRM an( 'rotoco #Cs i.e. @-#RA8@'C #Cs that test @-#RA8@'Cre7!ire"ents for a De&ice "o&in, /et+een @-#RA> FDD an( #DD operation "o(es are inc!(e( in GCF;=-151--$ +here ]] (enotes the FDD an( ]$] the #DD /an(. For GCF p!rposes to (ifferentiate a #C r!n ina partic!ar "o(e8/an( co"/ination fro" the sa"e #C r!n in a (ifferent "o(e8/an( co"/ination #C a/esha&e /een (efine(. #hese #C a/e co"prises of a J#C n!"/er partK foo+e( /$ a Jan( co"/ination partKthere/$ repicatin, a sin,e 3G'' # 3.521-3 or # 3.523-1 #C into a ,ro!p of #Cs. @ach #C ,ro!p isi(entifie( /$ the sa"e #C n!"/er part /!t (ifferentiate( /$ the an( co"/ination part in the #C a/e. #his

ao+s a #C r!n for certification in a partic!ar /an(8"o(e co"/ination to /e proper$ i(entifie( an( "a<eseach GCF @-#RA8@'C =nter-RA# #C eec!ta/e on$ once in the i(entifie( in the #C a/e /an(8"o(eco"/ination to /e proper$ i(entifie(. For the #C a/es the foo+in, s$nta is !se(:

^#C n!"/erW )@^ffW-@^ttW* +here

^#C n!"/erW is the test case n!"/er as in 3G'' # 3.521-3 or # 3.523-1

J@K (enotes @-#RA

^ffW is the @-#RA FDD /an( n!"/er )Ara/ic n!"/ers*

^ttW is the @-#RA #DD /an( n!"/er )Ara/ic n!"/ers*


>.1.1.1a ',74,@


4 =>.1.1.1a= is te (% nmer as specified in 3>.52341

4 =,7= is te ,4(R* DD 6and 1

4 =,@= is te ,4(R* (DD 6and @ 

#o a&oi( !nnecessar$ (!pication of #C eec!tion for a (e&ice that s!pports inter-RA# operation an( "!tipe/an(s in one or t+o RA#s an( at the sa"e ti"e ens!re that no co"pro"ise on 7!ait$ of the certifie( @ is

"a(e the foo+in, r!es app$ for test case eec!tion:For F!rther t!($.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 4 Version

&,&7 +IM and +IM a!!lication tool<it TCs for EUTRAN andEUTRAN 2 UTRAN 2 GERAN de(ices

3G'' # 33.401 specifies that the access to @#RA> sha not /e ,rante( +ith 2G =M or +ith a =Mappication on a =CC. #herefore for a (e&ice that s!pports on$ @#RA> the =M test cases in # 51.010-4 are not appica/e.

;hen a !ser has a @#RA> capa/e (e&ice it is epecte( that a t$pica !ser +ants to access the @#RA>ser&ices an( +i insert a =M to the (e&ice. #herefore in or(er to a&oi( !nnecessar$ testin, the A# testcases in GCF ;=-00 an( # 51.010-4 that (o not ha&e a A# (!picate test case in GCF ;=-035 i.e. thetest cases iste( in the ta/e /eo+ sha not /e appica/e for a (e&ice that s!pports @#RA> an( one otherra(io access technoo,$ )(!a "o(e* or for a (e&ice that s!pports @#RA> an( "!tipe other ra(io accesstechnoo,ies.

TC TC title

26.22.181 'R%F=B@ D%;>B%AD

26.22.2 Contents of the #@RM=>AB 'R%F=B@ co""an(

26.22.3 er&icin, of 'roacti&e =M Co""an(s D='BAT #@O# s!staine( tet !npac<e( (ata /its s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# s!staine( tet cear "essa,e after (ea$ s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# s!staine( tet +ait for !ser MM= to cear s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# s!staine( tet +ait for hi,h priorit$ e&ent to cear s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# (ispa$ of /asic icon sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# (ispa$ of /asic icon sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( D='BAT #@O# (ispa$ of coo!r icon s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# (ispa$ of coo!r icon re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( D='BAT #@O# (ispa$ of /asic icon not sef epanator$ s!ccessf! D='BAT #@O# (ispa$ of /asic icon not sef epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( D='BAT #@O# C2 co(e( G@# =>U@T #et trin, co(in, in C2 Apha/et s!ccessf! G@# =>U@T "a en,th for the #et trin, co(in, in C2 Apha/et s!ccessf! G@# =>U@T asic icon sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>U@T asic icon sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>U@T asic icon non sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>U@T asic icon non sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>U@T Coo!r icon sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>U@T Coo!r icon sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>U@T Coo!r icon non sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>U@T Coo!r icon non sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>'# tet strin, co(in, in C2 s!ccessf! G@# =>'# "a en,th for the tet strin, co(in, in C2 s!ccessf! G@# =>'# asic icon sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>'# asic icon sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>'# asic icon non sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>'# asic icon non sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>'# Coo!r icon sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>'# Coo!r icon sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( G@# =>'# Coo!r icon non sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! G@# =>'# Coo!r icon non sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e(


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GCF-CC 'a,e 4 Version

TC TC title @>D ca for+ar( !ncon(itiona a /earers s!ccessf! C2 tet @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! /asic icon sef epanator$ s!ccessf! @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! /asic icon sef epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e

(ispa$e( @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! coo!r icon sef epanator$ @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! /asic icon non sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! /asic icon non sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e(ispa$e( @>D D 6-/it (ata /asic icon non sef-epanator$ no apha i(entifier presente( @>D D 6-/it (ata s!ccessf! C2 tet @# ' CABB ca confir"e( /$ the !ser an( connecte( @# ' CABB t+o apha i(entifiers @# ' CABB (ispa$ of /asic icon (!rin, confir"ation phase not sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @# ' CABB (ispa$ of /asic icon (!rin, confir"ation phase not sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon

co!( not /e (ispa$e( @# ' CABB (ispa$ of /asic icon (!rin, confir"ation phase sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @# ' CABB (ispa$ of /asic icon (!rin, confir"ation phase sef-epanator$ re7!este( iconco!( not /e (ispa$e( @# ' CABB (ispa$ of coo!r icon (!rin, confir"ation phase not sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @# ' CABB (ispa$ of coo!r icon (!rin, confir"ation phase not sef-epanator$ re7!este(icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( @# ' CABB (ispa$ of sef epanator$ /asic icon (!rin, set !p ca s!ccessf! @# ' CABB (ispa$ of sef epanator$ /asic icon (!rin, set !p ca re7!este( icon co!( not /e(ispa$e( '%BB=>G %FF 'R%V=D@ B%CAB =>F%RMA#=%> Boca =nfo )MCC M>C BAC ? Ce =D* @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# repace i(e "o(e tet26. @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# re"o&e i(e "o(e tet @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# co"petin, infor"ation on M@ (ispa$ @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# M@ po+er c$ce( @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# R@FR@ +ith =M =nitiaiation @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# repace i(e "o(e tet @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# ar,e tet strin, @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is not sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is not sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is sef-epanator$ coo!r icon s!ccessf! @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is sef-epanator$ coo!r icon re7!este( icon co!( not /e(ispa$e( @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# =con is not sef-epanator$ e"pt$ tet strin, @# ' =DB@ M%D@ #@O# C2 apha/et tet @>D D#MF containin, apha i(entifier @>D D#MF containin, apha i(entifier +ith n! (ata o/ect @>D D#MF A=C =C%> sef epanator$ s!ccessf! @>D D#MF A=C =C%> sef epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e( @>D D#MF C%B%R-=C%> sef epanator$ s!ccessf! @>D D#MF C%B%R-=C%> sef epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e (ispa$e(


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GCF-CC 'a,e 49 Version

TC TC title @>D D#MF Apha i(entifier ? A=C-=C%> not sef-epanator$ s!ccessf! @>D D#MF Apha i(entifier ? A=C-=C%> not sef-epanator$ re7!este( icon co!( not /e(ispa$e( @>D D#MF s!ccessf! C2 tet BA>GAG@ >%#=F=CA#=%> BA>GAG@ >%#=F=CA#=%> %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R no oca a((ress no apha i(entifier nonet+or< access na"e %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R no apha i(entifier +ith net+or< accessna"e %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R +ith apha i(entifier %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R +ith n! apha i(entifier %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R co""an( perfor"e( +ith "o(ifications)/!ffer sie* %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R M@ /!s$ on ca CB%@ CA>>@B s!ccessf! R@C@=V@ DA#A area($ opene( channe @>D DA#A i""e(iate "o(e %'@> CA>>@B i""e(iate in< esta/ish"ent G'R no oca a((ress no apha i(entifier nonet+or< access na"e G@# #A# +itho!t an$ =' channe opene( G@# #A# +ith a =' channe c!rrent$ opene( G@# #A# after a in< (roppe( M-'' Data Do+noa( Genera Data Co(in, G@# R@'%>@ Ac<no+e(,e"ent M-'' Data Do+noa( Genera Data Co(in, F@#C M%R@ #=M@ M-'' Data Do+noa( Genera Data Co(in, M-'' Data Do+noa( +ith Data Co(in, 8 Messa,e Cass M-C )Data Do+noa(* @>V@B%'@)M-C D%;>B%AD* M@ (oes not (ispa$ "essa,e M-C )DA#A D%;>B%AD* @>V@B%'@)M-C DA#A D%;>B%AD* F@#C M%R@ #=M@M@ (oes not (ispa$ "essa,e M-C )DA#A D%;>B%AD* M@ (ispa$s "essa,e

26.22..18 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p ca atte"pt /$ !ser ao+e( +ith "o(ifications

26.22..186A CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p ca atte"pt res!tin, fro" a set !p ca proacti&e co""an(ao+e( +ith "o(ifications

26.22..186 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p ca atte"pt res!tin, fro" a set !p ca proacti&e co""an(ao+e( +ith "o(ifications

26.22..281 CABB C%>#R%B T =M sen( the =M respon(s +ith ]90 00]

26.22..282 CABB C%>#R%B T =M sen( ao+e( +itho!t "o(ifications

26.22..283 CABB C%>#R%B T =M sen( not ao+e(26.22..284 CABB C%>#R%B T =M sen( ao+e( +ith "o(ifications

26.22..381 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca not in @FFD>

26.22..382 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca in @FFD> the =M respon(s +ith ]90 00]

26.22..383 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca in @FFD> Ao+e( +itho!t "o(ifications

26.22..384 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca in @FFD> >ot Ao+e(

26.22..385 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca in @FFD> Ao+e( +ith "o(ifications

26.22..481 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca in @FD>

26.22..482 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca not in @FD> Ao+e( +itho!t "o(ifications

26.22..483 CABB C%>#R%B T =M set !p a ca not in @FD> Ao+e( +ith "o(ifications

26.22..484 CABB C%>#R%B T =M FD> an( D> ena/e( set !p a ca in @FFD> Ao+e( +ith"o(ifications @V@># D%;>B%AD -CABB C%>>@C#@D M@ s!pportin, @# ' CABB


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GCF-CC 'a,e 50 Version

TC TC title @V@># D%;>B%AD -B%CA#=%> #A#

26.22.6..181 @V@># D%;>B%AD - BA>GAG@ @B@C#=%>


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GCF-CC 'a,e 51 Version

Docment Chan)e Record


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GCF-CC 'a,e 53 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

11 A-02-019r1 .4 p(ate the ist of test patfor"s

12 A-02-026 6 .4 A((ition of 'riorit$ 4 G'R test cases

13 A-02-030r1 .4 G'R Vai(ation on RACAB 103 A=M@ AMR8C# patfor"

14 A-02-031r1 .4 G'R Vai(ation on RACAB 103 A=M@ C# patfor"

15 A-02-00 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ for G'R RF-#est Cases

1 A-02-01r1 .4 Vai(ation of #est Cases on the Roh(e ? ch+ar #est 'atfor"'B1 in co"/ination +ith CM200

16 A-02-016 .4Re-Vai(ation of #est Cases on the Roh(e ? ch+ar #est'atfor" 'B1 in co"/ination +ith CR#C02

160 A-02-03 .4 Cate,or$ (o+n,ra(e of G'R test case

161 A-02-039 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #Cs an( fro" cat HAH to cat HH

163 A-02-04 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #C 41.1.2 fro" cat HAH to cat HH

165 A-02-051 .4 Cate,or$ (o+n,ra(e of G'R test case

3..0 169 L!n 2002 A-02-05 6 .4 =ntro(!ction of test for M t$pe 0

10 A-02-0r2 6 .4 =ntro(!ction of =M8M@ tests

11 A-02-0 .4 =ntro(!ction of ne+ #est 'atfor" )#'12 #'13*

12 A-02-061r1 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era G'R test cases

13 A-02-062r3 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era G'R test cases

14 A-02-063r2 .4 G'R Vai(ation on RACAB A=M@ 103 G'R8C# patfor"

15 A-02-064 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &1.15 for AniteA#

1 A-02-065r3 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &2.15 for AniteA#

16 A-02-066 .4 A((ition of test patfor" for test cases.

1 A-02-0 .4 G'R Vai(ation on RACAB A=M@ 103 G'R8C# patfor"

19 A-02-090 .4 A((ition of test patfor" for AMR test cases

190 A-02-096r2 .4 #est Case to /eco"e cate,or$

191 A-02-099 .4 G'R #est Cases '#M= i,nat!re han(in,.

192 A-02-103 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #C fro" cat HAH to cat HH for theGM 900 an( GM 100 fre7!enc$ /an(s.

193 A-02-10 .4 Do+n,ra(e of test case 20.22.5 fro" HAH to H'H

194 A-02-106 .4 Do+n,ra(e of test case fro" HAH to H'H

195 A-02-10 .4 Do+n,ra(e test case fro" HAH to H'H

19 A-02-109 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ for G'R RF test cases

196 A-02-110 .4 Do+n,ra(e of test case fro" HAH to HH

199 A-02-113 .4 A((ition of R? CR#G test patfor" for test cases

200 A-02-119 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #C 31...1 fro" cat HAH to cat H'H

201 A-02-120 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #C 2.12.1 fro" cat HAH to cat HH

202 A-02-121 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #Cs 20.22.1 20.22.3 20.22.4 an( 20.22.5 fro"cat HAH to cat H'H for the GM 100 fre7!enc$ /an(.

203 A-02-123 .4 Cate,or$ (o+n,ra(e of G'R test case

204 A-02-125 .4 A((ition of test patfor" for test case

3.6.0 2 L!n 2002 @(itoria Co&er 'RD references for 110 (a$ perio( correcte( to rea( JGCF-CCK

@(itoria .4 Corrections re ACR> 1

214 -02-052 Chan,e of epir$ (ate for the G'R Reco""en(e( et option to30th epte"/er 2002.

