Greenhouse Project Interim Report


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  • 7/27/2019 Greenhouse Project Interim Report











  • 7/27/2019 Greenhouse Project Interim Report


    Contract/Project/Job Number _____












    JULY 2013

  • 7/27/2019 Greenhouse Project Interim Report



    Protected cultivation is a unique and specialized form of agriculture. The intent is grow

    crops where otherwise they could not survive by modifying the natural environment to

    prolong the harvest period, often with earlier maturity, to increase yields, improve

    quality, enhance the stability of production, and make commodities available when

    there is no outdoor production. Greenhouse is one type of protected cultivation

    technique. We have been assigned to carry out market survey of 5 districts of Gujarat,

    by doing which we will be able to find out success and failure probabilities of

    greenhouses implemented during 2010-2013 in Gujarat. Currently there are around 850

    greenhouses in Gujarat and expanding at a high rate. We have till date conducted

    interview of around 25 people from different districts and we able to see common

    problems such as, not availing expected price in market and spreading of diseases

    which have no cure. After analyzing the data from the surveys we will be able to spot

    many other problems and then will try to provide probable solutions by discussing with

    our company guide

  • 7/27/2019 Greenhouse Project Interim Report



    What is protected agriculture?

    1. It is anything that helps growers control elements such as rain, snow , heat, cold ,humidity, wind , dust , pests etc.

    2. It is defined as a permanent structure covering a field, whether its made of

    glass, plastic, or shade-net

    What is a Greenhouse?

    The term greenhouse refers to a structure covered with a transparent

    material for the purpose of admitting natural light for plant growth. The structure is,

    usually, heated artificially and differs from other growing structures.

    Greenhouse effect:-

    In a greenhouse with illumination from the sun, heat enters the house with little of it

    escaped as the glass/plastic traps it. The temperature inside the house is much higher

    than outside air. Plants grown there can have more warmth and healthier. This effect is

    greenhouse effect.

    Advantages of Greenhouse:-

    One can grow crop under controlled environment and throughout the year four to

    five crops can be grown due to availability of required conditions.

    Helps in increasing productivity and superior quality of produce

    Various inputs like water, fertilizer, seeds and plants protection chemicals can be

    controlled and easily passed to plants.

    Pests and diseases can be controlled in greenhouse.

    Export quality can be produced

    Limited use of water.

    Can be integrated with controllers and artificial intelligence.

    Production in a greenhouse increases yield by threefold when compared with

    conventional farming.

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    Production in a greenhouse improves the quality of the produce by at least 50%.

    The output is disease free and conforms to the international hygiene standards.

    Production in a greenhouse reduces the harvesting period by half.

    Minimizing the command area optimizes land mass utilization.

    Any crop can be produced at any time, irrespective of the conditions prevailing

    outside the greenhouse, by simulating/creating the required environmental


    The ability to market more steady supplies is better because protected

    agriculture products are not as susceptible to harsh weather.

    We have prepared a questionnaire for greenhouse/net house owners. This

    questionnaire is meant to collect detailed information of farmer, crop cultivation details,

    and technical details of greenhouse and market of the produce. In the survey, we will

    find out whether farmer had undergone training prior to implementation of the

    greenhouse or not. If they are trained then, we will try to find out answers to, what type

    of training was provided to them, by which organization/agency was it conducted? We

    will also compare trained farmers yield and un-trained farmers yield. This will help our

    organization in starting new training programmes. In technical details, we will check the

    level of satisfaction of farmers for services provided by Greenhouse manufacturing


    EC(Electrical Conductivity)-pH are the critical parameter required to be maintained for

    better yield of greenhouse crops, therefore we are also going check the knowledge and

    methods employed by farmers for EC-pH controlling. EC-pH of soil and water is to be

    maintained at a certain level for the growth of the crop.

    After the survey phase, we will analyze the collected data and will be able to map the

    current protected cultivation industry of Gujarat state. With the help of our organization,

    Neel Agrotech Pvt. Ltd, we are planning to find out solutions which can increase

    farmers satisfaction, production yields and in turn increase their profit.

