Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Discovered and Confirmed. dated at 467 to 484 myo



It is official now. Seazoria prehistoric biology has been confirmed through extensive laboratory testing. Discovery photos and information are contained within this document. One of the single greatest discoveries in history. A new era of advanced prehistoric biology. Welcome to the Hallettestoneion era of prehistoric Seazoria Dragons. The worlds, oldest, largest and most advanced forms of life ever discovered. Utah USA. Discovered by Mike Hallett of Layton Utah 85LHS. Biological confirmation by paleontologist micro biologist Sir Gary Stonely at the Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences Vancouver Canada. Special acknowledgement to paleontology consultant Keith Crawford of Brooks Canada. The History book can now be re written to include the prehistoric sea dragons long missing from the historical textbook. Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Discovered and Confirmed. Celebrate this historical moment in time with us. -Team Seazoria-

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Biological evolution: Hallettestoneion Seazoria DragonsAuthor: Mike Hallett, Discoverer, Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons (aka: Seazoria)Co-Author/editor: Patti Israel, Team Seazoria Technical Writer

Seazoria Dragons public photo gallery

Picasa Web Albums - Seazoria Hallette... 35 albums View Seazoria Dragons’ photos and dig site videos. Hundreds of photos. Seazoria technology discovery templates and Zoria Repeat field research with specimen examples.


Recently, the age of Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons has been confirmed at 484 million years, plus or minus 12,000 years, by Sir Dr. Gary Stonely, PhD Paleontologist, PhD Microbiologist. Dr. Stonely is located in Vancouver, Canada and presently works for the Canadian government. Additionally, he represents the Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vancouver, Canada. 

Keith Crawford, our geological consultant, owns the Geo-Paleo Rock-n- Fossil Consulting firm, located in Brooks, Alberta, Canada. He is been a pivotal team player for the advancement of the official scientific confirmation of the Seazoria Dragons discovery. In commemoration of his dedication and effort, a spike has been named in his honor.

Drawing of remains located on property (Crawfordion Seazoria)


Recent excerpts from confirmation sent by Dr. Stonely:

Excerpt #1 (September 3, 2010)“I can conclude at this point, that the smaller of the spikes is of a biological origin and dated to be 480 myo +/- 20,000 years. This is known as the Lower/Early Series in the Ordovician Period. 

Dating on the larger spike is inconclusive as Keith has instructed me that permission is granted to probe deeper into the specimens core for a more accurate results. I was still able to get a reading from the scrapings I took and got a 400 myo +/- 12,000 years. This is known as the Silurian/Devonian Boundary Period.”

– Dr. Gary Stonely, PhD, Paleontologist/PhD, Microbiologist

Excerpt #2 (September 7, 2010)“However, I spent time after hours with the specimen Keith supplied me with and came up with a different relative age from before. To recap, the scrapings I tested before are dated to 400 myo +/- 12,000 years (Silurian/Devonian Boundary) and are indeed of biological origin. Now the 12 gram sample results from late last night’s endeavor gave me 484 million years old +/- 12,000 years. This outcome puts a time stamp to the Lower/Early Series in the Ordovician Period. The results are very comparable to the first smaller of the spikes I tested. 

Studying the internal cores in the next few weeks will prove promising. I have arranged for two of last year’s university PhD paleontology graduate students to assist me with internal core phase. I will be able to acquire accurate aging of the elements and analyze the mineral compositions more thoroughly with additional assistance.”

– Dr. Gary Stonely, PhD, Paleontologist/PhD, Microbiologist

Excerpt #3 (September 20, 2010)“I was persuaded to work the weekend to acquire test results on the large spike I recently picked up in Brooks, AB. The results are all you need to lure the scientific community into the understanding. At this point, I cannot test origins of species; rather, testing for biological make up and compositions is all we can do at this point. There is no doubt that this larger of spikes is of a biological origin. It differs slightly from the previous samples and tests I have conducted. 

I have taken four photographs and made a collage to make one photo. The first of photos (top left) is of me holding the center core of the large spike. The core contains a rich iron band and trace carbons surrounded by rich calcium. The second photo (top right) shows U. Cambrian/Ordovician micro-fossils which are discovered all over the Ordovician Period. The third photo (bottom left) shows the fist cross section cut of the large spike and displays calcium nodules within the matrix. The fourth photo (bottom right) is of a thin sectioned slice of the core containing the iron bands, calcium and trace carbons.”

