Get Motivated -- Learn How to Build Powerful Motivation



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Get Motivated | How to Get Motivated When You Just Don’t Feel Like It

>>Sign Up for a FREE Ultimate Goal Setting e-Course by Clicking Here Today. “What is the best way to get motivated?” I get this question almost daily from my newsletter subscribers (haven’t signed up yet? Sign up on the right and also get my free 5-Day Ultimate Goal Setting e-Course) as well as random visitors to this site. Undoubtedly, the last time that you started a big project or goal you were initially full of heaps of motivation, energy and focus. There wasn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything you wanted, and you were positive, optimistic about not only the work involved, but your desired outcome. But then what happened? Your motivation began to wane. Doubt began to creep into your mind. And before long, you were wondering if this goal was worth doing at all. It’s those lowly, hard to get motivated days that I am going to talk about in this How to Get Motivated guide. I’m going to try and give you a deeper understanding of motivation and how it works so that next time you feel that ebb you will have the tools to combat it. Get Motivated :: Reasons for a Lack on Motivation The reasons we have for the ability to get motivated evaporting before our eyes are varied, but can often be traced back to several over-arching causes: 1 // RESULTS NOT HAPPENING FAST ENOUGH. We live in an impatient time. We have instant messaging, instant relationships (via Facebook), and instant food. From this comes the expectation that results should be instant as well. Not the case. Some things will always take time, and brag-worthy success is one of them. 2 // FEAR. Most often, it is the fear of failure. We are scared that we will never recover from the devastation that would result from failure. We talk ourselves into believing that they us of ten years, five years, or even one year from now will never recover from failure. Our brain is wired to avoid conflict and duress – if it senses there is the potential for duress in the future (in this case, the disappointment of failure) it will go out of its way to talk you out of following through on your plan of action. >>Sign Up for a FREE Ultimate Goal Setting e-Course by Clicking Here Today. 3 // UNWILLINGNESS TO MEET SETBACKS HEAD ON. When we start something big, we think ourselves invincible. We think our goal is so perfect and awesome for us that there is no way anything could come between it and us. In this naivety we neglect to consider the inevitable – setbacks, roadblocks and outright failures. This naivete causes is to be so shaken when setbacks do happen that we never recover.

Success in any field is never handed out. It’s accrued by finding a way over and around setbacks and problems. Success is built on a foundation of failure. 4 // LACK OF PURPOSE OR INTEREST. It’s hard to get motivated about something you don’t really care about. The moment that you want success as bad as you want to breathe, that’s the moment you will succeed, no matter what it is you desire. 5 // LACK OF ACTION. There are a few different words for this—procrastination, lazinness, apathy, etc. When we continually put off acting on our goals, it is very, very hard to get motivated. Why? Action creates momentum, and action creates results. And momentum and results are two fantasitc ways to get motivated. Get Motivated :: Ways to Boost Motivation What’s the Negative Outcome? What will happen if you don’t achieve your goals? Don’t just think about them, write them out on a piece of paper so that they get out of your brain and become more tangible. While I always feel like you should be setting positive goals and striving to avoid negative outcomes, it can be beneficial and motivational to have the alternate outcomes listed out on paper. Assess Your Environment. If we are a product of our environments, what does yours say about you? John Donne said it best – No man is an island. And he is right. The people we choose to surround ourselves have a massive influence on how we live our lives. Look at your friends, peers and family and take a moment to seriously ponder— Does this person have my best interests at heart? Am I the best version of myself around this person? Is this person an enabler? Does the way I act around them conflict with my goals or who I want to be? You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to get motivated when the people surrounding you have the same priorities and values as you do. Likewise, you should always be striving to find like-minded people to surround yourself. This could include finding a mentor, or groups specific to your goals in person and on-line. Imperfect Action is Your Get Motivated Superweapon. When all else fails… And you are feeling lower than low… Adopt the policy of imperfect action. I catch myself being guilty of this on occasion. I convince myself it is better to wait for a perfect moment to act, when conditions are just correct. There is no perfect moment. The stars will not align, there won’t be a sign, so don’t wait for it. >>Sign Up for a FREE Ultimate Goal Setting e-Course by Clicking Here Today. I find that the biggest key to learning how to get motivated on a daily basis is the habit of action, or more precisely, imperfect action. The last time you talked yourself out of doing something that was in line with your goals, what was the excuse you gave yourself? “I’ll go tomorrow when I feel more up to it.” “I’ll start running when I have new running shoes.”

“I’ll start my own business when I know more about accounting.” This is something called “someday” syndrome. You are waiting for “someday” when you will FEEL like doing what you have to do to achieve your goals. The reality is this: You will NEVER feel like it. Action is and the outcomes they produce will give you unstoppable enthusiasm over the long term. The process of planning and executing is a revolving door of motivation that you can continue to draw from long after that first big burst of enthusiasm has passed. Want to truly get motivated? As talked about, elite motivation comes from action, and I can show you exactly how to take your goals and apply imperfect action with Ultimate Goal Setting. It’s a free 5-day course that will show you the best way to get motivated today. Sign up below. >>Sign Up for a FREE Ultimate Goal Setting e-Course by Clicking Here Today.
