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Section 94 Contributions Plan 2001

Greater Taree City Council PO Box 482

Taree NSW 2430 www.gtcc.nsw.gov.au

Harrington s94 Contributions Plan 2001

Greater Taree City Council Page 1 98118: Harrington CP v4.doc: Tue, Jul 31, 2001

Schedule of Contributions

Adjusted Single Contribution Rate within the Contribution Area (Not including Stages 1 and 2 of Harrington Waters)

Adjusted Single Contribution Rate Amount ($)

Contribution per person 2,099.51

Contribution for new urban lot or dwelling Habitable area ≥90 m2 4,723.91

Contribution for new medium density unit Habitable area < 90 m2 3,359.22

Contribution for new rural residential lot or house 6,298.54

Adjusted Single Contribution Rate within the Contribution Area (Stages 1 and 2 of Harrington Waters)

Adjusted Single Contribution Rate Amount ($)

Contribution per person 1,819.97

Contribution for new urban lot or dwelling Habitable area ≥90 m2 4,094.93

Contribution for new medium density unit Habitable area < 90 m2 2,911.95

Contribution for new rural residential lot or house 5,459.91

Summary of Financial Position

Account Amount ($)


Open Space -315,000

Roads -3,442,400

MP Community Facility -229,696

Rural Fire Fighting (Coast) -184,850

Total -4,171,946


Open Space 302,414

Roads 3,287,481

MP Community Facility 229,696

Rural Fire Fighting (Coast) 140,070

Finance -5,924

Total 3,953,736


Interest Earned 61,369

Interest Paid -95,668

Cash at Start 252,509

Balance at end of Plan 0

Discounted Facility Shortfall

None 0

Council Apportioned Liability

MP Community Facility -305,271

Harrington s94 Contributions Plan 2001

Greater Taree City Council Page 2 98118: Harrington CP v4.doc: Tue, Jul 31, 2001

Document History

Event Date

First Exhibition Version (file name) November 2000: (Harrington CP v2)

Second Exhibition Version (file name) May 2001 (Harrington CP v3)

Approved by Council (file name) 11 July 2001 (Harrington CP v4)

Plan became effective: 3 August 2001


Harrington s94 Contributions Plan 2001

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Harrington s94 Contributions Plan

The purpose of the Harrington Section 94 Contributions Plan 2001 (the Plan) is to provide funds for the continuing provision of public amenities that benefit the community, such as open space, community facilities and roads. The need for these facilities is directly related to anticipated population growth that is expected to occur under the Harrington Development Strategy.

In the past, Council funded public amenities from general revenue and occasionally from public grants and subsidies. Its ability to continue funding capital works, while maintaining all of the community’s existing facilities, is becoming more limited. Consequently, Council will require that certain development identified in this Plan contribute to the provision of public amenities that benefit future residents.

Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the main legislation that controls Council’s planning functions, Council can attach conditions to consents for development that require the payment of contributions for public amenities that are needed as a consequence of that development. Contributions can only be collected if Council has prepared contributions plans in accordance with the Act.

These contributions can be used to fund capital costs, such as acquiring land, designing and constructing parks and roads, or preparing s94 plans. They cannot be used to fund recurrent costs such as salaries for employees, repairs or maintenance. All funds collected must be used in the place and for the purposes identified by the contribution plan. Funds must also be spent in accordance with the contribution plan in a reasonable time.

1.2 Contribution Area

This Plan will levy certain types of development in areas of Harrington (the Contribution Area) shown in Figure 1 for public amenities that provide community benefit:

�� Open space

�� Roads

�� Community Facilities

�� Rural Fire Fighting Equipment

The Contribution Area excludes areas where infrequent rural subdivision or development may occur. The nexus between infrequent development and the need to provide public amenities is poor. Funding facilities that benefit scattered or ad hoc development is impractical. For these reasons, no contributions will be payable under this Plan for the creation of new lots or houses outside of the Contribution Area.

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Figure 1 Harrington Contribution Area



Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93

Harrington Contribution Area

Harrington Contribution Area

Contribution Area (no O/S)Contribution Area (with O/S)


500 0 500 1000


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1.3 Plan Life

This Plan reviews likely population growth for a fifteen year period between 2001 and 2016 based on the most recent census data and the Harrington Development Strategy. It then considers the current rate of provision of existing public amenities and determines contributions needed to extend their provision to the incoming population.

This Plan shows the connection between anticipated population growth and the demand for public amenities, and shows that contributions are based on reasonable costs to acquire land and provide services or facilities.

Using development and census data, Council has estimated the number of new lots that will be created as the Harrington Development Strategy is implemented. Council can then match the demand for public amenities with the number of development applications it approves where new lots are created. Contributions will also be required for new houses and medium density developments such as dual occupancy units. Contributions will be levied for each additional lot or dwelling unit created.

1.4 When is a Contribution Required?

Developments that create new lots or houses or units in the Contribution Area will pay a contribution at the relevant rate shown on the Schedule of Contributions. Developments that do not create additional lots that can accommodate a house or unit, or additional houses or units, will not pay contributions under this Plan. Where s94 contributions have previously been levied and paid on a lot or house or unit for facilities provided by this Plan, a credit for the contributions paid will be given.

1.5 Required Income is Trigger for Providing Facilities

The Plan includes an estimated cash flow schedule (Appendix 1) and a forward works schedule (Appendix 3). All work is triggered in one of fifteen Activity Periods, each having a nominal duration of one year, by estimated cash flows from contributions reaching the threshold of required contributions needed to enable the facilities to be provided.

The first Activity Period of full contributions is assumed to be 2001/2002, although income under this Plan may accrue prior to July 2001. If contributions do not reach the threshold needed for the Activity Period’s program, spending may be delayed until contribution levels reach the required threshold.

In this way, the development of any facility or service will be timed to the demand for the facility or service, as evidenced by income from contributions. If population growth occurs more quickly than anticipated, contributions will be higher than estimated in each Activity Period and would allow the forward work schedule to be brought forward. If population growth occurs more slowly than anticipated, facilities will not be needed as soon and contributions will be lower than estimated in each Activity Period. Work will be delayed until funds become available from contributions, or the Plan will be amended to reflect lower growth during the Plan’s life.

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1.6 How Contribution Rates are Derived

This Plan calculates contribution rates based on recovering the cost of each proposed facility. A nominal contribution rate is derived by dividing the net cost of each facility by the number of new lots (or houses) expected to benefit from it. The single contribution rate is the sum of nominal contribution rates for each facility and any finance charge needed to cover the difference between interest earned on positive balances, and interest paid on borrowings. The single contribution rate is then adjusted to account for variations in occupancy for urban, medium density and rural residential developments.

1.6.1 Pooling Funds for Facilities

Council wishes to provide some facilities prior to having collected all contributions needed to fund them. To allow this, this Plan pools income. It then sequences expenditure to minimise periods when income is insufficient to cover expenditure on facilities.

This Plan is based on a series of expenditure for roads, open space, community facilities and rural fire fighting equipment. The expenditure for roads is generally a regular amount per period; the remaining facilities create irregular expenditure. Contributions produce regular income. Total expenditure for each facility is shown in Appendix 3.

1.6.2 Nominal Contribution Rates

A nominal contribution rate for each facility is determined by dividing the net cost of each facility by the anticipated number of lots that are expected to be created during this Plan’s life and that will gain benefit from the facility. Appendix 3 shows nominal contribution rates for each facility. The formula below show how they are calculated.

Net Cost of Facility:

� � � � � �Startat Cash Costs Approval EnvDiscountCostComponent Facility ���� �NCF

Nominal Contribution Rate (per lot):




Benefiting Lots dAnticipateNCFNCR

Nominal Contribution Rate of an apportioned facility (per lot):






Benefiting Lots dAnticipate

2016in Population2001in Population1NCF


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1.6.3 Finance Costs & Single Contribution Rate

In some periods when income exceeds expenditure, this Plan earns interest on positive cash balances. In other periods, expenditure exceeds income and this Plan must borrow funds from Council. Funds that are borrowed must be repaid, with interest, to Council by the end of this Plan’s life.

This Plan uses spreadsheet functions to calculate a finance rate that balances anticipated interest income on positive cash balances and repayment of principal and interest. At the end of this Plan, the balance of all accounts is zero.

Nominal contribution rates for each facility are then added to the finance rate to produce a single contribution rate that covers all facilities. Appendix 1 shows the single contribution rate. The formula below show how a single contribution rate is calculated.


� �� �� Benefiting Lots dAnticipateNCRIncome


�� NCFeExpenditur

Finance Cost:

CostInterest eExpenditurStartAt Cash EarnedInterest Income �����FC

Finance Rate (per lot):

Benefiting Lots ofNumber MaximumFCFR �

Single Contribution Rate (all facilities per lot):

� � FRNCRSCRAllFac �� �

The spreadsheets use a reiterative formula to adjust the cell containing the finance cost so that the sum of income (with finance cost), expenditure, cash at start, interest earned and interest costs are equal to zero.

