Gildhall news feb 2014




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Number 66 February 2014

Outside of theCurve Theatre,



Gild Banquet Weekend

14th / 15th June 2014This is to give you notice of the Gild’s Banquet Weekend inJune, we would very much appreciate your support.

The Banquet will be held onSaturday 14th June (7.00pm) inthe Holmes Suite atDevonshire Place, 78 LondonRoad, Leicester, LE2 0RA thecity’s renowned banquetingestablishment, located half amile from the city centre nearthe railway station and close to

several hotels. There is a carpark at the rear of the buildingin Prebend Street.

Following a bucks fizz/wine pre-dinner reception, an appetisingfour-course menu, plus coffee and chocolates, has beenselected, with vegetarian alternatives. Tickets cost £40 perhead, please use enclosed booking form. A wine table offeringreasonably priced wines will, of course, be available for dinner.

The Freemen’s Service will beheld on the following day,Sunday 15th June (10.30am), atLeicester Cathedral.

The banquet is open to allmembers, their friends andrelations. A booking form canbe found in the centre pages.

If you require any furtherinformation or require details of hotels please contact MickAyres on 0116 2242353


Patron: Colonel Robert Martin MBE DLPresident: The Lord Mayor of Leicester

OFFICERS 2013 - 2014Master: A. Chettle

Deputy Master: M.E. AyresClerk: L.A. Roffee

Chamberlain: M.B. Hill

WARDENSL. Kirk, J.D. Lewitt, A. Marriott , B.W. Mudford, J.E. Tolton

Co-opted: K. Harding & P. Staines

Number 66 February 2014


GILDHALL NEWSFebruary 2014

ContentsEditor’s comments 5Report by Tony Chettle, Master of the Gild 5Report by Bill Hargrave, Chairman of the Board of Deputies 6Report on the FEW by Michael Ayres 7Subscriptions by Maurice Hill, Chamberlain of the Gild 8

Future programme - dates for your diary

Friday 28th February, Long-alley Skittles Night at the Coach & HorsesSaturday 22nd March, Cheese & Wine Evening at the HoltSunday 30th March, Open Morning at the Holt.Wednesday 16th April, Common Hall (AGM) at Leicester Town HallSunday 1st June, Visit to Cutty Sark and Camden Lock MarketSaturday 14th June, Annual Gild Banquet at Devonshire Place.Sunday 15th June, Annual Freemen’s Service at the Leicester CathedralSunday 29th June, Freemen’s Garden Party at the Holt

Contributions to the Gildhall NewsThe History of the Freemen of Leicester - part 9 by John Tolton 13Leicester Freemen - WW1 Commemoration by Lynn Roffee 15Freemen’s Travels by Lynn Roffee 17

For Amusement OnlyWater in the Carburetor 17

Have you changed your address? 18

Forms included with the NewsletterBooking form for Long-alley Skittles Night on 28th February 2014Booking form for Cheese & Wine Evening at the HoltBooking form for Visit to Cutty Sark and Camden Lock MarketBooking form for Annual Gild Banquet at Devonshire Place.Renewal form for Annual SubscriptionsStanding Order form for Annual SubscriptionsApplication for Membership & Associate Membership of the GildGild products order form


Editor’s CommentsA belated Happy New Year to you all. This time lastyear (mid January) in Leicestershire it was -5°C andcovered in snow. Today it is sunny and 7°C, I hopethat means we may have missed the snow, but don’thold your breath. Probably it will be white over whenyou read this.

If you have a story that would be of interest to othermembers, please put pen to paper, or finger to e-mail. We don’t need abook, only a short article, possibly one or two pages long. It could belonger if it’s enthralling!! Preferably I would like to receive them as anattachment to an e-mail if possible, but pen and ink is acceptable.

Brian Mudford

Report by Tony Chettle, Master of the GildWelcome to 2014, I hope you all had a goodChristmas and I wish you all a very Happy New Year.Let us hope that any severe weather gives us amiss! In our part of the world we have been fortunateup to now, I hope you have in your part of the world!

