Gold's Gym Spokane - Tips Sheet May 2014




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  • May 2014

    Beach-Body Boot Camp

    Winter is finally over! Get back in bathing suit shape fast

    thanks to these three quick and fun boot campstyle

    workouts. Dont wait; get real results before you hit the beach.

    We know the polar vortex was not a party anyone wanted an

    invite to, and now youre ready for summer barbecues, pool

    parties and beach vacays. But is your body? Get it back in

    summer shape super quick with these three 30-minute boot

    camp workouts created by Golds Gym Fitness Institute trainer

    Nikki Kimbrough.

    Kimbrough suggests getting started at least 30 days before

    you plan to break out your suit if you want to see changes

    and 60 days if you want big results. Do boot camp routines three days a week, at least 45 minutes of cardio in between and take at least

    one day off to rest or do light yoga, Kimbrough advises. Remember though, you can work out all you want, but exercise and nutrition

    must go hand in hand.

    Each of these boot camp routines focuses on a different group of muscles so make sure to mix them up. Do them separately or combine

    them for a super-intense workout. If you choose the latter route, rest for 4 minutes between each workout. Trust us: Youll need it.

    Note: All push-ups and planks can be done with your knees lowered to the floor.

    Lets get the springs and hops going with a plyometric boot camp workout. Its a great workout for the whole body, Kimbrough says. Youll

    hit your abs, core, glutes, calves, arms and back, with a little cardiovascular for good measure.

    Jump rope 1 minute

    SERIES 1

    For More Information, Contact: Address: 2921 E 57

    th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99223

    Phone: (509) 448-5800 Email:

  • Jumping jacks 5 reps

    High knees 5 reps

    While standing, bend your arms at the elbow so your forearms are parallel to the floor about waist high. With the same speed as if you were

    running in place, quickly bring your right knee up so it hits your right hand. Return to start. Raise your left knee until it hits your left hand.

    Return to start. Count one rep each time your right knee comes up.

    Quick feet 5 reps

    Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your weight on your toes. Take small, quick steps in place as fast as you can. Each step with

    your right foot counts as a rep.

    Side-to-side line hops 5 reps

    Stand on one side of a line. Jump with both feet to the other side. Land. Jump back. Thats one rep.

    Repeat series 10 times; then rest for 1 minute.

    Jump rope 1 minute

    SERIES 2

    Squat jumps 5 reps

    With your legs a little wider than shoulder width, do a squat with your back straight and your

    buttocks out. When your knees reach a 90-degree angle, jump up into the air and land in a

    standing position.

    Alternating lunge jumps 5 reps on each side

    Start in a right lunge position with hands on your hips. (Your knee should be bent at a 90 degree angle and should not pass your toe.) Jump

    and switch legs in midair so that your left leg is in front.

    Burpees 5 reps

    With your legs shoulder width apart, squat into a crouch position. Kick feet your

    behind you, then do a push-up. Bounce back into crouch position and stand up.

  • Rockys 5 reps

    Do a push-up, and as you come up, lift your hands off the floor and clap. Or, for a little bit easier exercise, do a push-up with a quick hop of

    hands off the floor.

    Repeat series 10 times; then rest for 1 minute.

    Jump rope 1 minute

    SERIES 3

    Speed skaters 5 reps

    Cross your right leg behind your left and bend your left knee into a lunge position. Then

    reach down and touch your right hand to your left foot. Repeat on opposite side.

    Side winders 5 reps on each side

    Begin standing. Bend into a crouch position with your hands on the ground. Keeping your hands on the ground, jump your legs out to one

    side then jump back to crouch position. Stand. Repeat, jumping to the other side.

    Squat thrusts 5 reps A burpee, but with your legs spread a little wider than shoulder width.

    Side-to-side push-ups 5 reps

    A regular push-up, but you lower your right ear toward your right

    hand. Return to push-up position, then do another push-up,

    lowering your left ear toward your left hand.

    Repeat series 10 times.

  • The sun is out and we have to get tank-top ready. Summers coming, and we want to have our arms, back and chest looking good,

    Kimbrough says. Heres a great boot-camp workout to enhance the biceps, triceps and pectorals.

    Note: Some of these exercises require a flat bench and dumbbells. Choose a dumbbell weight that is challenging but not straining.

    SERIES 1

    Do 3 total repetitions

    Wide-arm push-ups 10 reps

    Just like regular push-ups, but with your arms spread wider than shoulder width.

