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Medical DisclaimerThere is a substantive body of evidence surrounding the benefits of mindset exercises. However, they are not suitable for everyone. Accordingly, if you suffer from epilepsy, a mental health condition, or have otherwise been advised not to undertake this type of activity, you should obtain your medical practitioner’s approval before making a start.

Image credit (cover):lzflzf©

© Copyright 2018 Activate Fitness and it’s licensors

All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means whatsoever without the prior consent and written permission of the copyright holder(s).


Welcome to my Guide to Mindset. This book will be your bible over the coming weeks! In case you didn’t know, nutrition will count for about 80% of your results.

That’s right 80%!

There is an important lesson to be learned from the story below...

You see I used to have a client, let’s call her Lisa. Now Lisa trained very hard and never missed

a training session and so with all this effort and dedication to her training she thought

that the scales and the measuring tape would really be moving in the right direction at her

weights and measurement day. I will never forget the look on her face when she found out

that she lost only 1lb and half an inch from her waist. She was disappointed and so was I.

“You have read the information on the importance of nutrition and you have been using the

recipe book I gave you?,” I asked. It turned out she never read it because she thought she

already knew about nutrition and that her personal trainer wasn’t going to know more than

she did.

Sometimes we learn the hard way! I’m pleased to say that once Lisa had become fully aware

of the importance of nutrition for fat loss, we were able to make some important changes.

28 days later she was 14lbs down and almost 2 dress sizes smaller.

As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

And you are ready! That’s why you are reading this!

Mark McGrath (e) email

A Good Mindset

If we want to become good at things in life, we tend to have to work for it. When it comes to building a strong mindset, this too takes practice and effort. Understand that it’s not something you were born with, but rather it is something you must grow yourself, through deliberate practice.

Building a strong mindset takes time. It will require your self-discipline and perseverance to

keep pushing, even when things may just seem too hard.

On the following pages are some exercises to get you on the right path to building a strong

mindset. For example, creating affirmations and setting goals.

I wish you all the best on your journey.

To your success,


I recommend you use a diary alongside this workbook to complete the exercises (e) email (e) email

Mindset & MotivationMy goal for you is the same goal that I had for myself when I set out on my journey… To create a sustainable lifestyle that enables you to look and feel good.

Many people make a decision to change based on things that they are having some

dissatisfaction with. For example, many people are fed up with the excess body fat they have

accumulated, they’ve had enough of feeling sluggish and tired, they are unhappy with feeling

self-conscious, they feel stuck in a rut.

We might call this “away from motivation”, because these are all things that people

generally want to move away from in life.

“Away from motivation” is very powerful because it is usually the thing that gets us to take

action and to get us started.

Another way in which we are motivated is by being drawn towards the things we do want

in our lives. In this case, a leaner, stronger, healthier body, more energy and vitality. Not only

those things but what those things will allow us to do in life, how they will improve our lives.

For example, people have been able to start up their own businesses, gain promotions at

work, feel confident in swimwear on holiday, attract a partner and even enter sporting

competitions as a result of the increased confidence, self-esteem and new found energy

they gained through the process of transforming their bodies.

We might call this “towards motivation”, because we are driven forwards towards the

things that we desire in life. (e) email

So if the “away from motivation” is what gets us started, it’s the “towards motivation” that

keeps us going.

It’s really important that we get clear about what we want in our lives, the easiest way to do

this is to complete the AWAY & TOWARDS exercise.

This will take less than 5 minutes and will really give you clarity on the outcomes that you

are looking to achieve from this programme.

Away from Towards Exercise

Away Towards (e) email

My Future Self Mental Exercise

This exercise, repeated often is one of the most powerful ways in which you can use the

power of your imagination to help you make your desires become a reality.

90% of our behaviours are driven by the subconscious mind and this exercise is designed to

make an impression on the subconscious so that our behaviours become more automatic

and in alignment with our goal of transforming our bodies.

Start by finding a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed for 10-15 minutes.

Some people like to lie down and others like to sit in a comfortable chair. The more you

complete this exercise, the more easily you will be able to complete this exercise almost

anywhere. I used to complete this exercise in my car during my lunch break.

Because this exercise uses breathing and relaxation techniques, it has additional health

benefits. We will be covering stress in a later module but for now, we can say that stress can

be detrimental to health and body composition. This exercise will help you to relax, which is

an important aspect of managing stress levels.

Read the following through first and then do the exercises on the next page.

Start by closing your eyes. Then begin to focus your attention on your breathing.

It does not matter whether you breathe through your nose or your mouth, just find

whatever is comfortable for you.

Notice if you are breathing from your chest or your diaphragm, if you are breathing from

your chest, start to breathe more diaphragmatically, feeling the belly expand and contract

as you breathe. You may find that by doing this you have automatically released tension

from your shoulders and that they have dropped, now is a good time to consciously let

go of tension in your shoulders and neck and allow your shoulders to drop, notice how

good it feels to let go of any tension.