– Dr. Gary Stonely, PhD, Paleontologist/PhD, Microbiologist (See photo collage, next page)


Received September 20, 2010

A prestigious scientific award was granted to me by Dr. Stonely as a result of the confirmation of this discovery. The award is given to only twelve individuals each year and is usually reserved for PhD Paleontology graduate students in the final stages of their theses.

Certificate awarded September 1, 2010

Excerpt from response to Dr. Stonely


“There are many intricate biological details as it relates to the physical remains that have been preserved that have not been released. The level of compounded generational evolutionary advancement is almost startling. Comprehensive study of the Seazoria remains has validated over 20,000 hours of time I have invested in researching Seazoria Dragons. Direct comparison between vertebrate land dinosaurs and Seazoria Dragons will allow the scientific communities to finally understand how massive compounded evolution works through case studies and direct comparisons.

The most striking feature of the Seazoria Dragons is the extreme level of biological, consistent developmental features. The most awesome of these is the fact that the Seazoria Dragons’ bodies are mostly intact and up right. Below the surface everything is present including the internal organs and part of the central nervous system. I will expand on this element of the discovery in greater detail in further writings to you, Dr. Stonely.”

The Zoria Repeat also refers to the locations of the growth spines within the sub structure. When examining both teeth and spikes it is blatantly obvious that all of the specimens share common structural characteristics. First of all the specimens are specialized wedges. The next stand out feature is the components are created in specialized left or right handed configurations. Now the textbook does not state that (rocks) are in distinctive rights and lefts. At the Seazoria grave yards the individual stones are created in specific rights and lefts only. The only exception to the rights and lefts rule is the skulls. Seazoria skulls have equal right and left halves. Going back to the internal sub structure this is a study in consistency mathematics. There is a growth spine sub structure is totally consistent and no matter how diverse or specialized the components are the substructure growth spines are always ever present. By diversity I am referring to lets say the teeth for example. Each tooth is individually created to perform a specific function in an exact location, (front teeth, side teeth, back teeth, top teeth, bottom teeth, right teeth and left teeth, including all progressive identical replacement teeth) These example demonstrate the diversity amongst the Zoria repeating biological structures. However when examining each of the individual specimens closely a researcher will come to understand that the complex arrangements of internal growth spins remains totally consistent. The external shape is determined by location of the internal growth spines (veining). After studying enough Zoria Repeat shapes A researcher always look for the internal growth spines and that the growth spines are not only present but that the growth spines (internal veining) travel to each of the key facets that make up the external structure. There is a direct correlation between the external five side wedge shape and the location of the internal growth spines sub structure. The Zoria Repeating shape/structure has three vertical sections 1-attachment base growth core, 2- functioning main body leading blunt leading edge, center crown and a serrated double cutter trailing edge. 3- pressed out reinforced tip section. and seven specific horizontal segmented sections. There are at 117 common inherent external and internal common structural characteristics.


Letter to landowners of property on which Seazoria Dragons remains are located:

Dear Landowner, August 24, 2010

This letter contains some very important information regarding a request of significant nature. I ask with all due respect that you carefully and thoroughly review all of the information, data, and research that this letter contains.

My name is Mike Hallett, and I am the discoverer of a prehistoric, highly evolved marine ecosystem located close to or on your property. Much time, effort, hard work and research has been invested in order to accurately convey the intricate details and results of a comprehensive scientific research project concerning advanced prehistoric marine biology located on the property you own and manage on 4200 N in Pleasant View.

Over the past eight years, I have invested over 20,000 hours into developing an understanding of the very large, highly evolved, prehistoric marine reptiles that are buried in North Ogden and Pleasant View. The most well-preserved remains are located above the Lake Bonneville shoreline and below the ancient Pacific Ocean high water mark, which dates back 540 million years (per Weber State University Geosciences Dept.) to a time when Utah was the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. California and Nevada had not yet emerged.