1.6.4 Adjustment for Occupancy Rate & Exceptions

The single contribution rate is a weighted average rate based on the number of lots benefiting from each facility. It doesn’t account for differences in occupancy rates between urban, rural residential and medium density developments. In addition, developments in certain parts of the Contribution Area will not pay contributions for open space.

The single contribution rate per lot is therefore adjusted by factoring anticipated occupancy rates for urban and rural residential development to produce an adjusted single contribution rate per person for both general development and development in certain areas that will not pay contributions for open space.

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Appendix 2 shows the adjusted single contribution rate. The formulas below show how it is calculated.

1. Using anticipated lot creation and known occupancy rates for urban and rural residential development, determine the number of people who contribute to all facilities, and the number of people who won’t contribute to open space between 2001 and 2016:

� � � �rrrrurbanurbanAllFac OccRateLotsOccRateLotsPeople ����

� � � �rrrrexcurbanurbanexcexcepted OccRateLotsOccRateLotsPeople ����

2. Determine average catchment occupancy rate:




Created Lots dAnticipateCreated Lots All from Population Potential


3. Determine the contribution rate differential, per person, for the open space contribution using the Nominal Contribution Rate per lot for the facility and the average catchment occupancy rate:





exceptedpp OccRate


4. Determine the single contribution rate, per person, for development that will contribute to all facilities, and for development that won’t contribute to open space between 2001 and 2016, by solving two equations:

� � � �exceptedppexceptedAllFacppAllFAc SCRPeopleSCRPeopleRCT ����

ppexceptedppAllFacpp DiffSCRSCR ��


RCT is the Required Contribution Threshold shown in Appendix 1;

SCRAllFappc is the single contribution rate per person for development that will contribute to all facilities;

SCRexceptedpp is the single contribution rate per person for development that won’t contribute to open space between 2001 and 2016.

5. Using known occupancy rates, determine the contribution per lot for urban, rural residential and medium density development for both developments that contribute to all facilities, and those that won’t contribute to open space between 2001 and 2016:

Harrington s94 Contributions Plan 2001

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The Adjusted SCR per lot, for development that will contribute to all facilities:

urbanAllFacppurban OccRateSCRSCRAdjusted ��

rrAllFacpprr OccRateSCRSCRAdjusted ��

meddensityAllFacppmeddensity OccRateSCRSCRAdjusted ��

The Adjusted SCR, for development that won’t contribute to open space:

urbanexceptedppurban OccRateSCRSCRAdjusted ��

rrexceptedpprr OccRateSCRSCRAdjusted ��

meddensityexceptedppmeddensity OccRateSCRSCRAdjusted ��

Occupancy rates are given in Appendix 2.

1.6.5 Application of Adjusted Single Contribution Rate

The adjusted single contribution rate for development that contribute to all facilities applies to all new houses (including units) and lots, is shown in the Schedule at the beginning of this Plan.

The adjusted single contribution rate for development that won’t contribute to open space between 2001 and 2016 applies to new lots or houses in certain locations shown in Figure 1, and is shown in the Schedule at the beginning of this Plan. Details are provided in Appendices 1, 2 and 3.

1.7 Effect on Previous Contributions Plans

This Plan repeals the following contributions plans:

�� Greater Taree City Council Community Facilities Harrington s94 Contributions Plan

�� Greater Taree City Council Provision of Fire Fighting Resources s94 Contributions Plan

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1.7.1 Development Consents Granted Under Previous Contributions Plans

Development consents granted prior to the approval of this Plan may contain conditions that require payment of contributions under the Contributions Plans listed above and that have been repealed.

Even though those Contributions Plans have been repealed, Council will continue to use them to calculate contributions under development consents that were granted while they were in effect. Council will continue to adjust contribution rates in accordance with their provisions.

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2 Population Forecast & Housing Structure

2.1 Harrington Catchment

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) collection districts shown in Figure 2, and referred to as the Catchment Area, define the catchment for determining existing community characteristics and establishing nexus and quantum in this Plan.

Council’s 1992 Greater Taree Social Plan defined five social planning areas – Taree, Wingham, Harrington, Old Bar and Harrington. The central town in each social planning area is the focus of activities and gatherings for most residents, and is the place where Council seeks to establish most social and community facilities and services.

2.2 Existing Community Characteristics

2.2.1 Use of ABS Data

Historical population and demographic data has been taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 1996 census counts for the collection districts in the Catchment Area and supplemented by building and development statistical data. As additional data is acquired and analysed, this Plan will be updated.

Council uses Estimated Resident Population (ERP) data provided by the ABS when preparing strategic planning documents and demographic surveys. Generally, ERP is more accurate than census counts, however, the variation is not significant. This Plan uses census counts because they provide greater detail at the collection district level than ERP data. Accordingly, while there may be variations between census counts and ERP data, the use of one common data set ensures greater internal consistency.

Some summary data are rounded to the nearest ten or fifty people to simplify discussion.

2.2.2 Population

Existing population data from the census collection districts that form the Catchment Area are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 1996 Catchment Area Population

Type Locality 1996 Pop

Urban Harrington, Crowdy Head 1450

Rural 2600

Total 4050

Harrington and Crowdy Head had a combined population of about 1,450 in 1996, or about 36% of the Catchment Area’s population. The balance of about 2,600 people lived in Coopernook, rural and rural residential areas.

Harrington Waters has begun to release subdivision lots. Although it did not contribute to the 1996 population, its recent growth has been strong.

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Figure 2 Harrington Catchment Area

Crowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational Park





Stewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts River

Mitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells Island


Old BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld Bar

Wallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi Point


Red HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed Head

Oxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley Island

Hannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam Vale








Taree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree South



Cedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar Party

Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93

Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93

Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93Only Lots Created in D587/93











Harrington Catchment Area1 0 1 2 3 4 5


Source: GTCC GIS

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2.2.3 Age Profile

In 1996, the Catchment Area had a greater percentage of population in higher age groups than Greater Taree, as shown in Figure 3. In particular, the 50 to 74 age group comprised one-third of the total population, compared to about one-quarter of the Greater Taree population.

Council will consider the needs of all age groups as it determines the type of open space and community facilities to be provided under this Plan.

Figure 3 Age Structure, 1996

Age Structure

0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0%











99 years and over




Percent of Population

Harrington Greater Taree

2.2.4 Housing & Occupancy

Housing Structure

About 87% of private housing in the Catchment Area was comprised of separate houses in 1996. The remainder was distributed between semi-detached or townhouses, flats and units, and shop-top units and caravans. About 8% of all housing was provided by caravans. Data on occupied and unoccupied private dwellings are shown in Table 2.

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About 84% of all private housing was occupied, giving a vacancy rate of about 16%. The census was taken in mid-winter and highlighted that about one-sixth of all private housing was used seasonally or irregularly, or was vacant rental housing. Townhouses and flats had the highest vacancy rate of up to about 40%; this contrasts with the low vacancy rate of about 3% for caravans.

Table 2 Private Dwellings, 1996

Private Dwelling Type Number of Occupied Dwellings

Occupied Private Dwgs

Separate House 1854

Townhouse 48

Flat/Unit 49

Caravan & Other 194

Total 2145

Unoccupied Private Dwgs

Separate House 360

Townhouse 12

Flat/Unit 35

Caravan & Other 6

Total 413

Total Private Dwgs

Separate House 2214

Townhouse 60

Flat/Unit 84

Caravan & Other 200

Total 2558


Occupancy rates show the number of people who live in a private house or unit. Occupancy rates are important for estimating the number of people who are expected to live in a new development, and the corresponding demand for public amenities and services.

In 1996, the average occupancy rate for private occupied dwellings in the Catchment Area was about 2.6 people per dwelling. The rate for separate houses was about the same as the average, while the rates for medium density developments varied between 1.5 and 2.0people per unit. Occupancy rates are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Private Dwelling Occupancy Rates

Private Dwelling Type Persons Occupied Dwellings

% Total Dwgs Occupancy Rate

Separate house 4880 1854 86% 2.63

Townhouse 73 48 2% 1.52

Flat/Unit 100 49 2% 2.04

Caravan & Other 323 194 9% 1.66

Not stated 126

Total/Average 1810 700 100% 2.59

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Based on data at the collection district level in Hallidays Point, there is a substantial difference between occupancy rates in urban and rural areas. Urban occupancy rates are about 2.25 per private occupied house and about 3.0 per house in rural areas. Harrington is similar in age profile to Hallidays Point, and would attract a similar incoming population. Therefore, future population growth will be based on separate urban and rural occupancy rates.

2.2.5 Summary of Existing Community Characteristics

The attraction of the Harrington area to people who are near or at retirement age is reflected in the relatively high proportion of people over the age of 50. Growth in the aged sector is expected to remain constant in the foreseeable future and will influence Council’s consideration of facilities that will be provided.

A portion of new housing in the Harrington area will continue to be used seasonally, reflecting the attraction of the coast to people who purchase a house for holiday use, or to hold until they choose to occupy it permanently.