Now bring back your attention to your breathing, to the in breath and the out breath,

to the rise and fall that happens all by itself. Just stay with your focus entirely on your

breath for a moment while the sounds play in the background.

Now take some deeper breaths, breathe in slowly and deeply from the belly and as your

lungs expand, you feel your chest expand, breathe in for a count of 5 and breathe out for

a count of 7, as you breathe out feel your shoulders relax down each time. Complete this

deep breathing cycle 6 times while the sounds play in the background.

Now you are nicely relaxed, it’s time to think about or visualise what you are working

towards. (e) email

Those things that we wrote down in the Towards column in the motivation exercise,

what were they?

It might have been to attain your ideal physique, to feel energised, to look better, to

have more confidence, to attract a partner, to be more attractive to your partner, to

love and be kinder to yourself more often, to be healthier.

Whatever those things are for you.

You can imagine yourself having those qualities in whatever way comes naturally to


Some people develop a clear image of what all this looks like, some people gain a

feeling of what this will be like. Everyone’s imagination is unique and so there is no right

or wrong way to do this.

The main thing is that we are in a relaxed state and think about and can identify with

our goals, and what we want to achieve. The more you repeat this exercise, the better

you will become at doing this.

The more you focus on exactly what you want, getting a picture or a feeling of this, the

more confidence you can have and the more you can trust yourself to make the right

choices, and the more you find yourself increasingly able to cope more confidently with

any situation in everyday life.

In fact, the more you think about what you want, the more excited you become and the

more you enjoy doing the things that will propel you towards what you want.

Okay, so now we are going to bring our focus back to our breathing.

Just taking some deep breaths in and out.

We can start to bring our attention back to the here and now.

Bringing to our awareness our surroundings.

And opening our eyes.

Becoming fully alert, feeling fully refreshed in both body and mind, energised and

motivated - fully capable of proceeding here with all due care and attention. (e) email

Goal Setting


What do you want? (try to be as specific as possible)

Why do you want it?

e.g. To look good in the clothes I want to wear, to have more energy to play with my kids, to

feel more confident / have greater self esteem in my personal and professional life, to attract

a new partner / to be attractive to my partner


I _______________________________________________ make a commitment now, to positively change my health, the shape of my body, my attitude towards food and my education of what it takes to make this transformation a lifestyle that I will be able to maintain for the rest of my life.

Signed________________________________ Date_____________ (e) email


Goal setting is shown by research to be one of the easiest ways to increase motivation and

enhance performance (Locke and Latham, Univ. of Maryland).

The more specific the goal the better. For example, you might want to make your goal time

based and set a date for reaching that goal.

My goal is to...

e.g. Fit into my wedding dress, be a dress size smaller, get a work promotion, develop a

better shape, feel more confident, have more energy. (e) email

MindsethabitsUse evenings as a chance to reflect and recharge, ready for tomorrow.

Celebrate your wins every day, no matter how big or small.

It’s important to record our positive moments to help us improve our relationship with

ourselves and others.

This habit can also encourage us to feel grateful for the events of our day.

What went well today?

When we focus on positive thoughts, there is less room for negative thoughts.

This can actually help improve our sleep quality as we are less likely to wake up during the

night with worries and niggles.

Are there any things that didn’t go so well today?

Reflect on these things - you can always aim to improve on this next time.

Don’t beat yourself up :-) (e) email

If you encounter the same problem tomorrow is there anything you can do to bring about a better outcome?

This exercise will help you consider problems and actionable solutions.

Exercising gratitude...

What 3 things can you be grateful for today? (e) email

Breaking things downWhen we have a big goal ahead of us it can often look like a huge mountain to climb.

This can result in feelings of overwhelm, fear and frustration. Before we know it, we’ve

ditched the goal completely.

The easiest way to avoid this happening is to break down the goal into a series of smaller


e.g. Sarah’s goal is to lose 2 stone for her wedding in 3 months time. She breaks down her

goal into 3 pieces... Each month she aims to lose around 9 - 10 lbs.

However, this milestone still looks a little bit scary to Sarah. Although she wants a challenge

to stretch herself, she needs to balance this with being realistic.

She decides to break the milestone further into even smaller chunks (or ‘mini milestones’).

Every fortnight she aims to lose 5 lbs. This looks much more manageable to Sarah than the

larger milestone she created.

Start now and set your goal and milestones.

If you feel you can achieve the goal with less (larger/less frequent) milestones then go for it!

If you prefer more (smaller/more frequent) milestones then that’s fine. We are all individuals

and respond in our own way.

It’s useful to have a big goal to aim for to get you motivated and excited but then you also

need the little goals to keep you focused on daily / weekly actions (e) email


My Goal


Mini milestone

Mini milestone

Mini milestone

Mini milestone

Milestone (e) email


Consistent daily action will help you reach your goals.

It doesn’t matter how small the action is... over time, the actions will add up!

e.g. Sarah does 10 press ups when she gets out of bed in the morning.

