GRAND KNIGHT’S 2020 Knightline.docx  · Web viewChurchLoan...


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KNIGHTLINE April 2020 The News Letter Of


He is Risen!!!


How do you get a new member? Ask him!

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PO Box 42, Hudson, NH 03051

KNIGHTLINE is published monthly by K of C Council #5162 of Hudson NH (This month’s knightline is a very short version due to the pandemic.)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page (1) Front Page

Page (2) Contacts

Page (3) the Lighter Side & Grand Knight Message

Page (4) Prayer of the month

Page (5) Prayerful Intentions

Page (6-12) News

ContactsState Deputy Jospeh Kowalik III( Advocate Jordan Ulery( Deputy Bill Richards( Knight Mike Chouinard(PapaKringle@Comcast.netDeputy Grand Knight Ray Masson( Secretary Warren Avezedo(WDA2006@Comcast.netKnightLine Editor Mike Todisco( Website Website Website

Insurance Agent Kevin Brown: 603-305-0204 (

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On the Lighter Side Q: Why was Noah the best businessman in the Bible?

A: He floated his stock while everybody else was being liquidated.


GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE The Month of April is the celebration of the Resurrection. God so loved the world that he gave up his only son

that we would be freed from sin. So, with that Pope Francis is asking all to Pray for those who have addictions so they too might be freed from their sufferings.


To any of our Knightline recipients who would like to have information put onto the Knight line Please E-mail it to me no later than the 15 th of each month. Please email me at MATODIS@AOL.COM

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Monthly Prayer

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen. Coronavirus Prayers

We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, [most especially the coronavirus pandemic], O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.  Amen.”

Mary,you always shine on our pathas a sign of salvation and of hope.We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm.You, Salvation of the Roman People,know what we need,and we are sure you will provideso that, as in Cana of Galilee,we may return to joy and to feastingafter this time of trial.Help us, Mother of Divine Love,to conform to the will of the Father

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and to do as we are told by Jesus,who has taken upon himself our sufferingsand carried our sorrowsto lead us, through the cross,to the joy of the resurrection. Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God. Do not disdain the entreaties of we who are in trial, but deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Prayerful Intentions

• Please pray for all persecuted Christians in the world.

• Please pray for the protection of the unborn, so that their parents make the right choice and choose life over abortion.

• Pray for all our Churches, Priests, Deacons, Nuns and Laity for strength, protection and guidance.

• Please pray for all those who are suffering from poor health. Especially keep in mind, Mary Beth Florczak. May Jesus put his healing hands on her and her family and restore her to good health.

• Please pray for all our deceased Arm Services Members.

• Please Pray for World Peace.

• Please pray for all our deceased Brother Knights and those in their families who have passed on.

• Please pray for our country as it struggles to keep the Coronavirus at bay and for a speedy recovery of those who are sick with this disease

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• Please pray for St Kathryn’s and St John’s to keep their communities strong and growing their congregations during this tough time.

• Pray for the poor and homeless.

• Pray for those who are going through financial difficulties due to the economic shut down.

• Please Pray for Frank Cuniff who is a member of St. Kathryn’s and a Marine who is serving our Country now. May the Lord keep a watchful eye on him and others who serve


More Than 2,000 Men Join K of C Amid PandemicMen continually seek ways to step into the breach to assist brother, parish

and community during the coronavirus pandemic

By Tyler Lomnitzer 4/17/2020

More than 2,000 men joined the Knights of Columbus during the first ever online Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity held on April 16. The exemplification was hosted digitally by the

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Supreme Council as a unique opportunity for men to join the Order in a time of social distancing and minimizing mass gatherings.

In his introductory remarks to the exemplification, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson emphasized that the Knights of Columbus’ principles — charity, unity and fraternity— are “needed now more than ever.”

The online event took just under 40 minutes and nearly every jurisdiction in the United States and Canada was represented. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Texas and California were among the jurisdictions with the highest new member totals.

“Catholic men in our state, even during these times, want to belong to an organization like the Knights of Columbus to help others,” said William Chasse, the state deputy of Michigan, on the Order’s opportunity to increase its charitable impact. “The more that join the more we can help.”

Pennsylvania State Deputy Mark Jago was pleased with the turnout, saying it’s “not surprising that Catholic men want to join us in our mission to serve others, especially now.”

Riley Quinlan was one of those men, joining the Knights during the first ever online exemplification.

“I was interested in joining the Knights to get involved with a specific church community, joined by like-minded Catholic men of faith,” Quinlan said. “I wanted to connect with God through a community I can routinely serve. I am interested in helping out where I can during the challenges presented by COVID-19.”

In addition to new men joining, more than 7,000 first- and second-degree members were able to obtain their third degree, and thousands more Knights and family members were able to observe and support the candidates. The new, public exemplification debuted earlier this year, with the first taking place at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., where the Order was founded.

This historic online event was organized by the Knights of Columbus’s newly formed Fraternal Excellence Department lead by Retired Navy Captain Tom McCaffrey.

