Giulia Annovi -...


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The art of communicateGiulia Annovi YOUNG ONCOLOGISTS: Specialists in the Science and Art of Patient Care – Bologna 29,30 March 2017

Cancer speakers


Colleagues Media


Social Media

Cancer speakers

The communication landscape

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Digital News Report 2016

Blog - therapy Online self-diagnosis Virtual communities Online Physicians Well-being app

The communication landscape

Smith, Katherine C., et al. "Advancing cancer control research in an emerging news media environment." J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2013.47 (2013): 175-81.

Health is currently the eighth most common news topic overallCancer ranks first among disease-specific news coverage

Millions: Italian people searching health information online

The communication landscape

D Gareth R Evans et al. The Angelina Jolie effect: how high celebrity profile can have a major impact on provision of cancer related servicesBreast Cancer Research201416:442Biancovilli, Priscila, Gabriel de Oliveira Cardoso Machado, and Claudia Jurberg. "Celebrity and health promotion: how media can play an active role in cancer prevention and early detection." Journal of Media and Communication Studies 7.3 (2015): 41.

75% of Americans were aware of Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy, fewer than 10% of respondents had the information necessary to accurately interpret her risk However, 9% of women were motivated to do something about their health, such as seeing a doctor, having a mammogram or seeing a genetic counselor.

The communication landscape

Smith, Katherine C., et al. "Advancing cancer control research in an emerging news media environment." J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2013.47 (2013): 175-81.

More focused on treatment than prevention*

Emphasizing individual-level behavioural*

Personal stories aren’t evidence based

A single issue or event often receives conflicting coverage from multiple

media outlets.

News coverage of research is frequently criticized for neglecting appropriate

caveats, limitations, or acknowledgement of ambiguity*


Media Evolution

Going into the MEDIA


More than examining the scientific

accuracy of messages

Communication, what does it mean?

Recall information Satisfied Supported Physicians are in-line

F. Stiefel, C. Bourquin; Communication in oncology: now we train - but how well?. Ann Oncol 2016; 27 (9): 1660-1663. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdw229


The individual side of communication

The power of the World Wide Web

Database, repository, data collection Sharing a lot of information and

knowledge Linking documents Different languages and media

Speed and dynamism Rapid (and precise) responses Availability Digital press kit Quick tracking Podcast/video/Multimedia Shareable Data repositories Surveillance

Specialized audience

Tailored contents Respect of diversities Targeting stories Pros and cons

Focus on the audience

Broadcast your information


Seize the moment

Be useful




Scholarly selfie

Speaking with journalists

Preparedness Help them I don’t have time…. Framework Questions Brief, precise, clear Play down


A participative audiencePeer – to – peer dialogue*

Shared decision

Positive relationship

Increased adherence to therapies

Personal choice

Less medical authority*

Can I tell you….?

David W. Kissane,Barry D. Bultz,Phyllis N. Butow,Carma L. Bylund,Simon Noble,Susie Wilkinson. Oxford Textbookof Communication in Oncology and Palliative Care. Oxford University Press, 23 feb 2017

The patient writer

∼63% of users acquire their news from social media

Evitate errori online

Blogs and social media are undoubtedly an important component of the online information environment, and they challenge traditional structures of news creation and delivery

Are them useful for us?

Xu, Songhua et al. “Leveraging Social Media to Promote Public Health Knowledge: Example of Cancer Awareness via Twitter.” Ed. Gunther Eysenbach. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2.1 (2016): e17. PMC. Web. 26 Mar. 2017.

200 platforms

Overdrive Interactive

Medical platforms

Italian Social Network URL




Camici in rete


Different audience

What social needs are being satisfied via the use of social media?

Community dimension


Information dimension → not active;

People respond to information by seeking more information, but also by:




Natalya Godbold. Beyond information seeking: towards a general model of information behaviour. Information Researh Vol. 11 No. 4, July 2006

sharing or spreading information, creating documents, telling other people

taking mental note (non specific goal or goal not imagined yet)

avoiding or ignoring information

disputing or disbelieving information

hiding and / or destroying information

The post – truth era

The more active a user is, the more the user tends to focus on a small number of news sources*

Listening and empathy*

Creation of languages and figure of speech

Give sense

The patient writer





What about physicians?

Lefebvre C, Mesner J, Stopyra J, et al. Social Media in Professional Medicine: New Resident Perceptions and Practices. Eysenbach G, ed. Journalof Medical Internet Research. 2016;18(6):e119. doi:10.2196/jmir.5612.

So why should I….?

Amanda Clark, MD, and Avital O’Glasser, MD, FACP. Vox Popularis: Social Media and Medicine


Social media tips

Social media be a leader

Very good listener

Technically expert


Available on social media


Respectful of rules


Contents (and don’t forget the privacy)

Select your audience

No personal advertisement

No personal life

No Service Alerts

No pictures

No comments



No opinion is better



ReferencesCROARI, Giuseppe et al. Comunicazione sanitaria e social media: rischi e opportunità. Pratica Medica & Aspetti Legali, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, aug. 2016. ISSN 2283-4044.

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Digital News Report 2016

Smith, Katherine C., et al. "Advancing cancer control research in an emerging news media environment." J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2013.47 (2013): 175-81.

D Gareth R Evans et al. The Angelina Jolie effect: how high celebrity profile can have a major impact on provision of cancer related servicesBreast Cancer Research2014 16:442

Biancovilli, Priscila, Gabriel de Oliveira Cardoso Machado, and Claudia Jurberg. "Celebrity and health promotion: how media can play an active role in cancer prevention and early detection." Journal of Media and Communication Studies 7.3 (2015): 41.

F. Stiefel, C. Bourquin; Communication in oncology: now we train - but how well?. Ann Oncol 2016; 27 (9): 1660-1663. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdw229

Sedrak MS, Cohen RB, Merchant RM, Schapira MM. Cancer Communication in the Social Media Age. JAMA Oncol. 2016;2(6):822-823. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2015.5475

David W. Kissane,Barry D. Bultz,Phyllis N. Butow,Carma L. Bylund,Simon Noble,Susie Wilkinson. Oxford Textbookof Communication in Oncology and Palliative Care. Oxford University Press, 23 feb 2017

Natalya Godbold. Beyond information seeking: towards a general model of information behaviour. Information Researh Vol. 11 No. 4, July 2006

ReferencesPinto C and Annovi G. Nelle reti. L’oncologo ha un sistema complesso di comunicazione e relazioni. Il PensieroScientifico Editore, 2016

Affinito L and Ricciardi W. E-patients and social media. Come sviluppare una strategia di comunicazione per Migliorare salute e sanità. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2016

Amanda Clark, MD, and Avital O’Glasser, MD, FACP. Vox Popularis: Social Media and Medicine

Lefebvre C, Mesner J, Stopyra J, et al. Social Media in Professional Medicine: New Resident Perceptions and Practices. Eysenbach G, ed. Journalof Medical Internet Research. 2016;18(6):e119. doi:10.2196/jmir.5612.

Ana Lucía Schmidt, Fabiana Zollo, Michela Del Vicario, Alessandro Bessi, Antonio Scala, Guido Caldarelli, H Eugene Stanley, Walter Quattrociocchi Anatomy of news consumption on Facebook. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017
