Handwritten chinese text recognition by integrating multiple contexts.bak


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Handwritten Chinese Text Recognitionby Integrating Multiple ContextsQiu-Feng Wang, Fei Yin, and Cheng-Lin Liu, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents an effective approach for the offline recognition of unconstrained handwritten Chinese texts. Under the

general integrated segmentation-and-recognition framework with character oversegmentation, we investigate three important issues:

candidate path evaluation, path search, and parameter estimation. For path evaluation, we combine multiple contexts (character

recognition scores, geometric and linguistic contexts) from the Bayesian decision view, and convert the classifier outputs to posterior

probabilities via confidence transformation. In path search, we use a refined beam search algorithm to improve the search efficiency

and, meanwhile, use a candidate character augmentation strategy to improve the recognition accuracy. The combining weights of the

path evaluation function are optimized by supervised learning using a Maximum Character Accuracy criterion. We evaluated the

recognition performance on a Chinese handwriting database CASIA-HWDB, which contains nearly four million character samples of

7,356 classes and 5,091 pages of unconstrained handwritten texts. The experimental results show that confidence transformation and

combining multiple contexts improve the text line recognition performance significantly. On a test set of 1,015 handwritten pages, the

proposed approach achieved character-level accurate rate of 90.75 percent and correct rate of 91.39 percent, which are superior by far

to the best results reported in the literature.

Index Terms—Handwritten Chinese text recognition, confidence transformation, geometric models, language models, refined beam

search, candidate character augmentation, maximum character accuracy training.



HANDWRITTEN Chinese character recognition has longbeen considered a challenging problem. It has

attracted much attention since the 1970s and has achievedtremendous advances [1], [2]. Both isolated characterrecognition and character string recognition have beenstudied intensively but are not solved yet. In isolatedChinese character recognition, most methods were eval-uated on data sets of constrained writing styles thoughvery high accuracies (say, over 99 percent on JapaneseKanji characters and over 98 percent on Chinese char-acters) have been reported [1]. The accuracy on uncon-strained handwritten samples, however, is much lower[3]. In Chinese character string recognition, most worksaimed at the recognition of text lines or phrases in ratherconstrained application domains, such as legal amountrecognition in bank checks [4] and address phraserecognition for postal mails [5], [6], [7], [8], where thenumber of character classes is very small or there are verystrong lexical constraints. Works on Chinese handwritingrecognition of general texts have been reported only inrecent years, and the reported accuracies are quite low.For example, Su et al. reported character-level correct rate(CR) of 39.37 percent on a Chinese handwriting data set

HIT-MW with 853 pages containing 186,444 characters [9].Two later works on the same data set, using characterclassifiers and statistical language models (SLM) based onoversegmentation, reported a character-level correct rateof 78.44 [10] and 73.97 percent [11], respectively. On theother hand, many works on online Japanese/Chinesehandwritten text recognition have reported higher accura-cies [12], [13], [14], [15]. Online handwriting recognitionhas the advantage over offline recognition in that thesequences of strokes are available for better segmentingand discriminating characters.

Handwritten Chinese text recognition (HCTR) is achallenging problem due to the large character set, thediversity of writing styles, the character segmentationdifficulty, and the unconstrained language domain. Fig. 1shows an example of a Chinese handwritten page. The largeset of Chinese characters (tens of thousands of classes) bringsdifficulties to efficient and effective recognition. The diver-gence of writing styles among different writers and indifferent geographic areas aggravates the confusion betweendifferent classes. Handwritten text recognition is particularlydifficult because the characters cannot be reliably segmentedprior to character recognition. The difficulties of charactersegmentation originate from the variability of character sizeand position, character touching and overlapping. A text lineof Chinese handwriting must be recognized as a wholebecause it cannot be trivially segmented into words (there isno more extra space between words than between char-acters). Last, handwritten text recognition is more difficultthan bank check recognition and mail address readingbecause the lexical constraint is very weak: Under gramma-tical and semantic constraints, the number of sentence classesis infinite.

Due to the large number of character classes and theinfinite sentence classes of Chinese texts, HCTR can only be


. The authors are with the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition,Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 95 ZhongguancunEast Road, Beijing 100190, P.R. China.E-mail: {wangqf, fyin, liucl}@nlpr.ia.ac.cn.

Manuscript received 18 July 2011; revised 15 Nov. 2011; accepted 22 Nov.2011; published online 20 Dec. 2011.Recommended for acceptance by R. Manmatha.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:tpami@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log NumberTPAMI-2011-07-0476.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.264.

0162-8828/12/$31.00 � 2012 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society


solved by segmentation-based approaches using charactermodels [16], preferably by explicit segmentation, also calledoversegmentation, which can take advantage of the char-acter shape and overlapping and touching characteristics tobetter separate the characters at their boundaries. The resultof oversegmentation is a sequence of primitive segments,each corresponding to a character or a part of a character,such that candidate characters can be generated byconcatenating consecutive segments [5]. The candidatecharacter sequences can be represented in a network calleda candidate lattice [17], and each candidate segmentationpath in the lattice can be split into many segmentation-recognition paths by assigning character classes to thecandidate characters. The result of character segmentationand recognition is obtained by evaluating the paths in thelattice and searching for the optimal path.

In integrated segmentation-and-recognition, the candi-date segmentation-recognition paths are usually evaluatedby combining the character recognition scores (classifieroutputs), geometric context, and linguistic context [16].Many efforts have been made this direction, but there hasnot been a satisfactory solution. The existing methods eitherintegrated incomplete contexts [9], [10], [18] or combined thecontexts heuristically without optimizing the combiningweights [12], [13], [19], [20]. Zhou et al. optimize thecombining weights using the conditional random field(CRF) model [14], which is hard to incorporate into languagemodels of higher order than the bi-gram. Zhu et al. optimizethe combining weights using the genetic algorithm (GA) [15],which is computationally expensive and is sensitive to someartificial parameters. The previous works have addressedhandwritten text (character string) recognition from differentviewpoints and have contributed various techniques. How-ever, none has investigated these techniques comprehen-sively and integrated them in a high-performance system forChinese/Japanese handwritten text recognition.

