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decreases in fish catches and increases in visitor dissatisfaction. Recent hurricanes (particularly Allen in 1980 and Gilbert in 1988) have caused major structural damage to Jamaica's coral reefs. This is an unavoidable occurrence, from which the reefs are normally able to recover; however other factors are hampering reef restoration. Pollution of the marine environment by sewage has promoted the growth of algae which are stifling the coral organisms (eutrophication). The sea urchins, major reef grazers who can usually be expected to keep algae growth in check, were almost wiped out by a viral disease in the 1980s, which promoted reef death. The reduction of fish grazers (e.g. parrot fish) due to overfishing has also made a significant contribution to eutrophication. The widespread use of fishing methods such as dynamite and certain toxic substances are destructive and avoidable. Numerous sandy beaches around Jamaica's coastline and on several inshore cays are invaluable to the tourism industry for the enjoyment of local and foreign visitors. This resource is under threat from pollution, erosion and illegal sand mining. The erosion of Jamaica's shoreline may be attributed to several factors. The degradation of coral reefs and mangrove forests have exposed the sandy beaches to increased wave action, and the illegal but common practice of mining sand from beaches has exacerbated the problem. Both recreational and fishing beaches have been fouled by the pileup of refuse, debris and fish offal, as well as by occasional offshore and nearshore oil spills. The quality of the water around several recreational beaches is deteriorating due to pollution, particularly from human waste, which makes sea bathing unpleasant. The importance of sea grass beds in the growth cycles of fish, lobsters and other commercially important species is recognized by scientists but has not been fully explored. Indeed there is very little information available on the extent and location of sea grass beds on Jamaica's coastal shelves and (inshore and offshore) banks. Jamaica's marine environment is notoriously overfished; indeed the CARICOM Fisheries Resource Assessment and ManagementNumerous sandy beaches around Jamaica's coastline and on several inshore cays are invaluable to the tourism industry for the enjoyment of local and foreign visitors. This resource is under threat from pollution, erosion and illegal sand mining. The erosion of Jamaica's shoreline may be attributed to several factors. The degradation of coral reefs and mangrove forests have exposed the sandy beaches to increased wave action, and the illegal but common practice of mining sand from beaches has exacerbated the problem. Both recreational and fishing beaches have been fouled by the pileup of refuse, debris and fish offal, as well as by occasional offshore and nearshore oil spills. The quality of the water around several recreational beaches is deteriorating due to pollution, particularly from human waste, which makes sea bathing unpleasant.