2.3 Anticipated Population

2.3.1 How a Future Population is Calculated

Population growth in the Catchment Area will be primarily driven by migration and settlement to Harrington. The supply of new lots and houses will determine population growth in urban, rural residential and other growth areas. Based on estimates of sales and lot take up rates in urban and rural residential areas, and the Harrington Waters development, this Plan determines the supply of new lots or houses that could potentially be occupied during this Plan’s life.

Council acknowledges that it is difficult to accurately predict population growth. The consequences of overestimating population growth are:

�� Insufficient funds being collected in the early years of the Plan;

�� The need to increase contribution rates, so that the total income needed to fund the Plan is maintained;

�� Depending on when anticipated population growth is revised, the increase in contribution rates may be significant and unreasonable.

For this Plan, Council will use conservative lot creation and take up rates. Assumptions on lot creation are shown in Appendix 2.

2.3.2 Urban Areas

This Plan anticipates that 60 lots will be created in the villages of Harrington and Crowdy Head between 2001 and 2016. The population in urban villages would rise from about 1,650 in 2001 to 1,750 in 2016, an increase of about 100 people.

2.3.3 Harrington Waters

The development of Harrington Waters is well advanced. Sales appear to be strong. Council expects that Harrington Waters will register an average of about 50 lots per

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year between 2001 and 2016. This Plan anticipates that a total of 750 lots will be created during this Plan’s life, giving an increase in population of about 1,200 people.

2.3.4 Rural & Rural Residential Areas

Council may rezone land near Harrington Waters to provide opportunities for rural residential development. Council anticipates that most lots will be used for single dwellings and that all available lots will be registered.

The opportunity for new rural dwellings or subdivisions in rural areas will be modest, due limitations imposed by clauses 13 and 15 of the Greater Taree Local Environmental Plan 1995 and the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning’s opposition to the use of State Environmental Planning Policy No 1 to allow additional rural dwellings or subdivisions. Council’s Greater Taree Rural Strategy is being prepared and may provide additional opportunities for growth in rural areas beyond the Contribution Area. This Plan will be reviewed when the Strategy is finalised.

The occupancy rate for private dwellings in rural residential areas is expected to remain at about three people per dwelling between 2001 and 2016. This Plan anticipates that about 60 lots will be created by 2016. The population in non-urban areas would rise from about 2,650 in 2001 to about 2,780 in 2016, an increase of about 130 people, as a result of rural residential development.

2.3.5 Summary of Anticipated Population Growth

The anticipated increase in population between 2001 and 2016, based on urban and rural residential development identified in the Harrington Development Strategy, and further development of Harrington Waters, is summarised in Table 4.

Table 4 Anticipated Population, 2001 to 2016 1

Area Existing Population Increase in Population Future Population

Urban Villages 1650 100 1750

Rural Residential & Rural 2650 130 2780

Harrington Waters 100 1225 1325

Total 4400 1455 5855

2.3.6 Potential Population Versus Census Counts

The number of people who will be counted in future censuses will be lower than the number of people who could potentially inhabit each new lot or house. The difference arises because a portion of new lots are held for speculation and future resale or development (referred to as a market buffer), and a portion of new houses will not be occupied because they are used seasonally or irregularly as second houses.

A total of 870 new lots or dwellings would be created between 2001 and 2016. The potential population that could be accommodated by the supply of new lots would be about 2,000, based on existing occupancy rates. This compares with the anticipated increase in population of 1,430. The difference is caused by the expected market buffer and vacancy rates.

Harrington Waters population based on construction of 100 lots by 2001.

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2.3.7 Anticipated Community Profile

Council anticipates that the age profile for the Catchment Area will not change significantly during this Plan’s life, due to the likelihood that people nearing or at retirement will continue to be attracted to the coastal area for lifestyle reasons, and that employment generating development is not expected to substantially increase during this Plan’s life.

People over the age of 75 make up about the same part of the population as Greater Taree. This age group requires access to medical care and aged support services that are not provided in Harrington. Council expects that as older age groups move out of Harrington, properties will be sold and re-occupied. Consequently, Council does not expect a net decline in population due to migration of older age groups to other centres.

2.4 Relationship between Lot Creation & Population

It is Council’s experience that coastal settlements which originally provided second or holiday houses and were generally serviced by poor roads have become more sought after for permanent settlement. As these areas mature and provide a wider range of community and commercial services, permanent occupation will increase and vacancy rates will decline.

Although vacancy rates now reflect seasonal or holiday use of the housing stock, it is reasonable to conclude that the demand for public amenities is generated by people who have the opportunity to occupy a house. The construction of a house or unit, or creation of a lot generates the potential for occupancy.

Council can only levy contributions at the time that subdivision or development applications are considered. It cannot levy additional contributions on houses in which vacancy rates decline due to permanent occupation.

Therefore, each new lot or house located in an urban area is expected to create potential demand equivalent to 2.25 people during this Plan’s life. Medium density development in an urban area is expected to create a demand equivalent to 1.6 people per unit. Each house or lot that is located outside an urban or village zone is expected to create potential demand equivalent to 3.0 people during the life of this Plan.

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3 Open Space

Public open space is a basic component of residential communities and contributes to community amenity. Open space is used for local and community -based activities. Some are highly structured, such as courts, or playing fields. Other activities are casual, informal or spontaneous, such as a picnic or a barbecue. Open space provides a venue for human socialisation.

Local open space is made up of land with the following characteristics:

�� It has important visual character, topography or vegetation;

�� It provides access to, from and between places people may wish to visit;

�� It provides convenient places in neighbourhoods for structured and casual activities.

3.1 Current Open Space Plan

The open space preceding this Plan required dedication of land, or payment of contributions in lieu of dedication, at a rate of 28.3 m2 per person. Contributions rates were determined by land acquisition and embellishment costs and were converted to per lot or unit rates using occupancy data. Council has accumulated land from dedication of open space as well as cash contributions.

3.2 Existing Provision of Open Space

For this Plan, the existing provision of open space is comprised of areas that have either been acquired by or dedicated to Council as a condition of development consent, or public land that has been substantially embellished by Council for public use as open space. Facilities and reserves that have a primary component of environmental protection or tourist recreation are not included in determining the existing provision of open space. Reserves that have a dual function of providing open space and environmental protection or tourist recreation are apportioned.

Structured facilities include courts and fields. Casual facilities have some equipment and are primarily used for activities such as children’s playgrounds, walking, cycling, scenic appreciation, fishing or picnicking.

Table 5 identifies each open space area and the part of it that is used as public open space.

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Table 5 Schedule of Existing Open Space

Reserve Area Classification Capital Value Land ValueDOLPHIN PARK CRESCENT RES 0.3866 Undeveloped $0 $10,000OXLEY RESERVE 7.4535 Beach/Foreshore/River Banks $217,040 $745,350PILOT HILL RESERVE 1.8273 Parkland $10,898 $182,730ESMOND HOGAN PARK 5.0000 Outdoor Sports Facilities $325,323 $500,000CAPTAIN COOK BI-CENTENARY PARK 0.0390 Beach/Foreshore/River Banks $67,997 $31,200RESERVE 0.1680 Small Parks/Playgrounds $14,820 $309,300CROWDY HEAD RESERVE / MUIR PARK 2.0000 Parkland $224,054 $200,000Harrington Beach Access 0.0000 Beach / Foreshore / River Bank $70,400 $0CROWDY HEAD TENNIS COURTS 0.0000 Outdoor Sports Facilities $77,624 $0HARRINGTON TENNIS COURTS 0.0000 Outdoor Sports Facilities $123,284 $0

16.9 $1,131,440 $1,978,580

Urban Popuulation, 2001 1650Area per thousand people 10.2

Embellishment value per capita $685.72 36%Land value per capita $1,199.14 64%Total value per captia $1,884.86

The Schedule shows:

�� Open space is now provided at a rate of about 10 ha per thousand people. This is higher than the provision rate under the preceding plan because of the amount of land that has been provided prior to s94, and the inclusion of Crown land.

�� The land value of open space was about $1,200 per person in 2001, or 64% of the total value of open space;

�� The value of improvements to open space was about $685 per person in 2001, or about 36% of the total value of open space.

Existing open space areas are local and/or district level facilities. They are unlikely to function as regional facilities that attract significant use from outside of the Catchment Area due to an abundance of similar open space opportunities along the coast, low population densities and travel distances from other centres. Therefore, this Plan does not include a discount factor for use of local or district open space by users who live beyond the Catchment Area boundary.

Council considers that existing open space areas met community needs at the time that this Plan was prepared.

3.3 Future Provision of Open Space

3.3.1 Demand for Open Space

Development of new residential areas brings an incoming population which creates a demand for open space. The demand for open space is expected to come from three sources:

�� Urban development that will occur in infill areas of Harrington;

�� Urban development that will occur at Harrington Waters;

�� Rural residential development at Harrington.

