Harwood Island Public School · 2020. 9. 28. · Harwood Island Public School 11 Morpeth Street...


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Harwood Island Public School 11 Morpeth Street Harwood Island NSW 2465 Phone: 02 6646 4213 Email: harwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au WEB: www.harwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 Week 2

Principal’s Report Week 2 – Tuesday 5th May 2020

Welcome to Term 2, as our learning from home journey continues. Just a recap on what is happening with learning at Harwood Island in the coming weeks. Schools are reintroducing students to the school setting following a phased approach. Information has previously been sent to parents to explain how the different phases will work. We are currently in Phase 0 which will continue for the first two weeks of school. Week 2 The school is open for students who need it, wherever possible students should be learning from home.

All learning packages for Weeks 1 and 2 are available from the office to pick up if you haven’t already done so. Years 3-6 have access to their Google classrooms for news and information from their teachers as well as other activities to complete. Students should be accessing the classroom each day and completing the tasks scheduled.

Mrs McLeod will be running a zoom meeting every day at 9:30am and Mrs Bevan at 10:00am to catch up with students, check on how they are going and do some online teaching to support tasks students are being asked to complete. It is important that where possible students join these zoom meetings.

Phase 1 - From Week 3- Monday 11th May 2020 All students will have the opportunity to come to school one day a week. A roster is attached. The school will remain open for other students who need to attend, however wherever possible it is important on the days students aren't scheduled to be at school they continue to learn at home. On the days they attend school they must bring back any technology or learning packs for them to use.

Phase 2-4 - A date has not been set yet to move to Phase 2, however, we will communicate any information on changes as soon as we can. Keep checking your email and Facebook for information.

Absences While students are learning at home they have been marked as learning flexibly. However we have been instructed that students who are not attempting to learn at home should be marked as absent. If your child is attempting to complete the learning activities set by their teachers they are fine. If they do not submit work through google classroom, or return the packs teachers have provided we will need to look at marking them as an unexplained absence.

New Classroom The new classroom is nearing completion and we hope to in before the end of May. This will become the 5/6 room as well as a revamped Music room for guitar and keyboard lessons. The kitchen will also be improved to enable classes and groups to use this space instead of the canteen. We can’t wait. Once we have our new room the 3/4 class will move into the old 5/6 room and the old demountable will be taken back by the Dept.

Calendar – Term 2

What’s happening over the next few weeks?

Week 1 – Welcome back!

Week 2 – Phase 0 – Schools are open for families who need it.

Week 3 – Phase 1 – Students at school for at least one day per week (see the roster attached)

Covid 19 Protocols

As we return to school we have in place a number of new protocols to keep us safe. Firstly we ask that parents remain at the front of the school, for drop off and pick ups, near the office. No parents will be allowed in classrooms at the moment.

Secondly we have been given extra cleaning hours to have all rooms and surfaces wiped down thoroughly each day. We have plenty of supplies of toilet paper, soap, hand towels and each class has hand sanitiser to use in the classroom.

Thirdly a reminder that children need their own drink bottle every day that can be refilled as we are discouraging using the bubblers at the moment.

‘The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you’

Adventure Land in Forster 2020

As you are all aware, we have booked and planned our Senior Excursion to Adventure Land on 19th August. We are hoping that this excursion will still go ahead. Please continue to make your payments as the recommended payment plan stated. Obviously if this Excursion does not go ahead your money will be refunded. The payment plan is outlined for your convenience.

Deposit $60 Due: 14 February Installment $60 Due: 6 March Installment $60 Due: 9 April Installment $60 Due: 8 May Balance $60 Due: 5 June

Butterfly House 2020

We had planned to take our Juniors to the Butterfly House in Coffs Harbour on Friday 21st August. At this stage we have not heard about any cancellations so hopefully we will be sending out the permission notes closer to the end of this term.

Deposit $60 Due: 14

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What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy

Excursion News for Term 3

Don’t forget!

This year is a little different to our usual Mother’s Day Celebrations!

There will be no P&C Gift Stall.

However we have made a small gift for you and hopefully most children have picked them up and now hidden them at home. If your child has not received one of these please send them to the office and Cindy will organize the gift.

School Photos have arrived If you haven’t already picked your order up please call into the office and collect school photos 2020. If you would like to order another photograph or a special Year 6 group please collect an order form from the office or contact the School Photographer.

HIPS Padlet Our school padlet is a fantastic interactive platform for you and your child to use for learning and connecting with others. Please find the padlet link attached https://padlet.com/harwoodpschool/j3jf1bhi119i

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To change any of the images, simply click on them and choose “Change Picture” from the Picture Tool tab. For the image on the first page, double click in the header to access the image and update it as necessary.

Happy Mother’s Day - Sunday 10th May 2020

New Roster for Phase 1 starting on Monday 11th May 2020

‘Education is the passport to the future’


Our Sharing Page (we love seeing what you are doing!)