In this study, we investigate three key issues of integratedsegmentation-and-recognition for HCTR: candidate pathevaluation, path search, and parameter estimation. Byelaborating the techniques for these issues, we achievedsignificant improvements on unconstrained handwrittenChinese texts. In path evaluation, we integrate characterrecognition scores, geometric context, and linguistic contextfrom the Bayesian decision view, and convert the classifieroutputs to posterior probabilities via confidence transforma-tion (CT). In path search, a refined beam search algorithm isused to improve the search efficiency and, meanwhile, acandidate character augmentation (CCA) strategy is applied

to benefit the recognition accuracy. To balance the multiplecontexts in path evaluation function, we optimize thecombining weights on a data set of training text lines usinga Maximum Character Accuracy (MCA) criterion. Weevaluated the recognition performance on a large databaseCASIA-HWDB [21] of unconstrained Chinese handwrittencharacters and texts, and demonstrated superior perfor-mance by the proposed methods.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2reviews some related works, Section 3 gives an overview ofour HCTR system, Section 4 provides a statistical founda-tion of the path evaluation issue from the Bayesian decisionview, Section 5 describes the confidence transformation,geometric context, and linguistic context in details, Section 6introduces the refined beam search algorithm and candi-date character augmentation strategy, Section 7 presents theweights learning method, Section 8 reports the experimen-tal results, and Section 9 draws concluding remarks.


In the context of handwritten text (character string1)recognition, many works have contributed to the relatedissues of oversegmentation, character classification, con-fidence transformation, language model, geometric model,path evaluation and search, and parameter estimation.

For oversegmentation, connected component analysishas been widely adopted, but the splitting of connected(touching) characters has been a concern [5], [22], [23]. Aftergenerating candidate character patterns by combiningconsecutive primitive segments, each candidate pattern isclassified using a classifier to assign similarity/dissimilarityscores to some character classes. Character classificationinvolves character normalization, feature extraction, andclassifier design. The state-of-the-art methods have beenreviewed in [24], [25]. For classification of Chinese char-acters with large number of classes, the most popularly usedclassifiers are the modified quadratic discriminant function(MQDF) [26] and the nearest prototype classifier (NPC) [27].The MQDF provides higher accuracy than the NPC butsuffers from high expenses of storage and computation.

Transforming the similarity/dissimilarity measures out-put by classifiers to probabilistic confidence measures canbenefit from fusing multiple classifiers or fusing multiplepatterns, as has been demonstrated in previous works (e.g.,[28], [29]). In character string recognition, Jiang et al. [18]transformed classifier outputs to confidence values underthe soft-max framework. Li et al. [30] used the logisticregression model for confidence transformation. Our recentwork [31] compared various confidence transformationmethods in HCTR and found a better solution.

Language models are widely used in speech recognition,machine translation, handwriting recognition, and so on[32]. The most popular language model is the n-gram, whichcharacterizes the statistical dependency between charactersor words. Character-level n-gram models have beenpopularly used in character string recognition (e.g., [12],


1. We will use the terms text line recognition and string recognitioninterchangeably because, in this study, a text line is treated as a characterstring.

Fig. 1. A page of handwritten Chinese text.


[13], [14], [15], [18], [19], [20]. Word-level and hybridlanguage models were used in postprocessing for correctingrecognition errors after character segmentation [30], [33], buthave been rarely used in integrated segmentation-and-recognition [10].

In addition to the character recognition scores andlinguistic context, the geometric context also plays animportant role in character string recognition, particularlyfor disambiguating character segmentation [12], [13], [14],[15], [19], [20], [34]. Zhou et al. elaborated the geometriccontext models into unary and binary, character class-dependent and class-independent models in online hand-writing recognition [13], [14]. Yin et al. elaborated thegeometric context models for offline handwriting andapplied to transcript mapping of handwritten Chinesedocuments [35].

A key issue in character string recognition is to design anobjective function evaluating each candidate segmentation-recognition path. The path evaluation function is hoped to beinsensitive to the path length (number of characters on thepath). The summation of classifier output similarity/dissim-ilarity scores or product of class probabilities is notappropriate since this is biased to short paths. Normalizingthe summation or product by the path length overcomes thebias problem [36], [37], but this normalized form does notenable optimal path search by dynamic programming (DP).Beam search can be used instead, but does not guaranteeoptimality [37]. Another way to overcome the path lengthbias is to add a compensative constant in the summated pathevaluation function [20], but the constant needs to beestimated empirically. Wuthrich et al. [38] called thisconstant a word insertion penalty, and Quiniou et al. [39]also used this constant to control the deletion and insertion ofwords. Another effective way is to weight the characterclassification score with the number of primitive segmentsforming the character pattern [10], [15], motivated by thevariable duration HMM of Chen et al. [40]. This not onlymakes the number of summated terms in the path evaluationfunction equal the number of primitive segments (and thusindependent of the path length), but also preserves thesummation form and enables optimal path search by DP.

In weighted combination of context models for pathevaluation, the weights were sometimes determined by trialand error. Some works have applied the supervisedlearning approach to estimate the weights by optimizing astring recognition criterion. Recently, Zhou et al. [14]proposed learning the weights by minimizing the negativelog-likelihood (NLL) loss under the framework of condi-tional random field, and compared its performance with theminimum classification error (MCE) criterion [41]. Yin et al.[35] optimized the weights by MCE learning for transcriptmapping. Zhu et al. [15] optimized the combining weightsfor handwriting recognition using the genetic algorithm.More discriminative learning criteria have been proposedby the speech recognition community, such as minimumphone error (MPE) and its variant, minimum word error(MWE) [42], [43].

The search of optimal path in Chinese character stringrecognition is not trivial because of the large number ofcandidate segmentation-recognition paths. The search is

further complicated when using word-level language modelsbecause the word segmentation is again a combinatorialproblem [10]. The speech recognition community hascontributed many efficient search algorithms based ondynamic programming and some variants (e.g., beam search)[44]. The beam search strategy provides a good tradeoffbetween efficiency and accuracy. The character-synchronousbeam search strategy is appropriate for lexicon-driven stringrecognition [5], while the frame-synchronous (also called astime-synchronous in speech recognition) strategy is appro-priate for lexicon-free string recognition [37].

In character string recognition, the pruning or augmen-tation of character classes affects the search efficiency andaccuracy. Ideally, a candidate character pattern is assignedas few classes as possible by the classifier, including the trueclass. For Chinese handwriting, it often entails a largenumber (e.g., several hundred) of candidate classes toguarantee a high probability of including the true class,however. This complicates the search space on one handand, on the other hand, may deteriorate the recognitionaccuracy because there are too many wrong classescompeting with the true class. Therefore, some works haveattempted to reduce the candidate classes output by theclassifier by confidence evaluation [45], [46], and some otherworks attempted to supplement candidate classes forreducing the probability of missing the true class, accordingto the linguistic context [47] or the classification confusionmatrix [33], [48]. These techniques, however, have not beenevaluated in integrated segmentation-and-recognition.


This study focuses on the recognition of text lines, which areassumed to have been segmented externally. For theconvenience of academic research and benchmarking, thetext lines in our database have been segmented andannotated at character level [49].

Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of our system for text linerecognition. First, the input text line image is oversegmen-ted into a sequence of primitive segments (Fig. 3a) using theconnected component-based method [5]. Consecutive pri-mitive segments are combined to generate candidatecharacter patterns, forming a segmentation candidate lattice


Fig. 2. System diagram of handwritten Chinese text line recognition.


(Fig. 3b). After that, each candidate pattern is classified to

assign a number of candidate character classes, and all the

candidate patterns in a candidate segmentation path

generate a character candidate lattice (Fig. 3c). If a word-

level language model is used, each sequence of candidate

characters is matched with a word lexicon to segment into

candidate words, forming a word candidate lattice (Fig. 3d).

All of these character (or word) candidate lattices are

merged to construct the segmentation-recognition lattice of

text line image. Each path in this lattice is constructed by a

character sequence paired with a candidate pattern se-

quence, and this path is called a candidate segmentation-

recognition path. Finally, the task of string recognition is to

find the optimal path in this segmentation-recognition

lattice. Considering that the text lines are segmented from

text pages, we utilize the linguistic dependency between

consecutive lines to improve the recognition accuracy by

concatenating multiple top-rank recognition results of the

previous line to the current line for recognition.


We formulate the problem of handwritten Chinese text

recognition from Bayesian decision view. According to

Bayesian decision under the 0/1 loss, maximizing a posterior

probability of character sequence (string class) C ¼<c1 . . . cm> given a text line image X is the optimal criterion

for recognition. This posterior probability is formulated by

P ðCjXÞ ¼Xs

P ðC; sjXÞ ¼Xs

P ðsjXÞP ðCjs;XÞ


P ðsjXÞP ðCjXsÞ;ð1Þ

where s is the segmentation path index, P ðsjXÞ denotes the

posterior probability of the sth segmentation path given the

text line image, and P ðCjXsÞ represents the posterior

probability of string class given the sth segmentation path.

P ðsjXÞ is formulated by

P ðsjXÞ ¼Ymi¼1

p�zpi ¼ 1jgui


�p�zgi ¼ 1jgbi


�; ð2Þ

where m is the number of segmented candidate patterns

(i.e., character number) of the segmentation path, zpi ¼ 1

means that the ith candidate pattern is a valid character,

and zgi ¼ 1 means that the gap between the ði� 1Þth and

ith candidate patterns is a valid between-character gap; the

terms guii and gbi

i are the class-independent geometric

features extracted from the ith candidate pattern and from

the pair of the ði� 1Þth and ith candidate patterns,

respectively. The two probabilistic terms in (2) correspond

to the unary and binary class-independent geometric model

(see Section 5.2), respectively. To avoid summing over a

huge number of segmentation paths in (1), the optimal

string class can be decided approximately by

C� ¼ arg maxs;C

P ðsjXÞP ðCjXsÞ: ð3Þ

This is to search for the optimal segmentation and string

class simultaneously in the lattice.

4.1 Posterior Probability of String Class

The posterior probability of string class can be obtained by

the Bayes’ formula:

P ðCjXsÞ ¼ pðXsjCÞpðCÞpðXsÞ ; ð4Þ

where the prior probability pðCÞ ¼ pðc1 . . . cmÞ is given by a

statistical language model (Section 5.3). The likelihood

function pðXsjCÞ can be decomposed by

pðXsjCÞ ¼Ymi¼1

pðxijciÞp�guci jci

�p�gbci jci�1ci

�; ð5Þ

where we assume that the feature vectors (xi; guci ; g

bci ) are

only dependent on the corresponding character patterns,

and they represent the intrinsic shape feature for character

recognition, unary and binary outline geometric features for

geometric models (Section 5.2), respectively. Similarly, we

can get pðXsÞ as

pðXsÞ ¼Ymi¼1



�: ð6Þ

Consequently, the posterior probability P ðCjXsÞ is

obtained by

P ðCjXsÞ ¼ pðCÞYmi¼1


p�guci jci


� p�gbci jci�1ci


� ; ð7Þ

and transformed to

P ðCjXsÞ ¼ pðCÞYmi¼1








; ð8Þ

where the three posterior probabilities can be approximated

by confidence transformation (see Section 5.1), and three

corresponding prior probabilities p1ðciÞ; p2ðciÞ; p3ðci�1ciÞ are

viewed as constants in classifier design (the uneven

distribution pðciÞ is considered elsewhere in the language

model pðCÞ), denoted by p1; p2; p3, respectively. Substituting

pðCÞ ¼Qm

i¼1 pðcijhiÞ (see Section 5.3) in (8) gives


Fig. 3. (a) Oversegmentation to a sequence of primitive segments (eachis bounded by a small box), (b) segmentation candidate lattice of thearrowed part of (a), (c) character candidate lattice of the thick path in (b),(d) word candidate lattice of (c).


P ðCjXsÞ ¼Ymi¼1






P; ð9Þ

where P ¼ p1p2p3. The four probabilistic terms in (9)

correspond to the character recognition model, unary and

binary class-dependent geometric model, and language

model, respectively.

4.2 Path Evaluation Function

Combining the posterior probabilities of segmentation path

(2) and string class (9), the optimal string class of (3) can be

obtained by

C� ¼ arg maxs;C









�p�zpi ¼ 1jgui


�p�zgi ¼ 1jgbi





Note that all the terms m, ci, xi, guci , gbc

i , guii , gbi

i , zpi , zg

i , hi are

related to the sth segmentation path, and the index s is

dropped for simplification. However, the probability for-

mulation (10) is still insufficient, because it does not

consider the different contribution and reliability of differ-

ent models (character recognition, geometric, and language

models). In the following, we take the logarithm of

probability (denoted by lp0i ¼ log pðcijxiÞ, lp1

i ¼ log pðcijguci Þ,

lp2i ¼ log pðci�1cijgbc

i Þ, lp3i ¼ log pðzp

i ¼ 1jguii Þ, lp4

i ¼ log pðzgi ¼

1jgbii Þ, lp5

i ¼ log pðcijhiÞ, lp6 ¼ log 1P ) and incorporate the

weights of different models to get a generalized likelihood

function fðXs;CÞ for the segmentation-recognition path


fðXs;CÞ ¼Xmi¼1

lp0i þ



�j � lpji

!þ �6 �m � lp6; ð11Þ

and C� ¼ arg maxs;C fðXs;CÞ, where �j, j ¼ 1; . . . ; 6, are the

weights to balance the effects of different models.In the above, the positive constant lp6 is also called the

word insertion penalty in [38], and used to overcome the

bias to short strings (without this term, the path evaluation

score decreases as the path length m increases). Besides this

formulation, there are some heuristic methods to deal with

the bias problem. One straightforward strategy used in the

previous works [13], [36], [37] is to normalize the evaluation

function with the path length:

