GCSE Art Exam 2012



GCSE Art Exam 2012. Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Remember the title is only a starting point My advice is to stick to Extraordinary. You have 8 weeks to research develop and refine ideas and prepare for the exam days. You will have 10 hours to complete a final piece or pieces. Synonyms. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GCSE Art Exam 2012Extraordinary


O Remember the title is only a starting point

O My advice is to stick to Extraordinary.O You have 8 weeks to research

develop and refine ideas and prepare for the exam days.

O You will have 10 hours to complete a final piece or pieces.

Task 1- Mind map

O Create a Mind Map to show the areas you could look at .

O The next slide has some suggestions

Examples for research areas

O Landscapes - Strange formations O People- extraordinary feats O Events – eg, extreme weatherO Buildings – cutting edge ArchitectureO Animals/insects – Close upsO Plants – exotic plants -Close upsO Sea Life/Coral – Close ups

Task 2 Artist research O Look at the artist/ movement/

architect/designer suggested or areas you would like to research this may come from your mind map

Artists/ Designers O The exam paper has some suggestions and you

can look at artists you have already studied. Eg. O Dali- mad landscapes from dreams and

nightmares O Magritte- Odd mixture of well known objects O Max Ernst- Surrealism O Roger Dean- Fantasy Landscapes O John Martin – huge apocalyptic canvases O Fashion - Zandra Rhodes, Vivienne Westwood

O Max Ernst-



Roger Dean

Yves Tanguy

Task O Choose one of the Artists and

produce at least 4 pages A4 of research and examples.

O This will form one of the research topics.

O Don’t worry if you already have studied one artist you can use as many as you need.

O You must annotate the examples and display in relevant and creative manner showing you have explored the artists style.

Task 3 O You need evidence of Primary and

Secondary(found) examplesO Primary Resource; You must provide evidence

of your own drawings (from objects) and/or images you have taken your self.

O Presentation and display of this is very important.

O Experiment with display and recording and ideas

O Record all experiments for marking

DeadlinesO All coursework should be completed and ready

for marking by February week beginning 6th February 2012

O Exam will be given out on the February 20th 2012

O You will have 8 weeks to prepare for the examO You will have 10 hours to produce your exam

final piece. This will be starting week 14th MayO Finally you will present both coursework and

exam work in an exhibition on 14th June 2012