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    Literature Review

    Industry of floriculture around the world:-

    The world floriculture industry is in a state of unrest, with drastic changes in supply and

    demand positions. New markets as well as new suppliers are emerging and

    disappearing in short span of time. The growth potential of the industry though affected

    significantly by the recent global economic crisis; nevertheless, the global exports has

    been growing at an annual average growth rate of 10.3 percent, and at this growth rate

    world exports are expected to reach US$ 25 billion by 2013.

    The world floriculture trade is characterized by a high degree of concentration by

    product and sources. Developed countries in Europe, America, and Asia account for

    more than 90 percent of the total world trade in floriculture products. International trade

    in floriculture, to a large extent is organized along the regional lines. Asia-Pacific

    countries are the main suppliers to Japan and Hong Kong. African and other European

    countries are the principal suppliers to Europe's main markets, and the supplies to the

    USA are mainly catered by Colombia and Ecuador. Further, traditionally, international

    trade in flowers has been considerably governed by bilateral/multilateral agreements

    and tariffs and quotas such as Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), MostFavored Nation (MFN) tariff rates, NAFTA etc.

    Estimates of the annual consumption of commercially grown flowers worldwide vary by

    source and range from US$ 40 - 60 billion. On the demand side, around 80 percent of

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    global demand of flowers with improvements in quality of planting material,

    infrastructure, training programmes in production, harvesting and post-harvest

    management techniques, product diversification, improving product availability and

    quality, and backed by adequate marketing support. (Ladha, 2012)

    Types of Greenhouses:-

    Various types of greenhouse are designed to meet specific needs, cost and application.

    (S.prasad, 2007)

    Greenhouses based on shape:-

    Lean to type greenhouse

    Even span type greenhouse

    Uneven span type greenhouse Ridge and Furrow type greenhouse

    Saw tooth type greenhouse

    Quonset Greenhouse

    Greenhouse types based on utility:-

    Greenhouse for active cooling

    Greenhouse for active heating

    Greenhouse based on Construction:-

    Wooden Framed structures

    Pipe Framed structure

    Truss Framed Structure

    Greenhouse based on Covering material:-

    Glass Greenhouse

    Plastic Film Greenhouse

    Rigid Panel Greenhouse

    Thing to be taken care of for implementing a Greenhouse:-


    Topography of land

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    Labour Supply

    Accessibility of site

    Availability of water


    Types Shade/Net-house: Cost Effective Solutions in Protected Agriculture

    Shade Net-house (Flat Roof)

    Low cost solution in protected cultivation. Variety of covering material options as per

    need. Suitable for wide varieties of cultivation, nursery, research applications

    Shade Net-house (Gothic Arch)

    Low cost solution in protected cultivation. Variety of covering material options as per

    need. Suitable for wide varieties of cultivation, nursery and research applications.

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    Temperature controlling systems:-

    Accurate temperature control in greenhouse is required because desired productivity

    and best growth of plants occurs within limit of particular temperature range.

    Thermometers must be located in the greenhouse at plant level and in sufficient number

    so that accurate data can be fetched. For young plants, thermometer should be placed

    near ground level.

    1. Manual controlling:-

    A person checks the temperature and remove side curtains accordingly for air

    circulation. By this temperature is manually controlled.

    2. Fan Pad evaporative cooling system:-This system is very effective in controlling temperature. Water is passed through

    a pad that is placed vertically in the wall. Traditionally the pad was composed of

    excelsior(wood shreds), but today it is commonly made of a cross-fluted cellulose

    material somewhat similar in appearance to cardboard. Exhaust fans are placed

    on opposite wall. Warm air outside is drawn in through the pad. Water in the pad,

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    through the process of evaporation, absorbs heat from surrounding pad and

    frame as well as from the air passing through the pad.

    Forced Ventilation Greenhouse with Fans & Cooling Pads. Best suited for High

    Value commercial cultivation, Tissue Culture, Research and Experiments.

    Provides Complete climate control.

    3. Fog evaporative cooling system:-

    It is operated on the same cooling principle as fan pad system. A high pressure

    pumping apparatus generates fog containing water droplets with mean size of

    less than 10 microns. These droplets are sufficiently small to stay in the air while

    they are evaporating. Fog is dispersed throughout the greenhouse , cooling the

    air everywhere. Generally, this systems are used in are of Gujarat.