The Christmas period was very busy for me, I hadfive Christmas dinners within the space of 8 days! Istarted off in York, then on to London, back toLeicester, on to Coventry and then back to York, and

I still weigh the same!

Since my last report there have been few activities, A Fish and Chipsupper was held on the 8th November 2013 at Freemen’s Holt with atalk by Brian Johnson on the subject of WW1 Cemeteries andMemorials, very topical as this year is the Centenary of the start of thefirst World War.

On the 10th November eight freemen attended the Remembrance DayService at Victoria Park, during the service a wreath was laid by myselfand Michael Ayres in memory of all Freemen who have given their livesin the Service of the Crown.

On a personal note, my brother was killed in action in Normandy in1944 and I lost many personal friends whilst serving in 45 CommandoRoyal Marines.


The Dean of Leicester. The Very Revd David Monteith has agreed totake on the role as Chaplain to the Gild and this is excellent news forthe Gild, many thanks to him.

I am attending two Swearing–in Ceremonies in January, I will report onthese in the May Issue of the Gildhall News. I am standing down asMaster on the 14th April 2014 but I will make a final report to you in theMay issue.

Have a good 2014 and I look forward to seeing you in the forthcomingyear at our various activities

Tony Chettle Report by Chairman of the Board - Bill Hargrave

It has long been recognised that the board needto improve communications with the body ofFreemen. The Gild magazine, albeit onlyquarterly, has over the years been the mainvehicle to keep you informed.

It has been decided that the board chairmanwould in future post a report every two monthson the website. This brings into question the

need for Chairman’s report in the Gildhall News (GHN). I am sure youwill appreciate that articles posted on the website are available to beread within minutes of their publication. Articles published in themagazine contain news which may be up to 3 months out of date. Forinstance I will be attending a making free ceremony at the town hall on30th January when one of the new freemen is a lady who is 106 yearsold.

I cannot report on that fantastic occasion in the February editionbecause the closing date for articles is 19th January. The story andphotographs of the ceremony will be available to freemen who use thewebsite on 3rd February. This really does not help the cause of thosepeople who do not have access to the Internet. Therefore it is importantthat the GHN does not face redundancy without some adequatealternative. So the debate as to the usefulness of the informationprovided in the GHN goes on. We need to know what you think. Sowhether by letter or phone, please let us know if you are one of the fewpeople without Internet access and feel you would be at adisadvantage.


At the making free ceremony held on Saturday, 18 January 14 peoplewere made free, see photograph on the outside of the back cover.

Jennine Clarke (nee Ball) original freemen’s family name BottomsPaula Dewberry. original freemen’s family name GumleyAaron, Jack, and Ryan Jones family name Chawner.Mark Chiswell and Karen Fletcher family name Hames,Christopher Berdett & Nicola Handley’s family name Townsend.Jacqueline Banks, James and John Burns family name BoulterSally Hayns family name CaveSandra Halliday family name Gibson or Gybson.Once again I extend a very sincere welcome to them all.

Bill Hargrave

Report on the FEW (Freemen of England and Wales)by Michael AyresThere have been no meetings of the Freemen of England and Walessince my last report in the November issue of the Gildhall News.

The next meeting of the FEW will be a Court meeting and will be heldat Freemen’s Holt on Saturday 15th March 2014 the meeting willcommence at 2:00 PM. All members of the Leicester Gild includingassociate members are welcome to attend

The York Gild of Freemen Banquet weekend will start on Friday 4th Aprilwith a welcome supper. On Saturday night 5th April the Banquet will beheld at the Railway Hotel. The Freemen’s Church service will be heldon Sunday morning 6th April.

Coventry Freemen’s Guild Banquet weekend will be held on the Friday2nd May, with a welcome supper. The Banquet on Saturday 3rd May willbe in the magnificent St Marys Hall. The Freemen’s Church Service willbe held on Sunday morning 4th May.

