God is Our Provider - Northside Christian Church€¦ · place) Step, step, step. Elijah walked...


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Sept. 29, 2019 God is Our Provider

He comforts us in all our troubles

so that we can comfort others.

2 Corinthians 1:4



God Provides Food for Elijah

1 Kings 17: 1-6

8:45-9:05 Play Kids play in playroom while parents drop off kids. (15 minutes):

9:05-9:20 Welcome, Rules, Worship & Connect (15 minutes) Establishes community and engag-

es kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

9:20-9:35 The Big God Story (12-15 minutes) Creates space for children to hear God’s word.

9:35-9:42 Mail Time & Worship (7 minutes): Breaks up the Big God Story to keep kids engaged

and teaches the importance of memorizing scripture.

9:42-9:58 Small Groups (16 minutes): Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big

God Story.

9:58-10:00 Dismiss (2 minutes): Allows children to practice their memory verse and be sent out

with a sense of peace so they can be a blessing to others.


GOAL: Worship & welcome is all about engaging kids and helping them enter into worship, letting

them know that class has begun preparing their minds for what they are going to hear. Establishes

community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

WELCOME & RULES - 4 minutes (Host) IMAGE: Welcome

We are so glad you are here at Critter Land today. Personalize your welcome. Relate to what’s happening such as holidays, school year, church camp, etc. Pique the curiosity about today’s Ponder Point/Story, tell a joke, do something to draw in the attending of the kids and mention any announcements!

RULES VIDEO: Sheriff Hawk

WORSHIP - 3 minutes (Worship Leader/Host) If you brought offering, go put it in the squirrel feeder while we worship!

WORSHIP VIDEO: What do you know?

(Direct kids to get with their groups and circle up with their small group leader before sitting down)

SMALL GROUP CONNECT QUESTIONS - 4 minutes (Host) VIDEO: 4 minute countdown

• Raise your hand if someone has ever let you down.

• How would you feel if all of a sudden birds started swooping in and delivering you food?

• When is it hard or when it is easy to trust someone?

WARDROBE OF WONDER - 5 minutes (Host) What’sIt: Raven

VIDEO: Wardrobe of Wonder Intro

Choose 1 volunteer. Volunteer picks two hats from wardrobe one for himself, one for host. Tell other kids to put on their “imaginary thinking caps”. Volunteer peeks in the What’s It box. Host gives 3 clues, kids get to vote on what they think it is.

Then as host you say….

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

Let the child volunteer tell which answer is correct!

ASK: 9:00

I wonder why there is a ________ in the wardrobe? Let’s find out in the Big God Story!

Video: The Big Story Intro

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.


Point out that what kids are about to hear is true and is recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to

the passage and leave it open and visible throughout The Big God Story. Invite kids to open their

Bibles and follow along as you storytell. Children respond to what the Holy Spirit is teaching them

as they reflect on the day’s portion of The Big God Story.

STORYTELLING - 12 minutes (Storyteller) Where do you go to get food? Let’s listen to a story about a man who got food in a very unusual way. One day God gave His helper Elijah a very important message. “There will be no rain for a long, long time,” God said. Can you make it rain with me? (Put hands high above head and twinkle fingers for pretend rain.) If there is no rain, Elijah thought, I’ll have nothing to drink. And no food can grow, so I’ll have nothing to eat! “I will take care of you,” God said to Elijah. “I have a special place for you to live. This special place is by a little stream of water. I will send food to you.” Elijah began the long walk to the place where God had told him to go. (Let’s stand up and walk in place) Step, step, step. Elijah walked down hills. Elijah walked up hills. Tap, tap, tap went his strong walking stick on the rocky path. Finally, Elijah came to the place by the little stream. Elijah was very tired. He drank the cool wa-ter from the stream. ( make a stream with your arm, wave your arm back and forth, take a sip from the cool water. Cup hand and pretend to drink. He felt better! Elijah sat down by the stream and looked around.

The Prayer of Release allows children and

leaders to pause, be still, and ask God to

quiet their hearts and minds. Before you

pray, you might ask the kids to hold out

their hands, palms up, in a spirit of releas-

ing their worries and distractions in order

to better receive what the Holy Spirit might

have for them today. Then encourage the

kids to quiet their voices, take a seat, and

pray with you.

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.


