Growing Carnivorous Plants



Livro sobre identificação e cultivo de plantas carnívoras

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  • CoverContentsPreface1 Our Fascination with Botanical Monsters2 Some Natural History3 Murderous Methods4 The Genus Aldrovanda5 The Genus Byblis6 The Genus Cephalotus7 The Genus Darlingtonia8 The Genus Dionaea9 The Genus Drosera10 The Genus Drosophyllum11 The Genus Genlisea12 The Genus Heliamphora13 The Genus Nephenthes14 The Genus Pinguicula15 The Genus Sarracenia16 The Genus Utricularia17 Other Carnivores and Noteworthy Plants18 Cultivation: Philosophy and Ingredients19 Deciding on a Location for Your Plants20 Advanced Topics in Cultivation21 Getting Out of the House22 ConservationAppendix and GlossaryBibliographyIndex
