Guardian Angels’ School Newsletter Parents... · Guardian Angels’ School Newsletter UPCOMING...


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Guardian Angels’ School



Thursday 2 June

Book Club orders close today

St Anthony’s Invitation Cross Country

Saturday 4 June

7pm Mums’ Night Out

Tuesday 7 June

Parent Seminar - All about Sleep

St Mary MacKillop, Birkdale Monday 13 June

Reports go home today.

Thursday 16 June

9am Whole School Mass

Wednesday 22 June

Cadbury chocolate money due today

Friday 24 June

Last Day Term 2

Monday 11 July

Term 3 Commences

Issue 17

From the Principal

As the mornings start to get a little cooler at last, it can be just a little

harder to get out of bed and ready for school. Please make an extra

effort to have your child at school on time. Remember, all children

need to be at school by 8.25am every day. It is quite disruptive to

classes when children arrive once lessons have commenced and the roll

has been marked. Even young children are uncomfortable and

embarrassed when they arrive late. It is an important life skill that we

all learn to be on time. We appreciate your cooperation with this.

A reminder also that if you need to collect your child from school

during the school day that you are required firstly to visit the office, on

either the Guardian Angels’ or Mt. Carmel campuses. There you must

sign your child out whilst the Office Staff contact the classroom to

notify the class teacher, who will send your child to the office for you to

collect. Thanks for assisting in these procedures which help us to

provide a safe environment for our students and staff.

During the June/July holidays three of our teachers will travel in the

footsteps of St. Francis. This wonderful opportunity, initiated in 2015,

builds understanding of, connections with, and a deeper relationship

with the Franciscan spirituality, one of the charisms associated with

Guardian Angels’ School. These lucky three, have won a scholarship to

visit Assisi, Rieti and Rome in a very busy two weeks which will coincide

with the school holidays at the end of this semester. This project is

jointly funded by our parish of Guardian Angels’ and our school.

Congratulations to Kathryn Bynon, Danielle Carroll and Tom Kirby on

your successful applications! These teachers will bring some of their

experience back to share with our community and especially our

school…….we look forward to their reflections next term.

Be sure to book your conference time with the class teachers over the

next few weeks. It is expected that all parents/carers attend these

important end of semester meetings. These conferences together with

the end of semester reports will provide a comprehensive summary of

each learners progress and areas on which to focus in Semester 2.

Lorraine Walker

2 June, 2016





Parish Priest

Lorraine Walker

Dawn Morrissey

Debbie Young

Nicole Waller

Fr John Spiteri


Absentee Line

Parish Office


3396 4486

3893 4133

3393 4980

0429 428 768


From the Assistant Principal Administration Parent Teacher Online (PTO) This online booking system for Parent conferences went live last Monday morning. All parents are asked to log on to the system as per the instructions in last week’s newsletter and book a suitable time for your conference. It is an expectation that all parents will make an interview time with their child’s teacher. Semester 1 Reports Reports will be sent home on Monday 13 June. The exception to this will be 4 Red, whose reports are going home earlier as Mrs Harrison is going on some well-deserved Long Service Leave. Teachers put a huge amount of time into writing class reports that will provide parents with timely and accurate information relating to their child’s progress throughout the semester. It is very important that parents and students focus on progress as well as achievement. It is also important to understand that gradings reflect a student’s achievement within the Achievement Standard from the National Curriculum in each learning area. The majority of students will receive a ‘C’, indicating that they are at the expected level for this time of year. A ‘C’ has a very different connotation than it once did, when it was regarded as ‘barely a pass’. Let us all celebrate ‘Cs’! Congratulations Caitlin! Last Friday Caitlin O’Keefe was offered, and has accepted, a teaching position at Lourdes Hill College from the commencement of next term. We are very excited for Caitlin as she pursues this next goal in her career, whilst at the same time acknowledging the great loss that Caitlin will be to our GA community. We are currently searching for an outstanding teacher to continue in the 6 Blue classroom for the remainder of the year. The successful applicant will certainly have big shoes to fill. Caitlin, thank you so much for your dedication, professionalism and approachability during your time here at Guardian Angels. Prep Confirmation of Enrolment Forms due tomorrow! A reminder that these forms are due tomorrow. It is most important that they are signed by BOTH parents. Have a great week everyone. Dawn Morrissey