If anyone requires further information on these two events you cancontact me on 0116 2242353


Future events organized by the association can be found on the FEWWebsite:

Individual Membership to the FEW is available to all Leicester Freemenincluding Associate Members by contacting the Membership Secretary.Eileen Forth. At 88 Whitethorn Close. Huntington. York. YO3 9EUPhone 01904 638361. Or Michael Ayres on 0116 2242353

Michael Ayres

SubscriptionsSubscriptions are the life blood of the Gild without which the Gild wouldmost probably cease to exist. We have just gone through a protractedexercise to collect subscription arrears and at the same time compile anup to date record of the Gild membership.

The result of the exercise is we now have the required update of the Gildrecords, and we have collected nearly £700 arrears with only 10 membersstill owing money despite being sent personal letters (3% of the totalmembership).

Just a reminder that the present subscriptions are £9 per annum formembers and £6 per annum for associate members and payment is dueon the 1st April each year.

Our ambition is now to maintain the progress we have made and to achievethis we would request that you advise us asap of any changes of addressetc., and continue to pay your subscription if at all possible on time.Remember these can be paid in any of three ways,

By standing order using the form enclosed to set it up.

By cheque made payable to “the Gild of Leicester Freemen” andsent to the Chamberlain.

By cash at the Holt open morning on Sunday 30th March.

At the open morning you not only can pay your subscription, but canenjoy having coffee and biscuits, meeting fellow Gild members, purchasefrom the range of Gild products and chance your luck in the raffle. – youcould be a winner!!

Maurice HillChamberlain


Programme of Future EventsLong-alley Skittles Night

Friday 28th February 2014, arriving by 7.00pmCoach & Horses, Field Head, Markfield LE67 9RF

Our Long-alley Skittles Night this year is again being held at The Coachand Horses, an Everards pub on the A50. Traditional skittles food willbe served, there is a selection: Faggots, chips and peas, Steak & AlePie, chips and peas, and a Vegetable Lasagne, mixed salad and chips.Please indicate your selection on the booking form. The evening will bevery relaxed as usual, there is a maximum capacity of 45, so don’t missout and book without delay. The cost is only £8.00 each.

Brian Mudford

Cheese and Wine EveningSaturday, 22nd March 2014 at 7:30pm

A talk on “Made in Leicester” with Brian Johnsonat Freemen’s Holt, Old Church Street, Aylestone

With today’s media advertising we are all familiar with many of the largecompany names, some national, some international, but not manypeople realise that many of today’s well known companies originated inLeicester. In the 1960s Leicester was the second richest city in Europe,but sadly, many of the companies are no longer with us. Join us for aninformative and well researched talk by Brian Johnson.

After the talk, supper will be served, accompanied with wine, beer orsoft drinks.

Tickets are priced at £8.50 each and you are urged to make yourbooking early.


Open Morning – Sunday 30th March10.30 to 12.30 at Freemen’s Holt

There will be an open morning as in previous years at Freemen’s Holton the morning of Sunday 30thMarch where all Gild members and theirfamilies are welcome to drop in for a chat and a cup of coffee or tea. Italso an ideal opportunity to pay your subscription for 2014 and topurchase any of the many Gild products we have for sale.

Rising postage costs have caused the Gild Court to regretfully decide tocharge postage for the delivery of Gild products and the Open Morningis an ideal opportunity for you to purchase your Gild products and toavoid the extra burden of postage.

There will also be the usual raffle and maybe give yourself a chance tospoil yourself with a prize of a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine.

We look forward to seeing you for a chat and listen to your comments.

Visit to Cutty Sark at Greenwich and Camden LockSunday 1st June 2014, coach departs the Holt 8.30 am

Cost £28.00 Gild members, £30. 00 non Gild members and

£25 children (under 16)

All prices includes the £9.50 admission charge

After a disastrous fire and at a cost of £50million the Cutty Sark wasreopened to visitors in April 2012 thus beginning a new chapter in theextraordinary life of the last surviving tea clipper, the fastest andgreatest of her line.

She is a living testimony to the bygone, glorious days of sail and, mostimportantly, a monument to those that lost their lives in the merchantservice.

Venture aboard and beneath one of the world’s most famous ships.Walk along the decks in the footsteps of the merchant seamen whosailed her well over a hundred years ago. Explore the hold whereprecious cargo was stored on those epic voyages then marvel as youbalance a 963 tonne national treasure on just one hand.


