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Global Warming

Arrieta, Costan & Palomeras (2010) 1

UAB TED Masters Degree | Shanti Arrieta, Albert Costan & Joan Palomeras



Global Warming

Arrieta, Costan & Palomeras (2010) 1


We would like

to thank Maria

Rosa Batlle and

Oriol Pallarés

for their help

and support.


Global Warming

Arrieta, Costan & Palomeras (2010) 2

Table of contents CLIL Planning template ........................................................................................................ 3

Symbol key ........................................................................................................................ 7

Session by session explanation…………………………………………………………………………………8

Session 1: Changes in landscapes…………………………………………………………………………...…….8

Session 2: What is global warming?................................................................................9

Session 3: The greenhouse effect…………………………………………………….………………….….…..11

Session 4: Endangered species……………………………………………………………………………….……12

Session 5: The greenhouse effect (follow-up)………………………….…………………………….….…13

Session 6: The global warming and saving energy……………………………………………..……..…16

Session 7: Renewable energies………………………………………….………………………………….…….17

Session 8: Creating a glogster…………………………………………………………………………….……….19

Session 9: Oral presentation………………………………………………………..………………………….….20

Session 10: Final exam……………………….…………………………………………………………………….…21

Assessment tools ............................................................................................................... 22


Annex 1: Creative commons license…………………………………………………………………………..32

Annex 2: CD Content………………………………………………………………………………………………….33

Global Warming

Arrieta, Costan & Palomeras (2010) 3


AUTHOR/S: Shanti Arrieta, Albert Costan & Joan Palomeras


SUBJECTS, LANGUAGES and/or TEACHERS INVOLVED: English & The Natural World.

APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF SESSIONS: 10 of 55 minutes COE level: A1-


Introduction to the Teaching Sequence Everybody talks about global warming, but what is it? In this unit we aim to explain what

global warming is, its consequences and what we can do to prevent it. We are going to

learn about endangered animals and their habitats, the causes of global warming, the

greenhouse effect, the greenhouse gases, renewable energies and recycling.

Be aware of the students with especial educational needs, be careful while arranging the

groups and assess these students according to their progress rather than according to their


Tandem teaching is a good tool to use while explaining some of the activities, the teaching

unit is designed with this purpose but it could be implemented by only one teacher.

Subject-matter objective/s – goals - competences

By the end of the unit/ lesson/ task, the students will be able to…

1- know what are the endangered species and the changes in their habitats due to global warming.

2- know what is the greenhouse effect and explain it.

3- give pieces of advice in order to pollute less.

4- identify the causes of the global warming.

5- identify different types of gases that produce the greenhouse effect

6- learn about the different types of renewable energies and some features of them.

7- know what and how to recycle.

8- appreciate the difference between rich and poor countries towards the problem.

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9- create a final outcome and present it orally.

10- final exam



1- Getting to know endangered

species and habitats

2- Learning about the causes of global


3- Understanding the greenhouse


4- Knowing different greenhouse gases

and their origin.

5-Identifying renewable energies

6- Distinguishing among the different


1- Understanding short texts.

2- Expressing ideas and previous and acquired knowledge.

3- Giving opinions and pieces of advice

4- Establishing cause-effect relationships related to the

global warming and the greenhouse effect.

5- Understanding English speeches produced by native and

non-native speakers of the foreign language.

6- Identifying the differences between different landscapes

affected by the global warming.

7- Summarizing a topic.

8- Presenting orally ideas about a topic.



1- TO UNDERSTAND Descriptive texts about

endangered animals and


Explanatory videos in the

target language without subtitles.

Science concepts as

greenhouse effect and renewable energies.


GENERATE summaries

Short descriptive texts

2- TOPIC SPECIFIC Differences between landscapes: deforestation,

ice melting, droughts, flooding and air pollution.

Endangered species: polar bear, penguin, fish and orang-utans.

Causes of the global warming: increase of temperature, increase of evaporation, increase

of sea level, loss of habitat.

