HANDBOOK Revised Summer 2014 - SIUE


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Dining Services

Student Handbook

Revised 6/19/2014


Contents Welcome 3

-SIUE values 4

-Dining Services objectives and expectations 5

Contact Info 6

Meetings 6

Attendance Policy 7

Discrimination and Harassment 8

Sexual Harassment 9

Time Pro 10-11

Wages 11

Breaks 11

Scheduling 13

Lockers 14

Uniforms 15

Health Guidelines 16

Accidents 17

Customer Complaints 17

Evaluations 18

Termination 19

Appeals 21


Welcome! We at the Morris University Center SIUE Dining Services would like to welcome you to our team! We

hope that your employment with us proves to be an enriching and rewarding experience. As a student

employee, you will play an important part in the successful operation of our food service family.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate

against any person on the basis of race, religion, national origin or sex in violation of Title VII. Southern

Illinois University Edwardsville prohibits discrimination against employees, applicants for employment

and students on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual

orientation, or veteran's status. Anyone having questions concerning discrimination or accessibility should

contact the Student Personnel Office or the Office of Human Resources, campus box 1040, Rendleman

Hall 3210, 618-650-2190

Disclaimer Statement

This manual does not create any rights or benefits. The policies and statements are subject to change at

any time. Anyone with questions about the information provided or needing further clarification should

contact Student Personnel at (618) 650-3036. This manual is provided as a resource for the employees of

Dining Services at SIUE, but it is not a contract, nor is it an invitation to contract.


SIUE Statement of Values Recognizing public education as the cornerstone of a democracy, SIUE fulfills its mission based on

certain fundamental, shared values. We value:


• Social, civic, and political responsibility – globally, nationally, locally, and within the University

• Active partnerships and a climate of collaboration and cooperation among students, faculty, staff,

alumni, and the larger community

• Sustainable practices in environmental, financial, and social endeavors


• High-quality learning within and beyond the classroom

• Continuous improvement and innovation

• Outstanding scholarship and public service


• A welcoming and supportive environment

• Openness to the rich diversity of humankind in all aspects of university life

• Respect for individuals, differences, and cultures

• Intellectual freedom and diversity of thought


• Accountability to those we serve and from whom we receive support

• Honesty in our communications and in our actions


• Creation, preservation, and sharing of knowledge

• Application of knowledge in a manner that promotes the common good

• Life-long learning


Dining Service’s Statement of Values

Dining Service’s Statement of Purpose: To provide each guest with great-tasting, healthy, and

reasonably-priced food in a fast, friendly manner on every visit.

Objectives and Expectations:

◊ Every job, no matter how small it may seem, is an important part of the overall operation.

◊ Sanitation and safety are paramount

◊ Serve the customers of SIUE in an efficient and pleasant manner.

◊ Professional behavior at all times.

◊ Develop a strong, performance-oriented, creative organization.

◊ Strive for continuous improvement.

◊ Vigorously promote employee development, teamwork, and motivation.

◊ Obtain optimum productivity from all employees and equipment.

Our Mission: Providing students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community with quality food and

services at a reasonable value. This is accomplished by: ◊ Practicing creative menu development

◊ Ensuring a friendly environment

◊ Incorporating variety, flexibility, and convenience

We are committed to:

◊ Presenting a dining program that our customers appreciate

◊ Providing innovative responses to varying culinary palates, including healthy options

◊ Offering progressive dining venues including a contemporary food court, table service restaurant,

catering services, nationally branded concepts, SIUE signature branded concepts, cafés, kiosks,

and convenience stores

◊ Continually seeking opportunities to enhance offerings, improve and expand facilities, and

building a fiscally responsible dining program

◊ Valuing the loyalty, hard work, and integrity of our employees and seeking to enhance this through

continual training and open communication

◊ Taking pride in achieving excellence and answering the demands of a growing university


How to Call Off From Work Students are expected to call off to Student Personnel (618-650-3036) at least one hour, but not more than twelve hours, before your shift. When you call off, please state and spell your name, the area in which you work, the time of your scheduled shift, and your reason for calling off.

• If you know more than 12 hours in advance that you will be absent, YOU MUST fill out a Request Day Off Form.