Enjoy the unique experience of sitting directly underneath the ship inthe Even Keel café sampling the range of homemade cakes or try hotsoup and sandwiches, get the kids involved and sign them up for thespecial ship’s apprentice lunch! We then move on to Camden Lockwhich is on the route home

Camden Lock Market is the original arts and crafts market in Camden,having started on the site of the old timber yard some 40 odd yearsago.

Featuring some of London’s finest designer/makers, it has become thecreative heart of London, with amazing, one of a kind shops and stalls.It prides itself on the quality of the products and services on offer.

A visit to Camden Lock is not complete without sampling the unrivalledfood from the Global Kitchen, mouth watering food from around theworld.

Book early using the booking form included in this issue, becausethis trip is quite likely to prove to be a sell out!!!

The Gild Annual BanquetSaturday 14th June 2014

Devonshire Place, London Road, Leicester

This year will be the fifth year that the Gild have held their Annual Banquetat Devonshire Place and all freemen, not just Gild members, are invitedwith their family and friends. It is an ideal way for new freemen (and thatincludes lady freemen) to find out what we are all about and what makesus tick.

The event has been a great success in previous years; attended byfreemen not just from Leicester but from many other guilds up and downthe country. The Gild Court has received nothing but plaudits from thosewho attended in the past, so much so that some of the visiting freemenfrom other Guilds consider our banquet to be the highlight of the year.Tickets this year will be priced at £40.00 per head.

Devonshire place is an excellent venue providing top class foodaccompanied by top class service and, of course, the company is also topclass. The Banqueting Hall is set out with round tables which make for


easy conversation with your neighbours and ensures that no-one is leftout at the end of the row.

A number of us attend banquets organized by other Freemen’s Guildsand wherever we go we are made welcome, and we like to reciprocate.Freemen from whichever town or city they hail from are friendly, and I liketo think that we are as well.

The following morning, Sunday 15th June, the Freemen’s Annual ChurchService will be held in St Martin’s Cathedral and all freemen and theirfamilies are invited to attend regardless of whether or not they attendedthe banquet.

If you would like to reserve your places at the banquet please completethe booking form in the centre of the Gildhall News and return it to MickAyres at the address on the form.

2014 Garden PartyThis year the garden party at the Holt will be held on Sunday29th June please make a note in your diary.After much discussion it was agreed that the only way the garden partycould be improved upon would to make it an annual event, but this is notpractical. We will be continuing with the format generally as before withthe introduction of some new entertainments. The organising committeehave already been formed and held their first meeting, but at this juncturehave not agreed upon which charity we will be supporting this year

We do have one major problem and are seeking your help. The committeemembers are primarily residents of the Holt plus members of the Boardand we all have the same problem, that of age.

When making a note in your diary, will you also consider the week beforeand the week after the event because we are looking for volunteers tohelp with the setting up and taking down of tents and equipment andanyone who is prepared to donate possibly one hour on the day to manone of the attractions as part of a team.

More details will be included in the next issue of the Gildhall News alongwith details of admission tickets.

Maurice Hill


Contributions to the Gildhall News*****************************

History of Freemen – Part 9 - The Tudor PeriodHenry VII took away the right of freemen to vote by creating a closecorporation of 24 burgesses and 48 comburgesses by an Act ofParliament in 1489, and this state of affairs remained the same forexactly 100 years. However, during the intervening period life had itsups and downs for the freemen.

The day after the accession to the throne in 1509 Henry VIII granted tothe Mayor and burgesses of Leicester a pardon for all offenceswhatsoever, murders, homicides, felonies, robberies, burglaries,abjurations, rapes and abductions of women, etc committed beforeApril 23rd 1509: also for the escapes of such offenders, and escapes ofclerks attainted and convicted, and of all prisoners, and of allaccessories to the same: pardon of all insurrections, rebellions,confederacies, concealments and improper words against the king’smajesty and his predecessors etc. A blanket pardon such as this wasnot a reflection of the nature of the burgesses of Leicester, nor itsinhabitants at large, but a common gesture of an incoming sovereign.

