Have we squandered our birthright? Next generation pays the price Inherit epigenetic damage Tex t...


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Have we squandered our birthright?Next generation pays the price

Inherit epigenetic damage


Special Thanks to Laura Jacobs, & Dr. Frances Pottenger Jr., MD

in Dr. Pottenger’s famous cat study he showed that when

cats were fed an inadequate and processed diet they suffered


What was even more profound about the study was that

when an improper diet was held constant each generation

became more degenerated than the generation before it. 

The degeneration affected every aspect of the cat’s lives;

their structure, their internal organs (heart, liver, colon,

etc.), their behavior, and both their sexual activity and

ability to reproduce.

“The latest generation of children has accumulated the epigenetic damage of at least the last three previous generations due to lack of adequate nutrition along with the over-consumption of sugar and new, artificial, fats.” ~Dr. Catherine Shanahan

What of our OWN 3rd generation? We’ve changed our expectations from normal to expecting it to be a disease. We’ve decided to believe that all the common things that are happening are the new normal. This same thing is happening to our own expectations of our health & that of our children. Instead we are looking towards more & more medical intervention as a result of that.  What is actually happening is we are passing on inordinate appetites, diets, and addictions to our children and passing them on as if they are normal when, in fact, they are very common.

2nd sibling syndrome

where you see changes from the oldest child to the second child because the mother’s body has not had the chance to restore it’s nutritional fortitude and is less capable of passing on the true and full health to the next child.impacts of nutrition.

Narrowing of jaw, narrow faceThinning facial structure & flattening featuresEyes set close togetherCheek bones withdrawnLack of supporting bone structure under the eyesAbnormally curved ear canals – predisposed to ear infectionsOrgans not put together rightThin bones2nd sibling syndromeDramatically increase risk of infertility

“We must be aware that one of the heritages we can truly pass on to this children are the dramatic negative impact on their ability to have healthy fertility” ~Laura Jacobs

Pottenger’s Study- Genetics

We need to brace ourselves. In 2003 CDC Reported, children since 2000 have 1:3 chance of developing a condition which shortens their life expectancy by 10 – 20 years. 

Statistically, 1 in every 3 children from 2000 forward, we should expect them to be diabetic.  

Managing our healthcare must be examined. Controlling our blood sugar is actually the secret to living long, is what science has taught us.

What’s the Genetic Future look like?

Youth that become medicine dependent will: age faster, have more emotional & mental problems, and develop never-ending disease.

Let’s go to the good news! Going back to Pottenger’s Study, he took all the surviving cats from his cooked food group and put them on a raw food diet. He found that some of the health conditions went away in 1 generation, some conditions took 4 generations to fix the genetic programming but after the first 4 generations all health conditions were gone. They returned on that diet to proper & balanced health.

Accelerating DNA Repair

dōTERRA focuses on the pyramid lifestyle. We need to focus on: getting off sugar, soda, bad fats, processed/junk/fast food, eat a plant based diet, fortify our bodies with nutrient-rich foods & supplements, especially BEFORE conception & during pregnancy.

Our DNA is absolutely about intelligent design. There needs to be an exchange here on your behalf because your DNA has a sole purpose

here and that’s your survival.

Genomic RehabiliationRe-engineer your genes


Epi Genetics and Innate Intelligence

Pig Study-Oxford study, A Texas Agricultural Experiment, pigs deprived of vitamin A born with no eyes.

Epigenetics means “Upon the Gene”.  Our DNA is tagged by markers, which are genomes. These genomes govern gene expression or lack thereof. Genes do NOT trigger themselves. (Myth that needs to be dispelled). Genes MUST be triggered.  Who does that mean is in charge?  Our genes are responding to: what we think, eat, drink, breathe and do. Tags control how genes work. We can wake up our genes & this programming can start as early as in utero

Inherent reactivity is most vibrant in the 2nd generation. Which means, if grandmother smoked while pregnant and mom didn’t, the genetic expression is teaching that air is toxic. Genetic code is teaching the lungs to be on alert and be overactive.  The body thinks that the air is full of toxins & breathing can be dangerous. Genome is the software, gene is the hardware, then gene mutation.

Essential Oils And DNA Repair

What we take in and breath in is always sending a message to our body

Junk DNA uses all the chemical information floating around in the body to determine what gene it will turn on or off which means we have the ability to be in charge.  Be in charge of your chemical information! 

“I want to have all the essential oil’s floating around in my body and the nutrition. Because that is information.  Do you realize that an essential oil is information?! “ Laura Jacobs

Essential oils examples of Intelligent molecules

DNA Repair Frankincense Creates ‘Apoptosis

Geranium, Clary Sage removes synthetic estrogens from the body

The 5 R’s for Cellular Health “Fix the Cell – Get Well” Dr. Daniel Pompa

Nutrient deficiencies or exposure to toxins can quickly lead to chronic disease.