fðXs;CÞ ¼ 1



lp0i þ



�j � lpji

!: ð12Þ

In our previous works [10], [31], we weighted the lp0i with

the number of constituent primitive segments ki (similar to

the variable length HMM of [40]), and got the evaluation


fðXs;CÞ ¼Xmi¼1

ki � lp0i þ



�j � lpji

!: ð13Þ

This function is not sensitive to the path length because the

sum of ki is a constant (equals the total number of primitive

segments in the text line). Consider that the width of each

primitive segment is variable; in this study, we also try

another form of evaluation function by replacing thesegments number with the width of candidate pattern

fðXs;CÞ ¼Xmi¼1

wi � lp0i þ



�j � lpji

!; ð14Þ

where wi is the width of the ith character pattern afternormalizing by the estimated height of the text line. The fourpath evaluation functions in the above (adding WordInsertion Penalty (11), Normalization with Path Length(12), Weighting with primitive Segments Number (13), andWeighting with Character pattern Width (14)) are abbre-viated as WIP, NPL, WSN, and WCW, respectively.


The path evaluation functions (11)-(14) entail the estimationof the context models and the combining weights. Wedescribe the context models in the following, while theestimation of weights is addressed in Section 7.

5.1 Confidence Transformation

The character recognition score, ideally, the posteriorprobability pð!jxÞ (! refers to a class and x is the featurevector), is an important context for string recognition. Mostclassifiers, however, do not output class posterior prob-abilities. We hence resort to confidence transformationmethods for converting classifier outputs to posteriorprobabilities [31].

Two commonly used functions for probabilistic confi-dence transformation are the sigmoidal function (15) andthe soft-max function (16):

Psgð!jjxÞ ¼exp½��djðxÞ þ ��

1þ exp½��djðxÞ þ ��; j ¼ 1; . . . ;M; ð15Þ

Psfð!jjxÞ ¼exp½��djðxÞ�PMi¼1 exp½��diðxÞ�

; j ¼ 1; . . . ;M: ð16Þ

In the above,M is the total number of defined classes, djðxÞ isthe dissimilarity score of class !j output by the classifier, �and � are the confidence parameters. Both forms haveinsufficiencies: The sigmoidal form gives multiple one-versus-all two-class probabilities instead of multiclass prob-abilities, while the soft-max form forces the sum of posteriorprobabilities to one even on noncharacter (outlier) patterns.

For the sigmoidal form, we combine such two-classprobabilities into multiclass probabilities according to theDempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence [50], and theprobabilities can be formulated by [31]

pdsð!jjxÞ ¼exp½��djðxÞ þ ��


i¼1 exp½��diðxÞ þ ��; j ¼ 1; . . . ;M: ð17Þ

We also introduce an outlier class dissimilarity score(assuming doðxÞ ¼ �=�) in soft-max confidence, and theresult is extended to the same form of (17) [31]. After gettingmulticlass probabilities, the probability of outlier class is

pdsð!outlierjxÞ ¼1


i¼1 exp½��diðxÞ þ ��; ð18Þ



which is the complement probability to the M defined

classes.The confidence parameters are optimized by minimizing

the cross entropy (CE) loss function on a validation data set

(preferably different from the data set for training classi-

fiers) [31].

5.2 Geometric Models

Considering that Chinese texts mix with alphanumericcharacters and punctuation marks and different charactersshow distinct outline features (e.g., size, position, aspectratio, and within-character gap), we design two class-dependent geometric models, namely, single-charactergeometry (unary geometric model) and between-charactergeometry (binary geometric model), respectively. In addi-tion, two class-independent geometric models are designedto indicate whether a candidate pattern is a valid characteror not, and whether a gap is a between-character gap or not,respectively. The four geometric models (unary and binaryclass-dependent, unary and binary class-independent) areabbreviated as “ucg,” “bcg,” “uig,” and “big,” respectively,and have been used successfully in transcript mapping ofhandwritten Chinese documents [35].

To build geometric models, we extract features for unary

and binary geometry from the bounding boxes and profiles of

a candidate character pattern, and of two consecutive

character patterns, respectively [35]. Since the number of

Chinese characters is very large and many different char-

acters have similar geometric features, we cluster the

character classes empirically into six superclasses using the

EM algorithm. After clustering, we use a 6-class quadratic

discriminant function (QDF) for the “ucg” model, and a

36-class QDF for the “bcg” model. In addition, we use a linear

support vector machine (SVM) trained with character and

noncharacter samples for the “uig” model, and similarly, a

linear SVM for the “big” model. In path evaluation function,

we convert both QDF and SVM outputs to posterior

probabilities via sigmoidal confidence transformation.

5.3 Statistical Language Models

In character string recognition, the statistical language

model is used to give the prior probability of a certain

character sequence [51]. If the sequence C contains

m characters, pðCÞ can be decomposed by

pðCÞ ¼Ymi¼1




pðcijhiÞ; ð19Þ

where hi ¼ ci�11 ¼ <c1 � � � ci�1> denotes the history of

character ci (h1 is null). An n-gram model only considers

the n� 1 history characters in (19):

pðCÞ ¼Ymi¼1



�; ð20Þ

where n is called the order of the model. For high complexity,

the character bigram and trigram are usually used:

pcbiðCÞ ¼Ymi¼1

pðcijci�1Þ; ð21Þ

pctiðCÞ ¼Ymi¼1

pðcijci�2ci�1Þ: ð22Þ

Compared to the character-level, word-level models canbetter explore the syntactic and semantic meaning. Seg-menting the character sequence C into word sequenceC ¼ w1w2 � � �wL, the word bigram model is

pwbiðCÞ ¼YLi¼1

pðwijwi�1Þ: ð23Þ

Due to the large size of the word lexicon (about 0.3 millionwords), we only use the word bigram. Further, we clusterthe words into a number of word classes by the exchangealgorithm [52], and the word class bigram is calculated by

pwcbðCÞ ¼YLi¼1

pðwijWiÞpðWijWi�1Þ; ð24Þ

where the term Wi is the class of word wi, and the clusternumber is set empirically to 1,000 [10]. In addition, theword class bigram is often used by interpolating with theword bigram [32]:

log piwcðCÞ ¼ log pwbiðCÞ þ � � log pwcbðCÞ; ð25Þ

where the logarithm is used for more general purposes, andthis model is called interpolating word and class bigram.

