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Divine Mercy Catholic Church

2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835

Tel: (916) 256-3134 www.divinemercynatomas.com

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To

proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the

family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 PM

Sunday Mass 7:30 AM

9:30 AM

12:30 PM

Youth Mass 5:00 PM

Every 1st Sunday of the Month followed by Eucharistic Adoration

Spanish Mass 5:00 PM

Every 2nd Sunday of the Month

Filipino Mass 5:00 PM Every 3rd Sunday of the month



Mon - Wed - Fri 6:30 PM

Tue - Thur - Sat 8:30 AM

Every Friday Holy Hour 3 - 6 PM

(Blessed Sacrament Exposed)

First Friday

Morning Mass 8:30 AM

Exposition* 9:00 AM

Benediction 5:45 PM

Evening Mass 6:30 PM

*Hourly Adorers needed during Exposition

Mass Schedule

Sacrament of Penance

Saturday 3:45 - 4:45 PM By Appointment Call the Parish Ofc Sacrament of Baptism

Every 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM or within the Mass (in some special cases to be determined by the Pastor). Please contact the Parish Office to talk with the Pastor 2 months before the Baptism day.

Sacrament of Matrimony

Please contact the Parish Office to talk with the Pastor 6 months before the wedding day.

Anointing of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office.


English: 30 mins before every Mass Spanish: Thursdays at 7:00 PM

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Immediately after every Mass

PASTOR Rev. Soane Kaniseli pastor@divinemercynatomas.com

Deacon Rick Morales deacon@divinemercynatomas.com

Deacon James Ogbonna deaconjames@divinemercynatomas.com

Sacraments and Rosaries Look Inside For

2nd-6th Graders—See Sr Luz to Sign-up

Luke 16:1-13



Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 22, 2019

Bible Study

See Pg 7

Page 2 A Word From...

Matthew 18:22

In today’s readings, Christ challenges us to be resourceful in the pursuit of

the Kingdom of God. Just as Godless people can be clever in their selfish

pursuits and ambitions; the children of God must be smart in the Lord’s

service and use their wits to come through, and help others to come

through the narrow gate of Heaven.

It seems that even in millennia, “there is nothing new under the sun.” An-

cient civilizations used fraudulent business practices to make quick money.

In today’s headline news we read about dubious people who use their

genius to enrich their lives while defrauding the others in society; then and

now people selfishly grab or use who and what they can to obtain status

and power. Certainly you’ve read all about it…athletes that are afraid they

won’t excel in sports try performance enhancing drugs. Others who do not

take responsible care of their own identity will steal someone else’s.

Some parents teach their children they can buy their way into anything, if

you make a sizeable enough donation. Got God? Yes? Then God must

be first in your life. Nothing else counts.

In today’s readings we are challenged to put God first in everything we do.

We are encouraged to become better stewards of the gifts that God has

given to us. We learn that when we become self-centered and make our-

selves our primary concern in life, we become “blind” to the needs of oth-

ers. Our blindness will prevent us from seeing the face of Jesus in the

least of our brothers and sisters, and we will fail Him.

With this in mind, our first reading, from the prophet Amos (Amos 8:4-7,)

teaches us about the insensitive, immoral Hebrew traders that despised

the needy and the poor. They deceptively took advantage of the less fortu-

nate by tampering with the money scales, offering defective goods, inflat-

ing prices during food and housing shortages to enrich themselves with

bigger profits. Amos tells us about their desire and love for money; their

ambitions blinded them and caused them to forget about putting God first

in their lives. Consequently, they ignored the plight and suffering of the

poor in their community. In our first reading, the prophet Amos condemns

this frame of mind. People who engage in dishonest and fraudulent activi-

ties to deceive others, he said, cannot deceive the Lord. The Lord warns,

“Surely I will never forget any of their deeds”.

St. Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 2:1-8, (our Second reading) that it is God’s

desire that all people be saved. It is God’s desire that He be first in all of

our lives. St. Paul reminds us to offer supplications, prayers, petitions, and

thanksgiving for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, so that we may

live quiet, religious, reverent lives in dignity and devotion to God. We

should offer fervent prayers for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, all religious

leaders, world leaders and especially for leaders in our country, that the

Lord will lead them in His righteousness, make their ways straight before

them, for wisdom in leadership, peace, calm and justice.