• Employees who work in the following areas are also expected to call off to those areas. Not calling Student Personnel and your work areas at least one hour, but not more than twelve hours, before your shift will result in at least an Unexcused Absence.

• Please leave a voicemail calling off if no one answers the phone.

Orientation, Meetings and Staff Meetings If Dining Services schedules a mandatory meeting during a time that conflicts with your school schedule (athletics, music, theatre, etc.) you must notify Student Personnel in order to be excused. Being excused from the meeting will be granted in the event that you provide proof (copy of schedule, athletic schedule, etc.) to Student Personnel that you cannot attend.

Area   Number    Auntie  Anne's   (618)  650-­‐2374    Cocina   (618)  650-­‐5104    Commons  Grill   (618)  650-­‐2959    Freshens   (618)  650-­‐2577    Fixin’s  (Restaurant)   (618)  650-­‐2465    

Salads/Grab  n  Go   (618)  650-­‐3557    Kaldi's   (618)  650-­‐5717  

 Pizza  Hut   (618)  650-­‐3663    Skywalk   (618)  650-­‐3402    Starbucks   (618)  650-­‐5200    Union  Station   (618)  650-­‐2320    


Student Employee Attendance Policy


1 no call/no show per semester: -No prior notice given for missing a shift or calling off after your shift starts will result in a no call/no show - A No Call/No Show is equivalent to 3 unexcused absences and termination will be determined on a case by case basis.

3 unexcused absences per semester: -Not calling in on time or appropriately -It will be counted as unexcused if you call off to study or do homework

3 excused absences per semester: - Students must call off 1 hour in advance and for a valid reason. This includes any absence related to medical issues or family emergency (sick, death in family, etc.). Documentation, such as a doctor’s note, must be presented within three days to your supervisor.

Tardiness - If you know that you are going to be late YOU MUST call and notify the Student Personnel office. - Up to 30 minutes late will be marked as an EXCUSED late if you notify Student Personnel and your supervisor. -If more than 30 minutes late, it will be marked as an unexcused absence -Lesser offenses can equal a larger offense. Employees are expected to arrive on time and in uniform for all scheduled shifts. Not being in your work area at your start time affects that area’s ability to meet guests’ needs. If you know you will not be able to work your scheduled shift at least twelve hours in advance, you are expected to acquire and fill out a Request Day Off Form and a Substitution Form from the Student Personnel Office. YOU MUST have another student fill in for you if you need to take a day off. Any Request Day Off Form that is completed on time and approved by your supervisor will not affect your number of absences. These forms should be used in cases of school functions/extracurricular activities or going out of town. Not using a Request Day Off Form in these cases will lead to an unexcused absence. Proper documentation is expected in cases such as illness, attending a funeral, or school functions concerning class. A Doctor’s note may excuse your absence only if the note states that you may not work on a day you are scheduled. School functions require a note from your Professor on official SIUE letterhead or an email from that professor’s SIUE email account to siuestudpers@gmail.com. Extracurricular school functions will be unexcused unless a Request Day Off Form is filled with at least 72 hours advance notice.

Reason  for  Absence  

Is  it  excused?  

Sick  with  a  Dr.  note   Yes  

Sick  w/o  a  Dr.  note   No  

Campus  Closed  for  Inclement  Weather   Yes  

Studying/Taking  exam   No  

Out  of  Town   No  School  Function  Concerning  Class     Yes  School  Function  (Extracurricular-­‐

Activity)   No  


Discrimination and Harassment SIUE’s Policy on Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment: It is the policy of Southern Illinois University that all students, faculty, staff, and guests should be able to enjoy and work in an educational environment free from discrimination and harassment. Discrimination against any person or group of persons based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, or veteran’s status is specifically prohibited in the Southern Illinois University community. Discriminatory harassment includes, but is not limited to, conduct (oral, written, graphics, or physical) directed against any person or group of persons based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, or veteran’s status that has the purpose of or reasonably foreseeable effect of creating an offensive, demeaning, intimidating, or hostile environment for that person or group of persons. Such conduct includes but is not limited to objectionable epithets, demeaning depictions or treatment, and threatened or actual abuse or harm.