    Fertigation System:-

    Fertigation Control system is a highly advanced technique of water and fertilizer

    management in Agriculture. It ensures about the right water quantity with right fertilizer

    proportion at right time, without manual efforts and labour, with an automated

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    mechanism. The computer operates your irrigation and Fertigation schedule through

    your existing drip or sprinkler irrigation system.

    Most important Part of Automated Fertigation system are Control Valves

    Solenoid control valves for automatic irrigation operations, AC & DC Models, with flexibility of fitting, size, assembly

    and application

    Greenhouse Climate Control

    To provide required climate to the crop, greenhouse comprises climate control. Parameters under control will be

    Temperature, Humidity, Light Intensity, Photo Active Radiance (PAR), CO2, and other irrigation parameters. For the

    same Fan & Pad system, Fogging, Shade net, are controlled with sensor feedback

    Greenhouse Curtain Automation

    In Naturally Ventilated greenhouses Installation of Side Rolling Curtains and Automation

    for the same facilitates the climate control.

    Shade-net Automation

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    Light Intensity inside the greenhouses can be controlled with Automatic Internal

    Shadenet movement. A sensor based mechanism is installed to regulate the operations

    for shade net to control light. (Neel Agrotech Pvt. Ltd., 2010)

    Overview on Diesease Nematode:-

    Nematodes are known as thread worms. The varied effects of nematodes on plants are

    physiological, cellular and molecular levels have not been precisely defined, though

    severe epidemics caused by plant parasitic nematodes have shattered the world

    economy in past.

    Generally in vegetable (especially cucumbers) root-knot disease is found in India.

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    Symptoms: Specific symptoms include knots on roots which look like beaded roots. By

    observing the root one cannot see adult female since it is found completely inside the

    roots. The egg mass can be seen within knots which contain 200-500 eggs. The above

    ground symptoms comprise chlorosis, wilting, stunning and smalling of leaf and fruit.

    Causal organism: Root-knot Nematode.

    Host Range:It is polyphagous. It can infect more than 3,000 host plants belonging to all

    plats families.


    1. Deep summer ploughing: Two to three deep summer ploughing in May and Juneat the interval of 15 days have been found effective in minimizing the nematode

    populations. Polythene mulching is effective.

    2. Use of carbofuran 3G@1-2 kg a.i./ha is effective.

    3. Hot water treatment for infested plant material at 50 c for 10 min is effective.

    4. Susceptible varieties should be replaces with genetically resistant ones.

    (S.prasad, 2007)

    Wholesale or Retail?

    Opportunities exist in both retail and wholesale growing. Generally, retail growing works

    best if you enjoy working with people and helping them satisfy their needs and wants.

    Wholesale growing is more feasible if a suitable retail location is unavailable or if you

    have figured out some way of providing a needed wholesale product and delivering it to

    your customers.

    Retail growing and selling directly to the customer is the easiest area to break into at

    present because growers can obtain higher prices for their products at the retail level.

    Retail growing requires an area on a paved road which is easy to find and within a

    reasonably large population center.

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    Wholesale production can take several forms. Wholesale growers almost always

    deliver their product to their retail customers, so transportation logistics becomes an

    important part of the challenge required to succeed as a wholesale grower.The

    customers may be retail greenhouses or florists, grocery stores, chain stores, Many

    wholesale growers set up truck routes and stop by their customers businesses weekly

    during the busy spring season.

    Presently this wholesale market area appears to be overproducing, and product prices

    have been falling during recent years. Very large regional growers are emerging with 10

    to 20 acres of production. There may be opportunity to play in this market by becoming

    a wholesale contract grower. You might contract your production to one of the larger

    firms in the area and produce one or more specific product types at a predeterminedprice.

    The wholesale florist grower is the traditional wholesale grower in the industry, Florist

    growers usually produce a very high quality product and a wide assortment of flowers.