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3.3.2 Strategy for Provision of Open Space

Consent for about 400 lots in Stages 1 and 2 of Harrington Waters was granted in 1993. Council has agreed to forego contributions for open space in Stages 1 and 2 in return for the developer agreeing to dedicate and partly embellish land for public open space along the foreshore and in other locations at Harrington Waters. These agreements have occurred as a part of the rezoning process and are not a part of s94.

To ensure that funds are available to embellish facilities in Harrington, remaining urban and rural residential developments other than development in Stages 1 and 2 of Harrington Waters must pay cash contributions for open space. Council is unlikely to accept the dedication of land for open space in these developments.

Where land is zoned 6(a) Open Space prior to the adoption of this Plan, and it has not been acquired by or dedicated to Council, Council is prepared to consider reviewing the need for this land either during the development assessment process or by responding to a written request to acquire 6(a) Open Space land as provided by Greater Taree Local Environmental Plan 1995.

3.3.3 Proposed Open Space Facilities

Plans for facilities to be provided at Harrington are detailed in Table 6.

Table 6 Proposed Open Space Facilities

Harrington Unit Cost ($/unit) UnitsTotal Component

CostTennis Courts 60,000 0 0 Playground Equipment 35,000 2 70,000 Oxley Reserve Embellishment 230,000 1 230,000

Open Space Subtotal 300,000

Env Approvals, PoMs 2% 6,000 SID 3% 9,000

Open Space Total 315,000

Council will use existing public land for open space facilities. It will collect cash contributions to fund two playgrounds (one at Harrington Waters) and foreshore improvements in Oxley Reserve.

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3.3.4 Method for Determining Contribution Rate for Open Space

Table 7 shows embellishment costs and the nominal contribution per lot. The Forward Work Schedule shown in Appendix 3 provides cost variables for embellishment of open space.

Table 7 Cost for Open Space

Harrington Unit Cost ($/unit) UnitsTotal Component

Cost Discount (%) Net CostTennis Courts 60,000 0 0 0 Playground Equipment 35,000 2 70,000 70,000 Oxley Reserve Embellishment 230,000 1 230,000 230,000

Open Space Subtotal 300,000 300,000

Env Approvals, PoMs 2% 6,000 6,000 SID 3% 9,000 9,000

Open Space Total 315,000 315,000

Contributions Held at Start of Plan Harrington, Coopernook, Johns River -12,586 Net Cost of Open Space 302,414

Council liability for discounted value 0 Anticipated Lots Participating 470 Nominal Contribution per Lot 643.43

3.4 Calculation of Open Space Contributions

The Contribution Worksheet is shown in Appendix 1. It shows anticipated income, expenditure, plan balances, loan requirements, apportioned liabilities, and changes in Council’s cash position.

Appendix 2 provides information on anticipated population data, including variables for occupancy, vacancy and market buffer rates, anticipated take up rates for development, and the adjustment for occupancy rate of different development.

Contributions that were available for open space in the Harrington area under the Greater Taree City Council Open Space s94 Contributions Plan are included as cash held at the start of this Plan. They reduce the capital cost of providing open space.

Contribution rates are shown in the Schedule of Contributions at the beginning of this Plan.

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4 Roads

4.1 Nexus

New development generates additional vehicle trips throughout Council’s local and district road network. Traffic from an increasing population will be generated primarily by residential areas.

Trip generation is expected to increase in proportion to lot creation during this Plan’s life because driving habits and car ownership are expected to remain relatively constant. Additional traffic generation form the nexus linking new development with increases in traffic flowing through the road network, and the need to ensure that roads are provided and/or upgraded to accommodate increased traffic.

To accommodate higher usage, Council will make improvements to Harrington Road to maintain road capacity and safety at levels similar to those existing in 2000.

4.2 Existing Road Characteristics

4.2.1 Harrington Road Between the Pacific Highway and Harrington Waters

Harrington Road is a two lane sealed carriageway in level terrain that has a width of about 6 m, and a formation width between 8 and 10 m. Harrington Road carries both local traffic and is the only practical access to Harrington from the Pacific Highway. It now carries about 1,900 vehicles/day.

Most traffic originating from Harrington must use Harrington Road to travel to the Pacific Highway. There is an alternative route over unsealed roads in Crowdy Bay National Park that allows access to Coralville and Dunbogan. This route would carry some tourist traffic and insignificant levels of local traffic.

4.3 Previous Studies

In March 1996, Transportation Environment Consultants (TEC) finalised the Greater Taree Road Study. The Study outlines a strategic plan for road development and sets the basis for developer contributions under s94 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. The Study details short, medium and long term road hierarchies and a cycleway strategy. Findings were made based on an assessment of existing traffic network, modelling of future traffic generation, and consideration of options for road and intersection improvements to maintain an adequate and safe road network.

4.4 Provision of New Road Facilities

During this Plan’s life, the population in the Contribution Area is expected to increase by about 1,450 people. Almost all new development will use Harrington Road frequently or daily.

To accommodate the anticipated increase in traffic and trip generation from new development, and to provide a suitable road network for Harrington, Council proposes to enhance the road network by widening and improving alignment.

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Upgrades are based on investigations prepared by Council and TEC (1996); costs have been revised to reflect current construction costs.

Figure 4 shows proposed road upgrades in the Catchment Area.

4.4.1 Harrington Road

Harrington Road would be progressively widened between the Pacific Highway and Harrington Waters to provide a carriageway width of 7.4 m and a formation width of 11 m with sealed shoulders and drainage. The intersection at the Pacific Highway will eventually be upgraded as a part of the Coopernook Bypass.

4.4.2 Realignment

The alignment at Sheathers Corner would be improved by reducing horizontal curvature. Additional land would be acquired to accommodate the upgraded alignment.

The alignment of Harrington Road between Cattai Creek Bridge and Christies Lane would be improved by reducing horizontal curvature. Additional land would be acquired to accommodate the upgraded alignment.

4.5 Road Upgrading Costs

Council’s road costs and the nominal contribution rate are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Road Upgrading Costs

Harrington Cost ($2000) Land Cost Total Component Cost Grants Discount (%) Net Comp CostHarrington Rd Upgrade, Pac Hwy to Central Creek 2,640,000 0 2,640,000 0% 2,640,000 Sheather's Corner Realignment 245,000 20,000 265,000 0% 265,000 Harrington Rd, East of Cattai Br, West of Christie's Ln Realignment 365,000 40,000 405,000 0% 405,000

0 Arterial Roads Subtotal 3,250,000 60000 3,310,000 0 3,310,000

Env Approvals 1% 33,100 SID 3% 99,300

Arterial Roads Total 3,442,400

Contributions Held at Start of Plan Areas 6, 7 -154,919 Net Cost of Arterial Roads 3,287,481

Anticipated Lot Creation 870 Nominal Contribution per Lot 3,778.71

These facilities are required to ensure that existing road safety levels and network performance are maintained during this Plan’s life. Council considers that the facilities are needed solely to cater for additional trip generation caused by the anticipated population increase – if new development did not occur, then these facilities would not be required. Accordingly, apportionment of benefit between the existing and incoming population is not warranted.

Should costs vary, or grant funds increase or reduce Council’s costs to provide traffic facilities, this Plan’s contribution rates will be adjusted. The Forward Work Schedule shown in Appendix 3 provides cost variables for roads upgrades.

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Figure 4 Proposed Road Upgrades

Crowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational Park



Mitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells Island



Harrington Road Upgrades

Harrington Road Upgrades


Road Upgrade1 0 1 2 3


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4.6 Calculation of Road Contribution Rate

The Contribution Worksheet is shown in Appendix 1. It shows anticipated income, expenditure, plan balances, loan requirements, apportioned liabilities, and changes in Council’s cash position.

Appendix 2 provides information on anticipated population data, including variables for occupancy, vacancy and market buffer rates, anticipated take up rates for development, and the adjustment for occupancy rate of different development.

Contributions that were available for roads in the Harrington area under the Greater Taree City Council Roads s94 Contributions Plan are included as cash held at the start of this Plan. They reduce the capital cost of road upgrades.

Contribution rates are shown in the Schedule of Contributions at the beginning of this Plan.

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5 Community Facilities

5.1 Existing Community Facilities

Facilities such as a volunteer-run community library supported by Council’s Library service, an ocean swimming pool, tennis courts, barbecue facilities and amenities buildings are available to the public in Harrington and Crowdy Head. These facilities are for the community’s use.

However Council distinguishes between these facilities and a building that can be used by a wide cross-section of people for community activities. Community facilities accommodate services provided by Council for the benefit of the community. They include buildings such as community halls and centres, preschools and health centres. No modern community facility has been provided in the Harrington area.

5.2 Policy for Provision of Community Facilities

The Greater Taree Social Plan sets a three tier hierarchy for providing and supporting community facilities. Under the Greater Taree Social Plan, Harrington is a district centre that should provide a range of facilities that benefit residents in the Harrington Social Planning Catchment:

�� Health services �� Library services

�� Aged persons recreation �� Youth recreation

�� Play group �� Community meeting place

�� Equipment storage for various groups

In accordance with the Social Plan, Council wishes to construct a new multi-purpose community facility in Harrington to provide one or more of these facilities. They would cater for the existing and incoming population during this Plan’s life.