216 -02-093r2 4 =ntro(!ction of 3G in GCF-CC

21 -02-092r2 5 =ntro(!ction of the 3G Versions of specifications

3.6.1 220 15 L! 2002 A-02-01r2 .4 A((ition of the G'R 'riorit$ e&es to the CC Confor"ance

#a/e3..0 221 25 ept 2002 A-02-13r3 6 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &2.16 for Anite


222 A-02-140 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( #est Case for Anite RAM

223 A-02-146 .4 Vai(ation of G'R test cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C#

224 A-02-13 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era G'R test cases

225 A-02-15r2 .4 )Re* Vai(ation of G'R #est Cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C#

22 A-02-162r3 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era G'R test cases

226 A-02-13 6 .4 =ntro(!ction of test for M t$pe 0 )#C 34.2.a*

22 A-02-139 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( AMR #est Cases for Anite A#

229 A-02-143 .4 =ntro(!ction of ne+ AMR #est Cases

230 A-02-11 .4 Correction of test patfor" for test cases.

231 A-02-1r1 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries for

se&era test cases232 A-02-161r1 .4 A((ition of test patfor" for test cases.

234 A-02-169r1 6 .4 Re"o&a of a #est Cases for Fie( Aocation )Ca!se 42.2.*


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GCF-CC 'a,e 54 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

235 A-02-12r1 .4 Vai(ation stat!s of the G'R tests cases a,ainst the GCF CCV3.6.1 p!s CRs appro&e( /et+een AG14 an( AG15 "eetin,s

3..1 236 23 %ct 2002 -02-11 5.2 Version of core spec for sta,e 2 test cases chan,e( fro"Dece"/er 02 to epte"/er 02

23 -02-10r2 Chan,e of epir$ (ate for the G'R Reco""en(e( et option to31st Dece"/er 2002.

3.9.0 241 1 Dec 2002 A-02-193 .4 A((ition of &ai(ate( priorit$ 4 G'R #est Cases atch &2.19 for Anite A#

242 A-02-194 .4 A((ition of &ai(ate( priorit$ 4 G'R #est Cases atch &3.19 for Anite A#

243 A-02-195 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &3.19 for AniteA#

244 A-02-19 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R RF #est Cases for Anite RAM

245 A-02-19 .4 )Re* Vai(ation of G'R #est Cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C#

24 A-02-203 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era G'R test cases

246 A-02-204 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &4.20 for AniteA#

24 A-02-20 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries for G'RRF test cases

249 A-02-211 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &1.19 for Anite

A#250 A-02-244 .4 Assess"ent for ne+ A# @(,e Capa/e 'atfor" Variant on the

 Anite A# #est 'atfor" )G'R #est Cases*

251 A-02-245 .4 #est 'atfor" carification of Anite A# )2*

252 A-02-24 .4 Vai(ation of AMR #est Cases

253 A-02-246 .4 Re-Vai(ation of Anite RAM tests cases

254 A-02-24 .4 Chan,e to GCF-CC Re7!ire"ents #a/e - >C2

255 A-02-213 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &2.19 for AniteA#

25 A-02-21 .4 )Re* Vai(ation of G'R #est Cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C#

256 A-02-22r1 .4 =nc!sion of R99 G'R #estin,

25 Cancee(

259 A-02-249 .4 'ro/e"s +ith #C 13.1.3 on the R? #91 #est 'atfor"

20 A-02-250 .4 tat!s chan,e of test case fro" A to ' )re&ision 1*.

21 A-02-251 .4 @rror in #C on the A>=#@ A# #est 'atfor"

22 A-02-252 .4 Do+n,ra(e of test case 15. on Anite A#23 A-02-253 .4 Do+n,ra(e of #C fro" GCF cate,or$ ]] to ]'] )(!e to

 Anite A# i"pe"entation error*

24 A-02-254 .4 #C is ass!"e( to /e sti in GCF cate,or$ ]]

25 A-02-255 .4 @rror in #C 20.22.3 an( #C 20.22.4 on the A>=#@ A# #est'atfor"

2 A-02-25 .4 @rror in #C on the A>=#@ A# #est 'atfor"

26 A-02-19 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #C fro" cat HH to cat H'H for 3..0

2 A-02-256 .4 @rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

29 A-02-190 .4 Ueep the #C cate,or$ EA /!t re"o&e Anite )2* fro"the test patfor".

260 A-02-191 .4 Do+n,ra(e the cate,or$ for the #C 20.22. for" EA to E.

261 A-02-192 .4 Do+n,ra(e the cate,or$ for the #C for" E to E'.

262 A-02-25 .4 Vai(ation of G'R #est Case on the Anite A# #est

'atfor"263 A-02-259 .4 @rror in #C #C an( #C on the A>=#@ A# #est 'atfor"

264 A-02-20 .4 @rror in #C 12.1.2 on the Anite RAM #est 'atfor"

265 A-02-21 .4 @rror in #C on the Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#C 02 #est'atfor"

26 A-02-22 .4 tat!s Carification for #C 26N22N4N11

266 A-02-23 .4 @rror in #C on the A>=#@ A# #est 'atfor"

26 A-02-214 .4 Re"o&e the Anite e7!ip"ent fro" test patfor" for the #C41.2.3.2

269 A-02-196 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( AMR #est Cases for Anite A#

20 A-02-201 .4 p(ate of test patfor" entries for se&era =M8M@ interface an(M test cases

21 A-02-202 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era =M8M@ interface test cases

22 A-02-205 .4 Chan,e of cate,or$ an( !p(ate of test patfor" entries forse&era test cases

23 A-02-209 .4 >otification of Vai(ate( AMR #est Cases for Raca A=M@ AMR8C#


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 55 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

24 A-02-210r1 .4 Vai(ation of #est Cases on the Roh(e ? ch+ar #950G #est'atfor"

25 A-02-221r1 .4 p(ate of test patfor" entries for se&era =M Appication #oo<ittest cases

2 A-02-199r1 .4 Vai(ation on Raca A=M@8C# of @G'R test cases

26 A-02-23r1 6 .4 =ntro(!ction of @G'R 'rotoco #est Cases into GCF-CC2 A-02-200 .4 Cate,or$ Chan,e for #Cs 30.12 to 30.1 fro" cat ]'] to cat ]]

29 A-02-206r1 6 .4 =ntro(!ction of ne+ AMR #est Cases 'ac<a,es Raca A=M@ AMR8C#

290 A-02-20r1 .4 >otification of Re-&ai(ate( AMR #est Cases for Raca A=M@ AMR8C#*

291 A-02-222r1 .4 Do+n,ra(in, of #C fro" GCF cat HAH to cat HH

292 A-02-229 .4 A((ition of test patfor" for test cases.

293 A-02-232 .4 =ntro(!ction of @G'R RF-#est Cases into GCF-CC

294 A-02-215r2 .3 Annees C

=nc!sion of Rec et2 an( Rec et3

295 A-02-036 A((ition of ;-CDMA FDD Mo(e to the %ptions #a/e

29 A-02-03 6 A((ition of Re7!ire"ents #a/e for ;-CDMA 'rotoco #ests

296 A-02-039r2 .4 A((ition of Confor"ance Assess"ent #a/es for ;-CDMA'rotoco an( FDD Ra(io #ests

29 A-02-040r1 Anne A A((ition of Re,!ator$ Re7!ire"ents for ;-CDMA

299 A-02-030r1 2.4 6 .4 A((ition of =M test cases an( test patfor" entries for se&era=M test cases

300 A-02-04 .4 A((ition of &ai(ate( # 34.123 test cases an( test patfor"entries

3.9.1 31 Dec 2002 6 .4 @(itoria corrections see GCF-'D Chan,e Recor( for f!(etais

 A-02-215r2 Annees ?C

References to G'R R2 R3 an( F a((e(.

3.10.0 30 12 Mar 2003 A-03-02r1 .4 Deetion of test patfor" #'-3

310 A-03-030r1 .4 Corrections to GCF-CC

311 A-03-042 .4 @(itoria corrections

312 A-03-04r1 Anne C Mo(ification of anne C

313 A-03-022 .4 Vai(ation of !ppe"entar$ er&ices #est Cases on the Roh(e? ch+ar CR#-G #est 'atfor"

314 A-03-023 .4 Vai(ation of test cases 12.2.1 an( 12.2.2

on the Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G #est 'atfor"315 A-02-02r1 .4 Vai(ation of GM test cases on the Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

#est 'atfor"

31 A-03-032r1 .4 Re&ai(ation of se&era =M8M@ interface test cases on %RGAtest patfor" =#_

316 A-03-033 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( GM AMR #est Cases for Roh(e ?ch+ar CR#-G

31 A-03-034 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( GM M!ti/an( #est Cases for Roh(e ?ch+ar CR#-G

319 A-03-035 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( GM an(o&er #est Cases for Roh(e ?ch+ar CR#-G*

320 A-03-036r1 .4 p(ate of test patfor" entries for se&era eectrica =M8M@interface test cases

321 A-03-005r2 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &3.21 for Anite A#

322 A-03-00r1 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &3.21 for Anite A#

323 A-03-006 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &1.21 for Anite A#

324 A-03-00 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &2.21 for Anite A#

325 A-03-009r1 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &3.21 for Anite A#

32 A-03-011 .4 )>otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch &4.21 for Anite A#

326 A-03-012 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( 'hase 2 #est Cases on Anite A#

32 A-03-013 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( #est Case for Anite RAM

329 A-03-019 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases for Roh(e ? ch+arCR#-G

330 A-03-03r2 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases )hi,her a$er* forRoh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

331 A-03-031r1 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R #est Cases )o+er a$er* forRoh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G


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GCF-CC 'a,e 56 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

369 A-03-065 .4 Vai(ation an( re-&ai(ation of (i,ita =M8M@ interface test caseson test patfor" %RGA =#_

30 A-03-0r2 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch1 for AniteA#

31 A-03-06 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch2 for AniteA#

32 A-03-0 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch3 for AniteA#

33 A-03-9 .4 >otification of re-&ai(ate( G'R #est Cases atch4 for AniteA#

34 A-03-066r1 .4 )Re* Vai(ation of G'R #est Cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C#

35 A-03-06r1 .4 )Re* Vai(ation of G'R #est Cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C#

3 A-03-09 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC1* #est Casesfor Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

36 A-03-090 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC2* #est Casesfor Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

3 A-03-091 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC4* #est Casesfor Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

39 A-03-092 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC* #est Casesfor Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

390 A-03-093 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC9* #est Cases

for Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G391 A-03-095 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC61* #est Cases

for Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

392 A-03-09 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC62* #est Cases

for Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

393 A-03-09 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( G'R )CR#GC66* #est Cases

for Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G

394 A-03-109r1 .4 A((ition of R99 C Confor"ance Assess"ent #a/e.

395 A-03-060 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( @G'R #est Cases for Anite A#

39 A-03-06 .4 Vai(ation on Raca A=M@8C# of @G'R test cases

396 A-03-069 .4 >otification of &ai(ate( @G'R 'riorit$ 1@ #est Cases for Roh(e

? ch+ar CR#-G

39 A-03-00r1 .4 Vai(ation of #est Cases on the Raca 103 A=M@8C# #est





 Assess"ent for ne+ A# @(,e Capa/e 'atfor" Variant on the

 Anite A# #est 'atfor"

400 GCF-#'13-&110.ip #'13 #est patfor" Doc!"ent

401GCF-#'12-110.ip #'12 #est patfor" Doc!"ent

402 A-03-'ac<a,es--6.ip

G'R pac<a,e an( 6 prioritiation

403 #'10.ip #'10 #est 'atfor" Description

404 A-03-N005r2NinterpretationNcorrection.(oc

GCF-CC V.3.10.0 correction /eca!se of +ron, interpretationre,ar(in, A-03-005r2

405 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N2-3N2?-4N2.(oc

@rror in #C an( #C on the Anite A##est 'atfor"

40 A-03-N#CsN13N1N1NN 


@rror in test cases 13.1.1 an( 22.4 on the Anite RAM #est


406 A-03-N#CN34N2N9N.(oc

=nconsistenc$ in #C an( #C

40 A-03-#CN43N1N1N5.ip

@rror in #C

409 A-03-N#CN44N2N.(oc


410 A-03-N#CN20N22N19.ip

@rror in test case 20.22.19 on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

411 A-03-N#CN20N22N13.(oc

@rror in #C 20.22.13 on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

412 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N3N2.(oc

@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"


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GCF-CC 'a,e 5 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

413 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N5N1.(oc

@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

414 A-03-N#CN42N5N5N3.ip

@rror in test case on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

415 AN03NNatch2.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch2 #est Cases

41 AN03NNatch3.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch3 #est Cases

416 A-03-N#CN4N2N2N2N


@rror in #C an( #C on the Anite A# #est'atfor"

41 A-03--#CN42N1N2N2N5N1.(oc

@rror in test case on RACAB A=M@ 8 C# #est'atfor"

419 AN03NNatch1Nr1.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch1 #est Cases on Anite A#

420 AN03NNatch4.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch4 #est Cases on Anite A#

421 A-03--


@rror in test case on Anite A# an( RACAB A=M@8C#

#est 'atfor"s

422 A-03--#CN4N2N2N1N1.(oc

@rror in test case on Anite A# #est 'atfor"

423 A-03--#CN4N1N2N2N3N3.(oc

@rror in test case on Anite A# #est 'atfor"

424 A-03-N#CN2NN4N1.(oc

@rror in #C 2..4.1 on the Roh(e ? ch+ar #91 #est'atfor"

425Do+n,ra(eN44N2N3N 1N4.(oc


42 A-03-N#CN2NN4N1-A#.(oc

@rror in #C 2..4.1 on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

42 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N2N4


@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

426 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N2N4

 N3.(oc@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

429 AN03NN;or<aro!n(N#CN42N5N5N3.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

430 A-03-N#CN26N11N2N.(oc

@rror in #C 26.11.2. on the %RGA =#3 #est 'atfor"

431 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN43N 1N1N3.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

432 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN4N 1N2N3N1.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

433 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN4N 1N2N3N3.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

434 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN4N 2N2N1N2.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

435 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN4N 1N2N4N1.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

43 A-03-N#CN44N2N1N1N9.ip

@rror in test case on the Anite A# R? CR#-G an(RACAB A=M@8C# #est 'atfor"

436 A-03-N#CN22N3NRAM.(oc

@rror in test case 22.3 on the Anite RAM #est 'atfor"

43 A-03-N#CN26N11N2NN 

 Appica/iit$.(oc Appica/iit$ of #C 26.11.2.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 59 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

439 A-03--#CN13N1N1Nan(N22N4.(oc

 A-03--#CN13N1N1 an( 22N4.(oc

440 A-03-N#CN22N3.(oc

@rror in #C 22.3 on the R? # 91 #est 'atfor"

