General Strategies Day 3


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General Strategies Day 3

Furthermore and SemicolonsYou can use the “Furthermore” test to check if a semicolon is appropriate in a

sentence by replacing the semicolon with the word “Furthermore”. If the sentence still makes sense, chances are you can use a semicolon.

Choosing NO CHANGE

• Surprisingly, this show up more often than students expect on the English Portion of the test


Don’t panic

Take deep breaths

Stretch out your arms and


Roll your shoulders

Stretch out your neck

Be Confident, don’t give up

Before the test

• Think positive about yourself

• Write positive notes about yourself and put in a highly visible area

• Dress up for the test

During the test

• Remind yourself often that this is just a test

• Remind yourself that you know this information and are prepared

• Tell yourself that you are a hard worker


Allocate Your Time

5-8 minutes: Prewrite

22-27 minutes: Drafting

3-5 minutes: Revise and Edit

Why Chart

Why? Details

Support 1

Support 2

Support 3


Choose your side. State your position. Write introduction.

Restate your position. Recap your support.

Bump Chart for Writing Rubric

• Add an introduction paragraph• Add a conclusion paragraph1 to 2• Take a clear position• Give two examples of that in your body paragraph2 to 3• Avoid repetition• Add to conclusion and introduction3 to 4• Make transitions between paragraphs more interesting• Develop rebuttal4 to 5• Strongly develop arguments and rebuttal• Choose strong words5 to 6

Eat here and get gas.

Eat here and get gas.