The greenhouse effect: ozone layer, radiation, heat, atmosphere.

Types of gases: methane, CO2, CFC, cattle, fuel, coal, dump.

Renewable energies: biomass, wind energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, geothermal


Recycling: plastic, paper, crystal, garbage.

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Tasks / approximate timing


Different types of interaction within the

classroom; TS; SS; TS; ST;

TClass, etc.

Final outcome (online poster)

about an specific topic Oral explanation of an specific


4- ACADEMIC DOMAIN SPECIFIC Useful expressions to express personal opinion

The present simple to express present situations

Structures to formulate comparisons: there

is/are more/less…..than, -er than….

Express a cause-consequence relation: Because

of……. Structures to express hypothetical facts: might


Adjectives for feelings


1- Valuing the need of a non-polluted world.

2 Collaborative work awareness.

3- Examining the causes and effects of dangerous behaviours towards the greenhouse effect and the global warming.

4- Noticing the fact that some animals and habitats are dying.

5- Valuing the need to recycle and be concerned about the possible consequences.


(Closely linked to goals; Summative with high formative value. Self-Other- and/or Teacher’s




1- Team work

2- Participation.

3- Dossier.

4- Creation of a glogster.

5- Oral activity: presentation of a glogster.

6- Final exam

1- Peer assessment: “peer checklist” 10%

2- Participation: “progress assessment checklist” 15%

3- Dossier: “dossier checklist” 15% 4- Creation of a glogster: “checklist gloster” 15%

5- Oral presentation: “rubric oral presentation” 15% 6- Final exam: “final exam answers” 30%

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SESSION 1: Changes in landscapes

1- Warm-up activity: describe different landscapes . TClass

2- Match: landscapes changes and causes TClass

SESSION 2: What is global warming?

1- Videos about the global warming TClass

2- Poster with the words from the video and the students’ feelings TClass

3- Vocabulary of the causes of global warming SS (groupwork)

SESSION 3: Endangered species

1- Warm-up activity: Matching activity SS (groupwork)

2- Animals and habits: Pictures and text TClass/ SS

3- Writing about different endangered animals TClass

SESSION 4: The greenhouse effect

1- Warm-up activity: video and sentences activity SS (groupwork)

2- Explanation of the greenhouse gases and completing the grid TClass

SESSION 5: The greenhouse effect (follow-up)

1- Homework correction/Warm-up TClass

2- Crossword SS (groupwork)

3- Effects of global warming and completing the grid TClass

SESSION 6: The global warming and saving energy

1- Running dictation SS (groupwork)

2- Warm-up: Saving energy and recycling TClass

SESSION 7: Renewable energies

1- Explanation and completing the grid TClass

2- How to recycle?: Matching activity SS (groupwork)

SESSION 8: Creating a glogster

1- In pairs the students create a glogster SS (groupwork)

SESSION 9: Oral presentations

1- Oral presentations of the glogsters SClass

SESSION 10: Final exam

1- Individual exam

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RESOURCES Projector, Internet Connection,, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Word,, computer.

CREDITS Google images,,

MATERIALS Dossier, worksheets, grid, flash cards, PowerPoint.

COMMENTS This unit does not cover copyright of photos or original material.

ANNEXES Creative commons license, CD contents.


Individual task

Pair work/group work

A task that implies writing

A task that implies reading

A task that implies listening

A task that implies speaking

Useful information

Resources/materials for students

Resources/materials for teachers

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Resources and materials:

computer whiteboard MS Office (Power point) Landscapes.ppt in the “Session 1” folder Assessmentglobal.ppt in the “Session 1” folder Global warming dossier

Presentation ±20’ T→Class

1. Introduce the topic and the objectives of the unit. Hand in the dossiers to each of the students and explain the assessment of the unit with the support of the PPT.

2. Students are divided in groups of 4 or 5 people; they will sit together during the whole unit. 3. Ask the students of each group to choose a letter (A-B-C-D-E), to write it down in their dossier

and they will keep the same letter during the whole unit. This is useful for you to make all the students participate; from now on, when correcting or participating call a different letter each time.