We use the SRI Language Model (SRILM) toolkit [53] togive the parameters of n-gram models. By the toolkit,the default smoothing technique (Katz smoothing) and theentropy-based pruning are used. The thresholds of thepruning for character bigram, character trigram and wordbigram are set empirically as 5� 10�8, 10�7, and 10�7,respectively [10]. Since the word class number (1,000) leadsto a moderate model size, the parameters are not pruned.


On defining a score for each path in the segmentation-recognition lattice, the next issue is how to efficiently findthe path of maximum score. In addition, to alleviate the lossthat the candidate classes assigned by character classifier donot contain the true class, we propose an augmentationtechnique to supplement candidate classes in the lattice.

6.1 Search Algorithm

If the segmentation-recognition path is evaluated by theaccumulated score (WIP, WSN, and WCW), it satisfies theprinciple of optimality, and the optimal path with max-imum score can be found by dynamic programming.Nevertheless, when binary or higher order contexts areused, the complexity of DP search is high. For the NPLfunction, which does not satisfy the principle of optimality,DP search does not guarantee finding the optimal path, andthe beam search strategy can better find an approximatelyoptimal solution. In beam search, it is critical to retain thecorrect partial path in fewer survived paths. A simplestrategy of beam search is to retain the multiple top-rankpartial paths ending at each primitive segment [16]. Thissimple strategy, though it works efficiently, is too rough,particularly when high-order context models are used. A



refined beam search algorithm was presented in our

previous work (called pruned DP there) [10], which is

suitable for using high-order context models.After oversegmentation, the text line image is represented

as a sequence of primitive segments. A candidate patterncomposed of k consecutive segments and ending at theith segment is denoted by ði; kÞ. A node in the search space is

represented as a quadruple SN ¼ fCP;CC;AS; PNg, whereSN denotes a search node,CP is a candidate pattern,CC is a

candidate character of CP , and AS is the accumulated scorefrom the root node (calculated by (11)-(14), where m is thelength of the current partial path), and PN is a pointer to the

parent node of SN . All nodes are stored in a list named LIST

to backtrack the final path. The refined beam search processis described in detail as follows, and Fig. 4 gives an

illustrative example.Refined Beam Search in frame-synchronous fashion:

1. Initialize the first search node (i.e., the root) of LIST,SN0 ¼ fnull; null; 0; nullg, set i ¼ 1.

2. Generate nodes of CP ¼ ði; kÞ over k (the secondlevel nodes in Fig. 4b, i� k � 0, k � K, K is themaximum number of segments to be concatenated).For each CP , the top CN (Candidate Number)candidate characters are assigned by the characterclassifier (the third level nodes in Fig. 4b). In total, atmost K � CN nodes are generated.

3. Link to parent nodes for current nodes (CP ¼ ði; kÞ,CC ¼ ci;k). For multiple such parent nodes (CP 0 ¼ði� k; k0Þ, CC0 ¼ ci�k;k0 ), the current node generatesmultiple copies, each linked to a respective parentnode (PN) and associated to an accumulated score(AS) (the fourth level nodes in Fig. 4b). In thesecopies, only the node with maximum AS over(k0; ci�k;k0 ) is retained (the fifth level nodes in Fig. 4b).

4. Sort the retained nodes in above in decreasing orderaccording to AS over (k; ci;k), and the leading BW(Beam Width) nodes are retained and added to LIST,while the others are pruned to accelerate search.

5. Set i ¼ iþ 1, back to Step 2 and iterate until the lastprimitive segment is reached (such nodes calledterminal nodes).

6. Backtrack the terminal node in LIST of maximumscore along the element PN , and obtain the resultcharacter string.

We can see that if BW ¼ K � CN , the above algorithmguarantees finding the optimal path for context models upto order 2 when the principle of optimality is satisfied, i.e., itis equivalent to DP. For context models of order 3 (e.g.,character trigram) or higher, it does not guarantee findingthe optimal path but significantly accelerates searchcompared to DP. Further, if BW < K � CN , the searchprocedure is further accelerated. Compared to simple beamsearch, the two-step pruning strategy in the refined beamsearch algorithm has at least two advantages: 1) The firststep pruning (in Step 3) observes the principle of optimality;2) sorting the nodes has lower complexity.

If we use word-level n-grams, the search process works ona word candidate lattice, which is constructed from characterlattice by combining several consecutive characters accord-ing to the word lexicon. So, search in the word candidatelattice is very complex [10]. To accelerate this search process,we first prune the original character lattice using the abovecharacter search process (many nodes are pruned in Steps 3and 4), then use it to construct a succinct word lattice.

6.2 Candidate Character Augmentation

The character classifier assigns a number of candidate classesto each candidate pattern with the risk of missing the trueclass. In Chinese handwriting recognition, even assigninghundreds of classes cannot guarantee 100 percent inclusionof the true class. Therefore, we propose a CandidateCharacter Augmentation (CCA) method, as diagramed inFig. 5, to supplement candidate classes during search.

The CCA method exploits both confusion information ofthe classifier and linguistic context. First, a candidate patternxi is classified to assign a number of candidate classes, calledthe Original Candidate Set (OCS). Then, the confusioninformation and the linguistic context are used to supplementtwo types of candidate classes, forming the AugmentedCandidate Set (ACS). Last, the Extended Candidate Set (ECS),as the union of the OCS and the ACS, is used to generatecandidate nodes at Step 2 of the search process.

To predict the true class from the OCS by confusioninformation, we calculate the probability of the hypothe-sized truth class !t given an output class !o:

pð!tj!oÞ ¼pð!oj!tÞpð!tÞP!tpð!oj!tÞpð!tÞ

; ð26Þ


Fig. 4. An illustrative example of refined beam search (K ¼ 3, CN ¼ 2,BW ¼ 3) at a primitive segment. (a) A sequence of consecutive primitivesegments (the upward arrow points to current primitive segment and theleftward arrow points to the direction of segments combination togenerate candidate patterns), (b) search space expansion at the pointedprimitive segment of (a) (the pruned nodes are labeled).

Fig. 5. Diagram of candidate character augmentation.


where pð!oj!tÞ ¼ nt;o=P

!ont;o, nt;o is the number of times

that characters of class !t are classified as !o, counted on avalidation data set, and the prior probability pð!tÞ is usuallyregarded as equal for all classes. According to (26), we selectseveral top most likely truth classes for each output class !oin OCS, and all these likely truth classes form the first ACS.