Religion played a major part in the life of the people of Leicester andchildren were subjected to strict religious teaching. A bylaw waspassed in 1580 ordering that every child over eight should be taught theLord’s Prayer, the Articles of Belief, and to answer certain points of theCatechism; idiots alone were exempt. Parents were fined for neglect;members of the 24 at 1/- each, members of the 48 at 6d each, andcommoners at 3d each. with an alternative of 3 days imprisonment.

A town preacher was appointed in 1547 who would give lectures onWednesday and Friday at St Martin’s between 7.00 and 8.00am andone person from every house had to attend every sermon under apenalty of 4d. In 1575 the number from each household was raised totwo and the fine to 1/- which went to poor relief.

Sunday observance was taken seriously to such an extent that menwere forbidden to carry water for brewing purposes on Sunday underpain of imprisonment. Butchers were forbidden to sell meat on Sundayafter 7.00am until divine service was over and millers and corn-carriers


were forbidden to carry malt or meal until after evening prayer was overin most parish churches.

There are numerous recording of punishment in the borough records inthe 16th century; of offenders, both male and female, receiving whippingand carting. Offenders would be forced to wear a frontlet on whichwould be written the nature of their offence and then be carted aroundthe town and through the open market. Further punishment would beto attend the service at St Martin’s clothed in a white sheet and standbare headed and bare footed and holding a white wand and ask forGod’s forgiveness and the people’s prayers.

Leicester was quite slow in accepting responsibility for orphans and itwas during the 16th century when the wardship of orphans was madeclear. Other boroughs in England had accepted the responsibilitybeforehand, some as early as the 12th century. Guardians could not beappointed without the consent of the governing body of the boroughand usually with wardship went an apprenticeship. The master of theapprenticeship would keep a full account of all expenses incurredduring the term of the indenture; clothing and keep; and the accountrendered to the borough on the orphan’s majority. The laws onlyapplied to the sons or daughters of freemen and the next of kin, iffranchised, had the first refusal, and failing all kinship the ward came toany approved franchised man.

Land was given by the Bishop of Carlisle to provide a free school in theparish of St Margaret but the land was sold by John Beaumont, theRecorder, who was later disgraced for corrupt practices. The Vicar ofSt Martin’s and one other were sent to London to retrieve the landdonated by the Bishop. In 1573 the Mayor and burgesses bought fromthe Crown all the building materials from St Peter’s Church and erecteda substantial school house with windows and doors and covered withslate. Attendance was free for the sons of freemen but children ofstrangers (unfranchised people) had to pay a fee, which went towardsthe stipend of the under-usher. The building still exists today and aspart of the Highcross Shopping Development was converted into arestaurant.

Provision was also made for the relief of poor people by the Burgessesof Leicester. Certain people were given a license to beg for alms andthe licensed beggars were authorized to wear the town’s badge on theirsleeves. During the latter years of Henry VIII’s reign a statute was


passed that a poor man’s box should be kept into which all fines for theinfringement of certain bylaws should be paid. In 1568 an act for therelief of the poor over and above the collection by statute was passedby the borough. This ordered each of the 24 at his wedding should payto the collector for the poor in his parish 2/8d and each of the 48 pay 1/4d. Commoners were ordered to pay 8d on their wedding. The yearlyaccounts of the collectors were laid before the mayor and with three orfour of the more senior members of the 24 the collected moneydistributed as they saw fit. A licensed collector was also employed tovisit the inns with a locked box asking for alms and emptied weekly bythe mayor and distributed. Any strangers wishing to settle in Leicesterhad to pay a bond of £200 as a guarantee that neither he nor his familywould be a burden on the town. Very few charitable bequests weremade in the Tudor period for the relief of the poor but one such bequestwas made by the Earl of Huntingdon contributing money for thepurchase of coal at a fixed price of 6d or 8d a hundredweight.