Warm-up ±35’ T←→Class

Project the “landscapes” PPT and ask the students to complete Task 1 and correct it orally.

TASK 1: the students are supposed to describe and compare pictures in which the effects of

the environmental impact are noticeable.

Possible answers:


pair of pictures: In the second picture there are fewer trees than in the first one.


pair of pictures: There more ice in the first picture than in the second one.


pair of pictures: The first landscape is cleaner than the second.


pair of pictures: In the first picture I can see more water than in the second one.

When Task 1 is corrected ask the students to do Task 2 and correct it.

Task 2: the students match the images of the same pictures that were projected in Task 1 with the cause of the sort of impact that has taken place there. After that, they explain it with sentences using because of.


1- human activity

2- high temperatures.

3- has changed because of pollution.

4- has changed because of high temperatures


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Resources and materials:




Internet connection

2 poster boards

Empty cards with different shapes

Video: (seen on 26/05/2010).

Video: (seen on 26/05/2010)


Daily routine ±5’ T←→Class

Ask the students to discuss during 2 or 3 minutes and ask some questions like:

Do you remember what we did the last day?

What can you remember?

Warm-up ±15’ T←→Class

Ask the students to do Task 3. This activity will give them vocabulary that will be used during

the unit. When they finish they can do task 4.

Task 3: the students use some of the words in the box to complete the sentences.


1 – wood / paper

2 - factories / cars

3 – dry / dried up.

Task 4. This activity will give the students a definition of the topic.


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Video presentation ±15 S←→ T←→Class

Task 5:

1. Project two videos (See “Session 2” folder or the links on materials section). The first

one will give the students an overall idea of what the global warming is, play it twice.

2. Before projecting the second video, ask the students to write as many words as

possible that appear on the video. Read the instructions of Task 5 and play the video

twice or three times.

3. Give the students the cards with different shapes, two for each student, in one of the

cards they will write one word from the video and, in the other card, they will write

down a word expressing how they feel about the topic.

Poster creation ±20 S←→S T←→Class

Task 6:

Ask the students to stick their cards in the poster board. Hang it in the classroom.

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Resources and materials:

Printed images and pieces of texts (“Session 3” folder→ “task 8”).


Daily routine ±5’ T←→Class

Ask the students to discuss during 2 or 3 minutes and ask some questions like:

Do you remember what we did the last day?

What can you remember?

Endangered species warm-up ±15 S←→S T←→Class

Ask the students to do Task 7.

Task 7: matching words and definitions.

Key: a-4, b-6, c-5, d-1, e-2, f-3, g-7, h-9, i-8.

Animals and habitats activity ±15 S←→S T←→Class

Task 8: Give the students the pictures and the pieces of texts at random and they

have to match them.

Key: the pictures and the texts are saved in different folders within the “images”

folder, in each folder you will find, the picture of the animal with the correct habitat

and piece of text.

Animals and habitats follow-up ±20 S←→S T←→Class

Read the instructions in the dossier (Task 9), when the groups finish the activity, ask them to

read their answers.

Task 9: the students choose an animal from the previous activity and they have

to write with their own words some characteristics about its habitat and the

problems related with the environmental impact caused by the global warming.

Possible answer:

The monkey lives in the forest but the high demand of wood and paper is reducing the

number of trees.

Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The penguins need glaciers to live but the ice is melting.

The water temperature increases and the fishes can’t stand it.

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Resources and materials:

Computer Whiteboard Projector MS Office (Power Point) Greenhousegases.ppt (in “Session 4” folder) Internet connection Video: (seen on 26/05/2010) Dossier

Daily routine ±5’ T←→Class

Ask the students to discuss during 2 or 3 minutes and ask some questions like:

Do you remember what we did the last day?

What can you remember?

Warm-up ±25 S←→S Project the video, which explains the greenhouse effect process, on the screen. Ask the students to put the sentences in Task 10 in order.

