Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches €¦ · Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches To Build...


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Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace

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inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with Granola Packaging Using

Stand Up Pouches..

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Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

It's often thought that granola packaging was the first to use stand up

pouches, also known as stand bags or stand up bags. While I have no

proof of this, personally it is the first product I remember. Bear Naked

blasted onto the scene and soon I noticed this product and interestingly I

even noticed the packaging. While the granola looked delicious, and I can

now say with fresh fruit and 1% milk it was delicious, it was the granola

packaging that interested me. Trust me, at the end of the day taste is

going to be the deciding factor, but packaging is critical.

Granula (as it was originally spelled) was invented by Dr. James Caleb

Jackson in 1894 for his prominent health spa, known as The Jackson

Sanitarium. A similar cereal was invented by John Harvey Kellogg (that's

correct, from Kellogg cereal family) and the name was changed to granola

to avoid legal problems. But I digress…back to my consumer shopping

and fascination with granola packaging…

Here, the product was standing on a store shelf, not lying down flat, and I

could actually see the granola. I could see the time and effort the

manufacturers took to make sure the granola fit into the stand up bag and

filled the pouch so it stood erect on a store shelf and better yet filled the

clear window of the stand bag so the granola itself was the star of the

show. I could actually see the rolled oats coated with honey, I could

actually imagine myself grabbing a handful out of the bag for a snack or

pouring a bowl for breakfast the next morning. Yikes...what is happening to


It's true, packaging made a difference in my eyes as a consumer way back

when. To a larger extent, stand up pouches make a difference for granola

packaging in so many ways. Stand up bags can:

• Help Companies Build Their Brand

• Protect Granola and Keep It Fresher For Longer

Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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• Save Granola Companies Money Over Other Types of Packaging

• Increase Sales

Look no further than coming posts to see each of these bullet points.

Stand up pouches changed granola packaging forever. I believe using

stand up pouches for your granola can change your product's future as


Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches To Build YOUR Brand

Granola packaging has evolved over the years just as the different types of

granola itself has exploded. There is all natural granola, gluten free

granola, homemade granola, granola made by the big conglomerates like

Quaker Oats and by small Mom and Pops who feel their product is the best

ever, like Crapola made in Ely, Minnesota for instance. I'm positive each

and every manufacturer first concentrated on making the most delicious

product and then and only then did they think about how important the

granola packaging was. Should they use a box with a plastic bag inside,

should they buy their granola packaging custom just for them or something

stock off the shelf of a stocking distributor? There are issues like should

the granola packaging have a window to see the product or should it be

opaque, how much should they put into a package, one pound, 5 pounds,

1/2 a pound? Grrr, so many issues, so many decisions to be made…

This post is centered on using stand up pouches for your granola

packaging but just as important to help you see for yourself how these

flexible pouches, also known as stand up bags or just stand bags, can build

your brand and ultimately help you build awareness about your granola and

increase your sales too.

Using stand up bags for granola packaging isn't necessarily new for the big

boys in the industry like Quaker Oats, but recent advances in technology

have made custom stand up bags available to the small and medium size

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manufacturers as well. Certainly stock stand up pouches with an applied

label have been approved granola packaging for small boutique stores,

farmer's markets, and maybe through the internet. However, if a company

really wants to get on a store shelf, really wants to get their product noticed,

really wants to build their brand, they need packaging that looks like they've

arrived. Without question, custom printed stand up pouches can vault a

company's brand awareness and brand value like never before.

• Custom printed stand bags for granola packaging provides a stable

base so the product can stand on a store shelf versus lying flat. Here

the product pouch can be seen, and encourages the consumer to

"touch me" and feel how full I am, which does equate to value in a

consumer's mind.

• Custom printed stand up pouches are just that...they are custom

printed, meaning that a manufacturer can match their existing logo

and colors or use bold new ones to get attention.

• Granola packaging using printed stand up bags has a wide face and

back by design which provides considerable room for the custom

printing to describe what makes the product so good, unique, yummy,

different, etc.