The Choice,..God or Mammon?

So What’s New

Under the “SON?”

A Bulletin Reflection by

Deacon James Ogbonna

In our Gospel reading today (Luke 16:1-13), Christ tells us the parable of

the unjust and dishonest steward who is forced to give an accounting to his

master. The steward was irresponsible in dealing with his master’s goods

and was also dishonest in asking his master’s debtors to rewrite their ac-

counts so that he could benefit from their effort in his future.

The master commended his shrewd steward’s behavior; his quick-thinking

and his firm resolve to make the most out of a difficult situation and to pre-

pare for his future since he knew he was about to be dismissed. The way-

ward steward did not give in to discouragement or feel sorry for himself.

Instead he tried to turn this negative circumstance into a positive plan for his


Jesus was not praising the actions of this dishonest servant. He was not

encouraging his disciples to emulate dishonesty. Rather he was praising

the prudence of the servant for using his wits in a critical situation. This

soon to be fired, self-willed servant implemented a plan that would leave the

master’s business associates indebted to him for future favors.

Jesus used this parable to teach us the need for foresight, prudence, and

wisdom in working out our salvation and in building up the kingdom of God.

He said “for the sons of this world are wiser in their own generation than the

sons of light.” (Luke 16:1-13)

A taste of “heaven on earth” might be realized if all who devise ways to

cheat, commit fraud, or just generally cannot manage to do the right thing

would use their intelligence to serve the kingdom of God. Imagine if there

were a 1800 and the devious did what they could to help lead those in need

of mercy squeeze through the narrow gate into the Kingdom of God. We

certainly would have a different society than we have now. That is what

Christ is teaching all of us in today’s Gospel reading.

We are challenged to imitate the willful steward’s shrewdness, not his dis-

honesty. We must not be timid, but bold in our efforts to help others. The

Lord has given us the necessary resources and tools to do this work for

him. He has equipped us with truth, faith and empowered us through the in-

dwelling of the Holy Spirit. The time will come when God shall judge the

righteous and the wicked: for there is a time for every purpose and for every

work, a time when we will be called upon to render an account of how we

invested and managed the gifts that He gave to us to further His work and

our stewardship.

We must put the same great amount of zeal into the service of God as we

do to secure other important goals in the life that He has given us. We are

to pursue this undertaking in both a material and a spiritual dimension and

manage our resources. In the material dimension we must show sufficient

concern and care for the needs of others. In the spiritual dimension we

must make great efforts to win heaven and lead as many other souls in the

heavenly direction as possible. If we put the zeal we put into earthly affairs

into our spiritual life then there is no obstacle that can prevent us from mak-

ing it through Heaven’s Gate.

Christ sees all of us as his clever stewards. He trusts us with his beloved

creations to always do the next right thing, provide care for those in need,

love one another, labor for justice and pursue peace. It is the business of

all us individually and collectively to seek the realization of these goals.

We must begin to think “forward” and take action now to build those friend-

ships, invest all our worldly and spiritual resources in to a gain for the only

thing that matters in the end; the right things that are and have been. That

will be something new under the sun. Doing the right things, emulating

Christ, will take us all through the Gate to Heaven. +

Page 3 “Pray without ceasing-”...I Thessalonians 5:17

Prayers of the Faithful, Sunday, September 22, 2019


Sunday, Sept 22 St. Thomas of Villanueva

AM 8:4-7; PS 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8; 1 TM 2:1-8; CF. 2 COR 8:9; LK 16:1-13 or

LK 16:10-13

Monday, Sept 23 St. Padre Pio

EZR 1:1-6; PS 126:1B-2AB, 2CD-3, 4-5, 6; MT 5:16; LK 8:16-18

Tuesday, Sept 24 Martyrs of Chalcedon

EZR 6:7-8, 12B, 14-20; PS 122:1-2, 3-4AB, 4CD-5; LK 11:28; LK 8:19-21

Wednesday, Sept 25 St. Finbar

EZR 9:5-9; TOBIT 13:2, 3-4A, 4BEFGHN, 7-8; MK 1:15; LK 9:1-6

Thursday, Sept 26 Sts. Cosmas & Damian

HG 1:1-8; PS 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A AND 9B; JN 14:6; LK 9:7-9

