George clooney's bad day




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George Clooney's

bad day

• Yesterday George woke up really late so he decided to have breakfast at home for not being late for work.

• But he didn’t have coffee so he decided to go buy some capsules of nespresso.

•When he came to the shop, he had to wait too long because the store was full.

•when he left the store, he was really hungry

I’m so hungry

• A piano fell on top of George and in heaven he asked God to let him continue living.

• to let him continue living, George had to make an exchange with God, so he had to give him the capsules of nespresso that he had bought.

• He was already late for work and when George came to the studio to start filming 'Ocean's Eleven‘, he noticed that Brad Pitt was filming as the main character

• George got very upset and gave a punch at Brad. And them began to fight.

• George and Brad were fired.

• when they left the studio, George noticed that his driver had stolen his car.

Where is my car?

• After started to rain and George had to go home on foot because he had spent all his money on coffee.

• When George arrived home, he fainted because he had not eaten anything since morning.