In 1589 a new governing charter was obtained by the burgesses fromQueen Elizabeth in which the 24 burgesses and 48 comburgesseswere combined to form a corporate body with the name forever of theMayor and Burgesses of the Town of Leicester. The charter reducedthe status of freemen in that they were no longer referred to asburgesses (although they still enjoyed burgess’s rights) and were notinvolved directly with the government of the town. It was, however, stillnecessary to be a freeman in order to carry out a trade in Leicester. Alarge part of the charter of 1589 listed the areas of land and propertiesin Leicester and in the County that formally provided revenue for thecrown that from the date of the charter entered the coffers of theborough.

A further charter in 1599 clarified the role of the corporation andfunctions of the personnel of the corporation, but more of that in thenext Gildhall News.

John Tolton

WW1 CommemorationAs you know the Board of Deputies have agreed to a commemorationwhich is to be held over two days at The Holt. This is to allow Freemenand their families, who may be unable to attend on the 5th August 2014,


another chance on Saturday 9th August. There will be an exhibition onboth days with the names of Leicester Freemen who served during WW1.Service records, pension and medal roll records, where available, will beused to provide further details about an individual serving Freemen inWW1.

The two days will include presentations and talks on different topics. TheLeicestershire Branch of the Western Front Association have been invitedand other local knowledgeable people to give different talks andpresentations on WW1 on both days. More details in the next addition ofGNH and on the Website.

The research is going well but taking time. Thanks to the Cave, Martin,Ross and Tolton families for details of their ancestors including letters,photos etc.

We have over 95 names of Leicester Freemen, some with service records,pension and medal cards details. We would like to have as many namesas possible of these men. Can you help in any way? a name and regiment,address plus any other details you may have. If you have your ancestorsmedal’s, their regimental number will be on the medal and it makes theresearch easier. We don’t guess if it’s the right person; we need be certain.

Did your Freemen ancestor have a sister who was a nurse working in amilitary hospital; casualty clearing stations abroad or convalescent home?

Do you have an ancestor who joined the services under age and, if so, doyou have any details you provide us with?

Do you have a story that was passed down to you about your ancestors inWW1 and are you willing to share it?

The information found from both research and the details provided byyou will be kept by the Charity on a database. Hopefully as time goes onmore information will be added to the database.

Please put these dates in your diary and support the commemoration ofwhat these brave men, and others, did for our country. Refreshments willbe provided.

If you can help in any way or on the day/s please let me know Telephone:0116 2696381 or email:

Thank you Lynn Roffee


Freemen’s Travels

Whilst recently visiting our Son, James in Melbourne, Australia, I cameup with the idea of having our photo taken, together with the GildhallNews, somewhere special. There were lots of places we could havedone this. I thought the Eureka Skydeck88 was a special place giventhat it’s the tallest Building in the Southern Hemisphere.

Skydeck88 is on the southern banks of the Yarra River, and you canget 360 degree floor to ceiling views of Port Phillip Bay, MelbourneCricket Ground, The Shrine, Botanical Gardens and everything inbetween. During the day you can see the Dandenong Ranges and bynight a spectacular skyline.

Skydeck is the only observation deck in the world with the ‘The Edge’ aglass tube which projects 3 metres out of the building which you canstand in, whilst suspended 300 metres above the ground.

For the not so faint hearted, when can step through the airlock onto‘The Terrace’ you will be exposed to the elements, though it can be verywindy you do get a good view of The Edge in action.”

As you can see in the photo inside the rear cover, I am with myhusband, Brian, and I have a paper copy of the GHN, which I borrowedto take with me.

Have you been anywhere special with your copy of GHN? If not, andyou are planning a special trip, don’t forget to take the latest copy ofGNH. It can be paper or if you receive an emailed version, a printedcopy. E-mail a copy of the photo to the Editor for inclusion in the nextissue of the GHN.