SIUE’s Sexual Harassment Policy Statement: Southern Illinois University is committed to a policy of providing equal employment and educational opportunities. In particular, Southern Illinois University is committed to maintaining a community which students, faculty, and staff can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment violates the dignity of the individual and the integrity of the University as an institution of higher learning, and thus, sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated at Southern Illinois University. This policy applies to all employees, students, contractors, and visitors of Southern Illinois University. This policy prohibits sexual harassment, retaliation related to sexual harassment claims, knowingly reporting false sexual harassment complaints and knowingly providing false information during the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. All University employees are responsible for taking reasonable and necessary action to prevent sexual harassment, and all members of the University community are expected to contribute to an environment free of sexual harassment, and are encouraged to report promptly (pursuant to campus procedures) any conduct that could be in violation of this policy. Sexual Harassment in employment means any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature, when:

a. Submissions to or toleration of such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment (this is a type of quid pro quo – meaning “this for that” – sexual harassment); or

b. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis (or threatened to be used as a basis) for employment decisions or assessments affecting such individual (this is a type of quid pro quo – meaning “this for that” – sexual harassment); or

c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment (this is a type of hostile environment sexual harassment).

Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects an employee’s work performance, limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from a University program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive working or academic environment. Sexual harassment generally includes something beyond the mere expression or display of views, words, symbols, images, or thoughts that some person finds offensive. Any student, who believes he or she is being subjected to sexual harassment, including sexual advances, can contact the MUC Sexual Harassment Advisor – Joseph Pearson, 618-650-2300 (jpearso@siue.edu) or the Assistant Director of Institutional Compliance -- Kelli Hampton, 618-650-2333 (kelhamp@siue.edu)


TimePro TimePro is our time clock. It is how we keep track of everyone’s hours. If your presence at work is not accounted for on the TimePro system, you will not be paid. Therefore, you must clock in and out either with your cougar card or with your 800# along with a trouble ticket turned in to Jane Emerick (located in office 0066C) or in the box located on the door of the SIUE Dining Services Main Office if you do not have your card. If you have your Cougar Card:

1. Press the appropriate function key on the TimePro machine (‘in’ ‘out’ ‘break’ or ‘lunch’)

2. Swipe your Cougar Card 3. Wait for the green check mark 4. If given a red x, come see Student Personnel or Jane Emerick (DO NOT swipe your

card again)

Please refrain from swiping your Cougar Card multiple times. If you are unsure as to whether your swipe was accounted for, please come see Student Personnel or Jane Emerick (located in office 0066C). If you do not have your Cougar Card:

1. Press the appropriate function key on the TimePro machine (‘in’ ‘out’ ‘break’ or ‘lunch’)

2. Enter 800# 3. Press the same function key used in step 1(‘in’ ‘out’ ‘break’ or ‘lunch’) 4. Fill out trouble ticket 5. Have civil service initial ‘in’ and ‘out’ times 6. Be sure to clock in and out for breaks and at the end of your shift using steps 1-3 7. Turn in the trouble ticket at the end of your shift

A trouble ticket is a physical record of your presence, which is cross-referenced to the digital log to ensure that times are accurate and that a civil service member can account for your presence. If a civil service member does not sign and initial the trouble ticket legibly, you may not be paid. In and out times may not be initialed in advance. Trouble tickets also allow us to address any problems you have had clocking in/out (excessively forgetting card, schedule is wrong, etc.). You may not make up hours!


If your supervisor approves a schedule change (coming in early/staying late), you must provide a reason on the trouble ticket (ex. Student worker ‘X’ was absent). You may only clock in and out if you are in uniform. Being late to your work area to change will be counted as a late and will affect your attendance points. Unscheduled hours must be approved by your supervisor and administrator prior to working. If you are scheduled in two different areas back-to-back, you must clock out from area and in to the other at the appropriate time. Where is the main office? It is in the basement of the MUC across from freezer #3. Look for Dining Services Office number 0066. You will see a SIUE Dining Service TimePro Trouble Ticket Box. Place your ticket here. Clocking in and out with another person’s cougar card or falsifying hours worked is prohibited and grounds for immediate termination. If you have any issues with TimePro that are not addressed here, please see Student Personnel. Students are responsible for keeping track of how many hours they work every week in case of any discrepancy. Students may print physical copies of logged hours from the TimePro time clock.


