Global Citizenship. Reading: Valentine Ch 9 pp. 321-332


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Global Citizenship


• Valentine Ch 9 pp. 321-332

Global Citizenship

• Traditional to associate citizenship with nation

• Globalization is changing things– Politics, culture, economy no longer stop at the

national border


• International regimes of governance developing which challenge the sovereignty of the state:– UN, WTO– NAFTA, NATO, NAFO

Forms of Global Citizenship

• Forms of global citizenship emerging around– Technology– Ecology– others?

Technological Citizenship

• Information technology creating disembodied social networks

• People connecting globally and non-nationally through technology

• Content and access on Internet largely unregulated

Technological Citizenship

• Some countries try to restrict access to the Internet– China– Saudi Arabia– Singapore– Iraq

Technological Citizenship

• National citizenship taking to cyberspace– disseminate government information via Web– Government of Canada converting all forms to

web format

Technological Citizenship

• Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) taking to the web to organize their activities– Mexico’s rebel Zapatistas– Serbians opposed to NATO bombing

Technological Citizenship

• International political movements being organized via Internet– anti-WTO protests– Protests against the new

Iraq war


• St Clair Ave W

Lexington MA

London UK

Palo Alto CA


San Francisco

San Francisco

• San Francisco, October 2002


Halifax 2002

Kipling Ave, Dec 2002

• Use of computers to generate protest media

Technological Citizenship

• International crime & terrorism using the Internet– possibility of cyber-attacks– use of web for communications– internet scams

Technological Citizenship

• Seems to flourish best in affluent communities with access to technology

• Most internet music copyright violations associated with university students– music consumers with available time and T1

internet access

Ecological Citizenship

• Realization that ecological issues are global in scale

• Emergence of some international arrangements to deal with ecological issues– UN Earth Summits– CITES, Kyoto Accord

Ecological Citizenship

• Strong role played by NGOs– International NGOs: Greenpeace, IFAW, – National or Local NGOs: Friends of the Earth,

Sierra Club

• Greenpeace: “act locally, think globally”

World Economic Forum protests


Ecological Citizenship

• Requires technological access and affluence?– Not always, but it helps

Odds & Ends

• Next week:– no classes, office hours continue

• 31 March– Exam preparation– Assignment #2 returned