Lynn Roffee

Water in the carburetorWIFE: “There is trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor.”HUSBAND: “Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous “WIFE: “I tell you the car has water in the carburetor.”HUSBAND: “You don’t even know what a carburetor is. I’ll check it out.Where’s the car?WIFE: “In the pool”


Have you changed your address ?In the event that is necessary to inform the Gild or the Board of any changein circumstances then the information should be sent to:

Lynda BramleyClerk to the BoardLeicester Freemen’s Estate32 Freemen’s HoltOld Church StreetAylestoneLeicester LE2 8NH

Telephone: 0116 – 283 4017E-mail:

Leicester Freemen web site:

Copy for the next issue should reach the Editorby

Friday 18th April 2014

For your News and Views write to :

Brian Mudford11 Huntsman CloseMarkfieldLeicestershireLE67 9XE

Telephone 01530 245414e-mail:


Photograph taken after the Remembrance Day service at Victoria Park

Lynn Roffee and her husband Brian photographed with the Gildhall Newsat the Eureka Skydeck88 in Melbourne, Australia ( see page 17)

Group photograph taken after the M

aking Free ceremoney on 18th January 2014 of the fourteen new freem

en standing behindAndy Chawner, a Freem

en’s Deputy, M

ick Ayres, Deputy M

aster of the Gild of Freem

en, the Lord Mayor Cllr M

ustafa Kamal,

Tony Chettle, Master of thr G

ild of Freemen, and Bill H

argrave, Chairman of the Board of D



Long-alley Skittles Night at the Coach & Horses @ 7pmFriday 28th February 2014

Please reserve ………. places at £8.00 each

Food selection: Faggots_______Steak pie_______Veg.Lasagne_______

My name is ………………………………………………………………………….

My address is ………………………………………………………………………….



e-mail address............................................................................................................

I enclose a cheque/postal order for £…………….., made payable to “Gild of LeicesterFreemen”. Please send to:

Maurice Hill, 33 Mossdale Road, Kingsway, Leicester LE3 2UT. Tel: 0116 2895394Applications will be dealt with strictly on a first-come, first served basis.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----


Cheese & Wine Evening - talk on “Made in Leicester”Saturday 22nd March 2014 at Freemen’s Holt 7.30pm

Please reserve ………. places at £8.50 each

My name is ………………………………………………………………………….

My address is ………………………………………………………………………….



e-mail address............................................................................................................

I enclose a cheque/postal order for £…………….., made payable to “Gild of LeicesterFreemen”. Please send to:Maurice Hill, 33 Mossdale Road, Kingsway, Leicester LE3 2UT. Tel: 0116 2895394Applications will be dealt with strictly on a first-come, first served basis.


Gild Gala BanquetSarturday 14th June 2014 at Devonshire Place

Please reserve................places at £40.00 each

I will require.........vegetarian meals

.........of us will be attanding the Annual Freemen’s Service at

Leicester Cathedral on Sunday 15th June 2014

My name is .............................................................................................




Post code.........................Telephone number..........................................

My guests will be:




Please advise on any special dietary requirements or vegetarian mealsagainst guest name

e-mail address.........................................................................................

I enclose a cheque/postal order for £...............made payable to

“Gild of Leicester Freemen”

Please send to: Mick Ayres, 31 Freemen’s Holt, Old Church Street,Aylestone, Leicester, LE2 8NH Telephone: 0116 2242353


Applications will be dealt with strictly on a first-come, first served basis.No bookings will be accepted after 1st June 2014.


I would like to pay the annual subscription for my membership/associatemembership of the Gild for the year commencing 1st April 2014

Membership £9.00 = £.............

Associate Membership £6.00 = £.............

My name is (BLOCK CAPITALS)....................................................

My address is (BLOCK CAPITALS)



Post code...........................Telephone.............................................

e-mail address.................................................................................

I enclose a cheque/postal order for £...................

made payable to “Gild of Leicester Freemen”

Please post to:

Maurice Hill, 33 Mossdale Road, Kingsway, Leicester LE3 2UT

Any queries, please phone Maurice on 0116 2895394



(Kindly complete where marked by all dotted lines)

To:Maurice Hill,33 Mossdale Road,Kingsway,Leicester LE3 2UT


I, ………………………………………………..agree to pay my AnnualSubscription to the GILD OF LEICESTER FREEMEN on 1st April eachyear by means of the signed Standing Order that I have sent to my bank.