All Student Employees must be paid via direct deposit. When you were hired as part of your hiring packet you filled out a Direct Deposit Form. Your first pay check and any pay checks you receive before completing the Direct Deposit Form will be available for you to pick up from the Bursar’s office on payday. Pay stubs can be accessed online through Cougar Net under the employment tab. All student workers are paid biweekly on Thursdays. In the event that you want to change your direct deposit information you can do so through Cougar Net online.

Student position pay rates are equivalent to the state minimum wage. A 10¢ per hour raise is awarded with an accumulation of 500 hours worked and every 500 hours worked there after. If selected for a lead worker position, the employee will receive and additional $0.50 an hour raise. If you cannot be found in your work area or your supervisor cannot find you, you will be clocked out immediately for the day and a disciplinary hearing will determine your eligibility for future employment. Scheduled hours missed may not be made up unless substituting for another student. If you have any issues with your wages, please contact Jane Emerick in Payroll at (618) 650-2550 (located in office 0066C).


Breaks & Lunches

You are not allowed to eat while on duty in work areas. You may eat while on an authorized break or lunch period. If you are caught eating in the work areas, it can be grounds for immediate termination. Meals are to be consumed in the dining area. However, there are a few exceptions such as vendor samples, potlucks, etc. In these particular cases, you will be asked not to eat in front of customers or where any food is being prepared for service. You are entitled to a small size drink during your shift. Do not leave your cup in food prep areas.

• If you work 3½ hours consecutively or longer, you are eligible for a 15-minute

break after the first 2 hours. You are required to swipe out and back in for this break. Click “break” on TimePro and swipe out. Then click “in” and swipe when returning. This time will not be deducted unless you exceed your 15 minute break. Take it through the cashier and sign the receipt. The cashier will keep this receipt.

• If you work 6 consecutive hours you have the option to take a 30 minute, unpaid lunch and receive a meal card. At 6 1/2 consecutive hours or longer, you are required to take a 30 minute lunch break. In the event that you work 6 ½ hours, you must clock out for LUNCH and print your timecard in order to receive a meal card.

• You will only be allowed to use the meal card once during the day it is issued. You either use the entire amount allotted or lose the remaining balance.

• You are given a meal ticket for the amount of $4.32, if you exceed this amount you are responsible for paying for the remainder of the amount. Meal cards cannot be saved and used at a later date. Abuse of your meal card will result in immediate termination.

• If you are going on Lunch, Press [Lunch] and swipe, THEN Press [Print timecard] and swipe. Bring the print out to Student Personnel Office to receive your meal card. You will not be given a meal card without a timecard that shows you are currently clocked out to lunch.

• If you do not have your Cougar Card, still attempt to clock out for lunch using your 800#. Student Personnel will check the digital log of this attempt before giving you a meal card.

You cannot take your break the last 30 minutes of your shift.


Scheduling You must submit a schedule of all your available work hours for the following semester to Student Personnel before their posted due dates. The due dates will be posted towards the end of every semester. If you do not turn in your schedule along with an availability form on time, you will not be guaranteed the hours that you request or even a job when you return to school. Availability Forms can be picked up at The Student Personnel Office. Hours are scheduled by The Student Personnel Office according to the hours that you request, what our business needs are, and your past job performance. For finals week you are required to work your regular work schedule as long as your finals do not conflict with your work schedule. If a problem arises with the schedule you must submit a Schedule Change Form to The Student Personnel Office. This must be approved by your supervisor and administrator and will take effect immediately. No changes will be made without the approval of your supervisor. Only one schedule change per semester will be allowed. STUDENT PERSONNEL WILL MAINTAIN ALL APPROVED PERMANENT SCHEDULE CHANGES. Any non-permanent schedule changes to your schedule will be processed by your Area Supervisor/Area Administrator and updated in TimePro. EXAMPLE: Sub for another student or request day off, working past your scheduled time etc.

