Health and Social Security


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7/26/2019 Health and Social Security 1/13


Section 11. CleanlinessSection 11. Cleanliness

Section 12. Disposal of wastes and effluentsSection 12. Disposal of wastes and effluents

Section 13. Ventilation and temperatureSection 13. Ventilation and temperature

Section 14. Dust and fumeSection 14. Dust and fume Section 15. Artificial humidification.Section 15. Artificial humidification.

Section 16. Oercrowdin!Section 16. Oercrowdin!

Section 1". #i!htin!.Section 1". #i!htin!.

Section 1$. Drin%in! water.Section 1$. Drin%in! water.

Section 1&. #atrines and urinalsSection 1&. #atrines and urinals

Section 2'. SpittoonsSection 2'. Spittoons

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Social security is the protection whichSocial security is the protection which

society provides for its members trough asociety provides for its members trough a

series of public measure, against theseries of public measure, against the

economic and social distress that otherwiseeconomic and social distress that otherwisewould be caused by the stoppage orwould be caused by the stoppage or

substantial prediction of earning resultingsubstantial prediction of earning resulting

from sickness, maternity, employment, injury,from sickness, maternity, employment, injury,

unemployment, invalidity, old age and death”unemployment, invalidity, old age and death”

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Feature Mechanism to solve theFeature Mechanism to solve the

problem of insecurity. It is a groupproblem of insecurity. It is a group

eort in place of individual eort.eort in place of individual eort.

!rotect the workers from various!rotect the workers from variouscontingencies of life. It collectivecontingencies of life. It collective

eort of employee, employer, andeort of employee, employer, and

govt. Idea to provide social justice.govt. Idea to provide social justice.

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"ompensation# $er %nancial help when the"ompensation# $er %nancial help when the

worker is in a state of physical distress due toworker is in a state of physical distress due to

accidents, sickness, invalidity, disease, and oldaccidents, sickness, invalidity, disease, and old


&estoration# 'nable the worker to recover from&estoration# 'nable the worker to recover from

the shocks injected by the inhuman industrialthe shocks injected by the inhuman industrial

work, rehabilitate himself and get on with hiswork, rehabilitate himself and get on with his

work in a usual in a usual manner.

!revention# '(tend monetary assistance to!revention# '(tend monetary assistance to

workers so that they can get rid of sickness,workers so that they can get rid of sickness,

idleness, disease etcidleness, disease etc

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Social insurance# In this scheme, aSocial insurance# In this scheme, a

common fund is established withcommon fund is established with

periodical contributions fromperiodical contributions from

workers out of which all bene%ts inworkers out of which all bene%ts incash or kind are paidcash or kind are paid

Social assistance# In this case,Social assistance# In this case,

bene%ts are oered to persons ofbene%ts are oered to persons ofsmall means by the government outsmall means by the government out

of its general revenues.of its general revenues.

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Social Security in IndiaSocial Security in India

 )ccording to article *+ of the India )ccording to article *+ of the India

constitution lays down, the stateconstitution lays down, the state

shall with in the limits of its economicshall with in the limits of its economic

capacity and development makecapacity and development makeeective provision securing the righteective provision securing the right

to work, to education and to publicto work, to education and to public

assistance in case of unemployment,assistance in case of unemployment,old age, sickness, and disablement,old age, sickness, and disablement,

 )nd other cases of unserved wants”. )nd other cases of unserved wants”.

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-he workmens compensation )ct,-he workmens compensation )ct,

+/01 "ompensation to employee in+/01 "ompensation to employee in

case of# Industrial accident2case of# Industrial accident2

disability, death. $ccupationaldisability, death. $ccupationaldiseases causing death.diseases causing death.

