GPH3 News London and Italy Time Line



Global Projects takes team (Dr. Sabrina Black, Elder Paula Ratchford, Jennifer Worthy, Monika Miko) to London and Italy. The team stood on the Meridan Time Line in Greenich as they prayed for ministry partners in Europe and Africa. Pastor Emem Esenam, GPH3 Board Member served as host. Team also worked with Pastor Jude in Italy. Witnessed the salvation of Madams and Johns

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London-Longing for Revival: “OCCUPY Till I Come”



Hope, Help, and Healing

“There is a great cry for revival.—for the voice of God to be heard. . . For the church to rise” Much of Europe has witnessed a church on Her knees. It has Fallen from the glory days of the reformation but not to Prayer. People are hungry for truth and for those who are willing to take a stand for holiness and righteousness. What do we do when the nation’s leaders are no longer defender of the faith but de-fender of faiths? Likewise in the USA we have stopped being a nation under one God who proclaim “in God we trust” but we look to create a safe space for all beliefs. In order to right the wrongs and clear the path of righteousness not just (rightness in the eyes of man) we will need a radical Christi-anity. Futurist have proclaimed that Christianity will take a back seat as other religions and faiths take a stand and de-

mand their voices be heard.

The twenty-first century will be a period of challenge and change for Christianity in Western Europe and North Amer-ica. Theological, political, demographic, and economic de-velopments will force the church in these countries to make unprecedented compromise to be accepted by the masses. It is predicted that we will become those who tickle the ears. We say not so. At Global Projects we plan to take a radical stand for the glory of God. In the face of adversity we plan to rise from the ashes as a sweet smelling aroma unto the

Lord, proclaiming His name and for His Kingdom to come.

We will occupy until he comes. God has charged us to take the Gospel to those who are lost, to confront in love those who have gone astray, to build up and counsel those who have fallen and to develop the next generation of leaders. We must be defenders of the faith. Where there has become a separation between church and state we need to remind the state of our need for the church in order to change the dismal prediction for the future of the state. Believers need to infiltrate every phase of life from education and industry to commerce and politics. We need to be the voice of God among the people. We need to pray (I Chronicles7:14), seek the face of God, open our mouths and proclaim His name. Join us as we respond to the cry for revival. Your gifts, tal-ents and abilities can make a difference. We are all called to

be missionaries. Join us on the field and on your knees.

The USA is filled with many store-front

churches on every other corner. Europe

is filled with beautiful cathedrals and

historical architecture. No matter the

size or the magnitude it is important to

remember that we are HIS building.

Our bodies are the temple of the living

God. Pastor Esenam in partnership

with Global Projects is actively involved

in rebuilding the temple, restoring lives

and reclaiming the sanctuary.

The GPH3 TEAM—during the final

training and preparation meeting

Historic Westminster Abbey

Pastor Esenam at House of Commons

Big Ben (Letting us know -It is time)

Pastors Brooks and Carr covering the

team and it’s leader Dr. Sabrina Black

in prayer for the mission to Europe.

The Global Projects team assigned to

preach, teach, and reach the masses in

Europe were: Elder Paula Ratchford

Minister Jennifer Worthy, Minister

Monika Miko and Dr. Sabrina Black.

These women know what it means to

“Occupy until I come . . “ They have

been laboring to advance the Kingdom

of God by warring in prayer and being

equipped to serve on the front line.


God has provided an effectual Open Door for His people. He

has called us to prayer for the lost, to preach the Gospel and

to prepare to go into all the world and make disciples. There

are people all over the world that need to know the savior

and there are those who need to know Him better and grow

up in the fullness of Him. We are His witnesses in the Earth

that Jesus Saves, He sets free, He delivers, He transforms,

He renews, Jesus is the answer the world needs. God has

blessed GPH3 to literally stand on the line of time and pray

for the nations. Over the years we have been to the prime

meridian (above left) which separates the west and east; as

well as to a point of. the equator (while in Uganda) that

separates the northern hemisphere and the southern hemi-

sphere. Standing on these lines that divide we have prayed

for unity and oneness for God’s people from nation to nation.

We are praying that souls are saved, captives are set free,

disciples are matured, leaders are developed and God is

glorified in the earth by all of us who are his witnesses. PRAY

Standing on the Line of Time—Praying for Nations

Jesus the Light of the World—Evangelism in London

Dr. Sabrina Black & Elder Paula Ratchford Waking and Witnessing

Pastor Esenam with Dr. Black and

Bro. Osaro pointing to where the

beam of light shines across time.

The line of time has countries around

the world listed with their time zone

Dr. Sabrina Black in Greenwich at the Meridan Time

Line preparing to pray for the Nations of the World.

Psalmist Elder Vanessa Farris

giving glory to God in worship.

The GPH3 Team—Min. Monika, Min. Jennifer, Rev.