    They have scheduled production with items ready for market every week during the

    year. (University of Arkansas, 2011)

    A look to the future

    The inability of people to predict the weather and control the climate persists. This

    is accompanied by a rising population with increasing numbers of affluent and

    demanding people who insist on improved diets. Coupled with the above are limitations

    of land, water, energy, mineral nutrients, and the need for improved management of all

    resources. Thus, we will likely see a continuing increase in the extent and dispersion of

    protected cultivation throughout the world. Only within the past 2 decades have

    greenhouses, rowcovers, and plastic soil mulches attracted the attention of

    agriculturally developing countries in Asia, South America, and Africa. In the United

    States and Europe, protected cultivation commands the attention and interest of the

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    professional and amateur gardener. For horticulturists, foresters, crop, and other

    scientists, it provides a site for testing and verification of new technologies for open field

    culture. There will be new developments in the use of plastic and glass as covers for

    greenhouses. The Dutch are successfully developing new glass structures for

    improved transmission of sunlight. Innovations in the use of plastic for non-heated

    structures in the tropics and semi-tropics will appear. Biodegradable and light-

    degradable plastics will make their use more environmentally compatible.

    The development of intelligent films will open new perspectives to protected

    cultivation .There will be films that limit the transmission of infrared solar radiation (700-

    900 mm), thereby reducing the greenhouse effect in tropical areas, where limiting the air

    temperature may be desirable, or films that reconvert the radiation from the

    photosynthetically inactive wave lengths of the solar energy spectrum into improved

    crop productivity. (Wittwer, 1995)

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    7. What kind of services do you expect for company to provide you?

    Initial capital cost: Subsidy from Govt.:

    Loan amount _______________from which bank and branch____________________

    Repayment is done or not? What is repayment schedule?

    Did you hired any consultant for subsidy procedures? (If yes provide details)

    Were you forced to fulfill any type of monetary demands from Govt. officers? How much?

    Do you have any insurance cover for your Greenhouse?

    If yes then you bought it through installation company or directly?

    If government is not going to give any subsidy, would you adopt this technology?

    Are you associated with any agricultural associations?

    Greenhouse Details(Technical):-



    First Second Third Fourth

    Implementation year



    in meter OR

    Total Area in sqaure


    Gutter height (m)

    Operating cost

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    House Type:

    Which of the following attributes does your greenhouse has?

    Self -Ventilated Design Drip Irrigation

    EC-pH controller(fertigation) Sprinklers

    Temperature controlled

    Do you:

    a) Test your irrigation water for alkalinity and mineral content on an annual basis?

    b) Adjust fertilizer or irrigation practices based on the results of growing media tests?

    EC-pH of soil & water:

    Type of soil: _______________________

    Local Soil (yes or no) If no then from where and why? _____________________

    Raised bed? : Know Hydroponics?:

    Crop Details:-

    Type of water source:

    Canal Lake Borewell Other__________

    Availability of 24hr Electricity Y / N

    Do you have a 24-hr power under Govt. GH scheme? Tariff per unit: _____________

    Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5

    Crop Name



    (plantation to


    Seed for GH or

    local (From


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    Support or



    No. of


    Labour rate

    Yield (per unit




    Reasons for

    this much yield

    Price earned in

    the market

    Do you know importance of EC-pH for this field?

    Any plan to change crop pattern in near future?

    Which are the crops you know that can be grown in greenhouse?


    1. Capsicums

    2. Tomatoes

    3. Cucumber

    4. Karela

    5. Parval

    6. Coriander

    7. Mint

    Fruits :

    1. Musk Melons

    2. Strawberries

    3. Water Melons


    1. Gerbera

    2. Roses

    Any other_____________

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    If you know about these crops then why didnt you implement them?

    What is the depth of the highest anticipated groundwater?

    Provide a complete listing of chemicals that are used in your greenhouse operations. This list

    should include the quantities and name of manufacturer.

    Use a 1 to 5 scale where 1=not important, 2=less important, 3=neutral, 4=important, 5=very


    Please indicate your level of interest in learning more about the following plant production.

    Climate Control 1 2 3 4 5 Fertigation and EC-pH control 1 2 3 4 5

    Disease management 1 2 3 4 5 Insect management 1 2 3 4 5

    Water quality 1 2 3 4 5 Managing wastewater 1 2 3 4 5

    Nutritional management 1 2 3 4 5 Plant growth regulators 1 2 3 4 5

    Reducing pesticide use 1 2 3 4 5 Other _______________

    What parameters will help you to expand?