3"ompensation subject to state3"ompensation subject to state

insurance )ct +/*45insurance )ct +/*45

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'mployees state insurance )ct, +/*4 !rovide'mployees state insurance )ct, +/*4 !rovide

Medical facility and unemployment InsuranceMedical facility and unemployment Insurance

to industrial worker during their sickness. It isto industrial worker during their sickness. It iscompulsory and contributory in nature. It iscompulsory and contributory in nature. It is

applicable to all factories who employ moreapplicable to all factories who employ more

then 06 workers. 7ene%ts of this )ct Medicalthen 06 workers. 7ene%ts of this )ct Medical

bene%t. Sickness bene%t. Maternity bene%t.bene%t. Sickness bene%t. Maternity bene%t.8isabled bene%t. 8ependent bene%t8isabled bene%t. 8ependent bene%t

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The Maternity ene!t Act" #$%# &The Maternity ene!t Act" #$%# &

-he Maternity 7ene%t )ct, +/9+ -he-he Maternity 7ene%t )ct, +/9+ -he

Maternity 7ene%t )ct, +/9+ regulatesMaternity 7ene%t )ct, +/9+ regulates

employment of women in certainemployment of women in certainestablishments for a certain periodestablishments for a certain period

before and after childbirth and providesbefore and after childbirth and provides

for maternity and other bene%ts.for maternity and other bene%ts.

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!):M';- $F <&)-=I-: )"-, +/>0 -he!):M';- $F <&)-=I-: )"-, +/>0 -he

!ayment of <ratuity )ct, +/>0 applies to!ayment of <ratuity )ct, +/>0 applies to

factories and other establishments employingfactories and other establishments employing

ten or more persons. $n completion of %veten or more persons. $n completion of %ve

 years service, the employees are entitled to years service, the employees are entitled to

payment of gratuity ?+@ days wages for everypayment of gratuity ?+@ days wages for every

completed year of service or part thereof incompleted year of service or part thereof in

e(cess of si( months subject to a ma(imum ofe(cess of si( months subject to a ma(imum of

&s.1.@6 lakh.&s.1.@6 lakh.

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-he 'mployeesA !rovident Funds B Miscellaneous-he 'mployeesA !rovident Funds B Miscellaneous

!rovisions )ct, +/@0 -he object of the )ct is the!rovisions )ct, +/@0 -he object of the )ct is the

institution of compulsory contributory !rovidentinstitution of compulsory contributory !rovident

Funds, !ension and Insurance for employees.Funds, !ension and Insurance for employees.

!resently the following three Schemes are in!resently the following three Schemes are inoperation under the )ct through the 'mployeesoperation under the )ct through the 'mployees

!rovident Fund $rganisation# 'mployeesA!rovident Fund $rganisation# 'mployeesA

!rovident Funds Scheme, +/@0 'mployeesA!rovident Funds Scheme, +/@0 'mployeesA

8eposit Cinked Insurance Scheme, +/>98eposit Cinked Insurance Scheme, +/>9'mployees !ension Scheme, +//@'mployees !ension Scheme, +//@

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Social security measures have not been able toSocial security measures have not been able to

live up to the e(pectations of workers in India onlive up to the e(pectations of workers in India on

account of several reasons. why social securityaccount of several reasons. why social security

measures have failed to live up to the promiseDmeasures have failed to live up to the promiseD

Several schemes have in2built weaknessE as aSeveral schemes have in2built weaknessE as aresult, the bene%ciaries are put to lot of troubleresult, the bene%ciaries are put to lot of trouble

and inconvenience. Cack of funds, facilities,and inconvenience. Cack of funds, facilities,

trained sta to implement the schemes. -here istrained sta to implement the schemes. -here is

considerable overlapping of schemes Mostconsiderable overlapping of schemes Mostmeasures are in the nature of social assistancemeasures are in the nature of social assistance

and not social insurance. Mostly employers haveand not social insurance. Mostly employers have

to make make contributions.

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 ACT" 0112 3Tabled in 4arlia5ent6 ACT" 0112 3Tabled in 4arlia5ent6 Social Security bene%ts and welfare measuresSocial Security bene%ts and welfare measures

Medical "are or sickness bene%t schemeMedical "are or sickness bene%t scheme

'mployment injury bene%t scheme Maternity'mployment injury bene%t scheme Maternity

bene%t scheme $ld age bene%t includingbene%t scheme $ld age bene%t including

pension SurvivorAs bene%t scheme Integratedpension SurvivorAs bene%t scheme Integrated

Insurance Scheme, ousing schemesInsurance Scheme, ousing schemes

'ducational schemes )ny other schemes to'ducational schemes )ny other schemes to

enhance the Guality of life of the unorganiHedenhance the Guality of life of the unorganiHed

worker or her familyworker or her family