Contributions have been collected to provide a community facility in Harrington, most recently under the Greater Taree City Council Community Facilities s94 Contributions Plan. No funds have been spent on providing a community facility under that Plan.

5.3 Provision of New Facilities

Council has reviewed options for providing a community facility that provides wide benefit and is cost-effective. Council’s preference is to provide one multi-purpose facility at a central location. Council has not decided on a location, however it will locate the facility on public land to minimise overall costs. Costs to provide a multi-purpose community facility are shown in Table 9. They are based on a simple design and standard construction details shown in Appendix 4.

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5.4 Apportioned Liability

The facility will benefit both the existing and incoming population. Accordingly, the net cost of the facility will be apportioned. Council’s apportioned liability is determined by dividing the existing population in 2001 by the anticipated population in 2016. The population is limited to those people who would benefit from the facility. In Council’s view, this population is limited to the urban areas and Harrington Waters.

Council’s apportioned liability is about 57% of the net cost of the facility, as shown in Table 9.

5.5 Cost of Community Facility

Table 9 shows the costs of the facility, the funds held at the start of this Plan, the next cost, the apportionment factors between the existing and incoming population, and the nominal contribution per lot. The Forward Work Schedule shown in Appendix 3 provides cost variables for the community facility.

Table 9 Community Facility Costs

Harrington Unit Cost ($/unit) Units Cost ($2000)Total Component

Cost Discount (%) Net CostSite (50 m x 60 m) 0 0 0 Site Preparation 15 3,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Building 750 550 412,500 412,500 412,500 43 Car Parking Spaces (30 m^2/cps) 1,290 70 90,300 90,300 90,300

0 0 0 Community Facility Subtotal 547,800 547,800 547,800

Env Approvals 2% 10,956 SID 3% 16,434

Community Facility Total 575,190

Contributions Held at Start of Plan -40,223 Net Cost of Community Facility 534,967

Apportionment Factor Urban+Special, 2016 3,067 From s94 42.94% 229,696 Urban+Special, 2001 1,750 Council Liabilty 57.06% 305,271

Anticipated Lot Creation 870 Nominal Contribution per Lot 264.02

5.6 Calculation of Community Facility Contribution Rate

The Contribution Worksheet is shown in Appendix 1. It shows anticipated income, expenditure, plan balances, loan requirements, apportioned liabilities, and changes in Council’s cash position.

Appendix 2 provides information on anticipated population data, including variables for occupancy, vacancy and market buffer rates, anticipated take up rates for development, and the adjustment for occupancy rate of different development.

Contributions that were available for a community facility in the Harrington area under the Greater Taree City Council Community Facilities s94 Contributions Plan are included as cash held at the start of this Plan. They reduce the capital cost of the facility.

Contribution rates are shown in the Schedule of Contributions at the beginning of this Plan.

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6 Rural Fire Fighting Equipment

6.1 Greater Taree Rural Fire Service

Council maintains a capable rural fire fighting service (GTRFS) throughout the Greater Taree local government area. Within the Catchment Area, it extends to all rural and village areas.

The State Government and the insurance industry distribute funding on an annual basis to support the operation of rural fire fighting services. Funding is based on several factors, including population, geographic coverage, existing facilities and other risk categories. These funds provide 87.7% of the annual operating budget determined by the NSW Rural Fire Service for recurrent and capital replacement costs. Council must fund the balance of 12.3% of the annual operating budget.

Council separately funds the acquisition of capital equipment needed to serve a growing population and this component is separate from the NSW Rural Fire Service budget.

The major capital costs of operating the GTRFS are acquisition and replacement of fire fighting appliances, usually trucks and fire fighting equipment with specific duty and capacity ratings. The GTRFS incurs other substantial capital costs in providing permanent stations to house and equip its appliances, brigade and command offices, training facilities and communications equipment.

The GTRFS also incurs recurrent costs for salaried officers and staff, and overhead expenses of operating the service. Volunteer fire fighters provide the backbone of the service, operating most appliances, undertaking training exercises and fire fighting duties, and coordinating communication and field support during training exercises and operating conditions.

Council wishes to ensure that development that leads to an increase in fire risk, and therefore the demand for fire fighting services, contributes to the capital costs of extending the GTRFS. Council must meet not only its legal obligations but the community’s expectations for the provision of fire protection.

6.2 Existing Provision of Fire Fighting Facilities

The provision for rural fire fighting services is based on several factors:

�� population density;

�� bush fire risk;

�� number, extent and location of assets that require fire protection;

�� the access standard to those assets;

�� other risk factors.

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The NSW Rural Fire Service has prepared a document titled Standards of Fire Cover for Greater Taree Council. It reviewed in detail the provision of fire cover, and examined opportunities to maximise the benefit of limited funding.

Council’s fire fighting services are divided between a central headquarters and fire control centre in Taree, and 25 brigades areas.

Fire fighting appliances are assigned to each brigade and the Taree Headquarters. Fire fighting appliances are categorised by function and capability. Appliance categories are described in the Standards of Fire Cover for Greater Taree Council. Generally, each brigade has one or more appliances, based on the brigade’s risk factors and the number of qualified fire fighters that are available on a part and full time basis to operate the appliances.

Appliances in some brigades are over 10 years old. The NSW Rural Fire Service recommends that appliances be replaced at between 10 and 20 years of age, to ensure that obsolete technology does not reduce operational performance or safety, and that the realistic service life of the appliance is not exceeded. Council began a long term upgrading and replacement program that was partly funded by a previous contributions plan. The program also covers provision and extension of rural fire stations.

Command and control of all rural fire fighting services is based in Taree. Communication equipment and operators are grouped in a central Fire Control centre and coordinate all fire fighting services. The Taree Headquarters also provides equipment storage, training, briefing rooms, and resources needed to operate the service 24 hours a day, seven days per week.

Council considers that the existing provision of rural fire fighting equipment is generally adequate for the existing area covered by the 25 brigades, based on the Standard of Fire Cover and more recent audits. Council recognises the need to continue to modernise its fleet of fire fighting appliances.

6.3 Nexus

By the end of this Plan’s life, Council estimates that the population that will be covered by the GTRFS will have increased from about 24,500 in 2001 to 31,300 in 2016, an increase of about 6,800 people. Council estimates that about 80% of this growth, or about 5,600 people, will occur in coastal precincts that include Old Bar, Harrington and Hallidays Point; the balance of about 1,200 will occur in rural precincts that include Taree, Wingham, Tinonee, Cundletown and Lansdowne.

Taree and Wingham areas now covered by the GTRFS may eventually be included in areas serviced by urban fire brigades. However, this may not occur during this Plan’s life. Consequently, this Plan anticipates that population growth during the latter part of this Plan’s life will occur in areas covered by the GTRFS.

Growth will result in higher population densities in faster growing coastal precincts. The protection of additional assets will require additional appliances, fire fighting equipment, training, coordination, command and control services, and administrative support.

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Population growth in rural fire precincts will moderately increase the number of building and assets. However, centralised services provided by headquarters and the fire control centre will continue to benefit both coastal and rural fire precincts.

6.3.1 Expenditure Recoverable under s94

An operating budget is set by the NSW Rural Fire Service for each financial year for Council’s rural fire fighting service. The costs of public facilities and amenities to be recovered or recouped under s94 cannot include subsidies or grants that Council is not obligated to repay. The contribution by the NSW Rural Fire Service cannot be recovered under this Plan.

The operating budgets set by the NSW Rural Fire Service are intended to maintain a suitable standard of fire cover for the existing population. The main capital components of the budget are for replacement and modernisation of the existing appliance fleet. The operating budgets generally do not provide funds to accommodate growth and development. The costs of public facilities and amenities to be recovered or recouped under s94 cannot include recurrent costs to maintain a service to the existing population. The contribution by Council cannot be recovered under this Plan.

The costs that are included in this Plan are the funds that Council votes towards the extension of rural fire fighting services to new development.

6.3.2 No Apportionment

Council makes an additional funding commitment beyond the 12.3% to acquire capital equipment needed to extend the existing standard of fire cover to new development. This expenditure will directly benefit the incoming population of the coastal and rural precincts covered by the Greater Taree Rural Fire Service. Accordingly, the capital acquisition costs can be recovered under s94.

This Plan will levy contributions to fund the cost of extending the existing standard of fire cover, by acquiring additional appliances of different categories and by maintaining a capable centralised service to coordinate and manage fire fighting during the life of this Plan. By extending the existing provision of services to new growth and development areas during this Plan’s life, requirements for causal, temporal and physical nexus are satisfied.

6.4 Extending Rural Fire Fighting Facilities

6.4.1 Capital Acquisitions

Council intends to acquire fire fighting appliances, various components to equip each unit for fire fighting, such as pumps, hoses, and breathing apparatus, extensions to fire stations to accommodate new appliances, and training facilities to cater for the increased protection required by the incoming population. Unit costs of various capital acquisitions are shown in the Forward Work Schedule in Appendix 3.