This time period is very significant to the remains. These creatures, officially known and confirmed as Hallettestoneion Seazorias, became extinct 540 million years ago. A massive, global cataclysm occurred, marking the end of the Precambrian era, and the beginning of the Cambrian era. The Hallettestoneion Seazorias had experienced massive compound generational development during the Precambrian era.

Based upon studies and field research conducted in and around North Ogden and the Pleasant View areas, the top half of the peninsula above the Lake Bonneville Shoreline appears to be the only shallow-water flat area that was around at this time period.

It appears that, during the Cambrian Cataclysm, the Hallettestoneion Seazorias all swam to the top of the shallow water area, where they clustered together in an attempt to survive the inevitable fate of being frozen alive. There are individuals who were a distance from the masses, but it is clear they knew they were going to die and tried desperately to congregate together for heat. The remains of these creatures show that they were lying on their stomachs with their chins


Hallettestoneion Research Project Mike Hallett, Discoverer

Layton, UT, USAAll Rights Reserved


upright. Time and gravity caused the skulls to collapse into the bottom jaw. The bodies have been mostly reclaimed into dirt and stone due to the obvious time factor involved. What remains is the skull, spikes and teeth of the Hallettestoneion Seazorias. Comprehensive examination, analysis, and confirmation of the remains’ biological composition have been accomplished. Seazoria remains are arranged in the exact configuration of very large, highly evolved prehistoric reptiles, down to the finest, intricate details.

Biology is created; therefore, these remains possess complex, understandable repeating patterns which are consistently logical to the point of mathematical equations. Despite this, the biology is completely predictable. The remains are structurally formatted in distinctive right or left-handed configurations. Complex biological structures in right or left-handed configuration formats are exclusive to the domain of Creation (biology).

The Zoria Repeating biological structure (Zoria Repeat) is basically a five-sided triangular wedge. The external shape is produced by the internal frame substructure, which is inherent and consistent in its configuration.

A general perception might be that I am simply “playing with rocks”. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I have done, despite this perception, is to excavate the skull matrix (skull and teeth) of a specimen named “Hillfieldion Seazoria”—a prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragon.

Prior to the beginning of the skull matrix excavation of Hillfieldion Seazoria, I submitted a written proposal to a company office in Ogden. Within the proposal was a photograph of a portion of the skull that was above the surface (most of the skull was protruding out of the ground). In the proposal, I explained that the skull would have a full and complete set of teeth


consisting of rights and lefts on the top and bottom of the mouth. All full-sized teeth have smaller, progressive, genetically identical replacement teeth.

Also covered in the proposal was the location of the teeth. Hallettestoneion Seazorias’ teeth are not all directly under the skull, as would be the case with land dinosaurs. Seazoria teeth are in a horseshoe configuration extending out and around the sides of the skull and out in front of the skull. The skull sits in the center and the teeth protrude out of the front and sides of the skull.

It is absolutely critical that the skull matrix of Hillfieldion Seazoria be preserved at all costs. The discovery of the Hallettestoneion Seazorias is the single-most important scientific discovery in the history of prehistoric research. The Seazorias are the largest, oldest, and most biologically evolved prehistoric creatures ever found. Human science needs to examine and understand this very early advanced biological era. We, as a species, need to know and understand the biological evolution of life on Earth. It may be difficult today to comprehend the significance and magnitude not only of finding the dragons, but discovering the most advanced forms of life. The Seazorias are ten thousand times more evolved than any other prehistoric life form found thus far. Future generation biological and paleontological scientists will be forever grateful and indebted to us for ensuring the advancement of this amazing new science—the opportunity of breaking out of the stone walls which have previously encased prehistoric studies will take the world into a new and exciting era of previously unidentified ecosystems and creatures that existed on Earth long before our generation ever could have imagined.

More information is forthcoming. The discovery has been confirmed by a paleo-biologist located in Canada. Laboratory research and testing is underway on the confirmed remains and will be released upon notification.