• Granola packaging using printed stand up bags is available using

clear or transparent film so the granola can be seen or completely

opaque using metalized film or even foil. Further, custom printed

stand up pouches can be made using one side with clear film and

one side with metalized film or foil. Even laminated paper can be

used to create printed stand up pouches for granola packaging that

look "natural" and still protect the contents. Once again, count on

your packaging professional for guidance and direction.

• Custom printed stand bags for packaging granola are made from

multiple layers of barrier film laminated together which keeps the

product fresh and assures that the consumer tastes the flavors and

ingredients the manufacturer intended. Further, these film layers

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protect the contents from moisture, vapor, UV rays, and even odor if


• Stand up bags can be made with ziplocks and tear notches as well as

hang holes and even pour spouts increasing consumer convenience

which ultimately helps build brand value.

It's true; there are lots of choices when it comes to types of granola.

However, as far as granola packaging, only custom printed stand up bags

can protect the contents and build awareness and value at the same time.

Granola Packaging That Protects As Well As Performs

Granola continues to be hugely popular with the older generation (like me)

but did you know low sugar alternatives are successful with kids too?

Granola packaging is critical to the success of granola sales. There, I said

it. I don't care that anyone feels it’s the taste and the ingredients and care

that has gone into baking and creating the granola, I KNOW all those things

are important, but if the granola packaging isn't right, it won't sell as

effectively as it could. Sure, granola will sell at farmer's markets or little

kiosks at the mall, but if a granola manufacturer really wants to succeed,

they need packaging that protects as well as performs.

Stand up pouches, also known as stand bags or stand up bags, are the

perfect solution for granola packaging. There are stock stand up pouches

available in any number of sizes and colors that a small manufacturer can

use and apply a label to and quickly be in business. Custom printed stand

bags are the ultimate granola packaging in that they really can build a

company's image and brand awareness with eye catching graphics and

images that should LOOK AT ME or better yet, BUY ME!

Stand up bags are made from multiple layers of barrier film laminated

together that create the strength for the pouch to stand effectively on as

store shelf, instead of needing to lay down flat, but even more importantly

these multiple layers create the barrier protection to keep the granola fresh,

Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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lock in the flavors, and eliminate odor, moisture or even ultra-violet light

which could damage the product itself.

Granola packaging using stand up pouches perform the task of creating a

"billboard" where the usable space on the pouch front or pouch back can

have printing, images, or both that describe the contents and what makes

the granola so special. Further, using stand bags eliminates the need for

multiple types of packaging such as a bag in a box or a bag inside of

another bag that manufacturers tend to think is needed. Better yet, stand

up pouches for granola packaging are easily made with ziplocks and tear

notches as well as hang holes and even pour spouts if necessary. All of

these options add up to consumer convenience and consumer confidence

in your granola.

Granola taste is certainly key; however granola packaging that protects and

performs in conjunction with your products great taste could be the

knockout punch for your competitors.

Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Bags SAVES MONEY

Granola continues to be a hot retail product. Granola packaging historically

has tried to use packaging that reflected the all-natural nature of granola

itself. However, that granola packaging failed miserably when it came to

protecting the contents. Paper pouches and paper packaging are about as

natural looking as granola but they have no barrier protection. Granola

packaging using paper must be lined with another substrate such as a layer

of plastic to provide any type of protection from moisture and outside odor.

Further, many small granola manufacturers purchase stock paper pouches

with a clear window from stocking distributors who service bakeries and

convenience stores only to find out that not only is their granola packaging

weak and flimsy, their product goes stale within a matter of days.

Granola packaging using paper is not nearly as strong and durable as other

types of packaging such as stand up pouches made from flexible film, also

known as stand up bags. Paper pouches do not have the puncture

Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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resistance or the shelf stability on their own to withstand the handling and

abuse dealt on retail store shelves. If granola packaging using paper gets

wet, it loses strength and the packaging is compromised. In a nutshell,

granola packaging using paper must have additional layers or even

additional types of packaging (like a bag in a box) in order to confidently

protect the granola.