The Knights of Columbus is also adapting its charitable outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic, launching the new program “Leave No Neighbor Behind.” The program encourages Knights to lead their families, protect their parishes and serve their communities through a variety of charitable initiatives that also keeps members safe.

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Members of the Order have access to state of the art insurance and investments benefits, as well as the opportunity to put their faith in action in order to leave no neighbor behind in a strong, Catholic fraternal setting.

Share your story of how your council is helping strengthen people’s faith and offering support during this time. Email

Originally published in a special bi-weekly edition of Knightline, a resource for K of C leaders and members. To access Knightline’s monthly archives, click here.

Knights Offer Secured Credit Line for US Dioceses $100 Million line of credit will help dioceses weather impact of the



(GettyImages) The Knights of Columbus has announced a new program to assist dioceses with short-term financing as many dioceses and their parishes reel from the effects of the pandemic.

The Knights has established a $100 million fund, with up to a $1 million secured line of credit per Catholic diocese. The program will be available for 60 days beginning on Monday, March 30.

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“It is critical for us to support the Catholic Church in the United States at this time, so that the Church can continue to provide irreplaceable spiritual and charitable support, and can keep the staff supporting its mission and outreach employed,” noted Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “Our fund is designed specifically to help dioceses and their parishes weather this pandemic financially so that they can continue their important work – now and after the pandemic.”

The lines of credit will have a very competitive interest rate equivalent to that of the one-year Treasury bill, plus 225 basis points (2.25%).

The line of credit has a two-year term. At the end of that term, dioceses will have the option to convert the line of credit to a Knights of Columbus church loan, fully amortizing at the prevailing rate for a term selected by the borrower of five, 10 or 20 years – the same low-interest terms offered by the Knights’ existing and long-standing ChurchLoan program. The Knights of Columbus has been a key lender to parishes and dioceses for more than a century, and the ChurchLoan program remains a key source of financing for Catholic parishes and institutions.

In addition to the offer of financing to dioceses, the Knights of Columbus is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with a number of grass roots and community programs. The organization has urged its members to help support those in need of food and other essentials, and to participate in blood drives – a longstanding K of C tradition. It was the Knights of Columbus itself that pioneered nationwide blood drives in the United States in the 1930s.

KofC Support Food Banks with Funds and Volunteers

Phase one kicks off with more than a million dollars and a multitude of volunteers from coast to coast to help deliver food to those who need it


With food banks facing increasing demand during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Knights of Columbus is launching a multi-million dollar food drive and delivery operation mobilizing its more than 1.25 million members in North America to cover over 25 cities in 16 U.S. states and the District of Columbia as well as four Canadian provinces. Phase one kicks off with more than a million dollars and a multitude of volunteers from coast to coast to help deliver food to those who need it.

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The Knights will provide funding to food banks in New York, Connecticut, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Miami, Newark, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Washington, D.C., Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver.

The organization is also asking its vast membership to further increase partnership with food banks by volunteering at food banks and helping deliver food to those in need as needed.

This monetary commitment is part of the first phase of the Knights’ efforts. Additional support in response to the COVID pandemic is planned and the Knights are asking their members and the public to support their efforts by donating at

“In addition to confronting the threat of the COVID illness itself, we are facing a pandemic situation in which hunger is a growing concern for an increasing number of unemployed individuals and their families,” explained Supreme Knight and Carl Anderson. “As an organization, we have provided vital support at key moments including during the 1918 flu pandemic, during two world wars, and after natural disasters. Our ‘Leave No Neighbor Behind’ initiative continues that tradition, and we will work directly with food banks to help ensure that food reaches those most in need in communities from coast to coast.”

The support for food banks is part of the “Leave No Neighbor Behind” initiative in which Knights are encouraged to assist their neighbors, including those in the community and parish, their fellow Knights of Columbus, etc.. Knights are also being encouraged to make blood donations, especially in response to current shortages.

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In addition, the organization is also providing spiritual resources to its members and has established a program to equip dioceses with short-term financing to assist with the continuation of spiritual and charitable ministries, employment of staff, etc., as many dioceses and their parishes have suffered from the economic effects of the pandemic.

Those wishing to support the Knights efforts can donate to K of C Charities at or by mail to Leave No Neighbor Behind, Knights of Columbus Charities, P.O. Box 1966, New Haven, CT 06509-1966. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and 100 percent of all donations collected by Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., will be used for pandemic-related assistance, including food, medical supplies and other needs.

Handy stuff to know during this Pandemic

Instacart is a service that may help you with grocery and other deliveries

The following stores below are associated with this service in our area

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Please stay safe during this time. Please always remember to take safety precautions !

When going out of the house use a mask if possible. Wash your hands continuously. Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)Also known as: SARS-CoV-2, 2019 Novel Coronavirus, nCovCOVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's caused by a virus called coronavirus.

Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a cough, a high temperature and shortness of breath.

Simple measures like washing your hands often with soap and water can help stop viruses like coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading.

There’s no specific treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19). Treatment aims to relieve the symptoms until you recover.

It's not known exactly how coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads from person to person, but similar viruses are spread in cough droplets.

Data from: NHSConsult a medical professional for advice

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