Lea spends 10 minutes in her lunch break learning Spanish.

Jane swaps 30 minutes of her daily Facebook time for a book.

John spends an extra 2 minutes on the Stairmaster each week.

My daily actions

List as many as you are comfortable with. You can always add more later. (e) email


Affirmations are a great way to focus on positivity. They can help us counteract negative thoughts, eliminate negative self-talk and accomplish positive goals.

e.g. ‘I’m no good at cooking” can change to “I’m learning to cook”

“I can’t lose weight” can change to “Losing weight is easy for me”

“I’m destined to be single” can change to “I’m ready to meet my soul mate”

1. Identify.

What negative self talk / beliefs do you recognise? Write down everything that comes to

your mind. List on left column on the next page.

2. Create affirmations.

List on right column next to each negative belief. Write in the present tense. e.g. “I am...”

“...going to be”

If the new affirmation feels untrue to you, then you might find it easier to reword it a little

to make it believable. e.g. “Losing weight is easy for me” could be reworded to “I am getting

better at losing weight”

Avoid using the word “trying”. e.g. “I’m trying to lose weight” as it is self-perpetuating.

3. Use the new affirmations.

You might want to write down your new affirmations and put them somewhere you can see

them each day. You could even take a photo of them and have them on your phone. Read

your new affirmations from time to time to help reinforce them. (e) email

Negative self talk / belief: Affirmation: (e) (e)


© Copyright 2018 Activate Fitness and it’s licensors

All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means whatsoever without the prior consent and written permission of the copyright holder(s).

Medical DisclaimerThe material provided within this book is for information purposes only and in no way supersedes any prior advice given by a medical practitioner, registered dietician or nutritionist. Should you follow any of the information provided, you are choosing to do so of your own free will, without coercion and in the full knowledge that the material has not been personally designed for you. Should you suffer from a medical condition of any kind or suspect that following any of the suggestions in this book may cause you a medical problem of any kind whatsoever that you should speak to a qualified medical practitioner for advice.

Further, if you choose to cook and consume any of the recipes contained within this book and feel that you are experiencing any adverse effects, then you should cease using these recipes immediately and consult your doctor. (e) email


Welcome to my Nutrition Essentials guide. This book will be your bible over the coming weeks! In case you didn’t know, nutrition will count for about 80% of your results.

That’s right 80%!

There is an important lesson to be learned from the story below...

You see I used to have a client, let’s call her Lisa. Now Lisa trained very hard and never missed

a training session and so with all this effort and dedication to her training she thought

that the scales and the measuring tape would really be moving in the right direction at her

weights and measurement day. I will never forget the look on her face when she found out

that she lost only 1lb and half an inch from her waist. She was disappointed and so was I.

“You have read the information on the importance of nutrition and you have been using the

recipe book I gave you?,” I asked. It turned out she never read it because she thought she

already knew about nutrition and that her personal trainer wasn’t going to know more than

she did.

Sometimes we learn the hard way! I’m pleased to say that once Lisa had become fully aware

of the importance of nutrition for fat loss, we were able to make some important changes.

28 days later she was 14lbs down and almost 2 dress sizes smaller.

As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

And you are ready! That’s why you are reading this!

Mark McGrath (e) email

Follow these principles

and you will get results...

1. Eating fewer calories than you burn (calorie deficit)

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits because they are rich in

antioxidants and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals)

3. Eat plenty of protein for repair and maintenance

of lean tissue, and to keep you feeling full (protein satisfies

the appetite more than any other macronutrient)

4. Eat enough healthy fats from oily fish, nuts, avocados,

coconut and olive oils (healthy fats are an essential part

of a balanced diet)

5. Drink plenty of water to naturally detoxify the body,

keeping the brain and body hydrated so it can function

properly (green and herbal teas count towards this

water intake)

6. Limit processed foods and artificial sweeteners

and preservatives

Now go and learn, cook, and experience the benefits that

good nutrition has to offer – enjoy!

Below I have included the key principles that work for nutrition for health and fat loss. If

anything you read, see or hear deviates from any of the six principles below, chances are

you can dismiss it immediately as a short term fad diet. This is a way of eating that will

enable you to achieve both fast and permanent results in a way that is 100% sustainable.

You see this change has to be permanent so it has to be both straightforward and above all

enjoyable. The good news is that my nutrition guide will show you how quick, easy and tasty

eating this way is. (e) email


What are Macronutrients & Micronutrients?

Macronutrients Micronutrients



Let’s Look at Macronutrients.

There are 3 macronutrients and they are protein, carbohydrate and fat. Most people

have heard of these 3 macronutrients.

