Good Friday & Easter Sunday Family Discipleship …...cosmos shattering event. BIG IDEA Jesus’...


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Good Friday &Easter Sunday

Good Friday Easter Sunday

Hi Families!

BIG IDEAThe darkness that falls at the moment Jesus dies signifies the death of the old creation — the end of the reign of darkness — as Jesus, the light and life of the world, takes sin, and death, and curse, upon his shoulders bringing heaven and earth together in a cosmos shattering event.

BIG IDEAJesus’ resurrection on the first day of the week signals the first day of the new creation, making possible the beginning of a new life in him. 

BIBLE PASSAGELuke 23:44-46


Family Discipleship is kind of a big deal. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 instructs parents to make God front and centre in home life; talking with children, impressing upon them and writing with them at all times of the day and night. Put simply a parent’s primary ministry is to raise their children to be disciples of Jesus.

For some of you it’s already a regular part of the rhythm of your family’s week; keep up the good work. Some of you will feel like you could be doing better; keep on trying, practice builds confidence and competence. And some of you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start; that’s ok, your church family is here to help.

Our prayer is that this Family Discipleship Guide will give you some helpful tools in developing a weekly rhythm of discipleship practices to help you and your family to grow together in love and service of God.

We’ve broken the guide in into 5 parts each with its own specific way of engaging the bible passage that week:

REFLECT encourages family members to reflect on the bible passage and what it means to them. REACT engages your emotions and helps bringing those reactions before God. RELATE encourages families to share honestly, and listen deeply to how one another are growing as disciples. RESPOND helps families to work out real and practical ways they can respond to God in light of the weekly bible passage. REVIEW encourages families to review the bible passage for the week and engage with it in a different way.

You might like to use these as 5 separate daily devotions, OR you might like to group some of the sections together to make a couple of family devotional times but leave yourself room to use other resources you’ve found elsewhere. Remember these are a collection of tools, not rules, for family discipleship.

Don’t forget to show us how your family are discipling one another by sharing your photos and reflections on our social media pages with the hashtag #WeAreLivingChurch.

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!”

Psalm 24:5-6



MEDIAYOUTHWatch the video in the media section (top) together - The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross, read by Lauren Collard

Have a discussion using these questions:

What did you like about the story? What did it mean when the keep out curtain was torn? What does this have to do with Jesus dying on the cross?What do both of those things mean for you and your relationship with Jesus? What are you looking forward to when we are with God forever?

Here is a visual way for kids to see that the cross and Jesus overcome the darkness in the world. CLICK HERE

What you need: White Card/paper Masking Tape Pencil, Pens or Paint

Directions: Lightly place tape on card in the shape of a Cross Paint or colour in a dark background Carefully peel off the tape

After working through the resources for kids and youth, praise God for what he has done through Jesus. Try using the A.C.T.S pray method to pray together.

ADORATION - Praise God for who he is what he has done. CONFESSION - Confess when you think you know better than God and don’t let God be king. THANKSGIVING - Thank God for all he has done through Jesus in his death and resurrection. SUPPLICATION (the act of asking) - Ask God to remind you of his goodness and love everyday.

Youth Spoken Word - Youtube Easter 2018 - From Darkness to Light, Spoken Word

Kids Story - - the garden the curtain and promiseWatch the video in the media section (bottom) together.

DiscussWhat did you like about the spoken word?

What role does the darkness play in the crucifixion?

How does the author capture the story of Jesus in his spoken word? What parts were helpful.

What joy have you found in living in the light of Jesus?

As parents, encourage your family to personally reflect on the Bible passage, and what it means for them. Try to guide this so it lands close to the big idea.



Watch the link in the media section together.

Here are three characters from the story. Use the emotions before to think about how they are reacting to death of Jesus.

First Thief (Luke 23:39)Roman Soldier (Luke 23:47)Disciples (24:11)

How do you think you would have felt if you were there?

Listen to the song again, and then pray through the lyrics together.

Here is an example:

Jesus, thank you that you make the darkness tremble and that through your peace, you silence fear. Help my heart to believe this like the second criminal did the passage.

Jesus, your name is a light that the shadows can’t deny and that not even the shadows can overcome you and your light. Thank you that your name is alive, forever lifted high regardless of what man does on earth. You are our forever king.

How do you feel when you consider looking at Jesus on the cross and knowing that your sin held him there?

