Grade 12 Family Studies. Scrooge McDuck and Money! v =tP3Rv-nib5M&safe=active


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Resource ManagementGrade 12 Family Studies

FinancesWhat are finances?

Monetary resources of an individual or organization

EquityWhat is standard of living?

a grade or level of subsistence and comfort in everyday life enjoyed by a community, class, or individualRanges from low to high

Financial InsecurityWhat is it?

Not having the resources to support a certain standard of living

Sometimes caused by:UnemploymentDemotionPovertySerious illness/disabilityDivorce/SeparationPoor spending habits

Consumer Debt Money owed by an individualPrimarily caused by purchasing consumer

goods or services beyond their standard of living

…..How does someone get out of debt?

How are people spending their money?1) Fixed Expenses

Remain the same over time.Must be paid by a certain date.Examples:

Mortgage/Rent payments Loan payments Car insurance

How are people spending their money?2) Variable Expenses

Payments that are made every month, but the amount changes.

These expenses change as your needs change (in the winter you need a gym membership but in the summer you run outside)

Examples: Groceries Phone bill Transportation costs (bus pass, gas for your car, car

maintenance) Club dues

So how does a person/family get out of debt?????

Would it be easier to cut “fixed” or “variable” Expenses?....

EconomizingWhat can we cut from our budgets without lowering

our basic quality of life? Some examples…

1) Food Must have the foods that are essential to you and your

families health. Cut the prepared/packaged foods and try to make meals and

snacks from scratch. Compare prices of different stores using newspaper ads and

the internet. Buy sale items/use coupons Buy “generic foods” Buy in bulk Eat at home—Fast food is expensive!

Economizing…2) Clothing

Buy during end-of-season sales “Name-brand” should hold less importance when

economizing Shop at discount/second hand stores

3) Entertainment Entertain at home—board games, movie nights Borrow movies from the library Wait for movies to get to the “cheap seats”

Economizing…4) Maintenance

Do it yourself!—Before hiring someone to do something at your house, try to do it yourself if you know how!

Use “how-to” books and internet tutorials Examples: House cleaning, painting, cutting the

lawn, washing your car, etc.

5) Incidentals Examples: Alcohol and Tobacco Can result on significant savings Health and relationships would improve

Benefits of Economizing

Can save A LOT of moneyLess stress in the homeA person feels more in control of their lifeBy creating a budget, a person/family can see

where all of their money is going

Case Study In pairs or individually, read through the following case study. Answer the

questions and submit a half page write-up (can be typed).

Joanne and Clinton are married with no kids. Both of them work 9-5 jobs, Monday-Friday. The couple is finding that they are living pay-cheque to pay-cheque and are not putting any money away for the baby they are trying to have. Both Joanne and Clinton drive their own cars to and from work each day. They enjoy fast-food and rarely cook at home. They also enjoy going for long walks in the evening along the river behind their home with their dog. This couple enjoys socializing: Joanne takes yoga classes three times a week with her girlfriends and Clinton often goes out for food and drinks with his friends.

In order for the couple to start saving for their baby, which activities should they stop? What could they do

instead? What activities should they keep doing?