441 AN03NN;or<aro!n(N#CN44N2N.(oc ;or<aro!n( for #C 44.2.

442 A-03-N#CN12N2NNCM.(oc

Vai(ation of #est Cases 12.2.1 an( 12.2.2 on the Roh(e ?ch+ar CM 200 #est 'atfor"

443 A-03-N#CN42-1-2-2-4.(oc

@rror in #C on the A>=#@ A# #est 'atfor"

444 AN03NNatch4N23.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch4 #est Cases

445 A-03-NAniteNRAMNRF

 NG'R.ipRe-Vai(ation of G'R RF #est Cases on Anite RAM

44 A-03-NA#N'hase2.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of 'hase 2 A# #est Cases



NAniteNRAMNRF Nre&1.ip

Re-Vai(ation of 'hase 2 RF #est Cases on Anite RAM

44 AN03NN@G'RN1 N01.(oc

Re-*Vai(ation of @G'R #est Cases &1.01

449 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN4N 1N2N2N4N2.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C

450 AN03NNatch3N23.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch3 #est Cases &3.23

451 A-03-N#CN42N4N2N1N5.(oc

Deetion of #C fro" GCF-CC

452 AN03NNatch2N23Nre&1.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch2 #est Cases &2.23 re&.1

453 A-03-OOON#CN4N2N2N1N 


@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

454 AN03NNatch1N23.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch1 #est Cases &1.23

455 A-03-NVai(ationNRaca


Vai(ation of @G'R #est Cases on the Raca A=M@8C# #est'atfor"

45 A-03-NAniteNRAM.ip

 A((itiona infor"ation for an appro&e( 5810 (a$s r!e GCF(oc!"ent

456 A-03--;or<aro!n(N#CN41N 2N4N2.(oc

;or<aro!n( for #C


RACAB @G'R #est Case Vai(ation

459 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N2N4

 N3)R1*.(oc@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

40 A-03-NRe&ai(ationNCR#GNpatchN141.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of #est Cases an(2.. on the Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G #est 'atfor"

41 A-03-NRe&ai(ationNCR#CNpatchN133.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of #est Cases an(2.. on the Roh(e ? ch+ar CR#C02 #est 'atfor"

42 A-03--;or<aro!n(NO=DN>e,otiation.(oc

;or<aro!n( for O=D ne,otiation on Anite A#

43 A-03--#CN20N22N3Nr1.(oc

@rror in #est Case 20.22.3 on the Anite A# #est 'atfor" re&.1

44 A-03-N#CN42N1N2N1N


@rror in CC since &ersion 3.9.1 in the Confor"ance Assess"entta/e for >%> Reease 99

45 A-03-N#CN4N1N2N3N2r1.(oc

Fa!t in #C


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GCF-CC 'a,e 0 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment


Re-Vai(ation of !ppe"entar$ er&ices #est Cases on theRoh(e ? ch+ar CR#-G #est 'atfor"




Re-Vai(ation of G'R #est Cases on Raca 103 A=M@8C#

49 A-03--#CN42N4N4N2.(oc

@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"

460 A-03--#CN42N3N1N1N5.(oc

@rror in #C on the Anite A# #est 'atfor"


)Re-*Vai(ation of #est Cases on the Roh(e ? ch+ar #950G#est 'atfor"


)Re-*Vai(ation of #est Cases on the Roh(e ? ch+ar #950G#est 'atfor"

463 A-03-NAniteNA#NGMMN#Cs.(oc

Re-Vai(ation of G'R atch1 GMM #est Case on Anite A#

3.11.1 19 L!ne 2003 .4 @(itoria correction see GCF-'D Chan,e Recor( for f! (etais

464 A-03-036r1 .4 =ntro(!ction of >e+ #est 'atfor" )#'23*

46 A-03-042 .4 A((ition of Raca =nstr!"ents Bt(. 401 A=M@8C# test s$ste")#'21*

46 A-03-09 .4 Correction to confor"ance ta/e for 34.123-1

469 A-03-040r2 .4 Vai(ation of 'rotoco Confor"ance #est Cases on the Anrits!'# )MO65201A* 'atfor"

40 A-03-041r1 .4 Vai(ation of RF Confor"ance #est Cases on the Anrits!)MO66103A* M@663A 'atfor"

41 A-03-043r2 .4 Vai(ation an( re-&ai(ation of 3G'' test cases on Roh(e ?ch+ar CR#-;

42 A-03-045r1 .4 Vai(ation of Anite atch1 ##C> #est Cases on the -A#patfor"

43 A-03-04r1 .4 Vai(ation of Anite atch2 3 ##C> #est Cases on the -A#patfor"

44 A-03-046r1 .4 Vai(ation of Anite atch3 ##C> #est Cases on the -A#patfor"

45 A-03-04r1 .4 Re-&ai(ation of Anite atch1 an( atch2 ##C> #est Caseson the -A# patfor"

4 A-03-052r2 .4 F!rther Vai(ation of 'rotoco Confor"ance #est Cases on the Anrits! '# )MO65201A* 'atfor"

46 A-03-03r1 .4 Vai(ation of RF test cases accor(in, to the 3G'' # 34.121 onthe RACAB test patfor" 404 C#'-R

4 A-03-06 .4 Vai(ation an( re-&ai(ation of anao, =M #est Cases on the%RGA =#_ =M-i"!ator test patfor"

49 A-03-0 .4 Re-&ai(ation of (i,ita =M #est Cases on the %RGA =#_ =M-i"!ator test patfor"


p(ate to CC to a((ress f!t!re &ai(ations

3.12.0 491 25 ept 2003 -03-150r2 6 Anne =nc!sion of Rec et2.5 an( "o(ification of Rec et3

.4 Confor"ance Assess"ent ta/es "o&e( to CC (ata/ase

3.13.0 3 10 Fe/ 2004 -04-03r1 4.3 4.4 %ption ta/e for Re-4 Certification

43 -03-11r3 46 %ption ta/e for R99 Certification

3.14.0 44 25 Mar 2004 A-04-11 Anne A A((ition of R?##@ @G'R test re7!ire"ents to GCF-CC Anne A

3.14.1 90 22 Apr 2004 -04-04r2 Anne @)ne+*

=ntro(!ction of ;or< ite" oriente( process

3.14.2 555 11 L!ne 2004 A-04-005 .2 Anne  Anne D3

 A((ition of R99 Reco""en(e( et to GCF-CC )%"itte( in errorafter AG20*

3.15.0 93 16 L!ne 2004 A-04-169r3 .2 Anne D A((ition of >C1 to R99 G'R Reco""en(e( et

634 A-04-12=ntro(!ction of ne+ #est 'atfor" - #'33 Q Anite -A# an(%RGA =#3 =M i"!ator 

635 A-04-152 Carification on GCF CC Anne A

3.15.1 L!$ 2004 .4@(itoria chan,e: A//re&iations !se( in the Confor"ance

 Assess"ent ta/e to i(entif$ #est 'atfor"s ai,ne( +ith CCData/ase infor"ation

646 -04-116r1 .3 . 9 )ne+*

9.1 )ne+*

@tension to co&er MM %ptions #a/e Confor"ance- ? =% Assess"ent #a/e

650 -04-122 Anne @ #o a(( ne+ FDD +or< ite"s to Anne @


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GCF-CC 'a,e 1 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

3.1.0 01 24 ept 2004 A@A-04-021 .4=ntro(!ction of ne+ #est 'atfor" #'41 Q -CA# 5020 )etco"Co"prehensi&e Appications #ester -CA# 5020*

02 A@A-04-012 .4=ntro(!ction of ne+ #est 'atfor" #'42 Anite AC#)Appications-ena/er Confor"ance #ooset*

03 A@A-04-014 .4=ntro(!ction of ne+ #est 'atfor" #'43 R? CR#-A#@)Appication #estin, @n&iron"ent

3.1.1 05 21 %cto/er 2004 -04-12 Anne @ #o a(( D#M ;= to Anne @

0 -04-10 Anne @ #o a(( ne+ A-G' ;= to Anne @

3.1.2 135 >o&e"/er2004


4.3 )ne+* 4.44.5 4. )ne+*5.3 )ne+* .3.4.2

F!rther +or< to inc!(e Appication @na/ers in the 'RDs

3.1.3 1422 >o&e"/er2004

 A@A-04-025r2 .4 =ntro(!ction of ne+ test patfor" #'45 #eeca 'roteer MM

19 A@A-04-04 9.1 Re"o&a of =%' test case MM-1-2-int 110 Bon, fie na"e

20 A@A-04-049 .0.2Chan,es to the MM confor"ance test cases in the GCF-CC(ata/ase )MM-1.2-con-210*

3.1.4 22 Dece"/er2004

 A@A-04-050 4..2Carification of MM confor"ance testin, start (ate an( !se( CC(ata/ase &ersion an( (ate.

3.1.5 2930 Dece"/er2004

-04- Carification of casses !se( for &erification.

3.1. 30 16 Lan!ar$ 2005 F#-04-05r1 2.4 10 )ne+* A((ition of Fie( #ria Assess"ent #a/e for 3G

3.16.0 31 20 Lan!ar$ 2005 CAG-05-04 .3=ntro(!ction of ne+ test patfor" #'4 Anrits! M@663A ;-CDMA M!ti-an( Version RF )RRM*Confor"ance #est $ste"

32 CAG-05-049 .3=ntro(!ction of ne+ test patfor" #'46 Anrits! M@664A ;-CDMA M!ti-an( Version RRMConfor"ance #est $ste"

4 A@A-05-023 .4Re"o&a of ca!se .4.2 an( carification of the p!rpose of GCFCertification

5 A@A-05-02 .3.3Re"o&a an( A((ition of MM confor"ance test case fro" MM%ption ta/e

3.1.0 93 21 Apri 2005 CAG-05-143 .1a Chan,e of Vai(ation tat!s Cass E@ to EC

94 CAG-05-144 .1/ Creation of test case Do+n,ra(e tat!s

95 CAG-05-145 4.4 p(ate of GM8#RA %ptions ta/e to Re-5

933 A@A-05-044 .3 .3.2 .3.3

.3.4 .3.4a

Re&isions an( a((ition to MM %ption ta/e

934 A@A-05-045 9.1 Re"o&a of =%' test cases

935 A@A-05-054r1 .3.4 AC== s!pport in De&ices

93 A@A-05-04 .1a Chan,e of Vai(ation tat!s Cass E@ to EC

936 A@A-05-046 .1/ Creation of test case Do+n,ra(e tat!s

3.1.1 93 Ma$ 2005CRNtoNGCFNCCN;=

 Nta/eNr1 Anne @ p(ate of the ;or< =te" ta/e

3.1.2 942 9 L!ne 2005 -05-066r1 Anne @ Carification of freee of ;or< =te"s

946 -05-099 9 10 an( Anne F

Mo&in, (ecaration te"pates to GCF-CC

950 -05-101 4 Minor corrections

3.1.3 996 6 L!$ 2005 A@A-05-056r1 2.4 p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

99 A@A-05-05 4.4 )ne+* p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

999 A@A-05-059r2 4.9 )ne+* p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

1000 A@A-05-01r1 Anne @ p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

1001 A@A-05-06r2 Annees F2 ?F3

p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

1002 A@A-05-02r2 Anne F 3.5)ne+*

p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

1003 A@A-05-0r2 4.5 ? 4. p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

1004 A@A-05-090r1 9.2 p(ate to inc!(e Vi(eo #eephon$ =%' testin, re,i"e

3.19.0 95 6 L!$ 2005 CAG-05-1 A((ition of ne+ test patfor" #'49.

99 CAG-05-1 Anne @ Freee of ;or< =te"s

1005 A@A-05-01 Re"o&a of MM ta,

3.20.01022 26 %ct 2005 -05-164r1 5.2 p(ate on Versions of 3G pecifications for /aseine s+itch to

Dece"/er 04

106 CAG-05-2 Anne @ Freein, ;=-012 an( ;=-013

103 A@A-05-106r2 Anne F.3.3.4F.3.5.4

i"pification of the =%' res!t ta/es.

104 A@A-05-11 Anne F2 p(ate( to inc!(e '%C into the GCF Certification re,i"e

105 A@A-05-116r1 4.10


 A((e( to inc!(e '%C into the GCF Certification re,i"e

10 A@A-05-11r1 5.4 )ne+* A((e( to inc!(e '%C into the GCF Certification re,i"e

106 A@A-05-121 4.5 p(ate( to inc!(e '%C into the GCF Certification re,i"e


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 2 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

10 A@A-05-122 4. p(ate( to inc!(e '%C into the GCF Certification re,i"e

109 A@A-05-123r4 Anne F 3.4)ne+*

 A((e( to inc!(e '%C into the GCF Certification re,i"e

1090 CAG-05-253r4 A@A-05-10r4

 Anne @ p(ate of ;or< =te" #a/e

1091 A@A-5-12r1 ;hoe 'RD Cean !p of +hoe 'RD1092 CAG-05264r1 .4 Cean !p of GCF CC test patfor" ist.

3.21.0 114 2 Lan 200 CAG-0-003r1 Anne @ p(ate( ;= ta/e

115 A@A-0-041 Anne @ p(ate MM 'R'

1156 A@A-0-019 Anne F3.3.1 p(ate to Anne F3.3.1 for MM

159 A@A-0-01r1 5.5 =ntro(!ction of C V#

110 A@A-0-029r1 Anne F 3.2.1 ?3.2.2

p(ate of Anne F for C V#

111 A@A-0-030 p(ate to Anne F3. for C V#

112 A@A-0-031 p(ate of ca!se 4.1 for C V#

113 A@A-0-032r1 p(ate of ca!ses 4.2 an( 4.3 for C V#

115 A@A-0-011r2 p(ate to Anne F for =M'

11 A@A-0-00 p(ate to Anne F.2 for =M'

116 A@A-0-006 p(ate to ca!se 4.1 for =M'

11 A@A-0-00 p(ate to ca!se 4.2 for =M'

119 A@A-0-009 p(ate to ca!se 4.5 for =M'1160 A@A-0-012 r2 p(ate to Anne @ for =M'

1164 A@A-0-043 p(ate of Anne F.3.4.3 for 'oC

1165 A@A-0-044 p(ate of Anne F.3.4.1 for 'oC

3.21.1 113 23 Fe/ 200 F#-05-026r1 @"er,enc$ Cain, #est Case Re(!ction

114 F#-05-032r1 Re&ie+ of V# F# re7!ire"ents

11 F#-0-024 Mo(ifications to Anne @

116 F#-0-02 A((ition of Channe +itchin, Fie( #rias

11 F#-0-033r1 Re&isions of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for FDD R99

3.22.0123 13 Apr 200 CAG-0-01r1 #o chan,e the stat!s of ;=-023 )2G Re-4 @nhance"ents* ? ;=-

009 )AMR R99* fro" froen to co"pete(*.