From the Assistant Principal Religious Education Virtue This fortnight each class will be looking at the virtue of peacefulness. To be peaceful is to have an inner sense of calm. It comes especially in quiet moments of reflection or gratitude. Peacefulness is a way of approaching conflict with others so that no one is made wrong. It is being fair to others and yourself. Peace is giving up the love of power for the power of love. With peacefulness, everyone wins. We are practising peacefulness when we: Create inner peace with a regular time to pray,

meditate or reflect Use peaceful language even when you are angry Speak gently and respectfully Avoid harming anyone Appreciate differences Find peaceful solutions to every problem Feast of the Sacred Heart

This Friday 3 June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In this Year of Mercy this feast day is particularly important. The word ‘mercy’ is misericordiae in Latin, which means to open your heart to the misery of others. This feast day gives us a great opportunity to contemplate the merciful heart of Jesus.

A Prayer for the

Feast of the Sacred Heart of


Loving God,

In this Year of Mercy we honour the heart of


that is moved in love for all those in need.

Pour out upon us the power of your love

so that we may live in mercy for each other.

Open our hearts to receive the gifts that flow,

richly from the Heart of Christ.


Blessings for the coming week, Kind regards

Debbie Young


Aim High and Fly

Last week Caitlin Jamieson and Lucy Dalton participated in the Wynnum Manly Speech and Drama Eisteddfod. Both girls performed very well achieving the following results. Caitlin came 1st in the 9 years Humorous Verse,

2nd in the Impromptu Reading, 3rd in the Set Poem, 3rd in the Memorised Prose, and 3rd in the Character Recital.

Lucy came 1st in the 9 years Character Recital, and received a Highly Commended for the Set Poem.


Classroom News 5 Red

Sumdog Competition 5 Red has competed in Australia’s largest series of maths competitions in South East Queensland. The host of this series was a website called Sumdog which is a fun way to learn maths. There were 53 different classes and 5 Red came second. We also had 4 kids who finished in the top 10 out of 795 students. WOW! A great team effort 5 Red. By Jasmine Evans, Lucy Dalton, Laura Sherrard and Marina-Lia Prestidge.

Lost Anything?

MC Campus has 5 sets of keys in lost property. If you’re missing a set please drop in to the MC Office to check if yours are there.

Please remember to name all property brought to school. Check on washable items to make sure names haven't worn off in the wash.

Guidance News Last Thursday 26 May we had a very special visitor come to GA. Students from Prep to Year 3 had the opportunity to meet Ditto, the lion cub, from Bravehearts during the 'Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure' show.

The show addressed the following topics:

Yes and No Feelings

Warning Signs

Scared and Yucky Feelings

Private Parts and Privacy

It's OK to say NO if you don't feel safe

What to do if you feel unsafe or unsure

After the show students were given a workbook to take home and share with their families. We hope that the information shared by Ditto will help your child stay safe.


Guidance News

Why our children are so bored at school, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no real friends? Article by Victoria Prooday at

I am an occupational therapist with 10 years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers. I com-pletely agree with this teacher’s message that our children getting worse and worse in many aspects. I hear the same consistent message from every teacher I meet. Clearly, throughout my ten years as an Occupational Therapist, I have seen and continue to see a decline in kids’ social, emotional, academic functioning, as well as a sharp increase in learning disabilities and other diagnoses.

Today’s children come to school emotionally unavailable for learning and there are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this. As we know, the brain is malleable. Through environment we can make the brain “stronger” or make it “weaker”. I truly believe that with all our greatest intentions, we unfortunately remold our children’s brains in the wrong direction. Here is why…