1. Protein

• Essential for normal growth and repair

• Higher protein diets have many benefits:

• Enhanced fat loss

• Retention of muscle

• Better satiety

• Protein contains 4 calories per gram


• To gain an understanding of the role of nutrients

• To learn how to create a diet that is tailored to you as an individual (there isn’t

a one-size fits all)

• To understand how to track and make changes to your nutrition intake to

ensure you keep progressing (e) email

2. Carbohydrate

• Carbohydrate is used by the body during

intense exercise

• Glucose, which is what carbohydrates are

converted to, is used by the brain. This is why

we might experience “brain fog” if we go on an

extremely low carb diet

• Carbohydrate intake should be high enough to allow us to train hard and provide our brain

with enough energy to help us function properly

• We don’t want to consume more carboyhdrates than we need as this will hinder fat loss

• Optimal carbohydrate intake is an individual thing, some people get better results with a

slightly higher carb intake and some people do better with lower carbohydrate

• This comes down to learning how your body responds

• Over time we tend to develop an awareness of which type of diet works best for us, it is

somewhat a matter of trial and error

• Carbohydrate, like protein, also contains 4 calories per gram

3. Fat

• Fat is the most calorie dense macronutrient, with each gram of fat containing 9 calories

• You can see the logic behind reducing fat intake, because gram for gram you can reduce

over double the calories when compared to protein and carbohydrate (both 4 calories

per gram)

• Fat provides energy, satiety and omega fatty

acids that are essential for our health

• A diet too low in fat can leave us feeling very

hungry! (e) email

Vitamins and minerals

• Vitamins and minerals are required by the

body for many physiological functions

including growth, digestion, energy transfer,

nervous system function and many other

functions of the body

• Deficiencies are fairly common

• A 2006 study of 20 participants (including athletes) who were looking to improve the

quality of their micronutrient intake from food showed that food alone did not meet the

minimal Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) micronutrient requirements for preventing

nutrient-deficiency diseases

• The researchers also concluded that the more active a person is, the greater need there

is to employ a variety of balanced micronutrient-enriched foods including micronutrient

supplementation as a preventative protocol for preventing the observed deficiencies.

This is why it is important to eat a wide variety of nutrient dense vegetables and

fruits, as well as considering a daily multivitamin supplement. (e) email

Meal Frequency

How many meals should I eat per day?

• It’s different for everybody

• Eating small meals every 2 hours does boost your metabolic rate, but it is pretty

inconvenient and therefore unsustainable for most people

• Somewhere between 3 and 6 meals per day is usually about right

• Try not to go longer than 4-5 hours between meals

Protein shakes

Do I need protein shakes after training?

• Protein shakes are a convenient way to

increase protein intake and are ideal if it’s

going to be a while between finishing

training and your next meal, but they are

not essential

• A protein shake is digested quickly and easily by the body so it’s ideal to use around

training. It’s also an easy way to increase your protein intake if you’re struggling to eat it

through food, although it shouldn’t be relied on too heavily. (e) email


Two nutrition routes are covered in this guide.

Which One Is Right For Me?

• Most people find a portion control approach easier to follow than tracking their

macronutrient intake

• Have a look at both options and see which one you think will suit you best

• You can experiment with both options as they both have their pros and cons

• Stick with your chosen option for 3-4 weeks and assess your results

ROUTE 1: Portion Control

• Although tracking your macronutrient intake is the most accurate way to approach

your diet, not everybody wants to weigh out food and if that’s you, you may just want to

control your portion sizes

• The intention is still the same - a caloric deficit that allows us to burn body fat

• Controlling portion sizes will probably work for most people most of the time

On the following pages is a visual guide to give you an idea of how much protein,

carbohydrate and fat we should roughly consume...

1 Portion control (no weighing involved)

2 Macronutrient tracking (weighing out food) (e) email

Portion Control Guide

1 PALM SIZE= 1 Serving of Protein



ChickenTurkeyBeef LambPorkFishSeafoodEggsGreek yoghurtCottage cheese


Smoked, cured meats or processed meats.

Very fatty cuts of meat e.g. lamb


If you are consuming high amounts of fat then there is no need to consume extra fats from the fats list.

e.g. oily fish, fattier cuts of meat, whole eggs, full fat Greek yoghurt


= 1 Serving of Protein (e) email


CauliflowerBroccoliKaleCeleryOnionSpring OnionsGreen BeansRocketSpinachLettuce

CucumberCourgettesPeppersTomatoesRadishesPak ChoiCabbageMushroomsChilliesCarrots

1 FIST SIZE= 1 Serving of Vegetables



= 1 Serving of Vegetables (e) email


RicePotatoesBreadPastaCous CousQuinoaLentilsOats


Refined processed carbohydrates.

e.g. sugar, white bread, white pasta



= 1 Serving of Carbohydrates

= 1 Serving of Carbohydrates (e) email


NutsSeedsCoconut OilButterGheeOlive Oil


Trans fats found in baked goods and fried foods

e.g. pastries, cookies, cakes, crisps

1 THUMB SIZE= 1 Serving of Fat




= 1 Serving of Fat (e) email

The above is a general guide. There are a number of factors to take into consideration when deciding how much to eat.

• Your stature

• How many meals you are able to eat per day

• Your activity levels

• If your goal is to lose weight

• If your goal is to gain weight (e) email

On the next few pages are some example portion control meals.

