Giotto, Justice and Injustice, Arena Chapel, Padua, 1306


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Giotto, Justice and Injustice, Arena Chapel, Padua, 1306

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Abraham and Isaac (Competition Panel) and East Doors of Florence Baptistery

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Adoration of the Magi, East Doors of Florence Baptistery

Lorenzo GhibertiNorth Doors Florence Baptistery

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Abraham and Isaac, North Doors, Florence Baptistery

Leon Battista Alberti, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1460-67




Leonardo, Human Anatomy from Notebooks

Leonardo, Giant Crossbow from Notebooks

Michelangelo Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome

Ceiling fresco 1508-1512

Last Judgment fresco 1536-41

Michelangelo Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome

Ceiling fresco 1508-1512

God creates the heavens and earthAdam, Eve, and the FallNoah and the Flood

Jan van EyckPortrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife 1434

Albrecht Dürer, Rhinoceros, 1515