If you need days off, fill out and submit a Request For A Day Off Form in advance unless an emergency should occur. In order to be excused from work your Area Supervisor/Area Administrator must approve the request and will make the proper changes in TimePro. You should also post your scheduled hours to assist in finding a replacement for your shift by filling out a Substitution Form. Request for days off as well as substitution forms should be given to your Area Supervisor/Area Administrator. All forms can be picked up in The Student Personnel Office.

If you miss work for any reason or leave work early you cannot make up your hours.

You must give at least two weeks notice before leaving a student position. Failure to do so will make you ineligible for employment with SIUE Dining Services for the next two consecutive semesters.



• SIUE Dining Service has a limited amount of lockers available for students that work in Dining Service. Due to the limited number of lockers, they are issued on a first come, first serve basis.

• If you want a locker you must fill out the locker form and return it to The Student Personnel Office. These forms are taped onto any available lockers. If you need a form see Student Personnel.

• Your locker must be registered with our office or your lock will be cut off and the locker emptied.

• If you do not have a lock, you can borrow a lock from the Student Personnel Office. If you do have a lock, your combination must be reported on a locker form and turned in to Student Personnel.

• At the end of the school year you must return your borrowed lock and clean out your locker. Otherwise, you will be charged for a lock and all of the items left in your locker will be forfeit.

• You are allowed to share lockers, if you so choose, with a coworker. Their information should be added to the locker form.

SIUE and Dining Services is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


Uniforms To reflect the professional image of Dining Services, uniform guidelines have been established. It is your duty to conform to this image by being in complete uniform whenever working. Regardless of the area you work your SIUE-issued student ID card is to be considered part of your uniform. Forgetting your ID when attempting to clock in may be equivalent to you being out of uniform. Uniform shirts will be assigned to you. An additional undershirt may be worn, but it must be plain with no writing or logos visible through the uniform shirt. Pants with patches, holes, frays, bleach-outs or bleach spots, or any pants that do not present a neat appearance are not allowed. No athletic-type pants, sweatpants, leggings, jeggings, capris, or shorts are allowed. Jeans may be worn, provided that they present a neat appearance. Only wear hats or visors assigned to you with your uniform. Hats must be worn with the bill facing forward. Your own personal caps, hats, are not allowed in the work area. Wearing the wrong shirt, pants, or hat will result in disciplinary action and you may be sent home from your shift. Shoes and socks must be worn at all times for safety and sanitation reasons. Shoes must be closed-toed, have a no-slip sole, and have a closed back. No sandals or flip flops are allowed. If you wear an apron, you must tie the apron securely in the back. Cell phones, MP3 players, and other electronic devices are prohibited in the work area. Jewelry guidelines are to be followed to conform to Illinois Department of Public Health and County Health codes/ordinances. You are allowed to wear earrings provided that they are the small post-type earrings or hoop-style earrings no larger than ¾ of an inch in diameter. No other visible piercing (nose, lip, eyebrows, etc.) are allowed when working directly with customers or the public. You are to be dressed properly in a clean, well-maintained uniform before you clock in to begin your assigned shift. You must clock out before changing from your uniform into street clothes at the end of your shift. As a student working in Dining Services, you are to present a neat appearance. No tank tops, camisoles, or halter tops are permitted. You may be required to follow certain uniform guidelines depending on what department you work. The franchise departments require different uniform and requirements from the rest of Dining Services. You can either talk to your area supervisors or come to the office and talk to Student Personnel about the guidelines. All students are required to return uniforms when they are no longer an employee or when the school year is over. This applies to returning students as well. If you do not return them you will be charged for each article of clothing issued.


Health Guidelines The following are requirements of employees to meet health regulations:

◊ Since the majority of Dining Services employees work with food, we must make sure that the safety of customers and employees can be assured to the best of our ability. This means that we require a certificate from your personal health physician indicated health clearance after absences requiring more than two sick days before you will be allowed to return to work.

◊ You must wash your hands (and exposed parts of your arms) thoroughly before beginning work, after completion of tasks or cleaning, after using toilet facilities, and after smoking, eating or drinking. You must also wash your hands prior to putting on single-use gloves or using hand sanitizer. Your fingernails must be trimmed and cleaned if your job includes working with food.