All recipes serve one person. Simply double the quantities to serve two.

In some of the following recipes, you can choose quantities of ingredients.

For example ‘2-3 eggs’ in the Colourful Veggie Scramble recipe

Choose the quantity based on your size, gender, goals etc.

Refer to the Customise Section on the previous page if you are unsure of anything.

Portion ControlQuick Meal Guide (e) email

Colourful Veggie Scramble

Serving of spinach, chopped roughly

1 tsp coconut oil or butter

a handful of button mushrooms, chopped

1 tbsp sun-dried tomatoes, drained and


1 clove garlic, finely chopped

2-3 eggs

1-2 egg whites

salt and pepper to season

Steam the spinach for around 5 minutes until fork tender. Set aside.

In a non-stick frying pan, heat the oil or butter over a medium heat. Add the mushrooms and

sauté, stirring for 4 minutes.

Add the steamed spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. Sauté, stirring for 3 minutes.

Beat the eggs and whites for 30 seconds, then pour evenly over the vegetables.

Allow to cook untouched for around 2 minutes.

Gently stir the mixture together until the eggs are fully cooked, around 2-3 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Breakfast (e) email

Vegetable Protein Breakfast

½ a serving of broccoli, cut into small florets

½ a serving of courgette, chopped

a handful of finely sliced leeks

2 tbsps coconut milk

2-3 eggs

1-2 egg whites

pinch of oregano

salt and pepper

a small amount of Cheddar cheese (optional), grated

(use dairy free if preferred)

Preheat oven to 200˚C / 400˚F. Grease a 10 inch round ovenproof dish.

Steam the broccoli, leeks and courgette for 4-5 minutes, or until tender.

Place the cooked vegetables in the base of the oven dish.

Whisk the eggs, coconut milk, oregano, salt and pepper together. Stir in the cheese if using.

Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables. Bake for around 20 minutes, or until thoroughly

cooked. (e) email

Overnight Cocoa Oats

1 serving oats (use gluten free oats if


2 scoops chocolate or vanilla flavour

whey or rice protein powder

1 tbsp cocoa powder

1 dessert spoon Greek yoghurt

80ml unsweetened almond milk

1 tsp honey (or use sweetener of your choice)

1 serving raspberries

Place all ingredients except the raspberries into a sealable container and mix well.

Seal and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Mix in a little more extra almond milk if the mixture is too dry.

Spoon into a serving bowl and top with fresh raspberries. (e) email

Breakfast Egg Pizza

1 tsp ghee or butter

2-4 eggs

A sprinkle of Cheddar cheese, grated

(use dairy free if preferred)

1 tsp tomato purée

pinch of pepper

pinch of paprika

pinch of Italian herbs

Prepare a medium grill. Melt the ghee/butter in a frying pan over a medium heat.

Crack the eggs into the frying pan. Cook on a medium heat until the whites are solid but the

yolks are still runny. Placing a lid on the frying pan will speed up cooking time by a couple of


Slide the eggs onto a plate. Squeeze on a tsp of tomato purée.

Add the cheese and seasonings.

Place under the grill for a few minutes until the cheese melts.

Suggestion: Serve with wilted spinach. (e) email

Turkey Satay Spice

1 tsp organic coconut oil or ghee

1 small red onion, diced

120-200g turkey breast steaks, diced

1 serving closed cup

mushrooms, sliced

1 serving baby plum tomatoes

2-3 red or green chilli peppers, sliced

1 yellow bell-pepper, diced

200ml fresh chicken stock

(or use 1 organic stock cube)

2 tbsps tomato purée

1 serving fresh spinach leaves

1 serving crunchy peanut butter

salt to taste (optional)

Melt the oil / ghee in a large saucepan over a medium heat.

Add the onion and sauté for 3-4 minutes, stirring.

Add the turkey and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the mushrooms, baby plum tomatoes, chilli peppers and yellow pepper and sauté for

2-3 minutes, stirring, until soft.

Add the stock and tomato purée and bring to the boil, then reduce to a gentle simmer.

Cover and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the spinach leaves and stir well. Cook for 1 minute or until wilted.

Add the peanut butter and salt (if using), stir well and cook for 1 minute. Serve.

Lunch & Dinner (e) email

Balsamic Beef Salad

1 serving beef frying steaks, cut into strips

1 tsp coconut oil or butter

for the marinade:

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 tsp garlic, finely chopped

1 tbsp Worcester sauce

for the salad:

1 serving mixed lettuce leaves

1 serving avocado or boiled egg, sliced (or half a serving of each)

1 serving plum tomatoes / celery / peppers / cucumber

Place the beef in a large bowl. Add the other marinade ingredients and mix well. Cover and

refrigerate for 4 hours or more.

Melt the oil or butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium / high heat. Add the beef and

fry gently on both sides for around 3-4 minutes or until cooked to your liking.