Friday, Sept 27 St. Vincent de Paul

HG 2:1-9; PS 43:1, 2, 3, 4; MK 10:45; LK 9:18-22

Saturday, Sept 28 St. Lorenzo Ruiz

ZEC 2:5-9, 14-15A; JEREMIAH 31:10, 11-12AB, 13; SEE 2 TM 1:10;

LK 9:43B-45

Sunday, Sept 29 St. Michael the Archangel

AM 6:1A, 4-7; PS 146:7, 8-9, 9-10; 1 TM 6:11-16; CF. 2 COR 8:9; LK 16:19-31

Remembering the Sick in Prayer

We now approach the Father through the One Mediator, Jesus Christ,

and we present all our needs.

For God's Holy Church throughout the world, and for all entrusted with

the ministry of the Gospel.

For the priests serving in this Diocese, that they will be single minded in

Gods service.

For all those called to the priesthood or consecrated life in this Diocese,

that they will generously answer the call.

That as Christian Stewards we will follow God’s Word and put Him first

in all areas of our lives.

That God may bless the efforts of governments to ensure a fair and

plentiful distribution of the goods of this world.

That the concerns people have about money may never be greater than

their readiness to welcome and cherish the gift of children.

For the sick, that they be comforted and healed according to God's will.

That those who have died may be purified and share the joys of ever-

lasting life.

To be added to the Parish’s Warrior Prayer Chain

email: lopez-kathleen5341@sbcglobal.net

Stewardship Reflection: September 22, 2019

Thank you Lord for you are always in control. We

trust your eternal nature to be revealed in the body of

the sick, to bring peace and healing. Help us in these

times to rely on you power. Amen

Alejandro Biag Estrellita Perez Brian Biag

Edison Tongson Elda Costa Elio Chicca

Gerald Helman Marilyn Robason

Divine Mercy Catholic Church is not liable to users of the data or information provided herein, or to any other party, for

any loss or damage, consequential or otherwise, including but not limited to time, money or goodwill, arising from the

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Gospel Reading: Luke 16:1-13

Jesus tells a parable about a dishonest stew-

ard who is commended for his prudence; one

cannot serve both God and money.

Background on the Gospel Reading: To-

day's Gospel sounds puzzling to contempo-

rary readers, but it can be made less so by

considering the economic system which stands behind the parable. A steward

is dismissed because he is squandering his master's property. He is called

dishonest because he is not serving the interests of the rich man, his employ-

er. In response the steward, in an attempt to ensure favor for himself among

the rich man's debtors, brokers repayment of the rich man's loans by foregoing

the interest and fees that had been levied to line the steward's pockets. It is

this action, in which the steward puts aside his greed and takes the longer

perspective in order to enhance his security, which is commended by the rich


The passage concludes with three morals for the listeners. The first exhorts

the listener to be prudent about the use of wealth. Like the steward in the

parable, those who would follow Jesus must put transitory affairs in proper

perspective. Christians should handle the affairs of temporal life with an eye

toward eternal life.

The second concerns trustworthiness. Those who can be trusted in small

things can also be trusted in great things. If Christians handle money and

other passing things responsibly, then they can also be trusted with the affairs

of the Kingdom of God. Finally, Jesus tells his listeners that no one can serve

two masters simultaneously. God must be put ahead of money. +

Sunday Connection 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

After today’s readings, we can’t say we have not been warned about the

dangers of mixed up priorities. God’s Word is so very clear today on the

necessity of putting Him first in all areas of our lives

We see this in the First Reading from Amos. The Lord has harsh words for

those who would take advantage of the poor,

and whose priorities are not aligned with God’s.

In the Second Reading from St. Paul’s letter to

Timothy, Paul gives us the antidote to the self-

centeredness condemned in our First Reading.

The antidote is to imitate Christ, “who gave Him-

self as a ransom for all.” Rather than thinking of

Himself and how to “get ahead,” Christ gave Himself away — completely

— for our sake. That is how we are to live.