Mike Halletthttp://www.facebook.com/seazoria





In conclusion, the current fossil record and timeline associated to the evolution of advanced life on Earth will be forever changed as a result of this discovery. The Salt Lake valley here in Utah looks like a giant drained bathtub that has seven distinctive rings.  It is a large valley surrounded by 10,000 ft mountains. Key point, there are seven different water marks that are deeply carved into the base of the mountains. The highest water mark dates back 540 million years, to the time when Utah was the western edged of the Pacific Ocean. There was no Nevada or California; Utah was the western edge of the ancient Pacific Ocean. The prehistoric biological remains we have been studying, examining, excavating and analyzing have been dated to 484 million years ago.

youtube Seazoria Dragons excavation Video Hallettestoneion Seazoria


ZORIA REPEAT MASTER TEMPLATE: The foundational element that successfully unlocks the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons’ advanced marine biology is the Zoria Repeat. Seazoria

Dragons’ Teeth and body Spikes are complex repeating structures with 117 predictable inherent characteristics.


The ocean watermarks timeline was provided by the chairman of the Geosciences department of a university located within 15 minutes of the Seazoria Dragons graveyard. This individual with a PhD conducted hands on field research throughout the intermountain area. He speaks from a textbook science perspective combined with local field research studies. If you consult the geological time period, you will notice the there is a large cataclysm that occurs on Earth around 540 million years ago, which marks the end of the Precambrian era and the beginning of the Cambrian era.

This drawing depicts the skull matrix collapse below ground that is typical of a Seazoria Dragon. The teeth are not located directly below the skull. The skull tends to collapse down into the mouth cavity generally with the downhill direction of gravity. Prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons teeth are usually located anywhere from 18 inches to 4 feet below the skull. As is typical with Seazoria Dragons, the jaw structure has not survived due to lack of bone density to resist the reclamation process. With Seazorias, only the most hardened components have survived. In the skull matrix the surviving components are the skull itself. The crown spikes are individual components that were originally located on the top of the skull, lying near the sides of the skull at the surface level or just below the surface in close proximity to the skull. Some of the facial spikes have survived. Facial spikes are unique in there texture and structure. The facial spikes are the only components to protrude horizontally. Facial spikes stick out the sides of the skull. One very unique and distinguishing characteristic of the facial spikes is the hydrodynamic shape. Only the Seazoria facial spikes are constructed in a hydrofoil shape for water. The other


very notable feature that really stands out is that the facial spikes are the only Zoria Repeat structures that demonstrate very pronounced rearward warping. Facial spikes are characterized by their texture and their hydrodynamic structural shape. As the facial spikes begin growing out toward their tips, extensive rearward warping forces are applied (similar to excessive warping that can be seen in dinosaur claws). However, Seazoria Dragons lived and became extinct hundreds of millions of years before the time of the land Dinosaurs. Seazoria Dragons and vertebrate land dinosaurs are completely different form of biology and nothing is interchangeable. Today the crown spikes and the facial spikes are individual Zoria Repeat triangular wedges that are usually found at or near the surface level in close proximity the host skull.



Skull matrix excavation of specimen named Hillfieldion Seazoria.

All Rights Reserved: Hallettestoneion Research Project.

Contact Mike Hallett for further information at facebook/seazoria

Current discovery overview knowledge and information:

Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Discovery organization Information and photos of the Seazoria Dragons discovery can be found on this Seazoria site on face book

Zoria Repeat example and Template External shape internal sub structure framework

Zoria repeating right and left triangular, wedge-shaped structures. Seazoria Dragons’ Teeth and spikes are all examples of the Zoria Repeat. Major scientific breakthrough!