Assemble the salad ingredients in a bowl and add the beef strips. (e) email

Minted Lamb Kebabs

3 tbsps plain yoghurt

1 tsp finely grated unwaxed lemon zest

1 tsp fresh lemon juice

1 garlic clove, crushed

½ tsp English mustard

1 tbsp tomato purée

1 serving lean lamb leg steaks, diced

1 serving cherry / plum tomatoes

small sprig fresh mint, finely chopped

for the salad:

1 serving mixed lettuce leaves

1 serving plum tomatoes / celery / peppers / cucumber

small handful fresh coriander, finely chopped (optional)

Mix the yoghurt, lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic, mustard and tomato purée in a shallow


Add the lamb and coat well in the sauce.

Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Soak 2 bamboo skewers in cold water for 30 minutes or more.

Prepare a medium grill.

Thread the lamb pieces and cherry tomatoes (alternating) onto the skewers.

Brush with the marinade and grill for 5 minutes each side or until cooked to your liking.

Sprinkle over the chopped mint.

Assemble the salad ingredients in a bowl and serve. (e) email

Salmon & Dill Omelette

a pinch of dried dill

1 tsp ghee or butter

½ a fresh salmon fillet

¼ of a small white onion, finely chopped

1 serving button mushrooms, chopped

¼ of a medium sized tomato, diced

2-3 eggs plus 1 egg white

a pinch of sea salt and black pepper

A sprinkle of Cheddar cheese, grated (use dairy free cheese if preferred)

1 serving fresh spinach leaves

Season the salmon with dill.

Melt the ghee / butter in a large frying pan over a medium / high heat.

Add the salmon and cook for around 10-12 minutes, turning halfway. When cooked, the flesh

should be a pale pink colour throughout. Remove from pan and set aside.

Reduce the heat to medium. Add the onion and mushrooms to the pan and sauté gently

until soft for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the tomatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes,

until soft. Remove the vegetables from pan and set aside. Remove any bits from the pan.

Whisk the eggs and whites in a jug and season with salt and pepper. Pour the eggs into the

pan. Cook gently for 3-4 minutes until the edges of the mixture start to crisp.

Add the cheese and spinach leaves and cook until the leaves have wilted.

Using a slice, carefully fold the omelette in half. Remove from the pan and serve. (e) email

ROUTE 2: Tracking Macronutrients

Step 1: Select Kcal intake per lb of bodyweight

x 10 x 20x 15

Slower metabolism /

Faster Fat Loss

Faster metabolism /

Slower Fat Loss

Mass gaining

For example...

a 180lb person consuming 12 x their body weight in calories = 180 x 12 = 2160 Kcal

Setting protein intake

• A protein intake of 1-1.3g/lb of body weight is recommended

• For example, for our 180 lb person consuming 1g per lb of body weight, this would amount

to 180g of protein per day

• If this person prefers to eat more protein they could increase to 1.3g per lb of body weight.

Setting carb & fat intake

• Carbs and fats will make up the remaining calories

• This is a matter of preference and what works for us as individuals e.g. people do better

with more or less carbs

• It’s either higher carbs and less fat or lower carbs and more fat (e) email

Setting carb intake

• Recommended carbohydrate intake varies between 25% and 40% of total calories

• In the 180 lb example let’s assume a carbohydrate intake of 30%

• 2160 Kcal x 0.30 = 648 (Kcal)

• Divide 648 by 4 (kcal per gram) to workout the grams

• 648/4 = 162 grams

Setting fat intake

• Fat will make up the rest of the calories

• Add up the protein and carb intake in grams

• 180 + 162 = 342

• Multiply this by 4 (Kcal per gram)

• 342 x 4 = 1368 Kcal

• Subtract this from our Kcal intake total

• 2160 - 1368 = 792 Kcal

• Divide this by 9 to give us fat intake in grams

• 792 / 9 = 88g fat

Here are the resulting target macronutrient intakes:

• Protein 180g

• Carbohydrate 162g

• Fat 88g (e) email

• Protein intake 1.3g / lb body weight

• 1.3 x 180 = 234g protein

• Carbohydrate intake 30%

• 2160 x 0.30 = 648 Kcal

• Divide by 4 to get the grams

• 648 / 4 = 162g carbohydrates

• Add up the protein and carb intake in grams

• 234 + 162 = 396

• Multiply by 4 (Kcal per gram) to get the Kcal

• 396 x 4 = 1584 Kcal

• 2160 - 1584 = 576 Kcal

• Divide by 9 (Kcal per gram)

• 576 / 9 = 64g fat

Let’s take the same person and work through an example with a higher protein intake

So just to recap...

a 180lb person consuming 12 x their body weight in calories (180 x 12) = 2160 Kcal

Target macronutrient intakes...

• Protein = 234g

• Carbohydrate = 162g

• Fat = 64g (e) email

It’s Your Turn

Step 1: Select your Kcal intake per lb of bodyweight

x 10 x 20x 15

Slower metabolism /

Faster Fat Loss

Faster metabolism /

Slower Fat Loss

Mass gaining

NOTE: 10 is the lowest you should go as anything below this isn’t sustainable and

you’ll probably find yourself hungry and lacking energy.

