

GRAY is not showing opinion not making any statement. if you choose to wear it make sure to add some surprisingly many "office environments" massage to the customers ...? wearing gray bright accessories as a remedy! possibly because wearing it but it could result in low energy and possibly depression love to see their employees GRAY colour maybe suitable for the “image” of the company what I really mean in the person who wears it daily. at the point when nothing is clear...yet gray area

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The colour of my soul is iron-grey and sad bats wheel about the steeple of my dreams.

Claude Debussy, French composer

sadcolourlessgray mousegray skygray area

somewhere on the edge between darkness and lightat the point when nothing is clear...yetGRAY is not showing opinionnot making any statement.

surprisingly many "office environments"love to see their employees wearing graypossibly because wearing it will communicate an unthreatening massage to the customers ...?

what I really mean is thatGRAY means NOTHING or BACKGROUNDGRAY colour maybe suitable for the “image” of the company but it could result in low energy and possibly depression in the person who wears it daily.

if you choose to wear it make sure to add somebright accessories as a remedy!