Task 10: the sentences explain the process of the greenhouse effect.

Key: g-1 a-2 c -3 d-4 f-5 b-6 e-7

The greenhouse gases explanation ±25 T→Class Project the PPT ( in “Session 4” folder) and explain the types of gases and how they are

produced, ask the students to complete the grid in Task 11.


Type of gas Naturally produced or man-made?

How is the gas produced?

Carbon dioxide (CO²)

Naturally produced

Produced by animals when breathing and by volcanoes.


Naturally produced

Produced by cattle.

Carbon dioxide (CO²)


Produced when fossil fuel is burnt (factories, cars, motorbikes…).



Produced by waste.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)

Man-made Produced by aerosol cans.

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Homework ±5 Ask the students to read the text “The Greenhouse gases” and to answer the questions in task 12 as homework.

Task 12: there are four questions to check the students’ comprehension about the topic.


Resources and materials:

Ms Office (PowerPoint)




effectsofglobalwarming.ppt in the “Session 5” folder


Homework correction ±15’ T←→Class

Ask some student to read their answers aloud (Task 12). Correct them if necessary. When you

finish correcting all the questions collect the homework.


1- The greenhouse effect is a natural process and it warms the Earth.

2- It is good, because without the greenhouse effect the Earth would be very cold, too

cold for living things, such as plants and animals.

3- Possible answer:

The greenhouse gases and the heat of the sun cause the greenhouse effect.

4- Possible answer:

The different greenhouse gases are: Carbon dioxide, methane and CFC. Carbon dioxide

comes from the burning of fuel such as coal, oil and gas. It is naturally produced when

people and animals breathe. Methane comes from buried waste and from cattle as

they digest their food. CFCs come from aerosols, such as hairspray cans, fridges and in

making foam plastics.

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Crossword ±15’ Peer←→ Peer

Ask students to do task 13 in pairs.

Task 13: Students need to complete a crossword with vocabulary (7 terms)

related to the topic.


Effects of Global Warming explanation ±25’ T←→Class S←→S

Ask students to do task 14 individually. Project the power point (effectsofglobalwarming.ppt) and present it. When students finish the task ask them to compare their notes. Then correct it aloud.

Task 14: Students need to fill in the grid while the presentation is being held. They have to identify the name of the effect, the cause and the direct consequences.

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Increase of temperature

Due to the increase of greenhouse gases more heat is kept in the earth

The earth is getting warmer

Increase of evaporation

Due to the increase of temperature on earth more water is evaporated

Some lakes and reservoirs are getting dry

Increase of sea level

Due to the increase of temperature on earth icebergs and the poles are getting melted

Some countries are suffering flooding and some others are in danger of being covered by the sea

Loss of habitat for species

Due to these increase of temperature some biomes are changing

Risk for some animals to disappear

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Resource and materials:

Running dictation.doc in the “Session 6” folder


Grid-checking ±15’ Teacher←→Class

Check the grid that was filled by the students the previous class (task 14).

Possible answers:

Check the text in page 12 of the student’s guide.

Daily routine ±5’ T←→Class

Ask the students to discuss during 2 or 3 minutes and ask some questions like:

Do you remember what we did the last day?

What can you remember?

Questions about saving energy ±20’ Peer←→Peer Teacher←→Class

Students answer the questions in task 15 in their dossiers. When they finish

answering the questions correct the exercises at aloud. The answers of the questions

are personal.

Running dictation ±15’ Peer←→Peer

The students are divided in groups. One by one, a member from each group

walks to the teacher and he/she shows him/her a piece of text. The student goes back

to his/her group and explains what he/she has just read to the partners. Then, the next

student walks to the teacher and makes the same process and so on until they finish

the text. At the very end, students need to complete the text and write it in the grid

provided in task 16 (see runningdictation.doc in the “texts” folder).

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Resource and materials:



MS Office (Power Point),

Renewable energies.ppt in the “Session 7” folder.