1259 CAG-0-065r1 Freein, ;=-015

120 CAG-0-102 ;=-013 )FDD Re-4 an( Re-5 @nhance"ents* an( ;=-014)D'A Re-5* reache( C@C*

124 A@A-0-06 p(ate to inc!(e MM 1.3 into the GCF Certification re,i"e

125 A@A-0-060 p(ate to inc!(e MM 1.3 into the GCF Certification re,i"e

12 A@A-0-02 Carification of appica/iit$ for a V# =%' #est Case

1260 A@A-0-01r1 Re"o&a of references to ;A' in GCF (ecaration

1261 A@A-04 p(ate for 'oC 1.0 "aintenance

3.22.11262 13 Apr 200 F#-0-030r3 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction to inc!(e CR (eain, +ith D'A Fie( #rias

)appro&e( &ia 10-(a$ r!e foo+in, F#AG03*

3.22.21266 13Apr 200 F#-0-035 Anne F 3.5.1 Repace( co"pete Anne F3.5.1 for GM Fie( #rias +ith ne+

GM8G'R sche"e. )appro&e( &ia 10 (a$ r!e foo+in,F#AG03*

3.22.3 12 21L!n 200 -0-09r1 A %nine certification

3.23.0 1291 6 L!$ 200 -0-11r1 A #est case appica/iit$ ist

120 F#-0-00r1 Anne F3.5.2 M# V# re7!ire"ents chan,es accor(in,$ F#-0-053r1Re&ie+ of V# re7!ire"ents)%"itte( in error fro" GCF-CC &3.22.3*

121 F#-0-05r1 Anne @ Chan,e of tat!s of ;=s 026 ? 02 to acti&e.)%"itte( in error fro" GCF-CC &3.22.3*

1292 CAG-0-110 Anne @ Correction to GCF-CC Anne @: ;or< =te" #a/e

1319 CAG-0-14r1 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC )Freein, ;=-030*

1324 A@A-0-109r1 Anne @ p(ate for ;=-019

3.24.0 1335 2 %ct 200 -0-12r1 Anne @ =ntro(!ction of an inten(e( ;or< =te" Ba!nch Date

1336 -0-15r1 5.3.4 =ntro(!ction of an inten(e( ;or< =te" Ba!nch Date

1363 CAG-0-12r1 Anne @ p(ate to Anne @

136 A@A-0-11r1 Anne @ A((ition of ;=-042 to Anne @

1366 A@A-0-11 4.3 4.5 Re"o&a of o!t(ate( infor"ation

3.24.1 136 16 >o& 200 F#-0-101 Anne F 3.5.2 Correction of inter s$ste" pac<et ce chan,e or(er  

1369 F#-0-126r3 Anne F 3.5.2 =ntro(!ction of =nterfre7!enc$ Mo/iit$ Fie( #ria Re7!ire"entsfor R99 (e&ices

3.25.0 1400 1 Lan 2006 CAG-06-02 Anne @ 'roposa to freee ;=-014 )D'A FDD Re-5*

141 CAG-06-003 Anne @ Chan,in, ;=-03 ;or< =te" stat!s fro" E%n,oin, to EFroen1420 CAG-06-026r3 Anne @ =ntro(!ction of ;=-046


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 3 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

142 A@AG-06-002r1 Anne @ p(ate to inc!(e %MA ro+sin, into the GCF Certificationre,i"e

1426 A@AG-06-003r1 p(ate to inc!(e %MA ro+sin, into the GCF Certificationre,i"e

142 A@AG-06-004r2 p(ate to inc!(e %MA ro+sin, into the GCF Certificationre,i"e

1429 A@AG-06-00r1 p(ate to si"pif$ the inc!sion of Appication @na/ers into GCF

1430 A@AG-06-023r1 p(ate to inc!(e %MA De&ice Mana,e"ent 1.2 into the GCFCertification re,i"e

1431 A@AG-06-024r1 p(ate to inc!(e %MA De&ice Mana,e"ent 1.2 into the GCFCertification re,i"e

1433 A@AG-06-02r1 Correction re Confor"ance assess"ent ta/e

3.25.1 1434 01 Fe/ 2006 F#-06-01r1 Anne F

Correction of M!ti 'art$ tests

1435 F#-06-049 Anne F 3.5.1 Mo&in, E>e,ati&e #ests on '=> han(in, to >= cassification

143 F#-06-014r1 Anne F 3.5.1 Chan,es in 2G F# #ests in DG11

1436 F#-06-035r1 Anne F 3.5.1 Re"o&a of RC re7!ire"ent

143 F#-06-033r1 Anne F 3.5.2 Re"o&a of RC re7!ire"ent an( #a/e

1439 F#-06-044r1 Anne F 3.5.2 A((ition of R99 # Di&ersit$ tests to ;=-29

1440 F#-06-04 Anne @ Chan,e of ;=-29 stat!s to Co"pete( a((ition of @GD@ F# ;= a((ition of ;=-29 rapporte!r ? chan,e of ;= rapporte!r for ;=-

21441 F#-06-053 Anne F 3.5.1 p(ate of DG.11 References for @"er,enc$ Cas

1442 F#-06-055 Anne F 3.5.2 p(ate of DG.11 References for @"er,enc$ Cas

1443 F#-06-051 Anne F 3.5.2 Mo&in, E>e,ati&e #ests on '=> han(in, to >= cassification

3.25.2 15 March 2006 Front sheet GCF o,o a((e(

3.2.0 1464 03 Ma$ 2006 CAG-06-00 Anne @ Chan,e of certification stat!s for ;=-041 to EActi&e in GCF-CC Anne @

1496 CAG-06-065 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC on chan,e of ;= state for ;=-010

1501 CAG-06-061 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC on chan,e of ;= state for ;=-012

1535 CAG-06-09 Anne @ A(( ;=-049 to Anne @

153 CAG-06-115r1 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC to a(( infor"ation a/o!t test patfor"s +ithchan,e( #'AC stat!s at CAG10 in Anne @

1536 CAG-06-11 .1.2 A((ition of a carification to the (efinition of Cass

1539 F#-06-09 Anne F 3.5.1 Consistenc$ re+or< to repace 2G /$ the ter" JG@RA>K

1540 F#-06-096 Anne F 3.5.2 Consistenc$ re+or< to repace 2G /$ the ter" JG@RA>K

1541 F#-06-101 Anne @ Chan,e of ;= rapporte!r for ;=-261543 F#-06-09r1 Anne F 3.5.2 A((itiona co""ents reate( to the ##D ? CB#D # Di&ersit$

test cases

154 F#-06-0 Anne F 3.5.1 Mo&e M re7!ire"ents M-1.2. 1.2.6 ? 1.2. !n(er G'Rcassification GCF-CC F3.5.1

154 F#-06-06r1 Anne F 3.5.2 Re"o&a of co""ents to reate( ##D # Di&ersit$ test case

3.26.0 150 12 L! 2006 CAG-06-131 Anne @ 'roposa for ;=-01 to /e froen

151 CAG-06-129 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC to co"pete ;=-016 )D#M*

150 CAG-06-134 Anne @ p(ate to Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e

155 CAG-06-15r1 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for FDD inter-/an( ;=s

103 CAG-06-10 Anne @ )A((ition of DV- ;or< =te" );=-055* to Anne @

105 CAG-06-135 Anne @ A((ition of GA> +or< ite" );=-059* to Anne @

109 A@AG-06-091 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC Anne @ )Re"o&a of =M'

110 A@AG-06-092 Anne F2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F2 )Re"o&a of =M'*

111 A@AG-06-093 Anne F3.6 CR to GCF-CC Anne F.3.6 )Re"o&a of =M'*

3.26.1 12 ept 2006 Chan,e Recor(? Anne F3.5.2

Vario!s e(itoria corrections inc!(in, ACR> references

3.2.0 12 24 %ct 2006 F#-06-122r1 Anne F 3.5.2 Re"o&a of M-1.1. E=np!t concatenate( M C-2apha/et ? (efa!t ? eten(e( (efa!t 6-/it apha/et )o&er 140$tes*

126 F#-06-114r1 Anne F 3.5.2 Re"o&a of M-1.1. E=np!t concatenate( M C-2apha/et ? (efa!t ? eten(e( (efa!t 6-/it apha/et )o&er 140$tes*

12 F#-06-136 Anne F 3.5.1 Re"o&a (!picate M-re7!ire"ent )M-1.1.3*

130 F#-06-120r1 Anne F2 A((ition of s!pport for D'A an( @B

131 F#-06-121r1 Anne F 3.5.2 A((ition of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for @B

13 CAG-06-216r1 Anne @ Corrections to ;=D for ;=-006 )@G'Rs*

16 CAG-06-250 Anne @Chan,e of ;=-016 )D#M* certification stat!s fro" acti&e to notacti&e

19 CAG-06-222 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-050 )G@A2*

16 CAG-06-20r1 Anne @ Certification Chan,in, ;=-015 certification stat!s fro" E>ot Acti&e to EActi&e

15 CAG-06-210 Anne @ Chan,in, ;=-030 certification stat!s fro" E>ot Acti&e to EActi&e


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 4 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

16 CAG-06-23 Anne @p(ate to Anne @ to inc!(e ne+ test patfor"s that +i reachthe #'AC for ;=-35 )co"/ine( tests*

191 CAG-06-253r1 Anne @ p(ate to Anne @ to inc!(e ne+ GM test t$pe

195 CAG-06-213r1 Anne @ Chan,in, ;=-03 certification stat!s fro" E>ot Acti&e to EActi&e

19 CAG-06-231 Anne @ ;=-51 an( ;=-52 Annee @ !p(ate

1603 CAG-06-215r1 Anne @

Chan,e ;=-049 #ite fro" EFDD M!ti"e(ia roa(cast M!ticaster&ice )FDD MM* to EFDD M!ti"e(ia roa(cast M!ticaster&ice )roa(cast* )FDD MM)C***

1612 A@AG-06-12r1 Anne @ A((ition of appro&e( test patfor" for %MA DM +or< ite" toGCF-CC

3.2.1 12 2 >o& 2006 F#-06-112r2 Anne F 3.5.1 CR o"itte( in error fro" &3.2.0

Front co&er %&erap perio( en( (ate chan,e( to 1th Fe/ 200 to ai,n +ithDCC. )Appro&e( /$ GCF Chair*

3.2.2 1616 13 Dec 2006 -06-214r2 Ca!se  Anne @ )5th co!"n (eete(*

p(ate of a references to the (ata/ase fro" JCCK to JDCCK

3.29.0 165 1 Lan 200 CAG-0-053r1 Anne @ p(ate Anne @ to inc!(e %MA CA# 1.0 as a >ot Acti&e +or<ite"

169 CAG-0-003r1 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-044 )G@A3* an( ;=-050 )G@A2*

1660 CAG-0-009 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-043 )A583*

1661 CAG-0-055 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-042 )%MA DM 1.2*an( ;=-005 )%MA 'B 1.0**

1666 24 Lan 200 F#-0-052 Anne F 3.5.2 FDD R99 on =M 'referre( Ban,!a,e

3.29.1 162 19 March 200 -0-005 10 A((in, GCF F# Cassifications

16 -0-021 10 A((ition of GA> Cassifications

1690 -0-03 10 Mo(ification of EA((itiona Cassification for De&ices s!pportin,#RA re,ar(in, ' D'A an( @B

3.29.2 09 Apri 200 @(itoria corrections to ca!se 10.2 to ai,n chan,es +ith GCF-A'&3.24.0

3.30.0 1663 24 Apri 200 F#-0-016r1 Anne F352 Re"o&a of thro!,hp!t "eas!res on R99 RAs "er,e of 'D'A an( @B re7!ire"ents into a !ni7!e ta/e. )Dea$e( !ntiafter F#AG11*

1664 F#-0-026 A((ition of s!pport for GA> )Dea$e( !nti after F#AG11*

1665 F#-0-02r1 A((ition of GA> Fie( #rias re7!ire"ents for GA>. )Dea$e( !ntiafter F#AG11*

169 CAG-0-060 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ for ;=-03100 CAG-0-069 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-030 )A-G' Mini"!"

'erfor"ance )Re. *

120 CAG-0-140 Anne @ Acti&ation an( freein, of ;=-024 an( ;=-025

126 CAG-0-066 Anne @ A((in, ;=-0 an( ;=-09 to ;or< =te" #a/e in Anne @

129 CAG-0-102 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-035 A# #estin,

132 CAG-0-03 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-059 GA>

135 CAG-0-0 Anne @ A((in, ;=-060 to ;or< =te" #a/e in Anne @

13 CAG-0-06 Anne @ A((in, ;=-06 to ;or< =te" #a/e in Anne @

136 CAG-0-109r1 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-0518052 FDD inter-/an( )=-V= an( =-V===*

145 CAG-0-10 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-032 )MM 1.OConfor"ance testin,* an( ;=-033 )MM 1.O =%' testin,**

14 CAG-0-141 Anne F33 p(ate of Anne F 33 for ;=-033 )MM 1.O =%'*

149 CAG-0-142 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-022 )MM 1.2* toin(icate stat!s Eter"inate( for GCF CC3.30 as the ;= isrepace( /$ MM 1.O ;=-032 an( 033

151 CAG-0-136r1* Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-031 3G'' =M CCRe-5 an( Re-

10 F#-0-05 o"e chan,es in reference n!"/erin, an( re7!ire"ent hea(ers

11 F#-0-103 A((ition of GA> Fie( #rias re7!ire"ents for GA>

12 F#-0-104 A((ition of s!pport for GA>

13 F#-0-065 Anne F3.5.2 Mo&e RC-re7. to ' ta/e

14 F#-0-06 Anne F3.5.2 A((in, D'A non-acti&e re7!ire"ent to ' ta/e

15 F#-0-066 Anne F3.5.2 A((in, @B non-acti&e re7

1 F#-0-0r2 Anne @ ;=-ta/e !p(ate

1 F#-0-112 p(ate of ;=-#a/e to a(( Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for teerin,of Roa"in,

19 F#-0-0 A((ition of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for teerin, of Roa"in,

160 F#-0-09 A((ition of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for teerin, of Roa"in,

3.31.0 16 02 L! 2006 F#-0-123 Anne @ tat!s chan,e ;=-02 G@RA> F# re7!ire"ents

169 F#-0-124r1 Anne F3.5.2 Re"o&a of (!picate re7!ire"ent an( reference n!"/erchan,es

10 F#-0-133r1 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 5 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

12 CAG-0-13 Anne @ A((ition of ;=-06 to Anne @

3.31.1 15 L!$ 200 @(itoria cean-!p perfor"e( /$ Forapois

Voi( ca!se (eete(. !/se7!ent ca!ses ren!"/ere(. Aree&ant references !p(ate(.

