Gnosticism · Gnosticism • From gnosis, “to know.” They declared themselves to be “in the...


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  • Gnosticism

    • From gnosis, “to know.” They declared

    themselves to be “in the know.” Gnosticism

    taught that salvation could be obtained

    through knowledge instead of faith. This

    “knowledge” however, could only be gained

    by those who had been initiated into the

    mysteries of the Gnostic system.

  • • Agnostic – No knowledge! Latin =


    • Gnosticism taught that all matter is

    inherently evil and only the spiritual or

    nonmaterial is good. This led to denying the

    doctrines of Creation and the Incarnation -

    Since Jesus was a man and had a body

    made up of matter, he had to be inherently

    evil (so they believed).

  • • Gnosticism was a hodgepodge of a lot of

    philosophical beliefs. It had legalistic

    Judaism mixed in, it had Christianity mixed

    in, philosophy mixed in, astrology mixed in

    and the worship of angels as mediators of


    • Some gentiles were also promoting a form

    of mysticism that viewed Jesus as a Higher

    Power but not God.

  • 7 Churches of Asia (Revelation)

  • Acts 198 And he went into the synagogue and

    spoke boldly for three months,

    reasoning and persuading concerning

    the things of the kingdom of God.

  • 9 But when some were hardened and

    did not believe, but spoke evil of the

    Way before the multitude, he departed

    from them and withdrew the disciples,

    reasoning daily in the school of

    Tyrannus. 10 And this continued for two

    years, so that all who dwelt in Asia

    heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both

    Jews and Greeks. NKJV

  • Colossians 1

    Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the

    will of God, and Timothy our brother,…


  • Acts 242 And they continued steadfastly in the

    apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the

    breaking of bread, and in prayers.


  • The Old Testament is the New

    Testament concealed.

    The New Testament is the Old

    Testament Revealed!

  • Colossians 12 To the saints and faithful brethren in

    Christ who are in Colosse: Grace to

    you and peace from God our Father

    and the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • You see, if we have a new world, we will need a

    new church. We wont need a new religion per

    se, but a new framework for our theology. Not a

    new Spirit, but a new spirituality. Not a new

    Christ, but a new Christian. Not a new

    denomination, but a new kind of church in

    every denomination.

    Brian McLaren

  • In a post-Christian world, pluralism is the

    norm. Buddhism, Wicca, Christianity, Islam,

    Hinduism, or an eclectic blend-it’s all part of

    the soil…The basis for learning has shifted

    from logical and rational to the realm of

    experience and the mystical.

    Dan Kimball

  • Colossians 13 We give thanks to the God and Father

    of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying

    always for you,…


  • Colossians 14 since we heard of your faith in Christ

    Jesus and of your love for all the saints; 5 because of the hope which is laid up

    for you in heaven, of which you heard

    before in the word of the truth of the



  • 1Thessalonians 15 For our gospel did not come to you in

    word only, but also in power, and in the

    Holy Spirit…


  • Romans 116 For I am not ashamed of the gospel

    of Christ, for it is the power of God to

    salvation for everyone who believes, for

    the Jew first and also for the Greek.


  • 1Corinthians 912 If others are partakers of this right

    over you, are we not even more?

    Nevertheless we have not used this

    right, but endure all things lest we

    hinder the gospel of Christ.


  • Colossians 16 which has come to you, as it has also

    in all the world, and is bringing forth

    fruit, as it is also among you since the

    day you heard and knew the grace of

    God in truth;


  • Colossians 123 if indeed you continue in the faith,

    grounded and steadfast, and are not

    moved away from the hope of the

    gospel which you heard, which was

    preached to every creature under

    heaven, of which I, Paul, became a

    minister. NKJV

  • The Christian share of the U.S. population is

    declining, while the number of U.S. adults who

    do not identify with any organized religion is

    growing, according to an extensive new survey

    by the Pew Research Center….While the drop

    in Christian affiliation is particularly pronounced

    among young adults, it is occurring among

    Americans of all ages…

  • The Pew Research Center finds that the

    percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who

    describe themselves as Christians has dropped

    by nearly eight percentage points in just seven

    years…Over the same period, the percentage

    of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated –

    describing themselves as atheist, agnostic or

    “nothing in particular” – has jumped more than

    six points…

    The Pew Research Center

  • Colossians 17 as you also learned from Epaphras,

    our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful

    minister of Christ on your behalf, 8 who

    also declared to us your love in the



  • Colossians 19 For this reason we also, since the day

    we heard it, do not cease to pray for

    you, and to ask that you may be filled

    with the knowledge(epignosis) of His

    will in all wisdom and spiritual

    understanding; NKJV

  • We believe in prayer but we do not pray very

    much. We subscribe to the idea of prayer but

    when we announce a prayer meeting a

    minimum number of people come. We believe

    in prayer if an emergency lands into our lives.

    Otherwise, we show little interest in prayer. We

    are eloquent in prayer if it involves our family or

    our person. If it involves someone else we are

    quite casual about prayer.

    Grant Richison

  • John 450 “Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.”

    The man took Jesus at his word and

    departed. 51 While he was still on the way,

    his servants met him with the news that his

    boy was living.


  • Colossians 110 that you may walk worthy of the

    Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in

    every good work and increasing in the

    knowledge of God;


  • Ephesians 517 Therefore do not be unwise, but

    understand what the will of the Lord is.


  • Colossians 111 strengthened with all

    might(dynamis), according to His

    glorious power, for all patience and

    longsuffering with joy;


  • Colossians 112 giving thanks to the Father who has

    qualified us to be partakers of the

    inheritance of the saints in the light.


  • Colossians 113 He has delivered us from the power

    of darkness and conveyed us into the

    kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in

    whom we have redemption through His

    blood, the forgiveness of sins.


  • The church today desperately needs the

    message of Colossians. We live in a day when

    religious toleration is interpreted to mean “one

    religion is just as good as another.” Some

    people try to take the best from various

    religious systems and manufacture their own

    private religion. To many people, Jesus Christ

    is only one of several great religious teachers,

    with no more authority than they. He may be

    prominent, but He is definitely not preeminent.

  • This is an age of “syncretism.” People are

    trying to harmonize and unite many different

    schools of thought and come up with a superior

    religion. Our evangelical churches are in

    danger of diluting the faith in their loving

    attempt to understand the beliefs of others.

    Mysticism, legalism, Eastern religions,

    asceticism, and man-made philosophies are

    secretly creeping into churches.

  • They are not denying Christ, but they are

    dethroning Him and robbing Him of His rightful

    place of preeminence. As we study this exciting

    letter, we must heed Paul’s warnings: “Lest any

    man should beguile you” (Col. 2:4), “Lest any

    man spoil you” (Col. 2:8), “Let no man therefore

    judge you!” (Col. 2:16) Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p.

    105). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