In addition, the Taree Headquarters will acquire equipment for use throughout the local government area, and construct a central training and hot fire practice building to meet training requirements for the expanding membership of volunteer and paid fire fighters.

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6.4.2 Aggregation of Brigades into Contribution Precincts

To a large extent, brigades support each other. When a call out occurs, the closest brigade responds. If more equipment is needed, the nearest brigades also respond. The Taree Headquarters coordinates responses, ensures that back-up is available to brigades that have responded to a call out, and it may also provide support, depending on the magnitude of the event.

The number of brigades makes it impractical to collect funding for each brigade. Instead, Council proposes to establish three contribution areas:

�� The coastal precinct will include Harrington, Old Bar and Harrington Catchment Areas;

�� The rural precinct will include those parts of the Taree and Wingham Catchment Areas that are not protected by the Urban Fire Service;

�� A council-wide precinct that reflects the centralised command and control role of the Taree Headquarters.

Each brigade is assigned to either a coastal or rural precinct. Brigades in the coastal precinct are shown in Figure 5. Council will pool contributions in each precinct to provide equipment that will benefit the incoming population in each precinct. Contributions collected for the central precinct will benefit both precincts.

The net cost of fire fighting equipment is calculated by subtracting funds already collected for the brigades in the coastal precinct from the cost of equipment to be provided in the coastal precinct. The net cost is then divided by the anticipated number of new lots or houses to be created in the coastal precinct to produce a nominal contribution per lot. The Harrington Contribution Area will accommodate about 27% of the anticipated number of lots or houses to be created in the coastal precinct.

Anticipated lot creation in areas covered by the NSW Urban Fire Service are excluded from contributions; the remaining lots share the costs and benefits of rural fire fighting equipment. Details are summarised in Table 10 and are provided in Appendix 3.

Table 10 Coast Fire Fighting Costs Coast

Anticipated Lot CreationCost 522,846 Lots Exclude Net Lots

Old Bar 825 825 25.40%Harrington 870 870 26.79%

Hallidays Point 1,553 1,553 47.81%3,248 0 3,248 100.00% Nominal Contribution per Lot 161.00

The adjusted single contribution rate includes the nominal contribution for rural fire fighting equipment in the coastal precinct.

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Figure 5 Coast Fire Fighting Contribution Precinct

Diamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond BeachDiamond Beach


Old BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld Bar

Black HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack Head


Crowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy HeadCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayCrowdy BayNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational ParkNational Park





Stewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts RiverStewarts River

Mitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells IslandMitchells Island


Old BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld BarOld Bar

Wallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi PointWallabi Point

Black HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack HeadBlack Head


Red HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed HeadRed Head

Oxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley IslandOxley Island

Hannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam ValeHannam Vale











Taree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree SouthTaree South




Cedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar PartyCedar Party











Coast Precint

Coast PrecinctRural Fire Fighting Equipment

5 0 5 10


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6.5 Calculation of Rural Fire Fighting Contribution Rate

The Contribution Worksheet is shown in Appendix 1. It shows anticipated income, expenditure, plan balances, loan requirements, apportioned liabilities, and changes in Council’s cash position.

Appendix 2 provides information on anticipated population data, including variables for occupancy, vacancy and market buffer rates, anticipated take up rates for development, and the adjustment for occupancy rate of different development.

Contributions that were available for fire fighting equipment for the brigades forming the coastal precinct under the Greater Taree City Council Provision of Fire Fighting Resources s94 Contributions Plan are included as cash held at the start of this Plan. They reduce the capital cost of the equipment.

Contribution rates are shown in the Schedule of Contributions at the beginning of this Plan.

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7 Administration

7.1 Title

This Plan may be referred to as the “Harrington s94 Contributions Plan 2001”. It has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended.

7.2 Commencement

The Plan was approved by Greater Taree City Council under Clause 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 on the date shown on Page 2 of this Plan. It became effective on the date shown on Page 2 of this Plan.

7.3 Purpose

The purpose of the Plan is to establish reasonable contributions for the provision of public amenities and their reasonable apportionment between the existing and anticipated population within the Harrington s94 Contributions Area. These public amenities are required as a consequence of increased demand generated by new development or intensification of existing uses within the Harrington catchment.

7.4 Aims and objectives

The aims and objectives of the Plan are:

�� To ensure adequate funding to provide facilities and administer s94 Plans;

�� To identify facilities and services that Council intends to provide;

�� To determine contribution rates;

�� To provide the development industry with early advice of the contributions that will be required for a particular development;

�� To manage and account for the collection and expenditure of contributions.

7.5 Land to which the Plan Applies

The Plan applies to the Harrington s94 Contributions Area shown in Figure 1.

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7.6 Development to which this Plan Applies

This Plan levies contributions for certain types of developments within the Contribution Area, as shown on the Schedule of Contributions:

Contributions Plan Applies to What Areas? Applies to Which Type of Development?

Open Space Area shown hatched in Figure 1 excluding cross-hatched area.

Subdivisions that create additional lots. Development of additional dwellings or medium density units.

Roads Area shown hatched in Figure 1. Subdivisions that create additional lots. Development of additional dwellings or medium density units.

Community Facilities Area shown hatched in Figure 1. Subdivisions that create additional lots. Development of additional dwellings or medium density units.

Rural Fire Fighting Equipment

Area shown hatched in Figure 1. Subdivisions that create additional lots.

Development of additional dwellings or medium density units.

For this Plan, an urban lot or dwelling Adjusted SCR applies to a structure with a habitable area equal to or greater than 90 m2. A medium density Adjusted SCR applies to a structure with a habitable area less than 90m2.

From time to time, Council considers requests to waive payment of contributions. Council’s policies on waived payments prevail over this Plan’s requirements.

7.7 Applications for Complying Development Certificates

In an application for a complying development certificate that is for a type of development shown in Section 7.6, an accredited certifier must, if the certificate is issued, impose a condition requiring payment of monetary contributions in accordance with this Plan. The amount of the monetary contribution must be in accordance with the Schedule of Contributions.

7.8 Relationship to Other Plans, Codes and Policies of Council

This Plan supersedes all prior policies for the provision of open space, arterial roads, and community facilities as a consequence of development within the Catchment Area. This Plan has the effect defined in Section 1.7 on contributions plans that were in effect when this Plan was adopted.

The Plan should be read in conjunction with Greater Taree Local Environmental Plan 1995, development control plans (excluding references to Section 94) and Council’s codes and policies.

7.9 Types of Contributions

This Plan allows three types of contributions to be made. Combinations of the three contribution types may be accepted by Council and will be assessed when the application is determined. For complying development certificates, only monetary contributions can be accepted.

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Council is unlikely to accept non-monetary contributions because of the critical need to maintain predictable cash flows under this Plan. In addition, the priority for work cannot be readily altered without affecting cash flows and contribution rates. For these reasons, applicants should expect that non-monetary contributions will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and will only be accepted if they result in nominal or insignificant changes to predicted cash flows and Plan balances.

7.9.1 Land

A contribution may be accepted in the form of land which is of equivalent monetary value to the total contribution required if the land is part of a strategy for the provision of facilities.

Council must be satisfied that land dedicated is suitable for the use intended. Land must have the following attributes:

1. It must be able to be used for the purpose for which it is dedicated, having regard to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and other legislation controlling land use and development.

2. It must be generally flat or have topography suited to the purpose for which it is proposed.

3. It must be free of drainage functions if these conflict with the intended purpose.

4. It must be free of debris or site contamination.

5. It must be provided with legal and practical access to a road, electricity and reticulated water.

7.9.2 Monetary

A contribution may be paid at the rate calculated under this Plan.

7.9.3 Material Public Benefits

Applicants may propose to provide a material public benefit (MPB), or works in kind (WIK), as a means of satisfying contribution requirements under this Plan. MPBs are not works required by other conditions of consent.

MPBs must be consistent with the adopted forward works program in this Plan. Proposals for works which have not been identified in the program, or which are proposed at a time which would be inconsistent with the program, will not be accepted.

MPBs would normally be a physical work having benefit to the general community. They must directly benefit the development which is the subject of consent and assist Council in the provision of essential public facilities.

Proposals for MPBs should be discussed with Council prior to lodging a development application.

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7.10 Goods & Services Tax (GST)

The Commonwealth Government has declared that developer contributions are exempt from GST. Council interprets this to mean that both cash contributions, and non-cash contributions including dedication of land and improvements, and the provision of works in kind or material public benefits, will not be considered taxable supplies that attract GST.

If this interpretation is found to be incorrect, or the Commonwealth changes its position, Council will immediately amend this Plan to impose GST.

7.11 Payment of Contributions

Contributions become payable at the following times:

�� Development applications for local, designated, integrated or State-significant development — prior to issue of a construction or subdivision certificate;

�� Development applications involving building work — prior to issue of a construction certificate;

�� For work where no development consent is required, including complying development under the Act — prior to issue of a construction certificate.

