GIS Software An In-house development



GIS Software An In-house development. By, Bhugol GIS Pvt Ltd For, RuTag - IITB. Motivation. Large number of government organizations / NGOs / Academic Institutions Minimal penetration of GIS at operational level - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GIS Software GIS Software AnAn In-house developmentIn-house development

By,Bhugol GIS Pvt Ltd

For,RuTag- IITB

MotivationMotivationLarge number of government

organizations / NGOs / Academic Institutions

Minimal penetration of GIS at operational level

Imported software too expensive, lacking support, and time consuming for manpower training

Government of India sponsored development of in-house GIS development

An Indigenous GIS tool for An Indigenous GIS tool for windowswindows

GRAM++ (Geo Referenced Area Management) – A GIS tool

GRAM++ built with Object Oriented Approach

Works for both Vector and Raster data formats

A Windows Software Product

GRAM++ InterfaceGRAM++ Interface

Modular ArchitectureModular ArchitectureData preparationVector Data AnalysisRaster Data AnalysisMap Visualization

List of Modules of GRAM+List of Modules of GRAM+++Data Preparation Input Output: The Input/Output module gives the

facility to import/Export data with other formats from/into GRAM++ Vector and Raster format.

Map Edit: This module provides facility for digitization / vectorisation of map on the screen along with Projection selection and convertion

Input/Output Module – Data imported Input/Output Module – Data imported from from Survey of India DVD formatSurvey of India DVD format

MapEdit – Rasterize and Create TableMapEdit – Rasterize and Create Table

List of Modules Contd...List of Modules Contd...Vector Data Analysis Vector Analysis: The Vector Analysis module gives

the facility to query the map, generate various thematic and statistical maps

TIN: The GRAM++-TIN module allows to triangulate GRAM++ Vector point format data. It can also generate contours from Triangulated data.

GRAMNet: GRAMNet module, basically is a Network Analysis module. It has functionalities of finding shortest distance between a source node and the destination node, solve Location Allocation problem.

Statistics: The statistical module help the interpretation of the data information collected. The data / information may be spatial or non spatial.

Vector Analysis – Info ToolVector Analysis – Info Tool

Vector Analysis – Thematic MapVector Analysis – Thematic Map

Terrain – TIN ModuleTerrain – TIN Module

Input Vertices


Interpolated Contours

GRAMNET – Allocation GRAMNET – Allocation ProblemProblem

List of Modules Contd...List of Modules Contd...Raster Data Analysis Raster Analysis: The Raster Analysis module has

functions of arithmetic operations(like addition, subtraction etc), regrouping (class and range), Buffering, Zonal , Focal, Watershed Delineation etc.

Terrain: The Terrain module provides facility for generation of DTM from contour map and calculation of slope, aspect and generates

Image Processing: Image processing has functions to perform the operations such as Image Enhancement, Image Classification, and Image Transformation.

Watershed DelineationWatershed Delineation

Watershed TablesWatershed Tables

Pour-points and stream orderFlow

Watershed Parameters

Terrain - InterpolationTerrain - Interpolation

Contours Interpolated DTM

List of Modules Contd...List of Modules Contd...VisualizerVector Layout: This module provides facility

for visualising vector maps in 2D and 3D with the various layout features such as North arrow, Scale bar, Legends.

Raster Layout: This module provides facility for visualising raster maps in 2Dand 3D.It also provides several other integrated raster utilities such as North arrow.

Online HelpOnline Help: Keeping in view the types of users

GRAM++, a detailed online help is provided for each function

Vector LayoutVector Layout

Multi-Layer Display

Thematic Layer

Raster LayoutRaster Layout

3D Perspective View

Graded ColorsShaded Relief

Online HelpOnline Help

Modules Help for a menu command

GRAM++ GIS - Present GRAM++ GIS - Present statusstatusGRAM++ GIS is presently being distributed,

maintained and upgraded by an IIT incubatee BHUGOL GIS Pvt Ltd. via technology transfer

Within a short span of distribution GRAM++ has a rich user base in all the sectors (Educational/Government/NGO’s/Commercial) across India

Based on today's need and on the basis of GRAM++ Bhugol GIS has developed a web based GIS server software named WebGRAMServer (

Functionalities of Functionalities of WebGRAMServer (WGS)WebGRAMServer (WGS)

• WGS enable organizations to publish and share geographic data, maps, and analyses over web •Web Gram Server is a server-based geographic information system (GIS)• It comes with web based services for spatial data management, visualization, and spatial analysis along with publishing the maps over the web

List of Functionalities of List of Functionalities of WGSWGS

Publish various map layers over the Web Multiple layer view Change the layer color, style and thickness for Point,

Segment and Polygon type layers Zoom in/Zoom Out/Fit to window Panning Info tool Non-Spatial query and spatial query using one or data

from multiple layers. Thematic Mapping with single field Thematic Mapping with two field Class based/Range based classification

List of Functionalities of List of Functionalities of WGSWGS Dot Density based classification Symbol based classification Comparison the fields using Pie Chart representation Database display Highlighting feature from selected record Applying transparency to the layer

GRAM++ GIS based Customized GRAM++ GIS based Customized productsproducts

◦Data Preparation Tool Spatial Database Creation

◦Raster Analysis Kit Spatial Analysis in Raster Model

◦GRAM++ Toolkit Set of reusable ActiveX Components

◦GRAM++ VecViewer Standalone tool for map Query and Display

◦GRAM++ SDSS for RD Tool on Spatial decision support for Rural

Development◦GIS Tutor

GIS tutor for learning and Teaching GIS


Bhugol GIS Pvt

Objectives of Bhugol GIS e-Objectives of Bhugol GIS e-tutor for GIStutor for GIS

Should serve wide range of users, novices to GIS-aware users

Good interactivityExtensive coverage of GIS subject

contentHands-on exercises and software

toolCase studies and illustrationsAccess to further information

Structure of e-Tutor for Structure of e-Tutor for GISGISSubject ContentAnimated IllustrationsCase StudiesBibliography and GlossaryHands-on Exercises (using software

tool included in the tutor)Instructor’s Resources(Developed using Macromedia

Director MX; VC++ for GIS software)

Subject ContentSubject Content Introduction Terrain mappingHistory of GIS Watershed delineationConcept of Spatial Data Network AnalysisSpatial Data Sources StatisticsMap Projections Remote SensingSpatial Data Modeling GeoreferencingData Input and Editing GPSAttribute Data Management AccuracySpatial Data Analysis ApplicationsSpatial interpolation Research IssuesFuture Directions





Hands-On ExercisesHands-On ExercisesEnable the user to get a feel for

actual GIS functionalitySelf-contained with software,

user manual and sample datasets

GeoTrans – Vector to GeoTrans – Vector to VectorVector

MapEdit - CleaningMapEdit - Cleaning

Before After

MapEdit – Rasterize and Create TableMapEdit – Rasterize and Create Table

Vector Analysis – QueryVector Analysis – Query

Raster Analysis - BufferingRaster Analysis - Buffering

Input Map

Generated Buffers

Watershed DelineationWatershed Delineation

Map LayoutMap Layout

Multi-Layer Display

Thematic Layer

Thank YouThank You