F.3.1 Voi( ca!se F.3.1.1 (eete(. !/se7!ent ca!ses ren!"/ere(. Aree&ant references !p(ate(.

F.3.2 Voi( ca!se F.3.2.1 (eete(. !/se7!ent ca!ses ren!"/ere(. Aree&ant references !p(ate(.

F.3.3 Voi( ca!ses F.3.3.1 an( F3.3.3 (eete(. !/se7!ent ca!sesren!"/ere(. A ree&ant references !p(ate(.

F.3.4 Voi( ca!se F.3.4.1 (eete(. !/se7!ent ca!ses ren!"/ere(. Aree&ant references !p(ate(.

F.3. Voi( ca!se F.3..2 (eete(. !/se7!ent ca!ses ren!"/ere(. Aree&ant references !p(ate(.

F.3.6 Voi( Anne F.3.6 (eete( entire$. !/se7!ent Annees F.3. an(F.3.9 ren!"/ere( to F.3.6 an( F.3.. A ree&ant references!p(ate(.

3.31.2 190 25 ept 200 -0-110r1 Anne @ A((ition of ;= stat!s J#er"inate(K. ;= stat!s (efinitions repace(/$ references to GCF-%'.

1910 -0-114 'ropose( e(itoria cean-!p appro&e( /$ G3

3.32.0 1 %ct 200 Annees F3.9an( F3.10

@(itoria correction: Anne F3.9 o"itte( in error fro" &3.31.1ret!rne( to &3.32.0)ee aso ACR> 1940 +hich ori,ina$ a((e( ne+ Anne F3.9an( s!/se7!ent$ correcte( to Anne F3.10*

1916 F#-0-159 9 Cassification of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents

191 F#-0-12 Anne F 3.5.2 Vi(eo teephon$ appication "!te( a!(io ? /oc<e( &i(eof!nctions

1919 F#-0-156r1 Anne F 3.5.2 A((ition of a co""ent to =M-1.3.1

1921 CAG-0-263r1 Anne F2 A((ition of the appica/iit$ of @A28=A2 cipherin, a,orith" to

 Anne F.21940 CAG-0-211r3 Anne F3.10

)>e+ Anne* A((ition of a ne+ anne F3.10 for %#A Reco""en(e(perfor"ance re7!ire"ents "et

1941 CAG-0-230r1 4.2 an( Anne@

Mo(ification of ection 4.2 an( the ;or< =te" ta/e for %#A Antenna 'erfor"ance Meas!re"ents

1953 CAG-0-254r1 Anne @ Chan,e of rapporte!r for ;=-42 an( ;=-05

1954 CAG-0-243 r4 Anne @ A((ition of ne+ +or< ite"s to ;= ta/e in Anne @

1955 CAG-0-210 Anne F2 A((ition of the FDD Fre7!enc$ an(s ? 'B 1.0 appica/iit$ to Anne F.2

195 CAG-0-209r1 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e


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GCF-CC 'a,e Version

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ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

1956 CAG-0-2 Anne F3.2 A((ition of references to # 25.144 an( # 34.114 to AnneF.3.2

3.32.1 11 >o&e"/er200

4.2 @(itoria chan,e: reference to Anne F3.9 )for re7!ire"ents for%#A Antenna 'erfor"ance Meas!re"ents* chan,e( to AnneF3.10

3.33.0 196 21 Lan!ar$ 2009 CAG-09-005 Anne F.10 CorrectionNofNAnneNF3N10N)%#AN-NAntennaN'erfor"ance

1966 CAG-09-009r2 2.4I 4.1I 4.2I I AI @


196 CAG-09-023 Anne @ CRNtoN'RDNGCF-CCNAnneN@N;=-049N;=-06Nan(N;=N101

1969 CAG-09-024 Anne @ p(ate of ;=-06 tat!s in Anne @

190 CAG-09-03r1 Anne @ CRNtoNGCF-CCNAnneN@N;=-055

191 CAG-09-053 Anne F.3.

Re"o&a of a ro+sin, test ;C-1.1-con-2 - 45.15.13 >e+Bine 2

192 CAG-09-05r1 Anne @ p(ateNofNAnneN@N;or<N=te"N#a/eNforN;=-05

194 05 Fe/r!ar$2009


CR to GCF-CC section 9.2

195 F#-09-011 Anne F.3.5.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F3.5.2 re"o&a #oerance 'erio( for @B

19 F#-09-012 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC Anne @ - chan,es stat!s ;=-0

199 F#-09-019r1 9.2 CRNtoNGCF-CCN-NA((itionNofN@DG@NCassification

1990 F#-09-020 Anne F.2 CRNtoNGCF-CCNAnneNFN2NA((itionNofNs!pportNforN@DG@

1991 F#-09-021r1 Anne F.3.5.1 CRNtoNGCF-CCNAnneNFN3N5N1NA((itionNofN@DG@NFie(

3.34.0 2002 1 Apri 2009 CAG-09-111 Anne F 'roposa for chan,in, the for"at of annees CC

2003 CAG-09-141r1 Anne @ p(ate of +or< ite" stat!s for ;=-0 an( ;=-09 in Anne @

2004 CAG-09-153 Anne F3.1 ?F3.2

Re"o&a of test specifications fro" Version #a/e

2005 CAG-09-163 Anne @ p(ateNofNAnneN@N;or<N=te"N#a/eNforN;=-020Nan(N;

200 CAG-09-164 Anne F3.2 ?F3.4


2006 F#-09-060r1 ection 9 CR to GCF-CC on A((ition of De&ice-to-De&ice Cassification

200 F#-09-061 F.2 CR to GCF-CC F.2 on A((ition of ;-AMR s!pport

2009 F#-09-062r1F.3.5.1

CR to GCF-CC F.3.5.1 on A((ition of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for ;-AMR

2010 F#-09-063r1F.3.5.2

CR to GCF-CC F.3.5.2 on A((ition of Fie( #ria Re7!ire"ents for ;-AMR

2011 F#-09-05r2F.3.5.1

CR to GCF-CC-3330-F351-interaction G'R-GM )10DCR-CC-003*

2012 F#-09-056r1 F.3.5.1 CR-to-GCF-CCNAnneNF3.5.1N"er,eNG'RN?N@G'R ta/e2013 F#-09-05r1 ection 9 CR-to-GCF-CCNCassificationNchan,eNG'R-@G'R

2014 F#-09-059r1 Anne @ CR-to-GCF-CCN!p(ateNAnne-@N;=-ta/e

3.34.1 201 CAG-09-12 F.3.10 CR-to-GCF-CC-F310


2 L!$ 2009CAG-09-19r1

 Anne F.2 A((ition of (ecaration ite"s for A583 an( G@A83 cipherin,a,orith"s to Anne F.2

2024 CAG-09-220 Anne @ CR to a(( ;=-104 to GCF CC Anne @

2025 CAG-09-221 Anne @ Correction of GCF-CC Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e

202 CAG-09-226 Anne @ Chan,e Re7!est to a(( ;=-109 to GCF-CC Anne @

2026 CAG-09-230r3 Anne F CR to GCF-CC-chan,in, of anne F for"at into @ce

2029 CAG-09-26 Anne @ CR to chan,e rapporte!r of ;=-05 in GCF CC Anne @

2030 F#-09-099r1 ection 9.2.2 CR to GCF-CC cassification for #RA "!ti-/an(

2032 F#-09-106 ection 9.2.1 CR to GCF-CC G@RA> section 9.2.1

2033 F#-09-102r3 Anne F CR to GCF-CC-chan,in, of anne F for"at into @ce

2034 #o /e re&ise(

an( inc!(e( in3.35.1


 Anne F

CR to GCF-CC-chan,in, of anne F for"at into @ce

3.35.1 202 CAG-09-233r1 Anne F A' Anne F3.5.ONCon&ersion

2035 10DCR-CC-005R02 Anne F CR to GCF-CC-chan,in, of anne F for"at into @ce

3.3.0 2042 11->o&-09 CAG-09-25 Anne F.3. Anne F3..O Ver(ict a((ition

2043 CAG-09-292 Anne @ CR to a(( ;=-116 to GCF CC Anne @

2044 CAG-09-320 Anne @ A((ition of ne+ +or< ite"s to Anne @

2045 CAG-09-352 Anne @ Chan,e ;= stat!s of ;=-09 an( ;=-109 to Acti&e in ;= ta/e in Anne @

204 CAG-09-353 Anne @ A((ition of ;=-119 to Anne @ )+or< ite" ta/e*

2046 13->o&-09 F#-09-114 Anne F.3.5.2 DG.11 Reference Correction for GCF test case >=- 1.3.33

204 F#-09-11r2 Anne F.3.5.2 CR-to-GCF-CCNAnneF3.5.2NRC?'N"o/iit$NsectionNchan,es

2049 F#-09-120r1 Anne F.3.5.2 F#-09-120-CR-to-GCF-CCNAnneF3N5N2Ncean!p->=-V#NcaNsectio

2050 F#-09-130 Anne F.3.5.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F352 >#C Data re72051 F#-09-145r1 Anne F.3.5.2 CR-to-GCF-CCNAnneF3N5N2Na((in,N#RANfre7!enc$Ninfo

2052 F#-09-14r1 Anne F.3.5.1 CR-to-GCF-CCNAnneF3N5N1Na((in,NGMNfre7!enc$Ninfo


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GCF-CC 'a,e 6 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

2053 F#-09-13 CC ection 9.2 CR to GCF-CC section 9.2

3.3.12060 10 Dec 09 -09-14 CC ection e&era e(itorias to ai,n +ith (efinitions !se( in -09-10 )CR

to GCF AoA*

3.36.0 2062 26 Lan 10 CAG-10-012 Anne F.2 =n(ication of the a&aia/iit$ of a 'D'

2063 CAG-10-019 Anne F.3.11 A((ition of Anne F3 11 to GCF-CC

2064 CAG-10-041r1 Anne @ A((ition of ne+ +or< ite"s ;=-123 an( ;=-124 to Anne @2065 CAG-10-043 Anne @ p(ate Anne @ for ;or< =te" ;=-015

206 CAG-10-051r3 Anne @ Carification of +or< ite" stat!s of ;=-016 )D#M*

2066 CAG-10-063 ection 4.1 CR to GCF-CC ection 4 1 )'%C*

206 CAG-10-065r1 Anne @ p(ate of GCF-CC Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-11

2069 CAG-10-112r1 Anne @ p(ateNofN;=-101NCertificationNstat!sNinNAnneN@

200 CAG-10-10 Anne @ A((itionNofN;=-125NtoNGCF-CCNAnneN@

201 CAG-10-111r1 Anne @ A((itionNofN;=-11N?N;=-12NtoNGCF-CCNAnneN@

202 29 Lan 10 F#-10-009 F.3.5.2 F#-10-009-CRNtoNGCF-CCNAnneNF352N>=-2N1N2

203 F#-10-026 F.3.5.1 F#-10-026 AnneFN3.5.1NCorrectionNhea(erNMNta/e

204 F#-10-011 F.3.5.1 F#-10-011-CRNtoNGCF-CCNAnneNF351N>=-2N1N2

205 F#-10-013 9.2 F#-10-013-CRNtoNGCF-CCNsectionN9N2

3.3.0 2096 21 Apr 10 F#-10-035 F.3.5.2 CR to CC Anne F 3.5.2 RC ta/e - correction re7!ire"ent na"eRC-2.2.1

209 F#-10-036r1 F.3.5.2 10DCR-CC-006 )F#-10-036r1-

CRNtoNCCNAnneF3N5N2N!p(ateN=MN?N>=Nta/e.OB*2099 CAG-10-1r1 F.3.12 A((ition of Anne F3.12 )C%M% A((itiona =nfor"ation* toGCF-CC

2100 CAG-10-195 F.3.13 A((ition of Anne F3.13 to )"art Car( ;e/ er&er )C;** toGCF-CC

2101 CAG-10-121r2 Anne @ p(ates of Anne @

2102 CAG-10-11 Anne @ CR to Anne @ of GCF-CC to chan,e ;=-035 state fro" EFroento ECo"pete(

2103 CAG-10-16 Anne @ p(ate of GCF-CC Anne @ ;or< =te" #a/e for ;=-120)C%M% =%' testin,*

3.39.0 2113 9 L!$ 10 F#-10-0 F.3.5.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F352 Reect Ca!se 12

2114 F#-10-0 F.3.5.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.2 on Appica/iit$ of M#Concatenate( M

2115 F#-10-062r2 F.3.5.1 CR to GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.1 on pit-!p of oR Re7!ire"ent

211 F#-10-063r1 F.3.5.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.2 on pit-!p of oR Re7!ire"ent

2116 F#-10-0 F.3.5.1 CR to GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.1 on Appica/iit$ of M#

Concatenate( M211 F#-10-06r3 Anne F.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F2

2119 F#-10-065r2 4.1a 4.1 4.2 Anne G

CR to GCF-CC for (e&ices e"/e((in, a certifie( "o(!e

2120 F#-10-0r2 9.2 CR to GCF-CC section 9.2

2121 CAG-10-195r1 F.3.13 p(ate of Anne F3.13 to )"art Car( ;e/ er&er )C;** toGCF-CC

2122 CAG-10-235r3 4.1a 4.1 4.2 Anne G

CR to GCF-CC for (e&ices e"/e((in, a certifie( "o(!e

2123 CAG-10-23 Anne @ p(ates to Anne @

2124 CAG-10-241 Anne F.2 CR to GCF-CC Anne F.2

2125 CAG-10-293 Anne F.2 CR to GCF CC Anne F.2

3.40.0 213 29 %ct 10 CAG-10-334r1 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC to !p(ate ;= ta/e in to Anne @

2136 CAG-10-365 Anne @ CR to a(( ;=-133 to GCF CC Anne @

213 CAG-10-39 Anne @ CR to Mo(if$ Certification tat!s ;=-11 to GCF CC Anne @

2139 CAG-10-390 Anne @ CR to Mo(if$ Certification tat!s ;=-12 to GCF CC2140 CAG-10-412r1 Anne @ CR to GCF-CC to !p(ate ;= ta/e in to Anne @

2141 F#-10-139 Anne @ CR-to-GCF-CCNAnne-@Nchan,e-stat!s-;=-10

2142 F#-10-156 Anne @CR to GCF-CC Anne @ on Chan,e of Rapporte!r of ;=-121)B#@ Fie( #rias*

2143 CAG-10-36 Anne F Correction to GCF-CC Anne F.3.10

2144 CAG-10-434 Anne F CR to GCF-CC - >#D Chan,es in Anne F2

2145 CAG-10-435 Anne F CR to GCF-CC - >#D Chan,es in Anne F4.1

214 CAG-10-43 Anne F CR to GCF-CC - >#D Chan,es in Anne F4.2

2146 F#-10-152 F.5)-10-151r1* CR to GCF-CC Anne F.5 Fie( #rias )f!nctionatestin,*

214 F#-10-153r1 F.3.5.4 Reference A((ition in GCF-CC Anne-F for F3.5.4

2149 CAG-10-433r1 Anne G CR to GCF-CC - >#D Chan,es in ection 4.1 ? Anne G

2150 F#-10-12r1 9.2 CR to GCF-CC on B#@ cassification section 9.2

2151 F#-10-10 4CR to GCF-CC on a((ition of Fie( #rias for ost De&ices in

ection 42152 F#-10-131 9.2 CR to GCF-CC section 9.2


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GCF-CC 'a,e Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment


15 Dec 10 -10-16 Anne F.1 GCF-CC

215-10-203r1 4.3

CR to GCF-CC )"ain* on Reference #est pec for B#@ Fie(#rias

2156-10-204r2 Anne F

CR to GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.4 on Reference #est pec for B#@Fie( #rias

21CAG-10-44 Anne @

CR to GCF-CC Anne @ on Acti&ation of ;=-121 )B#@ Fie(#rias*

216CAG-10-494 Anne @

Chan,e of certification stat!s to EActi&e in GCF-CC Anne @)+or< ite" ta/e* for an( 20 an( an( 13 B#@ +or< ite"s an(for ;=-125

2165 2 Lan 11 F#-11-021r1 Anne F.3.5.4 A((in, >e+ Res!t.