In our Gospel passage from Luke, the Lord shows us how to bridge the

gap between worldly thinking and priorities, and eternal thinking and priori-

ties. Jesus tells the parable of the corrupt but clever steward who is about

the get fired when the master discovers the steward has been squandering

his property. Realizing his imminent unemployed status, the clever steward

reaches out to the various debtors of his master to wheel and deal with

them, making friends who would look out for him when he became job-


What if we put that kind of effort into our own tasks as good stewards of all

God’s gifts to us? Into our ministries, into the ways we could make more

time for prayer as individuals, as couples, as families and as a parish?

What if we got as creative as the “bad steward” in the use of our finances

so that we could give more generously to the poor and to the advancement

of God’s kingdom on the earth? That’s our lesson and our challenge. +

Michael Cardines Ofelia Carbanos

Page 4 Mark Your Calendars


Sunday, September 22

7:30 am Mirla Carlos + Fr Michael

Rosita Espanol (Birthday)

9:30 am Felixberta “Bess” Dagcasin + Fr Ho

Anna Peach +

Colleen Kamsoo + (26 yr Death Anv)

Cora & Alex Espanol (39th Wed Anv)

12:30 pm Ma. Salud Castillo Diaz + Fr Ho

Mig & Ger Corpuz +

Perfecto Buraga +

Monday, September 23

6:30 pm Fr Michael

Tuesday, September 24

8:30 am Evelyn Rohrer & Groups (Safe Trip) Fr Michael

Joseph Cimino +

Mercy Miranda Reinbachs + (Birthday)

Wednesday, September 25

6:30 pm Thong Lee + Fr Ho

Armando & Fausto Ravina+

Thursday, September 26

8:30 am Ray Schmilski + Fr Michael

Friday, September 27

6:30 pm Lavenia de Jesus + Fr Ho Saturday, September 28

8:30 am Fr Michael

5:00 pm Miguel & Ceferina Cruz + Fr Michael

Sunday, September 29

7:30 am Fr Michael

9:30 am Bess Dagcasin+ Fr Ho

Rey Hernandez + (Birthday)

12:30 pm Ma. Salud Castillo Diaz + Fr Ho


Sunday, September 22

8:30 am (P7) Adult RCIA Adapted Year II

8:30 am (P8) RCIA Adapted Year I

8:30 am (P9) RCIA Adult Class

9:00 am (P1-4, 5, 7&8) CFF First Day of Class-Chldren RCIA

Adapted Year 2 Children & Parents' Meeting-RCIA

Baptism Class RCIA Adapted-Parents' Class

9:30 am (Narthex) Children's Liturgy

10:30 am (Rectory) RCIA II

10:45 am (Narthex) CFF Class

2:00 pm (P3) Men’s Welcome Team 4 Meeting

2:00 pm (P5) Women's Welcome Meeting Team 4

5:00 pm (P7 & 8) Welcome Brotherhood

6:00 pm (P1, 2 & 3) Life Teen Meeting

Monday, September 23

6:00 pm All portables) Children CFF-First Day of Monday CFF

(All Classes)

Tuesday, September 24

9:00 am (P1,2, &3) CGS

9:30 am (Narthex) The Gospel of Salvation

11:00 am (P5) Inner Circle Prayer Circle

7:00 pm (Narthex) Pastoral Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 25

