Get The Top Quality German Shepherd Breeders In US



We are offering you the top quality German shepherd breeders in an affordable price. If you are interested to buy them then just visit us at

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Adorable German Shepherd Puppies

About Shepherd Puppies

German shepherd puppies are too cute and lovely.They are very loyal to their masters.These puppies have a double layered coat.They can be black and tan, and now days they canbe white also.

Puppies Diet

Shepherd puppies’ needs lots of vitamins and nutrition for growth.Vegetable like spinach, corn, carrots and fruits like orange, apple, pineapple helps to improve their health.If you don’t have time to give your puppy homemade food then there are many dry foods in the markets that you can use for your dog’s health. Don’t give your puppy chocolates because it’ll be dangerous for your dogs’ health.

How To Train German Shepherd Puppy

Train German shepherd puppiesare not an easy job. It takes weeks, months and even years of practice.You have to play with your puppy to train them.You should feed your puppies before training.Train your puppies with collars.

For What They Are Use

Usually German shepherd dogs are used as police dog because of their intelligence.They are also use as domestic pets.Some of them are used for guard dogs and some are used for hunting.

About German Shepherd Etc

German shepherd etc is one of the most famous dog sites in US. We’ll provide you the pure breed pups, and the high quality shepherd dogs. We’ll also provide full guidance for healthy growth for you pups.

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