If you are unsure, 12 is a good place to start for fat loss

Now set your protein intake

• Body weight in lbs x 1-1.3

• To decide where to set your protein consider if you enjoy eating more protein, just

remember the higher the protein, the less space there will be for carbs and fats

• If in doubt set at 1g / lb to start with, this is still a high protein intake

Now set your carbohydrate intake, again there is no one size fits all so this is

determined by preference and perhaps if you already know how well your body

responds to carbohydrate

• Choose between 25% and 40%

• If you are unsure then try 30% to start with, again you can always adjust this up or down

with some on going feedback

• Multiply your target Kcal intake by this number expressed as a decimal

e.g. 30% = 0.30 (e) email

This gives you your carb intake in Kcal

• Divide this number by 4 to give you the grams

• Add this number to your protein intake in grams

• Multiply this total by 4 to give you Kcal from protein and carbs

• Subtract this number from your target total kcal

This gives you the kcal remaining for your fat intake

• Divide this number by 9 to give you your fat intake in grams


If you are unsure, let’s look at the table on the next page showing calorie, protein,

carbohydrate and fat intakes based on body weight. This can help you get going. (e) email



Kcal (x12) Protein





130- 1560 130 117 64

135 1620 135 122 66

140 1680 140 126 68

145 1740 145 131 71

150 1800 150 135 73

155 1860 155 140 76

160 1920 160 144 78

165 1980 165 149 81

170 2040 170 153 83

175 2100 175 158 86

180 2160 180 162 88

185 2220 185 167 90

190 2280 190 171 93

195 2340 195 176 95

200 2400 200 180 97

205 2460 205 185 100

210 2520 210 189 103

215 2580 215 194 105

220 2640 220 198 108

225 2700 225 203 110

230 2760 230 207 112

235 2820 235 212 115

240+ 2880 240 216 117 (e) email

How To Tailor Your Intake

• There is no magic number, each person is different, the most important factor in fat loss is

a calorie deficit

• If you are not dropping body fat then you will need to reduce your Kcal intake until you

start dropping

• If you are dropping body fat faster than 2 lbs per week then you should increase your Kcal

intake slightly because the faster weight is lost, the more likely it is that muscle is being

lost as well - we don’t want to lose muscle!

• It is fairly normal to lose more than 2lbs in the first week, this is often water, so if you do

drop more than 2lbs in the first week, wait to see your week 2 results before you adjust

your intake

• 10Kcal/lb bodyweight is the lowest recommended intake

How To Track

• Set up an account at

• Ignore the default target settings

• You can set up your own targets but it will only let you set them by 5% increments unless

you upgrade to the paid app

• So just pay attention to your daily total (e) email (e) email


• Hitting your targets with a 5% margin for error is excellent

• Hitting your targets with a 10% margin for error is good

• Aim to be within 5-10% of your targets each day

• Food labels can be 5-20% inaccurate anyway so don’t sweat the small stuff

Action Steps

• Decide on either the macro tracking or portion control approach

• If using the macro tracking approach, work out your target intakes, if you are unsure then

start by using the table with Kcals set at x 12 bodyweight, protein at 1g/lb bodyweight

and carbs at 30%. If you are losing weight too quickly, you can always increase the



Medical DisclaimerThe material provided within this book is for information purposes only and in no way supersedes any prior advice given by a medical practitioner or therapist.

Should you follow any of the information provided, you are choosing to do so of your own free will, without coercion and in the full knowledge that the material has not been personally designed for you. Should you suffer from a medical condition of any kind or suspect that following any of the suggestions in this book may cause you a medical problem of any kind whatsoever that you should speak to a qualified medical practitioner for advice.

Image credits:Front Cover: Andrea De

© Copyright 2018 Activate Fitness and it’s licensors

All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means whatsoever without the prior consent and written permission of the copyright holder(s). (e) email


Welcome to my Guide to Batch Cooking. This book will be your bible over the coming weeks! In case you didn’t know, nutrition will count for about 80% of your results.

That’s right 80%!

There is an important lesson to be learned from the story below...

You see I used to have a client, let’s call her Lisa. Now Lisa trained very hard and never missed

a training session and so with all this effort and dedication to her training she thought

that the scales and the measuring tape would really be moving in the right direction at her

weights and measurement day. I will never forget the look on her face when she found out

that she lost only 1lb and half an inch from her waist. She was disappointed and so was I.

“You have read the information on the importance of nutrition and you have been using the

recipe book I gave you?,” I asked. It turned out she never read it because she thought she

already knew about nutrition and that her personal trainer wasn’t going to know more than

she did.

Sometimes we learn the hard way! I’m pleased to say that once Lisa had become fully aware

of the importance of nutrition for fat loss, we were able to make some important changes.

28 days later she was 14lbs down and almost 2 dress sizes smaller.