◊ You must wear a clean, neat, and well-maintained uniform. If you wear an apron, change it once it becomes excessively soiled. Launder your uniforms and wear a clean uniform every shift. Take your apron off before using the toilet facilities. If you need additional uniforms shirts or aprons, please see your supervisor or Student Personnel

◊ All employees must wear a hat, visor, or hair net while working. Head scarves, do-rags, etc. are not appropriate and may not be worn. Your hair must be kept neat and clean. Long hair (below the collar) must be tied back and pinned up. Hair must be restrained every six inches! Facial hair must also be kept trimmed and clean.

◊ Management reserves the right to monitor the personal appearance of all employees in reference to the expectations of the public, sanitation and safety principles. You are expected to follow good hygiene practices at all times. Please practice discretion when wearing aftershave, perfume, or cologne. Some of our branded concepts prohibit the use of aftershave, cologne, or perfume.

◊ You must come to work clean! Personal hygiene is imperative! Bathe or shower regularly. Use deodorant or antiperspirant. Remember, you are working around food, customers, and other people.

As defined in the Madison County Health Code section 750.510:

a) Food employees shall keep their hands and the exposed portions of their arms clean. Employees shall keep their fingernails clean and trimmed, filed, and maintained so that the edges and surfaces are cleanable and not rough. Unless wearing intact gloves in good repair, a food employee may not wear fingernail polish or artificial fingernails when working with exposed food.

b) The outer clothing of all employees shall be clean. c) Employees shall use effective hair restraints (such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints,

and clothing that covers body hair) that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food; clean equipment, utensils and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.

d) Employees shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall conform to good hygienic practices during all working periods in the food service establishment.

e) Food employees shall not wear jewelry on their arms and hands while preparing food, except for a plain ring such as a wedding band or medical information jewelry.

f) In the event that a student appears to be ill or show symptoms of illness, their supervisor has the right to send them home.


Accidents We are extremely proud of our safety record, and we hope that you will help maintain that safety record. Our primary concern at SIUE Dining Services is the safety of our workers. Please be careful; it can happen to YOU.

◊ Report unsafe conditions or areas, greasy or wet floors, etc. to your supervisors. If you see someone doing something unsafe, tell him/her to stop and go inform your supervisor.

◊ Be careful using equipment. Each area has specific pieces of equipment that you

must be trained on before you use it. It is your responsibility to clear this with your supervisor. Student employees that work with slicers must be at least 18 years old and must receive prior training from the Area Supervisor.

◊ Do not distract others from their responsibilities and avoid running in any part of the

building. Throwing food will not be tolerated.

◊ Keep your work area clean and tidy. Be sure to pick up small particles, such as pieces of vegetables, small utensils, and silverware.

Remember, if you are even slightly injured, report it immediately to your supervisor. If medical attention must be obtained, fill out an accident report. Accident reports can be obtained in the Dining Services Office. If the accident is not reported via the appropriate forms, SIUE cannot assist you in paying medical expenses.

Customer Complaints Inform your supervisor about all criticisms or remarks about the quality of food, menu selections, or other issues. Customer feedback is essential in providing the best service possible at SIUE Dining Services. When dealing with a customer complaint, remain calm, listen to the customer, and do not argue. Ask the customer to please wait while you get your supervisor or manager. Remember that the way you approach customers always makes a difference.


Evaluations An evaluation is made of every student employee on a semester basis and upon termination. All employees are entitled to and encouraged to review their evaluations with the student general manager in charge of the student program. Evaluations are based on: -Quality of work -Comprehension -Reliability -Attitude toward work -Judgment -Cooperation -Initiative -Leadership -Quantity of work -Personal Appearance Staff records are maintained for seven years and are used for job references and background checks. Work experience and positive evaluations from Dining Services can prove valuable after college. Evaluations are very important management tools and should be taken seriously. Student employees may request an evaluation review with dining center management if they feel they have not been evaluated fairly.

Last Chance Notice Once you have reached your limit of infractions you will be called into the office, along with your supervisor, and you will receive a last chance notice. The last chance notice is a document that states any future infraction of the policies and procedures as set forth in the Student Hand Book will result in the termination of your employment at SIUE Dining services. Your last chance notice will be kept in your file, and you, your supervisor, and the Student Personnel Manager will all sign and date it. In the event that you are issued a last chance notice you may or may not be eligible for re-hire for the next semester. This decision will be determined by your supervisor and the Student Personnel Manager on a case by case basis.


