Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: A13-A16 · (A13, A14, A15 or A16) then answer the questions...


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Focus Area Project Information Form

Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

Growing Forward 2Program Year Five, 2017-2018

A: Environment and Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: A13-A16

Please be sure to review the GF2 Program Guide for all requirements to apply. Required documentation must be provided with the application at the time of submission, including the appropriate Focus Area Project Information Form.

Required documentation may include the output from the GO-CALC Greenhouse Gas Emissions calculator tool, which can be accessed at

Step 1 All applicants must answer these two (2) questions:

1. In looking at your Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Action Plan and the specific risk that you are addressing with this project, what isthe change in risk rating that you believe will occur as a result of implementing your project?

m 1 becomes 4 m 1 becomes 3 m 2 becomes 3 m 2 becomes 4 m No change

2. What was your rating (from Worksheet 14, Question 6 in your EFP workbook), on energy usage/energy bills?

m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4

Step 2 You must choose the one Best Management Practice (BMP) that best fits your project(A13, A14, A15 or A16) then answer the questions specific to that BMP.

m A13 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Indoor Agriculture FacilitiesFor A13, you must complete GO-CALC, the Greenhouse Gas Ontario Covered Agriculture Calculator, for the covered agricultural facility or grain dryer where the proposed project is to be implemented. GO-CALC can be accessed at A copy of the GO-CALC results must be provided with your application.

1. What commodity produced by your farm operation will be impacted by this project (select one)?

m Vegetable Greenhousem Flower Greenhousem Poultrym Propagation Greenhouse (vegetable or ornamentals)m Other Greenhouse (e.g., herbs, speciality crops, soft fruits like strawberries)m Swinem Grains and Oilseedsm Other (specify)

2. Based on your output from GO-CALC, the Greenhouse Gas Ontario Covered Agriculture Calculator, what is the currentbaseline energy use (GJ/tonne of grain dried OR GJ/m2 per year) for your covered agriculture facility or grain dryer?

m 0.2 or lessm 0.21-0.35m 0.36-0.5m 0.51-0.75m 0.76-1m 1.01-1.5m 1.51-2.25m 2.26 or greater

Specify the Value:

3. Based on your output from GO-CALC, the Greenhouse Gas Ontario Covered Agriculture Calculator, what is the estimatedannual emissions reduction (tonnes of carbon-dioxide-equivalent per year) achieved by the proposed project?

m Less than 2m 2.1-5m 5.1-15m 16-50m 51-200m 201-350m 351-750m 751-1500m 1501-2500m Greater than 2500

Specify the Value:

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

4. Based on your output from GO-CALC, the Greenhouse Gas Ontario Covered Agriculture Calculator, what is the estimated emissions reduction (tonnes of carbon-dioxide-equivalent per tonne of grain dried or per GJ/m2 per year) achieved by the proposed project?

m 0.002 or lessm 0.0021-0.006m 0.0061-0.01m 0.011-0.015m 0.016-0.02m 0.021-0.035m 0.036 or greater

Specify the Value:

5. What is the calculated cost per tonne saved (= total cost of the project ($) as per Step 10 of your application / estimated annual emissions reduction achieved by the proposed project)?

m Less than 1m 1.1-5m 5.1-10m 11-100m Greater than 100

m A14 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Geothermal Heating and Cooling1. Describe your current cooling/heating system:

m The system only heats the buildingm The system only cools the buildingm The system heats and cools the building

2. What type of production facility is being upgraded to geothermal heating/cooling (check all that apply)?

o Greenhouse production area (where crops are grown)o Greenhouse packing areao Poultry barno Beef barno Dairy barno Swine barn

o Other livestock production area (specify)

o Other crop production area (specify crop)

o Other (specify)

3. What fuel source is currently being used to heat/cool the production facility (check all that apply)?

o Natural gaso Propaneo Electrico Oilo Wood burning/biomass

o Other (specify)

4. Will the geothermal system replace the current system?

m Yesm No

5. How old is the existing furnace or boiler that is being used to heat/cool the production facility?

m Less than 5 years oldm 5-10 years oldm 11-20 years oldm 21-30 years oldm More than 30 years old

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

6. What is the efficiency rating of your current system?

m Less than 65 per centm 65 per cent to 69.9 per centm 70 per cent to 74.9 per centm 75 per cent to 79.9 per centm More than 80 per cent

7. What is the area of the production facility where the new system will be installed (provide units, e.g., sq.ft., sq. m., etc.)?

m A15 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through on-farm energy efficiency and energy conservation measureAnswer ONLY the questions that relate to the proposed project.


