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Get Your HR Stack To Work For You

Unlocking A Unified Look At Your Human Capital Health

Get Your HR Stack To Work For You Table of Contents

Getting To Work

Page 3

Payroll Can (And Should!) Be Smarter Page 3 Rethinking Payroll From The Ground Up Page 4

Identifying Critical Business Trends Page 5

Case Study: Netchex

Page 6

Highlighting Common Elements Of Great Employees Page 6 Proactively Identify Human Capital Red Flags Page 7

Let’s Put Your Payroll To Work Page 8

We couldn’t be more excited for our new Payroll integration. For the first time, our clients can manage their entire HR stack – attracting applicants, interviewing and verifying candidates, onboarding new hires and now processing payroll, benefits, time management, and for all employees – in a single, unified platform.

Understanding our customers’ needs and the desire to do more with less has now becoming a reality for the many customers who’ve expressed their excitement for this integration we debuted earlier this year.

Payroll Can (And Should!) Be Smarter

Our core customers – entrepreneurial small and medium business owners are looking for technology solutions to help them run their businesses smarter, better, and more efficiently. All small businesses need to pay their employees. Some might use a simple spreadsheet to organize their payroll and cut live checks in-house, while others may have a platform like ADP to manage the processing and payments to employees.

Few organizations think of payroll beyond these two simple (but important) activities. But payroll can do so much more.

At the same time, these owners are looking for new ways to evaluate how they’re doing as a business. They might measure whether sales are up from a month, quarter, or year ago to gauge

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Getting To Work

how well they’re hitting their targets. But beyond this, many small- and medium-sized organizations may lack the resources enjoyed by larger corporations to evaluate what’s working

and what isn’t. Are market factors, competitors, or your team playing a role in your up (or down) sales this week? And by how much? Is this even something I can understand using the tools I have today?

Rethinking Payroll From The Ground Up

Hireology partnered with Netchex to solve a big piece of this very problem. Together, we’re unified the hiring, onboarding, and payroll processes into one seamless platform to provide business owners and HR leaders with insight needed to understand how team members are contributing to their bottom line. We accomplish this by sharing data between the hiring process and payroll system, giving you a true understanding of team activity before, during, and after the hire to gain insight into how your team works, and how they are impacting the business.

The result? A clean platform that lets you easily run sophisticated payroll reports, giving you a near real-time understanding of your team.

With this data, you can highlight trends to replicate with new hires and areas of improvement to boost everyone’s productivity.

We can use this data to give you insights like the time it takes for sales to become profitable, or which employees are likely to turnover this month.

With Hireology, business owners can stop thinking of payroll as a necessary evil: a needed expense to get employees paid. Instead, Hireology transforms this into your best tool to proactively map opportunities for team productivity and give you insights into your business and operations that have never been possible before. We’ll walk through a few examples of what this looks like below.

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Identifying Critical Business Trends

With so much focus upfront on recruiting software and technology, to bring in new employees quickly and easily, very few companies are addressing revenue leak through the “back door.”

Recruiting software has done a fantastic job of helping businesses understand the parallels between recruiting and results: tracking job boards and website activity to find and hire the most candidates quickly. Many are so focused on bringing in new candidates that they’re not addressing the critical problem: why people are leaving in the first place.

But just like bringing in new revenue, a company continually needs new talent to find and support growth. With all the focus on recruiting, many of our conversations with financial and HR leaders has a glaring omission of understanding where their high turnover is and how they could reduce it! It’s like we are bailing water from our ship without ever addressing the gaping hole in our hull.

Our insights can help you understand where to find patterns of high turnover so you can strategically address points of weakness.

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Solving Turnover For A Specific Employee Demographic

Recently our partners at Netchex, we were able to leverage their hiring and payroll data to identify a trend in yearly turnover. In a review of broader annual turnover data, we found one specific demographic of our employee population was leaving after about 12 months.

This demographic had one thing in common - their commute to work. Once we allowed the data to show us the area in need of improvement, we created a new policy to allow these employees to work from home once a week and saw immediate improvements in productivity from this department.

Highlighting Common Elements Of Great Employees

By sharing data between your hiring process and payroll activity, you’ll also be able to identify long-term trends that can transform the way you look at recruiting and staffing. For example, do you know today if your top team members originated from job boards, your career site, or referrals? Hireology data shows that while they only drive 20% of all applicants, career sites actually result in 80% of actual hires. Integrating hiring and payroll data, you can determine which of your salespeople are doing the best based on their gross commission, and then find out if they also applied directly to your brand’s career site.

As an owner, this could lead you to invest less in paid job boards that might drive a lot of traffic, but result in few outstanding employees. Instead, you could move resources to improve your career site so it continues to be a great referral funnel.

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Case Study: Netchex

Proactively Identify Human Capital Red Flags

In addition to mapping trends that can help you find what’s working well, another critical component of a truly unified HR stack that’s seen in the Hireology/Netchex platform is being able to proactively identify and solve for areas of your business that are underperforming or causing above-average turnover.

While looking at a list of employees who have recently left the company, it could be challenging to identify a commonality if it’s not obvious. We’ll help you connect the dots to tell the full story in an easy-to understand format.

Common factors we’ve seen impacting turnover include:

• Reaching a certain tenure within the company and not seeing the ability to further advance internally

• Reporting to a manager with a certain level of tenure • Needing a level of healthcare or other benefits not realized with current offerings • Not receiving a proper onboarding plan for a given role • Having inconsistent swings in commission payouts for incentive-based plans • Realizing a period of several months with diminished commissions or poor sales

Hireology will create dashboards in an easy-to-understand Q&A format that provide a bird’s eye view on this activity and provide suggestions on how to address issues to help you get and stay ahead of any potential risks to your people or organization. By taking a unified look at your HR stack, you’ll be able to unlock incredible insights from your team to identify the things that are working really well, and warn you of troubling trends well in advance of issues.

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Let’s Put Your Payroll To Work

Technology affords us a great opportunity to move beyond simply “reporting the financials” from our HCM software and instead to get strategic. We should expect more out of our HR software than just looking back at what happened last pay period, and begin to ask how can I leverage this data in real-time to help me look forward and grow the business. You’ve invested substantial money and effort into your payroll system: is it giving you the value back?

Hireology is excited to introduce you to a payroll process that works just as hard for you as our hiring platform. By combining hiring and payroll data, we’ll be able to partner with you to unlock incredible trends and insights about your team to help you hire smarter and drive profitability long-term.

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Hireology Can Help




Thanks For Reading

Hireology was founded on the insight that companies following a prescribed hiring process find and retain better talent. By treating hiring as a science, we help organizations build stronger teams to drive higher productivity while lowering costs and turnover. Our Intelligent Hiring FrameworkTM is the process we bring to our customers to define, source, select and verify candidates for a comprehensive evaluation that leads to higher-caliber, longer-term employees.

We built Hireology to serve entrepreneurs: franchise, retail automotive and small business owners that rely on a driven and engaged team to drive business impact. This customer group is comprised of thousands of companies making a large portion of the employment market, while it's also a segment we’ve seen as historically underserved by world-class SaaS hiring tools.

The Intelligent Hiring FrameworkTM — the methodology at the core of our process — transforms the disjointed, time-consuming hiring tasks into a seamless web app experience. This user-friendly approach scales from single-location businesses to organizations tasked at hiring hundreds of employees a year. Our platform covers each step of the process: from defining the job and sourcing applicants to interviewing and verifying candidates for a complete look at candidate potential.

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