9:30 am (Narthex) Divine Mercy Cenacle

4:00 pm (Church) Children Lector's Practice

5:00 pm (P1) Children's Choir Practice

6:30 pm (Narthex) Fundraising Committee

7:30 pm (P1, 2) FPU Class

Thursday, September 26

9:00 am (Narthex) Altar Society - Flower Arrangement

5:00 pm (P5) Legion of Mary

6:00 pm (P9) Beloved Meeting

6:00 pm (P1) Stewardship Council Meeting

7:00 pm (Church) Spanish Rosary

7:00 pm (Narthex) Finance Council Meeting

Friday, September 27

1:00 pm (Narthex) Study of St Faustina Unit Monthly Meeting

3:00 pm (Church) Holy Hour until 6:00 pm

5:00 pm (P3) Altar Server Ministry Meeting

7:30 pm (Church) Adult Choir Practice

Saturday, September 28

9:30 am (Narthex) Grief Support

3:45 pm (Church) Confession Fr Michael

Sunday, September 29

8:30 am (P7) Adult RCIA Adapted Year II

8:30 am (P8) RCIA Adapted Year I

8:30 am (P9) RCIA Adult Class

9:00 am (P1-4, 5, 7&8) CFF

9:30 am (Narthex) Children's Liturgy

10:30 am (Rectory) RCIA II

10:45 am (All Portables) CFF Class

10:45 am (Narthex) CFF Class

2:00 pm (P5) Women's Welcome Meeting Team 4

2:00 pm (P1) Filipino Community Planning Meeting

6:30 pm (P1,2,3) Youth Social Night



Together we bring Christ to others!

The 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal emphasizes what we do together as

Catholics to help our sisters and brothers in Northern California. Bishop

Soto reminds us that we are all saved by the mercy of our crucified Lord,

who shared in our suffering and sacrificed himself for our sake. When we

give ourselves through the Annual Catholic Appeal, we join Catholic Chari-

ties…and our own parish outreach…to bring the mercy of Christ to those

who suffer in the margins.

Thank you for your heartfelt response in 2019!

Parish Social Service Ministries (Angels of Mercy efforts) received 25% of

the funds contributed to the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal. May God bless

you abundantly for your generosity. Divine Mercy Catholic Church re-

ceived a check from the Diocese for $5,792.00. Your participation in the

Annual Catholic Appeal has enabled parishes to add new ministries, ex-

pand existing programs or support local Catholic community charities.

Thank you for participating! The Annual Catholic Appeal is an opportunity

for each of us to go forth and proclaim the Gospel in our lives by sharing

our resources with others in need.




Page 5 Giving is Worship



Fiscal Year July 2018- June 2019 Week ending September 15, 2019

OFFERTORY REQUIREMENTS (July 2019 - June 2020)

Average 5 week Month Requirement $ 75,000

Weekly Average Requirements $ 15,000

Week of: 1-Sep wk 1 $ 19,376

Week of: 8-Sep wk 2 $ 15,866

Week of: 15-Sep wk 3 $ 11,093

Week of: 22-Sep wk 4

Week of: 29-Sep wk 5

Total Collections This Month $ 46,334


Mortgage Loan Balance 8/31/2019 $ 2,229,820

This Week:

Weekend Mass attendance totaled 1,484

284 families gave 73.5% of our weekend offertory of $8,719

We are thankful to the 27 families who gave sacrificial gifts totaling $2,098

for our Mortgage Reduction collection.

We are thankful to the 64 families who gave $832 for the DM Ministries &

Outreach Fund.

Plan ahead, sign up for On Line Giving

God Bless You for Your Continuing Generosity

Have your gift recorded by using envelopes. We will provide you with a record of your tax-deductible donations every year. Don’t have en-

velopes? Call Parish office to request – it’s easy!

The Annual Catholic Appeal


On October 19, 2019, the

1964 graduating class of

Bishop Armstrong High

School (now today known

as Christian Brothers High

School) will hold its 55-year

reunion. We would like to

mention also that the 1965

Classes of Bishop Arm-

strong and St. Francis High

school are also invited.

55th Class Reunion Bishop Armstrong High School Class of 1964

Saturday, October 19, 6 p.m.

Croatian Hall, 3730 Auburn Blvd

We would also like to invite The Bishop Armstrong Class of 1965

and the 1965 Class of St. Francis to help celebrate our Reunion.

For more information contact bishoparmstrong64@surewest.net

Or call Vince Angell at 916-952-4961.

