Getting Started with Chess Puzzling · Chess Teaching Manual Produced by Chess Federation of Canada...


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Getting Started


Chess Puzzling

Nancy RandolphMorton ISD July 12, 2013Capital Conference

When did it start?

Chess Puzzling has been piloted for the past two school years. The first year was2011-2012 and then again in 2012-2013. In October 2012, the advisor committee voted to Adopt chess puzzling as a contest due to large amount of interest.

It is adopted for grades 2-8.The tests have been developed for grades 2-3,4-5, and 6-8.

The Texas Tech chess program has been the group assisting the UIL in the developmentof the program.

Skills Students Gain

Chess has been shown to improve academic


critical thinking

problem solving and reasoning abilities

concentration and visual skills



good sportsmanship

To get started:

Materials you need:1. Chess boards and pieces

2. Demonstration Board

3. LOTS of room

Floor space or tables

4. Curriculum


Susan Polgar

Chess Teaching Manual Produced by Chess Federation of Canada

Professor Chester Nuhmentz, Jr

Extra Items that are nice


Solitaire Chess


Board Game

Chess Club

First MeetingSurvey kids experience with Chesswith a quick test. It will enable you to understand their level of experience.

Two items to test:

1. Knowledge of board

2. Knowledge of pieces

Show Test:

Name:____________________________________________Introduction to Chess Test

1. How many squares does a chess board have?_____________2. How many pieces does each player have to start the game?

Pawns____ Knights_____ Bishops_____King(s)___ Queen(s) _____ Rooks3. Match the name of each piece to its symbol:







4. What is the most important piece? ______5. What is the winning move called?_________


Each lesson should consist of 30-60 minutes1. 5-10 minutes explanation 2. 10-15 minute exercise sheet3. 10-15 minutes practice

•Homework pages help

Name:____________________________________________Lesson 1 worksheet1. Mark an “X” on the following squares: a4, d2, e5, g32. Write down the highlighted squares on the spaces below: _____ _____ _____ _____

3. Name the three types of lines that exist on the chessboard.

1. Vertical-_____________________________2. Horizontal-____________________________3. ________________________________________

Example of Lessons

Lesson 1 : Squares and Pawns

Lesson 2: King

Lesson 3: Queen and Rooks

Lesson 4: Bishops and Knights

Lesson 5: Simple Strategy- Check or Checkmate

Lesson 6: Pins

Lesson 7: Special Move: Castling

Lesson 8: Checkmate in one move:

Lesson 9: Checkmate in two moves

Lesson 10: Attacking and defending

Let’s Look at a Test

Questions or Comments

Thank you for your attention and participation!

Have fun starting or continuing chess Puzzling!!