    Scoop push-ups 10 reps

    Start in push-up position. With your back straight, raise your butt in the air

    until your legs are at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Move your head

    downward in a scooping motion, finishing with head up and your back in an


    Robot push-ups 10 reps

    Start in push-up position. Lower to your right forearm, then your left forearm. Return to

    push-up position by straightening your right arm, then your left arm. Repeat, starting with

    the opposite arm.

    Rest 30 seconds, then repeat.

    SERIES 2

  • Do 3 total repetitions

    Dumbbell burpees with push-up to overhead press 10 reps

    With dumbbells in your hands and your legs shoulder width apart, squat into a crouch position. Kick your feet behind you, then place the

    dumbbells on the ground and do a push-up while gripping them. Bounce back into crouch position and stand up. Lift the dumbbells over your

    head in a press-up motion.

    Dumbbell rear flys 10 reps

    Bend your knees slightly and lean over with a flat back. Let the dumbbells hang down in front

    of you and pull them up and out to the sides using your triceps and back muscles.

    Dumbbell chest lift with bent-over back 10 reps

    Bend your knees slightly and lean forward with a flat back. Let the dumbbells hang down in front of you and pull the dumbbells straight up

    toward your pectorals.

    Dumbbell triceps kickbacks 10 reps on each side

    Take a dumbbell in your left hand. Place your right hand and your right knee

    on a flat bench. Start with your left arm close against your body with your

    elbow bent at a 90 angle. Keeping the top half of your arm flat with your

    back, straighten your arm so it is parallel to the ground. Switch sides and


    Rest 30 seconds, then repeat.

    SERIES 3

    Do 3 total repetitions

    Dumbbell plank alt rows 8 reps

    Start in push-up position holding hexagon dumbbells on the floor. Do a push-up,

    then pull the weight straight up to your chest with your right arm. Return arm to

    floor. Then do the left arm.

  • Dumbbell plank triceps kickbacks 8 reps

    Start in push-up position holding hexagon dumbbells on the floor. Do a

    push-up, then bring the weight in your right hand toward your right hip

    (this will work your right triceps). Then do the left arm.

    Dumbbell plank alt front raises 8 reps

    Get in plank position with your hands on the hexagon dumbbells directly below

    your shoulders. Raise your right arm out straight, then bring it back down to the

    ground. Repeat with the left.

    Rest 20 seconds then repeat.

    This one focuses on innovative ways to work your core and your abdominal muscles, Kimbrough says. People always think crunches,

    crunches, but this boot camp goes beyond the standard exercises and adds a little fun too.

    Note: Some of these exercises require a medicine ball. Choose a weight that is difficult but not straining.

    SERIES 1

    Do 3 total repetitions

    High knees 30 seconds

    While standing, bend your arms at the elbow so your forearms are parallel to the floor about waist high. With same speed as if you were

    running in place, quickly bring your right knee up so it hits your right hand. Return to start. Raise your left knee until it hits your left hand.

    Return to start. Count one rep each time your right knee comes up.

  • Mountain climbers 30 seconds

    Place hands on floor, slightly wider than shoulder width. Extend your right leg while bringing your left leg close to your chest. Keep your

    upper body still while alternating leg positions. Do for 30 seconds.

    Burpees 30 seconds

    With your legs shoulder width apart, squat into a crouch position. Kick

    your feet behind you, then do a push-up. Bounce back into crouch position

    and stand up.

    SERIES 2

    Do 3 total repetitions

    Plank hold 30 seconds Get into a plank position with your toes on the ground, your back straight, and your elbows supporting your body weight.

    Plank rock 10 reps Get into a plank position. Lift your buttocks into the air, then return to plank position.

    Supermans 10 reps Lie on your stomach. Put your hands by your ears. Raise your back and legs off the ground.

    Rest 30 seconds then repeat.

    SERIES 3

    Do 3 total repetitions

    Prayer sit-ups 10 reps

    Sit-ups, but with your hands held between your legs in prayer position.

  • In and outs 10 reps Begin in a sitting position with your feet off the ground, your knees tucked into your chest and your hands on the ground by your hips. Simultaneously extend your legs straight out (keeping your feet off the ground) and lean back. Return to the start position.

    Oblique twist 10 reps on each side With legs on the ground, lift your torso up to a 45-degree angle and twist your torso from right to left, breathing out with each twist.

    Side plank with twist 10 reps on each side In side plank position with your feet stacked and right elbow on the ground directly below your shoulder, bring your left elbow all the way to the ground. Do 10 on right side, then 10 on left.

    Rest 30 seconds then repeat.

    SERIES 4

    Do 3 total repetitions

    Medicine ball ab throw-downs 10 reps Bring the medicine ball above your head, then throw it down as you squat. Bounce it off the ground, catch it and bring it back up.