1. What was your rating (from Worksheet 14, Question 7 in your EFP workbook) for heated or cooled farm buildings?

m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4

2. I am applying for (select one):

m Sealing, caulking and weather strippingm Improving vapour barriersm Energy efficient windows or doorsm Cool roofs (i.e., ceramic paint coating for roofs of attic-ventilated livestock barns)m Solar air heating (i.e., panels and siding)m Energy efficient exhaust fansm Natural/dual ventilationm High-volume low-speed (HVLS) fansm Energy efficient circulating fansm Energy efficient ventilation fans which are separate from a heat exchangerm Efficient mechanical ventilation systems

3. What is the area of the production facility where the project will be implemented (include units, eg. sq. ft., sq. m, etc.)?

Answer ONLY the questions that pertain to the proposed project (based on question 2 above):

Building envelope upgrades (sealing, caulking, weather stripping, vapour barriers, energy efficient door/windows)

4. What type of production facility is building envelope upgrades being installed in (check all that apply)?

o Greenhouse production area (where crops are grown)o Greenhouse packing areao Poultryo Beefo Dairyo Swineo Other livestock production area (specify)

o Other crop production area (specify crop)

o Other (specify)

5. How many new windows/doors are you upgrading through your project?

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

6. How old is your current building envelope or when was it last upgraded?

m Less than 5 years oldm 5-9 years oldm 10-19 years oldm 20-29 years oldm 30 years old or more

Ventilation upgrades with a fan

4. What size is your current fan(s)?

m Less than 18 inchesm 18-20 inchesm 21-22 inchesm 24-26 inchesm 27-36 inchesm 48-49 inchesm 50-53 inchesm 54-59 inchesm 60-62 inchesm More than 62 inches

5. How many fans are you replacing?

m 1-4 fansm 5-9 fansm 10-14 fansm 15-20 fansm More than 20 fans

6. How often are the fans used in this production facility?

m 12 months of the yearm 8-11 months of the yearm 4-7 months of the yearm Less than 4 months of the year

7. How many hours per day are the fans operating (consider a typical day of use)?

m Less than 2 hoursm 2-5 hoursm 6-10 hoursm 11-15 hoursm 16-20 hoursm More than 20 hours/day or all the time

8. Are you installing a fan that meets all applicable codes, standards, safety and regulatory requirements including, but not limited to, CSA/UL/CUL, and is the fan you are installing rated by the BESS or AMCA laboratories to the ASABE EP566 standard? (To confirm if your fan meets this standard, consult the BESS website or consult the Independent Electricity System Operator – SaveONEnergy website

m Yesm No

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

Solar air heating, answer the following questions:

4. My current heating system for this production facility uses (check all that apply):

o Natural gaso Propaneo Electrico Oilo Wood burning/biomasso Geothermalo Solar air heatingo Other (specify)

o No current heating system

5. What is the area of the production facility where the project will be implemented (include units, e.g. sq. ft., sq. m, etc.)?

Cool roof (i.e. ceramic paint coatings for roofs of attic-ventilated livestock barns)

4. My livestock barn currently has the following (check all that apply):

o Old, worn-out coating of ceramic paint to cool the roofo No energy saving features included in the roofing material (describe):

5. What is the area of the production facility where the project will be implemented (include units, e.g. sq.ft., sq. m, etc.)?