From time to time, Council considers requests to defer payment of contributions. Council’s policies on deferred payments prevail over this Plan’s requirements.

7.12 Credits for Previous Contributions

In calculating contributions payable under this Plan, credits on a per lot basis will be given if contributions were previously paid under this Plan, or a contributions plan that preceded this Plan for facilities that would be provided by this Plan.

7.13 Review of Costs

Costs shown in Appendices 1 and 3 of this Plan, including interest rates, capital costs, and grants and subsidies will be reviewed and adjusted periodically by Council. Contribution rates will be revised using the formula given in Section 1.6, based on adjustments to these costs. Council will revise the Schedule of Contributions for this Plan after each adjustment.

Capital component costs will be adjusted annually using indexation data. They may also be adjusted periodically when the Forward Work Schedule is reviewed, or when capital component costs change to a greater extent than indexation data permits.

7.13.1 Annual Indexation

Costs for all capital components or items shown in Appendix 3 will be adjusted annually using either the Australian Bureau of Statistics Price Index of Materials in Building Other than House Building (ABS 6407.0 and defined as the Construction Cost Index (CCI)) for construction costs, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics Consumer Price Index (ABS 6401.0 and defined as the Non Construction Cost Index (NCCI)) for all other capital items.

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Costs of capital components or items will be adjusted using the formula:

CIBaseCICurrentCostCapitalCostCapitalAdjusted �



Adjusted Capital Cost is the adjusted unit cost for each capital component or item in Appendix 3 at the time of the annual indexation using the relevant cost index;

2001 Capital Cost is the unit cost for each capital component or item in Appendix 3 used to determine contribution rates at the time this Plan was first adopted;

CI is the cost index for either the Construction Cost Index or the Non Construction Cost Index, whichever is relevant to the capital cost component or item being adjusted;

Base CI is the relevant base cost index for either the CCI or NCCI, published in June 2001;

Current CI is the relevant current cost index for either the CCI or NCCI, published at the time the annual review is undertaken.

Annual adjustments using indexation will take effect when adopted by Council. These adjustments fall within cl 32(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and do not require exhibition.

7.13.2 Periodic Review of Land Acquisition Costs

Land acquisition costs will be reviewed periodically. If necessary, land acquisition costs will be adjusted using either the most recently-available site valuations or data from the periodic valuation review carried out by the Valuer General’s Office.

Changes to contribution rates will be effected by exhibiting an amendment to this Plan in accordance with cl 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

7.13.3 Periodic Review of Capital Component Costs

Capital costs will be reviewed periodically. If necessary, capital costs will be adjusted to reflect actual or market costs. Facilities to be provided that are shown in Appendix 3 may also be revised to take into account changes to design and construction specifications, policy or strategic planning initiatives by Council.

Changes to contribution rates will be effected by exhibiting an amendment to this Plan in accordance with cl 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

7.13.4 Periodic Review of Interest Rates

Interest rates will be reviewed periodically. If necessary, interest variables in Appendix 1 for interest earned or paid will be adjusted by Council at the time the periodic review is made. Interest rates will be based on Council’s best estimate of current loan and at-call rates for a twelve month period.

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Changes to contribution rates will be effected by exhibiting an amendment to this Plan in accordance with cl 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

7.14 Amendment of the Plan

This Plan may be amended if the extent or nature of proposed development varies and these variations lead to a change in demand for public amenities.

Estimates of costs for capital works are based on preliminary estimates. Substantial changes to costs estimates, other than unit costs of construction, interest rates or subsidies, as a result of detailed design may also necessitate amendment to this Plan.

7.15 Accountability

Council’s accountability for and management of Section 94 Contributions Plans is regulated by:

�� The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, as amended by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 1997;

�� The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000;

�� The Local Government Act 1993;

�� The Section 94 Contributions Plan Manual (Department of Planning 1992 and 1997);

�� The Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting.

Council must manage funds in a responsible manner, keep sound financial records and ensure that funds, including earned interest, are spent only on programs for which funds were collected.

Council maintains a register of all contributions received. The register records:

�� The origin of each contribution by reference to the development consent;

�� The type of contribution received, such as money, land, or material public benefit;

�� The amount of contribution and the purpose(s) for which it was levied;

�� The name of the Contributions Plan under which the contribution is being levied;

�� The receipt of the contribution.

The register is available for public inspection, free of charge, at any time during normal office hours. Council will produce an annual statement of contributions received in accordance with Clause 37 of the Regulation. This information will be available for public inspection, free of charge, at any time during normal office hours.

Council will also make available for public inspection copies of this Plan. Copies can be obtained from Council’s administrative office free of charge.

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Appendix 1 Harrington s94 Contribution Worksheet

Appendix 2 Anticipated Population Data

Appendix 3 Forward Work Schedule

Appendix 4 Conceptual Plan for Community Facility

Harrington s94 Contributions Plan 2001

Greater Taree City Council 98118: Harrington CP v4.doc: Tue, Jul 31, 2001

Appendix 1 Harrington s94

Contribution Worksheet

H fws

HarringtonCPI 3% Inc 3,953,736

Nom Loan 7% Exp -4,171,946 Nom Earning 4% Cash 252,509

Discount Rate 7% Int Earned 61,369Periods 15 Int Costs -95,668 Single Contribution Rate/Lot 4,840.36

NPV of Plan 0 Diff -0 Max Lots 870

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

EXPENDITURE Start Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13 Period 14 Period 15Facility Expenditure

Open Space 12,586 0 0 -36,750 0 0 0 -241,500 0 0 0 0 -36,750 0 0 0 -315,000 Roads 154,919 -458,987 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -3,442,400

MP Community Centre 40,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -229,696 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -229,696 Rural Fire Fighting (Coast) 44,780 0 -13,395 -38,845 -45,543 -26,790 -21,432 -38,845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -184,850

Total Expenditure 252,509 -458,987 -13,395 -305,089 -275,036 -256,283 -250,925 -509,839 -459,189 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -266,243 -229,493 -229,493 -229,493 -4,171,946

INCOMERequired Contributions 248,569 248,569 248,569 248,569 248,569 248,569 248,569 248,569 280,741 280,741 280,741 280,741 280,741 280,741 280,741 3,953,736Nom Contr/Lot Rate Lots Levied

Open Space 643.43 470 5,147 5,147 5,147 5,147 5,147 5,147 5,147 5,147 37,319 37,319 37,319 37,319 37,319 37,319 37,319 302,414Roads 3,778.71 870 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 219,165 3,287,481

MP Community Centre 264.02 870 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 15,313 229,696Rural Fire Fighting (Coast) 161.00 870 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 9,338 140,070

Finance -6.81 870 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -395 -5,924

PLAN BALANCEInitial End Balance -210,418 235,174 -56,520 -26,467 -7,714 -2,356 -261,270 -210,620 51,247 51,247 51,247 14,497 51,247 51,247 51,247

Cumulative End Balance 42,091 278,949 233,587 216,463 217,407 223,748 -28,572 -210,620 51,247 51,247 51,247 14,497 51,247 51,247 51,247Interest on Positive Balance 1,684 11,158 9,343 8,659 8,696 8,950 0 0 2,050 2,050 2,050 580 2,050 2,050 2,050 61,369

End Balance before Repayment 252,509 43,775 290,107 242,930 225,122 226,104 232,697 0 0 53,297 53,297 53,297 15,077 53,297 53,297 53,297

LOANSInitial Loan Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -30,572 -258,076 -222,844 -185,146 -144,809 -139,869 -96,362 -49,810

Council Loans Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28,572 -210,620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Interest on Loan Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2,000 -16,883 -18,065 -15,599 -12,960 -10,137 -9,791 -6,745 -3,487 -95,668

Plan Repays Council 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53,297 53,297 53,297 15,077 53,297 53,297 53,297End Loan Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 -30,572 -258,076 -222,844 -185,146 -144,809 -139,869 -96,362 -49,810 -0


Roads 0MP Community Centre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -305,271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -305,271

Rural Fire Fighting (Coast)Total Apportioned Liability 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -305,271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -305,271

CHANGE IN COUNCIL'S CASH POSITIONApportioned Liability 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -305,271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -305,271

Loan to Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28,572 -210,620 53,297 53,297 53,297 15,077 53,297 53,297 53,297 95,668Net Cash Position 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28,572 -515,891 53,297 53,297 53,297 15,077 53,297 53,297 53,297 -209,604

Contributions Revisions: 4/05/01 11:12 AM

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Appendix 2 Anticipated Population Data

H fws

Take Up Based Projections 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 Assumptions and VariablesMedium Growth Variables

Harrington/Crowdy Head 1450 1650 1683 1715 1748 Urban Separate House Occ Rate 2.25Rural and Rural Residential 2600 2650 2693 2737 2780 Urban Med Density Occ Rate 1.6

Harrington Waters 100 506 913 1319 Rural Residential Occ Rate 3.00Total Population 4050 4400 4882 5365 5847 Vacancy Rate 15%