I understand that the annual subscriptions at present are £9.00 for a fullmember and £6.00 for an associate member, and that I can stop or amendthis Standing Order simply by giving instructions to my bank.





Post code……………………………………………….

e-mail address...................................................................



The Manager…………………………………………..Bank PLC

Address ……....…………………………………………………..




Please pay to:-Lloyds Bank TSB Bank PLC,Old Market Square Branch,Nottingham NG1 6FD(Bank Sort Code 30-96-18)

For the account of the Gild of Leicester Freemen

(Account No. 01409164) the sum of £……………….

Commencing on 1st April 20.…, and yearly thereafter until further notice.

Kindly make the payment with reference

…………………………………(my surname and initial).

Name of account to be debited....……………………………..…..

Account No.........………………………………………………….


Date ………………………………………………….20.….

Address .………………………………………………………….






Full Name______________________________________________(BLOCK LETTERS)Address_____________________________________________________



Post Code ________________Tel No. _______________________

e-mail address__________________________________________I am a duly sworn Freeman of the City of Leicester and apply to be enrolled as aMember of the Gild of Freemen, for which I enclose the sum of £10.00(Enrolment fee of £1.00 plus the first annual subscription of £9.00).

Signature Date


Full Name______________________________________________(BLOCK LETTERS)Address ___________________________________________________


Post Code __________________Tel No. ____________________

e-mail address__________________________________________

I certify that I am the SPOUSE / WIDOW / WIDOWER / SON / DAUGHTER /GRANDCHILD aged 18 years or over (please delete where necessary) of

Mr. / Mrs./ Ms. _____________________________________(Freeman ofLeicester)Or

I am a full member of the Guild of Freemen of_________________(City or Town)I apply to be enrolled as an Associate Member of the Gild, for which I enclose thesum of £7.00 (Enrolment Fee of £1.00 plus the first Annual Subscription of £6.00)


Please make cheques payable to ‘Gild of Leicester Freemen’ and send with thisapplication

to Maurice Hill, 33 Mossdale Road, Kingsway, Leicester LE3 2UT

Please reserve………. adult places at £28.00 each

.......... child places (under 16) at £25.00 each

...........places for non-Gild members at £30.00 each

My name is.…………………………..……...……………………………….

My address is…....………………….....…………………………………….



e-mail address........................................................................................

I enclose a cheque/postal order for £…………….., made payable to“Gild of Leicester Freemen”. Please send to:

Maurice Hill, 33 Mossdale Road, Kingsway, Leicester LE3 2UT.

Tel: 0116 2895394

Applications will be dealt with strictly on a first-come, first served basis.


Visit to Cutty Sark at Greenwich and Camden LockSunday 1st June 2014, coach departs the Holt 8.30 am


- maroon ………at £10.00 each = £………….- green ………at £10.00 each = £………….- two ties (state colours) ...……at £19.00 two = £………….- three ties …...…at £27.50 three = £………….

2. Gild scarf £15.00 each = £................3. Key-ring ………at £5.00 each = £………….4. Lapel badge ………at £2.50 each = £………….5. Cufflinks £16.00 each = £………….6. Gild pens - new design ………at £3.00 each = £………….7. Arm badge - framed …...…at £55.00 each = £………….

- unframed .....….at £20.00 each = £………….8. Blazer badge £13.50 each =£..............9. Wall plaque, wooden …..…at £24.00 each = £………….10. Gown, made to measure, incl. delivery.....price on request = £………….

(Chest ..........ins, height..........ft...........ins).11. Register of Freemen- 1931-85 ………at £4.00 each = £………….

- 1986-96 ………at £3.00 each = £………….

TOTAL = £………….plus postage

I enclose cheque/postal order for the above total, made payable to: “GILD OF LEICESTER FREEMEN”





POST CODE……………………………

E-MAIL ADDRESS:........................................................................................

Signed……………………………………………………………………………………….Please post to: Maurice Hill, 33 Mossdale Road, Kingsway, Leicester LE3 2UT

Tel: 0116 2895394