Get Noticed Get Hired Webinar



This presentation was created for individuals who are interested in learning how to begin leveraging social media to enhance their network and job search effectiveness.

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JCSI CareerAssist Webinar:

Get Noticed, Get HiredPresenting Yourself In An Open Job Market

Dave McKeon, Brian Cavoli, and Pedro Silva

September 9, 2009


Dave McKeon, GameOn LLC is an Executive, Business & Career Coach

Brian Cavoli, JCSI is Director of Marketing and Social Media Strategies

Pedro Silva, JCSI Candidate Relationship Manager/Communications Strategist

Welcome to a Whole New Job Market

Today’s job market is one of high visibility. We live in a try before you buy society.

ResumeSocial Media

Social Media allows candidates and companies to look deeper and learn more about each other before a commitment is made. But you already knew that.

What’s Changed?

• Transparent Job Market• The Customization Trend • Accelerated selection process• The Google Age• Show me the value!• 5 to 1 candidate to job ratio• Influence of Social Technologies • Overwhelmed Job Boards

Resume’s Role Past & Present

Then• Resume was candidate

profile• Resume set the

expectations• Assumptions confirmed or

denied through interview process

• Resumes often preceded applicant

• Limited presentation options

Now• Resume is a support document

in overall candidate profile• Presentation options virtually

unlimited• Background often researched

prior to seeing resume

Try Before You Buy Society

It is getting more common for people look at reviews before making any purchase. That behavior has made its way to the job market.

LinkedIn Recommendations

Social Media Opens Doors

With social media you can connect with people over common interests before ever meeting them in person. Cold calls can become warm leads.

Do you take advantage of the opportunity to connect with others?

In Person Networking

Social media offers an enhancement to in person networking, not a replacement. Get out and meet people.

When appropriate, putting a face to a name:

• Fosters trust• Makes the connection more

memorable• Gives an impression of your

ability to interact with people

Did you know that twitter users are increasingly getting together for a

Where Can I Meet People?

You can visit sites like and to find groups in your area. Libraries are also a great place to network with people. You can then follow-up with them using social media and expand your network.

So are you on


I have 1,000 friends on Facebook.

What’s Holding You Back?

Common Concerns:• Fear of technology

• Lack of control once information is “out there”

• Not the “networking type”

• Too many options

• Confidence

• Not a good writer

• Not enough time

Why should you get “out there”?

• That’s where the recruiters are going• Companies are using social media outlets to engage candidates• We are in the Google age (There’s an expectation to find information on people.)

• Easy way to stay in touch with all of your contacts.• Many job opportunities are moving to social platforms

Where have you been looking?

How Do You Get Started?

Many people have signed up for one online network or the other, but have not taken full advantage of what they have to offer. We call this a “false start”. Is this you or someone you know?

Getting Started (Continued)

• Find friends or colleagues that are using social media and ask them to help• Revisit inactive accounts or sign up to one of the major outlets where you

are most likely to know people• Start listening and when you’re ready, contribute to the conversation

How Do I Get Noticed?

The key is to SHARE! If you are adding value, you will get noticed.

It’s a BIG World Out There

Why It Matters?

This is your opportunity to impact the people you want to attract by demonstrating what you contribute to your industry. It’s as simple as nature. Just ask yourself:

Funny picture. Simple fact. When you plant good seeds in good soil and give them what they need, they will grow. The same is true for networking. Try it and see.

A. Is my content impactful?B. Is my content neutral?C. Is my content working against


Clue: You’re going for A!

What Is Good Seed?

If it adds value to others it’s good. Share what you know and learn.

(Started with a single tweet)

You can build a website like to show an employer what you have to offer.

You can help others.

You can find your calling.

(Started by a candidate trying to find a job.)

What Is Bad Seed?

We’ve all heard the horror stories. So think if you would want an employer or future coworker reading it. If not, press delete or keep your settings private.

If this is you , it’s not too late. Just remember one word:

I’m Noticed. Now What?


No matter how you get your foot in the door, once you’re in always:

• Dress appropriately• Arrive to interview on time• Speak clearly• Confirm with references• Listen Attentively Respond Accordingly (LARA)• Confirm follow-up• Send Thank you notes

Final Notes

• Never before have so many mediums for influence been accessible.

• This is an unprecedented opportunity to expand your network

• The key to making lasting connections is to create value for others

• Your online presence is a window in your world




Contact Information

Dave McKeon, CBC,


Pedro Silvapsilva@jcsi.net888-JCSI-INC