As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

And you are ready! That’s why you are reading this!

Mark McGrath (e) email

Batch cooking

Batch cooking is a great way to run an efficient and effective nutrition regime. The idea is that you cook all (or most of) your main meals and snacks in one or two weekly sessions rather than every day.

At first this might seem like a big undertaking, but you’ll quickly reap the rewards and over

time will develop new processes to speed things up.

So what are the benefits?

• You’re less likely to reach for fast food, if you are too tired to cook when you get home

from work, or if you’re generally short on time

• You’ll free up a lot of time in the week by batch cooking at the weekend - it’s a more

efficient use of your time

• You’ll spend less time food shopping

• You’ll save money... less trips to to the supermarket and lower food bills (from buying in


• There will be less washing up to do outside of your batch cooking session

• You’ll feel more in control of your diet by eating healthy home cooked food. (e) email

Before you get started, it’s important to get your kitchen organised for a batch cooking session.

Here are some essential items for your kitchen...

• Baking foil

• Kitchen scales

• Resealable food bags

• Sealable containers, e.g. tupperware

• Good set of pots and pans

• Wooden spoons

• Baking trays

• Good quality set of knives

• Fridge and freezer space!

Shopping for your batch recipes

Meat, poultry and fish can often end up being amongst the pricier items on your shopping


Take a trip to your local butchers and buy a load of chicken breast (cheaper than the

supermarket and usually better quality). It’s also worth checking out any other deals on less

expensive meat, such as mince, liver etc.

Your butcher may also be able to advise you on how best to use different cuts. The butcher

or farm shop is also a good place to get a tray or two of free range eggs, as they are cheaper

and better quality than supermarket eggs. (e) email

Useful tips in the supermarket...

• Buy sliced frozen onions and crushed garlic to save time in the kitchen

• Take extra care to check the best before dates on fresh fruit and vegetables. The items with

longer expiry dates are usually at the back of the shelf

• Loose fruit and vegetables tend to be cheaper than packaged

• Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as healthy as fresh, but last longer (as long as you

have enough space in your freezer!)

• Buy according to the season. ‘Summer’ fruits such as strawberries, will cost more in

December than in July

• Own brands can often be just as tasty as big brands but cheaper

• More discounts can often be found when shopping after 7pm, or last thing on a Sunday

• Make the most of supermarket loyalty cards and vouchers

• A good selection of spices can pep up a meal in seconds

• Local markets are a great place to buy cheap fruit and vegetables, but you may need to

use them up quickly (e) email

Back in the kitchen…

Firstly, it’s a good idea to allow enough time for your batch cooking. The finished dishes need

sufficient time to cool down before they can be stored away. Therefore starting a batch cook

late in the evening isn’t advisable.

Clean your kitchen surfaces and clear enough space for prepping. Empty the dishwasher and

tidy the sink area so it’s ready for washing fruit and vegetables - and washing up.

Ensure you have enough space in the fridge and freezer.

When you first start batch cooking, you might find it easier to cook just one or two recipes

then gradually work your way up to a fridge / freezer full of food!

Another simple method is to get into the habit of making more than you need whenever

you cook a meal, such as chilli con carne, curry or bolognese. You can then freeze the

leftovers for another day. Before you know it, you’ll have built up a good few extra meals.

Useful tips:

• Prepare ingredients for more than one recipe at a time, to speed up the batch cooking

process. e.g. pick two or three recipes which use similar ingredients and prepare them at

the same time. This will also save on washing up

• Once the batch cooked meals have cooled down, divide them into food containers or

freezer bags. The benefit of freezer bags is that they tend to take up less space in the

freezer. Store all of the meals in the freezer except for the ones you’ll be eating on the first

few days - these can be refrigerated. Simply defrost the frozen meals as and when you

need them

• Label and date the meals


• Frozen meat should be thoroughly defrosted before use. For packaged meat and fish,

follow the pack instructions

• Never refreeze anything once it has thawed

• Allow hot food to cool thoroughly before storing in the fridge or freezer (e) email

Food prep time-saving ideasVegetables

• Peel, slice and de-seed vegetables which feature regularly in your meal plan. Store them in

a sealable bag or airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days. e.g. peppers, carrots. Avoid

chopping peppers too finely, as the larger surface area means they will deteriorate

more quickly. It’s also best not to prepare onions or garlic in advance, as they can leave a

nasty smell in the fridge and freezer. Frozen onions and garlic can be purchased in

supermarkets and are a great time saver

• Steam vegetables in bulk, allow to cool then store in an airtight container and refrigerate

for 3-4 days


• If you buy your chicken from the butcher, ask them to dice it up for you.. You may want to

phone them in advance so that it is ready when you arrive. Divide the diced chicken into

resealable bags before freezing so that when it is time to use, you don’t defrost more than

you require. Write the weight on the bag for future reference


• Identify some recipes you really enjoy and multiply the

ingredients to make more meals which can be put in the

fridge or freezer