1. Technology “Free babysitting service… the payment is waiting for you just around the corner”. We pay with our kids’ nerv-ous system, with their attention, and ability for delayed gratification. Compared to virtual reality, everyday life is boring. When kids come to the classroom, they are exposed to human voices and adequate visual stimula-tion as opposed to being bombarded with graphic explosions and special effects that they are used to seeing on the screens. After hours of virtual reality, processing information in a classroom becomes increasingly chal-lenging for our kids because their brains are getting used to the high levels of stimulation that video games pro-vide. The inability to process lower levels of stimulation leaves kids vulnerable to academic challenges. Tech-nology also disconnects us emotionally from our children and our families. Parental emotional availability is the main nutrient for child’s brain. Unfortunately, we are gradually depriving our children from that nutrient. 2. Kids get everything they want the moment they want “I am Hungry!!” “In a sec I will stop at drive thru” “I am Thirsty!” “Here is a vending machine”. “I am bored!” “Use my phone!” The ability to delay gratification is one of the key factors for future success. We have all the greatest intention in mind to make our children happy, but unfortunately, we make them happy at the mo-ment but miserable in a long term. To be able to delay gratification means to be able to function under stress. Our children are gradually becoming less equipped to deal with even minor stressors which eventually become huge obstacles to their success in life. The inability to delay gratification is often seen in classrooms, malls, res-taurants, and toy stores the moment the child hears “No” because parents have taught their“child’s brain” to get what it wants right away 3. Kids rule the world “My son doesn’t like vegetables” “She doesn’t like going to bed early” “He doesn’t like to eat breakfast” “She doesn’t like toys, but she is very good at her IPAD” “He doesn’t want to get dressed on his own” “She is too la-zy to eat on her own”. This is what I hear from parents all the time. Since when do children dictate to us how to parent them? If we leave it all up to them , all they are going to do is eat macaroni and cheese, bagel with cream cheese, watch TV, play on their tablets, and never go to bed. What good are we doing them by giving them what they WANT when we know that it is not GOOD for them? Without proper nutrition and a good night’s sleep, our kids come to school irritable, anxious, and inattentive. In addition, we send them the wrong message. They learn they can do what they want and not do what they don’t want. The concept of “need to do’ is absent. Unfortunately, in order to achieve our goals in our lives, we have to do what’s necessary which may not always be what we want to do. For example, if a child wants to be an A student, he needs to study hard. If he wants to be a successful soccer player, he needs to practice every day. Our children know very well what they want but have very hard time to do what is necessary to achieve that goal. This results in unattaina-ble goals and leaves the kids disappointed.


4. Endless Fun We created an artificial fun world for our children. There are no dull moments. The moment it becomes quiet, we run to entertain them again because otherwise we feel that we are not doing our parenting duty. We live in two separate worlds. They have their “fun “world and we have our “work” world. Why aren’t children helping us in the kitchen or with laundry? Why don’t they tidy up their toys? This is basic monotonous work that trains the brain to be workable and function under “boredom” which is the same “muscle” that is required to be eventually teachable at school. When they come to school and it is time for printing, their answer is “I can’t. It is too hard. Too boring” Why? Because the workable “muscle” is not getting trained through endless fun. It gets trained through work. 5. Limited social interaction We are all busy, so we give our kids digital gadgets and make them “busy” too. Kids used to play outside, where in unstructured natural environments, they learned and practiced their social skills. Unfortunately, technology replaced the outdoor time. Also, technology made the parents less available to socially interact with their kids. Obviously, our kids fall behind…the babysitting gadget is not equipped for social skill development. Most success-ful people are the ones who have great social skills. This is the priority! The brain is just like a muscle that is trainable and re-trainable. If you want your child to be able to bike, you teach him biking skills. If you want your child to be able to wait, you need to teach him patience. If you want your child to be able to socialize, you need to teach him social skills. The same applies to all the other skills. There is no difference!!

You can make a difference though in your child’s life by training your child’s brain so that your child will success-fully function on social, emotional, and academic levels. Here is how:

1. Limit technology, and instead re-connect with your kids emotionally Surprise them with flowers, share a smile, tickle them, put a love note in backpack or under their pillow, sur-

prise them by taking them out for lunch on a school day, dance together, crawl together, have pillow fights Have family dinners, board game nights, go biking, go to outdoor walks with flashlight in the evening 2. Train delay gratification Make them wait!!! It is ok to have “I am bored “ time – this is the first step to creativity Gradually increase the waiting time between “I want” and “I get”

Avoid technology use in cars and restaurants, and instead teach them waiting while talking and playing games

Limit constant snacking 3. Don’t be afraid to set the limits. Kids need limits to grow happy and healthy!! Make a schedule for meal times, sleep times, technology time

Think of what is GOOD for them- not what they WANT/DON’T WANT. They are going to thank you for that lat-er on in life. Parenting is a hard job. You need to be creative to make them do what is good for them because most of the time that is the exact opposite of what they want

Kids need breakfast and nutritious food. They need to spend time outdoor and go to bed at consistent time in order to come to school available for learning the next day!