6. How old is the livestock barn roof that is being upgraded?

m Less than 2 years oldm 2-5 years oldm 6-10 years oldm 11-20 years oldm More than 20 years old


1. I am applying for (select one):

m Project for maple syrup: reverse osmosis systemsm Project for maple syrup production: high efficiency evaporatorsm Solar water heaterm Biomass water heaterm High efficiency electric heaterm Tankless water heater (differential cost)m Water bowls – energy efficient or energy-freem Creep heat pads and heat pad controllersm Cooling air recoverym Refrigeration heat recoverym Waste water heat recovery

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

Answer ONLY the questions that pertain to your project (based on question 1 above):

Maple syrup production (reverse osmosis or high efficiency evaporators)

2. What is your current method for removing water from collected sap?

m Reverse osmosis system used to concentrate sugar content of sap/remove waterm High efficiency evaporatorm Wood-fired evaporatorm Oil-fired evaporatorm Propane- fired evaporatorm Natural gas-fired evaporatorm Sap pre-heated used steam from evaporator panm Evaporator system using other form of energy (specify)

3. What volume of maple syrup do you produce in a typical season from your farm operation?

m Less than 500 litresm 500-999 litresm 1000-4,999 litresm More than 5000 litres

Water heaters

2. How old is your current water heater(s)?

m Less than 5 years oldm 5-10 years oldm 11-20 years oldm 21-30 years oldm More than 30 years old

3. What method of heating water do you currently use (check all that apply)?

o Electrical (low efficiency)o Natural gaso Propaneo Solaro Biomasso Tankless water heatero No water heater

4. How many water heater units are you upgrading in your project?

m 1m 2-5m More than 5

Heat recovery (wastewater heat recover, cooling air recovery, etc.)

2. How old is your current recovery system (waste water heat recovery, cooling air recovery, etc.)

m Less than 2 years oldm 2-5 years oldm 6-10 years oldm More than 10 years oldm I do not currently have a recovery system on my farm operation

3. How often will the recovery system be used in this production facility?

m 12 months of the yearm 8-11 months of the yearm 4-7 months of the yearm Less than 4 months of the year

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

4. How many hours per day will the recovery system be operating (considering a typical day of use)?

m Less than 2m 2-5m 6-10m 11-15m 16-20m More than 20 or all the time

Upgrading water bowls

2. What is the wattage of your current water bowl heaters?

m Less than 150 wattsm 150-199 wattsm 200-299 wattsm 300-399 wattsm More than 400 wattsm I do not currently have water bowl heaters for my farm operation

3. How many water bowls are you upgrading in your projects?

m Less than 5m 5-10m 11-20m More than 20

Creep heaters

2. What system do you currently use to provide heat for your livestock (check all that apply)?

o Electrico Natural gaso Propaneo Infrared radiant tube heaters used in targeted areaso Geothermalo Solar airo I do not currently have a supplemental heating system for my farm operation

3. How many creep heaters will you be installing?

m Less than 10m 10-24m 25-40m More than 40

Heating and water heating project (not already described above)

2. For all other projects in this grouping, describe your current system being replaced (size, number, efficiency rating if known, etc):

3. My proposed new system is more efficient because (describe size, number, efficiency ratings from manufacturer, etc.):

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:


1. What was your rating (from Worksheet 14, Question 8 in your EFP workbook) for refrigerated storage efficiency/maintenance?

m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4

2. I am applying for (select one):

m Pre-cooling (Plate coolers, refrigeration heat recover/re-claimer)m Higher efficiency refrigeration compressorsm Variable speed vacuum pumpsm Variable speed milk transfer pumpsm Scroll compressorm Electronic controllers

3. What is the horsepower (HP) of your current system?

m 5 or less HPm More than 5 HP but less than 30 HPm More than 30 HP but less than 100 HPm More than 100 HP

4. What is the horsepower rating of your new system?

m 5 or less HPm More than 5 HP but less than 30 HPm More than 30 HP but less than 100 HPm More than 100 HP


1. What was your rating (from Worksheet 14, Question 3 in your EFP workbook) for type of lighting you are upgrading?

m 1 (all incandescent)m 2 (T-12 Fluorescent)m 3 (Compact Fluorescent)m 4 (T-5 or T-8 fluorescent lighting with high efficient ballast or high intensity discharge with electronic dimming or

LED lights or Induction lights)