Printed pictures (in folder “Session 7” → “task 18”)


Daily routine ±5’ T←→Class

Ask the students to discuss during 2 or 3 minutes and ask some questions like:

Do you remember what we did the last day?

What can you remember?

Energies presentation ±25’ Teacher←→Class

Using a ppt (renewableenergies.ppt) make a presentation of the topic. You can use the

information from the text in page 17 of the student’s guide.

Task 17: Students need to fill in the grid with the information given by the


Possible answers:

Check page 17 of the student’s guide.

Recycling activity ±25’ Peer←→Peer Class←→Class

Hand in the pictures of three different bins and different kind of waste (folder “pictures”→ “task 18”. Students need to match the waste with the appropriate bin. Some of the waste does not much in any of the bins. Key:

Green bin: wine bottles.

Yellow bin: cans, water bottles, plastic bag, food can and tetra brick.

Blue bin: cardboard and paper.

Do not fit in any: batteries, spray can, feeding bottle, light bulb, crystal, nappy

and fluorescent light.

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Resource and materials:

Internet connection (glogster). (seen on 26/05/2010)

A computer for every two students (computer lab)

Creation of a glogster ±55’


In groups of two the students choose a topic that we have dealing with during the unit

(greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, renewable energies, global warming…).


The students need to use the texts used in the dossiers to find the information about

the topic they have chosen. Students can also find more information on the internet.

They will use this information in their virtual poster.


Students need to find at least a video and two pictures related to the topic.


Students access to , they register and create their own virtual

poster. They need to use their own words and they do not have to write too much.

Here you can see an example:

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Resource and materials:



Internet connection (glogster)

Presentation of virtual poster ±55’

In couples, the students make an oral presentation of their virtual poster

(glogster). Each group is allowed a maximum of 5 minutes. They make the presentation

while their poster is projected on the whiteboard.

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Resources and materials:

Photocopies of the exam

exam.docx in the assessment folder.

Exam ±55’

The students sit a final exam to check their knowledge about the topic. Both the

exam (exam.docx) and the key (examkey.docx) can be found in the assessment folder.

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Excellent Average Poor

Content The activities are well done and all of them are answered.

All the activities are done but there are some mistakes in your answers.

The activities are not complete and there are several mistakes.

Presentation The information is well organized and in a good manner.

The information is not very clearly organized.

The information is organized in a messy way.

Use of language The information is well structured and your outcome is accurate. A few mistakes but not important ones.

Some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Some of them are important.

A lot of important mistakes.

Progress assessment Student’s name: Homework


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Content of virtual poster

At least two pictures are used

At least a video is used

The information added is relevant

The students use their own words in the texts

Elaborated layout

Appropriate length of text


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Global Warming Exam

1) Choose the correct answer for each question: (0,5 points each)

A)When people and animals breathe they produce…

a) Methane

b) CO2

c) CFC

d) Pollution

B) Coal, oil and gas are…

a) CFC

b) Energies

c) Fossil fuels

d) Minerals

C) Which gas is produced in dumps and by cows?

a) Oxygen

b) CO2

c) Methane

d) Ozone

D) Circle the consequences of global warming.

a) melting glaciers

b) drought

c) storms

d) greenhouse effect

e) floods

f) deforestation

g) increase of immigration

h) pollution

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2) Why is deforestation dangerous for human beings and animals? Explain it in 3 lines.(1 point)

3) List the five renewable energies and write one feature of each one. (1 point)

4) Compare these two pictures: (1 point)

5) Make a drawing of the greenhouse effect process. Explain it as detailed as you can. (1 point)

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6) What was your glogster about? Explain it in 5-10 lines and give your personal opinion about

your glogster’s topic. (1,5 points)

7) Read the text and answer the questions below.

What happens next is not good news for people or penguins. The thing that bothers me is that

the ice of the poles is melting. Some of it already is melting fast. The Arctic sea ice gets less

every year and the great frozen continent of Antarctica (my home) is losing ice too. Other seas,

like the North Sea, are warming too. This means that fish which need colder waters have to

swim north and this can have bad effects of both fishing and seabirds.