Convert things that they don’t like doing/trying into fun, emotionally stimulating games 4. Teach your child to do monotonous work from early years as it is the foundation for future “workability” Folding laundry, tidying up toys, hanging clothes, unpacking groceries, setting the table, making lunch, unpack-

ing their lunch box, making their bed Be creative. Initially make it stimulating and fun so that their brain associates it with something positive. 5. Teach social skills Teach them turn taking, sharing, losing/winning, compromising, complimenting others ,using “please and

thank you” From my experience as an occupational therapist, children change the moment parents change their perspective on parenting. Help your kids succeed in life by training and strengthening their brain sooner than later!!!


Prep Yellow Amia Brettell Asher Bailey

Cooper Lindsay-Smith

Prep Red Sean Burns

Prep Green Emmanual Motta

Eli Payne Kenzie Van Balen

Maria Toro Guerrero

1 Yellow Ella Graveson

Ethan Tredwell Iyla Pennington

1 Red Ada Lanci

Thomas Walmsley

1 Blue Grace Garside Alicia Vukovic

2 Green Harvey Bishop

Francesco Stella Bianca Blake

Bree Sutherland Andrew Cronin

3 Red Mitchell Williams

Avah Burrows

2 Red Ella Clarke

Noemi Piloto

3 Yellow Ethan Hamilton

Oliver McCarthy

4 Blue Riley Ward

3 Green Olivia Slater

Addison Richards

4 Red Rueben Doran

Bronte Hodgetts Nellie Crichton

Patrick O’Sullivan

5 Green Alana Purdue

4 Yellow Felicity Baker

Bronte Morgan

5 Blue

Chloe Staal 6 Blue

Milla Zuino Callum Lavelle Kitty Addison

McKinley Dodds

5 Red Jessica Cronin Laura Sherrard


Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our second hand uniform shop is staffed

by volunteers and is open at the following


Monday - 8am - 8.30am

Wednesday - 8am - 9am

New Uniforms

UMS Pty Ltd moved last year to 2/205 Queensport Road North, Murarrie. Ph. 3535 9500

For online orders:

Password for our school is gap2015

New uniform samples are also available at the second hand shop for sizing prior to online order.


Winter Vacation Care is around the corner! The program will be released on Friday 27 May 2016. The program and booking forms will be available from the OSHC Office or by emailing Enrolment forms are also available on the school website. For more information, please call the Coordinator, Gabor Marton, on 07 3393 6025.

Weekend Mass Times Guardian Angels' Church - Saturday 6pm. Sunday 7am, 9am, 6pm St Joseph the Worker Church - Sunday 8am

Nazareth House Chapel - Sunday 9.30am Iona College Chapel - Sunday 7.30am

Sports Results


Year 5 GA1 (8) defeated Gumdale3 (4) GA2 (7) defeated Wynnum1 (3) GA3 (4) drew with Wondall1 (4)

Year 6 GA1 (1) defeated by Gumdale2 (9) GA2 (0) defeated by Wynnum1 (6) GA3 (1) defeated by Wondall1 (8)

Soccer Girls

Senior A GA (1) drew with Manly (1)

GA (6) defeated Wynnum West (1)

Senior B GA Green (0) defeated by Wondall (1)

GA Green (2) defeated Wynnum West (1)

GA Blue (0) defeated by SVJ2 (3)

GA Blue (0) defeated by Wynnum (1)

Soccer Boys

Year 6 GA (4) defeated Year 5 GA (1)

This week’s draw Netball Wondall Heights

Year 5 GA1 1:10pm GA2 1:10pm GA3 1:10pm Year 6 GA1 1:50pm GA2 12:30pm GA3 1:50pm

Soccer Boys Elanora Park Wynnum

Year 6 GA1 1:00pm Field 2

Year 5 GA2 2:00pm Field 3

Soccer Girls Memorial Park

Senior A 1:30pm Field 2

2:00pm Field 2

Senior B Green 12:30pm Field 2B

1:30pm Field 1A

Senior B Blue 12:30pm Field 3A

1:00pm Field 3B



Teaching Awards Nominations are now open for the

National Excellence in Teaching

Awards. To nominate an outstanding

teacher visit

Nominations close 31 July 2016.