2. I am applying for (select one):

m Lighting controls to switch lighting in response to available daylight, daylight harvestingm Dimmable T8 fluorescent and controlsm Dimmable high intensity discharge (HID) lighting and controlsm Energy efficient lighting systemsm Premium/high efficiency T8 or T5 (fixtures only)m Induction lightingm LED lighting

3. What is the wattage of your current light fixtures being replaced?

m Less than 10 wattsm 10-39 wattsm 40-59 wattsm 60-79 wattsm 80-100 wattsm More than 100 wattsm Not applicable – my project involves lighting controls to switch light in response to available daylight, not replacement

of current fixture/lighting system

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

4. How many light bulbs (wattage selected in question 3 above) does each of your current fixtures have?

m 1m 2-5m More than 5m Not applicable – my project involves lighting controls to switch light in response to available daylight, not replacement

of current fixture/lighting system

5. What is the wattage of your new lightbulbs being installed through this project?

m Less than 10 wattsm 10-39 wattsm 40-59 wattsm 60-79 wattsm 80-100 wattsm More than 100 wattsm Not applicable – my project involves lighting controls to switch light in response to available daylight, not replacement

of current fixture/lighting system

6. How many light bulbs does each of your new fixtures have?

m 1m 2-5m More than 5m Not applicable – my project involves lighting controls to switch light in response to available daylight, not replacement

of current fixture/lighting system

7. How many light fixtures are you replacing as part of your project?

m Less than 5m 5-19m 20-29m More than 30m Not applicable – my project involves lighting controls to switch light in response to available daylight, not replacement

of current fixture/lighting system

8. How often are the lights used in this production facility?

m 12 months of the yearm 8-11 months of the yearm 4-7 months of the yearm Less than 4 months of the year

9. How many hours per day are the light fixtures you are replacing turned on/operating (considering a typical day of use)?

m Less than 2m 2-5m 6-10m 11-15m 16-20m More than 20 or all the time

10. What is the area of the production facility where the new lighting will be used (provide units, e.g., sq. ft., sq. m., etc.)?


1. I am applying for (select one):

m Variable frequency drive(s) (VFD) for electric motor(s)m High efficiency electric motor(s) replacing existing non-efficient motor(s)

2. On what piece of equipment are you replacing the motor on (e.g., irrigation pump, ventilation fan)?

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

3. What is the horsepower of your current motor?

m  5 or less HPm  More than 5 HP but less than 30 HPm  More than 30 HP but less than 100 HPm  More than 100 HP

4. How many motors of this size are you upgrading in your project?

m  2 or lessm  3-5m  6-10m  11 or more

5. What is the horsepower rating of your new motor(s)?

m  5 or less HPm  More than 5 HP but less than 30 HPm  More than 30 HP but less than 100 HPm  More than 100 HP

6. What type of flow control method does your current system /motors use?

m  Variable frequency drivem  Inlet Guide vane (fan motors)m  Outlet damper (fan motors)m  Fan curve (fan motors)m  Bypass damper (fan motors)m  No controlm  Discharge valve (pumps)m  Bypass value (pumps)

7. What type of flow control method will your new system/motors use?

m  Variable frequency drivem  Inlet Guide vane (fan motors)m  Outlet damper (fan motors)m  Fan curve (fan motors)m  Bypass damper (fan motors)m  No controlm  Discharge valve (pumps)m  Bypass value (pumps)

8. How often are the motor(s) used in this production facility?

m  12 months of the yearm  8-11 months of the yearm  4-7 months of the yearm  Less than 4 months of the year

9. How many hours per day are the motor(s) you are replacing turned on/operating (considering a typical day of use)?

m  Less than 2m  2-5m  6-10m  11-15m  16-20m  More than 20 or all the time

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:


1. My current method of controlling drying operation is manual control (operator turns on/off).

m  Yesm  No

If no, describe current method used to control drying operations:

2. What was your rating (from Worksheet 14, Question 10 in your 4th edition EFP workbook or Worksheet 14, Question 9 in your 3rd Edition EFP) for high temperature drying?

m  1 m 2 m 3 m 4

3. What size is the motor running the fan drying the grain in your storage (in horsepower)?

4. What size is your grain storage bin where this equipment will be used (in tonnes or bushels, specify unit selected)?

m A16 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and benefitting soil health and water quality through equipment modifications