The Laurie Rhodes Maloy Zoria Repeat Master Template

The foundational element that successfully and scientifically unlocks the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Precambrian advanced marine biology is the Zoria Repeat. Seazoria Dragon Teeth and body Spikes are complex repeating triangular wedge biological structures that grow in distinctive right or left handed configurations sharing the same 117 common internal framework and external shape inherent structural characteristics. The inherent complex repeating internal and external structural format shape and mathematical equations are consistent, inherent and predictable.It took 5000 hours to map and understand the foundational internal growth spines substructure locations, format and layout. The reason behind the fact that all Seazoria Dragons teeth and spikes always grow in very specialized predictable external shape triangular Zoria Repeat wedges can be directly attributed to the internal foundational sub structure growth spines format. There is a clear correlation between the locations of the internal growth spines and the specialized features of the external triangular Zoria Repeat shape structure. The internal growth spines always travel back and forth between the entire key specialized structural features that are common and inherent to the external right or left configured Zoria Repeat triangular wedge shape structure. Biological growth starts from inside the attachment base / growth core, travels forward and outward toward the tip.  Forward growth is consistent, predictable and structurally complex.  The distinguishing difference between Geology (rocks) is external layering formation and Biology (life) internal forward growth. Geology is generally sedimentary and is formed in layers. Geology is miscellaneous, random and unpredictable. Biology demonstrates growth from within. Biological growth expands from within and grows out and forward to a tip. Biology is very organized and complex. Most importantly biological growth is always formatted in distinctive right or left configurations. Biology repeats itself constantly and is predictable. There can be a large diversity amongst biological structures, however the key "Zoria Repeat" fundamental shape and foundational structure remains consistent. With biology each individual component is specially created to perform a specific function in an exact location.  It has been my experience working with Precambrian Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons when it comes to the individual right and left handed Zoria Repeating biological structures the general rule seems to be "form matches function to perfection" Translated that means that all of the Seazoria Teeth and Spikes are individually formatted and have the correct shape for the location .    


Burial Matrix template Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons

Standard burial matrix format male Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragon

When you consult the geological time period you will notice the there is a large cataclysm that occurs on Earth around 540 million years ago, marking the end of the Precambrian era and the beginning of the Cambrian Geological time periods.

Now, on to the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons; their bodies are preserved mostly intact. The Precambrian cataclysm was a rapid and massive event. The Seazorias all appear to be huddled together, lying on their stomachs and chins in an upright position. The Seazoria Dragons all knew they were going to die. They were apparently frozen alive as a subsequent ice age occurred. That is why there are many different types of species present in this area that would normally never be in close proximity to deadly predators. It was over. Their biological cycle of life would end now.

Full-sized tooth with identical replacement tooth


Full size tooth 21in with identical replacement tooth 10.5in Zoria Repeat

Identical progressive repeating biological structures. Full size and replacement teeth. Seazoria.

Seazoria Teeth and spikes Zoria repeats

Ron with small Zoria Repeats. John with spike. Nick with full sized Seazoria tooth.

Here are two different examples of right and left Zoria Repeat examples.


Body spikes Crawfordion Seazoria. Zoria Repeats

Zoria repeating biological structure examples

Left and right Zoria Repeat examples


Left: Tooth Stormey Seazoria Comparison: Land Dinosaur teeth

Right: Tooth Scottyhoeboy Seazoria

Body spike from Splashdion Seazoria. Zoria Repeating Biological Structure

Fossil record timeline boundaries are not supported with evidence. The theories behind advanced biological life time limits have only a starting point on a perceived timeline. The 267 million-year limit presently accepted concerning advanced prehistoric biological life is a "wild blue yonder" theory. The scientific community is adamant about no advanced life having possibly existed beyond 267 million years ago, yet there is no supporting evidence. Local paleontologists will not even look for advanced life beyond this time limitation. I have watched as many PhD paleontologists have defended this "blue sky theory" simply because it is the finite information contained within outdated textbooks.


Nick with a small starter tooth recovered during the skull matrix excavation of Stormey Seazoria

Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Discovery OrganizationHallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Discovery Organization on facebook. Become a fan. Discovery information and discovery photographs are updated regularly.


Zoria Repeat Templates with physical specimen examples. Provided by Mike Hallett and the Hallettestoneion Research Project.

Teeth from Stormey Seazoria. Identical progressive repeats. Full sized tooth 20.5 inches and replacement teeth 10.5 inches.

This is a skull profile view from Hillfieldion Seazoria Dragon. It is a Pre-excavation photo from the Hallettestoneion Research Project.




Location of the Teeth on the right side of skull Hillfieldion Seazoria. The excavation proposal submitted accurately predicted the location and sized of the Teeth of Hillfieldion Seazoria.

External shape internal sub structure format Zoria Repeat

This Zoria Repeat template was created to educate individuals on the locations of internal growth spines, Exterior shape is inherent to the Zoria repeating biological shape/structure.