    Ab pikes 10 reps

    Get into push-up position. Raise your buttocks into the air until youre in a

    pike position. Return to horizontal.

    Oblique twist with medicine ball 10 reps on each side Sit on the ground and bend your knees, lift your torso up to a 45-degree angle, hold out a medicine ball in front of your chest and twist your torso from right to left, breathing out with each twist.

    Ab hold push-outs with medicine ball 10 reps While standing, hold a medicine ball at chest height. Push it out until your arms are straight. Hold for a beat, then return it to your chest.

    Rest 30 seconds then repeat.

  • 8 Ways to Maintain

    Weight Loss

    Heads up yo-yo dieters! Golds Gym Fitness

    Institute expert Robert Reames is here to

    help you lose weight for the long term.

    If you have a love/hate relationship with the

    bathroom scale, youre about to get some

    greatand freetherapy. Robert Reames,

    Golds Gym Fitness Institute expert and

    author of Make Over Your Metabolism, has

    helped his personal clients and guests on

    The Dr. Phil Show drop pounds and keep

    them off, and hes here to give you his top

    eight pieces of advice on keeping your waistline in check.


    People who lose an incredible amount of weight on TV shows rarely keep it off, Reames says. Thats why you dont

    see a lot of follow-ups on the participants. The problem is that those dieters have reached those goals in an unrealistic

    setting. You have to accept certain constrictions on your time and how disciplined youre willing to be in the long term.

    So when you decide what exact weight you want to maintain, do it honestly. To configure that number, think about

    when you were at your personal best, Reames explains. Think about what you had to dothe gym time, the meal

    preparationand honestly assess what you could and couldnt do. Create it visually: What do you realistically have to

    do to get there? Are you willing to do 80% of that? 50%?


    Good sleep is essential to keeping weight off, Reames says. You can be eating great

    and working out, but if you arent sleeping well, that tiredness catches up with you.

    Your workouts can become sluggish, and sleep deprivation causes hunger, which

    brings on an urge to snack throughout the day and choose high-calorie dishes. He

    recommends at least eight hours of sleep a night.


    We all know that certain things have an immediate effect on our emotions. A post

    from @dailypuppy on Instagram might make you instantly chirpy, while an e-mail from passive-aggressive Andy over in cubicle 240 is sure to

    set you off. Knowing the good triggers can often help you manage the bad ones in a healthy way, Reames explains. So if you know a bad

    meeting with a boss usually sends you to the nearest bar after work, try to snap out of it with a good triggersuch as the afterglow from a

    good yoga class.


  • Just like the song sayswent the distance, now Im not gonna stopyou have to remember how you got to this weight and let that motivate

    you. This is why I suggest journaling, Reames says. Nothing longjust small notes on your smartphone to discuss how youre feeling, so

    when youre struggling, you can look back at when you were highly motivated. Use modern technology to its full advantage, too, and keep

    encouraging photos at the ready. I have a photo of me as a heavy kid, he says.


    Those pants that no longer fit? Donate them or alter them, Reames says. Keeping them around just gives you an exit route. Make sure to

    bring this mindset to anything else that doesnt fit in your new life. Maybe football on Sunday always meant a six-pack of beer and potato

    chips. Swap those out for one beer and a veggie platter.


    Cardio might help you shed pounds fast, but to stay in shapeespecially as you age

    you need to do total-body strength training. The amount of muscle you have dictates

    your metabolism," Reames says. If you dont know where to start, grab a session with a

    Golds Gym personal trainer and get a tutorial on machines and free weights. Many

    gyms offer one free session with your membership.


    To get where you are now, you probably made some healthy choices, such as scheduling your gym time or making fruit your go-to snack. You created an environment of success and that is integral to your health, Reames explains. And within that you have to allow for a cheat day and a little personal forgiveness.

    No one is on track all the time, but as long as you stay on track most of the time, then youre doing well, he says.


    Thats right. Time to get friendly with your former enemy. Weigh in weekly, he

    advises. Its easy to get out of check, so use it as a self-assessment. If the scale

    doesnt serve up the number you were hoping for, dont get madget even. Use it

    as motivator for that week. Maybe you do an extra workout class, or make plans for

    a big weekend bike ride. Remember: Your scale never meant to hurt your feelings.