P&F Meeting The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th June at 7.00pm in the Mount Carmel convent. If you would like to hear more about what is happening around the school, or have your say, please come along and join us!

Tuckshop Roster

Tuesday 7 June

Thursday 9 June

Friday 10 June

Samantha Huddy

Elizabeth O’Flaherty Laurice Jones

Katrina Wallis Louisa

Vourdousis Helper Needed

Tanya Milburn

Leah Webb



Congratulations to these School Banking savers! Congratulations to the following students who have earned 10 silver Dollarmites tokens through the School Banking program. They are now eligible to redeem these tokens for an exclusive School Banking reward item! Alana Purdue Lachlan Jamieson Noah Vickers Tayla Purdue Emily Parkinson Emily Vallins Lara Callaghan Hayden Wasiak Chloe Parkinson Holli Smith Caitlin Jamieson Sunai Alford Kai Thomas Zayne Thomas Rylee Hodgetts Leah Purdue Jasmine Evans James Connolly Cooper Wasiak Lily Patterson Ruby Patterson Matilda Russell Clayton Farrell Harry Marriott Amy Baggoley Sofia Leventis Rebecca Marriott Zahara Alford Samuel Connolly Gracie Erwin Amelia Erwin Eden Alford Olivia Slater Olivia McDonald Cooper Charles Angela Campos Henry Baker Luisa Eagle Malli Vallins John Callaghan Henry Carter Tamsin Penwarden Caitlin Ashley Hugh Penwarden Ryan Goakes Flynn Howard Saxon Howard Fletcher Russell Abigail Galligan Jordi Guerrero Dominic Roesen Lucy Brown Oliver Howard Alana Taylor Eloise Venn Meila Gill Nash Barnes Jones Summer Smith Harrison Mangini Sarah Dixon Alessia Barrio Roman Coughran Emma Dixon Joshua Coughran Nate Barnes Jones Xelie Rumsey Alexandra McDonald Manni Lennon William McDonald Neil Fabello Piper Lennon Annika Atkins Katelyn Dee Ditta Vourdousis Orlando Seth Ethan Gallagher Michael Vourdousis Kale Paxton Sienna Brown Arlo Searles Olivia Pratt Bryon Puckeridge Max Armstrong Ava Crase Bailey Thompson If you haven’t already, please complete your rewards card coupon or send us a note with your choice of reward and return it, along with your 10 tokens, on the next School Banking day and the item will be ordered for you.

Rewards currently available include:

Mud Splat Handball

Wildlife Writer Set

Outer Space Savers Money Box

Outback Pat Bag Tag

Intergalactic Rocket

Galaxy Glider





Donations of the following baking items would be greatly appreciated:

Plain sweet biscuits Condensed milk

Cooking chocolate (white & dark chocolate bars; milk chocolate melts)

Assorted lollies (marshmallows, snakes, m&m’s, bananas and mixed lollies)

Mars bars Dried apricots

Brand names preferred if possible

Please deliver items to the allocated box in your classroom!

Your ongoing support is very much appreciated!

SUN 10am - 2pm 31 JULY



Community News


Community News


FitKids Classes at Guardian Angels

‘Afternoon Classes’

FFH are hoping to run afternoon classes at GA in Term 3, but before that we will be running 5 sessions in Term 2 to see if they will work and if the kids like


Thursday 26 May Tuesday 31 May Tuesday 7 June

Tuesday 14 June Thursday 16 June

3pm – 4pm SHARP

Kids will be met at a designated spot on each campus

and walked over by a FFH staff member.

Classes will be held at Chestnut Street

Classes will be a user pay system and each session will be capped.

Each session will cost $5.

All sessions need to be prepaid.

All money is to be paid directly to FunFitandHealthy not Guardian Angels.

For all bookings and more information please email to

or call me on 0422359939

Have a great day :)

For more importation on all our Products as well as all our Adults and Children’s

classes, please visit

Facebook Page - Fun, Fit & Healthy

Website –

Email –
