General Characteristics Range from one 1mm to 3 meters. Fluid outer body External cuticle that is...


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General Characteristics

Range from one 1mm to 3 meters.

Fluid outer body

External cuticle that is never shed or mold

Has a nervous system/brain

100 body segments

ADAPTATIONS Uses its tail to determine the

temperature so it can tell is it wants to go under water or underground..

3 INTERESTING FACTS Some annelida worms are used for

medical reasons. Earth worms help with soil a lot and

farmers use them to help their crops grow

They carry both female and male sex cell ?????

VOCAVBULARY WORDS Cuticle = dead skin

Detritivore eats dead . Decompose to rot


Hirudinariinae Genus Hirdudo Genus

Poecilobdella Sand on the


HAPLOTAXIDA Kingdom animalia Phylum Annelida Class Clitellata Food soil Habitat

underground 9 to 30 cm