Tillage equipment modification and crop residue improvement projects:

1. I am applying for (equipment must not be currently used on the farm operation) (select one):

m  Specialized components to modify existing tillage equipment for strip tillm  Upgrading tillage equipment to a new strip till unit (complete unit purchase)*m  Specialized components to modify existing tillage equipment for no-tillm  Upgrading tillage equipment to a new no-till unit (complete unit purchase)*m  Crop residue improvements (e.g., row cleaners, roller crimpers, trash whippers)

*Cost-share funding is based on differential cost of new unit and cost of current or conventional equipment.

2. How many acres will the modified equipment be used on in a typical cropping season?

m  Less than 100 acresm  100-249 acresm  250-499 acresm  More than 500

3. Choose a description of the topography of your farm sites that will be impacted by this project (e.g. where the proposed equipment will be used) (potential for tillage erosion, Worksheet 15, Question 3 from your EFP workbook):

m  Complex and/or steep (slope classes E, e, F, f; greater than 5 per cent)m  Gentle or undulating (slope class C, c, D, d; 2 to 5 per cent)m  Gentle sloping with simple one-direction slopes (slope class B; less than 2 per cent)m  Generally flat (slope class A, B; less than 2 per cent)

4. What was your rating (from Worksheet 15, Question 1 in your EFP workbook) on the potential for water erosion from your project site?

m  1-Very Low m 2-Low m 3-Moderate m 4-High

5. What was your rating (from Worksheet 15, Question 2 in your EFP workbook) on the potential for wind erosion from your project site?

m  1-Very Low m 2-Low m 3-Moderate m 4-High

6. What was your rating (from Worksheet 15, Question 4 in your EFP workbook) on the evidence of sheet erosion and/or tillage erosion?

m  1-Very Low m 2-Low m 3-Moderate m 4-High

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

7. What is your current amount of tillage (from Worksheet 15, Question 15 in your EFP workbook)?

m 1 More than 4 passesm 2 3-4 tillage passesm 3 1-2 tillage passes, up to 1 year in 3 of conservation tillage, with no-till in the remaining yearsm 4 No till system or tillage/planting systems that disturb no more than 1/3 of soil surface yearly

8. What is your rating (from Worksheet 15, Question 17 in your EFP workbook) on soil disturbance influence on soil erosion?

m 1 Tillage or harvesting systems disturb significant amounts of soilm 2 Tillage causes moderate disturbancem 3 No-till or low disturbance planting systemm 4 No primary tillage, secondary tillage or inter-row cultivation or fields in permanent crop


1. I am applying for (equipment must not be currently used on the farm operation) (select one):

m Specialized components to modify existing nutrient application equipment to enable banding orvariable/controlled rate application

m Upgrading to a new unit to enable banding or variable / controlled rate applications (complete unit purchase)*m Upgrading nutrient application equipment to a new fertilizer cart unit to be used with an existing strip till unit

(complete unit purchase)**Cost-share funding is based on differential cost of new unit and cost of current or conventional

2. How many acres will the modified equipment be used on in a typical cropping season?

m Less than 100 acresm 100-249 acresm 250-499 acresm More than 500

3. Choose a description of the topography of your farm sites that will be impacted by this project (e.g. where the proposedequipment will be used) (potential for tillage erosion, Worksheet 15, Question 3 from your EFP workbook):

m Complex and/or steep (slope classes E, e, F, f; greater than 5 per cent)m Gentle or undulating (slope class C, c, D, d; 2 to 5 per cent)m Gentle sloping with simple one-direction slopes (slope class B; less than 2 per cent)m Generally flat (slope class A, B; less than 2 per cent)

4. What was your rating (from Worksheet 15, Question 1 in your EFP workbook) on the potential for water erosion fromyour project site?

m 1-Very Low m 2-Low m 3-Moderate m 4-High

5. What was your rating (from Worksheet 16, Question 7 in your 4th edition EFP workbook or Worksheet 16, Question 8 inyour 3rd edition EFP workbook ) on the timing of nitrogen application for your typical crop rotations?