The three characters below are from the story. Think about these two questions. 1. What emotion would you expect them to display and 2. What emotion did they actually display?

First Thief (Luke 23:39)Roman Soldier (Luke 23:47)Disciples (24:11)

How do you think you would have felt if you were there?







As parents, encourage your family to see how they are reacting emotionally to the Bible passage. Engage emotionally and bring it before God.

Youtube - Mosaic MSC - Tremble (Official Lyrics)

RelatePRAYTOGETHERGet everyone to write down their prayer points or draw them separately on a piece of paper. Once you have done this place them on the floor in an open space.

Get everyone to choose a piece of paper to start with and pray for that prayer point for 20 seconds, then move to another peice of paper.

Keep going until you have prayed for all people in your family.

Place the pieces of paper on the door of each persons room and be reminded to pray for them this week every time you walk past their room.

Parents it will be important for you to model honesty and vulnerability as you answer these questions, so your kids know they can do the same.

Allow time for everyone to reflect and answer each question openly and honestly.

Make sure you listen well to one another, and pray from the heart.

Have an ALL IN family discussion.

Share something that gave you joy this week.

Share what made you angry, frustrated or sad.

Have you felt like God has been with you in both the good and the bad?

How can you be praying for each other this week?

As parents, encourage your family to share honestly, and listen deeply to how one another are growing as disciples.



Jesus changes our lives because of his death and resurrection. As a family, think about how Jesus has changed your life using these questions.

Remember a time when you were scared?

Remember a time when you were brave?

How has Jesus helped you be brave?

What are you worried about today that you can ask Jesus to help be brave about?

Pray together. Once one person has shared either their story or answering the questions, pray for that person – thanking God that they have taken them from death to life through Jesus. Pray that they would continue to grow as a follower of Jesus.

Father God, we praise you for ‘Daniel’. Thank you that you know Him and that you have saved him from death and brought him into a life with you. Thank you for your grace in his life. We pray for Daniel that you would continue to grow him in his love and faith as a follower of Jesus. Help him through-out his life to remember that you defeated death and are the light of the world.

Pray for the people in your life who do not know Jesus and think how you could share your testimony with them.

Father God, I pray for ________ who does not know you yet. I pray that they would come to know you and how much you love them. Help me to be bold to share my story of how you have changed my life. Thank you that you love them and want to them to know you.

As parents, encourage your family to work out real and practical ways they can respond to God in light of the Bible passage. Land the application in this section.

The death and resurrection of Jesus is life changing for all of us. This will look differently for each of us. Take some time now to reflect on how God has changed your life. Write down your story to share.

Sam Chan has created a great tool in being able to share parts of how God has shaped your life as a story. Think through these points as you write your story.

Introduction: Who are you? What is your mission or ultimate fulfilment in life? What happy ending are you looking for?

Body: Give examples of how you’ve tried to achieve your mission/fulfilment/happy ending. Ultimately, these answers are going to leave you unsatisfied. Then explain who Jesus is and what he has done in finding the answers to your quest.

Climax: Share about the experience/decision of following Jesus and what your life looks like now since making this decision.

This is a great way to share your faith journey with your family and a great way to share how Jesus has changed your life with your friends/neighbours. Spend time sharing your stories with one another.

Youtube - Jesus, Strong and Kind (feat. Colin Buchanan) CityAlight

Review As parents, encourage your family to review the Bible passage for the week. Maybe find a way to engage with it in a different way.


YOUTHWatch the video in the media section. In addition read Luke 23:44-24:7.

Write down all the things you can praise God for from this passage. How would you describe Jesus and God from this passage?

Spend some time in being quiet as a family before praising God about the things that you have written down. You may even want to listen to a song from the mercy playlist linked under the media section.


God has power over darkness (v44)

God is with us (v45)

Jesus was righteous and is worthy of praise (v47)

Jesus has power over death (v5, 6)

God, you are more powerful than darkness, more powerful than death. There is nothing that can separate us from knowing you and being with you. You are worthy of all praise. Thank you for your mercy shown towards us. Thank you that you are with us and that we can live our lives changed because of you.

Youth: Read the entire story of Jesus’ death and resurrection Luke 23:44 – 24:53.

As a creative way to read this passage, find a dark room and light a candle. Take your time and read it slowly.

Sand bible - Good Friday

Sand bible - Easter Sunday

Spotify Playlist - Presence | Mercy

Family Discipleship GuidePsalms (5th-12th April)