For augmenting candidate characters from the linguisticcontext, we use three strategies: forward character bigram,backward character bigram, and bigram cache model. Inforward character bigram, we predict the character with themaximum probability:

c�i ¼ arg maxci

pðcijci�1Þ; ð27Þ

where ci�1 is an immediately preceding character in thesearch space, while Kigo [47] used all characters whosepreceding character is ci�1 in his smaller bigram table.Similarly, we can predict characters by the backwardcharacter bigram:

c�i ¼ arg maxci

pðcijciþ1Þ; ð28Þ

where pðcijciþ1Þ ¼ pðciþ1jciÞpðciÞ=pðciþ1Þ and the characterciþ1 is from the immediately succeeding OCS. For predic-tion from the cache model, we assume that a documentcovers a single topic, such that character sequence is likelyto repeat in the document. Accordingly, the candidatecharacter is predicted by both forward and backwardbigram: fci : ðci�1; ciÞ 2 cache or ðci; ciþ1Þ 2 cacheg, wherethe cache is the history text (the best result string until thecurrent character pattern of the document).


Since the parameters of multicontext models in pathevaluation function are estimated in advance, the object oftraining is to tune the combining weights to optimize therecognition performance. To do this, we optimize aMaximum Character Accuracy (MCA) criterion similar tothe Minimum Word Error (MWE) [42] in speech recognition.MCA is a smoothed approximation to the accuracy of the Rstring samples (text line images) in the training data set:

max �ð�Þ ¼ 1







�A�Cjr; T r

�; ð29Þ

where Nr is the number of all segmentation-recognitionpaths in the lattice of the rth text line image Xr, and Cj

r isthe character sequence of the jth path. The term AðCj

r; T rÞ isthe character accuracy score, which equals the number ofcharacters in the ground-truth transcript Tr minus thenumber of errors in Cj

r (including substitution, insertion,and deletion errors, see Section 8.2). Note that the posteriorprobability P�ðCj

rjXrÞ can be computed by





�Xjr; C



i¼1 exp��f�

�Xir; C


�� ; ð30Þ

where � is a scaled constant value, and f�ðXjr; C

jrÞ can be any

path evaluation function in (11)-(14) under the weights set �.MCA is degenerated to MCE [41] if the character accuracyscore is calculated by AðCj

r; T rÞ ¼ �ðCjr; T rÞ 2 f0; 1g [43].

We optimize the MCA object (29) by stochastic gradientascent method. However, the gradients are difficult tocalculate precisely due to the huge number Nr; moreover,the precise calculation of AðCj

r; T rÞ needs a completed path.Therefore, we only consider the top N paths of maximumevaluation score while viewing the probabilities of theremaining paths as zero.


We evaluated the performance of our approach on a largedatabase of unconstrained Chinese handwriting, CASIA-HWDB [21], and on a small data set, HIT-MW [54].

8.1 Database and Experimental Setting

The CASIA-HWDB database contains both isolated char-acters and unconstrained handwritten texts, and is dividedinto a training set of 816 writers and a test set of 204 writers.The training set contains 3,118,477 isolated character samplesof 7,356 classes (7,185 Chinese characters, 109 frequently usedsymbols, 10 digits, and 52 English letters) and 4,076 pages ofhandwritten texts. The text pages have a few miswrittencharacters and characters beyond the 7,356 classes, whichwe call noncharacters and outlier characters, respectively.The characters in the training text pages (except for thenoncharacters and outlier characters, 1,080,017 samples)were also segmented and used together with the isolatedsamples for training the character classifier. We evaluated thetext line recognition performance on the 1,015 handwrittenpages of 204 test writers, which were segmented into10,449 text lines containing 268,629 characters (including723 noncharacters and 368 outlier characters).

To compare our results with those reported in theliterature [9], [10], [11], we also tested on the data set HIT-MW [54], from which a test set of 383 text lines contains8,448 characters (7,405 Chinese characters, 780 symbols,230 digits, eight English letters, 16 noncharacters, and nineoutlier characters).

To build the character classifier, we extract features fromgray-scale character images (background eliminated) usingthe normalization-cooperated gradient feature (NCGF)method [55]. Before feature extraction, the gray levels offoreground pixels in each image are normalized to a standardmean and deviation. The 512D feature vector obtained isreduced to 160D by Fisher linear discriminant analysis(FLDA), and then input into a modified quadratic discrimi-nant function classifier. The classifier parameters werelearned on 4/5 samples of the training set, and the remaining1/5 samples were used for confidence parameter estimationand confusion matrix construction. For parameter estimationof the geometric models, we extracted geometric featuresfrom 41,781 text lines of training text pages. The statisticallanguage models were trained on a text corpus containingabout 50 million characters (about 32 million words) [10]. Onobtaining the context models, the combining weights of pathevaluation function were learned on 300 training text pages.

Table 1 shows some statistics of character samplessegmented from the test text pages of CASIA-HWDB. The“number” row gives the numbers of different types ofcharacters (including noncharacters and outlier characters).We can see that the majority of segmented characters are



Chinese characters, and the number of symbols (mostlypunctuation marks) is appreciable. Some samples of non-characters and outlier characters are shown in Figs. 6a and 6b,respectively. The “rec” row gives the correct rate of thesegmented character recognition by the character classifier,and “rec20” and “rec200” are the cumulative accuracies of top20 and 200 ranks, respectively. We can see that the correct rateof Chinese character is highest (87.28 percent). The overallcorrect rate, 83.78 percent, is lower because of the low correctrates of symbols, digits, and letters. The noncharacters andoutlier characters cannot be recognized by the classifier,which covers a defined character set of 7,356 classes.

Table 1 (the last row, “seg”) also shows the accuracy ofoversegmentation (a character is correctly oversegmentedwhen it is separated from other characters despite the within-character splits). We observe that 4.46 percent of characterswere not correctly separated (i.e., they are undersegmentedand cannot be correctly segmented and recognized by thesubsequent character string recognition). This implies thatthe oversegmentation of characters is still a challenge. Someexamples of such errors are shown in Fig. 6c.

8.2 Performance Metrics

We evaluate the recognition performance of text lines usingtwo character-level accuracy metrics following [9]: CorrectRate (CR) and Accurate Rate (AR):

CR ¼ ðNt �De � SeÞ=Nt;

AR ¼ ðNt �De � Se � IeÞ=Nt;ð31Þ

where Nt is the total number of characters in thetranscript. The numbers of substitution errors (Se),deletion errors (De), and insertion errors (Ie) are calculatedby aligning the recognition result string with the transcriptby dynamic programming. The metric CR denotes thepercentage of characters that are correctly recognized.Further, the metric AR considers the number of charactersthat are inserted due to oversegmentation, and is possiblynegative. Vinciarelli et al. [51] suggested that the AR(called recognition rate there) is an appropriate measurefor document transcription, while CR (called accuracy rate

there) is a good metric for tasks of content modeling (e.g.,document retrieval). For analyzing the performance ondifferent types of characters, we also give the CR for fourtypes: Chinese characters (ch), symbols (sb), digits (dg),and letters (lt).