Not far away, all the plants were dry and brown. There was no food growing here. There were no people. There were no houses. There weren’t even any stores where Elijah could buy food. What am I going to eat? Elijah thought. Then he remembered, God said He would take care of me. And God always does what He says. Elijah waited by the stream. Soon he saw birds—big black birds—flying toward him. Let’s stand up and pretend to be birds (have the kids wave their arms up and down out to the side as if they were wings.) They flew nearer and nearer and nearer. The birds are holding something, Elijah thought. As the birds flew closer, Elijah saw that some birds carried bread. Other birds carried meat. They brought the food to Elijah! God used birds to bring food to Elijah—God did just what He said He would do. God loved Elijah! Every night and every morning God sent the birds with food for Elijah. God was good to Elijah. How did Elijah get food when he was by the stream? (God sent birds to bring him food.) God was good to Elijah and cared for him. God loves and cares for us, too. God cares for us all the time! What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Who made your breakfast for you? God gives us parents to fix us food. This is one way God shows His love and care for us! God is good to us because He loves us. God loves and cares for us all the time. Let’s close in prayer. Dear God, thank You for the good things you give us. We’re glad that You love us. We love You, too. In Jesus’ name, amen. MAIL TIME & WORSHIP - 7 minutes (Host/Worship Leader) VIDEO: Mail Time Intro IMAGE: Remember Verse

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. 2 Corinthians 1:4

He comforts us Point with both pointer fingers up then lay hands on chest.

In all our troubles March moving arms and feet with hands making fists.

So that we Take both thumbs and point to shoulders.

Can comfort others. Take left hand open palm up, right hand palm down circling hand lightly rubbing over the left hand.

Host: Way to say your verse! Now let’s all keep standing and sing a song! WORSHIP VIDEO: Hosanna Rock DISMISS TO SMALL GROUPS (Host)

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.


GOAL: Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story.

Talk Time Activity Page SUPPLIES • Activity page • Stickers for activity page • Crayons ENGAGE Pass out the activity page and make sure each child gets his name on the page. Pass out the stickers to the children, and let them know you will be doing this activity page together as a group. Talk with the kids as they work on their paper. When everyone is finished, have the kids flip their paper over and work on the other side. As you are listening and talking to the children, make sure that each child can understand the following 3 things: • Tell a way God loved and cared for Elijah. • Name a way God loves and cares for him or her. • Thank God for His love and care.

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.


Host will welcome kids to Critter Land. Worship Leader will lead kids in a time of worship and allow kids to give offering. Song 1: Don’t Be A Turkey Song 2:My God is Powerful

Play Station (Play)—Kids will have time to play and en-joy each others company. Different play options will be provided.

Big God Story (BGS)—The storyteller will present the Bi-ble lesson and point to pon-der.

Memory Work (MW)—

1. Practice Memory Verse

2. Use Color Activity Sheet

(In 10:15 Bin)

3. Bathroom Break

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort


2 Corinthians 1:4

He comforts us Point with both pointer fingers up

then lay hands on chest.

In all our troubles March moving arms and feet with

hands making fists.

So that we Take both thumbs and point to


Can comfort others. Take left hand open palm up, right hand palm down circling hand lightly rubbing over left hand.

Kids will regather in Large

Group space for pick up


10:30 - 10:43 10:45 - 10:58 11:00 - 11:15

Owls Play (113) BGS (114) MW (115)

Bunnies MW (116)

Turtles MW (115) Play (113) BGS (114)

Frogs MW (116)

Snails BGS (114) MW (115) Play (113)

Squirrels MW (117)

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.


Dig In to the Bible

Read: 1 Kings 19:1-18

In This Passage: Elijah is tired. He feels defeated, scared, and alone. But God gives him rest and food and then

speaks to him in a gentle whisper, addressing Elijah’s concerns. God is comforting, and he helps Elijah see that

he’s not going to lose, he has nothing to fear, and he’s not alone.

Bible Point: God is comforting…

Application: …so we comfort others.

Summary Verse: “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be

able to give them the same comfort God has given us” (2 Corinthians 1:4).

Dig Deeper

You’ll Be Teaching: God is comforting. Even young kids can face serious problems. They may struggle with loneliness

or bullying. Perhaps they’re aware of their parents’ marital or financial problems. They may be dealing with long-

term illness in themselves or loved ones. Help kids see that throughout life’s troubles, they can turn to the God of

all comfort, who is whispering words of love.

Think About: What’s troubling you right now? Pause and listen for God’s whisper.

Dig In to Prayer

Pray specifically about any difficult situations you know your kids are facing. Ask God to give kids his comfort.

Quick Tip

As kids talk about how they need God’s comfort, tough topics may come up. Be sensitive to kids who bring up serious

concerns, such as financial loss, divorce, or abuse. These are real problems kids may be facing. It is critical that

your kids know they can trust you and that you love them. If anyone brings up abuse or neglect, voice these con-

cerns to your children’s pastor or director.

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.