216 F#-11-01r1 Anne F.3.5.1 Re"o&a of R9 =M re7!ire"ent.

2166 F#-11-02r1 Anne F.3.5.1 Ai,n"ent of GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.1 +ith atest &ersion of#.11 )9.0*.

216 F#-11-016r2 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of re7!ire"ent >=-5.1.2.

2169 F#-11-026r2 Anne F.3.5.2 Ai,n"ent of GCF-CC Anne F.3.5.2 +ith atest &ersion of#.11 )9.0*.

210 F#-11-023r2 9 i"pification of the +or(in, !n(er section 9 )Fie( #riasCassifications*. Minor e(itoria a"en("ents inc!(in,chan,in, #er"ina to De&ice.

211 F#-11-036r1 Anne @ p(ate of ;or< ite" ta/e to refect the GA> ;= s!spension.

212 F#-11-043 Anne @ Rapporte!r chan,e in +i-121

213 CAG-11-09 Anne @ ;=-059 an( ;=-06 Co"pete(. ;=-113 C@C an( Certificationstat!s is set to Acti&e. p(ate ;= Rapporte!rKs co"pan$.

3.40.2 21 30 Mar 11 10DCR-CC-00 Anne F.2 p(ateNofNGCF-CCNAnneNFN2NforN@-#RANFDDNan(N20

3.41.1 216 30 Mar 11 10DCR-CC-00 Anne F.2 p(ateNofNGCF-CCNAnneNFN2NforN@-#RANFDDNan(N20

3.42.0 2199 15 Apr 2011 CAG-11-114 Anne @ Chan,e( +or< ite" stat!s for ;=-0 fro" EFroen toECo"pete(

3.42.0 2200 15 Apr 2011 CAG-11-134 Anne F.2 =nc!sion of state"ent on acti&ation of GM B2 pin< Fi/itRan(o"iation in GCF CC F.2

3.42.0 2201 15 Apr 2011 CAG-11-136 Anne F.3.2 A((ition of #est pecifications for @-#RA an( @'C

3.42.0 2202 15 Apr 2011 CAG-11-166 Anne C Anne C re"o&e( to refect the GCF (ecision to re"o&e G'R'-channe test cases

3.42.0 2203 15 Apr 2011 CAG-11-209 Anne @ A((ition of 'B 2.0 ;=-134 into Anne @

3.42.0 2204 15 Apr 2011 CAG-11-211 Anne @ =ntro(!ction of B#@ FDD an( 01 an( B#@ FDD an( 06 intothe GCF certification re7!ire"ents

3.42.0 2205 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-05 Anne F.3.5.1 Correction to a$o!t of (oc!"ent

3.42.0 220 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-0 Anne F.3.5.2 Re"o&a of re7!ire"ent >=-5.3.1

3.42.0 2206 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-06 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction to a$o!t of (oc!"ent

3.42.0 220 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-0 Anne F.3.5.4 Correction to a$o!t of (oc!"ent

3.42.0 2209 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-09 Anne F.5.1 Correction to (oc!"ent hea(er  

3.42.0 2210 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-060 Anne F.5.2 Correction to (oc!"ent hea(er  

3.42.0 2211 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-061 Anne F.5.2 Re"o&a of re7!ire"ent >=-1.2.1


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ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

3.42.0 2212 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-062 Anne F.5.4 A((ition of a ne+ Anne F5.4 for @"/e((e( Mo(!ess!pportin, @#RA

3.42.0 2213 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-064r1 9.2.4 Re"o&a section 9.2.4 GA> Cassification (!e to !spensionof ;=-04

3.42.0 2214 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-090r1 Anne F.2 #o i(entif$ the Data Cass 8 Cate,or$ of the Certifie( De&ice.

o"e cean !p of notes.3.42.0 2215 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-091r1 9.2 =ntro(!ction of a note to refer to the #oerance 'erio( in F#


3.42.0 221 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-092r1 Anne F.3.5.4 =nc!sion of >ote for #oerance 'erio( in @#RA Fie( #rias

3.42.0 2216 15 Apr 2011 F#-11-093 Anne F.3.5.1 Re"o&a of re7!ire"ent >= 4.2.2

3.42.1 - 11 Ma$ 2011 >8A Anne @ ;=-059 Certification tat!s correcte(

3.43.0 2244 1 L!n 2011 -11-0r1 9.2.1 >e+ note 3 a((e( on ="pro&e"ent of Cre(i/iit$ fie( trias

2245 0 L! 2011 CAG-11-23r2 Anne F. >e+ Anne F. a((e( )B#@ #C eec!tion r!es*

224 0 L! 2011 CAG-11-24 Anne F.2 =nc!sion of a((itiona s!""ar$ infor"ation

2246 0 L! 2011 CAG-11-333r1 Anne F.3.3.1 p(ate of MM spec (ata an( re"o&a of note 2

224 0 L! 2011 CAG-11-335r2 Anne @ Genera !p(ate for a (ecisions at CAG26

2249 0 L! 2011 F#-11-10r3 9.2.5 p(ate of @-#RA> Cassification (!e to consi(er B#@ #DDan( B#@ FDD (!a "o(e ter"inas fie( tria

2250 0 L! 2011 F#-11-11 Anne @ >e+ ;=-13 a((e(

2251 0 L! 2011 F#-11-121 Anne @ Chan,e of ;=-13 ;or< =te" Certification tat!s

2252 0 L! 2011 FR-11-139r2 9.2.3 =ntro(!ction of M Cassification to De&ices s!pportin, #RA

2253 0 L! 2011 F#-11-13 Anne @ Acti&ation of A583 Cipherin, ;=-122 in Anne @

2254 0 L! 2011 F#-11-114 9.1.2 A((ition of appica/e infrastr!ct!re 8 &en(or re7!ire"ents for"!ti"o(e @-#RA> (e&ices.

2255 0 L! 2011 F#-11-112 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of a co""ent for the #er"inatin, M #est Caseconcernin, aphan!"eric characters in the ori,inator i(.

225 0 L! 2011 F#-11-116 Anne F.3.5.2 A((in, 3 re7!ire"ents to ' ta/e co"in, fro" ;=D-13

2256 0 L! 2011 F#-11-122 Anne F.3.5.2 A((in, co""ents for reference to for"er ;=-13 re7!ire"ents.

225 0 L! 2011 F#-11-110r3 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of a (ecaration of the test en&iron"ent for teerin, of  Roa"in, )oR*

2259 0 L! 2011 F#-11-132 Anne F.3.5.2 =ntro(!ction of A583 Cipherin, Fie( #rias

220 0 L! 2011 F#-11-12r1 Anne F.3.5.2 ="pro&e"ent of Cre(i/iit$ of Fie( #rias

221 0 L! 2011 F#-11-146 Anne F.5.2 A((ition of a co""ent for the #er"inatin, M #est Case

concernin, aphan!"eric characters in the ori,inator i(.

222 0 L! 2011 F#-11-141r1 Anne F.5.2 A((ition of A583 Cipherin, Fie( #rias cenarios to GCF-CC Anne F.5.2 )>#D*

223 0 L! 2011 F#-11-14 Anne F.5.1 A((ition of a co""ent for the #er"inatin, M #est Caseconcernin, aphan!"eric characters in the ori,inator i(.

224 0 L! 2011 F#-11-140 Anne F.5.1 =ntro(!ction of A583 Cipherin, Fie( #rias for >#D

225 0 L! 2011 F#-11-144 Anne F.5.4 =ntro(!ction of A583 Cipherin, Fie( #rias for >#D

22 0 L! 2011 F#-11-1129r1 Anne F.3.5.4 ="pro&e"ent of Cre(i/iit$ of Fie( #rias


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GCF-CC 'a,e 60 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

226 0 L! 2011 F#-11-109r3 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of a (ecaration of the test en&iron"ent for teerin, of  Roa"in, )oR*

22 0 L! 2011 F#-11-111 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of a co""ent for the #er"inatin, M #est Caseconcernin, aphan!"eric characters in the ori,inator i(.

229 0 L! 2011 F#-11-126r2 Anne F.3.5.1 ="pro&e"ent of Cre(i/iit$ of Fie( #rias

2260 0 L! 2011 F#-11-131 Anne F.3.5.1 =ntro(!ction of A583 Cipherin, Fie( #rias

2261 0 L! 2011 F#-11-143 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of a co""ent for the #er"inatin, M #est Caseconcernin, aphan!"eric characters in the ori,inator i(.

3.44.0 2265 19 %ct 2011 CAG-11-32r2 Anne @ ;=-119 an( ;=-120 !spen(e( an( ;=-139 an( ;=-140a((e(.

226 19 %ct 2011 CAG-11-41 Anne @ ;= ta/e !p(ate( to "a<e GCF ecretariat the Rapporte!r for Acti&e CAG +or< ite"s.

2266 19 %ct 2011 CAG-11-42r2 Anne @ ;=-133 set to Acti&e an( Rapporte!r chan,e( to GCFecretariat.

226 19 %ct 2011 >A Anne A Reference to GCF-A' ca!se 12.3 correcte( )ca!se 10.3sho+n in error*.

220 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-12 Anne F.5.3.1 >=-.4: Reference correcte( >=-1.3.1 to >=-1.3.40 "issin,co""ents a((e( an( >=-.12 to >=-.15 ne+ co""ent a((e(.

221 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-13 Anne F.5.3.2 '=-4.1.1 to '-4.1.: co""ents correcte( )D'A on$* an(>=-5.3.12 to >=-5.3.15: ne+ co""ent a((e( )on oR*.

222 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-14 Anne F.5.1 >=-1.2.4: reference correcte( >=-3.4.1 to >=-3.4.21: "issin,co""ent a((e(. >=-1.2.10 to >=-1.2.13: co""ent a((e(.

223 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-15 Anne F.5.2 >=-4.4.1 to >=-4.4.21: co""ent a((e( >=-1.2.10 to >=-1.2.13:co""ent a((e(.

224 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-1 Anne F.3.5.1 >=-6.4 - 6.10: hea(ers correcte( to confor" to #11Doc!"ents.

225 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-16 Anne F.5.1 =M >= re7!ire"ent hea(ers correcte( to confor" to #11Doc!"ents.

22 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-160 Anne F.2 A((ition of teerin, of Roa"in, feat!re.

226 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-165 Anne F.3.5.2 Chan,e of tite in =nfrastr!ct!re co"/inations for M an( 2G.

229 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-169 Anne F.3.5.4 A((in, an HeH in front of >= test cases so the$ can]t /e "ie(!p +hen testin, M!ti-RA# (e&ice.

2290 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-14 Anne F.3.5.2 @nhance"ent of the test case (escriptions of '-1.1.2 an('-1.1.4 on 'D' contet.

2291 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-16 Anne F.3.5.2 pit of M-1.2.1 test case.

2292 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-1 Anne F.3.5.1 pit of M-1.2.1 test case.

2293 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-19 Anne F.5.2 pit of >=-5.2.1 test case.

2294 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-190 Anne F.5.1 pit of >=-5.2.1 test case.

2295 21 %ct 2011 F#-11-192 Anne F.3.5.1 =n(ication of !se( G'R Cipherin, A,o in G'R net+or<confi,!ration

2300 19 %ct 2011 CAG-11-49r1 Anne F.3.3 p(ate of ;=-032 MM 1.O #est pecification (etais. @(itoria!p(ate of Version co!"n hea(er )aso !p(ate( in otherree&ant Anne F.*.