Stand up pouches are made from multiple layers of barrier film laminated

together to create a pouch that can stand erect on a store shelf while

handling the abuse of the retail environment. Further, the flexible nature of

the film itself flexes...meaning if a pouch is folded, bent, tipped over, or

even stepped on, the film will spring back to its original shape. Stand up

pouches for granola packaging will keep the contents fresher for longer and

protect from moisture, vapor, and odor that can negatively affect the taste.

These layers of laminated film create a bottom gusset or base that allows

the pouch to stand effectively on a store shelf. Further, these layers are

available in clear film to see the granola or metalized film or even foil

structures, each providing puncture resistance and strength without

needing additional and more expensive types of packaging for a

manufacturer to ship with confidence.

Stand up pouches are available with ziplocks and tear notches, even hang

holes and pour spouts to increase the level of convenience for the

consumer. Paper granola packaging cannot make the same claim.

While paper has that "natural" look, it doesn't come with the strength,

durability, and barrier protection of stand up pouches. Without question,

using stand up bags instead of paper will save money. Either in the

packaging itself, the convenience and consumer appeal, or the ability to

keep the granola fresher for longer, using stand up bags will save money.

Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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Granola Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches WILL Increase Your


Cereal and for that matter granola could be termed staples at breakfast.

Industry leaders continue to be excited about ready to eat cereals, of which

granola falls into that category. However, I'm going to write this post from

the perspective of a consumer walking into a Whole Foods or even a

Trader Joe's with a clean slate in my noggin over what type of granola I'm

going to take home with the hopes of proving my point that granola

packaging with stand up pouches does matter and will increase sales.

Granola packaging historically has tried to model its packaging after the

natural look of granola itself. Most likely this means that they'll buy paper

packaging for their granola. Or, another option is a bulk plastic bag, similar

to what you would get in the produce aisle of a supermarket with a twist tie

and a label slapped on indicating the flavor. I've also seen metal tins used

with a plastic bag on the the manufacturer is paying for two

types of packaging.

Then, there is granola packaging using stand up pouches. Also known as

stand bags or stand up bags, these pouches made from flexible film are

available stock where you can apply a label or custom printed with vivid,

bold, photographic images that hit the consumer right between the

eyes...POW! While stock stand bags for granola packaging is very

acceptable, I'm going to imagine we are talking about custom printed stand

up pouches.

I wander to the store, the sights and sounds and smells of Whole Foods or

Trader Joes, past the produce and checkout lines, it's granola I'm in the

mood for. I see granola A in a paper bag with a clear window, similar to

what the bakery gives me when I order a few cookies for our kids. Sure

looks good, very natural looking, not a whole lot of graphics but a nice label

that says its cinnamon apple flavor but the label isn't straight and in fact

there is an air bubble trapped under the label. That's OK, I think, the

granola looks tasty so I look at the clear window of the bag only to see that

it's glued on the inside of the paper bag...that really thin cellophane plastic

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that is clear as a bell but very flimsy. The twist tie at the top of the granola

packaging looks handy. Will it work?

I grab another granola brand, this really looks good, much more expensive

than all the others, the printed label says it’s the best but that's all there is,

a printed label applied to a metal tin. I cannot see or touch and feel granola

at all. Hmmm, expensive doesn't always mean the best, but whoever

made this is using very expensive granola packaging.

Then, I see granola packaging using a printed stand up pouch. Bold,

dynamic printing, lots of cool graphics and a clear window on the front and

bottom of the pouch so I can see the clusters of granola, I can see the

coating of honey and cinnamon, this looks really tasty. Wow, this printed

stand bag has the granola company story; I never knew it was made from

an old family recipe from Vermont. Plus, it has a ziplock so I don't have to

eat the entire bag or use one of those silly chip clips to try to keep the

contents fresh. It’s not the cheapest granola, but it's not the most

expensive either...very interesting. Plus, the pouch itself is made from

layers of film, I can feel them, this is a very sturdy bag that will stand on my

cupboard when I get home and even withstand a fall if my daughter drops it

or it gets bumped off the table. Yeah...I like the granola using a stand up

pouch...I feel smarter for having looked at them all too.

See, granola packaging makes a difference. Stand up pouches will protect

granola, keep it fresher for longer, and help build not only your brand but

your sales too!


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