Dr. Sabrina, Elder Paula & Bro. Osaro in Greenwich

Evangelism is our Supreme Task. When a person comes to the Lord all of Heaven celebrates. They are endowed with the Holy Spirit and filled with passion, power, praise, and prayer. There is such a joy in really knowing Christ and not just knowing about him, that you want to tell the world about this new relationship and your new life. Walking and witnessing on the streets of London seeds were being planted. Others will water and God will give the increase. We encountered believers / non-believers, churched / unchurched. Every person that was willing to listen heard the good news of the Gospel—JESUS SAVES. On Saturday morning 52 weeks of the year you can find members of Church of God Mission Int’l, male or female, your or old, out in the high-ways and byways compelling people to come to Jesus. Evangelism needs to be a

priority for every believer. Share your FAITH


The MAYOR Making a Difference for the Kingdom

Monika Miko Speaking in Love and Serving with Humility

Part of the Strategic plan in every country is to implement the four major objectives of our com-munity outreach which are evangelism, prayer, networking, and economic empowerment. It is such a joy to see God’s people outside the church walls in the community making a differ-ence for the Kingdom.

While in London we saw the plan unfold as mem-bers of the church from the Mayor to Moms, Counselors to Cooks, Entrepreneurs and Evan-gelist, all were willing work to build God’s house. No task was too small or too great for this group of servant leaders. They realize that they are all missionaries wherever God has them working.

Your job is a mission field. Wherever you are God can use you to make a difference in your circle of influence. Think for a moment of all the doors the Lord has allowed you to walk through. Have you fulfilled your assignment in that place? Have you comforted the afflicted and afflicted the comfortable by allowing your light to shine brightly? Have you ushered in love, joy and peace to a people who are in need of hope, help, and healing? Have you shared the Gospel with your family and friends?

Photo 1: Dr. Sabrina

Black and daughter in

the faith Shila. 2: Elder

Paula Ratchford looks

on as Min. Jennifer

Worthy signs book of

poetry. 3: Dr. Black

gives HELP to fellow

counselor and daughter

in the faith Deaconess


Dr. Sabrina Black with political candidate being

interviewed for the local News broadcast while

out witnessing. Q—Why are you in London? A—

To Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Q—Who

are you voting for in the USA election. A—Obama

Signing Books and Building Relationships Based on Truth

Global Project’s partner-

ship with local churches

in Europe offers a unique

opportunity for us to set

up for preaching teaching

and reaching the masses

to have a direct impact in

the lives of the people

and by challenging them

to trust God.

Monika’s moment sharing her mission

home to Europe to help set others free

Prophetic Poetry Proclaimed by

Minister Jennifer Worthy

Ministered Life.

Pastor Emmanuel Obasohan with Brother

Osaro (a man of God with a passion for

evangelism and a desire to see souls

saved) prepare to hit the streets witnessing.


GREAT Things to do While You Occupy

We have been instructed by Jesus to "Occupy till I come" (Luke 19:13). But how are we to be occupied? Peo-ple are occupied doing many things; even good things. But are we doing the GREAT things of God. As we wait on the Saviors glorious return we can follow the Great Command-ment to Love and the Great Commission to Go and make disciples. When we go in love we lead others to Christ through the plan of salvation. We are clear that evangelism is our supreme task. When we go in love and encounter those who know Him we help to build them up in the faith. Jesus gave this instruction to His disciples in Acts 1:8, "You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all

Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

Let the Church rise and occupy til He comes. We are the church, the people of God. We need to rise up and let the Lord use us as His witnesses in the Earth. Our director, Pamela Hudson declares that we should rise and proclaim the testimonies of God’s goodness, mercy, grace, power and favor! We are walking in the manifestation and fulfill-ment of God’s promises in our lives. God is allowing us to have a greater impact in the earth as we rise and occupy til He comes. The Word declares that we will be blessed in the city and the field, when we come and when we go. We

expect GREAT things from a GREAT God.

As we prepare to carry on the work we invite you to pray and partner with us as we are looking to see more men in leadership, more souls saved, lives transformed, bondages broken, women delivered, and families restored. Let your life be counted as one who loved enough to love,

to go, to give.

International author, Shila, opens

her home for a fellowship dinner

and dialogue with the USA team

of writing, preaching, teaching


Website Updates

Exciting things are happening at

Global Projects as God continues

to open doors. Visit our NEW

updated website to see photos,

download previous newsletters

and make donations. When you

give, lives are impacted around

the world. You can learn about

upcoming events, purchase CD’s

and book, download applications

and much more. Tell others about

Global Projects and give them

the Website address. Feel free

to add us as a link from your site.

Plan now to help us help others

call Pam at 313-205-7300.

Please join us. Pray for families around the world; evangelism, salvation, discipleship and lead-

ership. The Katrina Project Documentary on the emotional, spiritual and mental health needs

of survivors. Mentoring for inner city “Girls with Great Potential”. Children of War and AIDS

in Africa. Human Trafficking of Nigerian girls to Prostitution in Italy. Training local churches

and developing a local and global outreach missions ministry. Pray for our new board of direc-

tors for GPH3, the volunteer staff and how you can be involved in the Great Commandment to

LOVE . . . and the Great Commission to GO . . . We need your prayers and financial support.

Show Show Your Your LoveLove

Pamela J. Hudson, Exec. Dir..