m 1 Nitrogen is applied in the fall or winterm 2 Nitrogen is applied more than two weeks before planting or after the time when the crop can absorb it bestm 3 All nitrogen is applied at one time, either: less than two weeks before planting or using as side-dress applicationm 4 Nitrogen is applied just before the time the crop can absorb it best, and crops that need a large amount of nitrogen

get more than one application, and side-dress rates are adjusted for crop conditions

6. What was your rating (from Worksheet 16, Question 7 in your EFP 4th edition workbook ) on the timing of phosphorusapplication for your typical crop rotations?

m 1 Broadcast applications of phosphorus in the fall or winter and not incorporatedm 2 Broadcast applications of phosphorus in the fall or winter and incorporated OR Broadcast application of phosphorus

in the spring and not incorporatedm 3 All applications of phosphorus are broadcast and incorporated in the spring, except applications to foragesm 4 Phosphorus is banded at or immediately before planting or with seed/pop-up

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Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

7. What was your rating (from Worksheet 16, Question 11, in your 4th edition workbook or Question 6 in your 3rd editionworkbook) for application system used for inorganic sources of fertilizer?

m 1 None of the nutrients applied are incorporatedm 2 Less than half of the fertilizer applied to tilled crops is incorporated or fertilizer is surface applied on sloping landm 3 Most fertilizers are incorporated within 24 hours or fertilizers are surface applied only on level fields, away from

watercoursesm 4 All fertilizers are incorporated by banding or tillage within 24 hours (except for established forages) or broadcast

over solid-seeded crops

8. When applying fertilizers (inorganic sources/commercial) which statement best describes the distance that is maintainedfrom surface water and how you currently apply fertilizer (select one):

m Surface applied less than 13 m (43 ft)m Injected, or placement in a band below the soil surface less than 3 m (10 ft)m Materials are incorporated within 24 hours of application less than 3 m (10 ft)m Materials are applied to land covered with a living crop, less than 3 m (10 ft)m Materials are applied to land with a crop residue cover of at least 30 per cent, less than 3 m (10 ft)m Surface applied more than 13 m (43 ft)m Injected, or placement in a band below the soil surface more than 3 m (10 ft)m Materials are incorporated within 24 hours of application more than 3 m (10 ft)m Materials are applied to land covered with a living crop, more than 3 m (10 ft)m Materials are applied to land with a crop residue cover of at least 30 per cent, more than 3 m (10 ft)


1. What was your rating (from Worksheet 1, Table 4 in your EFP workbook) for the potential for surface water contaminationfor the site where this equipment will be used?

m 1-Very Low m 2-Low m 3-Moderate m 4-High

2. What was your rating (from Worksheet 1, Table 5, in your EFP workbook) for the potential for soil compaction, consideringthe most dominant type of soil on the farm operation where this equipment will be used?

m 1-Very Low m 2-Low m 3-Moderate

3. After the crop is established in a typical growing season, how would you describe crop growth on your fields where theproposed equipment will be used?

m Crop growth is uniform across my fieldsm Some parts of the field have uneven crop growthm Crop growth is variable or I don’t know

4. Considering your crop rotation, in a typical year, how would you describe the crop yield(relative to the county or geo-township average)?

m 1 Above average yieldm 2 Yield is equal to or in the middle of average yield for my aream 3 Yield is below averagem 4 I don’t know how my crop yield compares

5. What practices do you currently use to reduce soil compaction? (check all that apply)

o Limit frequency of traffic on the field (free passes)o Limit traffic to specific areas (tramlines, headland loading only, etc.)o Able to avoid traffic in the field when conditions are not suitable/flexibility in harvest dates of crops grown (e.g. wet soil)o Trucks and wagons are kept off the field or limited to the headlandso Use of radial, large diameter tires, duals or track systemo Limit load of equipment in fields to less than 5 tonnes per axleo Limit load of equipment in fields to more than 5 tonnes but less than 9 tonnes per axle

Name: Farm Name: FBRN:

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By signing below, I declare the information submitted on this form to be true, accurate, and complete, and that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant.

Name (please print)


Farm Name