    Reames strongly suggests that you read up on the latest health and fitness studies from these sources (some of which he follows on Twitter):

    Mayo Clinic (@MayoClinic) Harvard Health Letter Tufts Nutrition (@TuftsNutrition) American Council on Exercise Centers for Disease Control (@cdcgov)

  • 12 Healthy Shrimp Recipes

    Low in fat and calories, shrimp are a healthy snack, lunch,

    or dinner. Enjoy them in these flavorful dishes from

    Fresh or frozen, shrimp is America's favorite kind of

    seafood. Its low in saturated fat, packed with protein,

    and a good source of iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and

    selenium. Though sometimes a simple shrimp cocktail is

    all youre looking for, these 12 recipes offer delicious and

    healthy ways to cook up shrimp for lunch dinner or as a

    healthy snack.


    Greek yogurt is a great substitute for some of your favorite creamy condiments like mayo and sour cream. In this light snack, Greek yogurt, lime juice, avocado and jalapeo sauce are combined on a rye flatbread for a tasty treat. At only 129 calories, with 4 grams of fiber, this healthy-fat-packed recipe is the total package.


    Black rice is a surprising superfood. It's loaded with anthocyanin, the same antioxidants that give

    blueberries and blackberries their dramatic color and health-boosting power. In this high-fiber

    recipe, black rice is paired with shrimp as well as Asian flavors like soy sauce, rice vinegar, and

    ginger to create a healthy meal. Feel free to use white or brown rice if black isn't available.


    Adding shrimp into a salad is a great way to turn a boring salad into a stand-out meal. This Mexican

    salad is filled with citrus from limes and lemons that add zesty flavor without many calories. Wrap

    up the salad in a tortilla, or eat it without the bread for a lower-carb option. Tip: If you're using

    frozen shrimp, thaw and eat it within a day. Frozen seafood degrades with time, so don't keep it in

    the freezer for long.


    Sometimes the best way to enjoy shrimp is with a simple cocktail sauce. In this recipe, five shrimp

    and a quarter cup of sauce provide 181 calories of deliciousness. Shrimp are a great source of vitamin

    D, with about 3 ounces providing 32% of your daily recommended intake. Plus, the cocktail sauce

    uses tomatoes, which provide 20% of your daily recommended vitamin A needs.


    For less than 300 calories, this shrimp, feta and tomato dish can be yours for dinner. It's low in carbs

    (only 6 grams) and a good source of protein. Additionally it provides a whopping 22% of your daily

    calcium needs. The recipe list calls for dried marjoram, a citrusy spice that's part of the mint family.


    Multitask while preparing this simple dish! Fingerling potatoes are beautiful as well as packed with

    over 60 different types of phytonutrients. This salad is stocked with healthy ingredients like string

    beans and pecans, which are one of our favorite superfoods. Pecans have been linked to lowering

    cholesterol from beta-sitosterol, which they're rich in. This recipe is perfect for company as it's

    impressive yet simple to make.


    Nearly every type of cuisine has a signature way to serve up shrimp. This simple dish takes on Spanish

    flavoring with garlic, paprika, onions, ground turmeric, dry sherry and chopped parsley. In 25 minutes

    this 430-calorie dish with 5 grams of fiber can be on your dinner table.


    This dish looks as amazing as it tastes. It's low in calories, has only 5 grams of fat and serves up 3 grams

    of fiber plus more than half the vitamin K you need each day. Thanks to the asparagus, you'll also get

    18% of the vitamin A and 34% of the folate recommended for daily consumption.


    Got 15 minutes? That's all it takes to whip up this irresistible 3-step dish. White beans are some of the

    most versatile beans on the market, and they're packed with protein and fiber. Fresh lemon juice

    delivers a zesty kick and brings the couscous to life. With 9 grams of fiber, this dish will keep you



    This Italian-inspired dish pairs chunks of tomatoes with pasta, shrimp, garlic and fresh basil to

    create a satisfying stew. Tomatoes are full of vitamins A, C and K, and are, surprisingly, one of

    the richest sources of potassium you can find. Add to the 4 grams of fiber in this dish by using

    whole-wheat pasta.


    These shrimp, flavored with lemon zest, red pepper flakes and fresh basil get even more delicious

    once they're wrapped with very thinly sliced prosciutto. Five shrimp are a serving, but if you're

    watching your sodium intake, you may opt for only eating 1 or 2 wrapped with prosciutto and

    munching more on shrimp flavored the same way, but without the Italian meat. We promise they'll

    still be delicious.


    You've probably heard of or tried chicken or lamb souvlaki, but now you can make the Greek

    staple at home with shrimp. With only 6 grams of fat, there is no guilt in eating this satisfying

    meal for dinner. It's tasty with a lemony flair and delivers 8 grams of fiber (that's about one-

    third the daily recommended intake for a 2,000 calorie diet). Serve this dish with a whole-

    wheat or multigrain pita and prepare to enjoy.