2301 19 %ct 2011 CAG-11-490r1 Anne @ Acti&ation an( chan,e of Rapporte!r )to GCF ecretariat* for


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ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

;or< =te"s: 085 185 285 90840 91840 92840


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GCF-CC 'a,e 62 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

3.44.1 230 01 Dec 2011 -11-219 2.2 Reference to ne+ 'RD GCF-F' a((e(

3.44.2 2309 01 Dec 2011 n8a 2.2 Chan,e of reference fro" GCF-F' to GCF-F#' (!e to anarea($ eistin, GCF-F'

3.45.0 2332 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-004r1 F.3.5.1 M-5 !ppe"entar$ er&ices !p(ate in ine +ith #.11

2333 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-011r1 F.3.5.1 A((ition of ne+ test case )>=-.1* on Bist of >et+or< >a"esVerification

2334 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-013 F.3.5.1 ='& #est Case =ntro(!ction )G'R-9*

2335 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-02r2 F.3.5.1 p(ate of >=-6 test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

233 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-044 F.3.5.1 A((ition #est Cases for Cipherin, =n(icator )>=-*

2336 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-053 F.3.5.1 Re"o&a of #oerance 'erio( fro" ;-AMR Fie( #rias

233 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-005r1 F.3.5.2 RC-5 !ppe"entar$ er&ices !p(ate in ine +ith #.11

2339 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-009r1 F.3.5.2 A((ition of ne+ test case )>=-5.3.1* on Bist of >et+or< >a"esVerification

2340 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-014 F.3.5.2 ='& #est Case =ntro(!ction )'-*

2341 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-02r1 F.3.5.2 p(ate of >=-6 test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

2342 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-045r1 F.3.5.2 A((ition #est Cases for Cipherin, =n(icator )>=-*

2343 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-054 F.3.5.2 Re"o&a of #oerance 'erio( fro" ;-AMR Fie( #rias

2344 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-00r1 F.5.1 p(ate of >=-5 test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

2345 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-01r1 F.5.1 ='& #est Case =ntro(!ction )>=-*

234 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-029r1 F.5.1 p(ate of >=- test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

2346 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-04 F.5.1 A((ition #est Cases for Cipherin, =n(icator )>=-*

234 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-055 F.5.1 Re"o&a of #oerance 'erio( fro" ;-AMR Fie( #rias

2349 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-016 F.5.2 ='& #est Case =ntro(!ction )>=-9*

2350 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-030r1 F.5.2 p(ate of >=- test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

2351 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-046r1 F.5.2 A((ition #est Cases for Cipherin, =n(icator )>=-9*

2352 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-05r1 F.5.2 Re"o&a of #oerance 'erio( fro" ;-AMR Fie( #rias

2353 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-015 F.3.5.4 ='& #est Case =ntro(!ction )eC-4*

2354 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-026r1 F.3.5.4 p(ate of e=M-1 test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

2355 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-034 F.3.5.4 CF an( M %&er G #est case intro(!ction

235 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-01 F.5.4 ='& #est Case =ntro(!ction )>=-5*

2356 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-031r1 F.5.4 p(ate of >=-3 test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

235 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-025r1 F.3.2 p(ate to (ecare the &ersion of the @.13 net+or< na"e ist!se(

2359 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-04 F.2 =n(ication of !pport of Cipherin, =n(icator  

230 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-049 9.2.1 Mo(ification of >= Cassification to ease Cipherin, =n(icatorFie( #rias


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GCF-CC 'a,e 63 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

231 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-03r1 Anne @ p(ate of ;= ta/e ne+ ;=s 142 to 145

232 01 Fe/ 2012 F#-12-006r2 F.5.2 p(ate of >=- test cases to ai,n +ith #.11

233 01 Fe/ 2012 CAG-12-01r1 F.3.10 A((ition of GM fre7!enc$ /an(s in GCF CC Anne F.3.10

234 01 Fe/ 2012 CAG-12-09r1 F. p(ate of CC Anne F. #est Case )#C* @ec!tion R!es +ithea"pes

235 01 Fe/ 2012 CAG-12-191r2 Anne @ Vario!s !p(ates to Anne @

23 22 Mar 2012 -12-051 Anne F.2 !pport >FC a((e(

3.4.0 2363 1 Apr 2012 CAG-12-219r1 Anne F.2 A((ition of >ote 2 for Fi it an( &ario!s corrections tos!pporte( /an(s

2364 1 Apr 2012 CAG-12-260r2 Anne A @-#RA a((e( ;-CDMA !p(ate( an( in<a,es to GCF ;=ssho+n

2365 1 Apr 2012 CAG-12-264r1 Anne

F..2.1F..2.2F..2.3 ?F..2.4

p(ate of eec!tion r!es +ith ea"pes for carification


236 1 Apr 2012 CAG-12-335r1 Anne @ ;=-132 !spen(e(

2366 1 Apr 2012 CAG-12-342r1 Anne @ ;=-136 Acti&ate( ne+ ;=-14 a((e( an( ne+ ;=-149 a((e(

236 1 Apr 2012 CAG-12-356r1 Anne @ CAG30 !p(ates: ;=-016 Co"pete( ;=-019 Co"pete( ;=-05 Co"pete( ;=-00811 Acti&ate( ;=-0081 Acti&ate( ;=-01811 Acti&ate( ;=-0181 Acti&ate( ;=-02811 Acti&ate(;=-0281 Acti&ate( ;=-06 Acti&ate( ;=-090840 Froen ;=-090841 Acti&ate( ;=-091840 Froen ;=-091841 Acti&ate( ;=-092840 Froen ;=-092841 Acti&ate( ;=-109 Co"pete( ;=-125 Co"pete( ;=-135 !spen(e( ;=-13 !spen(e(. %(>%#@ 3 (eete(.

2369 22 Mar 2012 -12-051r1 Anne F.2 @(itoria !p(ate on$: H;'8C=H repaces H>FCH. ;ron,&ersion of G (oc!"ent i"pe"ente( in earier &ersion - see

 ACR> 23

230 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-06 Anne F.3.5.4 Correction to n!"/erin, of eC test cases: eC-4ren!"/ere( to eC-5 for ='& an( eC-4 ren!"/ere( to eC- for M o&er @-#RA

231 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-02 Anne F.3.5.1 #.11 Ca arrin, test case references ha&e /een chan,e(-corrections "a(e. >=-3.2.14?15 re"o&e( as the testproce(!re is no+ co&ere( /$ >=-3.2.13.

232 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-03 Anne F.3.5.1 #.11 Ca For+ar(in, test case references ha&e /eenchan,e( -- corrections "a(e. asic er&ice FAO has /eenrepace( +ith asic er&ice V%=C@.

233 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-05r2 Anne F.3.5.1 pittin, M-1.4.1 in t+o test cases as it is t+o re7!ire"ents

234 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-092r1 Anne F.3.5.1 Verification of G'R Cipherin, A,orith" se( )G'R-1.1.3an( G'R ta/e tite*

235 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-094 Anne F.3.5.1 Correction of #.11 references for Ca ;aitin, #est Cases)M-5 >=-3*

23 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-095r2 Anne F.3.5.1 Correction of #.11 references for teerin, of Roa"in, #estCases )>=-*

236 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-09r1 Anne F.3.5.1 Create ne+ section for ;-AMR testin, for /etter han(in,&isi/iit$ in M section )M-4 M-6*

23 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-110r3 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of note for carit$)>=-*


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ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

239 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-04r2 Anne F.3.5.2 pittin, M-1.4.1 in t+o test cases as it is t+o re7!ire"ents

2390 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-093r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Verification of G'R Cipherin, A,orith" se( )2G-1.5.5 an(2G ta/e*

2391 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-096 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of #.11 references for Ca arrin, #est Cases )>=-3*

2392 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-09 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of #.11 references for Ca For+ar(in, #est Cases)RC-5 >=-3 2G-3*

2393 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-099 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of #.11 references for Ca ;aitin, #est Cases)RC-5 >=-3*

2394 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-100 Anne F.3.5.2 Mo&e a M!tiRA CP' test cases fro" RC to ' section)RC-2 RC-3 '-1 '-2 '-4*

2395 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-101 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of #.11 #C na"e for DA'8@B i"!taneo!s' ser&ices )'-4 '-5*

239 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-102 Anne F.3.5.2 Re"o&a of Channe #$pe +itchin, in @B )'-5*

2396 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-103r2 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of #.11 references for teerin, of Roa"in, #estCases )>=-5*

239 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-104r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Create ne+ section for ;-AMR testin, for /etter han(in,&isi/iit$ in RC an( 2G Re,ression section )RC-3 RC-4 RC-62G-1 2G-4*

2399 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-105r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Mo&e of 2G on$ ;-AMR test case fro" RC to M )RC-2M-6*

2400 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-111r1 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of note for carit$ )>=-*

2401 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-125 Anne F.3.5.2 e&era corrections8!p(ates to the ta/es at the en( of the(oc!"ent

2402 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-0r1 Anne F.3.5.4 A((ition of ne+ test case on Bist of >et+or< >a"esVerification )e>=-1.3.10*

2403 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-10 Anne F.3.5.4 Correction of #.11 references for Co"/ine( Detach #estCases )eC-1*

2404 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-106 Anne F.3.5.4 Correction of #.11 references for Detach #est Cases )eC-1*

2405 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-10 Anne F.3.5.4 >= section hea(er reco&er$ an( chan,e to e>=

240 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-109 Anne F.3.5.4 =M '=> an( '=>2 testin, ai,ne"ent +ith G@RA> an(#RA> testin, )e>=-2 e=M-1*

2406 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-11 Anne F.3.5.4 A((ition of one CF test case to phase 1 tests )eC-4.1.5*

240 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-114 Anne F.3.5.2 Fast Dor"anc$ #est Case >a"e Chan,e )'-4.2.1*

2409 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-09 Anne F.5.1 A((ition of ne+ test case on Bist of >et+or< >a"esVerification )>=-1.2.13*

2410 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-112r1 Anne F.5.1 A((ition of note for carit$ )>=-*

2411 1 Apr 2012 F#-12-113r1 Anne F.5.2 A((ition of note for carit$ )>=-9* an( a((ition of >%#@ 4

3.46.0 2423 26 L!n 2012 CAG-12-32 Anne F. Anne

Mo&in, the tet of present Anne F. into ne+ Anne an((eetin, Anne F. to re"o&e it fro" the Man!fact!rers(ecaration

2424 26 L!n 2012 CAG-12-366 Anne F.2 A((ition of D!a Ce D'A reease to CC

2425 26 L!n 2012 CAG-12-36 Anne F.2 A((ition of R Di&ersit$ to CC


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GCF-CC 'a,e 65 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

242 26 L!n 2012 CAG-12-414 Anne F.2 A((ition of @-#RA FDD an( 1 @-#RA FDD an( 25 an(@-#RA #DD an( 39 to CC

2426 26 L!n 2012 CAG-12-402 Anne @ ;=-136 stat!s set to Froen

242 26 L!n 2012 CAG-12-419r3 Anne @ p(ate of Anne @:

;=-146 - ;or< =te" tat!s is Froen.;=-14 - ;or< =te" tat!s is Froen an( Certification tat!s is

 AC#=V@.;=-00813 01813 an( 02813 ;or< =te" tat!s is Froen.;=-090839 091839 an( 092839 Certification tat!s is

 AC#=V@.;=-090840 091840 an( 092840 ;or< =te" tat!s is Froen.;=-139 ;or< =te" tat!s is Froen an( Certification tat!sis AC#=V@.

2429 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-133 Anne F.3.5.1 +ap ca for+ar(in, ]Men!] ? ]Co(e] test cases in M an( >=sections as ]Men!] test is "ore !ser reate(.

2430 2 L!n 2012 F#-134 Anne F.3.5.1 Mo&e ]M% ca to internationa )P* s!/scri/er to the sa"e

co!ntr$] test cases to >= so teste( on$ once. '!s the a((itionof >=-1.3 hea(in, for @M@RG@>CT CABB

2431 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-159r1 Anne F.3.5.1 Re"o&a of s!perf!o!s co""ent. Action 'oint fro" F#AG26 A' 26..

2432 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-135 Anne F.3.5.2 +ap ca for+ar(in, ]Men!] ? ]Co(e] test cases in RC an( >=sections as ]Men!] test is "ore !ser reate(.

2433 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-13 Anne F.3.5.2 Re"o&a of V# section >=-4 an( a(( to Vi(eo #eephon$section >=-.

2434 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-136 Anne F.3.5.2 Mo&e ]M% ca to internationa )P* s!/scri/er to the sa"eco!ntr$] test cases to >= so teste( on$ once. '!s the a((itionof >=-1.3 hea(in, for @M@RG@>CT CABB

2435 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-13 Anne F.3.5.2 Rena"in, of '-1 test case (escriptions to ai,n +ith #.11

243 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-139 Anne F.3.5.2 Re"o&a of RC-3 section as test cases are (!picate( insection RC-6

2436 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-15 Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of ;CDMA an(o&er na"in, con&ention

243 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-10 Anne F.3.5.2 Re"o&a of s!perf!o!s co""ent. Action 'oint fro" F#AG26 A' 26..

2439 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-141 Anne F.5.1 Ai,n"ent of Anne F.5.1 +ith Anne F.3.5.1

2440 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-142 Anne F.5.2 Foo+in, CRs at F#AG26 to Anne F.3.5.2 sa"e chan,esappie( to Anne F.5.2

2441 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-145 Anne F.5.2 Correction of n!"/erin, in >= section

2442 2 L!n 2012 F#-12-143 Anne F.3.5.4 Foo+in, CRs at F#AG26 to Anne F.3.5.4 sa"e chan,esappie( to Anne F.5.4

2443 26 L!n 2012 >8A Anne F.2 FM% an( C%M% re"o&e( fro" Anne F.2 foo+in, post-"eetin, (ecision

3.4.0 2454 20 ep 2012 -12-130r2 Anne F.2 #i($ !p of for"at an( (eetion of one /an(

2455 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-492r1 Anne @ @(itoria corrections an( !p(ates >ote: ;=-134 !p(ates notinc!(e( (!e to post-"eetin, (ecision not to acti&ate the ;=

245 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-16r2 Anne .2.1 p(ate #C eec!tion r!es +ith ea"pes to i"pro&e efficienc$for (e&ices s!pportin, /oth @-#RA FDD an( @-#RA #DD

2456 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-59r2 Anne F.2 A((ition of a ne+ entr$ to ao+ M!ti-Mo(e @s s!pportin,in,e Mo(e.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 6 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

245 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-595r1 Anne F.2 A((ition of ''AC feat!re.

2459 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-55r2 Anne @ A((ition of /an(s 19 21 an( 2 to ;=-0O an( a((ition ofRe-9 /an(s 1 4 11 13 1 19 21 25 2 3 39 an( 40 to;=-150.

240 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-61r1 Anne F.3.13 A((ition of ]>ote 2] re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test cases ?a((ition of Chan,e Recor(.

241 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-62r2 Anne F.3. A((ition of ]>ote 2] re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test cases ?a((ition of Chan,e Recor(.

242 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-63r1 Anne F.3.3 A((ition of ]>ote 2] re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test cases ?a((ition of Chan,e Recor(.

243 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-242 Anne F.2 A((ition of =M Boc< feat!re.

244 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-22r1 9 A((ition of references to e>= cassification.

245 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-21r1 9.2 A((ition of >ote 2 on >et+or< =nfrastr!ct!re Ana$sis.

24 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-10r1 9.2.5 A((itiona cassification for De&ices s!pportin, @-#RA +ithrespect to B#@ FDD an( B#@ #DD "o/iit$ fie( tria.

246 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-215r1 Anne F.3. A((ition of (oc!"ent chan,e recor(.

24 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-12 Anne F.5.1 >=- an( >=-6 !p(ate : )*=CC +ith =M an( =M section toai,n +ith #11.&11.0.

249 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-13 Anne F.5.1 >=-3 asic Voice Cas C !p(ate.

2460 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-20r2 Anne F.5.1 Carification of @.13 references - >=-1.2.14.

2461 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-212 Anne F.5.1 A((ition of >ote 5 re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test casesp!s a note a((e( !n(er ]Co""ent].

 A((ition of a HDoc!"ent Chan,e Recor(H sheet.

2462 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-224r1 Anne F.5.1 A((ition for @"er,enc$ Cas +ith =M Boc<e( De&ices )>=-3.4.22 2. A((ition of >ote .

2463 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-239 Anne F.5.1 Carification of oR references - >=-1.2.10 to >=-1.2.13.

2464 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-209r2 Anne F.5.2 Carification of @.13 references - >=-1.2.14.

2465 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-14 Anne F.5.2 >=- !p(ate : )*=CC +ith =M an( =M section to ai,n +ith#11.&11.0.