Page 6 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a distinct approach to faith formation

where young children build deep, lifelong relationships with Jesus and His

Church. The Divine Mercy Atrium is offering two sessions for 3-6 year old chil-

dren running from September 2019 to May 2020 on

Tuesdays, mornings 10:00-12:00 and evenings 5:30-

7:00 pm. For more information, please call or text

Jeanne Lupien at 916-548-8987.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

“Though you have hidden these things from the wise

and the learned, you have revealed them to the child-

like.” Matthew 11:25

September 22 (Sunday)

9:00-10:30 a.m. (P1-3), (P7&8) (P5)

First Day of Class - RCIA Adapted Year 2 Children & Parents’ Meeting – RCIA Bap-tism Class RCIA Adapted – Parents’ Class

10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (all Portable building rooms)

First Day of Sunday CFF (All Classes)

September 23 (Monday)

6:00-7:30 p.m. (all Portable building rooms)

First Day of Monday CFF (All Classes)

September 29 (Sunday)

9:00-10:30 a.m. Class: RCIA Adapted / Parents’ Class Family Mass at 12:30 p.m.

10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (all Portable building rooms)

CFF Class

September 30 (Monday)

6:00-7:30 p.m. CFF Class


Day Date Event Time Place

Saturday Sunday

Sep 21 Sep 22

Life Teen Membership


After All Masses

P2 & P3

Thursday 26-Sep Beloved Night Ministry Dis-

cernment 6:00 PM P9

Saturday 28-Sep Alternatives Pregnancy

Center Gala

5:30 - 9:00 PM

Double-Tree Hotel

Saturday Sunday

Sep 28 Sep 29

Beloved Membership


After All Masses


Sunday 29-Sep 5th Sunday

Social 6:00 - 9:00

PM P7 & P8

CFF Schedule September 2019

Fall 40 Days for Life-

Come pray for just an hour and save a LIFE!

Thursday, October 17th

Choose your hour! (8:00 am-6:00 pm)

The Divine Mercy Parish is sponsoring Thursday, October 17th as our day to

support the 40 Days for Life from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will pray and offer assis-

tance on the sidewalk. The Sign-up Sheets for prayer at, 2322 Butano Drive, in

Sacramento can be found in the Narthex on the long counter. Father Soane

supports this as one of our Parish efforts to the 40 Days for Life Program.

If you have any questions, please call Brian Kelly at 916-761-8206

I AM Fearfully AND

Wonderfully MADE.

Psalm 139:14

Life Teen strengthens our teens'

Catholic identity, while rooting

them firmly in Christ and in His


What’s going on? Life Night for Teens

When? 2nd and 4th Sunday

of EVERY month

Time? 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Where? Portable Rooms 1/2/3

Contact? Donovan Serrano (916) 529-7769

Teens (ages 13-17) & Parents are more than welcomed to attend.


Drive 9/22 after

every Mass

Beloved Ministry

Membership Drive

September 28 & 29

After All Masses!


Page 7 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

September 22 (Sunday)

Incarnation (Jn 1: 1-18/ Gen3:15)

September 29 (Sunday)

Son of God (Mt 1: 18-23/Is 53:1-11)



Come and See!


Class Schedule

for September

September 22 (Sunday)

Mercy and Justice, Social Teachings (Mt 25:31-46)

September 29 (Sunday)

Providence (Mt 6: 25-34)

RCIA II Class Schedule for September

Divine Mercy Faith Formation is excited to announce the arrival of the

latest Ascension Bible Study, “Romans”.

Paul’s letter to the Romans has been the center of reflection, conversion,

and controversy from the very beginning. This eight session study is being

offered both Monday nights starting at 7:30 and Tuesday mornings starting

at 9:00. The classes will be in the Narthex with Monday’s classes starting

Sept 23 and the Tuesday class beginning Sept 17. This study is designed

to help you make sense of the difficult passages regarding faith, works of

the law, and justification. For more information contact Richard Hack at


Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend:

If you have been married for a short time, you can learn the skills you will

need to stay close through the ups and downs.

If you have been married for many years, the Weekend can help you en-

hance communication, renew commitment, and rekindle romance.

Register at sacramentowwme.org. For questions: call Jim and Michelle

Stutz at 916 285-0706 or Terry and Janet at 916 489-3464


Drive 9/22 after

every Mass


P7 & 8

Sunday, September 29th from 6:00-9:00 pm

C U There! It’s gonna’ be

GOAT (Greatest of All Times!)

Call the

Church Office

at 916-256-3134

for a quote!