    Money Marketing Yields Transportation Labour Agro-help


    Export or Local Market?

    Where do you sell greenhouse produce? ____________________________

    If you Dont Export then what are the reasons that restrict you from Exporting produce?

    Mode of transport to the market:

    Cost of transport to the market:

    Do you avail any help from Govt. agency for crop development?

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  • 7/27/2019 Greenhouse Project Interim Report


    We have surveyed and interviewed almost 27 greenhouse/net-house owners in different

    regions of Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Mehsana and Kheda districts. We will conduct

    more interviews in this week for Sabarkantha district.We will be also doing telephonic

    interview in this week.

    From our survey done till now, we have some findings with greenhouse industry, which

    are listed below.

    Poor after sales service of greenhouse structure and drip companies

    Farmers who applied for subsidy in 2012-2013 years have not got their

    subsidy till now. So some of them have built structure but could not start

    farming due to lack of working capital.

    Produce market issue- Farmers generally sell their produce to Jamalpur,

    Ahmedabad where they are not getting proper price. Price fluctuation in

    high and due to brokerage, farmers are not benefited.

    Cost of fertilizer and pesticides is too high.

    Once diseases are there in a single plant, it spreads quickly in other


    Failure of crop due to diseases like nematodes, mites and thrips.

    Generally in almost all greenhouses, rust in nut-bolt is found. At Some

    places angles were also corroded.

    A major challenge greenhouse production faces is competition with field

    grown due to price and consumer comfort

    Economics of Gerbera in 4000 sq. m Polyhouse (1 acre)

    I. Capital Investment:

    1. Poly House Construction @Rs.800/sq mt Rs.32,00,000/

    2. Irrigation expenses Rs.8,00,000/-

    3. other equipments Rs.2,00,000/-

    Total one time investment Rs.42,00,000/- (A)

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    II. Cultivation Expenses:

    1. Planting materials 28000 plants @Rs. 30/plant Rs.8,40,000/-

    2. Bed Preparation Rs.1,50,500/-

    3. Fertilizers and pesticides Rs.3,00,000/-

    4. Labour Rs..3,75,000/-

    5. Packing & forwarding @ 10 paise per flower Rs.84,000/-

    Total no of flowers per year Rs. 8,40,000

    Total expenses first year Rs.17,49,000.00(B)

    III. Second year to fourth Expenses

    Rs. 9,09,000 x 3 Rs.27,27,000(C)

    IV. Average Yield 30 flowers/plant /year Rs. 8,40,000

    V. Average rate per flower @ Rs. 3 per year Rs. 25,20,000

    VI. Total income for 4 years Rs.1,00,80,000(D)

    VII. Total Expenses A+B+C Rs. 86,76,000(E)

    VIII. Gross profit at the end of 4th year Rs. 14,04,000

  • 7/27/2019 Greenhouse Project Interim Report


    BibliographyDrBharatShah. (n.d.). Director of Agriculture, Gujarat State. (P. Shah, Interviewer)

    Govt of Gujarat. (n.d.).Agriculture and Co-opeeration Department. Retrieved May 2013

    Govt. of Gujarat. (2012). Horticulture Dept. Subsidy Schemes.

    Ladha, D. S. (2012). FLORICULTURE : INTERNATIONAL MARKETS. Retrieved June 2013,


    Loraine Blaxter, C. H. (2010). How to Research. England: McGraw-Hill.

    Neel Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. (2010). Retrieved 2013, from Neel Agrotech Pvt. Ltd.:

    NIC. (n.d.). Hortnet. Retrieved May 2013, from

    Panj, M. F. (2013, May). Assistant Director of Horticulture.

    S.prasad, U. k. (2007). Greenghouse Management For Horticulture Crops.


    Retrieved June 2013, from


    University of Arkansas. (2011). Starting a Greenhouse Business.Agriculture and Natural

    Resources, p. 4.

    Wittwer, C. (1995). Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops Worldwide. 17.