8.3 Text Line Recognition Results

We evaluated the effects of different techniques. First, wecompared the effects of different path evaluation functions.Second, the effects of different confidence transformationmethods, combinations of geometric models and languagemodels were evaluated. Last, we show the results ofdifferent numbers of candidate character classes, beamwidths, and candidate character augmentation methods inpath search. We report the recognition rates of differenttechniques on the CASIA-HWDB test set, and give theprocessing time on all test pages (1,015 pages) consumed ona desktop computer of 2.66 GHz CPU, programming usingMicrosoft Visual C++. With several selected combinations oftechniques, we also report results on the HIT-MW test set.

8.3.1 Comparing Path Evaluation Functions

In evaluating the effects of path evaluation functions and CTmethods, the character trigram language model and allgeometric models were used. The search algorithm was therefined beam search withK ¼ 4,CN ¼ 20, andBW ¼ 10, butCCA methods were not used in the search process. Inevaluating the path evaluation functions, the D-S evidenceconfidence was taken. The recognition results of differentpath evaluation functions (11)-(14) are shown in Table 2,where “w/o” denotes the path evaluation function withoutword insertion penalty ((11) removing the last term). We cansee that by considering the balance of path length usingdifferent heuristics, the string recognition performance islargely improved. Among the four strategies, the one ofweighting with character width performs best with respect toboth AR and CR. The normalized path function gives a littlelower CR but significantly lower AR. This is because NPLtends to generate more oversegmentation. The performanceof weighting with primitive segment number is higher thanthat of NPL, but lower than that of WCW. We hence used thestrategy WCW for all the following experiments.

8.3.2 Comparing CT Methods

Table 3 shows the results of different CT methods forcharacter classifier introduced in Section 5.1. Compared tothe recognition without CT (“w/o” row, it means that lpji ,j ¼ 0; . . . ; 4, take the classifiers similarity outputs directly inWCW function (14)), the sigmoidal confidence improves theAR from 83.60 to 89.42 percent and CR from 85.52 to 90.19percent; the D-S evidence improves AR from 83.60 to 90.20percent and CR from 85.52 to 90.80 percent. The soft-max


TABLE 1Statistics of Character Types, Recognition,

and Segmentation Correct Rates on the Test Set

TABLE 2Recognition Results of Different Path Evaluation Functions

Fig. 6. (a) Noncharacters (in small boxes), (b) outlier characters (in smallboxes), (c) oversegmentation errors (indicated by the arrows).


confidence performs inferiorly, however, because it does notconsider the outlier probability. The benefit of CT (particu-larly, sigmoidal and D-S evidence) is attributed to the fact thatthe converted posterior probabilities (character classificationand geometric models) and the statistical language model aremore compatible to be combined. We thus used the D-Sevidence confidence in the other experiments by default.

8.3.3 Comparing Context Models

The effects of different combinations of context models areshown in Table 4, where “cls,” “cg,” “ig,” “g,” and “cti”denote the character classifier, the class-dependent geo-metric models (“ucg+bcg”), the class-independent geo-metric models (“uig+big”), all geometric models (“cg+ig”),and the character trigram language model, respectively. Wecan see when using the character classifier only (“cls”), thestring recognition performance is inferior. Adding geometricmodels to the classifier, the string recognition performance isremarkably improved. By combining four geometric mod-els, the AR is improved from 47.89 to 77.34 percent and theCR is improved from 68.52 to 79.43 percent. It is observedthat the binary geometric models yield larger improvementthan the unary models. This justifies the importance of thebetween-character relationship. Also, the class-dependentgeometric models (“cls+cg”) perform better than the class-independent geometric models (“cls+ig”). Compared to thegeometric models, the statistical language model (“cls+cti”)is much more effective to yield a large improvement of ARand CR. Further, the combination of both geometric andlanguage models to the character classifier yields the bestrecognition result, justifying that geometric context andlinguistic context are complementary.

Based on the character classifier and geometric models,we then evaluated different language models: characterbigram (“cbi”), character trigram (“cti”), word bigram(“wbi”), word class bigram (“wcb”), interpolating word

and class bigram (“iwc”). The recognition results are shownin Table 5, where “w/o” denotes recognition withoutlanguage model. We can see that the character trigramoutperforms the character bigram significantly. The advan-tage of trigram is due to its capturing long-distance textdependency. The extension to character 4-gram is not trialdue to the high complexity, however. Even the modeling ofthird-order word dependency is intractable due to the hugenumber of words. The use of second-order word depen-dency models nevertheless shows promise: The “wbi” and“wcb” both perform comparably with the “cti.” Further, byinterpolating the word-lavel bigram models, the “iwc”yields the best recognition performance.

8.3.4 Comparing Search Strategies

The above experiments used the default number of 20 candi-date classes assigned to each candidate pattern, refined beamsearch with beam width 10 was used, and the CCA techniqueswere not used. We then evaluated the effects of differentcandidate class numbers (CN), beam widths (BW ), and CCAtechniques based on the combinations of geometric modelsand character trigram language model in the path evaluationfunction of WCW with the D-S evidence confidence. Figs. 7aand 7c show the effects of differentCN of refined beam searchalgorithm, and Figs. 7b and 7d show the effects of differentBW of both refined and simple beam search methods.Compared to the simple beam search, our refined beamsearch algorithm yields much higher recognition accuracy atcomparable speed. We can also see that the number of20 candidate classes and the beam width 10 perform


TABLE 3Effects of Different CT Methods

TABLE 4Effects of Different Combinations of Contexts

TABLE 5Effects of Different Language Models

Fig. 7. Accuracies of different CN and BW in Steps 2 and 4 of two beamsearch methods (“-R” and “-S” denote refined and simple beam search,respectively). (a) Accuracies of different CN with BW ¼ 10,(b) accuracies of different BW with CN ¼ 20, (c) processing times of(a), (d) processing times of (b).


sufficiently well with respect to the recognition accuracy andthe speed of the refined beam search. IncreasingCN andBW ,though it improves the coverage of correct path, does notimprove the recognition accuracy. This is because the searchalgorithm does not guarantee finding the correct path in caseof a large number of candidate paths due to the insufficientquantitative evaluation of paths.