246 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-15 Anne F.5.2 Ai,n"ent of sections >=-1 >=-4 an( 2G-1 +ith #11 &11.1.

2466 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-213 Anne F.5.2 A((ition of >ote re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test cases

p!s a note a((e( !n(er ]Co""ent]. A((ition of a HDoc!"entChan,e Recor(H sheet.

246 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-225r1 Anne F.5.2 A((ition for @"er,enc$ Cas +ith =M Boc<e( De&ices )>=-4.4.22 2*. A((ition of >ote 6.

2469 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-23 Anne F.5.2 #.11 &11.0 co"/ines D'A an( 'A #Cs as 'A an(separate tests are no on,er necessar$. >=-2.2.1 3 an( >=-3.1.1 .

240 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-240 Anne F.5.2 Carification of oR references - >=-1.2.10 to >=-1.2.13.

241 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-1r1 Anne F.5.4 Ai,n"ent of section >=-3 )*=CC +ith =M an( =M /rin, intoine +ith #11 &11.0.

242 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-214 Anne F.5.4 A((ition of >ote 5 re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test cases

p!s a note a((e( !n(er ]Co""ent]. A((ition of a HDoc!"entChan,e Recor(H sheet.


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GCF-CC 'a,e 66 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

243 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-22r1 Anne F.5.4 A((ition for @"er,enc$ Cas +ith =M Boc<e( De&ices )3G-1.1.12 41*. A((ition of >ote .

244 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-243 Anne F.5.4 A((ition of @.13 references. >=-1.2.14.

245 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-16r2 Anne F.3.5.1 Cean !p of G'R section )G'R-1 >=-5*.

24 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-1r2 Anne F.3.5.1 Cean !p of M section )M-1 >=-2*

246 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-19r1 Anne F.3.5.1 CB='8CB=R test cases "o&e( fro" M-485 to >=-3 an(!ppe"entar$ er&ices sections

24 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-190r1 Anne F.3.5.1 G'R test cases "o&e( to G'R-1 section fro" M-1-1.o"e ai,n"ent +ith #.11

249 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-191r3 Anne F.3.5.1 A((in, co""ent to a M-5 "!ti-part$ cas )to /e teste(a,ainst at east 3 (ifferent net+or<s*.

2490 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-192 Anne F.3.5.1 Ai,n"ent +ith #11.0 &11.0 )2G-=M1 2G-=M-2 >=-6*

2491 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-193 Anne F.3.5.1 Ai,n"ent +ith #11.0 )M-4 an( >=-1.1 2*

2492 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-203r2 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of >ote re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test casesp!s a note a((e( !n(er ]Co""ent]. A((ition of a HDoc!"entChan,e Recor(H sheet.

2493 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-205r2 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of @.13 references. >=-.1.

2494 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-222r2 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition for @"er,enc$ Cas +ith =M Boc<e( De&ices )>=-1.3.41 - 45*. A((ition of >ote 6.

2495 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-236 Anne F.3.5.1 A((ition of @.13 references. >=-.12 - 15.

249 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-194r3 Anne F.3.5.2 Ceanin, !p of ' section )spi ttin, Vi(eo8Cas a((in, ne+test cases "o&in, so"e #Cs to >=-4 an( 1 #C (eete(*.

2496 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-195r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Cean !p of V# in RC section inc!(in, ren!"/erin, of #Csan( "o&in, i"ite( n!"/er of #Cs to >=.

249 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-19r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Mo&in, of so"e M test cases to the >= section.

2499 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-196r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Mo&in, CB=' CB=R ? C; #Cs )RC-4 RC-5 >=-3 2G-1 2G-3*.

2500 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-19r3 Anne F.3.5.2 A((in, co""ent to a RC-5 "!ti-part$ cas )to /e teste(a,ainst at east 3 (ifferent net+or<s*.

2501 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-199r1 Anne F.3.5.2 Mo&in, ' #Cs fro" RC to ' )'-1.1 1.2 >=-5*.

2502 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-200 Anne F.3.5.2 Ai,n"ent +ith #11.0 )=M-1 an( >=-6*.

2503 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-201 Anne F.3.5.2 Ai,n"ent +ith #11.1 )RC-1 RC-4 >=-1 2G-1*.

2504 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-20r2 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of @.13 references. >=-5.3.1.

2505 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-210 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of >ote re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test casesp!s a note a((e( !n(er ]Co""ent]. A((ition of a HDoc!"entChan,e Recor(H sheet.

250 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-223r1 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition for @"er,enc$ Cas +ith =M Boc<e( De&ices )>=-1.3.41 - 45*. A((ition of >ote 6.

2506 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-235r1 Anne F.3.5.2 #.11 &11.0 co"/ines D'A an( 'A #Cs as 'A an(separate tests are no on,er necessar$. '-1 '-4 '-5*.

250 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-23 Anne F.3.5.2 A((ition of @.13 references. >=-5.12 >=-515.

2509 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-202 Anne F.3.5.4 Ai,n"ent +ith #11 V11.0. eC-1 eC-3 e=M-1 e>=-2.


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8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 6 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

2510 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-206r1 Anne F.3.5.4 A((ition of @.13 references. e>=-1.3.10.

2511 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-211 Anne F.3.5.4 A((ition of >ote re7!estin, infor"ation for ]n8a] test casesp!s a note a((e( !n(er ]Co""ent]. A((ition of a HDoc!"entChan,e Recor(H sheet.

2512 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-232r1 Anne F.3.5.4 Ai,n"ent +ith #.11 for @"er,enc$ an( !ppe"entar$er&ice CF scenario )eC-4.1. 6*.

2513 12 %ct 2012 F#AG-12-241 Anne F.3.5.4 A((ition of "issin, co""ent a/o!t ;=-121 ]#oerance 'erio(]+here nee(e(. eC-4 eC- e>=-1 e>=-2.

2514 10 %ct 2012 CAG-12-596r4 Anne .2.5 =ntro(!ction of #C eec!tion r!es to ao+ a "!ti-"o(e (e&iceactin, as a sin,e "o(e (e&ice.

2519 31 %ct 2012 F#AG29 - &ar io!s Anne F.3.5.1 Correction of errors in 5 #C n!"/ers8na"es (!e to"isinterpretation of o&erappin, CRs. M-5.5.1 M-5-5-2 >=-3.4.1 >=-3.4.2 an( (eetion of M-5.3.0.

2520 31 %ct 2012 F#AG29 - &ar io!s Anne F.3.5.2 Correction of errors in 11 #C n!"/ers8na"es (!e to"isinterpretation of o&erappin, CRs. '-1.1.1 '-1.1.3 '-1.1.5 '-1.1.6 RC-5.5.1 RC-5.5.2 >=-3.4.1 >=-3.4.2 2G-

3.2.1 2G-3.2.2 an( (eetion of M-5.3.0.

.&/9&, 2524 29 >o& 2012 -12-16r3 Anne @ A((ition of ne+ ;=-156.

2525 29 >o& 2012 -12-163r3 Anne @ A((ition of 2 ne+ ;=s: ;=-15-Re an( ;=-15-Re9.

252 12 Lan 2013 n8a Anne @ Vario!s ;= !p(ates "isse( in pre&io!s &ersions: ;=-095 ;=-154 ;=-155 ;=-15-01-11-1-19-21 ;=-15-04-13-25-2;=-159-04-13-25-2.

.&/6&? 2531 23 Lan 2013 CAG-13-02 Anne @ p(ate of GCF CC Anne @ for ;=-14 tat!s an( Rapporte!r.

2532 23 Lan 2013 CAG-13-13r2 Anne @ p(ate of GCF CC Anne @ to refect acti&ate( ;=s: ;=-00-19 ;=-00-21 ;=-00-0 ;=-01-19 ;=-01-21 ;=-01-0;=-02-19 ;=-02-21 ;=-02-0 ;=-09 ;=-134. Ason!"ero!s e(itoria !p(ates fo!n( /$ the 'RD @(itor.

2533 23 Lan 2013 CAG-13-09 Anne F @(itoria !p(ates an( carifications.

2534 23 Lan 2013 CAG-13-02 .2.6 )ne+* Carification to the eec!tion r!es of =M an( =M A#U testsfor B#@ (e&ices.

2535 23 Lan 2013 CAG-13-04 Anne .2. )ne+*

Vario!s e(itorias !p(ate to #este( an( Appica/iit$ ne+.2. for #est @ec!tion R!es for FDD-#DD )(!a "o(e(e&ices*.

253 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-013 F.3.5.1 @.13 (e&iations ta/e "o&e MCC an( M>C.

2536 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-02 F.3.5.1 M!tipe chan,es to ai,n +ith #.11 p!s a"s!n,reco""en(e( chan,es.

253 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-014 F.3.5.2 @.13 (e&iations ta/e "o&e MCC an( M>C.

2539 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-01 F.3.5.2 ;ron, >!"/erin, correcte( in the ta/e HConfi,!ration !se(for teerin, of Roa"in, testsH.

2540 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-029 F.3.5.2 M!tipe chan,es to ai,n +ith #.11 p!s a"s!n,reco""en(e( chan,es.

2541 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-033 F.3.5.2 Ai,n"ent +ith ;-AMR test case !p(ates in #-11.

2542 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-009 F.3.5.4 A((ition of a #est Case for 2G =M @-#RA> Re,istration Atte"pt.

2543 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-015 F.3.5.4 @.13 (e&iations ta/e "o&e MCC an( M>C.

2544 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-010 F.5.1 @.13 (e&iations ta/e "o&e MCC an( M>C.

2545 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-02 F.5.1 M!tipe chan,es to ai,n +ith #.11 p!s a"s!n,reco""en(e( chan,es.

254 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-011 F.5.2 @.13 (e&iations ta/e "o&e MCC an( M>C.

2546 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-026r1 F.5.2 M!tipe chan,es to ai,n +ith #.11 p!s a"s!n,reco""en(e( chan,es.


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 69 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

254 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-034 F.5.4 Ai,n"ent +ith ;-AMR test case !p(ates in #-11.

2549 25 Lan 2013 F#AG-13-012 F.5.4 @.13 (e&iations ta/e "o&e MCC an( M>C.

.&/6&* - 06 Fe/ 2013 - - >e+ &ersion create( to ai,n +ith the p!/ication of GCF-'C

&3.49.1 foo+in, 'AG09. >o technica chan,es in GCF-CC..&/6&, 252 21 Mar 2013 -13-045 Anne F.2 HGM pin< Fi/it Ran(o"iation @na/e(H re"o&e(.

253 21 Mar 2013 -13-039r1 Anne F.5.1 Refection of (isc!ssions at MMC' to ao+ (e&icese"/e((in, a GCF certifie( "o(!es to H+ai&eH so"e GCFCertification Criteria +hich are /ase( on the "o(!eCertificate.

254 21 Mar 2013 -13-040r1 Anne F.5.2 Refection of (isc!ssions at MMC' to ao+ (e&icese"/e((in, a GCF certifie( "o(!es to H+ai&eH so"e GCFCertification Criteria +hich are /ase( on the "o(!eCertificate.

255 21 Mar 2013 -13-041r1 Anne F.5.4 Refection of (isc!ssions at MMC' to ao+ (e&icese"/e((in, a GCF certifie( "o(!es to H+ai&eH so"e GCFCertification Criteria +hich are /ase( on the "o(!eCertificate.

.&1?&* 250 24 Apr 2013 CAG-13-19r1 Anne @ Repace ;= ta/e in Anne @ +ith references to GCF +e/ sitean( DCC.

251 24 Apr 2013 CAG-13-246r3 Anne .2 Carification to GCF CC ection for FDD8#DD @-#RA testefficienc$.

252 24 Apr 2013 CAG-13-256 Anne .2.6 p(ate for "issin, #Cs.

253 24 Apr 2013 CAG-13-2r1 Anne .2.3an( .2.4

Corrections to ,!i(eines.

254 24 Apr 2013 F#AG-13-053r2 4.1 4.2 Carification of e"/e((e( (e&ice re7!ire"ents.

255 24 Apr 2013 F#AG-13-0r5 9.2. A((ition of the cassification for (e&ice s!pportin, RC.

25 24 Apr 2013 F#AG-13-03 A Anne F@ce fies

Mo(ification to chan,e "ar<in, in GCF-CC Anne F fies)@ce* - ne+ te"pate !poa(e( to the GCF OfficialDocments pa,e.

256 09 Ma$ 2013 10DCR-CC-009 Anne F. Anne F

>e+ Anne F. for #est @e"ption Re7!est For" )CR reate(to G54 (oc!"ent -13-00r5*. Anne F !p(ate(accor(in,$.

25 24 Apr 2013 CAG-13-15r2 Anne F.2 A((ition of 'B 2.0 feat!re.

259 1 Ma$ 2013 10DCR-CC-010 Anne F.4.3 ?F.4.4. Anne

F ? F.2

 A((ition of ne+ Anne F.4.3 )#est @e"ption* an( ne+ AnneF.4.4 )#est Case Detais*. Anne F.2 an( Anne F !p(ate(accor(in,$. )CR reate( to CAG34 (oc!"ents: CAG-13-16r3 an( CAG-13-309r1*.

2590 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-06r4 Anne F.3.5.5 A((ition of ne+ Anne for RC 1.2 Fie( #rias.

2591 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-056 Anne F.5.1 For"at chan,es to i"pro&e rea(a/iit$ an( !sa/iit$.

2592 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-05 Anne F.5.2 For"at chan,es to i"pro&e rea(a/iit$ an( !sa/iit$.

2593 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-059 Anne F.5.4 For"at chan,es to i"pro&e rea(a/iit$ an( !sa/iit$.

2594 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-00 Anne F.3.5.1 For"at chan,es to i"pro&e rea(a/iit$ an( !sa/iit$.

2595 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-01 Anne F.3.5.2 For"at chan,es to i"pro&e rea(a/iit$ an( !sa/iit$.

259 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-02r1 Anne F.3.5.4 For"at chan,es to i"pro&e rea(a/iit$ an( !sa/iit$.

2596 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-03r1 Anne F.5.1 Vario!s !p(ates.

259 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-04r1 Anne F.5.2 Vario!s !p(ates.

2599 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-05r2 Anne F.3.5.1 Vario!s !p(ates.

200 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-0r2 Anne F.3.5.2 Vario!s !p(ates.


Go/a Certification For!" )GCF* Bt(

8/10/2019 GCF CC 3501(Changes Highlighted)

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GCF-CC 'a,e 0 Version

3er Chan)e reference Record of chan)es made to !re(ios released (ersion

ACRN A!!ro(ed Date Docment Clase Comment

201 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-06 Anne F.5.1 oR confi,!ration correction.

202 24 Apr 2013 F#-13-066 Anne F.5.2 oR confi,!ration correction.