Change in Population 350 482 482 482 Market Buffer (withheld for future use) 15%Cumulative Change from 2001 482 965 1447 Rural Residential

Percentage Change/Yr 1.7% 2.1% 1.9% 1.7% Take Up of New Lots (lots/yr)low 3

med 4Anticipated Lot Creation from 2001 2006 2011 2016 high 5

Harrington/Crowdy Head 20 20 20 60 UrbanRural Residential 20 20 20 60 Take Up of New Lots (lots/yr)

Harrington Waters 250 250 250 750 low 3Harrington Total 290 290 290 870 med 4

high 5Additional Trips VPD Harrington Waters

Harrington/Crowdy Head 9 180 180 180 Take Up of New Lots (lots/yr)Rural Residential 6.7 134 134 134 low 40

Harrington Waters 9 2250 2250 2250 med 50Harrington Total 2564 2564 2564 7692 high 60

Growth Selected on GT Worksheet MPotential Population from Lots Created 2006 2011 2016

Harrington/Crowdy Head 45 45 45 135Rural Residential 60 60 60 180

Harrington Waters 563 563 563 1688Harrington Total 668 668 668 2003

Single Contribution Rates Open Space Participation Lots/Yr Lots Yrs ExcludedRequired Contribution Threshold 3,953,736 Urban 4 60

Harrington Waters 50 750Lots Occ Rate People Net Urban Lots 54 810

Urban Dev Paying Open Space 410 2.25 923Rural Res Dev Paying Open Space 60 3.00 180 Less lots not participating in o/s

470 1103 Harrington Waters, Stages 1 & 2 -400 8-400

Urban Dev Not Paying Open Space 400 2.25 900Urban lots participating 410

Open Space Contr Difference Add Rural & Rural Res 4 60Open Space Contr Difference/Lot 643.43 Total Lots Participating 470

Average Occupancy Rate 2.30 all pop/all lotsOpen Space Contr Difference/Person 279.54

Solve for: ((people paying o/s x C o/s) + (people not paying o/s x C no o/s)) = Contribution ThresholdWhere: C no o/s + Diff in o/s per person = C o/s

C no o/s: 1,819.97 Single contribution rate per person (no open space)C o/s: 2,099.51 Single contribution rate per person (open space)

H Lots 01 to 2016 Revisions: 4/05/01 11:08 AM

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Appendix 3 Harrington s94 Contributions Plan

Forward Work Schedule

H Appendix 3

Open Space

ID Harrington Unit Cost ($/unit) UnitsTotal Component

Cost Discount (%) Net CostTennis Courts 60,000 0 0 0 Playground Equipment 35,000 2 70,000 70,000 Oxley Reserve Embellishment 230,000 1 230,000 230,000

Open Space Subtotal 300,000 300,000

Env Approvals, PoMs 2% 6,000 6,000 SID 3% 9,000 9,000

Open Space Total 315,000 315,000

Contributions Held at Start of Plan Harrington, Coopernook, Johns River -12,586 Net Cost of Open Space 302,414

Council liability for discounted value 0 Anticipated Lots Participating 470 Nominal Contribution per Lot 643.43

open space Revisions: 4/05/01 11:02 AM

H Appendix 3


Harrington Cost ($2000) Land Cost Total Component Cost Grants Discount (%) Net Cost

h1 Harrington Rd Upgrade, Pac Hwy to Central Creek 2,640,000 0 2,640,000 0% 2,640,000

h2 Sheather's Corner Realignment 245,000 20,000 265,000 0% 265,000 h3 Harrington Rd, East of Cattai Br, West of

Christie's Ln Realignment 365,000 40,000 405,000 0% 405,000 0

Arterial Roads Subtotal 3,250,000 60000 3,310,000 0 3,310,000

Env Approvals 1% 33,100 SID 3% 99,300

Arterial Roads Total 3,442,400

Contributions Held at Start of Plan Areas 6, 7 -154,919 Net Cost of Arterial Roads 3,287,481

Anticipated Lot Creation 870 Nominal Contribution per Lot 3,778.71

roads Revisions: 4/05/01 11:02 AM

H Appendix 3

Multi Purpose Community Facilities #REF!

ID Harrington Unit Cost ($/unit) Units Cost ($2000)Total Component

Cost Discount (%) Net CostSite (50 m x 60 m) 0 0 0 Site Preparation 15 3,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 Building 750 550 412,500 412,500 412,500 43 Car Parking Spaces (30 m^2/cps) 1,290 70 90,300 90,300 90,300

0 0 0 Community Facility Subtotal 547,800 547,800 547,800

Env Approvals 2% 10,956 SID 3% 16,434

Community Facility Total 575,190

Contributions Held at Start of Plan -40,223 Net Cost of Community Facility 534,967

Apportionment Factor Urban+Special, 2016 3,067 From s94 42.94% 229,696 Urban+Special, 2001 1,750 Council Liability 57.06% 305,271

Anticipated Lot Creation 870 Nominal Contribution per Lot 264.02

community facilities Revisions: 4/05/01 11:02 AM

H Appendix 3

Rural Fire Fighting 2,240,000

Brigade Catchment PrecinctFormer

PlanCoopernook H C 2 Cat 1 $170,000Diamond Beach HP C 1 Cat 2 $145,000Hannam Vale H C 2 Cat 3Harrington H C 2 Cat 4 Nexus DataJohns River H C 2 Cat 5 1996 2001 2016Mitchells Island OB C 1 Cat 6 Taree, in UFS 15700Moorland H C 2 Cat 7 $85,000 Wingham, in UFS 4450Old Bar OB C 1 Cat 8Rainbow Flat HP C 1 Cat 9 Taree, in RFS 5900 6000 7069Bobin W R 4 Cat 10 Wingham, in RFS 5300 5350 5485Bulga Plateau W R 4 Cat 11 Rural Precinct 11200 11350 12554Burrell Creek W R 3 Cat 12 Change, 2001 to 2016 1204Firefly W R 3 Cat 13Killabakh W R 4 Old Bar, in RFS 5170 6250 8100Krambach W R 3 DB ext $50,000 H, in RFS 4050 4400 5850Kundle-Moto T R 2 H land $100,000 HP, in RFS 1800 2450 4775Lansdowne T R 2 H ext $80,000 Coast Precinct 11020 13100 18725Marlee W R 4 Bus $0 Change, 2001 to 2016 5625Mooral Creek W R 4 Cater Van $0Mt George W R 3 Centre ext $60,000 RFS 22220 24450 31279Nabiac W R 1 Hot Fire $150,000 Change, 2001 to 2016 6829Taree Rural T R 4Tinonee T R 3 Equipment $65,000 % to Rural 18%Wallaby Joe W R 4 % to Coast 82%Wherrol Flat W R 4

Capital Acquisitions Precinct Cash at Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Net CostCentre

Training and Practice Centre Centre 0 75,000 75,000Equipment Provision Centre 0 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000

Centre Total Centre 0 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 140,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 140,000 1,125,000Coast Areas 1, 2

Coopernook CHannam Vale C

Diamond Beach C 50,000 145,000Harrington C 100,000 80000 145,000Johns River C

Mitchells Island CMoorland C

Old Bar C 170,000Rainbow Flat C

Coast Total C -167,154 0 50,000 145,000 170,000 100,000 80,000 145,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 522,846Rural Areas 3, 4

Bobin RBulga Plateau RBurrell Creek R

Firefly RKillabakh R

Krambach RKundle-Moto R

Lansdowne RMarlee R

Mooral Creek RMt George R

Nabiac RTaree Rural R 170,000 85,000

Tinonee RWallaby Joe R 170,000Wherrol Flat R

Rural Total R -61,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170,000 0 0 0 0 170,000 85,000 0 363,777Total -228,376 65,000 115,000 210,000 235,000 165,000 145,000 210,000 235,000 65,000 140,000 65,000 65,000 235,000 150,000 140,000 2,011,624

CentreAnticipated Lot Creation

Cost 1,125,000 Lots Exclude Net Lots4,193 525 3,668 Nominal Contribution per Lot 306.75

CoastAnticipated Lot Creation

Cost 522,846 Lots Exclude Net LotsOld Bar 825 825 25.40%

Harrington 870 870 26.79%Hallidays Point 1,553 1,553 47.81%

3,248 0 3,248 100.00% Nominal Contribution per Lot 161.00

RuralAnticipated Lot Creation

Cost 363,777 Lots Exclude Net Lots Nominal Contribution per Lot 866.14Taree 750 375 375 89.29% Exclude lots in areas served by NSW Urban Service

Wingham 195 150 45 10.71% Exclude lots in areas served by NSW Urban Service945 525 420 100.00%

Capital Unit Costs

fire Revisions: 4/05/01 11:02 AM

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Greater Taree City Council 98118: Harrington CP v4.doc: Tue, Jul 31, 2001

Appendix 4 Harrington s94 Contributions Plan

Conceptual Plan for Community Facility

comm fac site plan (1225x1711x2 tiff)

comm fac floor plan (1241x1697x2 tiff)

comm fac elev (1190x1680x2 tiff)