As you know, penguins like ice. Without very cold water and ice, we get too hot because, like

polar bears, we're built for cold weather. But for you people, it will be much worse.

For a start, all the ice that melts will start to fill up the oceans and make them overflow on

land. And the water itself will take up more space simply because it is warmer. That will make

it overflow even more onto the land.

More sea and less land is fine for penguins and for fish, but it's no good at all for people and

other animals that live on the land. Some of the best land for growing food is also the most

low-lying. That means it will be flooded first. It also happens that some of your biggest cities,

like London, New Orleans and Bangkok, will get flooded too. Loads of people will go hungry

and many more will have nowhere to live. This is very worrying.

It's also very unfair! The really sad thing is that it will be poor people who suffer most. I think

that's very unfair because it's the people in rich countries who have been the cause of almost

all global warming but it's the poor who drown or starve.

Questions: (0,5 points each)

1- What will happen to the fish in the Arctic and North sea? Why?

2- What is the meaning of the word overflow in the text?

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3- According to the text, what will happen to the people of London, New Orleans and


4- Why do you think that poor will suffer more?

5- The text says that this situation it’s unfair, why? Explain it with your own words.

Answer key of the exam

1) A multiple choice task. Each right question has a value of o.5 points. There is only

one right answer in questions a,b and c. In question 4 there are 4 right answers, each

right answer counts 0,125. The whole activity has a value of 2 points.

Answers: 1-B; 2-C; 3-C; 4-A,B,C,E.

2) Open question. Students are supposed to answer the question using the vocabulary

learnt through the unit. The content and the language used will be taken into account.

Things that have to be mentioned:

Trees transform CO2 into O2.

Animals will lose their habitat.

Humans cut trees down.

Increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.

3) Students need to show that they have learnt the vocabulary and that they have

understood the concepts. For each energy several features can be mentioned. Each

mentioned energy has a value of 0.1 points and each correct feature a value of 0.1



Wind energy: transforms the wind into energy, mill, blade, kinetic...

Geothermal: transforms the heat into energy, geyser, earth, boiling water...

Hydroelectric: transforms the movement of the water into energy, waves, dam,


Solar: transforms solar rays into energy, photovoltaic panels...

Biomass: transforms the garbage into energy, organic garbage...

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4) Open question. Students are supposed to be able to describe and compare both

pictures. The content and the language will be taken into account. The activity has a

value of 1 point.

Structures that need to be used:

In picture one there is/are more .......... than in picture two.

In picture two there is/are less......... than in picture one.

This landscape has changed because of..........

5) Students need to make a drawing that explains the green house effect process. They

need to show that they have understood the process and acquired the vocabulary. The

picture needs to be clear and well explained. The activity has a value of 1 point.


6) Students have to explain their glogster that was created a few days before the

exam. Content and language will be taken into account. The activity has a value of 1.5


7) Students need to read the text and answer the questions. Each right question has a

value of 0.5 points. There are 5 quetions.

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1) That they will have to swim north because the increase of the water’s temperature.

2) That the water will cover the land.

3) They will get hungry and many more will have nowhere to live.

4) (Possible answer): Because they have fewer resources.

5) Because most of the damaged caused to the nature has been caused by the

Western Civilization and everyone (specially poor people) is suffering it.

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Rubric Oral Presentation

Preparedness Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.

Comprehension Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates.

Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates.

Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates.

Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates.

Volume Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time.

Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.

Content Shows a full understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well.

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Peer assessment of /peer group work

Agree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Your peer/group mates has/have worked.

We have been using English.

We have helped each other.

I am happy with the final production.


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Annex 1: Creative Commons license

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CD content

Session 1 folder:

“landscapes” PPT

Session 3 folder:

“Pictures” document

Session 4 folder:

Greenhouse gases PPT

Session 5 folder:

Effects of global warming PPT

Session 6 folder:

Running dictation text

Session 7 folder:

Renewable energies PPT

“Recycling” pictures