Termination If you are terminated, you will receive a written notice and justification for the termination. The reasons for termination may be of special nature, but could be justified by one or more of the following:

◊ Unsatisfactory work performance. ◊ Disrespectful attitude towards customers or guests. ◊ Insubordination - failure or refusal to carry out instructions. ◊ Dangerous horseplay – throwing food or other objects, water fights, running, etc. ◊ Attendance problems. ◊ Three cash bank discrepancies. ◊ Swiping In or Out using another employee’s Cougar Card. ◊ Willful injury or intent to injure another person. ◊ Misuse of substitution forms. ◊ Lost cash bag or not returning cash bag to the cash office. ◊ Job abandonment (tell your supervisor if you are leaving your work area). ◊ Unauthorized eating while on the clock. ◊ Meal ticket misuse. ◊ Drinking alcoholic beverages during work hours or coming to work intoxicated. ◊ Drug use. ◊ Using foul and abusive language. ◊ Giving fraudulent tickets or receipts. ◊ Repeated product over-portioning. ◊ Stealing. ◊ Misuse of TimePro\time clock system. ◊ Talking or texting on your cell phone. ◊ MP3 players and all other listening devices are prohibited while on the clock. ◊ Sexual Harassment. ◊ Excessive number of trouble tickets showing a pattern of abusive behavior.

There is a minimum of two consecutive semesters that a student cannot work after being discharged from Dining Services. In some circumstances (i.e. theft, fighting …) the termination will be grounds for no future employment with The Dining Services department.


Appeals The following steps should be taken if you intend to file an appeal:

◊ Seek an explanation or resolution from your immediate supervisor within ten working days.

◊ File a formal complaint in writing to the Assistant Director of Dining Services

within five working days after receiving the supervisor’s response. These procedures are intended to provide an orderly framework in which complaints by student workers arising from employment by the University may be processed and resolved. In every case, a good faith attempt shall be made to resolve the complaint at its source, i.e., between the student worker and his/her supervisor.


Student Agreement of Principles Duties and Responsibilities Upon acceptance of employment with Southern Illinois University Morris University Center Dining Services, the undersigned shall be responsible for:

1. Dining Services Student Employee Handbook. 2. Accepting and performing the duties outlined in the job description. 3. Information in other forms and/or policies and procedures as issued.

The fact that student class schedules and work requirements change each semester makes it impossible to determine how many hours a student can expect to work for more than a semester at a time. However, for ________ Semester 20__ you can expect to work between ___ and ___ hours per week. This is subject to change during breaks, holidays, etc. I understand that due to managerial decisions, student employee positions may be eliminated or transferred. At that point, I may be offered a position in another area. Initial_____ Enrollment Guidelines I understand that in order to be eligible for (or continue) student employment, I must be enrolled for and maintain at least six class hours each semester. I will promptly notify my supervisor if I drop below 12 in the fall (6 in the summer), withdraw from school, or decide not to re-enroll at SIUE. I will work only during the times I am not scheduled to be in classes and agree to regularly provide my class schedule to my Area Supervisor/Area Administrator when requested to do so. I further understand that I am required to maintain satisfactory academic progress as a condition of continuing student employment. Initial_____ Code of Responsibilities for Security and Confidentiality Security and confidentiality is a matter of concern to all staff members. Each person holds a position of trust and must recognize the responsibilities of preserving the security and confidentiality of all information. For Dining Services employees, violation of this code may lead to suspension or dismissal consistent with the general personnel policies of the University. Initial_____ I understand that -After I reach a certain number of absences or tardies that I will be terminated from Dining Services.

-I must call off on hour in advance or it will be an unexcused absence.

-I must be in proper uniform when I clock in and until I clock out.

-I am expected to follow all rules, instructions, and standards of my work unit, Dining Services, and MUC.

-I have read, understand, and agree with the material contained in this handbook and Student Agreement of Principles.

______________________________ ____________________________ ____________________ Print Name Signature Date