Glaciers - Features


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  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    The Illustrated History of


  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    This is a glacier. Actually

    its several glaciers coming

    together to form a larger one.

    The glaciers are hundreds of

    feet thick. They have enormous

    mass. They flow downhill due

    to the FORCE OF GRAVITY.

    These are VALLEY or ALPINE

    glaciers. They flow in valleys

    between mountains. They are

    small when compared with

    CONTINENTAL glaciers which

    cover entire continents.

    Antarctica is covered by a

    continental ice sheet.

    The dark bands in the glacier are rocks

    ripped from the sides of the mountains as

    the glaciers flow. The dark bands are calledMORAINES. The rock will be carried to the

    point where the glacier melts and then it will

    be deposited.

    A glacier is a rock conveyor belt.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    Heres another view of a glacier showing the Terminal Moraine. It forms

    at the point at which the rate of melting is equal to the flow of ice. You

    can also see a Medial Moraine in the middle of the glacier.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    The V-shaped valley seen to the

    right is typical of stream or water

    erosion. As the stream flows, its

    cutting tools which are the rocks

    and stones it carries, cut deeperand deeper into the streambed

    forming a V-shape.

    If the climate gets colder and the

    valley fills with ice the glacier will

    rip rocks from the sides as well asthe bottom of the valley. This will

    widen the valley and change its


    To the left is a wide

    U-shaped valley which

    is typical of glacial


    V-shaped = streams

    U-shaped = glaciers

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    Another view of a typical

    U-shaped glacial valley.

    And another...........................

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    The power of glaciers can be seen in this photo of 'El Capitan' aka Half Dome

    mountain in Yosemite Valley in California. As glaciers moved through this

    valley they sliced this solid granite mountain in two and scooped out the

    U-shaped valley to the left.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    As glaciers flow, the rocks embedded

    in the ice cut deep PARALLEL GROOVES

    in the bedrock beneath. When the glaciers

    melt these parallel grooves remain as

    evidence that the glaciers were there.

    The picture to the right shows bedrock

    exposed at the Bronx Zoo.

    Above more parallel grooves and

    scratches in exposed bedrock.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    Sometimes the grooves are

    very deep and dramatic such

    as these from the Peruvian

    Andes (left).........

    or these (right) known as Kelleys

    Grooves found on Kelleys Island,Ohio.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    These rocks were embedded in the ice

    at the bottom of a glacier. As the glacier

    moved over bedrock it was rocks like

    these that cut the parallel grooves. Inthe process these rocks tumbled and

    rolled becoming SCRATCHEDand



    boulders are evidence of glacial


  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    Unlike streams or rivers

    glaciers can carry enormous

    blocks of stone for many,

    miles. When the glaciers

    melt these rock are left

    stranded far from theirorigins.

    Such rocks are called

    ERRATICS. An erratic is a

    boulder that was transported

    to its present location and is

    generally unrelated to theunderlying bedrock.

    The ERRATIC on the left was depositedin Central Park.

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    Some erratics come to rest

    in strange places.

    Some are deposited closer to homelike this boulder in Eastport.

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    This is a satellite view

    of the Finger Lakes

    region of New York State.

    The finger lakes are verydeep and narrow parallel

    lakes scooped out during

    the last ices age.

    The glaciers movement

    from north to south

    accounts for theN-S orientation of these

    bodies of water.

    Lakes like these are found

    all over the world wherever

    the last continental icesheet scraped and

    scarred the land.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    If the U-shaped


    carved by the glaciers

    reaches all the way tothe sea it is often

    referred to as a fjord.

    A fjord is a long, narrow

    salt water bay carved by

    glaciers and they arefound in many

    countries all over the


    The photo was taken at

    Misty Fjords in Alaska.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    The material transported by a glacier is

    called TILL. When the glacier melts the

    till is deposited in a pile. There is no

    sorting as occurs when a stream slows.UNSORTED SEDIMENTS is good evidence

    of glacial deposition.

    Above and to the right are

    pictures of unsorted glacial

    till. Material from fine silt to

    large boulders are mixed

    together randomly.

    You live on unsorted glacial

    till since Long Island is

    composed completely of

    glacial material.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    Sometimes the glacial till is deposited in mounds or hills. These are

    called DRUMLINS. The drumlins above are found in Scotland but similar

    features are found all over the northern hemisphere. Often drumlins are

    so large that they cannot be appreciated for what they are except when

    photographed from high altitudes.

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    A drumlin in the midwest.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    As glaciers retreat (melt) huge blocks of ice may remain

    buried in the earth. As these blocks gradually melt theyleave deep depressions which fill in with water forming

    "KETTLE LAKES" such as those seen above. Kettle

    lakes represent more evidence that a region has

    undergone glaciation.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    A summary of glacial features

    1) U-shaped valleys2) Parallel grooves in bedrock

    3) Scratched and polished boulders

    4) Erratics5) Long, deep, glacial lakes

    6) Unsorted sediments

    7) Drumlins

    8) Kettle lakes

    Learn these terms. Whenever you see one on a test o r

    on th e regents the answer is always " GLACIERS" .

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    Glaciers are an endangered species. This is the Muir

    glacier in Glacier Bay, Alaska photographed in 2007.

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    The Muir Glacier is retreating rapidly. Ice is melting fasterthan new ice can replace it. The arrows show where the

    glacier was just a few years ago. As it melts it exposes

    rock that appears lighter because it hasnt had time to


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    These views show

    how the Muir

    Glacier has

    changed in justover half a century.

    In that time it has

    retreated over 20

    km and it continuesto get smaller every


    People may debate

    the causes ofglobal warming but

    the evidence is

    clear. The Earth IS


  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    This is the Mendenhall Glacier in Juno, Alaska. The picture

    was taken in 2007. If these people had been standing here

    in 1987 they would have been under 65 feet of ice.

  • 7/27/2019 Glaciers - Features


    Lastly, a very quick review of essential terms that are

    likely to appear on the regents..............

    What kind of sediments do glaciers produce?


    What kind of valleys are associated with glaciers?


    What term applies to a boulder deposited by a glacier?


    What do glaciers do to the rocks they pass over?


    What evidence indicates that a rock was transported by

    a glacier?

    It may be SCRATCHED and POLISHED
