Guidelines for Presentations



Guidelines for presentations ppt

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Guidelines for research article presentation:

There will be two presentations a day, thus please do your best to be on time for class.

Presenters:1. Your presentation should include de following information:1. Objective(s), goal(s) or research question(s) of the study (10 points)2. Most relevant literature reviewed by authors (15 points)3. Hypothesis(ses) (10 points)4. Who were the participants? (10 points)5. What materials (tests, tasks, surveys, etc) were used? (15 points)6. Procedures (15 points)7. Results (10 points)8. Discussion (10 points)9. Limitations (5 points)2. You may add anything elseyou find important.3. You may use graphics and tables from the article on your presentation (using proper citation).4. You should have your references listed on a last slide.

Presentations should be between 20-25 minutes long, in PowerPoint or similar program.Each presenter must have equal contribution in the presentation. Presenters will be graded individually. Presenters should be prepared to answer questions.You will be graded on the quality of the content you present for each of the topics described above.

In addition to the oral presentation, this assignment also includes a written portion. You will summarize the research article in no less than 5 and no more than 10 pages, inclduing all the information requested above in narrative format. Also please add a title page and a references page to your paper.

Non-presenters:1. If it is not your day to present:1. Read one of the articles to be presented by your classmates. You may read both if you choose to.2. On the day before the presentation, send me a discussion or clarification question by e-mail.3. You will be graded on participation for sending the questions.4. I will bring eveyone's questions to class, anonymously, to generate discussion with the presenters.

The goal of these presentations is that we learn content from each of the research articles we discuss this is not merely an assessment of your presentation abilities. Therefore, present these articles as if you were teaching us about them. Make sure to define important terms/ideas that might not be clear to all. Make sure YOU understand the article before presenting. If you need help, please talk to me in advance.