 In Contrast. Disease responds rapidly to eliminating toxins & improving nutrients & chemistry. We evolve quickly. Our body gets message from retinoids, which comes from sunlight, which comes from plants. Astounding level of intelligence in our body

REMOVE the sources of toxicity from our diet and lifestyle.  Look at level 4 of the Wellness Pyramid, Reduce Toxic Load.  There is hormonal influences on us by what we have in our home. Look at natural products for all aspects of your home, ie: food, cleaning products, skin products and hair products, etc. all can contain toxins.

Source Matters!! What if you could create a stream of pure chemical information with pure essential oils and nutrition? CPTG Matters!! We should have an appreciation of CPTG and the farmers caring about the soil. Their SOIL is in YOUR OIL, choose WISELY, we are eating from the dirt they create. Our genes are tagged accordingly.

 Immortelle Essential Oil Blend – for it’s anti-aging and exceptional deep healing.

REPAIR the cell membrane.

Along with antioxidants we need free radicals.  We must supply antioxidants to the body. Laura recommends these products for cellular repair activity:

1. xEO Mega® – essential fatty acids2. IQ Mega™ – essential fatty acids3. ALPHA CRS+® – excellent source of antioxidants (for adults)4. a2z Chewable- excellent source of antioxidants (for children)5. Geranium Essential Oil – one of the best kept secrets! Look at geranium for pancreatitis, gallbladder, heart, skin and it’s

incredible ability to heal.6. Helichrysum Essential Oil – a great healer. It repairs on a deep deep level.

RESTORE Cellular Energy

1.ALPHA CRS+® – great energy product. Important to fortify the mitochondria. Mitochondria produces energy. (in LLV 3 Pack)

2.Mito2Max™ – contains amazing herbs that help us to adapt to stress & give us energy.

REDUCE Inflammation 

Inflammation is at the base of all disease.

Chronic – tired, worn-out, often times may not be over something.

Acute – noisy, loud, yelling, hot, swelling

Super important: ALPHA CRS+®, xEO Mega®, Frankincense, DDR Prime

Adrenal Support

Critical part of adrenal health is Vitamin B.  MICROPLEX vMz® is our best source of Vitamin B.

Rosemary is good for low blood pressure.

Basil is great across the board. The most diverse oil & it’s an amazing plant source.

Mito2Max™ contains amazing herbs that help us to adapt to stress & give us energy.

Important to avoid caffeine!

Histamine to Reduce Inflammation

 The histamine chemical is naturally produced in your body but it is also a known inflammatory agent and causes a lot of inflammation. We are familiar with the term allergy but here we want to think of it more in regards to inflammation. The #1 driver of excessive histamine levels in the body, is dehydration.

Adrenals are also involved in controlling inflammation. So be careful with adrenal health in that regard. Lifelong Vitality Pack® reduces inflammation, as well as, DDR Prime for anti-inflammatory combination.

Lavender has positive affects on histamine levels in the body.

Frankincense is excellent at keeping blood in the body purified & running well.

Liver Cleanse

The liver is like the kitchen in your home. A lot of business happens in your liver. It interfaces with your blood sugar, hormones & cleansing of your blood, nutrients, storage, all these things happening inside the liver & we must keep it healthy.

ALPHA CRS+® has amazing ingredients to affect the liver.

Once again, Geranium has such a positive affect on liver health.

Zendocrine® Essential Oil Blend has geranium, rosemary, clove & grapefruit. It is a marvelous antioxidant blend that is there to help us work with the toxins that are created within the body.

Zendocrine® Capsules is a wonderful detoxification product that helps us support the liver. It is a really gentle formula and fortifies liver activity.

Hormonal Balance

Hormones will heal & balance when other things are put in order. Again, your liver has a huge influence over your hormones.

Geranium is a great hormone balancing oil.

Thyme for fertility issues, prostrate inflammation or excessive estrogen in the body. Laura has found Thyme to be a wonderful partner in hormone health (it is also an ingredient in our DDR Prime).

DDR Prime is a favorite for hormone balancing.  It has Thyme, Lemongrass and Clove which have been deemed very valuable for things like thyroid health.

Laura’s Suggested Daily Routine

Lifelong Vitality Pack®DDR PrimeMito2Max™Frankincense Essential OilZendocrine® Essential OilBasil Essential Oil

Essential Oils can magnify the process of changing our genetic expression. ~Laura Jacobs

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Tuesday October 29th the Pursuit Dr. Hill. DoTERRA Cheif Medical Officer

Wednesday October 30th 6:00pm (Here at the Farm House)

Friday November 8th 2013 Hidden Springs 7:00pm