Table 6 shows the effects of different candidate characteraugmentation techniques, namely, confusion information(“ci”), forward character bigram (“fcb”), backward char-acter bigram (“bcb”), bigram cache model (“bcm”), combi-nation of three CCA techniques based on linguistic context(“lc,” i.e., “fcb+bcb+bcm”), and combination of all CCAtechniques (“cca”, i.e., “ci+lc”). It is shown that compared torecognition without CCA (“w/o”), the CCA techniquesyield only slight improvement of recognition performance.Particularly, augmentation by confusion information makesalmost no difference. This is because many noisy candidatecharacters are also added by CCA techniques. To get thebest performance by the proposed approach, we evaluatedthe effects of combining all CCA techniques based on the“iwc” language model, and the results are shown in the lastrow of Table 6 (others are based on the “cti” languagemodel). Compared to the result of “iwc” without CCA inTable 5, CCA improves the AR from 90.53 to 90.75 percentand the CR from 91.17 to 91.39 percent.

8.3.5 Performance on the HIT-MW Test Set

Finally, we show the recognition results of our approach onthe HIT-MW test set. To apply our character classifier trainedwith gray-scale character images to the binary images of HIT-MW, we converted the binary images to gray-scale images oftwo levels: 0 for background pixels and G for foregroundpixels (G is the mean value in gray-level normalization forgray-scale images). For evaluating the effects of severalrepresentative context models on this test set, we used thepath evaluation function of WCW with D-S evidenceconfidence, and the search algorithm was the refined beamsearch with K ¼ 4, CN ¼ 20, and BW ¼ 10. The recognitionresults are shown in Table 7. We can see that both geometricmodels and language models improve the performancelargely, and the best performance is achieved by combiningall the contexts and the CCA methods (“clsþ gþ iwcþ cca”).

Compared to the previous results reported on this testset, 34.64 percent of AR and 39.37 percent of CR in [9],73.97 percent of CR in [11], and 78.44 percent of RCR(similar to CR, but matched by character boundaries) in[10], the proposed approach achieved 91.86 percent of ARand 92.72 percent of CR, demonstrating significantimprovement and advantage.

8.3.6 Examples of Recognition Errors

The string recognition errors of our approach can becategorized into three types: 1) oversegmentation failure(undersegmentation), 2) character classification error, in-cluding the failure for noncharacters and outlier class, 3) pathsearch failure. In Table 1, we can see that 4.46 percent ofcharacters were not correctly separated by oversegmentation.Character classification error (about 1.53 percent of characterswhen CN ¼ 20) implies that the truth class of candidatepattern is missed in the top CN ranks so that the candidatepaths miss the correct one. Path search failure (about2.62 percent of characters when K ¼ 4, CN ¼ 20, BW ¼ 10)is the case where even though the correct path is included inthe candidate paths, it is not the “optimal” path withmaximum score due to the imperfect evaluation of paths.

Some examples of noncharacters, outliers, and over-segmentation errors have been shown in Fig. 6. In addition,two examples of character classification error and pathsearch failure are shown in Fig. 8. In Fig. 8a, themisclassified character (indicated by the arrow) was writtenas a scrawl and the classifier failed to assign the correct classin the top 20 ranks and the CCA techniques failed to pick upthe correct class. In Fig. 8b, the first character wasmisclassified, while the second character was missegmen-ted into two characters; both are due to the effect oflanguage model because the general-purpose languagemodel does not suit the context of this text of ancient poem.


This paper presented an approach for handwritten Chinesetext recognition under the character oversegmentation andcandidate path search framework. We evaluate the pathsfrom the Bayesian decision view by combining multiplecontexts, including the character classification scores,geometric and linguistic contexts. The combining weightsof path evaluation function are optimized by a string


TABLE 6Results of CCA Techniques

TABLE 7Recognition Results on the HIT-MW Test Set

Fig. 8. Two examples of recognition errors; only the part with recognitionerror is shown. (a) Character classification error, (b) path search failure.Upper: oversegmentation,; middle: segmentation-recognition result,bottom: ground truth.


recognition objective, namely, the Maximum CharacterAccuracy criterion. In path search, we use a refined beamsearch algorithm to improve the accuracy and efficiency. Inexperiments on the unconstrained Chinese handwritingdatabase CASIA-HWDB, the proposed approach achievedthe character-level accurate rate of 90.75 percent and correctrate of 91.39 percent. The experimental results justify thebenefits of confidence transformation of classifier outputs,geometric context models, and language models. Never-theless, the effect of candidate character augmentation islimited. We also evaluated performance on the HIW-MWtest set and achieved an accuracy rate of 91.86 percent andcorrect rate of 92.72 percent, which are significantly higherthan those reported in the literature.

The analysis of recognition errors indicates that furtherresearch efforts are needed to improve the characteroversegmentation, character classification, and path evalua-tion. The objective of oversegmentation is to improve thetradeoff between the number of splitting points (affectingthe complexity of search space) and the accuracy ofseparating characters at their boundaries. The objective ofcharacter classification is to improve the classificationaccuracy and the tradeoff between the number of candidateclasses and the probability of including the true class. Forpath evaluation, both the geometric model and thelanguage model deserve elaboration. Particularly, ourexperimental results show that mismatch of languagemodel and text domain leads to inferior recognitionperformance. Therefore, the domain adaptation of languagemodel will be an important research direction. In addition,the real semantic context and long-distance context will alsobe considered in the future.


This work was supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (NSFC) under Grants 60825301 and60933010.


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Qiu-Feng Wang received the BS degree incomputer science from Nanjing University ofScience and Technology, China, in 2006. He iscurrently working toward the PhD degree inpattern recognition and intelligent systems at theInstitute of Automation, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing, China. His research interestsinclude Handwritten text recognition, languagemodel, and pattern recognition.

Fei Yin received the BS degree in computerscience from Xidian University of Posts andTelecommunications, Xi’an, China, the MEdegree in pattern recognition and intelligentsystems from Huazhong University of Scienceand Technology, Wuhan, China, the PhD degreein pattern recognition and intelligent systemsfrom the Institute of Automation, Chinese Acad-emy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 1999, 2002,and 2010, respectively. He is an assistant

professor at the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR),Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.His research interests include document image analysis, handwrittencharacter recognition, and image processing.

Cheng-Lin Liu received the BS degree inelectronic engineering from Wuhan University,China, the ME degree in electronic engineeringfrom Beijing Polytechnic University, China, thePhD degree in pattern recognition and intelligentcontrol from the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China, in 1989, 1992, and 1995,respectively. He is a professor at the NationalLaboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR),Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of

Sciences, Beijing, China, and is now the deputy director of thelaboratory. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Korea AdvancedInstitute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and later at TokyoUniversity of Agriculture and Technology from March 1996 to March1999. From 1999 to 2004, he was a research staff member and later asenior researcher at the Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include pattern recognition, imageprocessing, neural networks, machine learning, and especially applica-tions to character recognition and document analysis. He has publishedmore than 130 technical papers in prestigious international journals andconferences. He is a senior member of the IEEE.


